BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismSocialismSovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

have. Becker 00 monthlp of existence is en all the protection by private de tectives who drive them to and from the shop in privato cars.
TO ALL PLEDGERS: So far the police have not aetively intervened, except in arrestCampaigu is coming to a close, the Onion Workers Appeal they have the central coloro che Golden, executive yere targt hier here when he clashed with some of the creased wages will bring increased Regional Labor Board, and Philip scatis Birthday Greetings to be transferred to our pledgers. Against Terror purchasing power in our county Zausner, will send the men back to leased on a 200 bond and faces The United Front and the Defense Foster birthday greetings No revolutionary paper can ever be The income from thus benefiting all types of local work under the same conditions as trial on the charge of assault. Ed. NoteThe following let businesses, increasing living stand before the strike: the soven bour to Bob Minor convinces one that self sustaining.
bundle orders Every attempt on the part of the of Trotsky Poster must be very sick indeed. subscriptions and ter by the Agricultural Workers ards, producing healthier living day and the nine dollars wage bosses to get the workers back to The burning question in those Almost as sick the party that cannot possibly cover the full cost Union of Ohio, now leading the conditions, the only method of rais sente, nelther of which conditions work by bribes has been met with countries of Europe not yet under stages those disgusting birthday of production. We therefore have several month old onion strike to depend on a subsidy of one kind in that district, speaks for itself.
ing the social level of our county. were enforced before, will not the general response: Call up the the iron heel of fascism, is the unitcelebrations one after another.
Only through your help and Im be enforced now by the corrupt un uuton. Deal with us through our ed front of the proletariat against It is a living protest against the mediate action can the floodlights on ofbelaidom. It will be up to the unton. The Brushmakers Union, fuscism and Imperialist war. The Up to Narch of this year the in conditions of peonage which pre of a national scandal be averted. painters themselves to enforce these Local 16308 of the of de establishment of that united front Prosperity vall in that section of the coun Insist that all work in the fields conditions.
Sloan of General Motors reports national office of the League. Au cided at its last membership meet of all working class parties and ora golden age of prosperity right deficits of the Militant were theretry. For the first time in years cease and the companies negotiate Here the left wing, the class con ing to support the strike fully by nanizations willing to fight in this around the corner. Air condition fore covered by the special donastruggle without discrimination, with the strikers at once. Insist selous element of the rank and file physical and financial aid slaves have risen in their might that the sherift and courts are not must take the initiative, in not only jobs victorious only if they stick less u preliminary and absolutely ing of all buildings, fabricated tions which were sent to the or The workers enn go back to their although not suficlent, is neverthehouses and acordynamic railroadganization.
and by their militancy shown equipment constitute the trinity This method was found to be a that the lash of hunger produces ers. Demand that the special de in leading the light tuside the union together and gain the recognition essential condition for the defeat that is to save capitalism from col handicap to the organization, as it the best rebels. Since the begin puties be removed. Insist that the against the illegal work tax for the of thele union. This they realize of reaction. The fate of France in lapse and lead all of us to a luxur kept the national cctice in a con more than 50 strikers have been the strikers your support and finan ious twice a day reistration for the testimony that they understand the French workers to strike unitedly ning of the strike, July 20th, Jalled strikers be released. Give employed painters and the obnox cally and their militant spirit is thly connection, the ability of the lous life the like or which we have stant financial crisis and therefore railronded to jail on the usual cial assistance. victory for the unemployed, which Zauser ex meaning of the old axiom: In union and decisively at the fascist forces, Dever dreamed.
As the cockney bampered greatly the organization trumped up charge of Inciting to said: Gawd! Wot opes. work. No funds left for field orwill decide immediately the fate of strikers will be a victory for all pects to continue throughout the there is strength.
riot. Pitched battles bave taken Hardin County residents. Our com year. But here we come to this BRUSH WORKER.
Belglum, Holland, Spain and Eng.
sanizers; no funds for bulletins, place between strikers and thugs.
etc. etc.
Drought and Snow munity welfare is at stake.
land. Fascism triumphant in France Dolumentable situation where the left The union leader has been kid your part.
The faith of even the most holy In March the National Committee napped and slugged by vigilantes.
must be sorely tried in our drought decided to separate the income in But the spirit of the workers is Sub Committee For Adequate ters, isolated and expelled from Shovel Workers Rebel tion will be thrown back into the Durk Ages with all its barbarism.
stricken aren.
Living Standards, Agrleultural the union, and the whole thing First months of an effort to put each department on unbroken, Newspaper reports scorchir heat burning up every a self sustaining basis, and have the tell of the armed defense of Workers Union, McGuffey, It is the realization of this that must be built up from the bottom In West Virginia causes the masses to exert an Irreonce more.
growing plant and driving starving income used for the special purpos Odell, president of the union, by and thirsty cuttle mud. Then after es specitled by donators.
Stalinists Wrock Left Wing women. The spirit of rebellion Court Outlaws Closed. Parkersburg, Va On July sistible pressure on the bureaucraThe Pledge Fund was started as that lies latent in the most downmonths of prayer by the faithful, When the strike was called five 20. Federal Labor Union 18, 668 cles of the parties of the Second snow and frost arrived. Many aa help to the Militant.
preacher must feel like saying with. We got a good response at first. try has found a magnificent demtrodden wage slaves in this coun Shop in ously declared, that they did not shovel plant here. The main pur in the struggle. The workers are the Negro parson: Oh God! Don But the response did not keep comonstration in the battle of the recognize the District Council: that one of the strike was to foree the compelling action.
ing so as to enlarge this fund surmake yourself ridiculous.
The first task posed for such a lower New Jersey court all dealing and communications company to deal with union repreonion workers of McGuffey, Ohio.
ficiently to take care of the unavoidMore power und all support to launched another offensive in the must immediately end and a new sentatives as prescribed by section united frout is the defense of all Another Splinter able weekly deficit of the paper.
them. state wide crusade against trade un strike center created which was to Ta of the NRA, as well as to guar the vietims of fascism and the reWo appeal now to all our pledgFrom Detroit comes the report: Sonism. Vice Chancellor Berry debe Local 499 the one local out of antee seniority rights to its employ actionary bourgeoisie, the defense of the working class fighters against Vive members of the Lovestoneers to keep their payments up regucision outlawing closed sbop con thirteen in Stalinist control. But AN OPEN LETTER TO THE larly.
tracts is the most reactionary in a it is an everlasting pity that such Law and Order Terror fascisin. Necessarily then the ques group have resigued and made ap 1t you are behind in your pay. CITIZENS OF HARDIN COUNTY chain of viclous anti labor decrees herofe gestures result in nothing plication to the Communist League.
designed to strip the workers of ness. This policy was already the pickets were keeping the plant The Stalinists cannot evade this Until the state police arrived, the son of defending Trotsky poses itJust another spliuter. as Lovements on the Pledge Fund, send in Dear Neighbor: On June 20th, in McGuffey, a their elementary rights and stemoretically a split. But let us see closed without any disorder. Nev Issue, they are being pushed to the stone would say.
ence. The Militant finds itself in group of men, women and children, the strike tide in the bud. Berry who gained and who lost by such ertheless, Guvernor Kump, through wall and forced to declare whether a precarious condition at this mo living under the most servile and action was preceded by a recent action, the strikers or their mis bis subordinates, called out the Trotsky is the victim of the attack Duranty and Stalin, Times ment. We must not wait until we inhuman conditions existing any court ruling declaring silegal plek leaders. state police to restore law and or of the French reactionary bourgeolCorrespondents One of the favorite Stalinistare faced with a crisis and have where in the banded togetherleting during a New Jersey furnl. Not only did the separation oder and to protect the public sle or not.
to skip an issue. The income from to increase their living standards. ture workers strike.
the militants from the masses make welfare. Such pretenses are comyowls when argument fails them the organization press campaign Ou this date, they were forced to In a suit by union leaders against it difficult for the membership as amon to all our publie officials (from The United Front in Belgium as it always dous is Trotsky writes only helped to pay off back debts.
use their constitutional right of for the capitalist press. However, if you cannot pledge a definite withholding their labor in order to Newark for violation of the Essex Reed and fibre 0o. of whole to force desired action and the President on down. The have never beard of Trotsky help. sum weekly, send a contribution for achieve their purpose. They struck Agreement, the court ruled closed bosses, but the balance of unlon and the terrorizing of the inbabl come from the youth movement.
demands upon the officials and the shooting and beating of workers, In every country the best fighters ing a capitalist press writer get out the militant whenever you can.
his copy. Durunty writes to the The following are sum on our men, and begau a courageous tight shop contracts against publle pol por ere bar sentirely with the contents of the South Side, did not Thus in Belgium the youth com. We need more to eliminate the disgraceful blot of cy. once struck out from a dispatch plus weak and small organization but these tactics were good forvanced, the most serious and will New York Local slave conditions on the good name After a prolonged Aght last year, had little chance of winning these strike breaking, anyway. Such at ing to learn. Recently the Social of mine the phrase that he was the Downtown Branch of Hardin County.
the bosses submitted to an agree ends. All cards were heavily roeties soon proved to the workers ist Young Guard (the L) of Inberitor of Lenin mantle and What is the fundamental cause meut which included among others stacked against the stalinists. for what purpose the West Virginia Brussels invited the stalinist youth King replaced it with the words, Lenin E. Konikow 00 monthly Not the burbarle conditions that ex minimum wage scale and a closed wook Inter the charter of Local 498 State Police had been organized and the Bolshevik Leninist youth to disciple and the carrier on of his Victor 60 monthly ist bere? In thuonton fields the shop clause The NRA code had was revoked, and their open sup namely, for strike breaking and no send representatives to debate the work. If we could conceive of Spathos 00 monthly average worker receives approxi not yet come into effect. Later, the porters in other locals driven out other. These legal assassins would question of a united front for the Lenin correcting and collaborating Wright in the dispatches of a bourgeois Gordon 00 monthly based upon the average pay of 10cl er wages than those specified in protest were silenced by Zausner. burl tear gas bombs into the picket presented the position that in case correspondent he would 00 monthly per hour, u 10 hour day, 36 das the contract. Accordingly. the The old leaders were not only cor line, and into nearby restaurants of the acceptance of a united trout changed it to read a disloyal, arM. Kling rogant, abuser of power, who is un Bleeker 00 monthly members in the family worked, the level but kept a closed shop. The in the membership. Zauser gained Alaking sorties into the picket line, fascist repression, the Socialist At for leadership who suppressed Glade 00 monthly total income could never supply workers demanded the minimum ground. The strike meetings were the police would ferociously swing Young Guard should by no means my last message to the party. The Lewis 00 weekly even the minimum human needs be wage stipulated in the contract.
gradually driven compactly togeth their riot sticks, and knock down concede anything to the special inmodest Stalin writes in his own. Morris 00 weekly cause no worker received more in court, neither union leaders er and anyone who refused to fol bystanders as well as pickets. These terests of Stalinism, but should to be sent out to Nelson 00 Weekly than an average wage of per nor the bosses raised the question picture of borld as the view ollc. Tomas the united strike action under armed thugs shot a bystander, Mr. demand the inclusion of Trotsky in the capitalist 00 monthly week during the months working of union control.
the leadership of the District Coun McMullen, and deliberately, the list of those to be defended. We the impartial Times correspond. Weber 00 monthly season. minimum decency level Union leaders are preparing to ent Duranty. And a stalinist dis John Becker was trampled under determined, without any cause, clubbed and beat added however, that naturally in to the ground, Summers, the case of a struggle against fascism ciple in America says: Even the Newark Branch bility for these workers, bence, the appeal the case to a higher court. angry feet.
Should the court of Appeals and Is Zausner Charge True? union president. Such brutal and which poses other questions too, capitalist press is forced to admit The Stalinista were charged by heinous methods were adopted for such as the fight against decree that Stalin is carrying on Leula Lambert. 60 monthly. permanent condition of starva closed shop in this state wil be Za usner of forming a separate, the sole purpose of breaking the laws and arbitrary government Holley Kotz 00 monthly ishment, improper housing, lack of new union an accusation on which fighting spirit and smothering the power, we do not lay down any ulNagy. 50 monthly Blah! Blah!
sanitation, insufficient education, timatum that we refuse to join the The workers most elementary nobody is quite clear. But it is militancy of the pickets. Clerk rights are at stake. Only concerted most sincerely to be hoped that. 60 monthly disease, mental derangements, etc. mass action will repulse this gov. Louis Weinstock, the courageous An honest and truthful picture of Sympathizer united front unless the defense of Bosses Investigate Themselves. 50 monthly the situation facing the German Social Worker Kump representative from the Trotsky is included. The Stalinist all the sordid social evils bred berament assault. The trade unions leader who has fallen into the Stal Department of Public Safety, seat speaker evaded the entire Issue by 00 monthly pauperism. Hardin County has one proletariat and a truthful picture Harlem Brunch of the highest rates of tuberculosis must wage a united struggle to Inist swamp, would not do such an to investigate the shooting of Me and attacking Trotsky. The reacpresenting the Stalinist program of the great difficulties confronting Smith assinine thing as lead his followers Mullen, forgot to interview the tion of the Young Guard showed 00 monthly in the state, unsanitary conditions Smash these decrees.
the workers of the Soviet Union into a dual union.
would serve the interests of the Jerry Marsh American working class and the Cochrane Beecher 50 monthly phoid epidemic These are mere Painters Strike Ends; fectively is in a mass organization. who conveyed Mr. McMullen to the demonstrated later in the acceptThe place to fight the bosses ef nesses to the shooting, or the man that the Stalinists had failed utterworkers of the world. Instead of But we must fight intelligently. hospital. The state investigator. 50 monthly bed for disease. Disease is no re. Zausner Collects that a vast stream of blah, blah is Colay Bronx Branch preached Courage specter of individuals, it attacks Stalinist liars about 00 monthly rich and poor alike.
leads to defents. There is nothing claimed that the state police were ance in principle by the of the socialist youth of the offer for the Innocent on the basis that the united front by the stalinist youth Although the New York painters but gabbulous futility the futility wound was too small to be done by The socialists, after accepting the the Soviet Union. In regard to Lipshits 00 monthly what has been the answer of the strike is now over, and the settle that surpasses understanding In a calibre of gun used by the state task Germany the same course is tol Eckstadt lowed. Those who preached that Boro Park Branch However, this investiga wrote: We believe also that the 00 monthly pantes, who are directly responsiblement is halled as a great victory splitting knowingly with a mass police of defending Thaelmann.
the Hitler danger was past and the McAbe 00 monthly for these inhuman conditions for the painters, it is obvious, that trade union.
proletarian revolution on the order Toven tor for the bosses had never seen defense of a militant like Trotsky The left wing must be reorgan the wound, nor had he consulted is equally necessary and that we of the day every day since 1929 Boston Braneh Blindly ignoring the social effects the only ones who benefited by this. 50 monthly of their greed they are doing just strike who came out of the strug ized in the winter union. We the doctor as to the extent or dim should place ourselves in the camp are now again out with the same Wiener. 50 monthly us the feudal masters of old, usingBle with any material gains are the most again become the pioneers inension of the injury. In every way. opposed to that of the French bourold record. What kind of Commu Shechet Dists are those who require shots Henderson. 50 monthly oppressive and brutal force to keep boss painters, Za usner and his Heu blazing the pathway of class str. in fact, the Governor and the state geoisle. We think we should degle in the mass uniors, and estih representatives clearly revealed in the arm to keep up their cour Chiplowitz 50 monthly their slaves in serfdom and dark tenants.
Other destitution. They are illegally at It was evident long before the lish our crganization. streature that they were on the bosses de rend all the militant victims of inage? Lies to the capitalists are side, ternational reaction, without dissometimes necessary, to the work. Friend, Youngstown 00 monthly tempting to use our county machin strike was formally declared that upon the fondation rue of Legia and that they were out to break tinction as to tendency. The stalery JP s, deputies, sherife, courts the corrupt union leaders and theism, salast which the waves the strike even if they had to killinists tried to minimize the entire Miner, Va.
ers the truth and nothing but bosses had the whole thing in the false policies, passion and reaction the union president and a couple issue of Trotsky but the socialist truth serves revolutionary aims.
and other county officials in Miller, City Subway Worker, interests; actually having the braz bag: It had all the spontanelty of may dash and the Baseball, Wages and the Rising Wolfe, New Haven 100 monthly en affrontery of making the citizens prearrangement. To the District gogues may blow, but the house Like the Government, the local youth have thus far stuck to their Cost of Living Teacher, Bronx of Hardin Co. bear the expense of Council. under Zausner mislead founded on this rock, will not newspapers pitched their tents and guns and not permitted themselves to be put off.
forcing the workers back to their ership, the yearly pre seasonal again.
the bosses camp. As a result, the Detroit Auto Workers are expect. Sber, Bronx MEMBER OF BROTHERHOOD Parkersburg locals are editing Jobs and living death. Not satis strike has become a habit and a ed to be so excited with the success fied with taking hundreds of thous necessity. The 50 cents a day CORRECTION paper all their own, called the The Movement Begins Here of Mickey Cochrane Tigers and Wood County Labor News.
All too slowly campaign 18 the pitching of Schoolboy Rowe We have been asked from Eng ands of dollars proft yearly, these work tax has proved to be a subA Ruse Is Spiked getting under way for the defense through thelr pockets while they issue of July 21, under the questo en seu probredolicea 000 ster and the lackes, who had ter Strike in that the bosses will be able to go land to make a correction. In our masters are now seeking to use our stantial income for the Zausner 100 Brush Workers President Ilarte of Ames Bald of Trotsky here. Without comment are cheering the victory of the Lion Box heading we listed the pub date has been spent win Wyoming Co. tried to use the we print the following letter sent by Hardin rorized, intimidated and slugged team.
lications of the International Com. County for special deputies (this the protesting painters, expects to National Labor Relations Board to! to us by John Brooks WheelLast Wednesday (Aug. 22) about trick the workers into calling of wright.
He writes: man tar munist League and emongst them Living Costs and Profits Rise the Ral flag published in Great does not include the thousands ex collect, now that the prearranged 100 brushmakers in the Hertzbers the strike. Harte wrote a letter greater than Julius Caesar is in reports. Corporate Britain. While the Red Flag is lspended on court trials, etc. more strike and the settlement is over and and Son brush factory went out on to the stating his position danger of being murdered. man Richberg the tax money starts to roll into strike for unlon recognition and on the strike. He hoped that the 10 whose accomplishments are equiva6. in the first quarter of 1933 to a support the principles of the Internerea se demanded by of the year more than 160, 000 was col established by the NRA was 13. an offer to the union for a settle and Clarendon, or of a Rousseau, prots rose from a deficit figure of sued by a group of comrades who than enough to pay the small wage the union treasury a eamest. Last higher wages. The wage scale 38 workers would think this letter was lent to those of Calvin, Cromwell the strikers for many seasons.
prost figure of 18. in the second national Communists, it is not an who directed the course of Revoluquarter of 1934 and living costs official organ. There is not, at the irony of paying deputies a dry lected and spent inside of four The strike was provoked by the fir ment. The union members, how months in this way.
ing of one of the active trade union ever, wisely voted against termin tion wrote its bistory and worked Boss Painters Also Wanted Strike members. The workers then decidating the strike on the basis of to undo the work of Bonaparte and the Individual workers pay. To section in England of the Interna: Think of the disgusting trickery of have gone up slightly faster than present moment, an offelal national and expenses to physically force The boss painters in their parted to hurl back the challenge of the Harte letter, stating 18 only the Dynasts. Leon Trotsky is in a letter. and not a specific condanger! Altho doubt the wisdom other consumption figures could be do exist two groups of revolution compelling starving, demoralized also were crying for a strike tor boss and struck solidly.
en ven something like the online Labor both on which saubere tasty mputket of scabbins, so that these land com. It with material gains. They know have been militant and the fighting not even moretien de techo y da beg you 16 bring the entience of strikes have increased from to ing organizations to the Internapanles can continue to pay starva from past experience with Zausner, spirit of the young people involved aid it offer union recognition your paper to bear upon the necessity of forming a United Front to 38. during the past year and the tonal Secretariat of the One thon wasew The only answer of that they do not have to live up to a true tribute to the abilities of seniority rights.
Federal Labor Union No. 18, 858 defend the life and liberty of Leon vital problem which affects everytrict Council. The Master Painters there bas been mass picketing presented mountains of evidence to Trotsky, whose security Involves use of tear gas and vomit gas has of them issues the Red Flag.
shown an increase of several thou.
resident of Hardin Co. bas been 11 Association admitted many times around the shop which is located the Federal Labor Relations Board the future well being of millions THE MILITANT sand percent. The number of killed legal methods and brutal force. during the strike that they had al at University Place and 11th Street (enforcement section of the NRA. and who worthily occuples the post and wounded strikers have also Entered as a second claw mall Nelther of these answers will solve ways pala the workers below the The strikers realize that what is at proving that the Ames Baldwin of champion of civilization against shown a huge increase. All the Post Office at New York, UD the problem but both will inevitably scale and worked them longer stake is the recognition of their Wyoming agents had coerced the barbarism. An age so rich in event demagogy of the most demagogic der the act of March 8, 1879. bring on more trouble, dissension hours. violations that were winked unton, which alone can defend any employees to vote for company and poor in character as ours could president in years, all the threats Published Weekly by the Com and greater hardships for everyone at by the union officials. But while of their economie gains. This senunion. However, the union can ex ill afford his loss. Comrade of and persuasive power of a corps of politicians and misleaders of lå 144 Second Ave. New York, altion last? Just so long as it takes showed a slight increase in the strike meetings, on the picket line unless the union, first, by the force of comrade Trotsky is the task of bor, all the powers of the press Phone: Grameney 9524 the people of Hardin Co. If neces past summer, In and wherever they gather to dis of the strike weapons bring the every revolutionary worker and inplus tear gas, vomit gas, machine EDITORIAL BOARD sary, the state and nation) to bring order to be justified in giving higher cuss their strike.
JACK bosses to their knees. In that case, tellectus gune, rifles and bayonets to say Vol. 7, No. 35. Whole No. 239) sufficient pressure from all sides estimates for work, bad to prevent Plug Uglies to Break Strike the NRA is superfluous. The Fed nothing of police clubs and the blackjacks of hired thugs were SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 1934 and compel the land owning com the rich landlords and ther reatThe employers are using the useral governmente reated the NRA induce the workers to resort to the panies and large onton growers to real estate concerns with a per ul means to attempt to break the to turn labor discontent into peace governmental boards for help. so needed to send corporate profits Martin Abern James Chopon pay wages which will insure decent formance with a painters strike. spirit of the workers and to get ful channels, and elther to prevent that these same workers would less soring and keep wages behind the Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector living conditions to their workers. That is why the plcket lines were them back to work. They have strikes or to keep strikes within officiently use the power of their cost of living The workers are Arne Swabeck learning, the power of demagogy is Bundle rates one cent per cops. local community except to the ex on Park and Fifth Avenues; to imunton boys and girls as well as the workers, by relying on the commit. their strike weapon against the rubelding the decks are being subscription rate: 00 per year tent of their payroll the purchas press the parasites there with boso customary line up of tough looking tees and Investigators of the NRA, bosbesstrand went on the same to be eleared for gront class battles. The 50 per half year Canada ing power of the resident employees. es impecuniosity and the painters and ill meaning gangsters who hire can never attain better working their own labor organizations will NRA as shown its band.
and Foreign: 50 per year: All excess profits realized by these insistent demands for more pay.
professional conditions.
the workers bring their employers BILL. Tbe for six month companies and growers are deposit. The settlement, which is halled strike breakers. The scabs are glv. Roosevelt organlaed the NRA to to terms.
or conti BER