BolshevismCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceIV InternationalLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1934 IN THE TRADE UNIONS Lovestune Group Cracks in Detroit; Join League EVENTS What a Scoop!
Activities Stalin Praise for REVIEWING MARCH OF THE NEWS Kemal, Oppressor of Turkish Workers Upholsterers perly conducted, should see every, have to be extended to include the shop in the city closed and every workers in the capitol of the worker a union member. Philadelphia has its agreeThe Hope Diamond on Strike The degeneration of Stalinism in ment. What is necessary is to de Detroit Shifting Class Relations Five members of the rend every last letter of it. ConsidBranch of the Communist Party Mrs. McLaon of Washington, fathe direction of class collaboration The American masses have a mous in the anti Red sucker who proceeds rapidly. The latest devel The upholsterers of Greater New Dental Mechanics in eration of future national activi: Opposition (Lovestone group) have parently been slow and backward ont National Drive les requires the strengthening of resigned and made application for thus far in responding in politically ton Meuns in attempt to Soviet newsfilm, Soviets Greet The strike officially began Septemthis link.
membership to the Communist rudicul fashion to the devastation prove that MOSCOW and the Commu the New Turkey. The film was ber Nine of the union shops Boston, Providence, Toledo, League, this marking another long wrought in their lives by the genlist International hud kidnaped the produced by the Soviet government wigned an agreement on the first On the national scene the condi. Pittsburgh, Little Rock all the step in the disintegration of this eral crisis. No one weed Juubt Lindbergh baby, just back from in collaboration with the Turkish day of the strike. Several other tions of the Dental mechanics de way to Portland, Oregon the name group of fawning apologists for however that the deep going ecoAluscow. She bring word that sinistry of Education in celebra union shops have settled since scribe many interesting features and influence of the National Stalinism.
nomic changes in the livelihoods of inust thrill every bousewife from tion of the tenth mouiversary of Council has made itself felt. The Maine to California and especially the Turkish republic headed by its are on the scene with their real organizational drive that candeutal mechanic is tired of taking from the Lovestone group, Herman tbe middle class, has resulted in a lucastonary fashion the Stalin The several situation is ripe for In their statement of resignation millions of workers, farmers and Those who are ou relief. Yes, this Kemal Pasha.
On this occasion pecial Soviet hypocritical offers of unity. But bring into existence a rowerful it on the chin all these years of Busck. Sam Garrett, Joseph Brock, tremendous training and teuring heroic woman reports that she crisis.
they fall wore the Houndlamond right in delegation consisting of Voroshilov, established a reputation of settling little punch will bring Born deaf ears. They have nation wide union.
Prockup, and William of the then of clans interrelation With the exceptionalisthed be ahead for the National. This is the face of the Russian Bolsheviki Commar of War, Karakhan, Asshops regardless of union condi In which the well established Satles him to his feet fighting mad. Drive scbindler take a clear cut positionships. The imja verished petty and though they hated me for it sistant Commissar of Foreign Afthey had to put up with it. From catrs, General Budenny, and Bubtions so long as the Industrial untul Technicians quity exists, the become the slogan of the Equity on two of the fundamental issues bourgeoise 10 Jonger teel bound. DENTAL MECHANIC. causing the crisis in international closely submissive dependence tu ion is recognized. Their influence standard of living of the mechanles now.
of Education, Communism in the last ten years the big bourgeoise. The old pojmu how on American women can safely nor, Commissar is almost unbelievable. Generally wear their diamonds in Russia. journeyed to Angora to take part among the upholsterers is neighbought of by the publie as a pro IN Truckers Win socialism in one country and the list revolt of the farmers against sible question of a Farmer Lahor party monopoly capitalism is slaping it So if you save enough of the 00. the celebration, where they were tesxion. mechanical dentistry is in self anew (1 wo class party. The drift to the left is week which generous America Liven an enthusiastie reception. The agreement of Local 76 calls extremely poor shape. In a huge Demands allows you to feed a family of four, Old and New Turkey The idea of a Farmer Labor visible even if not expressed in to take a trip to Moscow, have no The Soviet film, taking on the bour. This is the same as the prechy like Chiengo mechanics are still putting in six days a week at party Lx properly condemned by wlitical orgunition as yet. lu this process the nomination of Uptear, take your diamond tiara with form of a travelogue of such Turk vious agreement with the exception With only the threat of a strike them as a reactionary policy folst. ton Sinclair for governor of Caliyou. Mrs. Edward McLeon, that is cities at Stamboul, Smyrna, that springer and operators re sottom living wages. Skilled menthe largest group of New Yorked on the Comintern by the Right fornia is merely at symptom. Still with ten and Afteen years of exsterling American patriot has made Adena and Angora, tints in glow ceived one dollar an hour previousperience, continue to work for the truckers won their demand for a wing in the 19:23 1026 period. All another symptom of the greatest Hussin vafe for American dia tus colors, the differences between None of the opeu show have intserable wage of 20 25 per week. restoration of a five doliar wase today rejected by the sto import in the crossing of the major che old and new Turkey. It seks settled as yet. And the reason for The semi skilled and apprentices cut which they voluntarily took a ratus temporary party lines in the formation of the to depict the advances which Tur this is because only a few of them get even less.
opagation conservative reactionary American The Strike key has made under the dictatoriai are being pricketed. The union the International Tecimeters, sent of the concept of a two class party Liberty League. break up of the New York is witnessing the its ultimatum to the Master Truck is still a fundamental part of Love two party system of capitalist rule Ponderously and impressively the Premier Ismet asha and their militumey in spite of the pleus of beginning of determined drive to ers Bureau. the bosses association, tome program.
regime of shows in America in the near future tighten New textile workers of America mobil Popular Party which is the only the leadership. These are them with a fine group of union me demanding that at the expiration Condemn Socialism in Country would be fraught with the greatest ize for war. Starting with 200, 000 gul jirty in Turkey. From the fruits of last year strike when is taking step to unlonize the in recelve an increase in wages. The statement pointing out the fullacy It would be the final result of the ark, of the agreement September they This abandonment, says the signiticunee for the working class.
raise their figures day by day as le film might pinly imagine che industry was mixed due to is shops and individual cases in both ing higher wages than anywhere country of the permanent and fusection after section of the indus chut the Kemalist regine has been able mistakes.
bosses whined that they were pay of the theory of socialism in one molecular chunges in class relations try Joined in preparation for some a workers republie!
cities are under a campaign that else and could not meet competi taking place slowly but with inBanish struggle. Today, Labor Day, they le thought!
The upholsterers can still be will clean up every loose spot that tion. They urged the workers to tarian revolution has led to the eyes.
ternational character of the prolecreasing monentuin under our speak of close to million being la Turkey the Communist Party ton if a plan of organization of aroused into some real tighting ac exists.
involved. What tremendous loyal and bear with them until bankruptey of the Communist in Baltimore soon will face the the endless depression was over.
Torce that is! And what mich and all other workers political. he open shop is presented by the expiration of its agreement made These Ribis were without effect with that the wenkening of the stoups have been suppressed for efficials in charge.
ternational, its extreme weakening The NRA as Precipitant army American labor will throw years. Several years ago numbers The report of in the last strike. Serious prepar on the drivers. They prepared Soviet Union which is part of the to act as the lifeline for capitalist The NRA, designed by Ioosevelt into battle after it has broken the were killed by firing squad and whicli clans to represent the open full demands of the new agreement cotiations with an association ation is under way to obtain the their strike Iminediately and the international movement.
stranglehold of Green, Lewis and bosses thers wat to fall for how boss will not at all meet This time there will be a crew of and gave in.
profits, is nevertheless acting as a forgot about competition And by the way. has cominy.
Lovestone misrepresentation of precipitant in rating out the anyone seen or heard of the revotast countries as the United how of strength by striking wev.
been Several Independent firms held the position of Communist wo major class interest. Roosethrough the mill. They face the out. The uniou struck und inside League, twisting quotations and velt philosophy of liberalism asthe TU. Or do the revolu States, England, France, etc Trade Unions Banned eral of the key gun shore of the west with the firm conviction iwo or three days these bushes tying about facts is vehemently in the state and primarily tionary unions, like the League to himself as the state executive, branded in the statement. They Against War and Fascist, disap by the workers themselves are pro Genuine trade unious organized industry. That will kive courage born of experience of having stood capitulahe demands hn ve been take the wlick lawyers for Stalin. the wate einbolled the role of also.
to the other workers who have not np under a stiff grind that was toDear from the scene when real ae bibited. The popular Party, the set responded to the strike call and tally unexpected when it first came granted and the onion thus solicism to talk on their distortion of mediator between the capitalists Lion startsy creature of Kemal Pahat, hals or Pring them into line.
With Baltimore will stand the des It has the opportunity of be the stand of the League on the and the working class. To premixed company untos under its If the strike is not merely to be solid bunch of technicians of kinning an intensive organizational thermidor In Russia, and the serve the illusion of fairness Roos Unemployment and Cost of Living own col which have only put a reaffirmation of the terms of the Washington with the lesson of so drive to broaden the membership to rade unious. On the latter ques evelt at one moment makes a deciWhile food prices rose, Federal rexisme but when the vapl. agreement and is to make me lidarity and collaboration learned include all drivers, helpers and on they declare: To read this siou favorable to the boss, at the Relief Administrator Hopkins an calist regime uses for propaganda serious kains for the upholsterers in the last strike. Now Washing others comeeted with this industry policy in the columns of the MHi next one apparently benefiting the nounces that next winter will see purposes to create the impression systematic efforts innst be made to ton looks at its own problems and in New York.
tant, to see it carried out as in workers. At all times loosevelt is the largest numbers ever on feder that the Turkish workers exercise strike every open shop in the city aims at the solution of its own sit Minneapolis shows that it can be Minties polls and then to compare concerned with hiding the real na al relief. Bill Green says that next their right to orguulze. Even ac he conclusion of the strike, if pro wation. The strike weapon will done.
it with the sectarian trade union ture of the state and making it winter will be the worst yet. Fall cording to such capitalist sources position which Lovestone ascribed appear to the masses to be above ing off in employment and soaring as the International Labor Review, There are about 1, 000 paid up to the is a realization of the special interest. above the class living costs mark the second year (1982) pablished by the Internadepths of misrepresentation to es. In the present crisis the state members in the organization at the anc of the New Deal. Strike struktional Labor Office of the langue which the leadership cum has concentrated tremendous pow.
present time which is a drop of ers in its hands and has focused gles develop into reneral strikes of Nations, the Turkish worker is NO. The Stalinist press at this As in California, or spread to an permitted to burgain only Individu the attention the masses on its time consists of the Unemployed Lovestone Democracy functioning. Under such circumentire ludustry as in textile. Here are with his employers and the Worker, a mimeographed sheet with Prior to joining the o. the stances, the very role that Roosedying capitalism and its grave dig open shop prevails almost every where.
circulation of three hundred, and five comrades concerned were mem velt has assigned to himselt will general the Turkish sers are both revealed.
workers porsers neither civil liberbers of the Proletariau Party The Vancouver Branch of the two more shop papers, the circula in the end help We have before us a copy of a They entered the with mis disillusion the two tion of which is unknown.
ties nor economie richt, Lasgue was formed some Upton Sinclair masses, for Roosevelt will be The American Federation of Labor Chich can finns inte bara en el resto paper. svinge sta libes pestione others foren: forced on every major conflict to There exists no factory or inbor months ago and since that time has In 1928 the great engineer, ralled the scissorbills. In 1932 tbe protective legislation of any kind. donbled its membership. During the trade unions in this district in the world to carry the astonishe told that these would be threshed italists and only the shadow to the New Deal proinista to the for. And although a draft of a labor this period two mas netings bavel and althongh there are a few radi ing news that Leon Trotsky is now out within the organization. First workers. The working class is gutten man turned the trick. In code lux been drawn up by the been helt with approximately 100 1934 something else is required and Boverninent it has remained only present at each meeting. The cal workers inside they are very in New Jersey! This hair raising the treatment of Herbert Zam and forced as a matter of its very extale reads like a story of Arthur the extraordinary restrictions on Istence to struggle for decent living from California and from other draft. In July 1982 an act passed speaker at both these meetings put weak at the present time.
All Canadian Congress of Labor Conan Doyle: hy the National Assembly prohib torward the necessity for a new discussion and then the experiene conditions, to resort to ever greater states it emerger, The new de Trotsky was brought to There are a few organizations from international. Though we failed to this es of Comrade Bock who was sent strikes. In building up through the inceracy the extension of thellel foreign for Werke mostraw any new members from those affiliated to this body, but they are country through a conspiracy with to the National Training School of NRA an apparatus to forestall and btaining employment new deal. end poverty and very weak and are very seldom Baron de Rothschild and our own the in New York served to break strikes, to accustom the and non manual trades. meetings. we did succeed in mak socialistle Democrat piles up the manual heard from Bernard Baruch who is claimed to completely disillusion them in the workers to submitting disputes to votes. It was to be expected that foreigners already engaged in oeing neutral some of the hostile ele The Unemployed be the chief advisor to Roosevelt. Lovestone group.
this apparatus so that after it has the state of Almee Semple McPher.
All single unemployed men (ft) Prior to coming to the United This training consisted of stal been given flesh and blood it may son would furnish the newest new revured to abandon jobs within sisted in pushing the sales of the douter. The rating vegetarian, so year. Thomands of Greek and literature of the League, by attend are sent to relief camps where they states his activity pet the detaillist rubuish as dished out by the be transformed into a mechanism tors and monarchs of all of Ea Lavestoneiter constituting the of compulsory arbitration. Sooner Cialist democrat with his eple Jewish and other workers were ing various meetings and asking work building roads for seventy questions relative to the 4th cents per day with board and work rope. Sent to Turkey he strength theoretical end and lectures by or later Roosevelt will be forced to an is just the latest but not the Crown out of jobs.
Minorities Oppressed ternational, and making connec clothes. There are 8, 000 men in ened the socialist dictatorship of Julius Hochman, right wing trade resort to more pen methods of Jast of the distractions of the AmThe rights of minority national tons with individuals who are not the camp at the present time. Sing the Jew Kemal Pasha. Then heunion skate in the y. needle bridling the rebellious workers, erican working class on its road to class Awakening. The Stalinistities, of which there are a number, yet decided on which way to 10 to unemployed (untit) are given went to Spain, where, with some trades and three outdoor meetings possibly martial law and the use for meals and 10 every two Jewish money he overthrew Al the practical end.
of federal troopa Aleantime the vero cult of birthday celebrating are not recognized ly the Turkish The Cooperative Commonwealth weeks all in seript Single girls handful of Jews and free masons. comrades closes with an endorse The statement of the Detroit two major contenders for power, the capitalists and the workers, helped to bedevil the minds of the policy of compulsory assimila Federation. This organization, the are given the same as single unnt From there he left for Francement of the declaration of the will begin to feel ever greater dishrleking whirling dervishes have overnment. It follows a chauvinton of all minorites into Turkish Canadian prototype of European men les difty cents. We have no where he remalued the guest of the League for a new party as put satisfaction with the mediating workers. On with our task the ulture. this Sovlet om noth Social Democracy was formed two data on band at the present time bulding of a Communist party mod free mason Chautemps and the lished in the Militant on Septem state which balks the workers and Lasel on the principles of Narng. Of course. Is said of these years ago and since then bas taken regarding the correct amount that Jew Blum. Expelled from Franceber 30, 1933 and a pledge to work yet does not so far enough to suit Ini Leninism and carrying out the miserable conditions under which part in the Provincial elections the married unemployed are rely the Fascists and Royalists, loyally for its creations antion the bones.
min where they succeeded in having ceiving.
strategy and tacties tested in strug the Turkish workers and ste by the masters of revolutionary anything would concerning Trotsky entered u plot with Roth of the Fourth International.
arity nationalities live. Neither is even candidates elected. However, General Remarks the we must not forget to mention that tactics and strategy. Lenin and white slave trattle of stambon the section of the Is mining, smelting, thing, lumber as the former valet. on the way these comrades into our ranks and The main industries in are America via the Pacific disguised We welcome the entrance of Middle Class a Decisive Factor The middle class, including the the way to overcome the dema of this nefarious industry. Prostitions in Canada Trotsky. That and that alone which is the world largest center more radical than the other sec line and canning. The Stalinists they stopped in Vladivostok where hope that their step will be the major part of the farmers, is a de.
the time kuries and the class they repre Intion is more rampant in this was first formed there was claim to have groupe working in all a secret conference was held with herald for imilar moves on the etsive element in the coming strukFent.
har in any other place in the split in the Socialist Party of of those industries, but with the Radek. the jersonal represente part of other workers who have gle for power. This class is won to the workers side not merely by world.
Canada, the biggest part of which exception of the lumbering indus tive of Stalin. And now that been sidetracked into some blind the correctness of policy of the Labor Day Speeches Trotsky is America he has es alley of Stalinism.
vanguard party of the workers and Slue Turkey is primarily an athliated to the Other rod. try it is all hooey.
One of our foremost statesmen, agricultural country the national cal elements who up to this time tablished himself in the Red the courage sind ability to lead Mr. Blah Blah congratulated the atte dictatorship of Kemal Pasha lund leen at luose end also focked International Bulletin Out House in new Jersey where he has House (connterpart to the White proceeds on this continent as be shown by this vanguard, but also unemployed of this great country has undertaken an industrial de into the ranks of the and in done elsewhere. President by the programa designed specififor the patience they had shownvelopment along the lines of state this way a strong left wing has has already met with leaders of Roosevelt should take care of his cally to solve under the leadership Price Reduced the past four years, while they apitalism. Ineked partly by a loan developed which has forced the the brain trust and is directing the health for the defunct president of the workers, the problems conwere being stripped of everything eight million gold roubles from bureancracy to take action on the wave of strikes now current in this Doumer of France was assassinat fronting the middle class. The ney Messed. We took your the Soviet Corernment. The prin economie field.
The International Bulletin No. country. But this is only the best in Rothschild homes in partea bourgeoiste rallies the petty bourjob your life insurance, your bank agent in this polley is The In fact the bas practically is now off the pres and can be ob Kinning for in the spring of 1986 dersite, your car and your home. state Industrial Bank (Sumerian selxed control of the stalinist intained by orderit it from the Trotsky is to give the signal for who want to see the great revolu of all the conceivable forms of We turned you out on the streets ank) which directly manages nployed councils. Two days ago Militant office. The price has been the great socialist and communist tionist in this country, not in a demagogy. At the present time by the tens of thousands but you some undertakings and is a share the Parliamentary Committee reduced to five cents a copy.
bara attack on the whole north Ameri nightmare of the Fascists but in Roosevelt and his supporters are still have faith in our demagogic Solder lo others. And it is in these working in conjunction with the serial appearing in this issue of the can continent. Canada is to act actuality, will apply yourself to concerned with preventing the midinstitutions. Your dumbness. undertaking that the workers are rievance committee forced the re International Bulletin has not been simultaneous with the United the job of making the dementel dle class and the workers under the mean your patriotism. gives us denied the right of trade union or lief authorities to close one of the previously published elsewhere and States and power is to be selxed. scoop a reality. Let begin the influence of middle class radicals contidence to go forward to bigger animation!
pogeys, and give the men who were from among the items contained. The write up concludes with a campaign for asylum for Leon from going left and joining their and better things in the future. What would the suppressed incarcerated their bed and meal we emphasize the following: warning to Roosevelt: Trotsky Trotsky in the United States now! forces with those of the proletarStand by the President who stands workers of Turkey. deprived of all tickets in places of their own 1) Contribution toward a Disfat. That they feel a distinct need by you. Communists, allen to our rights, have to say concerning the choosing. Of course the Stalinists cussion on the Basic Conceptions of for a clearer policy in line with FALL TERM OF INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL shores, will preach the foreign doceans of praise henped upon their are trying to make believe that the International Communist this purpose is shown by the statetrines of revolt, let us all rise to rely a group that calls it they were the means of closing the League.
TO OPEN OCTOBER 1st ment of Secretary of the Interior ether and kive them our answer. Helf a Bolshevik workers pirty. pogey.
2) Toward a Conference of the The Internatioual Workers school will open at its new headIckes concerning the American My Country tis of Thee. Loud Why they would ask, has the The at the present time Latin American Sections.
Liberty League: ve been hoping applare. Several collapse from Soviet Republe become quarters, 144 Second Avenue, on October 1st, with the following prope has one weekly newspaper with.
3) The German Section of the courses: ever since 1912 that we have pohunger.
ganda ngency for the Turkish Na circulation of 12, 000 and still International Communist League.
litical parties divided on real istional State? The answer which growing. You will bear more from 4) The Trade Union Thesis of ABC of Marxism. Carl Cowl, Instructor sues. It looks if it working Speech by Mr. Flea: a real Bolshevik would bave to the left wing of this organization the and of Holland.
Every Friday at 8:00 PM out that way at least. Today we Mr. Flea congratulated the dog give lles in the foreign policy of in the future. The probability is 5) In the Belgian Section (1) our Organisation Principles. Instructor to be announced have different groups in each parfor the patience he had shown dur the Stalinist regime which is ready tnt there will be a split. attempt to fuse with the Henaut Every Thursday at 8:00 PM ty. d like to see all the progreyIng this trying period. There are to betray the interests of the poor The Stalinists group (b) a letter from comrade History and Principles of the International sives together and all the conservthose who will tell you that yon peasants and workers of Turkey The counterpart of this organiz Gourov.
Communists atives together. We would get a. Mar Shachtman should get rid of theas, declared for the sake of a trade agreementation can be found on any part of 6) Extracts from speech of clear cnt platform and not be Every Wednesday at 8:00 PM.
Mr. Flen. But want to tell you with their oppressors BROWN the continent, with perhaps one ex comrade Sneevliet, deputy in the afraid to state the issues. The 1sthat feas and dogs have always reption, Workers in. Dutch Parliament, and other items.
State and Revolution. Jack Weber sues would be those appealing to League branches should make gone together, when the flea goes of the number on your wrapper dastrini Union. The be Every Monday at the middle class.
hungry the dog must be in a very tween the months of February and sure to secure a sufficient supply American History. Felly Morrow bad way. Our Interests are the May carried on a strike for an in of the International Bulletin No Every Wednesday at 8:00 An Interesting Note rame, Trouble makers and agita crease in wages and recognition of for all members and for sympathetElementary Marxian Economics. Alfred Weaver The letter sents by John tors are trying to turn you against or smaller, your subscription to the the union. The strike was passive lic workers who are interested. It Every Friday at 8:00 Brooks Wheelwright on the need ns. You should chase those ene Militant expired. Do not delay. nl the way through. They succeed will be furnished, however, only on You are urged to register now for whatever courses you are in for creating a united front for the mies down an alley. They are reds Send your renewal in at once and ed in gaining a slight increase in the condition that cash is advanced teested in. Registrations are accepted daily at the office of the defense of comrade Trotsky was and opposed to the principles of 40 save us unnecessary Inbor and wages, but falled to secure recor with the order. The price, formerlikewise sent the Socialist publicaschool. Each course is 50 for the complete termurther informour constitution which recognizes xpense. If you cannot renew at nition of the union. Many of the ly ten cents copy, is now reduced tion, the American Guardian, and atlon may be obtained by telephoning Gramercy 9624.
and regulates the rights aud duties This time let us know bow 2000 you loggers who took part in the strike to five cents copy. Send your published therein.
or both flers and dok RILL. can.
are being fired on any pretext. orders to the Militant office.
JACK WEBER. 4. 240