Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCuban RevolutionFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY AUGUST 25, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE A Capitalist Institution Under the Heel of Wall Street QUESTION BOX Suicide WORLD OF LABOR Imperialism the beca GERALD DAVIS, Philadelphia (Continued from Our great liberal press never plowing last week. Point The stalinist argument that tires of rebuking us Communists the facts bare a startling resemsus looks southward on a domain can revolution is therefore one of through verblage, The American Imperialist Colos, The question of the Latin Ameri SPAIN they formed the in order to organize the for our narrow mindedness and blance to those in Cavan book. several times the size of its own the major and fundamental prob the youth replied, that the Alianza Obrera, or In answer to a Youth call for a united front, unorganized runs about as follows: There are about unsclentide spirit. We present, The hardships of the depression soll. In the Carribean, in Central tems of the American proletarian united front committees now operating in a large 40 million workers in the of whom only about in their opinion a one sided picture have driven fathers and mothers to and South America live approxi revolution. The workers of the Unit part of the country, was a true united front and million are to the of Do you think that of the complex organism of modern suletde. The suicide rate in New mately ninety million people, divided States cannot emancipate them asked the youth why they did not join them?
we are golog to organize the other 36 million and society. We are too much Involved, York has risen since 1929. Weed by the boundaries of close to selves without at the same time turn them over to the of reactionaries?
This reasoning, at first sight massallable, is false. class struggle, and so fall to see the best pupils of his class, was ences which reach back, in some and feudalism from their Latin a speech in which he said that a united front as proAs Lozovsky quotation, glven last week shows, it the other factors of our clvillaation, forced to leave school at 16, ont for cases, to an undeterminable anti Amercan brothers. On the other posed by the without a concrete basis or given the State, in the domasof the read of Jimmie Capasso, one of twenty countries. by racial differ striking the chains of wage slavery ist leader and at present president of the party, made is precisely upon the basis of this revolutionary equally, if not more important, than months looking for work, couldn quity, upon which have been im band the Latin American workers, aims, and postulating a kind of vague fusion, was decisive influence because the left wing will bave or their own writings, dispassionately tered. One day, he went down the tional, cultural and religious mores onstrated, in striking at thelr Am the Allanza Obrera. This was the first speech made mass, over whom the revolutionaries will have the the class struggle. In contrast, and a job; his morale was shat posed the feudal and capitalist na as the Cuban revolution has dem bound to fall; whereas the proper alternative was ganized them, that the Communists can capture the take into consideration all the com. cellar of his house, and shot him of Spain, Portugal, Germany, erican Imperialist oppressors to by Largo Caballero for some months. When last trade unions. Furthermore the Stalinists admit by plex factors of our clvilization and self in the heart with his father France and now the United States emancipate themselves from the heard from he was agitating for an immediate revothis contention that they lack confidence in their point out the good features as pistol.
and Japan.
yoke of slavery, are striking at the lutionary stand, but has since been silenced by the ability to combat the reactionary union bureaucracy. well as the bad ones.
This time we were genuinely In their vast majority they have enemy of the American workers reformists, who are engaging in under cover deals that they are afraid of them. How can such people. We too are anxious to be scientifrightened. Maybe Williams was come within the orbit and under the Clear Answer Needed with the republicans. Rank and Ale pressure for have confidence in thelr ability to fight the powerful tc and broad minded. Learning in one of those professors on the Brain heel of imperialist capitalism: Am Revolutionary working class or some open stand on the united front issue provided American Imperialists they are stopped by a much their press, that by concerning our Trust. Hastly we turned to the be erican, British, German, French. Ganizations and organizations a good out for Largo Caballero, in this case: but weaker adversary Point If the was formed primarily to have grown provincial and have our great chagrin the opening sent of extracting profit from the limit must work out and give clear theor. Obrera in word, but doing nothing inuch about it in organize the unorganized, one would have to assume lost touch with the mysteries of ence a quotation of the Greek phil. less resources and natural wealta etical answers to the complicated deed, and wherever possible, quietly sabotaging it that, prior to the inception of this trade union center, modern life, we determined to conosopher, Plato, Any clty, however of this great area has condemned problems of the Latin American by inaction.
the either did not stand for the organization of tinue our Interrupted sclentide small, is in fact divided into two millions to unimaginable poverty, revolution and the relation of the The significance of the youth answer is this, It either within the framework of the existing organ lles for a subject, which was sult other of the rich. These two cities and spiritual deformation and to revolution. Certainly the parties taining close contact with youth members and Izations. Neither is the case and the contention falls able for scientific analysis and are at war with one another suffering which they bear like the of the Fourth International will not leaders, many of whom are deeply influenced by the on this point alone.
which presented at the same time That was all we wanted. That omnipresent and indispensable burbe able to lead the workers to vic League position. The Youth is the most active For proof we will dig up the ghost of Wm. an essential feature of modern life will be a lesson for us, anyhow, to tory unless they can pose and solve section of the and is at present wholly comFoster, the most authoritative of the leaders At last we found an absolutely start reading books from the begin) The problem of their emancipa these problems in Marxian terms, mitted to a Communist position on every point, but on the trade union question: ideal subject: Suicide. Suicide! ning the future and not is concretized wavers on the question of which International. most important question for militants What study could be more dispas where in the middle or the end. one. Once the beacon aplicated in theory and action to understand in order to carry through successfully slonate, more objective, more re For all we know to the contrary, Communist International under the by two situations: the Cuban revo CHINA organizing the unorganized our rela mored from the class struggle, so Williams may be a radical. Imag leadership of Lenin and Trotskylution and the war in the Gran The government terror has dealt some heavy tionship to the of and independent Unions as to guarantee the proper historine writing a scientific work, could have pointed the road to Chaco.
blows to the Chinese Bolshevik Leninists. After the Our goal must be to build mass labor organizations cal perspective and to guarantee with the uld of a man like that.
of the workers, and to bring or maintain these unions its scientific validity.
freedom from degradation and ab In Cuba the working class is pos unification conference of the four left opposition in affiliation with the general labor movement, the We embarked on our scientific Looking for Solid Stuff ysmal poverty, to a better life, ing the questions of the fight groups in July 1981, seven members of the Executive fruitful and rich like the lands against imperialism and the entire Committee were arrested and Imprisoned. It will American Federation of Labor. The two evils we researches in deadly carnes. be basket and a good day wasted. teen put out by the treacherous with great strikes and demonstra Hsul and ten members of the Shanghai District Com Our notes were all in the waste they inhabit. But that light has system of capitalist exploltation also be recalled that in September 1932 Chen Dlu bave to guard against are on the one side, the devil cloning with the study of Sufcide what to do now? Give it up? we Wreckers of the revolutionary movetions that have thus far, because mittee were condemned to long terms. Chen is still of dual unionism, and on the other, the dogma of by Ruth Shohle Cavan. Here is a unity with the old trade unions at any price. In the industries where there are no of highly praised by the experts, bastab at it, but we washed our handsment, the Stalinists of the Fourth of the absence of revolutionary alive but in poor hemith. Thanks to this phent de sana unions our course is clear. We must form new unis published by a great cultural inclean of all professors and educa know anything although their num ground of Marxism and rooted in is not subjected to the same treatment as the other International only a mere handful proletarian party standing on the to the intervention of several bourgeois admirers be lons and bring them into affiliation with the broad stitution, the University of Chicago tlonal institutions. Now we were ber is growing and they are situat the masses, fallen short of the pro political prisoners. His release, however, depends ealabor movement as quickly as practicability permits. Press. Nothing more could be de soing to pursue with the realists, ed in the decisive cities and sinking letarian revolution Or if there be Independent unions in such Industries stred.
tirely upon international action.
the business men, the people who roots in the proletariat. The vast in the Gran Chaco British and don let their feeling run away majority of this tremendous popu American Imperialism through the Shanghai (60 members. Honkong Canton (100. The present organization is composed of sections: we must give them our active support and work for Chicago: Normal City with them.
their allation to the of We began by reading through aclation knows, as yet, only its own bodies of the Paraguayan and Bol Pekin. 40. Tsingtao Tsinan (70. Poochow in Fu In Industries where there are F. of unlons, counts of suleide in Rome and sulelde, covering the country as a talist and native capitalist oppres over oil wells and fields and outlets groups. This makes a total of We took up the annual studies of suffering and hatred for its imper Ivian soldiers have come to grips kien province (20) and several other scattered but where these unions are so weak and decrepit, Greece and the South Sea Islands whole, in the Spectator business Sors. members, 90 of with corrupt leadership, hidebound agreements, etc. etc. suddenly we came upon an ac paper of insurance. The studies to the sea. So Intense is the greed whom are active. With the exception of Pekin, that it is impossible to stimulate them into the nec count of the suicide record of Chi are written by Frederick HoffStake of American Imperialism of these blood sucking giants that which is composed of intellectuals, the majority are essary activity to mobilize the mass militant organ cago since the war. Chicago has a The penetration of imperialism, populations of two and four mil proletarians. In Tsingtao there is a strong percenization campaigns or to defend their interests in medium rate of suleide, it is a man, one of the world most fastrikes Atising theretrom, our problem is more com large urban center, has a mixture guarantee the objectivity con the merciless work of the crisis llons have been forced to put arm tage of soldiers and several peasants. Two illegal which imperialism unloads on the les of thirty, forty, fifty, sixty thou organs are published. The Spark in Pekin and the plicated. There the advantage of affiliation may at all sorts of nationalities, races, suit langt statisticia de les tres pruden: people backs and the ever sharp and men and more inte held to Vanguard in Shanghai. translation of The Soviet easily be outwelshed by the disadvantages. Such etc. all of which makes it an ideal titul insurance company. Writingening competition for the Latin Sonduet batterie count for en bich is it is ndon and the Fourth International byl comrade in its most intricate form. In spite of our most ur mal in every sense of the word. man finds the suicide rate for 100 expense of the native population, posible change of masters. Both produce a situa belligerent countries are approach ARGENTINA ment. We will often, under these clrcumstances, be learned that Chicago has four suland a leap way up to 17. per 100 tion in Latin America which is full ing a state of exhaustion and social The following note was received from one of our cide areas: the Loop. and its 000 in 1928. Here we had eight of explosive possibilities. The stake explosions are indicated. Once groups in Argentina, the Tribune Leninista and But wherever we torm such new untons, whether of of sooty fath over ores, run into will pose questions with the the League or because those that may exist are absolutely de: Lower North sides which berate. What could be the meaning nail to preserve these investments unequivocal answers from those in May and although confused the cide was increasing at an enormous mense. It will fight tooth and maximum sharpness and demand The Congress of he Young Socialista was held crepit, we must from the outset follow a program for a shifting population of unattached of this?
a definite stand the affiliation of these unions to the of We men and an equally shifting popuand profess to be revolu against the nationalist attitude of the social demo The increase in rate is difficult and the condition on which they who must be keenly on our guard not to get into a dual lation of young men and women in to understand in view of the gen can be profitable, the ousting of its lonists.
cracy and adopted resolutions which indicate that union position, by declaring against the of L, the rooming house area, 3) the erally favorable industrial and bus imperialist rivals and the poverty JOHN COATES. the socialist youth are evolving towards Communism.
in principle or by permitting an open wartare to North Side linking the loop on the iness conditions. states Mr. of the people.
San Luis Potoal, Mexico, Aug. 15. The Federation of Young Socialists has 140 groupe develop against it. Experience teaches us that dual North. and the West Madison Hoffman. Maybe love affairs had and a total of 7, 000 members. Several days later, unionism means sectarianism, Isolation from the area, with its womanless street of something to do with the rise? No!
on the 26th, the regular blennial congress of the brond labor movement, and eventually dielne stentorantes Hophouses, miloston cheape restane. Mr. Hoffman warns us It is easy THE NEXT STEP Socialist Party was held at Santa Fe where two currents clashed, a Marxist and an avowedly nationalist wing. In one of the contests, the right received nist International and the Red International of Labor dritt in almless, bleary eyed aban) to draw false conclusions from the prevailing prosperity, which after Unions to the American labor movement is their cat dun.
To date the question of the nec later the is well known. And 10, 000 votes and the Left 4, 000. Several days after all may be much more apparent egoric condemnation of dual unionism. Wm.
Foster, Organize the Unorganized. pp. 13 and 14. our investigations, we don mind cases where the struggle for exist tlonal has been recognized and there was hardly a commission dissolved the Socialist Youth Conference and asked Having progressed this tar with than real in countless individualesofty for new. com corteste baterana 10. ater World Congresses of the this congress the Executive Committee of the published in 1926. confessing we becomingence falls with crushing weight openly voiced at two international of Importance to which a representor and obtained, in part, the expulsion of the left You will find the same position advanced in Fos Slightly annoyed. Flophouses, MS upon persons unable ter Strike Strategy and in his Misleaders of stons. these were the very things circumstances beyond their con and (0. the Socialist Work Deep Ferment in Youth Movement tige, succeeded in deriving some gain from the situcope with conferences. Four groups, the In tative of the was not dele socialist leaders.
dependent Party of.
The Stalinists, despite an enormous loss of presLabor.
It is obvious from the material which has been very things against which our abiline book that Hofman wrote Revolutionary Socialist Party of olutionary Youth Organizations has results to date. Our comrades of the Tribuna Lom ers Party of Germany (S. the The Internatior al Bureau of Revation by their usual methods but with absolutely no presented that all the reasons which the Stalinista erals had warned us. We decided on Suicide Problems be reproduces Holland (which shortly after fofned no grounds on the exeuse of the insta bave attempted to give an orientation to the give for having formed the Are merely ap. we had better than centers and we are not going to quote it here. the LC. and the League of In ideological backwardness of the in young socialists towards our organization as is demologies for an untenable position.
skip all about con. chart published by Bradstreets.
Allons ditions in the tackle the cnse histories After You can look it up for yourselt ifternational Communists united on ternational youth movement. toonstrated in their growing influence in that sphere TEXTILE WORKER, Fall River Since you are all our psychologists assure you are interested. But this charts. common declaration, the Neces: shrink from such a step. deep They state that in a meeting called for the purpose unable to supply detalls the impossible to state bar sem and therefore it is perfectly larity, that the years when business ternationale At the same contes. al important national organization comrades were invited for the express purpose of pour boss is losing money despite the fact that proper to study the Individual cases bankruptcies increase and business ence another group, namely thes of the Socialist Youth Internation offering their contribution to the discussion.
he has increased speed and cut your wages. The involved. Most of these case his indices tall, when it becomes hard the the British ILP al is noticeable even today. In place, it is to be understood that, for simplletty. tories are taken from the Coroner to find a job and make a living and the Norwegian Labor Party Spain a large section of the so COSTA RICAN BANANA WORKERS STAIKE The workers out the extensive plantations of the enter into the capitalist mode of production, but this to assure our readers of the bankruptcles decrease, and business eration of the international work National Congress of the Socialistises to be the greatest labor struggle in Costa Rica abatraction is made from all those factors which charity Records. We just mention rapidly and in the years when sanizations adopted Jelente resolu: split and united with the Bolshevik United Frult Company are striking against semiwhich would only complicate but not change any objectivity of the documents conditions ease up, the suicide rething which follows.
quoted. cord decreases. That is why in ing class movement.
Youth of Spain the question of in In computing profits the capitalists deduct from At the youth conference held international athliation was placed on strike in the same company Colombian plantaA Typload Case History 1929 and 30, 31, 32, 33, taking the selling price of their product, in addition to the Amount advanced for wages, raw and auxiliary ma Rowsk, Pole born in Austria, record has been inele, the suicide Lille in February 1932 a resolution before the entire organization and tions in 1926.
First, we learned that one George the country as a steadily was adopted on sity for only! 103 repres ntatives out of al All evidences point to the probability of violent terials, and overhead value for wear, tear, and killed himself at the age of 45. Heevers year, because the struggle new international youth organiza: possible T70 pronounced themselves clashes between the strikers and the armed depreciation of his fixed capital (machinery, bulld ings, etc. How much should this latter be? In the Anal analysis the market Itselt over a period of time cago in 1905 and continued working and so hard that life becomes too organization and responsibility for Socialist Youth International and workers militia of 400 men in the plantation area, In his trade until about 1911 at unbearable for many unemployed its creation and crystallization the 2nd International. 76 voted for are true. August 17th (Friday) and the days Im determines how much of the fixed capital is socially which time he lost his job. IS! nce workers, professionals, etc. Writing accepted. While tew organization the creation of a Fourth Interna medtately following will witness the nrst real test necessary and therefore how much is really trans then he continually was forced to in 1982, Mr. Hoffman says: re consequences flowed from the tional and 600 abstained from vot ot strength when the company attempts to cut the The capitalist, however, deducts from his selling me, he was perfectly enormal and records leads to no other conclusust 1933, the Bureau of Revolu: French Youth for New International strikers are forelen born workers, from other CarEven deeper is the Terment in bean countles both Spanish and English speaking, value of his TOTAL 1xed capital, regardless of whe children lived on charity for modity in the United States at the permanent International Secre ther his plant is operating at full capacity, or during about ten years, he began develop present time is human life. Mr. tariat resulted from the Youth Con the Socialist youth organization in The plantation workers strike is led by the Coma crisis, at partial capacity.
ing melancholia, manic depressive Hoffman realizes it is an important ference. no accident that France where the lefts, who advo munist Party, which, although of recent formation, cate the creation of a new Com is very influential publishes a regular weekly paper, Let us suppose a corporation with two plants of Insanity, dementia praecox a problem because even the life in the youth organizations of both munist International and a new and functions legally, enjoying considerable prestige equal size operating at full capacity and making a fixation. and so overburdened surance companies are becoming parties, the and the youth International, have won an in the labor unions of the whole country. It is inprofit of 1, 000, 000 on each plant. Assume further with all these riches, on June 1924. alarmed at the losses sustained which subscribed only to the unanin computing this profit the capitalist has correctly Mr. Rowsk decided to call it a day through voluntary self destruction, imously adopted resolution at the overwhelming majority in certainteresting to note that the of Costa Rica has estimated the wear and tear etc. on his plant as and hanged himself in the city of which now cut quite a figure in Paris conference and opposed the and have temporarily come into bership and influence, while most of the other see000, 000 a year. With one plant completely shut Chicago.
their annual claim payments.
down, and assuming for the moment no change in After finishing taking notes of We are not particularly con not take part in the work of the open confilet with the bureaucracy. tions of the are more or less definitely on the prices or wages, the profit from the plant which is this and other case histories, we cerned about the Life Insurance International Bureau of the Revo Belgium and in the United States. In the recent elections, two communist deputies were operated is still a million dollars, but, since the grew very, very worried. It to companies, but we realize this lutionary Yonth Organizations.
If the International Bureau of elected out of a Chamber of thirty, in addition to books will probably show a loss due to wear and tear forget the class struggle was our time that suicide is no more dis Progressive Mission Revoluttonary Youth Organizations several aidermen in the capital and other towns.
etc. on the tale plant of a million dollars, the capl purpose, we might just as well not tinct from the system of capital The Plenary session of the Bar is not to be left atraggling behind The Costa Rican labor movement ns now in line talist records will show that he made no profit that have wasted our time on this book ism than the class struggle itselleau to be held in August must draw the march of events but on the for its first great test. Upon the success of the Costa Where there is only one plant operating at at all. Slightly discouraged, we and that the decrease in the suici the consequences of the Lille reso contrary will play the role It should Rican banana workers, depends in great part, the part capacity the case is similar to this.
tore up our notes and decided to dal rate will never be accomplished lution on The work for the crys play, that of pointing out the road future of the whole labor movement in Central AmThe capitalist might just as well have lost the make a fresh start. This time we by scientific reforms but only by tallization of new International to the vanguard of the internation erlea for many years to come.
million in a gambling house and then entered it in weren taking any chances. we eliminating the miseries of modern organization. his books, which would then show the same results. consulted prominent social work life to thousands of unemployed to realize these tasks. The declaradopt as its own the declaration of NEW STRIKE WAVE RISING IN CUBA This will only ation of the four organizations at the four accepted in August 1933. The Post Office and Telegraph workers of Havana despite this method of bookkeeping, a profit is shown, Williams entitled The be accomplished by destroying the Paris has to date not led to any should it fail to do so it will be have been on strike since August 10th and workers but the particular owner or owners of the plant take Human Aspects of Unemployment robber system of capitalism and extension of common activity be in danger of becoming an obstacle of other government departments are preparing to an immediate financial loss. Suppose a capitalist and Rellet. The book has been replacing it with a workers and tween the four organizations. The in the path of history instead of a join the movement. This together with the sharp starts a plant with 600, 000 of his own and 500, 000 published in 1988 and so we at farmers government, which will International Bureau of Revolution progressive and history making fac conflict between Batista and the ABC, is creating of borrowed money for which he has guaranteed to least felt safe we wouldn come create real equality of opportunity ary Youth Organizations will fulfill tor.
new political crisis in the Cuban capital. True to pay, or 25, 000 a year. It, with a reduced cape across Rome or Greece or the south of lite by building Socialism. a great progressive mission it it WALTER HELD Its idiotie antics, the Cuban Stalinists issued a mancity there is shown only a profit of 20, 000, he must Sea Islands. We also learned that BURKT COCHRANE. subscribes to the Declaration on the (Member of the International testo calling on the workers to support an insurrecdig up 5, 000 from his own capital in order to pay Mr. Williams is a Ph. and that Necessity and the Principles of a Secretariat of the Bureau of tion for the establishment of Soviet rule on August the Interest. The same might apply it he had a high his book is published by another It the number on your wrapper is new International. and calls upon Revolutionary Youth Organ 14th. The Stalinist bombast fell flat and nothing fixed rent to pay which at times was larger than the great educational institution, this the organizations which have al.
serious occurred. Once more, the need for the buildprofit shown. In these cases of the Interest and the time of the South, the University ready signed the declaration, to ing a real revolutionary party of the Cuban prolerent, however, what is the loss of one capitalist is of South Carolina. Without furorganize common activity on the BOUND VOLUMES OF THE tariat is made apparent, as the Staliniats repeat the gain of another. case in point is the railroads ther ado, we looked up the pages or smaller, your subscription to the basis of this declaration and is it MILITANT their demonstrations of bankruptcy, stupidity and which in 1983 earned about 385, 000, 000 but paid out in the Index, dealing with Suicide fitant expired.
Do not delay, self drawn into this work.
There are only a limited number betrayal. It is our duty to aid our Cuban section, Send your renewal in at once and There is nothing unusual and of Bound Volumes for the year the Bolshevik Leninist Party in this, in its period In actuality one does not find examples as simple Dr. Williams seems to be one of so nave us unnecessary labor and nothing especially new in this step. 1933 on hand. They can be ob of financial crisis. Branches and comrades holding as are used here; a combination of all these factors those on the one hand we must expense. If you cannot renew at The assistance given to the build tained from Ploneer Publishers at collection Hists for this campaign should make special plus changes in prices, wages, rate of exploitation, admit, on the other hand wo muat this time let us know how soon you ing of the by the International 50 post pata. This holds for efforts to have them all out and sent in to the Naetc. Intermingling simultaneously.
confess variety of writers. stan revolutionary youth in the war, any part of the United States. Itional Office as soon as possible.
were forces, year 238