BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyImperialismMarxismNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1934 PAGE Profits of Large 20MillionLive onCrumbs NEVER Corporations Rise; On Government Relief Greed Unsatiated FORGET Young Spartacans Fight Stalinists Expel Pacifism at Congress Youth;JoinS. and League was Yes, it seemed at the time that and Young Men Christian Assori control group obviously did not actual situntion. Instead of openthis recente montant Strike at the Toledo The Terms of the Union Acts in kas.
Approximately five million faml. On this basis, it is doubtful wheThe First American Youth Con Imperialist country where the soItes, or some 20, 000, 000 people, are ther a month per person, or The Stailists have added sli The reports of Industrial corporOn August 22, 1927, seven years Sress closed its three days ses clalsts are strong. But did the the ation profits for the first six months receiving relief through the Feder a month per family. is available or this year reveal an enormous al government various rellel ag through the combined agencies of worker and the humble fish ped nist League. With the withdrawal say a word in reply to the objec recently expelled six mean150, Sacco and Vanzetti. the shoe ship of the Stalinist Young Commu port of his remarks He did not more to their list of renegade counter revolutionaries when they ferbise ever the returns for the encies, according to official figures, the federal, state and local reller dler, were murdered in cold blood of the sponsoring group, the Centions to the slogan of disarmament mime period of 1983. These in quoted in a recent editorial in the some on relief get more, of course by the state of Massachusetts bers for contacting that dangerous Gil Green of the Young Commucreases, in some cases of gigantic This does not include, the Nation others get much less.
tral Bureau for Young America and Since then the working class of disease Trotskyism. Fred Mauer, These people on relief are of no its 50 delegates, the elected creden nist League defended the original Importance, have taken place deat one time agit prop director of spite the fact that the accompany points out the millions receiving use to the capitalist rulers of the the world has had sad occasion totals committee reported that the resolution. The proposal of this section in New York City, and semmalustries have the poorhouse inmates, the recipl the industrial and banking mass camps, tortured to death by sadisti uimas, 90, 95 then you that the com stress. It was explained at the com als teet ette an Fintemoblers kyns perished in de client. manufacturing shown only slight Improvement. ents of chicory, cornmeal and rot nates, who pull the strings of the Corporation profits for the first ten potatoes, distributed by the puppets Do In charge. These executioners. Sacco and Vanzetti, mittee recommended the seating ofference (of the progressive bloc) Chicago, were expelled in the preat least died to better purpose.
months of this year show a county and community guardians people on the delegates of the Spartacus that some delegates could not ac convention discussion period of the can buy nothing total increase of 220 percent over of the poor. It does not include the nor are they needed for profit mak to the workers all over the world. tiobs, mostly Stalinist, which arbi viet Union. We support the SovTheir death was an inspiration Youth League and other organizacept the slogan Defense of the 80 for daring to express their This brought the annual rate of re ent upon private charity, or the They stand, an unassimilable They died as symbols of the class trarily had been barred from the let Union proposal for disarmoa doubts as to the correctness of the turn on the basis of all stock is wearled pity of friends and rela and ever increasing portion of the class baitling vigorously, it in vain, united working Congress.
ment, but this does not mean that line of the Communist Party, Fred Mauer, whose membership sued water, hide, and hair) updves.
The Congress can record two we call upon the Roosevelt govern population, outside of the social on their beball. Their death was achievements the defeat of the ment to disarm! Such was Green in the exceeded that of any from percent profit for 1933 to At the Bottom of the Heap structure as at present constitued. the occasion for great rallying dem. Roosevelt program and leadership contribution. Everybody, but Green, member in his section, found him5. percent for 1934. These figures Nor does it include, one might What to do with them is admitted onstrations in every corner of the of the Central Bureau (which the had thought that the disputed sec. self outside its ranks for carrying report of 250 leading industrial who need ald, but get none, the italist regime to meet.
Bourgeois arose when the news was flashed of cist. and the presence of repre cun goverument disarm! calling membership upon corporations representing a capital Philadelphia squatters braving statesmen and worth of almost 10 billion dollars. Police guns and names to get to a into two classes on the subject. powerful established rulers to trem youth organizations in the country, lenged by the delegate from the Monken death rentantes the organizas The accusation of split was chal to send in articles to the Young Were public utility companies and onzing pyre of tainted prunes; the those who would starve them to ble.
railroads included the results would suicides that mount daily, the mal death slowly, and others, more particularly the Young Communlet Communist Party (Opposition. He problems confronting the organizaundoubtedly show even more profits nutrition cases, the thousands who merciful, who want them to dle in An Irresistible Tide League, the Young Peoples Social was quickly howled down and ruled tlou. Comrade Mauer sent in his which never for the bosses.
are permitted to die literally of a hurry.
For a while it seemed, indeed, as ist Leage, Spartacus Youth League, out of order. Then a Stalinist del contribution Low Textile Weces Make starvation The Tories Protest at the Pittance it governments would topple and National Student League and the gate was given the floor to ex printed because in the pointed out When the causes for the defeat of the Enormous Profits Moreover, the Nation points out. The latter class, the Tory class, tyrannies be overthrown forever, student League for Industrial De plain what Green meant. This enormous spart was aided the number on relief increases is beginning to grumble about the through the impetus given by the mocracy.
the delegate of the asked for German working class, that the erthe floor to answer Green and his rors made in Germany were not due considerably by the results of the daily, and the number needing rehigh cost of rellet, and the conse executioner electric switch. So All talk about this being a Connine dollar and eleven dollar a licr increases still more. In New quent mounting of taxes.
aroused was the whole working mer. and declared out order to a false conception of the united ican youth is nonsense. Delegates The victory week textile Industry that showed York City. there were 77, 000 more They resent the fact that these class, so infuriated by the murder cress representative of the Amer. Interpretor he was shouted down to isolated individuals, but rather of the 370 percent increase in profit over families on relief in June, 1934, millions of useless poor continue to of its best fighters. democratic front, a false appreciation of the that made during the first six than in June of the previous year. Durden the political and economie.
had explained at a problems of the revolutionary from the Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts ing a discussion on these most vitbe drawn between this enormous able for relief are a windling. These ing continue to intrude upon their chased. They became the accepted of the masses of youth in their or the conterence that if the slogan movement the bureaucracy replied increase in profit, the speed up and sums were at all times pitifully in profit making plans.
ent talk of a general strike in the pen each month by the combined eral Wickersham, wants to deprive through the State of Massachusetts. as it is enthusiastic supporters delegates this should not force up which treats with sta erities The Tory chieftain, Attorney Gen. cepted by both sides, Capitalism, day are without doubt, unfortunate unacceptable to a majority of the can be no hope for an organization The General Motors Company, Divided among. 20, 000, 000 people. they make themselves heard at the against the protests of millions in man of the Civil Conservation youth organizations the the paci.
another company which was threat this would make available the aver polis.
Similarly in Chicago, where five ened with a strike and with which age of a month per person.
fist slogan of disarmament. The were expelled for Trotskyism.
All are agreed on shooting them two heroes. great issue was at the Congress praised Roosevelt and Stalinists thought otherwise; the There, the five sought to participate the NRA board was so liberal But this figure is misleading. Ac down when they become too vocl stake. The execution was a prelude, his program the delegates laughed. section had been taken from the in the pre convention discussion by shows an increase of 44. percent in profits.
General Motors, al sually the government is not nearly terous, in public demonstrations, on rehearsal of fascist terror.
so generous. One must deduct from the picket lines.
And to its eternal credit, militant the great mass of American youth program of the American League bringing up the trade union ques tion. For stating the revolutionthough not showing so large an in the 60, 000, 000 available the cost For all in the bourgeois camp are labor, too, refused to allow the is Hardly! It was a radical youth Against War and Friscism.
But the Stalinist pacifist bloc had ary axioms, that the place of Comcrease in profit, continued to head the list lo annual rate of return of administration, and of dirty graft joined in one great fear that the sue to be obscured. It presented assemblage with a sprinkling of its way. The confusion of the Ylp munists is in the trades unions and politics. One will have to depauperized millions may propose united front to the murderers. liberals.
sels on the paramount problems of where masses of workers are to be This, close to a billion dollar com duct further the needs of the 2, 000. their own solution, that they may There were huge demonstrations bine, showed return on its stock 000 farm familles to be added to refuse to starve at the behest of and rióts in every capital of any had clfist color. The united militant trend in their ranks and majority of organized workers and Despite this fact the Congress war shows the immaturity of the found today: for declaring that the of 18 percent as compared to only relief rolls as The orl those who are just coming to the a paltry 11. percent profit last year. To celebrate this in the good member that the 20, 000, 000 people hands for the operation of indus The captors of Sacco and Vanzetti delegates not only from Binal resolution, with minor am union movement are in the drought. And one must further reize to take matters in thelr own The workers lost their battlefront took the form of Yipeel and their centrist character.
old fashioned way, the company re paper groups in New York and else endments was accepted.
of that the Stalinists today are cently declared an extra dividend include only those on federal reliet try for the benefit of the people, refused to relinquish them in the Where. The superior organization in such an atmosphere the char isolated from the masses of organall the people.
face of the universal outers. But of the stalinist south delegation, acter of the continuations commit ized workers and incapable of inof 50 cents share for common stock.
reaction were thoughtful. It had its concessions to pacifism, the tee was determined. Yipsel profluencing them with a militant leftInteresting too, in view of the not been easy to kill the two simple lack of organization among the posed a committee of fifteen which wing program: these comrades Yipsels, and their submissiveness to included the outstanding liberal were summarily expelled from workingmen. Almost they were both the and pacifism re Socialist and Stalinist organize their organization. In addition, plant of the Electric Auto Lite Company, are the reported returns Settlement Enforcement cheated of their prey. The work sulted in Stalinist leadership of the tłons. The Spartacus Youth League the have been attacked as stool ing class forces had revealed un Congress.
for the automobile accessory Indus.
was the only national radical youth pigeons, spies, counter revolutionexpected strength, surprising soll.
tries As compared to a deficit of darity No attempt was made on the organization omitted. The same aries and all the other choice words percent in 1933, they now show (Continued from Page Continued from Page 1) With much greater case, the Ger Congress floor by either the Xipel explained that the continuout of the Stalinist dictionary. profit of 15. percent. This prof apoint two (2) representatives to minated. The basic principles of man Nazis, years later, were able or the Yipsels to state their fullations committee should have the These six comrades have now it would have been much hier! the Arbitration Board, and these trade unionism have been made to torture to death thousands upon program on the youth problems. power to solicit attillations of new found their place with the Commobut the companies were required to four (4) shall select a ffth mem tained and vindicatod.
nist League of America and the contribute more to the tax fundu ber to act as Impartial Chairman.
thousands of workers. The work. They supported two resolutions in organizations.
The motion of the that all Spartacus Youth League. They for the purchase of tear and vomit The hours and overtime rates Local 374 has been through ing class of Germany, split by Stal the resolutions committee which be repre conclude from their experiences in the that it is not by accident Gunpowder Turns to Profits The du Pont de Nemours it shall be based on rate of wage cause of labor. Crest forces were without a struggle. World protest supported the conception that the tee, despite its support by several that the Stalinist organizations provided by the respective codes heavy battle. We have inude war. Inist tactics and Soclal Democratic contained pacifist conceptions. In national Obation commitshall apply. In figuring overtime, rifices and viven martyrs to the treachery, surrendered its victims the resolution on education, they sented on Company, makers of gunpowder, covered by this agreement.
brought to bear against us. We was confused and weakened by dig. should be abolished Since Stalinists and Socialists, was de lead only to defeats for the work we believe that war holds nothing feated by the Stalinists and libertear gns, and dynamite, profited by the war scare and strike wave to parties cannot agree upon a mutuwere carrying the banner of trade warfare in working class ranks.
It within five (5) days the two felt throughout the fight that we unity, and the bitterest of internal for the youth but destruction phy als. They did not want the Ling class, that the fundamental revolutionary principles, and that the tune of 12 million dollars in So easily were the German exe sical, economic and moral. The on the committee, it would disturb course of the stalinists is false to unionism and fighting not for our it is now necessary to create a new The Sparacos Youth League will Communist party in this country on the floor of the congress at pared to million for the second donal Labor Board will appoint aunton movement. That other trade opposition, that for a while the extacked this section as pacifist since make further efforts to amuate to and a new revolutionary Internathe second quarter of 1934 as com ally acceptable Impartial Chair selves alone but for the whole trade cutions accomplished, with so little Spartacus Youth League delegates the peace. man, the Minneapolis St. Paul Requarter of 1933, showing earnings unonists felt the same was about ample of Germany threatened to rejected all wars. He stated that the Congress committee. However, tional. They know full well that even surpassing those of the person to serve in this capacity.
it, is evidenced by the generous supsweep the capitalist world. The the should be abolished a far more effective united front party which is blind to all its which makes the Arbitration shall commence with Steel Corporarrounding the du in two (2) days after the appoint port they gave us.
workers gave a second halt to the because it trains the youth in the can be established by direct nego mistakes, that refuses to discuss steel Jackets patriotism of American imperial tlations of the outstanding radical and correct them, but demnads Pont gunpowder in the cartridge when any firm and its employes (as cause of labor in everything we in working class ranks threatens 1st war service. An delegate Communist League, Young Peoples stead of revolutionary discipline. We feel we were true to the reaction. Mass demand for unity ism and prepares them for capital youth organizations, the young blind and religious obedience in The profit shown is one that has defined in paragraphs four (4) and aid in the strike. We consider the now to break the barriers erected introduced an amendment which Socialist League, Spartacus Youth such an organization is hopeless.
been sustained ever since the in ave (5) hereof. or their doly ac settlement a victory for unionism. in place of barricades) by bureau called for the abolition of the League Student LI. and We welcome these comrades to troduction of the new deal and credited repreventatives cannot We are calling a mass meeting cratie Stalinist or Social Democrat. because it was a training militant program of action could minimum hourly rates of Minneapolis workers at the Parc leadership. The workers are place the bosses, although one could hard and in that event, the results of ade ground Friday night. There prepared again to march in sele chauvinism. The amendment was needs of the young worker renamed losing their best material to the American imperialist be worked out on the basis of the Jour ranks. They are not the first ly say the same for the workers such arbitration shall be retroac. we will celebrate the victory of in defense, in defense of their own.
carried unanimously.
Fourh International Let Sacco and Vanzett be again These comSeparate reports by quarter years tive to the date that arbitration is ionism in this fight and call on all rades are now where they belong, tu are available for 201 of the com requested.
the workers to redouble their ef the rallying cry.
In the discussion on the resolucould be held throughout the counThey are clear tion on war and fascism, the Spar try leading up to a national com: the ranks of the internationalist panies in the tabulation and show The award of the Arbitration forts to make Minneapolis a union symbols, belonging to no faction, tacus Youth League delegate re braadical and liberal youthing that party which will lead the combined net profits of 98 million Board shall be final and binding town.
to be claimed by no party, reprepeated the objections he had prerevolutionists, building and creatdollars in the first quarter of this and shall remain in full force and But though it has fought its way senting the fighting proletariat of year and 144 million dollars in the effect until August 22, 1985. the progressive bloc consentiment.
ference. He amended the section To delude oneself that even such working class to Soviet America.
companies had a net deficit of 10 mum wages herein specified do not dinal demands of the strike, 574 18 all victim of reaction be defended reading: For the support of the a conference can possibly represent second quarter. Last year, the same it is understood that the mini through to the granting of the car all the world.
milion dollars in the first charter, apply to boys temporarily employed Eternal vigilance remains the Mooney rotting in San Quentin pen per ceo propios del of the Soviet Union the majoritmo tebe damerican route Japan Prepares Seizure and a net profit of 85 million dol on small package delivery trucks, motto of the union in the elections itentiary Thaelmann and Torgler tense of the Soviet Union against mass of young workers and stu OF lars in the second and they shall not be submitted to scheduled to take place ten daya Belo Herndon and the Scottsboro minertes objections were raised to front which can set in mologout It is precisely the united Despite this sharp upturn, and arbitration despite the return of percent on It is further understood that no The union is prepared to spike any boy, Leon Trotsky, hounded by the lengthy speech. Other dele only the present organized youth (Continued from Page 1)
the watered stock, and in the face wage rates in excess of the mini trick of the bosses and to come out the French police agents. gates hnd spoken more than five but substantial sections of the more lug to force the Soviet Union to sell of the continued unemployment, mums above specified, will be re of the elections with the same flyA united defense, a true united minutes and several times on minor backward young workers. Particu its share of the road.
mass misery and starvation, the duced.
Unable to blutt Rosala to give up National City Bank complains: consent decree covering the strike.
ing colors as they did from the Fascism and capitalist oppression! ascussion on a Tundamental ques youth 18 this possible. Here also the road back in 1933, Japan Man that the rate of return on invested foregoing provisions and binding for the first time many obstacles will have to be ov chukuo have been attempting ever In the name of Sacco and Van. tion, the degelates mit of. two eroorge; in the first instance the since to force down the price of The Organizer is to remain a setti!
established a time compared to the 18 percent profit (as defined in paragraphs four (1 daily until after the elections.
for the 1919 1920 perlod) and calls and five (5) hereot) or their rep the settlement and see to it that New Haven Meeting them. coere formed the united front.
dual unionist policy of the Stalin the Soviet share. campaign of banditry, of blowing up of bridges, And here again the Yipsels and ist. Young Communist League.
for increased wage cuts to take resentatives, shall be made and on they are carried out to the hilt. step forward has been made of stealing movable property be Industry out of the red.
tered by the Minneapolis St. Paul Regional Labor Board. It Any discrimination, in violation On Minneapolis First in refusing to give adequate at the American Youth Congress. longing to the Chinese Eastern, and shall OPEN FORUM supersede the order made by said by the same solid resistance that of the agreement, will be met with time to the representative of the But only greater clarity on the of harassing the Russian officials in How Should Communists Work New Haven, Aug. Comrade amendment. Board on May 31, 1934, and shall characterized the entire policy of Kota meeting was a success. We stated that he opposed the slogan danger of pacifism for the mass of lod of negotiations. These acts on and second in opposing the role and mechanics of the united every conceivable manner has been young Socialist front, keener understanding of the going on throughout the entire perIn of La Unions have the approval and consent of the strike committee Speaker: SYLVIA BLEECKER the National Labor Relations Board have it on reliable authority that Defense of the Soviet Union for youth, and finally greater participa the part of the Japanese autboriFriday, Aug. 31, P.
But if the strikers and all of the Staliniats soon after called a the united front that he was of tion in the united front movements ties have undoubtedly had their and of the United States Depart Minneapolis labor is burning up special meeting of the city commit course in favor of the Soviet Un by the small but only consistent rev. share in reducing the figure origat 144 Second Avenue, ment of Labor.
Auspices: Downtown Branch 10. Wherever the Minneapolis the town in Jubilation, the Citizens tee to consider the Trotskyist fon. but why not include those olutlonary youth organization in inally asked for by the Sovlets to St. Paul Regional Labor Board is Alliance is lurking in its dens like menace. About half way through countries on Europe where the so the Untted states, the Spartacus that asked for today (190 million Communist League of America referred to herein, it is understood a pack of beaten wolves.
the evening a couple of the cialists play an important role, he Youth League, can bring about an yen. and agreed that the terms hereof Seeking some manner of revenge erg dropped in. They were told, stated. Politically this means effective all inclusive united front The latter figure is only 40 milCELEBRATE 19th ANNIVERSARY shall apply with equal force they have issued statement quietly but determinedly by a six support of democratic war of of action.
lion (12 million dollars) above INTERNATIONAL YOUTH DAY and effect to any board succeeding through the mouth of their bireling. foot two comrade, that there W8 that ocered by Japan. It was for with the the said Minneapolis St. Paul Re Mayor Bainbridge, which indicates to be no heckling or interrupting these 12 million dollars that Japan Spartacus Youth League.
gional Labor Board that a frame up is being prepared. of the speaker. They left soon af FALL TERM OF INTERNATIONAL WORKERS SCHOOL was bidding when she arrested the Come to the 11. Any dispute arising out of all this under the customary talk ter. Evidently serious, democratic TO OPEN OCTOBER 1st Soviet railway officials SOCIAL AND DANCE the interpretation of this order of driving the Communists out of discussion was too much of a strain This time the Soviet Union called But let them beware! Comrade Kotz account of the The International Workers School will open at its new head her bluft. The complete negotiaSaturday, Sept. 1, at P.
lis St. Paul Regional Labor Board 574 has not stopped fighting Says Minneapolis strike was favorably quarters, 144 Second Avenue, on October 1st, with the following tions had been laid bare and the 144 Second Ave, for decision.
If either party ob the victory 1sue of the Organizer: recelved by the crowd of afty, as courses: enormous concessions already made ADMISSION jects to this decision, it shall be We warn all enemies of labor: was proven by the collection taken ABC of Marxism. Carl Cowl, Instructor Russia. Japan hand was referred to the National Labor Local 574 is going to take a hand up at the close of the meeting. The stayed and, although still keeping And to the Board for final decision. Organization Principles. Instructor to be Announced the men in prison, she has taken MASS MEETING and Those who start this sort of busi were larger than ever before col History and Principles of the International no further acts against them.
Speakers: Communists.
DANCE AND ENTERTAINMENT nese will be responsible for all the lected, even from larger audiences. Max Shachtman The danger that Japan may atconsequences.
JOSEPH CARTER by. Jack Wober League. Starting with a Three Bands State and Revolution tempt to forcibly seize complete SAM GORDON chronological account of the events. Felly Morrow Lots of Fun American History.
control of the railroad has already In the Next Issue and Comrades from Newark, leading up to the strike, the speakGiven by been pointed out by the Soviet Un. Alfred Weaver Elementary Marrian Economics We have on hand a lengthy state er explained in detail the roles ion.
New Haven and Phladelphia Spartacus Youth Langhe ment by Herbert Zam in which he played by the League and the Stal You are urged to register now for whatever courses you are inpresent action will Chairman: Garrett (Manhattan) resigns from the Lovestone group. Inists. For an hour and a half we tested in. Registrations are accepted daily at the office of the lead to, obecanet esaty a choy park Sunday, Sept. 2, at P.
at 144 Second Avenue today may start the world aflame Comrade Max Shachtman will recelved a first hand account of the school. Each course is 60 for the complete term. Further inform144 Second Ave.
Saturday, August 25, 1934 write an analysis of this document struggle waged by the workers of ation may be obtained by telephoning Gramerey 5924.
again. It was the Balkans in 1914; ADMISSION FREE.
ADMISSION 10c in the next issue of the Militant. Minneapolis for the right to live.
will it be Manchuris in 1934?
for Sentet minutes! by