AnarchismBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

of PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1934 REVIEWING Protest Deporting IN THE TRADE UNIONS Hathaway Slurs Of Bellussi MARCH OF THE NEWS Mpls. Strike arm men (also called strike comEVENTS Termins impending deportation Painters Strike Sags mittees, election committees etc. Truckers Strike large audience attended a meetmercenaries largely recruited from Looms st. Italian anti Fascist, manifest in New York ing on Friday, August 10 at Irving Attention Browder!
the underworld, are not so much Plaza. They were there to learn The Pre Revolutionary Situation Albert Tustar, Holiness preacher Injustice, a group of prominent in evidence. This coterie of beasts the Lessons Minneapolis In France of Sylvia C, to prove his faith liberals today petitioned Secretary The huge mass meeting at Mecca as devoid of principle as their bir on the heels of the settlement of through the medium of Clarence With unprecedented speed the in God, allowed rattlesnake to of Labor Frances Perkins to rein Temple on Monday night, Augusters are laying low bite him. His arm swelled up, his vestgate Bellusale case.
20, Culled by the Brotherhood of funds and work, since the Stalin comes the news or an impending on the way, editor of the Daily crists in France has sharpened the tongue became so swollen that it Bellussi, according to the peti. Painters District Council No. ists have scabbed on them by 180 battle in the same Industry in New Having failed to learn anything growing and unbridgeable rift is filled his mouth, be screamed with tion, which accompanies legal marked the beginning of the fourth lating all vain but he did no. dle anu bir memorandum prepared by the Pro week of the general painters strike from the battlefront, who would The present agreement of Local selt, Hathaway was therefore ungeoisie and the working class. The followers held a Victory Halle a visional Committee for Non Ports in New York for the maintenance have given any trouble to the cor 807 expires on September Tek: able to impart anything of impor coup etat by which the reactiondemonstration.
ing this occasion to present their tance to the workers. It is true ary pre fascist government of DouFor balt an hour san Labor Defense, was arrested of the wage scale and the seven rupt officialdom.
or more they prayed, danced, sang in Pennsylvania In March 1933, or hour work day.
While the opportunities for the grievances the truckers union bas he spoke for one and one half hours mergue achieved power in Februand rolled on the ground led by 20 dered deported to Italy, and kept Rumors were in circulation be settlement the strike 1x propl sent a letter to the Master Truck on the sell out. the wrong polary was so evidently a blow at sainte. Looks like a perfect set in jall nine months. Recently the fore the meeting, that this would tious at the present time, the un men Bureau (bosses assoclation) ley. the collaboration of the bourgeois parlamentary democracy up for a stalinist united front.
order of deportation was modified be the conclusion of the strike. son leaders seem to evade the ac demanding that in drawing up a Trotskyists with Olson. etc. etc. and so clearly the planned work of to allow Bellussi departure to a that the had it all fixed up tual step, because a slow, peaceful list rates now being submitted ad nauseum a long series of dis tascist forces, that it set in motion National Socialism country other than Italy. No visa with the bosses and the occasion and dragged out strike means a to the NRA, the five dollar reductortions, misstatements, outright a molecular process of change among the masses. The workers come pret under secretary of Ele, urey approached, pode Beldemort do announcement of the fact. But as the strikers in their part, despite January 1983, be restored toles, provocatoren studies and toilers realized that the DouAug. 6th, as stating that the work to Fascist Italy.
ences held during the day with the somewhat incensed at the stalling The union argues that they took Here is a strike that stands out mergue Bonapartint regime, a po ers in Germany were caught by the His defenders fear that beavy employers, in which every angle of their leaders in securing set the wage cut to aid the industry as a model for the working class lice military regime, was merely Nazis socialism like alles on fly punishment awaits him if he is and every conceivable point was tlement.
but they now feel that conditions Fighting against great odds, all of bridge to aid the fascist forces of paper An apt comparison. See sent back to his native land, be discussed, had not led to any agree There are times when patience have improved sufficiently to war the state forces lined up against extreme reaction to come to power.
tlon 7a of the NRA is another form cause of his known anti Fascist ment, and the Master Painters As ceases to be a virtue, and the time rant a restoration of the wage levit, Local 574 is putting up as mill Under this frightful threat, having of Tanglefoot views and activities sociation were stubbornly holding is approaching in the painters unel prior to the decrease. They turtant struggle as has ever been in mind the lessons of Germany Among the signers of the peti out for the eight hour day. ion, when the strikers patience will ther state that Federal reports witnessed in labor history. The el and Austria, the masses moved leftThe Union Label tion to Secretary Perkins are: Pro Therefore, after sufficient ground be exhausted. The painters are show a rise in the cost of living officiency of the strike apparatus, the wards, turning their backs on those Workers are being gassed, shot rison Villard. Rabbi Israel Gold bad been prepared and the strikers setting fed up on Zausner lles, about 27 since last year while strike committee of 100, the strike who advocated the more obvious and bayonetted on picket lines. stein, Edmund Wilson, Muswelt sentiment aroused to a high pitch, bls petty cheats, his miserable de the return of the will only headquarters, the preparations for forms of class collaboration and his double dealings, and amount to an increase of 13. relief, the strike hospital, the daily exerting tremendous pressure on Strike headquarters and trade un The Master Truckmen Bureau, strike newspaper, the loud speaker the bureaucracies of the working son beadquarters are occupled by Bor Mark Van Doren, Professor that the Master Painters Assnobo clique that is full of shyateracting for the United States Truck bulletins over Station 574, the dis class parties and organizations for National Guards. Yellow workers Frank Boas, James Rorty and Pro given a 48 hour ultimatum, to come tricks in other trades show their solidar fessor Karl Llewellyn.
But Zausner and his creaturen unton flatly refuses to grant this workers, the solidarity of workers of every party without exception, ity by sympathetic strikes and by to terms or be damned: that in exThe petition sets support on pricket lines with their lussi was arrested when he sought tions will that Bel piration of 48 hours the begotia will not cease terrorizing and bull demand. In doing so they bring with the leaders these are some of from the outright bourgeois demostriking brothers. Fascism threat to heckle a speaker at a meeting and only broken or completely doxing the painters; certainly not forth the traditional fake argu the facts of the Minneapolis strike cratie radical socialists, and the ens to smash the labor movement of the Fascist Khaki shirts. His would be dealt with thereafter.
Individual employers until the rank and tile wakes up ments of the bosses. competition, which are unique in American la social democrats to the centrist and takes matters into its own distorted figures on the rise of the bor history and will serve as les stalinist party, the Despite of the world. Never was there a home was searched without war time when courageous and determint, in violation of his constitu radical resolution, which was inThe reading of this seemingly hands.
cost of living, a boast of the ersons to the working class in future the desires of the bureaucracies of MEMBER OF BROTHERHOOD cellent wages now pald, a threat struggles.
the two centrist parties, the mined leadership was such a vital tonal rights. Evidence was pro: troduced with a real gust of bravthat the granting of the demand But Hathaway could not find one and the the workers in these matter to the American labor move cured indicating that he was ado, was calculated to strike the Molders in Unity would mean loss of customers and word of praise or make one con parties forced the acceptance of the therefor of jobs, and a plea for structiva criticism for this magol united front to defend the proletarExecutive Council of the loyalty. int against the fascist menace.
ficent battle. propose a campaign for the America, presumably making his gull the gullible to ennoble the Move. as leaders. And this pilloried demaTo this stubborn, profit mad at Only written questions were per Union Label!
matter of fact, he had been expel. gogue Zausner, has not miscalcutitude of the bosses the union bas mitted and the chairman was free Socialists the United Front led from the Communist Party five lated. The meeting thereafter was, St. Louis. movement towards but one possible reply strike. The to choose those to be answered. At the Toulouse congress of the Splinters years earlier.
though enthusiastic, most orderly a merger between the International Minneapolis workers had a trying protest from the floor arose. One its titular leader Blum still Lovestobe refers to the Trotsky On these grounds and others the and quiet: not a single disruption Molders Union of North America experience, prior to their walkout, worker stated to the chairman that defended Frossard, who had be Ists as splinters from Communism. petition seeks to re open the case was heard throughout the speech and the Brotherhood of Foundry In trying to bring the bosses to be had recently returned from trayed his party in parliament by If he and Brandler keep on whitsplit the union by refusing to co probably go into effect at the slons. 374 found out that they were coples of the Organizer, the strike ernment in favor of the Doumergue munist Opposition fice won hawe Klan Rears Its Head operate with the In the strike twenty eighth convention of the strongest in negotiations when the paper, which contained direct re government of national concenenough left to even digulfy with the Fort Wayne were kept outside, as were all the to be beld in Chicago on Au economic might of the workers was futation of statements made by tratton. and attacked the left name splinters.
600 rank and file members of the gust 13. At the time of writing solidly behind them. Local 807 will Hathaway and requested the floor wing. Pivert and Zyromski, advoStalinists local No. 499, whose we have no report of the conven make the same discovery, if they to read them. The request was recates of the united front. So swiftfused.
Fort Wayne, Ind. Aug. 20. The charter had recently been revoked. tion. This is an important step have not already done so.
Iy have events moved since Tou Deuces Wild Provocative Slander louse that only recently the deledeuce, Ands that the communist movement is becoming more sert bership book at the door. The cor. Jane the leadership by the rank and Pocketbook Workers Aristotle Cadis, Gitlow third menace of the Amerlean fascist Every man had to show his mem forward, one which has been forced little later Hathaway resorted sates at the meeting of the NationLeague cannot be divorced from of fascism, all bearing marked with many invted guest politicians Stevenson, Vice President of the Oust Wolinsky to a vile, provocative trick to ar al Council of the voted 3, 471 original ouse the workers to a pitch of vio against 366 in favor of the united lence (shades of Madison Square now forced to attack Frossard who front with the Blum was tion in a truly brilliant histor. man model, and all sporting an control of the gathering. that little or no opposition is exical sketch in that penny ante pot ambitious Der Fuehrer or two, The long over due resignation of Garden. Sald Hathaway. The attempted to scare the bureaucracy Motley Crowd of Speakers pected from the delegates on the which they call Labor Front. Aris are raising themselves and making totle should leave writing to GitAmongst the speakers were rep merger quetison. The only oppostossip Wolinsky was foally accept. Trotskyista organized squads to with the dire consequence of 10 low and spend his time with more than that, heavy financial Board, Ben Golden, a bid for a mass following and resentative of the Regional Labortion which is anticipated will come ed at a packed membership meet beat up the Communists who distriling their parliamentary posts in the sleeves rolled up threshing out support from the captains of indus politician who was introduced who is ready for the amalgama. beld at Stuyvesant Casino on Aug himself the worker who had presly cunning from Dannenberg, bend of the Flag of 1, 300 Pocketbook Workers buted leaflets. Unable to restraincoming October elections.
differences over the Talmud with try.
viously attempted to get the floor Harry Waton who according to an impartial observer. George tion or anything else so long as he ust 10.
Such a movement la presented in Meany from the Plumbers union, is able to preserve his ple cara. Legal adviser. Wolinsky had been and you weren cry of throw The resignation of the notorious shouted: That a lle! was there significance of the United Front The united front thus achieved Gitlow has a very healthy view the revival of the Klu Klux Klan who was hailed by Philip Za usner Then there is the old line leader accepted the Joint Counell of him out arose from mang throats. 1s only a beginning so far as a real point.
Not Entirely.
type of Hitlerism is engaged, like the American Federation of Labor. view any move towards the indus Pocketbook workers a few weeks contingent of strong arm guys defense against fascist attack on On July 21 Wolinsky gang started to converge on the worker the working class is concerned. The the Silver Shirts, In an acrimonious Next came Louis Waldman of the trial union as a threat to In the thesis presented to and endrise against Jews and radicals in Socialist Party, and last but not tablished order of hamstringing broke up a meeting not permitting and there would have been violence bureaucracles of both parties are but for the order from Hathaway acting to limit and bridle the needorsed by the National Plenum the best approved Nazi manner. Scast Joseph Ryan, president of the workers in the outworn or be vote on the resignation After the recording secretary had that he would handle the question essary action of the masses, to conof the Lovestone group, note is tak. Leaflets and literature 18 issued the International Longshoremen solete craft union.
read the report of the Joint Coun Then came a sbock.
fine the united front to agreeen of the disintegration of the denouncing International Jewery Assn. and of the Central Trades Bureauerat Wants Ple Card Trotskyists after which Lovestone and warning citizens against vot and labor Council. He was intro All the negotiations with Dancil, one of Wolinsky lickspittles, written challenge for a debate ments at the top. But it is necstates in these words However, ing for Jewish candidates for pub. duced by the chairman as the gen nenberg revolved around the questhe anarchist Wisoteksappealed to on the lessons of the Minneapolis essary to broaden this unity to in.
eralissimo of the trade union tion of the number of fat salarled guess the chair saying that Wolinsky strike by the Communist League clude all workers organizations, ICO has not been Immune from the Their most vicious vituperation movement, embracing more than crisis pervading the labor move however, is directed against Com 100, 000 organized workers in New the which will be allowed in resignation could not be discussed was read. As a member of the cand above all it is necessary to ne.
new organization. Dannen nation had been sent to the press lenge on one proviso: that the de Ited front of creating a drilled by the membership since the resis Hathaway accepted this chal complish the task, through the un ment. Not quite, as the letter of muntsts. All sorts of blood curling York City.
berg position, however, is in the not to the members.
bate be held first in Minneapolis.
workers guard, to arm the workH. Zam shows. Writes Zam: charges are brought against the All these stars. with a score main a hopeless struggle and the This was a maneuver and a test write this after hearing the report international band of red crimin of lesser lights, sat in a great convention will make short shift to feel out the sentiment of the you in Minneapolis, New York, any forces of the fascists. There is Mr. Hathaway, we will debate ers to meet the drilled and armed of our international representative als who are trying to Russianize semi circle on the stage, with Zaus of him. As for the of L: membership where. We call your bluff. Put also the task of beating back fasup or shut up! Our committee clsm by wresting state power from ICO, the of Alsace, has been be tolerated declare placards post with an adroit volubility. saying that it withdrawing from it is the Demonstration Against Wollnsky expelled. This was the strongested by the But these would little, buti keeping the audience at only way to achieve this unification The chairman, a former Wolin stands ready to meet yours and its ald, the Doumergue government, which can only be done by preparsky supporter, ruled against the make arangements.
ing now for a general strike.
ish party which was similarly ex fascism, not communism, that will He talked interminably but failed Stevenson, who was on a nation appeal and put the question to a Despite the meagre achievement He was sustained and the pelled some months ago. The ex not be tolerated by the working to touch the sore spots of the un al tour, told of shop conditions vote.
THE MILITANT thus far, we welcome the united pulsion of the Alsatian section class.
lon the excessive dues and taxes, around the country and especially announcement of the results 620 as Entered as a second clan mall front ever in its limited preliminmarks one of the major steps in the disintegration of the ICO. stirred by the wave of strikes favoritism and gangsterism. He ad rible as to defy description. In the onstration from the workers which Post Office at New York, UD. ary form, particularly because of der the act of March 8, 1870. the mood of the French masses for The icoas an International factor and the valuable, concrete work of dressed the painters in the audience south, the Negro workers are very lasted more than ten minutes.
Two speakers for and two against Published Woekly by the Con unity is reflected through it. Each munlat League of America step correctly taken for the de: mission that they have not entirely particularly in Minneapolls, the dentally came close to a tender ton. Hopes aroused by the organ the resignation were then given escaped the crisis must be accept Friends of the Militant of Chicago subject, ne dexterously fled under ization have already inspired the the floor by the chairman. The 144 Second Avo, New York, tense of the workers means also the quickening of the tempo of the ed as another example of that decided to raise additional funds Phone: Gramercy 9624 cloud of words terribly exploited workers, mostly Wolinsky supporters made no atstruggle and the speeding up of the frankness for which he and the to its previous contributions.
EDITORIAL BOARD The other high priests were apNegro, of one of the large southern tempt to speak but rather to shout Vol. 7, No. 34. Whole No. 238) evidence for this in the reception efforts of reaction. There is ample have long been famous. meeting was called last week parently invited on the scene to shops to go on a courageous and and yell so as to break òp the meetSATURDAY, AUGUST 25, 1934 by the French bourgeois press of and upon the suggestion of one of entertain the strikers; entertain militant strike for the bettermenting before a vote could be taken.
Martin Abern Silence on Union Sqmro our members, comrade Rose Cas them and keep them in good spir of their conditions. Negroes, in their trick tailed.
James Candon the news of the united front. Thus its with gross demagogy. rosy other parts of the country particu thunder of yeas arose from Maurice Bpector the vote of the leads the orWe recently commented on the ano a decision was made to have promises and prophesies, funny anlarly around East St. Louis are the great mass of the workers in Mar Shachtman.
Arne Swabeck gan of big Industry. La Journee Inthat pienicing and talking must person, which price should include full of rhetoric and wind. Louis union.
The chairman announced the redustrielle, to say, The Sunday Bundle rates one cent per copy. event leads us but to one simple cease on Union Square August 1st. transportation by automobile, two Waldman, who was promised as un The NRA code, setting a flat rate signation accepted and adjourned Subscription rate: 00 per year conclusion: the necessity to reorthe meeting One of the proletarian guards complete meals, entertainment, etc. the spice, the delicacy of the pros. making no discrimination be. The Wolinsky patriots, however, for sections of the foundry Indus 50 per half year. Canada ganise more and more actively the gram, lived up to this promise, by writes to the Although it tion of all members, some and Foreign. 41. 50 per year: forces resisting the social revoluelected to enforce the decision With the whole hearted cosiddelectably introducing the elastween skilled, semi skilled and unremained in the ball continuing the Be for six months was in the Dully Worker on the uting machines, others tion. Le Temps, that semi official first page, August 1st urging the preparing and serving the food, the servative chorus, much to the ela lous wage scales. In many shops the floor, calling on his lieutenants sible for Wolinsky return to the Bourgeoisie organ which Jaures called the comrades to pay attention to the picnie was held last Sunday, Au8 tlon of the audience.
skilled and unskilled aro paid the to refuse to pay dues and to in union. Moreover, they have worked writes: The hour is a proaching turned newspaper. speakers, they were doing other ust 5th at one of the Forest Pre Gradually, as the speeches drag same wage and in one plant it is stitute a regime of expulsions and hand in glove with the employers when there will be in France but for years, double crossing the work two opposed political conceptions the conversations were worse than complete success, both in a mater more and more restless and tired celve 32 cents an hour the molders Wolinsky wants to force himselers whenever it was necessary to the national and democratic (read before. We would suggest that alal al and Ideological sense. Twenty from the hot att delivered for them receive only 30 cents an hour.
on the workers, in a reign of ter gain their own ends.
fascist. conception and the interJoint statement lened by Browder Ave dollars were netted several from the platform. The applause In addition to this, machinery or as the title of the pocketbookA few weeks ago this same national and dictatorial conception.
and Father Divine be issued for new contacts were made and to diminished. The leaders, sensing has to a large extent obliterated makers unton. The militants Anti Wolny committee called What is at stake in this condict is the next meeting and printed in general, the interest in the view that they had sowed wind, and if the difference between skilled and the entire trade union movement meeting in the Rand School nothing less than the nation and the Dally Worker first page. It points of the movement stimulated. they did not want to reap whirl unskilled labor. On one type of must answer the challenge by. com where the speakers were the very uberty.
that doesn silence the masses then We will have to decide The success of this out of door wind, they might as well end it mold Ave workers are employed, ing to the ald of the pocketbook men, Kleinman, Lubliner, Wise, definitely and forever between the only thing to do is to expel them affair was due not only to the ac. right there. At ten o clock the suposedly one molder and five workers in the present erlis. etc. who engineered Wolinsky re idealism of the French Revolution trom Union Square as counter rer tivities of our own members, but melange of painters were on the laborers. The most experienced Program of Aetion turn. Just as at union meetings and the Revolution (read proletarolutionary social fascists. We must also to the splendid help were streets.
eye watching the operation would What is to be done?
they refused to give the floor to ian revolution) pure and simple.
have silence while the Tallentyres celved from outsiders who attended The strike is going on as usual. be unable to say which was the First, a new agreement should rank and file workers. The work Marxism on one side, Anti Marxlam and Divines speak. BILL. the afrair. Very little picketing is being done. molder and which the laborer immediately be negotiated and the ers left the meeting in disgust. on the other. It is no longer a Many of the painters who had to continue to maintain craft lines workers mobilized for a battle. Is it any wonder that the Wolquestion of a dilemma involving a worked before the strike are back under such conditions is foolish and Second, shop meetings should be insky gang received 534 votes at theoretical and ideological oppostJust off the Press!
at the Jobs, as more than 200 in suicidal.
held at once and all chalrmen and the unlon meeting?
dependent bonnes have signed up. The membership of the 19 committee men supporting Wolfn. This Anti Wolinsky committee tary opposition of social democraThe strikers are becoming more de for the most part old and conserva sky removed.
War and the 4th International moralized and tired of registering tive. The amalgamation will tuse There must be no delay in exe lying the situation and their peer. but a real opposition which twice a day at their local untons into the new union new and young cuting this program. The season on The same goes for the stu: irreconcilable conceptions, partly Draft Theses Adopted by the International Secretariat ways and means to shirk the 50 organization. The militants in the Without an agreement and with an which made to fight against the for netton. Thus the bourgeolate.
on will receive from the new Internal fight in its ranks the dan. Fraternal Club administration having taken alarm, gives us warn of the International Communist League them by Zausner. The cent a day work ter ber membership the support they need ker is great that the union will with whom they are in a uniteding that the time is short, that alship does not seem to care what to go ahead with a program that receive a smashing blow it prompt front. The Stalinista will yet have ready the two Irreconcilable forces the outcome of the strike will be will make the foundry bones sit action is not taken.
to give an accounting of themselves in capitalist society have crystal TEN CENTS Many of the painters are clinging up and take notice. The brutally Present Leaders Not Trustworthy and an explanation of all their lized out, that the dual power will to the union simply to see what exploited foundry workers will The same workers who oppose monstrous blunders in the Wolin have to be resolved by the test of PIONEER PUBLISHERS the hell 18 coming next.
have in their hands a weapon for Wolinsky have no confidence in the sky affair.
armed action. It is now that the The terrorism and sluggings, so obtaining lower hours, better con present administration, Stein, Gold. POCKETBOOK WORKER. French proletariat will have to 84 East 10th Street New York City familiar in the early days of the aitions and a higher standard of man, Lubliner, Wise and others. It strike, have considerably abated. living. That weapon is the indus would be tatal to entrust the nego ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI. learn anew the lessons of the Com.
The disciplinary force, or strong trial union. tlations to them. They are respon TANTHONE CENT PR COPT. JACK WEBER.