CommunismGermanyHitlerLeninismNazismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

РАВ SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1934 TIIE MILITANT Text of the United Front The Meaning of the Textile Strike Bill Green Gets Radical; Youth Pact in Belgium TheOld Game NewCards Be Calcon Textile Strike Sweeps Nation the bases: in the The powerful textile strike is of Toledo, San Francisco and Min unions, that the formerly 30 de stirring the ranks of labor every neapolis crepit has actually united Editorial Note For the active defense of all where and is bringing to its highest Company unions are instituted within its ranks the majority of liberties and reforms that have vint the second strike wave since sheer coercion. Federal and the workers of the industry in the working classes poverty stricken, in a few millionaires and millions With 20, 000, 000 people on the ot the machine age. This resulta Below is the text of the united front pract in Belgium between the been won by the working class. the inception of the New Deal. state authorities are working with country. It would be preposterous wards of the goveroment and labor of paupers. Every your sees an Socialist, Stalinist and our own d) Struggle against war, in con Turbulent from the start, militant police and military force. Red indeed should the employers wheel on the march in textiles and else increase in this inequality. Output youth organization.
We wish to cert with common action within in all of its aspects, this strike has buiting campaigns are followed up into inotion also in this instance where William Green is con per worker increased percent cull the attention of the readers to the rmy.
rallied hundreds thousands or with the organization of special their celebrated proposal for an strained to be radical in his Labor every year, prosperity or deprestwo facts: c) Active organization of the do new union recruits, involving grad vigilantes These are the first election amongst these workers as Day utterances.
sion, and set incomes to parasites The overwhelming preponder publics, without thereby meaning un national scale in the effort to strike today. But the employers ization is to represent them.
The plan for future production of to producers (workers, but per Shall we, declares Mr. Green, increased GG krcent while incomes ance of the socialist youth organization, which is six or seven times the climination of the freedom of put an end to the abominuble slave bave only begun their attacks. union represents the masses of the abundance for all, or shall we tryceut. During the acute years of the size of the other two organiza tions, determines many of the feacombination with regard to workers toil and to establish the head off the growth of unionism dynamic proof of of that is given in ity channels with luxury for the come dropped 55 percent and bosstures of the pact.
the foreigu policy of the union as their recognized spokes can be expected. For them it is this strike. For the American few and poverty for the many lierement only 10 percent, The changing times have This reservation is made by the man and defender.
matter of restoring profits at the working class as a whole this one Put pin there! as Daniel De From Him Who Hath Not Shall forced the Stalinists into a united Young Socialist Guard and the Little effort is made by the expense of the workers. Naturally example and we repeat, it is not Leon was wont to say. Capitalist front with the counter revolution Trotskyist Youth.
owners of the industry dispute they are also out to bring all pos unconimon among the of Lwaste or Socialist planning. But In simple English: the rich are ary Trotskyists and to sign their This campaign will be ear the completeness of the strike or sible pressure to bear upon their unions. siguitics coormous pro that not the way the Baptist getting richer and the poor poorer.
names to a puet calling for the ried out by means inonster com the completeness of the union ad agents within labor ranks and Cr.
president looks at the problem. The harder the worker slaves, the right of asylum especially for common demonstrations followed by hesion by the workers. Nor would they are beginning to force their Mass Unions Beginning The facts he recognizes. The more profits he makes for the boss rade Trotsky. We would welcome meeting in a series of important that be to much avail. The facts hands.
While the American working present system is outmoded. It the nearer he gets to lietor and print letters from any young localities to be indicated in the are there. The verification is con Officials Under Pressure class is as yet far from being real was built for the handicraft and house and lotters Field. RememStalinist who would make so bola aprendix to this pct.
Lained in the solid workers anks. These reactionary trade union ly organized it is clear where the ber what they told yon in school: as to explain this fact or reconcile it in the course of the joint ac The textile workers have made officials are still in a dilemma, beginnings of mass unions are towork hard, don drink, gamble or it with previons policy.
tion, the members of one or an good their vote to tie up every feeling the pressure from below of day. The workers are joining the play and somedy you ll be rich is other organization, clash with fus mi. Mass action is finding a new the forward moving ranks, fearing American Pederation of Labor.
Rockefeller. Tell that to the mairBrussels, August 18, 1934. cist opponents, the militants of the and splendid expression, and with that unless the trade unions can its new recruits can be expected to ines! The National Committee of other organizations will be under military precision the lying measure up to what the new continue to give a good account of In 1929 everyone int a handful the Young Socialist Guard, the obligation to lend them the most wuadrons atre heading the battles. recruits expect from them new themselves, not merely in the thought that things were swellCentral Comittee of the Belgian decided assistance.
Strike Will Awaken Workers leadership will arise Inside the un ikes they cory. Today anywhere you Comunist Youth and the National The three organizations con It is the greatest struggle of ions or new unions will emerge. On tights for the establishment of (Continued from Page 1)
go you ll find people saying, some leadership of the Leninist Youthsider it logical and elementary to recent times, both from the point the other side there is the mass unions, but also insular als Upstate New York has fallen bething wrong and something has (Trotskyists) declare their agreesolemnly promise to establish lof view of numbers involved, large pressure from the employers and the future policy and direction of fore the march of the workers to be done about it. But what? nient to devote the greatest postrace in their quarrels and case scale actions and the sacritices it their government. Which side they the unions are concerned They New Jersey and Connecticut are not plan like Siucinirs which comsible efforts towards the aim of reciprocal attacks in the course of has already claimed. One of its will heed has already been made will have something to say about overwhelmingly won. Massachuses the New Deal with watachieving workers unity on the the common action.
outstanding features is the way in abundantly clear. The decision of the campaign against the reds etts textile Industry is already incred out socialixon? Or Bill Green basis of revolutionary action.
Ench organization promises not, which it has provetrated deeply into the AB. of Executive Council and take u hund in the Having come to agreemento attempt any maneuver for the the rauks of the new proletarian to start a campaign against the the units against all chse of the hands of the strikers. law pral which is to proposal at attacks. rence, once the center of militant all? Green is weather vane, on this principle the three organ purpose of winning away adherents recruits in the industrial south, reds in the unions only foreshad. The issue of the defense of the union uctivity, is bound to follow. mometimes to the right and some izations decide sign a pact of from one another.
Unquestionably this strike will go ow the new forms of combination unions and the building and exten. The bloodliest battlefield is the times to the left, but sticking to common action on the following It is understood that for the dur a long way towards the further of employers and the reactionary son of the unions is now jr South, where the manufacturers the capitalist system all the time.
ation of the pict the organizations awakening of the American work trade union officials under these mount. The struggle for its real. resort naturally to murder in de It treating him pretty well. Common action of solidarity shall refrain from all Susults, eren ers and begin to install into their new conditions.
levels The solution is simple says for all the victims of internation outside of the joint action. minds the feeling of a class. worker will be labelled red in During this short span, through tabor, stretch outs and preferen Green. All you have to do is to al capitalist renction, without However, outside of the joint ac Posed as a strong motive force justification for the crushing of the first and the second strike tlal wage scales.
increase the out of national in.
distinction of tendencies: for the tion itself, euch organization re in this strike stands the economic strike movements. The textile wave, after the tregimning of the dispatches report that income going into wages and small liberation of Thaelmann and serves its complete independence background of the textile workers, workers will not at all be fumune New Deal the history of uniou or Greenville, scabs are carry salaries so as to maintain a balPaula Wallich, symbols of the Lor the carrying on of its coctrinal Wages in many mills range below from such attacks.
Kanization written in bloud. ing firearms to their looms despite ance between proditution and conantifascist struggle in Germany propaganda. ten dollars weekly rate. Added The United Textile Workers Un Every strike has been turbulent, statutes prohibiting such practice. sumption that will use products and Austria: for the right of ass. The mentioned organizations to this is the abominable stretch ion is itself a pleture of the recent but it must also be said that every Authorities looked the other way and services for a higher standard ylum in all capitalist countries promise to condemn any weakness out system by which the combina trade union evolution. Formerly strike has brought forward con The same dispatch states that mil. of lig: and legal and economie for all the victims of interne and passivity which may appear tion of machinery improvements there were several unions in the stantly more magnificent examples Itia companies were instructed to institutions that recognize and tional capitalist reaction, and within their own organization in and intensiteid speed up saps the industry, and not so very long ago of working class solidarity and shoot to kill.
protect the interests of producing above all, for Trotsky.
any way tonching on the joint ac physical strength of the workers it could be said that they were all militancy. Ivery strike has brought It was the armed scabs who shot workers equally with the owners b) Struggle again: repression in ion commenced.
beyond human endurance Comually impotent and discredited. forward new proofs of working and killed the six unarmed strik of these products and other proBelgium, for the freedom of the coordinating committee is es pared to this kind of a wage rate. All of them were not much more class vitality and of ingenuity Iners at Honea Path, and seriously perty.
imprisoned militants, ench tablished consisting of two dele statisties by the government that shells of organizations. devising ways and methods of wounded scores, while the author There a Catch to It Bohy, Beelen, and all workers gutes from the Communist Youth, inform laconically that the av A Nage e of the Past meeting the violent onslaughts by ities looked the other way. Sounds good, doesn it? But persecuted for their participation wo trom the Trotskyist Youth and gebousekeeper into the develop Workers Union, which now has their sovernment. They will in lice accounted for the other catall In 1929 the National Textile the forces of the employers and The boss owned militia and po there a Joker the deck in strikes.
Labor and capital cannot live to Against all steps tending Guards, for the purpose of working and litcher than she paid in April nothing but its name left, led the time also bring forward proof of ties, with more cold blooded shoot. gether peacefully or be protected towards dictatorial measures ont Joint plans and the character of last year. It is no wonder that turbulent strike in Gastonia. That the working class ability to cir ing down of workers everywhere equally. Judging by the way the taken in 1933, against the un of the joint demonstrations. This labor is stirrhis everywhere. There was the time when the Scripps. cumvent the scheming and cunning threatened.
hosses club and murder workers to employed youth.
committee will take charge of all will be more and greater struggles Howard newspaper chain featured of the reactionary bureaucrats.
South Takes the Lead keep them from getting a ten cents Against all decrees that condicts which may arise between in the near future.
New Period Opening its famous editorial addressed to may have their origin in these the contracting organizations, Union Organization Is Issue the of convention calling Without doubt we have entered Yet it is in the bloody Southbereise in wages it seems they dictatorial measures.
In order to carry out any given Ilowever, above al others is leaders swivel chair artists who a period in this country of awak haul the workers have been most ment with this plan. Every penny Against all projects direct. netton, unanimity within the com used the question of union organ were sitting comfortable in their ening of new working class strata. idefying the militia and the longe makes comes out of the ed towards eventual prohibimittee is necessary workers hide. Every wage intion of organizations such as The last speaker on the list in The first strike wave at the into the Communists to do the job tants forge ahead to lead the move forths of all the mills to close crease comes out of the bosses proYoung Socialist Guard, the meetings will always be a so ception of the New Deal struck in the south. It was a command ments, to put their slogans and Virginia, whose 20. 000 textile work nits. When new machinery is tu the Communist Youth, and the clalist Young Guard.
with a sudden force and in many to the of to get busy and ideas to the test in the fire or era are unorganized, has stationed stalled less skill is therefore less Trotskyist Youth. Young Socialist Guard respects the employers and the reorganize the workers lest other, struggle. Out of every experience armed utrols at the North Caro labor power is used Against the dissolution of Young Communist League actionary trade union officials and the most feared forces, would it is possible to record lessons Hina borderline in anticipation of lower wigs are paid Labor Defense organizations. Leninist Youth League atike were takeu aback To the do it. In this instance, however, which can mean positive gaius for the raids of the Flying Picket Now, Green wants economie inequal surprise in both of these as in so many others, the Stalinists, the struggles to come.
Squadrons that have been sweep stitutions to protect producers camps the workers took the collec waving the banner of Communism, The American working class may ing the South tive bargaining promise seriously proved themselves cually incap thus be able to learn and to assi Into this tense situation has now and property owners. What he and streamed into union ranks. able of the task.
milate in abridged form the revo arrived President Roosevelt milk really means is: Throw the slaves Once inside they began to Insist on But the of did not get lutionary lessons that elsewhere and water inquiry board, which another crumb because they re beThe partnership of labor and it appeared, the surprise found the stimulous given by the NRA col of time. The strikes of today all advise, but not to arbitrate Gov.
Winant of New capital won work this time, Mr.
mayors not yet fully prepared to lective bargaining clause failed to carry their important preliminary Iernor John Continued from Page 1)
Green The workers are in a fight Some months ago, Hitler, forsakgalvanize it into action. Yet the lessons. The Minneapolis strike, Hampshire, chairman of the board, ing mood and so are the bosses, ing for the moment his role as their investments and their loans Now matters are different inso workers by the hundreds of thou especially in view of its victory is one of the 129 millionaires look out! or you ll be swept asido litical leader, un donning the lo industry.
far as the employers are concerned. sands fell into the lap of its unwon despite almost superhuman his native state, and has himself that National Socialism would ruletry, and causing the mass unem Tor Yle stiftet resistance to turn the penalty or other, more testeschert is present stage in labor troubles there. The two friends, the parasites.
serve as a great called out strike breaking troops in the rush together with your Germany for the next thousand party? Oh no!
anul the mass misery and ther union advance, but they are gressive and more militant forces Tacties and strategy of strikes other members, Raymond Ingersoll. years.
Borough President of Brooklyn immediately things began to banks have been in marvelously fight. That fuct has been particu the anamoly which is not uncom ticularly attentive study by the and Marion Smith, attorney of At ARNE SWABECK. lanta, Ga. are nonentities.
followers took alarm at the pros nave had their coffersstufted Wien Larly well illustrated in the strikes mon for many of the of militant Nothing is expected to result (Continued from Page 1)
pect and instituted a revolt that Gold. They did not extend loans, from this board of inquiry, and nothing will result. When the sub machine guns.
opposition, braving almost certain commodities, and there was no de First Class Weapon It pressed into service the auexposure und the consequeut pris mand for commodities because the power Minneapolis Truck Drivers Strike Bulletin on camp torture, registered 000. mass of workers and farmers could Mentor in dustry is crippled, arms, legs and tomobile. How simple, and yet how OGO votes against Hitler as Presi. not afford to buy.
body, then and only then will the effective. Concentration of forces deut.
That will work out all right. Militant on his arrival in New about a 50 50 break. He stated In an interview given to the Liou results gave the union only the right or some other board le authorized at the right place at Daily Hitler tenure in office Major Angas asares us in fectYork City, Herbert Solow, journal that the union is winning the big evelt and discovered there isn a gains that their power has wrested important strategie clements are Sinclair had a lley with Roos to act, to cheat the workers out time, mobility and surprise these mounts and grows bolder. German bankers will be induced to lend. Minneapolis Organizer, daily strike as it loses, including those where that after talking with Mr. Roose Green and Woll Bide Their Time time.
new trick in the deck. found from the bosses ndustrialists pant after war, but business will increase securities bulletin of local 574, characterized in the class wiruggle for the first dare not drink the water, they will rise.
well know, is poisoned. Their ceo tricher on paper (Let the Major the outcome of the drivers strike will be taken over by the union original ideas as thought had Then, too, the American Federal No longer need workers present nomie crisis deepens, German try feeding his family on paper. serve an inspiration to every So don waste your time pon tion of Labor beads, Messrs. Green a heroic but stolid, Inert and help Northwest Workers Inspired driven further to and therefore more willing to unlou less mass in front of shop or facworkers are the country. Dunger and deperation, Austria is spend their surplus bank balanctory, to be trapped by machine gun lost for the time being, and the. Still nursing the wounds of the terested in knowing. Soloween California version of the Raw Dear up a sere they have con Deal, a little sucar coated, but its Hitherto they have been content spleulously avoided up till now Rre, or dispersed by thugs.
May strike, said Solow, the un on to say that the entire trademade of the same rotten stuff in to issue statements from afar, at squads has transformed all that. Richer. How? Whom?
The use automobile picket Saar shows strange reluctance to ion was forced into another strug union movement of the northwest tie up with the Nazi millennium. The language here is a bit imside.
tacking left wing influence in the There is no longer one front but a Hitler clings desperately to the ressive, but the question arises. Ele in July to fight for its very has been immensely stimulated by talking existence. The bosses were out to the outcome of the strike. The Like any ordinary valet, Sinclair textile untons, frowning upon thousand fronts for the bosses to for a moment. Whirled and but about people will feel richer smash 574 as the first step in a news that Local 574 went politician. webs. com cortions of strike support from guard. Ilired thugs no longer suf, the politician, Jim Farley patted him Other to of feted, he cries out again, even as and so will spend more What attitude on the questions of arbi police, hired gunmen. Olson Mill on the back. Call me Jim. Jim striking textile workers. people is the Major talking tration and the right of the union tia, the National Run Around, and poyees but he gave Sinclair a glad tle, strong in negotiations (read le spins dizzily: State militia. and even these will There will not be another revo abont; the workers? Ilow will These leaders. weak in bat prove. have provel inadequate.
lution in Germany for a thousand the workers grow richer when food calculated to force to represent inside workers strike in and came through with banners hand so he says, like him very betrayal) will then offer their ser: years.
rices are rising and all other nec IXDIAN SUMMER But now he is neither political any commodities are rising, and which they hoped to destroy the flying, has already inspired more much.
vices as peace makers, after the than foremost union of the city.
union Roosevelt can organizational break FESTIVAL DANCE strikes, battle has been won without their leader nor prophet. He has revert the miserable wages that have ed to his earlier role of comedian teen muaranteed them by drive, and has awakened among keep wages at the minimum and aid. law Says Union Won on Main Issues SATURDAY, OCT. 20, at P.
exploited workers of more than profits at the maximum but for Fortunately, the workers in the For Hitler stands today exposed are chloed under by the steel The strike editor stated that the one Industry and city the hope Sinclair who declares am textile industry show every sign of IRVING PLAZA before the whole world as a stooge atrons and the cotton kings: when union, by getting a settlement that they, too, can win something Democrat, and not a Socialist fighting to the finish. The strike (Victoria Hall)
with a trick moustache. Gone is hey are constantly being displaced which sets a minimum wage with if they start a real fight. that is a sign that Roosevelt can bas revealed to them their own 15th St. Irving Place the last ounce threats to finance capital, the probe machines and efficiency meth arbitration ward direction only in an up The admiration for 574 was well run the country and Sinclair can strength, and they will not be eas Music. and which recog Dancing expressed in Milwaukee which sleep like a baby.
Is the Major perhaps thinking of nizes the right of the union to rep visited on my way east. The Miily cheated out of vietory. Refreshments mive of national socialism.
Entertainment The promise of National Social lhe hankers, the Any man that can sleep like a Meanwhile, the American Federindustrialists, the resent market inside workers, won waukee Leader, the Socialist pa baby while policies are being puration of Silk Workers, the weaving Admission 35 Isin has been fulfilled, he says wealthy widows and orphans who on the issues on which the strike per, had learned that chief of police sued that lead to the murder of section of the industry, has joined Auspices: International Workers obediently: this mountebank, who clip coupons? These people are was forced.
with the cruelty that comes from spending all they will ever spend, This is not the full extent of visit the city in a few days. The for millions won be very helpful Latest developments are that 15, 000 Bloody Mike Johannes was due to striking workers and starvation in the nationwide textile strike School, 144 2nd Ave.
the most abject cowardice con and the more money they gain, the the victory, however, said Solow. Leader asked me for an interview to the working class whatever his silk dyers in the Paterson. demned to slaughter his nearest, more will be reinvested into indus In the middle of the strike the so that they might iay before the schemes may be.
THE MILITANT area are to join the strike, insuring his dearest followers, so that at try, and a further profit out of the bosses extended their offensive workers of the city full informa All we know about the conver its success in that area, which is Entered as a second class mall leret his own life might be spared. American workers will be demand. They swore on a stack of bibles tion about Johannes murderous Post Office at New York, UDFor Hitler lives today by the ed.
sation between Roosevelt and in the center of the silk industry.
that they would never settle with tivities during the strike. In ad clair is what Sinclair tells us in sufferance of the German indus NoThe World Telegram has the union on any terms as long as dition, saw a number of Mill won his interview. Ile says he came to 000 hosiery workers to join the Published Weekly by the ComStrike leaders also expect 100. der the act of March 3, 1879.
frlalists, who may tomorrow aban missed its mark this time. The its leadership included Troskyists. kee union officials and they prom the President to solicit aid for his strike. The executive board of the munist League of America don him to the enfuriated people, American workers are beginning to They also vowed never to rehre ised me that Bloody Mike would self help. barter plun; to in order that they, in turn, might realize that if their necks are still anybody charged with violence not get out of Milwaukee without funds from Hopkins to institute a workers is in session on the quesget American Federation of Hosiery 144 Second Ave. New York, be spared. Let them but draw of sore from looking around the cor and that meant a couple of hundred a clear understanding of how the primitive system in California Phone: Gramerey 9524 the Reichswehr and Hitler owner, they will die of starvation and of the best union men.
tion as this goes to press.
Vol. 7, No. 36. Whole No. 240)
workers of that city feel about Behind closed doors, the vegecheated following would rend him disenge if they wait for the Amer On both these issues, for the him.
The International Ladies Gar: SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1934 tarian patriot mental healing quack ment Workers Union has already limb from limb.
ican Boom advertising of which the employers EDITORIAL BOARD National Socialism will endure must have told the grinning mes voted to strike October 1, unless Martin Abern spent thousands of dollars in their WAR AND FOURTH INTERN siah that he would do anything to the employers agree to President Alar Shaebemen BOUND VOLUMES OF THE James Cunnon for 1, 000 years. It must already press and for radio time, the bosses In Ruslan Maurice Spector seem like a thousand years to the get national support so he can Roosevelt sop order reducing MULITANT have taken a thorough beating. Russian edition of this pam run California like Roosevelt is the work hours from 40 to 36 hours Arne Swabeck German people. In this sense, Bound volumes of the Militant Asked for a forecast of the out. phlet will soon be off the press and running the country, a week.
Bundle rates one cent per copy.
perhaps, Hitler prophecy may in for the year 1932 can be obtained come of the elections, Solow stated available for all who speak the deed be fulfilled.
from Pioneer Publishers, 84 10 that the, union has nothing Run it to the dogs as far as The has also voted Subscription rate: 00 per year language. Watch the Militant for the workers are concerned.
st. New York City at the phenom worry about. He derided reports further announcements on this exfinancial support of the textile 50 per half year. Canada strike to the extent of 100, 000, it and Foreign. 50 per year; JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE enally low price of 50 per copy. in the boss press that the first elec traordinary pamphlet.
SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANTI was unofficially reported.
7Be tor six months The First Thousand Major Angas Here Years Are Hardest With Big Boom resist Flying Squads het drowned in blood. And the because there was no demand for An Interview with the Managing Editor of the Sinclair Finds His mothers are the top when they one