BourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismImperialismInvasionNazismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

THE MILITANT SITURD IY. AUGUST 18, 1934 PAGE Fraternal Orders Begin Behind the Algerian Massacre Drought and New Deal Drive Against Labor Ruins American Farmers ism On Minneapolis Conspiracy Left Wing Needed in Paterson Knit Goods Youth Defeat Economic Factors Provoking the Recent Anti Semitic Riots Xation wide Drive On Redssons advocating the overthrow of drunken Jewish soldier in the Moslems having a small voice, the European Jewish bourgeoisie; In the midst of a severe agrarian donment of 50 million acres of proPlanned. Citizens Committee Or the American government.
ganized To Combat Reds. Assails To make these records this is the way French authorities ever there are enough non Moslems the true shrewd method of French of the foreign market and the instruction of primary wealth was mosque race and religious riots purely local government, wher second, the colonial army, which in crisis produced by the contraction ductive land. This wholesale de Communists for Strike Activity. cluding criminal records, available and the bourgools press explain the to guarantee French control. On imperialism consists almost entire capacity of the American workers subsidized by the government to the Hunt Reds Among Jobless. cit to every police department in the recent massacres in Constantine, the other hand, the have a full ly of native Algerians, officered by to purchase the necessities of life, tune of over billion dollars.
izens to Organize to Cur Reds. country.
Algeria. Glibly we are told that voice, and though native Algerians, Frenchmen. As a check upon this the American farmers are now At the same time the Public Serengelated rekese les homens come Toimite mestion clearers are used anti Semitism has long been at the same privileges as French col urmy, the Foreign Lexion, used for each with the most adestramentowe Worke proferam cells for the country concerted effort is now in prepara radical activities of this character. lieve that u vague something called Pressure on Moslems natives act as police completes which the Weather Bureau bas for dams, irrigation, flood control, tion to exterminate the labor move To see to it that school and race antagonism makes men mur. The economic pressure on the the picture. Thus revolt becomes kept records.
and soil erosion reclamation. to ment. To crush labor and when Moslems has steadily grown greater a giant undertaking, to be carried While the drought, in which 27 bring hundreds of thousands of new it lifts its head. To stem the tide other public buildings are not used der their neighbors.
for disloyal purposes.
But let us look at the class strat as the French expropriated more out usually with foreign aid Ger million persons in 21 states are at ucres into productivity.
of the growing strike struggles Thus we get a classic example or To see that propaganda distication in Algeria, and try to place and more land before the invasion man, during the War or else indirected, has caused a damnge runthroughout the country. To scare First, Jews and Moslems within it. The owned tribally or communally. rectly, by means of anti Jewish ning in excess of billion dollars, Planning under capitalism and bewilder the workers. To con loyal to the government is not sec fuse the issues. To crack down on retly distributed to school children. Moslems include Berbers, Arabs, and turned it into private property. riots And thus a Moslem attack the Roosevelt administration has so a reward offered for not producing Negroid: Greater and greater numbers of on the ghetto in Constantine is al. far allocated only 105 million dol. While at the same time spending shop America. To pave the way with immigration authorities, the Arab toxtures of these, the Arabs Moslem landless were then drafted lowed to wear itself out. the na lars for reliet purposes. This millions to increase productivity That the above are not the usual intelligence units of the Army and like the Jews, and the Berbers are ing work, while the rest, remaining the French authorities keeping the quate, considering the amount of stabilize prices above the level de Now the dronght bas come to the boss press is attested by the fact ing information concerning radi like many of the Jews too. There scule, were exposed to the exploit In this way the Jews may dearly to even feed the millions of people eid of the government and with one is no clearly traceable racial dilation of the merchants, traders and for their privileged political and affected.
that they flow from resolutions cals.
ference between any a result of the crops derell swoop has accomplished the of these banker usurers, among whom the economic position; much as in Paladopted by various mass organiza To militantly strive for the groups.
Jews are conspicuous.
srtoyed, thousands of fariners will objective of all its planning: tions of the pretty bourgeoisle the deportation of all alien radicals.
Tens of thousands of farmers At the same time the Italian and fraternal lodges.
The first meeting of this commitClass Differences The problem, from a Communist be thrown into bankruptcy. Almost From Atlantic City comes the tee of legal and extra legal vigidifference between the Jews and with the Jews, and some under the typical colonial set up, not fundaHowever, there is a sharp class Spanish tradesmen in competition viewpoint, resolves itselt into the 250, 000 animals are killed daily for crops have been destroyed (without news that the Grand Exalted Ruler The thumbs of the Jews, nurse a con mentally different from the pleture that prompt action by the govern of feed and water.
Agricultural experts maintain Live stock slaughtered for lack of the Elks has pledged to enlist Kast Bay Rotary Clubs. As a re the other native Algerians.
grievance. in Latin American countries, relihis entire organization, numbering sult of the activities of this arch Moslems, who make up the great stant retty bourgeois ment in shipping feed to drought Thousands of farmers thrown of 500, 000 in a battle against radical renetionary Warren not a worker majority of the population, are Nazi propaganda among this class, cious and racial differences not areas and the removal of cattle to the land as a result of destroyed The time has arrived in home is safe from attack by his peasants, shepherds, workers, arti which includes Nome Moslems, re withstanding. In Algeria, as in other regions would have saved acropy and failure to pay mortgage America.
is between the star and Stripes Oakland Tribune is listed the are large semi feudal And Rovernment in the city of Oran, on is felt more heavily than in the This was not done, however, as WASSERMAN.
is between the Stars and Stripes places of ten different workers The Jews, on the other are an anti Semitic ticket.
Spread to boss country, for exploitation is alcease talking our devotion to the homes or organizations that have merchants, industrialists, hardly the peasants and some of the work was carried to the utmost in them, government agricultural program it would have interfered with the institutions of the United States been smashed up by the District exception part of the large ors, it becomes at the same time a without even the counter check of and to act our love of country. Attorney hooligans.
atization. Revolt is therefore always prees.
It should not be necessary to go in And as a centralizing feature of class position with French, Italian Jews and a German thrust Prices Soaring French colonial strength, since Al close to the explosion point, and it to a detailed analysis of such a all these activities comes an and Spanish traders.
Prices of commodities are soaring statement. The reference to talk. dispatch from the seat of the New Algeria is largely an agricultural geria is one of the richest and most generally takes on a nationalist ing and acting is all too clear. Deal dirty deal government country. The best land, strip powerful of French colontes, sup character. In Algeria, the nation in the meantime in expectation of Newark, Aug. 13. meet At the convention of the Knights Washington, with the headline along the coast, fifty to a hundred plying wheat, ollves, oil, wine and alists are led by petty bourgrois a shortage this winter. And seeChicago, the 700 delegates presentes. Who are the jobless reder by the French authorities for the richly exploited market for French Mohammedan tribal chiefs; in Lat clares that: You can have a held here today under the joint of week in. or on cheered a proposal that the lodge Those who refuse to starve in si use of French colonists, of whom goods.
in America, it is led by petty bour drought like this without an ad auspices of the American Workers military department (are these the lence. Ilow to deal with them un there are 750, 000. In order to Dividing the Colonials geols European natives, and by In vance in prices. That is inevitable. Party and the Communist League.
the authority of the Moslems suffering under embryo of our American Storm der the New Deal? Grant 75, 000 strengthen The meeting was attended by the dian or semi Indian generals There is nothing one can do about 70 workers, most of whom reTroopers. merge with the Nation Krags (rifles a bit antiquated but colonial government, the Freuch en French colonial yoke are bed down much like Chinese war lords. But things of this sort.
While conservative agricultural al Guard in the event of Commun not too antiquated for purposes in franchised the Jews in 1870, forty by several nighty forces: first, the in all these places, the nationalist ist emergencies. Again it does not tended) to the American Legion years after the invasion of Algeria, political and economie weight of parties, when triumphant, will al economists claim that there is tion and discussion period which require any too much perspicacity That gang of professional and semi On the other hand, the Moslems ways make a deal with the imper enough food supply for domestic ended at 11:40.
to translate Communist emeruen professional killers will know upon are subjects but not citizens. They lalist power, becoming weapons to requirements, the monopolists and The speakers, Rosenberg of the cies into striker, struggles of the whom to use them.
may become citizens by one of sev. Drivers Smash be used aguinst the proletarians, the government are busy spreading and Kotz of the gavo unemployed, etc. etc.
So from Atlantic City to the Bayeral roads: serving in the French who of course are the force that, scare storles of a food shortage in an account of the conduct and In Cincinnati the Order of Eagles area in California rom const to army or navy or colonial civil adopted a resolution to condemn coast one can see a clearly calcu ranks: learning French, or owning revolution, bas actually put the erally conceded that the greatest of the role of Gov. Oison and the damage was caused to feed for live role of the petty bourgeoisie in power.
all Communism as we know it toated effort on the part of all the property enough to make them constock, which amounts to GO percent The Stalinists and their sympaIn the bourgeois press, it is al of the total gross income of thixers present repeated the accuday, and likewise all kindred the agencies of American reaction to siderable taxpayers. Citizenship (Continued from Page 1)
ories or doctrines.
band together to crack down on the involves subjection to French law, far cry from a drunken Jewish culture xations and criticisms made in the From the heart of the terror belt rising head of American labor. whereas Moslem subjects are for the first chance to make a soldier in French uniform, starting The Roosevelt administration Daily Worker against what it calls judged by Moslem law, which priv. get away.
County in California comes the bourgeoisie and the bourgeoisie ilege, however, entails the penalty Following the questions, the online, to a Mendieta policeman in will not only fail to aid the rea 574. They were treated to refutaof the United States. Alameda These fraternal lodges of the petty a race riot in the city of Constant handling of the drought situation the Trotskylte leadership of local Warren is the head of a county center for American fascism. They Nominally Algeria is supposed cert Dunne and wiles Dunne began worker. But race, religion, and but will only serve to news that District Attorney Earl proper can become the organizing of little or no voice in government. Ilon leaders, William Brown, Vin Cuba cracking down on a sugar bilitation of the destroyed avations made by direct quotations ac from the union paper, the Organ crisis which hasizer, and other literature. They borated the following seven point too. American labor is only now deputies and Senators in the na ing the proposal, demanding to stics of the identical mechamsplagued the American farmer since were not particularly pleased to program: To list and classify all per Wait till it learns to unbestional Parliament. However, they know whether the mediators 50 of exploitation and repression.
icarning to pronounce its talk!
are elected only by the bourgeoisie, clated themselves with the planJEAN MENDEZ.
learn that even the capitalist press If they did not then why had the Causes of Crisis in Minneapolis was aware of the press reported them in agreement We will here try to summarize Stalinists role and had printed a and would they make a public the causes which have led to the story pointing out that the 166 statement disassociating themselves present crisis.
noble employers, Dan Tobin, and from it?
As a result of the World War, the Communist Party are united in Strike Dunnigan stated in reply, that he Aides Paterson, August 13. The deep son backyard, as the last issue of European agricultural production their attacks on the leadership of going ferment among the silk work the Silk Shuttle reports, a stretchneither endorsed nor rejected the was reduced to approximately 23 local 574. The story also contained ers is rapidly coming to a brad. out has been introduced, looms at (Continued from Page 1)
new proposal, but that he would of normal by 1918. This led to the information that no one This ferment has two aspects; on 25 per 100. 000 picks in a shop leadership that they have called a any quarrel with the press.
make no statement or enter into (Continued from Page 1)
tremendous increase of American seemed like the poor leaders of the one hand there is anger against which has just reopened. Tomor the bosses because the few gains row, the stretch out will move foto found in the shops WORKING. It izer entered the discussiou. He proposals for social insurance amounted to 4, 000, 000, 000 in 1913, moeting was another testimonial several strike, while here they are Here the reporter for the Organ Central Bureau. These included usricultural production. The gross 674 but the truck drivers.
which were won in the last strike the heart never occurs to them that the striktold Hans and Dunnigan that he against the militarization of the rose to 10, 000, 000, 000 in 1919. Land to the increasing recognition of the are vanishing before the workers is of course unless the workers da eyes; and on the other hand there something about it. What has the committee who are so easily would print any statement by the youth, against the prices took a tremendous upward League intelligent and correct strong resentment against the union officialdom done. fooled would think them scals in the organizer disassociating and transient camps for working while a general strike themselves from their resolution on education was leap as the prices of farm products trade union policy.
present union officialdom, particu Keller Achievements The Newark branch of the Comlarly because of its failure to meet In order to finance this colossal munist League is undertaking an in the Industry is on or that they agreement with the scheme in the introduced to the conference which soared to unheard of helghts.
The progressive achievements might even jump to the conclusion boss press. He wanted to know condemned education which had mlitantly the encroach in ents of Keller, the general manager, have that the Industrial general strike whether, when that appeared, HAR any other than scholarly ends expansion, farmers mortgaged their organizational drive and urges all against the union.
already been reported in the Mill call was a fake. Of course, such and Dunnigan would enter into against the domination of educa holding to acquire additional ac sympathizers and Militant readers the industry as a whole are the di expelling the militants who op of their theory of dual unionism.
The conditions now prevailing in tant, which were crowned by his stupidities will inevitably grow out controversy with the Organizer ortion by political groups, religious reage. The mortgage debt increased in Jersey to comníunicate their adfrom 3, 300, 000, 000 in 1910 to dresses to Nagy, 843 So. 19th St. whether it is only with the boss groups or economic interests: 1200, 000, 000 in 1920. The Bureau of Newark, An Interesting ser rect consequences of the fallure to posed him. The membership re It should be said at this time that press they do not like to fight. should be mentioned that the New win the hour day and day week belled and voted to reinstate these the general strike situation of the This question, met with a roundtional Secretary of the CL that land prices were 70 above prepared for the Fall. We urge our Agricultural Economics estimates les of lectures and classes are being The com militants but the long overdue knit goods workers commands com of laughter by the strikers, received Green and a representative get the normal during the war.
promise settlement only postponed general membership meeting has plete unity and that the continuous no answer from the mediators.
sympathizers to cooperate, With the end of the war Europthe struggle on this fundamental is still failed to materialize. Natural agitation by the Stalinists only rewith liberals, on the resolutions ean agriculture began to regain its OPEN FORUM However, the leadership of ty, feelings are running pretty high sults into splitting the ranks of the the Associated, and particularly of against Keller these days in Pater workers who are now in a fight again stated that they did not deAfter the federal mediators had committee. Education above class place in the world market. The COMMUNISM, SOCIALISMthe Anited Textile Workers, failed son. The workers find an outlet for primarily for improved working sire to endorse the proposal but huge mortgage burden of the Amer The representative of the Sparican farmers accumulated at inflaIS UNITY POSSIBLE?
to utilize the respite in order to their grievances in Indignation conditions in the industry. Particu: merely to submit it for discussion, tacus Youth League took issue with tion prices during the war and the Friday, August 24, at P.
consolidate the workers ranks, na. larly, does such disruptive propa. they left the conference room.
144 Second Avenue, tionally for a nationwide struggle But the problems facing the silk sanda and action befog the minds DISCUSSION discussion ensued and desirous under a class system. An et, contributed to the financial cris. QUESTIONS This demand can be won in no workers immediately go beyond of the newer elements in the union then by unanimous vote the strike delegate amended the resorts of 1929. Between 1920 and 1930 Admission Free other way. Instead of acting, the Keller. At present there are other who are badly lacking in the know. committee of 100, upholding the lution by cutting out this and other Ausplees: Manhattan Branch Communist League of America.
er with the official:om there are the expelled who must be struggle. It is clear that the Stal policy of their Negotiating Commit sections. The objectionable sectlon farms and mortgage indebtedness increased to over 10 billion dollars.
talked left and then acted very relnstated; union democracy mustinist polley plays right into the tee, rejected the new scheme and was defeated.
instructing the union president to be safeguarded: then there is a hands of the bosses and it is there Another dispute arose on the Tenancy increased by over 250, 000.
much to the right.
write a letter to that effect.
need to shift immediately to a mil fore necessary that the workers resolution on war and ascism. Drop in Value of Farm Products Food Prices Rise McMahon Empty Threats itant policy in the union, rebuff the abandon these disruptive tactics Both the union and the conf. Among the proposals made was one While the farm income for 1919 McMahon, of course, spares nel (Continued from Page 1)
and and splitting policies by joining the dence of the strikers in their lead calling for the support of the Sov. amounted to 15 billion dollars, it ther words nor his wind bellowing ouslaughts of the bosses about the need of the 30 hour week achieve complete industrial union struggle for one strong union of the ership came out of this session Im iet Union peace proposal for gen fell to a little over billion in anyone take undue alarm at bis measurably and the calling of a general strike Ism; and finally preparations must knitted garment workers against more than a week the Organizer for united front of pacifists and of property dropped from 78 billion We do not contemplate striker.
strengthened. For eral disarmament. sound basis 1932. At the same time the vnlue fighting words.
be planned and fulfilled for a nathe bosses.
to enforce the demand McMahon tionwide general strike.
Those of us who recognize the had been cautioning the drivers to Stalinists! The Yipsels present dollars to 44 billion. Taxes on the Not at all! We want to avoid has grown gray and sleek screenBuild the Left Wing need of the class conscious elements watch out for tricks and maneu were silent on this point. The other hand increased over 150 Strikes!
ing his servile obedience to the to aid the as yet backward work vers, and advising them to maintain representative briefly er since the war, while prices of farm We hold that the interests of bosses with militant blabbing. plained the role of armaments to products were only 12 of their the wage earners can be protected few months ago he gold his threat silk worker, despite the activities ditions on the job, shall join the The splendid showing of the day: in wars between imperialist pre war level.
In the face of the contracting extration of the NRA.
only through Government adminispromises of Roosevelt Board. and, clique) that the way out in silk workers where they are to be committee of 100 demonstrated that nations, against colonial peoples, they had been well prepared.
against the workers at home. To port and home market, production That is Green message to the bor course, he is ready to repeat his through building the American militaney in their struggle for betask the imperialists to disarm is continued to expand at an increas workers who are underpald and unperformance upon orders at ang Federation of Silk Workers. The ter living conditions.
BOUND VOLUMES OF THE to ask them to abdicate. Further, ing pace. American capitalism was derfed as never before in American hour of the day. At the building of the Associated is theA KNIT GOODS WORKER.
MILITANT the slogan of disarmament is based faced with the curse of plenty. history, by the grace of God and convention, now in session, more central problem locally. Despite There are only a limited number on the notion that the emancipation Cries of overproduction were the NRA.
than fifty resolutions were sent in its present obvious and dangerous of Bound Volumes for the year of the working class is possible heard on all sides while over 40 cold winter threatens, and a by Southern delegates on the first weaknesses the Associated must be of the Associated lies also in the 1983 on hand. They can be ob without arms. His organization, million people were forced to live hard one for the workers of the day demanding the general strike. maintained today, in order that to lack of a functioning left wing tained from Pioneer Publishers at the could not subscribe to on charity and another few million United States of America, richest And the convention voted for a morrow it may be solidified. What there. The ble and Immediate Job 00 post paid. This holds for such a slogan. He introduced an on the borderline.
United States.
land under the sun. If prices are strike, if necessary. But as the decides is the strength and morale before all the militants is twofold: any part of amendment: Defend the Soviet The Roosevelt government, in high now, they must go still higher.
New York Times itselt smugly re of the militants in the union. The on the one hand they must defeat All letters, subscriptions, bunAt line with its New Deal program. Workers who hunger, must now Union Against Imperialist ported, such a strike will never formation of such a left wing was the demagogues, Job seekers, disdle orders, donations and any tacks. An Ler defended the set up a plan for disposing of the starve. For the drought has comtake place if the decision rests with long delayed, and only now is in rupters and cliques who thrive on slogan of disarmament as a method sarplus. which the workers pleted the work begun by the NRA McMahon and his gang alone. process of crystallization. The trouble and who put their personal Inquiries concerning or intended of exposing the capitalists who whose buying power had been con farm administration in plowing unIn Paterson, too, there has been United Silk Workers Club has tak interests above the interests of the for the NEW INTERNATIONAL magazine, are to be addressed to: talk in favor of disarmament but stantly reduced by unemployment der corn, wheat and cotton. God no end of militant talk, but in real en the lead in this direction, but union; and on the other hand they refuse to disarm. The am and the NRA minimums were un himself came to the aid of the THE NEW INTERNATIONAL the real Job has still to be ity the bosses have been having it once the left wing is formed it will teach the bosses that an end must e done must fuse so solid a front as to STATION D, BOX 119 endment was defeated.
able to absorb at the artificially Roosevelt Wallace farm program all their own way. Undercover serve as the greatest bulwark of be put to the disgraceful chaos and NEW YORK, The organizations at the Confer Inflated prices established by the and food prices will rise, as high wage cutting is not the exception misery now prevailing the indus ence agreed that they would fight government.
as he contemplated, and higher.
BROWNSVILLE COMRADES for the right of all youth groups to The program called for the But where, in any statement 1812 (twelve) cents a week which vide the proper leadership in the ATTENTION!
It is the need of union. Without the left wing, the plish this task.
be represented at the Congress sued by our beaming President was granted by the Arbitration union is like a ship without a rud the hour. real left wing in PatThe social affair, in connection Now that the Congress is out of Ir the number on your wrapper 10 since the drought began, has there Board is ust a little spice to sender and is at the wellnever erson today means a real left wing with the three volumes of the His the hands of the Central Bureau for been one word about a correspondson the jokers in the contract.
Chis shifting wind and current, to say in the tomorrow and the form the Russian Revolution Young America it is expected that ing rise in wages?
elline on the yardage is getting nothing of shifty people who are dawn of a new day for textile scheduled to take place on August this will be done immediately.
Where, Mister Green?
worse, as are the conditions generalways ready to sow additional workers.
18th in the headquarters of the or smaller. your subscription to the The upshot of the whole business ally. Unemployment is becoming confusion. SILK WORKER.
Brownsville branch 1776 Pitkin Militant expired. Do not delay. is, that under capitaligm workers AN ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Ave. has been postponed due to the The City Committee of the y. Send your renewal in at once and must starve. If there is a surplus, more and more widespread and with It the pressure of the bosses na his leisure, it is only because there Ir McMahon is able to sell out at Don forget the Boat Ride moonlight excursion which occurs District wishes to thank Comrade so save us unnecessary labor and they must starve because of the turally increases. Only a stone is no left wing inside the Saturday, August 18. Boat leaves on the same date. Watch the MIL Ed Robbins for the donation of a expense. If you cannot renew at surplus. If there is a shortage they tant for announcement of new time typewriter to the organisation. We this time let us know how soon you must starve because of the short throw away, practically in Pater. And in the last analysis the plight Pier 11, foot of Wall St. at P. and place for the blowout. appreciate comrade Robbins spirit. can.
age. But starve they must.
By now it must be clear to every lers in their struggle for better con eternal vigilance.
but the rule. The recent raise of the union. It and it alone can prosty. Only a left wing can accom237