Civil WarCommunismGermanyImperialismStrikeWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorld War

WORKERS OF THE WORLD, THE MILITANT UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 36 WHOLE NO. 240 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 1934 PRICE CENTS Minneapolis Major Angas Lid Comes off Textile Strike Sweeps Over Nation; In Elections Big «Boom Disclosures 10 Killed as Workers Defy Thugs, Armed Scabs, Troops, South in Fore a: Flying Squads South Awakens; Mill Hands Shady Deal er house. According to latest retain bok publised by the British this very instant, and don you Strike Fear Become Fighting Legions Loomsin New Into Bosses Negotiations of CLIMBING OUT two.
life Labor Leaders Say No War on War role after parts owu atter town MM.
The elections in the Minneapolis Along with all the reports of Oh, my dear, what a stench!
trucking industry, held under the strikes, lockouts and shootings of And to think, that cat luns been terms of the strike settlement, restriking pickets etc. the press has dend for only forty two years.
sulted in a sweeping victory for cu carrying during the last few Why does it stink so?
the union in nearly all of the larg wecks Hamboyant reports of a cer Oswald! Replace that cover ports the elections business analyst. Major dare take another peep.
the 22 mark et houses the heart of the strugAngus The Coming American The urms investigation commitBoom Kle in the places involving the conwhere they discovered. THERE IS that the union carried the clee worthy of the attention of a labor AN INTERNATIONAL ARMS tions in 10 out of the houses.
weekly, but the peculiar way in COMBINE!
which the press extolled it and the Virtually the same proportion fact that the other day the World United States a submarine building It seems that there is in the prevailed also in the larger trans Telegram, of the Scripps Howard company that goes by the sucking Ouly lunt Werk, on Sept. a, between the two Carolinas and fer companies tions the union carried these also in installments, with a headline ership is as yet undisclosed see it thunderous eburns amens working on a 10 mile front, lus According to the terms of the The Corning American Boom on you can kness, Morgan. InPout the heart of struggle striking terFrumont of nowhere thick into dent of the North Carolina State states.
greeted wrence, the presided over 50 mills in the two strike settlement the employers its first page. gl. us a very strong Rockefeller. Guggenbem. This ror in the hearts of sents, dispers dressed a meeting of 1, 000 dele southward, are closing down all They huve garrisoned the BULLETIN Federation of Labor, as he ad towns captured and proceeding The Federal Mediation Board union in all those places where it ning of a great press agent camines all over the world. Wherever hard. hurricane like the Flying lotte, North Carolina.
has Initiated peace conference secured a majority in the elections peign to boost the already discred some foreign company did the ne Picket Squads.
rates of textile locals out at Charplants.
in an effort to end the strike in und to deal with it directly to ited New Deal aid to plug up with tual building of the submarine the Some 160 pickets of a flying! the textile industry. Francis wage and other negotiations. The ballyhuo some othe holes which We tight for the lord and our quadron ed into Greenville Gorman, head of the strike comFor this new weapon in the tex union leadership has already for have been torn into it by continu families, he exclaimed. The after salg complete control of mittee, has accepted the peace. twr the use of its patents. When alle strike streets terrifying Arst strike on record was the Gastonia and all of Gaston county overture of the Board despite hits mulated schedule of wage de 11g unemployment, rising prices carlier statement that he would mands and has presented them to and profits and stationary wages, ever the American company got the to the bosses as were the tanks strike in which Moses led the child and are engaged at present in ty.
contract the forein Boat Bulld when tirst they made their appear area of Isruel ont of slavery from ing up the mills in the battle refund arbitration until every the employers. If agreement is not Few Sucke. This Time ance tu the World War, the work reached the wage dispute will then The New Deaters and their hired cut in the profiles for the use ofers are indebted to the herole torty years to win our strike.
ing were to Egypt. but it won take us which is destined to be historie in mill was closed. George go to arbitration within ten days. press agents will miss their mark their patents.
Sloan, spokesman for the textile American lathor history. The truck drivers of Minneapolis, The capitalist press reports of this time, we far. The striking The business worked ont somebosses, also agreed to a confer The delegates went wild when lege of Greenville.
In Minneapolis the truckmen Lisk, organizer ont at Concord, ence.
the elections were misleading. The textile workers who have had their thing like this.
Hying squads halted trattie one hun belowed: fervently belleve God The class struggle has swept The Changing South Prevlously, Gorman announced 100 firms represented in the Em wages of 12 and 13 dollars fixed by dred percent until the town was Busy with Death he was going to ask for Federal ployers Advisory Committee all Xew Deal law, and who have Seven years ago, when relations placed under martial law is with us in this struggle for our through the cution south and has Troops to proteet strikers. Ten desconducted elections. Many of these been beaten and shot by new deal between Chile und Peru were far perate Coed y for the loves to me there arose a wild, ebanting chorus along with his prejudices and big scores injured under the protecselves and our familles. Again, mobilized the southern workers hurve already been killed and are small one horse concerns. The guards will not suddenly take up from harmonious and the controve, and one they will live to reof Amens.
otry of lycone age. What if tion of National Guardamen.
earried approximately one half and when they learn of Major Angas still boiling, the Electric Boat Co. sent the prickety speeding to the What Do the Prayers Mean? some southern textile workers These latest developments lost the other half while a dozen thout the devalution of the dollar it was showt, was working day strategie points, to strike and dis Does this scene, religiously ecstachunt Amen when their picket should cause every textile worker or so others are in context. What will enable the banks to increase and night for contracts to arm appear.
tic, signify perhaps, that the strike, leader is addressing them. That to watch any and all moves of the reports neglected to state is (Continue on Page 4) Peru. Representatives of Vickers And now, with almost equal ef as far as the south is concerned, is is but a remunt of the past im the leadership.
that the union carried the market Vigilance must be the motto when the Gormans and the big transfer companies and Ltd. the British arms manufactur fectiveness, the Flying Picket essentially a religious movement, losing itself on their newly comes out of the context more er. ally of the Americans, were Squads have made their appearan outlet for pent up emotions? awakened class consciousness, their begin to make deals with the just as busy on the other side trs ance in the textile strike with Events lave proved otherwise. courage and herolsın. They are Losses.
strongly entrenched than ever before.
ing to convince the Chileans to what result, let George Sloan, pres Ever since the Civil War, the playing again that the American invest in a submarine Hotilla or ident of the Couton Textile lusti ruling classes have been inculcat worker. Once rused, sweeps aside Thousunds of armed scabs, bruWith this firm base in the heart tute, textils ing religion into the mill hands all law and constitutional for tal deputies, the greatest military of the industry the task of eventuIn the meantime the two com flying squadron of 1, 500 as they early recognized the value malities when questions of display since the World War, the ally lining up the smaller firms is panies were giving each other ad workers is going from mill to mill of religion us ou aid to liscipline. are at stake.
killing of ten strikers and the greatly simplified, and the union MANAS vice as to how to proceed, and of and preventing workers from en The southern workers are but a The south is the backbone of wounding of scores, have failed to has already announced a campaign dan the Irresistible strike wave of education and organization to readers of the Militant that the other profit We are happy to announce to the course were getting a cut in each tering the mills. Sloun complains. generation removed from the poor this historie textile strike. face of coercion and intimida whites who eked out a miserable resideu! Itoosevelt may appoint that has tooded the textile indus.
this end.
About this time the United States tot by persons coming in by fleets existence on their tobacco and a new board and Hopkins may istry and stopped the looms from us raise one foot out of the Hinan Navy enters the one. The details of automobiles the workers do not corn patches in the Wills of the use statements that the strikers One half million workers are out clal rut.
are too gory, but it seems that andare enter the mills.
The contributions which kept us American naval commission was For the rest, let the news reports lowlands, who shared their crops government is concerned, but the on strike, with the flying picket above the water line of bankruptcy sent down to Peru to help build up petk for themselves with their employers. Suddenly southern worker will have a sec squads swooping down and closing Pressed forward by a militant names of those who threw us the ines were sold by the Electric Bont police arrested 30 inembers of a filthy mill towns. built so, that life to the care of mediation life line follow: Co. and the admiral wife took a Hying sjundron but not before tive if you see mill town in Charbourds, preachers or the govern rank and file, ready to brave tear The perfect funky does not wait Downtown Branch. 10. 00 free trip to Europe.
10. 00 The Admiral. Captain Alfred plants had been closed by them. lotte, North Carolina, you know the ment. Today the south takes its gas and bnyonets, prepared to night for his master orders, but anticBarriers of bayonets withstood the looks of every mill towu from Car place in the forefront of the class to the finish, even the diffident top 00G. Howe, head of the Peruvian Compelled to struggle with San Francisco, Port Leadership has been forced to Issue ipates the unspoken desire. By the bold statements.
Hurlem Brane.
same token, no one offers his ser4. 00 naval mission, is huzy about who assaults of flying squadrons pool na to Georgia We shall agree to arbitration vices to the enemy more eagerly Anonymous, lirooklyn. 00 paid for the trip. It might have two Greenville mills. Time af live in these, they were completely land, Minneapolis and Toledo.
George Stoun, President of only after we have closed all mills Novnek and lice.
world and continually under the the Cotton Textile Institute, Inc. in all divisions of the industry. 00 been the Electrie Boat Co, but ter time the strikers surged for secluded from the rest of the than the renegade. 00 have forgotten the details. don to close.
Becker The mills finally decidbeck and call of the mill owner. who is a very wise man, said, says Prancis Gorman, heading Thus Stanley Baldwin calls for Kim. 00 see anything of color about it. Flying squadrons of strike The Mill Town am not in a mood to smile.
increased air forces to defend Tobin 00 Sir Basil Cleans Up Great Britain enlarged borders, Berman 00 Sir Basil Zaharoff, notorious to shock troops rant rampant through The toll town is private properthing is getting wurse by the hour. the strike committee.
Every Loom Idle Is Alm. Our frontier is now the Rhine. 00 ternational arms manufacturer, is the industrial South and there ty. The land belongs to the mein Worse for Sloan but improving for the workers.
But the matter has passed out. and his Munkies among the so. To church belongs to the the called leaders of British labor falling. comrades. It has helped paytwo million dollars in commissions lervention after will surren mill owner. The school house beof his hands. The workers will So does not stop unt. they have closed over their reels in their haste to Cor paper and keep the sheries for Business sent to the Ameri dured before the knife!! ke thrusts longs to the will owner.
offer up the workers to the slaugh healthy distance. But it is nothing can company. The Introduction or the saloon, the Young Men Chris mill in the textile Industry.
Ir Minneapolis Association, and brothel.
permanent. Giv the same cond the name of this month and longe this territie taette, it developed it ou sehool teacher and the preten: In Militant Start blant of sun tire that left ten strik Only a year ago, the British La tions we will be in the same jam mystery man created rather for to a point of perfection. It emphaer are hired and revelve their salers dead, the Flying Picket Squads bor Party Issued ringing call for next week or. He was noted for his impartisized dramatically for the whole aries from the mill owner.
have since pressed uu to fresh vica General Strike in the event of As we go to press we have not ality in aiding in the armaments labor movement the value of the keeper of law and order is the The Philadelphia, Sept. The tex tories, war. But that was year ago, yet heard trom our out of town of both the allies and the central Squads as a weapon to counteract company policeman, who is delle strike which is sweeping the The strike is far more serious and they have since been tipped branches and sympathizers. We powers during the latest the new strike weapons or the entoff by Buldwin that war is really hope they will make the grade in slaughter.
imminent. That changes the situs fine style as New York.
As a result of this international players, womit kus, riot cars and paid xulary by the company. The the battle round of many a bitter began. Arthur Besse, spokes(Continued on Page 1)
uation, of course.
ruling class hus been teaching the struggle between capital and labor. man for the woolen textile manuDonations were called for this tle up American patent secrets The number mill hauds loyalty. obedience. demonstration of about 000 facturers, admitted. It is our duty untiuchingly to week because of the emergency. leaked to Germany during the sud the joys of life after death, for textile workers tovk place on Maeor mills closing has been tremen.
support our government in all the We don want to continue alarm war, and were used in the design fifty years and has fostered upon dous, he added. 41 Letlour Du y.
risks and consequences of fulfilling our Rendered frantie by the successshij them all the age old superstitions There was holiday spirit. The cul onslaughts of the workers, the ing itu duty to take action against signals. There are ways this can that preyed on American a peace breaker, reads the state be avoided. during the war.
and prejudices against Yankeex. workers present realized that any manufacturers in South Carolina concessions printed by the lose bave petitioned Governor Black That is why, since 1900, textile would have to be won in bitter wood to declare martial law. The the labor Party.
pay up on the obligations they un 60 It is yet dillicult to say.
ready several government depart.
capital has steadily been drifting struggle.
And the general strike as andertook. The gentlemen may ery peace south. The south was the country State militia, sebs armed illegalments have asked that testimony or particular interest was the ly with revolvers, with the full anti war weapon is now officially All outstanding bundle acof cheap and contented labor.
Secretary of War Dern deplores the chambers of Commerce ap Sou remark. that this was a sanits of special deputies, all these condemned by the Trade Union counts held by branches or Indi Elven by them be kept secret to peace! but there is no peace.
applause which greeted Alice Hun knowledge of the authorities, thouCouncil.
viduals should immediately be avoid complications The Fire Behind the Smoke the use of the militia in industrial It is not at all likely that this straightened out and the money to move southward where uative the industrialists have taken over Enough Soldiers country will ever be the agres forwarded.
sor. Thus plously George GibIn reply. Blackwood indicated ho many years. The reasons for their admits. But the militia coutuu loyal and entiful.
explain life if It can be called that that he might declare sections of Having agreed to support de Those holding upon books should not difficult to see. They will be Governor of South Carolina threat unchangeable, and contented the Organizatio. Press Campaign.
ens to proclaim martial law, take Strikes are unknown. it is faith Levinson spoke on the right to rection, but, he asserted, he did brands picket and prevent scabs from not have sufficient troops at his disnuw proceed to place a definition them within the next two weeks the investigation committee turns working while lawyer Simes de posal to take care of the whole in boo. and receipts.
troope! more troops!
to placate the most ardent imperHow reconcile Dern pacille ut The meeting was adjourned at ialist, the most vicious warlord.
That was written back in 1927.
There are 1, 000 Guardsmen on Will the evidence produced reMilitant work hard to carry out But the next year the southern 3:15 Many of the workers inty in Greenville, alone. The The British frontiers today is the details outlined above we will suit in legislation forbidding the terances with the increasing use of the Rhine, says Baldwin, and the be a long way towards stability in shlyent of all arms to foreign these blazing headlines militia in textie strike, with ruling class had to fight at Gas left tu ticket the concordia silk Governor said it wonld take three Miti.
or four thousand troops to enforce labor funktes con for the desire the issuance of the end a martial law order, and that he a little All that is helns required of the lelmeted Troops Move to strike Cheap But Not Contented Negro balters, Anglo saxons, did not have that number of troops But the warlords demand snerifice is needed. The example of American armament manufacturers Battle Fronts! 10 Killed. 40 In And today the southern textile Pure Whites take note: In North Carolina there are more even more.
worker, still living in mill towns no frontiers; the sun never sets on who turned ove: 99. 00 in the face sen too many guns and ammunition the secretary and stop your troops meetings and no union organizers person in America without a cernelude mil that hapet se po preber you must, but for God sake. don Jured as Deputies Open Fire. Before many centuries have soldiers under arms than at any where no halls can be hired for elapsed there will not be a single time since the World War. These the British Empire. What of war of an eviction notice from his home in the Far East, what of Japan, should be an inspiration to everyto our direct enemies. rom killing workers.
are allowed to enter, have shown tain portion of negro blood.
India, Mongolia Latest reports indicate that tex: their backwardness in the labor Not a communist or a nager or strike breaking one. Other cotirades not in such activities We will distinguish, the labor straitened circumstances w111 EDUCATIONAL MEETING tile workers have been removed struggle and labor history of Amlover said this but a blue blooded armed with gas hombs, machine flunkies answer gravely. between please take note.
The United States Youth from the picket line and sent into erica is a thing of the past. Englishmen, Lord Raglan, chair guns, rifles and bayonets. war of aggressive character, and In closing: We are making vallstrike duty on the militia. This Lahor is still cheap in the man of the Anthropological SociNor is this situation confined to Congress a war undertaken in defense of ant efforts to make the Militant scoundrelly effort to convert hon south, wrote a northern corres ety.
the South alone. The Northern the collective peace system. readable and understandable to the (Report by One of Delegates)
est strikers into scab protecting pondent, Just before the strike. And those who think that mis.
manufacturers are mustering their duty to take action against a peace average worker. The opportuni gunmen will inevitably fail. The but it is no longer contented. cegenation is not the best Amer armies of thugs as the workers breaker.
ties are now at hand to spread the Why Did the Rooseveltians Split It results will recoil upon the heads The tree, unchangeable and con ican custom will please look prepare to descend upon Lawrence, What greater assurance coula Militant in every shop, factory and of the bosses who ordered it. Take tented labor of Spartanburg to the skeletons in their closet Mass. Dighton, and other centers Britain imperialists demand? worker home. few extra pounds Thursday, Sept. 13 at 8:30 heed when you draw the battle where strikes are unknown has and those of the most ancestral of seat industry. Their efforts, as This is more than an offer of sup of energy and the Militant circula144 Second Avenue, lines too clearly: Government organized fifty strike squads, de homes of Georgia and they will they themselves are beginning to port, it is an open Invitation to tion can take a big leap.
against the Workers. The work spite the opposition of the union And what they didn expect to admit, will prove of no avail.
Let go!
Auspices: Spartacus Youth Leaguel ers will not fire upon their own. leaders, has obliterated the line find. Continued on Page 4)
Kensington Strike elemente en rades Bonito distress made building rela bera Dern Deplores But ment of the National Executive to be. Mohdery honla immediately How stare per investigation wiu Workers AreShot Cerca Series AL Can What has thus far been revealed conflicts: there is a growing feel. Pealed! to Northern manufacturers strike ainst the government, forare insufficient. In another column we pub has been comoin knowledge foring of resentment against it, he born, Anglo Saxon lubor is cheap. the government. She went on to son defends the Council betrayal. 18 the details of the closis disclosure at the present time is to shoot down textile workers, the labor in Spartanburg is free, in company owued mill villages. South Carolina in a state of insurupon defensive generous enough and ads sind friends of the motory and scrap Iron to Japan.
Its eyes to the sale of airplane bayonets. And the cry is more chamber of Commerce in its pronounced the bones for chiselling. Situation.
IC. war. James Cannon The Message of Minneapolis Irving Plaza (Just returned from a month stay in Minneapolis) Report and Analysis of the Great Strike. Sunday Sept. 16th. Sp.
15th Street Irving Place Admission 156