Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismMussoliniRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE QUESTION BOX To the Bolshevik Leninists of the WORLD OF LABOR The You Poland 10.
Herbert Zam Quits the Lovestone Group Los Angeles Dear Comrades, terests of the evolution can hope muurty simply awoke to find out that capitulate, but on the contrary, Question: What is the program of the WeisbordFor a long time the Stalinists for nothing from the Bolshevik today it was necessary to call the wil redouble their efforts.
WELCOME! POLISH YOUTH ftes and where do they differ from the Communist prepared Rakovsky capitulation Leninists but well deserved scorn. truth what bud yesterday been socialist workers ought now to be Greetings to the Young Jamuists of Poland. We League?
us a decisive blow. And now, only When the waters of Fascism called alle Such a regime, decome the principle areas of their buve learned through the organ of our Belgian Answer: complete answer to this question 18 several months later, it is proved rose up to the neck in clare the Rakovskys and the Sos activity. It is necessary to ex Youth Section, la Voix des Jeunes, of the adherence outside of the units of this columis. The matter can that the blow has miscarried. France, frightened, it accomplished novukys, is to the credit of stal pain the issues to them more pre of an important group of young revolutionaries to only be ukimined over here umong the thousands, in the in several days it not in several. We think that such a regime cisely to side by side with them to the youth section of the International Communist Weisbord viewpoint and statements are in such a who are imprisoned, exiled, hours a turn unprecedented iu pois the misfortune of the revolu ind road to the revolution. It is ante. p till July they were an oppwition force state of flux that it is not always easy to tell just expelled from the party and de litical history, cast of the theory tion. In any case capitulators only tous that the Communist within the Stalinist organization. fundamental where he disagrees with anybody. Among other prived of bread, two or three tired of social fascism like dirty ragshould, at least, make clear to what workers can be torn from the vise discussion on the baste problems of the workers things we believe his present attitude toward the veterans followed Rakovsky: In the recognized and in what a vulgur extent they have capitulated to or the bureaucracy and not only movement took place within their ranks and after class nature of the Soviet state is false and contra rest of the world. not a single menshevik form the defense of yesterday polley of Stalin Thael anity of action in the struggle national conference of the group they decided to the question of the general strike: and we dwdedly ordinarily difficult situation of the the social democracy. proclaimed results? or before the directly opue creation of a truly revolution the youth and a Pourth International. The follow object to his falsifying distorting our position in Bolshevik Leninist against whom not only as a superior but as a powite policy of Stulin Cachin inary inerty of the masses, sectioning is part of u letter to the International Secretargeneral. Whether or not he disagrees with us on the the Stalluists unit with world reumque recept, in which they taco France toxlay? But the capitulu ve the Fourth International which of the Young Leuinists in which they apply for Negro question cannot be stated right now since lat. uction in order to pursue and Itly Nacritice the revolutionary tors do not dare make a choice will lead the proletariat to the admission taxks and the criticism of reform. They have capitulated cotto conquest of power. Our conference hus unanimously decided in favor est reports indicate that he is changing his former wound them.
position, and, of course, our position will become the principal argument of the in. With an appalling wynical policy, but to the bureaucracy!
Dear friends! Your comrades in of the Fourth luternational and hun changed the In the last ten years the policy arms in ail capitulation is at the same time attitude towards ideas, thene genuthcial only after the end of our coming Nationalthe principal proof of the political tlemen no longer accuse ti of all of the permitted the Secondart know the difficult, Inhuman numbers around 130 militants in Warsaw and sev.
countries the name of the organization. Our organization Convention, However, the main differences between us and consistency of the capitulators. vocating the counter revolution International to retrieve its domiuditions you endure under the eral groups in other eles. Our organization is Welsbord springs from the fact that he is an indi the victorious offensive of Fusary united front with the top but nant position in the working class, stalinist bureaucracy. They have for the most part composed of Jews because we have vidual with whom the League finds it impossible to cism, requires, according to Ha: of lacking a loyal regard for the or course, the crisis, misery, reac. uly rewct for the firmness which had our origin in the stalinist organization which in deal. One must have had the experience of the New Oviky, the unity of all forces leadership by attempting to utilize clonary gungsterisin, the approach le majority of you have shown in Warsaw is in large inajority composed of Jews.
York comrades during the past four years to quite for the defense of the Soviet pow. the united front in order to streng of a new war, violently jush differ ue muce of new repressions, new We also have a group of intellectuals (30 comrades)
er. But the question is: how to then th: revolutionary wing at the ent groups of workers towards the appreciate this. The latest expression of this is a resist the victorious offensive of expense of the cal democracy. setions of the But thene suve not capitulated in spite of ev. collaboration becomes a lever for the development alumnes, new betrayals. No, you. We hope, and doubtless you do to, that your Weisbord characterization of us as Left, fake, centrists. Even if there were no differences of the reaction and how to safeguard What can this plunge into the perficial and ephemers do not alive before you Krand revolu. will become the Vanguard of the young workers of Necensex srything. On the contrary, you of our section. We hope that with your aid we programmatie nature, it would be dificult to have the Soviet powery Stalin declared vold signity?
caused by the situation harmonious relations with an individual whose enthat the social democracy and fas MONCOW, understands, it seems, all correspond to the political situtomury mission to perform tire attitude towards you is marked by disloyalty.
cinin were siamese twins. On this that the Increase of tractors ation and to its colgantic tasks. The have a duty to place, insofar as MENSHEVIKS IN THE OPEN WITH THE to relieve us of any possible charge of having ably condemned. Two days before problems of socalism, but does not comparably greater successes pers of the the problems of basis the united front was Irrevoculone, not only does not solve the German Communist party had in possible, before the advanced work, GRACE OF STALIN the question is of multietent importance to you, that he Yktory of Hitler the even Hure the existence of the to the end of its legal existence the international revolution now Every new event serves to prove that Stalinism you get his approach first hand.
stated that the proletarian revolu Soviet state. Even olie were to but that did not save it from au monoponized by the Stanyiskys, the weakens the dictatorship of the protetarlat. The ion in Germany was travelling believe for a moment that a com ignominious ellapse Kuusinens, the intnitsky, the latest is the publication in Humanite, organ, Question: How was the vote for the settlement of all steam ahend to vietory. It plete socialist society will be built Within the parties of the Second Lusovskye and the other third and and Le Populaire, organ in France of a letter the first Minnert polis truck drivery strike taken?
presented the incontested estab In the in the next four or International, whose leadership ta lufth rate irresponsible functionar from a group of Russian mensheviks in Kazan greetAnswer: We are informed by comrades who were alshment of the fascist dictatorship five years, it is still impossible to a relection of its miserable and ing the united front. This letter could not have apin Minneapolis at the time that the following took in the most industrialized nation of close one eyes to the fact that infamous orientation, there is at Bolshevik Leninists! The devel peared outside of Russia without the authorization place: The terms of the settlement were introduced Europe as the acceleration of the fascism obtains its cannibal victhis moment a process of radically by the strike leadership with a recommendation for proletarian revolution. The pol tortes in increasingly shorter Interation at the masses. The regime wpment of Europe and the entire of the Soviet Government and therefore of the pollacceptance, the first vote being taken by shouting cy of the German Communist party vals. It is unnecessary to explain of the the homersaults of the statinist bureaucracy, the cyn stuge, in which the fate of Europe Secal manifestation of a menshevik group in the aye or no terms proposed and as a result of the method of ond reproach. By means of such socialism in one country during constitute now the priuciple ob There was some opposition to the defore, during and after the Fes the consequences that the fascism of it means and methods and the international revolution 18. u the early days of the Soviet Republie the cist coup etat was declared be tion of all Europe would have on will decided for a whole histor Mensheviks paced themselves on the side of the determined below the steps to be. therontdeception and much erlmes a situ. the next twelve or twenty four starter at home and the intention the masses the revolutionary les sites with non sono slucent and therefore wees ical epoch. We will now bring to white kuans and the imperialist intervention. They check up on union membership by elected tellers the son chock full of revolutionary months.
possibilities was lost in Germany. the leaders of workers who had been sent out to Recure complete During the years 1929 and 1933 the Hence the telegraphie orier: per ever, without the mobilization of Surs of struggle against the the trial of the Mensheviks for aiding and abetting the bureaucracy of the proletarian grand. How many that we assimilated in a dozen outlawed on Soviet soil. Since that time there was authenticity of the ballot were requested to return the interventionists in 1932. Nothing since that time where band vote was taken. prepared and struck such a form a 180 degree turn, and eam the workers not yly for parades centrint bureaucracy (Stalinism. Question: Was the agreement about wolon recog. blow to Soviet power and to the onge it with a new barrage or und meeting but for decisive step by step, we will polut the way bus appeared to prove that these Mensheviks are less to them.
hostile or less an enemy to the Soviet Union than nition written or verbal?
world revolution that in compatri Manders against the Trotsky struggle without correct leaderhey were a few years back.
FOR THE DEFENSE OF THE Stalin, who used every means of state coerelon Answer: Written.
son, the economie success of the sts. ship, fusing revolutionary intranslQuestion: Did Local 574 consult the other unions, and third place. Rakovsky did not bureaucracy now has an unlimited victory of Fascism will come By means of such procedure the seance with Leninist realism, the against the proletarian wing of the party, to the ex.
Yome of whom were still coming out on strike beleven attempt to answer FOR THE WORLD PROLETArent of the destruction of the party itself, who has fore calling off the strike?
ques. domination over the but at France with the sume inevitability RIAN REVOLUTION!
destroyed all democracy within the soviets and the Answer: There were no untons coming out at the lon: was the policy of Stalin the same time the Is losing as in Germany. What will remain FOR THE FOURTH INTERNA rade unions now becomes lenient to the enemies of time the settlement was made the building trades Thaelmann in the great class at the estern and confidence of the theme of the theory of socialism in TIONAL!
the Soviet regime.
having come out some time before. There was no substitutes tawning before the bus France was accomplished without mains today of the theory of 50 Foreign Representatives of In connection with this letter a dispute arose beconsultation of the unions by local 574 and none reaucracy, its errors and crimes, a semblance of disease or critical fascism the Russian Bolsheviktween the Stalinists and the Socialists, the latter was needed, the matter resting entirely with 574.
maintaining their usual attitude. Instead of defor the defense of the historic in cism. The members of the French The Bolshevik Leninists will not Leninists.
bouncing the counter revolutionary (the Stalinists Bronx Dave so abused this term that they don know a real Question: What is the truth of the statement made tant apologists for the failure of lishment of the genuine Commun one when they see him) Mensheviks and taking full by Staliniats that it was necessary to support Chiang the German to organize a realist luternational? On this score responsibility for making this party illegal under Kal shek in the Chinese revolution of 1927 because right against Hitler assumption of not word is uttered. If the Git the proletarian dictatorship they speak like liberals he tonght against imperialism?
kwer; the German group (but not low incident has more than a fleet of the most lukewarm variety: The soviet revolu.
Answer: This is the official Stalinist alibi. Trotsky the American group) agree with ing importance, it lies not so much tion has always defended itself against counterrevlong ago replied to this as follows. Draft Prothe Comintern in its opposition to in break with the Lovestole olntionary acts in which the Mensheviks have unforthe formation of a Farmer Labor group, as in the brief and futile tunately taken part.
gram of the a Criticism of Fundamentals. Chiang Kal shek, says the fought Unfortunately. Lenin would turn over in his het stoperialism. To Imagine this means to see attonally and at home, marches the Elders to boast so loudly about Co, and the Comintern both are formed after the break, the exist. zrave it he could hear the conscious auti Soviet sets The Lovestone group, both inter pressed, however, thus permitting party in the Cuited States: the career of the group which Gitlow than of the Mensheviks described thus, The Bolshevikwar against the Chinese militarists, the agents of world wide Right wing reaction to Zam departure followed. Centrist parties and organizations sbudowy 18 now a matter of con Leninists are expelled, exiled, persecuted and their Exand on the necessity of working cern only to a political coroner. leader bounded from one end of the globe to the ONE of the imperialist powers. This is not quite the more obvious tolltes of the cerpts from the statement which he for theiu destruction rather than Because a revolutionist is not o other. the party is destroyed. the soviets are made the same as to wagen war against Imperialism. Even stalinist third perlod. torst is circulating show some of the ever conversion to communism. adventurer, his choice. por those into caricatures the world revolution is sacrificed ofw Seventh Plenum of the it was at the end of hap tens of thousands, of Commu inevitable sulckte of the Lovestone Intern the August Block theory breach with Lovestone, Gitlow the Mensheviks are given the right to legal expresreasons for the disintegration and The Lc. developed for the Com is extremely restricted. After his the interests of a reactionary utopia. and now 1928) Tang Pin san characterised the policy of the list workers, and not the worst sect.
Kuomintang center headed by Chiang Kal sheka among them. Its hopeless position which grants the Comintern the thought he could avold making the slon. What next?
follows. write this after hearing the monopoly on revolutionary Integri cholce. He failed to draw the loc determined its own disintegration report of our International repre ty.
ical conclusions of the advance he DOOM TO FAILURE In the sphere of International wolley it occuples its powerful Czechoslovakian sec. sentative that the Alsatian section a passive position in the full meaning of that word. clon capitulated miserably to the of the the Communist Party Zam notes on the internal re made. Is inability to think the The Labor Day issue of the New Leader reports lemos duced to fight only against British imperial and International, while a small of Alsace, has been expelled. Samtskime in this International of produtos to the very five control that a new move is under way to organize an in becrusaders for party democracy relam: so far as the Japanese Imperialists, however section in the German speaking was the strongest section of the yeal that Brandler Thalheimer, in Trotskylam. that is, of the bold. Executive Committee of the British Independent La.
are concerned, it is under certain conditions ready ands moved to the Bolshevik Len o. after the Swedish party, to make compromise with them. Stenographicists. Itu Italinn section (Ser. which was similarly expelled some Berlin or in exile, dirrer little from consistent principles of revolution hor party is instructed to communicate with the Report of the Seventh Plenum. ra) went the way of the Czech. months ago. The expulsion of the the Stain Secretariat.
In the ary Marxism. After the first few ruch and Austrian Socialist and Communist par les and prpose a world unity congress to them. SecThe attitude of the Kuomintang to Imperialism at Hollanders. under Wijnkoop: Alsatla section marks one of the American gion, the preture is no neers approaches, he leaped back. He has been moving to the one, the Norwegian Labor Party, the Swedish Social.
portunistic through and through. It endeavored to pots. Its white hope in France es of the which has today been the Stalinist flesh mujor steps in the disintegration were alluring: Right ever since. On a different It party, the Independent Socialist Marty of Holland. In our own group discussion besonde, but essentially of the same the and the German Workers Party are predrive out the agents of some imperialist powers so tablished the Party of Proletarian reduced practically to the German fore the last convention (whatever. en vele a hehe same road, ovle the place for the first women sehen an attempt being perialist powers on more favorable terms for the mentary slnecures, and the Brand substance to the charge of our op. became the main weapon of the result that he too is now toboggan made to organize a centrist international. And not Chinese bourgeoisie. That is all.
terites had to disown them, too. ponents that the o. is only a majority (Centrist. Trotskyist. ing down the Centrist slide to the he first time will it be wrecked on the rocks of realYour letter indicates that you have not read either its white hope in Spain, Maurin, Brandler Lovestone faction. The social democrat. etc. the leader camp of the Right wing. It is ity. Such a half way house was organized in Vienna the above quoted work or the Problems of the Chin. was too wily to tle his cart to a as an international factor no ship was anxions not to convince worth while pondering over such 1921. It tried to reconcile both international and ese Revolution. Read these by all means for a clear shooting star. The big prestige longer exists. Starting out with the membership of the proposed le 018.
nded by returning to the Vanderveldes and the picture and understanding of this great historical and following it enjoyed in the such great promise, it has passed policies, but to stampede or even event Zum is now at the crossing of the cheideinanns of the Seconi International. In 1983 scandinavian countries completely into history, victim of wrong intimidate It, futo accepting them. currents. He is free to to strike out Question: What is the basis for the Stalinist asserdisappeared, following the break methods of work and of leadership. Cheap political trickery was resort similar movement began in Paris which included that the practical organization of the October with the strong Swedish section of inability to reorientate itselted to at the convention itself, and Vigorously to one side or another. All of the above mentioned pepties. They did not di Revolution was in the hands of Stalin, since such All that remains of the socalled when new contradictions and new the new National Committee was which he has come, there are really an International scale.
In view of the direction from Ide on a new international trt on joint action on statement contradiets practically all the known LC. International Communist problems came to the fore.
To date their reord is a elected on a most factional basis, facts?
but two currents with which he complete blank in both fields.
Opposition. is the broken frame The Dutch Independents and the Socialist WorkAfter showing that the prevalent practically excluding all but a sincan go. One will relentlessly im in Germany, tention should Answer: 11 is almost incredible that such a con of the Brandler groupedmission view in his group was that some Mle representative of the minority pel him to the social democracy. Party for cok the enuse of the Fourth Internadoes berging piteously for order to support his table of the Russian revolution to be the Inists to sanity, that this event oe ship of the group. practice was inished and eventually eliminated a successful centrist international is formed, it is made to the Bolshevik Party Central Committee As proof reference tean Lovestopeltes.
curred in Germany but produced developed of presenting new poll. Wy the illusion that, as a single will linger on a while and then return to the bosom mereates of October 162017 which nobody tempe mu the latter. Starting out with hun that the only way genuine revolu: the policies of the group, and then ner or rudder, unsustained by the should the movement towards organic unity take Life has been no bed of roses for no effect upon the bureaucracy. cles first to the ontside world as revolutionist, sailing without hun reformism.
At this meeting it was voted to dreds of members and functionar tionary unity can be entected is by asking the group to pass upon them collective physical and Ideological an international turn. It cannot establish a revolucreate military revolutionary center, which in les from the oficial party in New assembling the revolutionists out when the group had already been collaboration of co thinkers, he onary organization of the world working class.
the revolutionary Soviet committee which organized York alone. It has dwindled to an side the 3rd International, Yam committed to them. Leading spokes will be able to achieve his goal without a clear Marxlan program at least such the insurrection. The latter body, under the name influence outside the elty. Capituessentially local movement with no continues: men of the group took it upon the new International) on reform minimum as established in the pact of Four no rerthemselves, as individuals, to ex In the last year the group has pound views which had been for ist whores The other will bring lutionary international le possible. Issues are posed of the Military Revolutionary Committee, was headedation to Stalinism has vied with moved backward, not forward, 1mally rejected by the group (Love him to the camp of organised too sharply today to permit any straddling. The by Trotsky. By leaving off that part of the resolu: splits and spillets in other diree its political orientation. It is not stone at open meeting on socialist Marching route that objective con pressing that any party and any international which the danger of Fascism and war a so acute and so ions. The notorious Bert Miller accidental that on all new ques it appear that he was the practical organizer of were in agreement with the minor the insurrection since Trotsky not a member of the camp of Father Cor Li Istantial agreement with the Comite, or otherwise in disaccord with worked out and horne alert alerving only a skeleton of the party It once was, The proceeds with a banner collectively The tried it and its ranks havern elted away, this lower body. In actuality this committee did arty party. Others went over to intern. The and the Contibe Bureau majority. were squeezed clearly understood strategic koul. Hame fate awnits the other centrists.
not function, even in a subordinate role, the military he American Workers Party. Git intern agree in the condemnation out of work in the group, or out Revolutionary Committee doing all the work.
low. second in command, broke of all krou desiring new Commu the group altogether (Rubel which make its blows a hundred RSS a trained Army and staff all of of For a detailed account of this and other falsifica away with step forward from Stal ter revolutionary: the and party democracy, only the false are of followers, nist parties as Centrist and coun: stein, Conner, Jones. of Internal tions by Stalin see the appendix to the third volume Inism by advocating a new revolu the Comintern agree that only the mained, the substance was discardtimes more effective.
on the Press: August Number of There is the choice.
where the minutes of the above mentioned meeting of the contradictions in his position a revolutionary International gen. case in 1929.
and other documentary evidence are presented.
make. The genuine revolutionist.
carried over from Lovestoneism. wine (Even if there were a new however, will not choice wrongly.
CONTENTS PIONEER NOTES Now another break has occurred. Communist party in every capital. All this was done because the The Twentieth Anniversary of the World War The Second International and the War not be a majority of the leadership of the The latest moves hy Japan in the Far East; its Herbert Zam, founding member of ist country there want the Rus group stood in deadly fear of a threatened seizure of the Chinese Eastern Railroad. he Communist party. Yoning Com new International America and the War in the Pacific As this goes to press, we its recurrent threats to the Soviet Union indicate munist League, and in 1929. of the sian party Wolte. the o. rejection of its policies by Lenin on the Disarmament Slogan Again how imminent the next war is. With the Lovestone group, a member of its has retreated from its previous es membership and because it was learn from what appears to be an Diplomacy in the World War wealth of experience left us by the events of 1914. leading committee all the time, bastimate of the Trotsky movement desirous of making a clean an authoritative source that Zam, and The Stalinists and Pacifism The War in the Chaco 1918 there is no need for any revolutionist to be sent in his resignation with an and today agrees with the comin pearance in the eyes of the officia its added. Gitlow, are about to caught off guard when it comes. The terrest and at open letter to the membership ex tern as to its counter revolution. and Comintern ship. Jon the socialist party. Having The Crisis in Fascism the same time the most comprehensive statement of plaining his position. Having tak ary character: the o. and the He is leaving his group, con landed in a blind alley, they have Hitler Triumph Mussolini Triumph the Marxlan position on War and the fight against en a stand in favor of new parties Comintern are in complete acree cludes Zam, because am reve taken the counsel of desperation Confronted with the choice which The United Front in France It is contained in that invaluable little pamphlet throughout the world (except in ment in their condemnation of the Intlonist, because want to continShould the Socialists and Communists Unlte in War and the Fourth International. We can say the Soviet Union. nfter the shock Left wing inside the Soctalist we to work effectively for revolu a revolution would not have found without fear of contradiction that this is the working collapse of Stalinism in Germovement as fake. the German tionary working class unity: be difficult to make, they have taken the wrong course. We record it One Single Patlonal features.
in all the volumes written on the subject in recent many, Zam met with the furious group And other interesting and (but not the American cause want to help build a real times that throws searchlight over the whole prob resistance of the group Elders, group)
and pass on.
shameful world wide. united Communist Inapproves the PRICE: 15 CENTS Can be obtained lem and points the way to the working class No whose perspectives to bounded on hero cult which is helng developed ternational.
any headquarters of the Comrevolutionary, no class conscious worker can afford every side by an artful hope of in the Soviet Union and through To the Marxist, polities finds ex ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI. munist League, Pioneer Publishers, or write for it to be without it. It sells for 10 cents a cops, cents trace at the hand of Stalinism. It out the Comintern; the American pression only through organization. TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. to The New International, Station D, Box 110, in bundles of Ave or more. It can be obtained at he was not expelled, it was only to group (but not the German group) How, by what Instrument, does New York City.
Ploneer Publishers, 84 10th Street, avoid a scandal. he was sup has become one of the most mill. Zam propose to effect the estab. JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE DE elected a subordinate one, Stalin attempts to make and his friends eventually landed tlons the finds itself in suih party convention. Comrades wholations may indicate to it. alwaysleannot provide a clear answer must come to arlet.
to mas the the en the choice Woran The New International