AntifascismAntifascist FrontBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninLeninismLiberalismMarxismRussian RevolutionSandinismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Trying to Turn the Clock Muenzenberg in a Web WORLD OF LABOR Of History Back Of Contradictions extractive meat, nitrate, fruit) and in rail representative of the hopeless pet It began to attain considerable suc declare general strike ourselves as little or no support in the unions which could While ngx.
International Youth Day YOUTH UNITE IN BELGIUM Called by the national committee At present we have the war in In the July 31st issue of the New By this casuistry, the Stalinists Belgian youth are showing the way of genuine All the gorious truditions of the revolutionary of the Socialist Party of Argentina, the Chaco. As the two little coun Masses, Willi Afuenzenberg under hope to extricate themselves from united front action to the young workers and stuyouth in their struksle aguinst capitalisan, militar la congress of Iberia American de tries involved directly become ex takes to explain the German events their responsibility for the German dents of the world. An agreement for action against Ism und war ure embodied in International Youth mocracy is scheduled to take place hausted both from the point of view to the American workers. lefeat. But it is a difficult task. wur and fascism has been arrived at between the Day.
in Buenos Aires in September. In of man power and economic It seems that there is very little it was not so long ago that Muenthree major youth organizations: The National FedAs the day of demoustration against these curses vited to participate in this congress strength, the powers behind these agreement on this question even in zenberg spoke in a different vein. eration of Young Socialist Guards, the Young Comof present day society, the first Sunday of every are the democratic parties and two governments of Paraguay and the minds of the Stalinist histor In Vebruary 1932, he had this to munist Lengue and the Young Leninists (the BelSeptember, was set aside by the revolutionary So central organizations of a demo Bolivia, the United States and ians, since each new pamphlet and say about the united front: Agian counterpart of clalist youth who inct at the first international anti cratic type of Latin America.
the Young Spartacus. The Great Britain, are obliged to call in article on the subject contradicts bloc or even an alliance, or even three organizations will fight for the liberation of war couference held during the World War. Who The task of this congress, accord other forces to decide the issue. the laborious apologetics of its pre temporary joint operation in indi all class war prisoners irrespective of political affiliwere more courageous than the handful of youth who ing to its callers, will be to unite The war in the Chaco is in acute decessors.
assembled at Berne, Switzerland, in the dark days the above described organizations danger of becoming continental, inof April 1916 However that may be, we are nist Party and the Social Democrathe dictatorial powers of the reactionary Belgian on a common plan of action in 18 ternational. The prize of this en presented by Muenzenberg with a tic Party in Germany against Na government, Further, the united organizations will Neither the muss chauvinistic spirit of the time vor of the following program: larged war will not be a small plece brand new interpretation, which is tional Socialism, would forever dis combut the recent government decrees calling for the Democratie parties, nor the powerful coercive powers ly and culturally. Free trade.
føstered by the capitalist class and the official Social Free interchange, commercial of land in the Chaco, but entire to give the American workers the credit the Communist Party among dissolution of the Young Socialist Guards and the South and Central America and key to the German situation.
the broad masses of the workers. Young Leninists. Independence of the war governments could deter their struggle. Pacitic solution of interna world hegemony.
Fired with revolutionary enthusiasm and a keen un tioual contiets.
Unfortunately, space limitations. Then, it was the united front be maintained in the united struggle against the com. All the efforts at citistic solu do not permit us to deal adequately ruin below that would crush tas. mon foe.
derstuuding of the tunperialist character of the World Defense of the republican and outcomes clues which liebe de la fishes with each point raised. What we ser bath sall, and all the title statinist youth organization have designed to enter Two features are of interest here. One is that the War, their small numbers and their isolation from dennocratic forms of government.
the mass of youth did not deter them from unfurling Labor legislation.
Not only will they not stop an im intend to do therefore, is to concern Muenzeubergs utter him: The So a united front with the counter revolutionary Trotthe banner of the Socialist strugkle against war, of trate exclusively material Control of foreign capital perialist war, but are also a great presented by Muenzenberg. and cial Democracy and Fascism are not skyists. And the other is the splendid attitude of revolutionary internationalism. Imperialistic capital. obstacle in the path of the revoluThese advanced youth had been taught by the Left Compulsory, tree, lay educationary solution of sameimperialet thut the premises laid down are core fuscisme could be destroyed. In a proposal to the Young Socialists calling for united show that even on the assumption antipodes but twins. It was first the Young Socialists in the course of the negotiations wing in the old Second International. Above alltion.
Liebknecht und Luxemburg had fought for the organ Separation of church and tween the imperialist war of the true (which they are not. tbe a statement of the Central Commit straggle in behatr of Thaelmann. To this the ization of the youth. As early as the 1900 Paris state.
big financlers, and the revolution conclusions drawn are entirely attee of the German Communist party replied in part: Congress the second luternational recognized the As yet it is unknown what re ary war of the proletariat we find variance witbe the facts presented. In July, 1932, it was even pro We elieve that the defense a militant llke need for the education and organization of the spouse this call bus had among the the petty bourgeoisie dreaming of rempts to give a picture of the concluded that fascism already ex. Trotsky is equally as important and that we should young people with the object of tighting militarism. liberal, democratic and reformist pacifist solutions of all wars. In be in the camp opposing the French bourgeoisie. We Origin of Socialist Youth Movement groups of Latin America. This this matter also the middle class altions in Germany prior to Hitler Isted!
appointment as Chancellor, Muen.
think that every militant without regard to tendency Before all, we must make it In the period from the late 80 to 1907, Socialist platform will, however, undoubtedly in between nature of this all be yenberg reveals in the most unmis clear to the social democratic hounded by international reaction should be defended youth organizations arostlu all the important coun. De attractive to such organizations comes clear.
workers that what we have today by us, tries of Hurope and Americu. In some, primarily as as the Apra of Peru, Groves party Free trade? One rubs his eyes takable manner the crass, unhistor anti militarist organizations (Belgium, Italy, Holl in Chile the Socialist Parties or to Hud out it by some chance he Ical and un Marxian approach or is the Fascist dictatorship. The NOTES ON THE UNITED FRONT same holds for the illusion that the and, South Germany, Spain, Switzerland and Nor Uruguay and Brazil, Gruu San Mar has not reversed the position of the Stalinist historians.
Czechoslovakia way. In others, as defenders of the apprentices and tin in Cubu, the Left wing of the the hero of Bellamyle Looking After recording the effects of the or the General German blanket reluat was the answer of the Czech young workers (Austriu, North Germany. in still National Revolutionary Party In Backward and instead of waking economic crisis in Germany from Trade Union Alliance are also orothers, for the Socialist education of the youth (Eng Mexico and the Sandinist group in up in the 21st century, has awak 190, he goes on to attribute the ganizations of the antifascist front. They charge the Communist party with splitSocialist party to the Stalinist request for a united Whoever would alm to land, the United States)
Nicaragua ened in the year 1830. To call for success of the Fascists in winning struggle.
All retfected the growing importance of youth un Even by an immense stretch of free trade Iike the industrial cap u mass base (1) to the propaganda build on the idea that by appealsing the trade union movement and working for the der imperialism, as wuge slaves and cannon lodder. imagination we cannot picture the Italists of the latter years in Eng of Goebbels and (2) by promising to the or other reformist destruction of the social democratie organizations.
The growing militarization of Europe at the turn of above program as issuing from a laud in the year 1934, when the every group in the population what organizations, a struggle would in years gone by, this argument would not have carcome about, the last century focused the attention particularly workers party. would be con world is engaged in a war (at pres that group desired.
And what, pray, was the revoletariat Ratasarin the pro Fler an ounce of water. But since the autent of StalFalue, July inism, with its theories of social fascism and red trade unions not a few workers are affected by it of the revolutionary Socialists on the problem of servative even for petty bour cat. concealed, but soon to be open lutionary party doing during that 1932.
geois liberal group, it is a twenti between the imperialists who are interval? The Socialist Party. Muenzenberg, also cannot refrain and believe the reformists sincere in refusing the The process culminated at Stuttgart on August 24. eth century echo of English 19th continually united front.
Britain 1907, where, under the leadership of Karl Liebknecht century liberalism.
against each other, and the prole Ayenzenberg continues, was de from taking a poke at the Trotskythe socialist youth longues organized the test revo. Caught in the scissors of wig tariat, one of whose historic tasks clining steadily during 1930 1931 ites. In a brilliant example of hislutionary youth international. The fate of the mill foreigu financial capital, mainly in is the freeing of world economy and The Communist Party in the tory written to order, he says: The King George. the chauvinists of the Labor Party Here too the Loyal Opposition of His Majesty tant youth movement was inextrically bound up with vested in industries from its national barriers, shows ensuing winter of 1932 1303 began Trotskyites say we made a mistake bave rejected wity of action with the In Britthat of the revolutionary Soclulist wing of the Sec (mining, rubber, cotton, coffee, definitely that this conference is to wlu the masses at a rapid rate. January1033 While we didn in the Communist Party is an insignificant sect. It ond International.
cess in its tactic of the united front. with or without the Social roenforce its demand. Then the whole policy of the On the wave of the enthusiasm engendered by the road and power and the super ex ty bourgeoisie.
ists. when we didn summon in 1906, the ploited proletariat slaving in these As in international politics (war. from below. Internationalists gained strength in heroic struggles of the Russian wolwestern Europe Industries, the native industrial and in economics, so in national Under these conditions, granting the workers to follow us into the last five years serves as a condemnation. Two outand Amerken. On the rest of the wave the social capitadists, tiny and impotent, in polities the middle class character for the moment that they are true streets for an armed uprising. We of the united front: It would stimulate confusion in 1st Youth International was founded. However, re many cases little removed from of this call is clear. Between fas and that when the Prussian Govare ready to bear responsibility for our owu ranks and weaken our hold over public opinaction soon set in. Shortly after the Stuttgart Con artisanry, adopts a position in in cism and the proletarian dictator ernment was overthrown in the what we did before the Communists lon. In other words, the united front would disdota Poroke the demand be revived until the domian working class revolutheir position in economics in be soveroment ideal for capitalism at the Social Democracy last fota combiner World Congress. the promise them in the opinion of the wargeoisia. They tion of November 2017. Thus came the decline of tween, is the best description. By the time it was small, progressive prestige disappeared. it should comintern Mocow. The events forget, however, that this is the party of Stalin and the world Socialist youth movement.
Holland Nevertheless small groups of youth were trained revolutionary struggle against im of independent working class ac task for the to rally the work have shown that the line of Thael not of banin.
ers und mann and the German Party was In revolutionary Marxism. Those who had founded perialism, they find solace in mis tion of even a reformist type.
The of Holland says Nothing Doing. Go correct.
the Socialist Youth International joined, in main, erable Impotent reactionary wall All of these things clearly prove Make This Out If You Can!
The correct line which put Hit the Stalinist appeal for the united front. They could appeal to our Internationnl. That how they answer the Lett wing in their respective country.
that what we will have in Buenos But, no! Despite the fact that there was neither unanimity nor clarity among the The financial capitalists demand Aires in September will be an in the social Democracy was com ser into power and Thaelmann in never set away with such brazen cynleism if the revolutionary Marxists and though they were not well the uncontrolled exploitation of the ternational conference of represen pletely discredited and that: Its Jall, is now counter posed to an in offer were made by a real revolutionary party. They organized, the crucial test of a social crisis, the semi colonial countries and the tatives of a class left behind by the trade unions were losing members cented one for the Trotskyltes. The would have to answer to the workers for whom the World War, found them united in defense of inter workers and peasants in them. The march of history: the Latin Ameri at a catastrophic pace and; that German O, which for years prior danger of fascism is more important than the pres nationalisin.
proletariat demands freedom from can industrial bourgeoisie. The the was attaining consider to Hitler advent to power conststige of the bureaucrats, reformist or stalinist.
Sweden Anti War Position at Berpe all Imperialism. The petty bour ideas of this class are on par with able success in its policy of the tantly advoacted the united front united front. and, that it was win between the and for In Sweden the Social Democrats constitute the The Berne Youth Cunference arose on this back celale wants to control foreign ita economic development: 1850.
Consequently they will have The bourgeois United States of ning the masses at a rapid rate which they were peremptorily cas: bourgeois government.
It denounced the Social Democratic war capital. The tly on the cow rump mongers who despite their repeated anti war pledges. Dependent upon foreign capital to the fact that European capital tors, says Muenzenberg, the reason are now accused Europe was and is a utopia owing. despite all these favorable fac tigated as counter revolutionists. no truck with any proposition for united front. Became bloodthirsty proponents of the imperialist for the machines and tools they ism cannot overcome its inner dit. Hitler did not sexe power in an armed uprising without the society. And that, they wouldn like at all. So they Blaughter. Unclarity was displayed on the question eigni imperialists to transport their building of ever higher tarife walls class. was because this same so not quote chapter and verse to subtionary line of Bolshevism and the peaceful road of of the centrists. But what was to be expected on products. upon banks to finance and the exciting of ever more frenz cial Democracy (which had already stantiate this fantastie proposition Social Democracy. The united front slogan is Marxist program!
Not until the Russian revolution of November 1917 working for the foreign imperialistsson that European and North workers from making a solid unit can Invent unconscionable farbrivism at the expense of the Social Democrats and and the creation of the Communist International did for their chief market they are American Imperialism cannot overed front. and) had been com cations, cannot produce what does the trade unions.
controlled by foreign capital and come their differences the bour pelled to make a retreat. not exist.
While the World Congress of the CONDEMNATION AT ANY PRICE munist International was thus organized in Berlin upon Bite Instead of attaining the Central America is doomed to be his statements about the success of cominternetit ever the youth movement aguin arise. The Young Com will become ever more dependent geols United States of South and How is one then to interpret all held can In this column last week we wrote of the heavy on November 20, 1919, nine months after the found control over it they dream about still born. Such is the nature of the party united front policy, its be depended on to whitewash the toll taken by Kuo Min Tang terror of the InternaThis genuine heir of the revolutionary Socialist, South America is the arena for polities in the epoch of imperialism. winning the masses at a rapid rate criminal betrayal of the German tionalists in China. In the course of the note we youth traditions, endorsed the decision of the Berne European and North American needs an internationalism suitable Perhaps the editors of the New the world over will soon give their of the Communist party of China and leader of the the struggle against centrism on the matter of the groups, with the late entrance of to its epoch, a revolutionary inter. Masses will undertake to enlighten answer to the Stalintern organiz Communist League there. We said that due to the intervention of bourgeois admirers he was not subpolitical subordination of the Young Communist Japon into the fray. The chler bat. nationalism that will carry society the American workers on this score! er of defeats.
And then to cap it all, he conjected to the same treatment as other political prisLeague to the Communist parties was not solved until tlers are Great Britain and the forward instead of backward.
the Second Congress of the In 1921.
For the Latin American councludes this part of his article with Ir the number on your wrapper is oners. The statement was immediately seized upon United States. The conflicts in South America are in reality contries the next step forward is the this statement: We will continue by a certain scribbler for the Dally Worker, one The thriving militant youth movement was tem Alicts between countries sympathetic formation of the United Socialist the tactics of the united front, as Iarry Gannes, who says that. The main bourporarily doomed with the victory of Stalinism in the to British Influence versus those Soviet states of Latin America. we have successfully up to now geois admirer of Chen Du IIsiu is Wang Chin Wel, Communist International, the defeat, once again, of sympathetic to North America. The main task of this union will be. together with the German or smaller, your subscription to the one of the chief henchmen of Chiang Kai Shek. On the revolutionary Marxists. The revisionist and Governments are formed and over the defense and extension of the workers, for a real revolution and militant explred.
Do not delay. what authority he makes this assertion he does not treacherous program and practices of the Stalinists thrown, nations fight each other, proletarian dictatorships of the not for another bourgeois social Send your renewal in at once and bother to say. Facts are least important in the Stalcould have no other effect than the collapse of the International pacts are signed ac various countries against the at demcratie regime. Is this perhaps so save us unnecessary labor and in ist press. This different treatment (Whatever it is, Young Communist International. The bureaucratic cording to the dictates of the course tacks of Imperialism, chiefly Wall the same kind of united front that expense.
If you cannot renew at it means intense suffering for the Chinese revolutionregime in the Communist parties, which took on even of events in the struggles between Street.
greater stultifying force among the youth, could these two countries.
Browder is now so anxious to have this time let us know how soon you ist, who has now rounded ont his seventieth year)
August 24, 1934 the aceept?
is accorded Chen, according to Gannes, because of not but be repugnant to the young workers and their need for self education and development. his service to the executioners of the Chinese workcrs and peasants. Then why is he in jail altogether?
Steps Towards New Youth International Surely even the Chinese bourgeoisie has more use for Arising from this situation the movement for a such a staunch friend than to keep him cooped up new world party of revolutionary Marxism, the in foul dungeon. Or perhaps, as the argument Fourth International, is finding its reflection among went in regards to the red scare in Minneapolis, the youth. The Luxemburg Youth Conference held it is to make him more popular with the Chinese last February, in organizing the International Bureau of Revolutionary Youth Organizations, marked This article is devoted to a dis parties of Germany and the United the precision and language of slong against the workers and who workers in order to be able to sell them out later?
an important step forward in this process. Unant apologists for the Stalinists, the the significance of the Cuban revo One other aspect of Ward cur strikers and demonstrators, apary workers dared to use troops to shoot down But the stalwart loyalty of Chen to the revolutionChina stands in gloring contrast to organizations do not understand the need for a de Lovestoneltes on Latin America. lution, what the Cuban workers cous approach deserves mention. Deared to take the demands of the the craven capitulation and outright treachery of cisive struggle against centrism. Are they less ad These people in their pitiable im were doing, what mistakes they Ward tells us that In addition to masses too much in carnest And Stalinist leaders in China. Gunnes say they are potence to influence the course of were making, what was the role of our cconomic interest we have a so it goes with Hevia and Mendieta. executed immediately upon apprehension. That might In 1915? Only the most patient discussion and con ambition of their leaders to recap these events, what was still to be Cuba. The Interest of the inter as a succession of presidential per. peak another story with most of them. Here is only structive Joint activities can win these youth to a ture important positions in the ap done in Cuba, what was to be done national full revolutionary program proletarian revolution? sonalities in relation to American partial list of Gannes heroes who have reneged These are the considerations which we must recall tend or cover up the betrayals of Cuban workers.
peratus of Stalinist party, de In the United States to help the No. Its dominant position in the imperialism much as the school on the proletariat, capitulated to the bourgeoisle and On the nineteenth International Youth Day. Today the Stalinists.
The same silence Carribean and its closeness to the texts explain history as a succes even betrayed their own comrades: when reaction is growing throughout the world, we covered the infamous bargain Lit. Panama Canal make the island a son of kings. The class struggle in Txang King teh secretary of the Chinese section must assemble the forces of revolution. The victory gle in Cuba reached the point at relation to the Cuban revolution, defense of the United States. where in the background and makes In August 1983 the class strug vinov made with Roosevelt in its strategic point in the continental this type of history, lurks some of the International Red Aid.
Chen Yung. chao head of the Chinese Communist of Fascism in Germany, the Fascist danger in France, which the tension of the classes especially in the question of the (Our emphasis. Ward writes like its presence felt like the occasional party.
the spread of incipient Fascism in democratie United broke out into revolutionary strug light against American imperialism. a patriot!
rumble of a volcano.
Chang Chi yung director of the Organizational States, as well as the threatening war clouds which gle against the Machado dictator. And on the war in the Gran Chaco Ward attempts chronological On the role the Communist Department of the Kiangsu Provincial Committee of tion of the youth and the hopeless plight of the young ship and American imperialism. the Lovestoneltes observed the survey of the events covered by the party of Cuba Ward is as silent as the Chinese Communist party.
workers and students under capitalism, challenge us profound and, for them, wise slThe Lovestoneltes maintained a same policy of silence is golden.
Liu Wen Istang a lurty member and secretary and period of the Lovestoneites silence, the tomb. Grave charges have been But those in the Lovestonelte that is to say, the first year of the laid at the door of this party. They executive member of the party controlled Shanghai are the first victims of imperialist wars and Fascist lence. When revolutionists do not camp who had faith were reward present epoch of the Cuban revolo have been substantiated with docu Labor Union.
understand that the revolution has ed. In the July 15 issue of the tion. It is a strange record which ments. clear case of treachery Fang Yuen ming editor of the party trade union demagogues.
Just as the revolutionary vanguard requires the arrived it is always wiser to keep Workers Age the Lovestoneites who, she complies. According to Ward has been made against the of organ.
These facts only partially exhaust the names of political guidance from the vanguard. Such should bourgeoiste youth, so the militant youth movement depends upon struck again and raised the petty and Esthonia, discovered the exist overthrew Machado. But Ameri freres, finds it politie to pass this the real renegades from Communist, to say nothing power, ence of the Cuba ution. Those imperi was able to ease in question by in silence. Eloquent of the scores of sples, the most ardent Trotsky be the inseparable connection between the Commo Martin supplanted DeCespedes a who seek light on the struggles DeCespedes who, Ward recognizes, testimony of the character of the baiters that wormed there way into the leading nist League and the Spartacus Youth League. Tocouncils of the party only later to betray the most gether we call upon the militant youth to demon provestem al president The Love which convulse the Queen of the smelled so much of his former movement. Is this silence accidental Not militant and courageous workers to the police.
strate on September 2nd against wage slavery, mile silence. Wiadom had not been Ward Cuba in Turmoil. But re Ward is discreetly silent. The at all. Ward summarizes the state tarism and imperialist war.
vouchsafed them. Your months member as you read that this is army and the students supported by ment of the Communist party of NEW INTERNATIONAL OFF THE PRESS JOS, CARTER.
later the revolution suffered a de the first pronouncement by these another surge of the masses, took Cuba on the abrogation of the Platt The Anyust faste of the New International is now feat with the reinstallation in pow right wing Communists on the Ca control of e government and put Amendment. Did the Lovestone. available to all readers. It is an anti war number EDITORIAL NOTE er of the docile servants of Ameri ban question. If you look for their in Grau San Martin. Why were ites discover the literature of the and the major part of its contents deal with the Due to an unfortunate combination of circum. can imperialism; this time it was position on the Cuban revolution t the masses able to take power? Cuban stalinists only yesterday? questions of imperialism and militarism in the last stances the regular Question Box does not appear Mendieta, who replaced Martin as you will look in vain. You wil Ward does not tell us. The Strange and convenient ignorance war and the war to come. Besides, there is highly In this column. However, we hope once again to be president. The Lovestoneltes re And, however, that Cuba geo aldn recognize Grau. Wall Street of the statement of the Communist interesting material on the united front in France, able to present our readers with this feature in the ported general strike. They were graphic position, population princi was afraid of the big bad wolt. Party of Cuba of the abrogation of containing documents hitherto unavailable in the coming issues.
too busy reforming the Communist pal crops and size are set forth with Grau who was carrying out repres. Continued on Page 4) English language.
239 Stalin Camp Followers on Latin America the