BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1984 THE MILITAN PAOD QUESTION BOX POLITICAL CHANGES IN MEXICO WORLD OF LABOR GERALD. Davis, phandsvatn. bee chat was there readers to The Significance of the Impending Crisis in the Government Party sorts been ments Bogus Democracy National Revolutionary Party will There is a rumor in Mexico that collapse into distinct groups: the result of this experience it becomes fixed in your ary Party is in the midst of serious kalak peasants, the large landown INTERNATIONAL SOLIDARITY AND THE mind that when a contradiction exists between what internal trouble, tbut may lead to ers, the native industrialists, the STALINISTS commercial grand and small capiLenin said and what a Stalinist says, you can be a split.
The following incident should serve to illustrate talists, the artisans, the imperial to what abysmul depth the stalinist conception of sure that there is something wrong with the state. On the one side, according to ists.
ment of the latter. If, as your friend states, Lenin this rumor are the supporters of class forces. In Russlu this stage as left side. The Communist moveinternational solidarity has sunk. In cases where said something to the French comrades about build the newly formed fascist organiza lasted but several months, in Alex. ment in Mexico must push this tariat will be thrown into space to for the proletariat one would expect that every sec The poor peasants and the prole the hand of reaction reaches out and seizes a fighter ing Red unions, you can be sure that he spoke to tions: the brown shirted Mexican ico years.
them in the spirit of his Left Wing Communism Revolutionary Association and the upon the petty bourgeoisie they Basing itself generally forward.
evolve toward the Internationalist tion of the labor movement, irrespective of other and not a la Stalin.
Kreen sbirted The unity of these above men Communists at a rate of speed political differences, would unite to wrest the victim In the first place it is correct that the Red Inter tee. Supposedly directing this class which hopes to complete the cause of a lull in the struggle of efficiency of the work of the Mexi they have a private concern in the case they wash Pro race Commit: represent the vacillation of this tioned parties is only secure be which partly will depend upon the from the enemy. Not so with the Stalinists. Unless national of Labor Unions was formed during Lenin group is the present president in bourgeois revolution without hav the classes. Where the class strug cau League.
their hands of it because they have interests separtime; or to be more exact, in July, 1920. In 1921 office, Rodriguez.
the Constitution of the RILU. was published in On the other side are those ele task of such magnitude is beyond couraged, as was the case in Rusing recourse to the proletariat. gle is given free play and even en New Stage Approaching ate and apart from those of the working class.
English by the American Labor Union Educational ments of the ruling class who see the possibility of any class in mod sid, these parties lust only a few drama very shortly. Elements who Torgler, who was reported to have had differences We may witness one act of the This is illustrated in their criminal neglect of Society. What your stalinist friend implies, how in these groups a peril, and who ern society but the proletariat. days. In China where the class attack the National Revolutionary with them, up till the time rumors of his death were ever, is that the was intended as the interthink that the democratie ways of Speaking concretely of Mexico the struggle between the workers and Party from the side of the right heard. Then the stalinists said: Now that Torgler national center of the various national ruling the masses are still good only class that can abolish the native capitalists was suppressed may find themselves uncomfortable. is dead let us redouble the fight for Thaelmann.
Nothing could be forther from the truth. The enough.
LU. was intended as the international center of The instance at band is an interview between Godeclergy, give land to the pasants on by all the strength that Stalin bad, Members and groups may Rumors of Split revolutionary unions, It is true, but unions made either an individual or collective the kuo Alin Tang maintained an pelled. Calles may defend demo troy, the secretary of the Belgian Young Socialists revolutionary by the communists expanding and cap Large Illiterate population, the timia ialism is the proletariat organized 1027. Aguin the turn in the events this luxury because of the Inactive sarev, the secretary of the Young Communist InterMexico is a land of rumors. The basis, and free the land of imper appearance of unity from 1924 to cracy. They can permit themselves which numbers soine 35, 000 members had with Kosturing the existing organization, and not by creating newspapers (even from a bourgeois in its owu class form, the dictator or 1927, the stunning defeat given attitude of the mass.
national. Kossaroy was asked why the Young Com paper ones. To prove this statement we will call point of view. the general unsetship of the proletariat.
upon none other than Luzovsky himself.
tled the proletariut hus kept the Chinese But with increased movement of munits of Belgium (500 members) had refused a state Reporting upon the International council of trade condition. Even the lowest peon upper reaches of the peasantry bope The major ditticulties for Chiang of the sections and individuals now defending the German youths arrested by the Dutch of atrales causes this The petty bourgeoisie and the mass movement from reappearing the workers and peasants, many united front proposal made by it for the purpose of and industrial inions of June, 1920, which laid the bas a friend, or a friend of a friend, to avoid this by throwing their Kul Shek and the bourgeoisie sup supporting Calles may find them police during the International Youth Conference basis for the he states: The question that in the large governmental bureau support bebiud Calles. He will porting him now is from the right. selves taking up the arms they are and deported back to Hitler Germany. Kossa rey reratsed most discussion was that of the tactics of the cracy who will tell him confiden prove a broken reed to them, Communist revolutionary elements ithin the trade tlally The working class of Mexico has forcing the fascists to drop now. plied that they had no time to waste defending fant stories Stalinism and Leninism untou movement in connection with the old mass This rumor, however, has grounds. There is yet another analogy that number of strikes, and their mili present enemies. But renewed rev. revolution. We have no doubt that this declaration unions. The question was: Should the old unions be tor belief.
from the viewpoint of the struggle tancy huve been decreasing. The olutionary activity on the part of of solidarity will be extremely pleasing to Hitler and split or captured. To leave the unions and to the various fascist organizations between Stalinism and Leninism is ugrarian movement seethes below the masses does not mean that the his cutthroats.
set up small Independent unions is an evidence of buvo experiencing some of great importance. In the follow the Nurluce, appeariug only in upper classes will solidify themweakness, it is a polley of despair, and, more than growth lately. The usual collection Ing we naturally exclude Kunstumishtly expeditions of the white selves but will probably result in REACTIONARY DECREES IN HOLLAND that, it shows lack of faith in the working class of social with, the refuse of life. In both China and Mexico the wards of the land owners at further disintegration the bloc (ahem) One must choose between two positions, has been flocking into these organ working class and its party was tempt to do the same tu peasant that Calles has under control now Reaction is pulving the way for Fascism in Holland.
Following the crushing of the spontaneous uprising ther the soleal revolution is inevitable, that the work inations: Ex governmental officials, harnessed to the chariot of the leaders or hun degenerated as far into a left social democratie see or the unemployed, reported in this column two weeks Ing class is pressing toward the overthrow of capital unemployed generals, colonels, cap bourgeoisie by the Stalluists. Just us plending on the part of peasants tion and a right fascist oue. Em ago, the government has undertaken repressive meas ism, and the trade union, however reactionary they calos und lieutenants (and Mexico as Chiang Kai Shek was hailed as before the agrarian committees of bryos of this division are to be res against the revolutionary section of the labor may be at present, will change their character under with its 25 years of revolution aud uberator of the Chinese from im the National Revolutionary Party seen at present.
the Intluence of the revolutionary mass or the social counter revolution is more populat perialism so was calles. The massmovement and passed laws aimed directly at the Rev.
Under such conditions of com All this places a very delicate olutionary Socialist Party (Dutch Section of the revolution is a matter of the distant future In thated with men wearing, or entitled es were instructed to build an iron parative peuce in the class struggle task upon the vanguard of the pro C. the Independent Socialist Party and the grammes may be, will be of much use. That the doctors. petty bourgeois alarmed the Stalinists. These are the reas been able to maintain unity or fight against our enemy and the the passage of another bill making it impossible for conference took up the correct point of view is proved at Jewish and Chinese competition. suits of the theory of the demo what appears to be unity.
enemy; to fight against the fascists any party the Third International ex landowners who dream of the cratie dictatorship of the proletar.
by the Second Congress be represented in parliament unless at Labor on New Upswing which sharply opposed the tactics of leaving the un glorious days of peonage under it and peasantry.
while training the workers to have least three inembers are elected. Third, a deposit lons. The motto put forward by the Communist Portirlo Dlaz; ambitious students; Speakiug at least from the point faith only in themselves in their of 250 gulles innst be paid before candidates can be International, and which is our motto is: NOT THE lackeys of the imperialist groups classes, antagonistic classes more are signs that this peaceful period the dictatorship of the proletariat; three members are clected. Fourth, another law has But parties built upon so many of view of the working class, there owu arts, their own government; nominated. This deposit is forfeited unless at least DESTRUCTION BUT THE CONQUEST OF THE who are getting the worst of the over, are not parties. They split is drawing to a close. The number their own party and their own in been approved making it Illegal for any paid official TRADE UNIONS. Emphasis in original. scramble with American finance apart into warring parties, each of strikes and their militancy is international, and to teach the mass of a trade union to sit on any public body. This It may have been possible on other questions to capital; and the usual lot of de party with its own class, in time creusing, due to the same economice that Calles and the class he would strike directly at comrade Sneevliet, chairman compromise in order to secure agreement, BUT ON generated proletarlaus recruited at ot erlists. In 1917 the Social Revowliticul conditions that work for represents can neither liquidate of the who is likewise one of the ometale of THIS CARDINAL QUESTION NO COMPROMISE the nearest cantina and instructed Lutionaries split into a pro keren the increase of the number of the reaction, nor abolish fanaticism, an independent trade union movement as well as WAS POSSIBLE. neither the Communist Inter at the given signal to shout Vive sky pro war wing, and into a left strikes in the The leadership nor give and to the peasants, nor being a member of parliament.
national nor the TRADE UNION ORGANIZATIONS Mexico. Mueren Los Comunistas. pro Soviet wing. Broadly speaking of the wion movement has been bring socialism. The masses, led One further word on Holland. We are not at all (emphasis ours) affiliated to it could put forward and Abajo los Judios y Chinos this separation divided the peas forced by pressure from the work by the proletariat, are the only surprised to see a reprint in the New Leader, for any other motto, because for the revolutionary ele for the price of a brown cotton antry from the big bourgeoisie. The ers to at least talk radically.
ones that can do this.
August 11th, in the column The Workers Abroad. leave the unions would mean playing into shirt and a half litro of Tequila. Kuo Min Tang in 1927 split into And the peasants are not satis The solution of this problem in of the account of Peter Schmidt of the revolt of the Leglen and Gomper hand. Lozovsky, The International Council of Trade and Industrial these fascist organizations in large in Tang. The same will take urban workers will without doubt the rapidity with which a real com batim reproduction with the exception of the part substantiated in another pamphlet by Lozovsky, and most militant elements in all powerful National Unfons pp. 37 to 39. You will find this further numbers and becoming the chief place in Mexico. The seemingly uwaken the class struggle in the munist Party can be built in Mex that deals with the treachery of social democratic What is the Red International of Labor Unions? the demonstrations.
Revolutionary village.
ico and that miserable caricature trade union leaders who called the police when workParty will collapse in moments of publiebed by the in 1927.
With the greater and greater that now bears that name is eradi jers came to them for help. Very convenient, but ob Composed of such elements, these great stress, from the right as well pressure of the class struggle, the cated politically.
Now as that the present red groups are a danger to the Calles to the contentio vious fucts cannot be concealed that way.
uplons were formed primarily to organize the unor action which is in power and Democratic voting was impossible VANDERVELDE ON THE UNITED FRONT ganized. This argument cannot stand up elther in which represents American Imperbecause of the capitalist collapse. Emile Vandervelde, present of the Second Interthe face of an analysis of such a position or in the lalism in alliance with the large The Crisis in the Socialist Party so the Social Democracy assumed national, and leader of His Majesty King Leopold face of the facts as stated in the official Party docu native capitalists. The latter, power. Space does not permita de Most Loyal Opposition, indicates how enormous was ments or as the matter actually developed in life.
which gained its standing in the talled examination of this prattle, the mass pressure for united action in France when Point The theoretical basis for the new unlons struggle with the feudal and cleria few words are however in place. he said in an article published in the Petit Proved (7th National Convention of the 1930) cal elements, as well as the former, Kantorovitch conception of cal: am fully in accord with Leon Blum, with was that the of is outright fascist and have everything to fear from these it since a fascist organization is only fit to be destroyed, lascist organizations, made up of lot box, view. Revolutions have a possible for them to decline He refers to the unity only on the basis of the Trade Union Unity League reactionary, clerical, feudal ele. This is the second of a series of workers democracy. far more realistic view of major offer of the Comunist Party of France. It was will the Party be able to assume the leadership of ments and those imperialists of articles on the the Socialist length in previous issues of the political chaos the oploions of the was clamoring ton loudly for the united front and problems fac This has been discussed at somety In a period of economie and morally impossible because the French proletariat. economie struggles.
whose interests clash with Wall ing the members of the Point If the new unlous were formed primarily Street party Ed. Militant. But let us examine Kan majority are reflected in the work any bureaucrat, Stalinist or reformist, that stood In to organize the unorganized, it would be reasonable For fists, for mass support, the torovitch utterances on the ques. ers organizations and their lead its way, would be immediately discredited and to expect that the new unions would be formed only Calles group depends upon the peasEven among the more advanced tion. workers democracy as the ership brushed aside. To accept the united front was to where none with a mass base existed. The Stalinista, ants who were given a few bee militant workers in the soclulist term is used in the declaration of Lo Germany and Austria the save the face of reformism temporarlly. And Vanhowever, split tho Workmen Circle and founded the cares of land, and very liberal party the Detroit declaration of principle means a democracy Social Democracy came into power dervelde, being no novice ut political squirming was split the Amalgamated Food Workers Union promises for the future of course, principles is hailed as a revolution where franchise is based on useful on the tide of the revolutionary well aware of this the National Miners Union was maintained in the port was gained because of fear of is hetghtened on the one hand by else. It includes both the transit: Kiel soldiers for which the revo was not accepted so as to bring power to the struggle and formed the Food Workers Industrial Union and on the proletariat, whose supary document. Their enthusiasm service to society, and nothing wave. In Germany, the develop. For this ex Minister of the King, who wept bitter Trades Workers Industrial Union exists alongside ing the revolution (Article 28 of the other, by the absence of a genu cialism. according to Kantoro lutionary Socialists are partly re against Fascism but rather because it was morally the mass Those cases which are not the Constitution and the Labor Inely revolutionary criticism of the vitch, but in the declaration of sponsible, lead to the organization impossible to decline the offer. That Vandervelde mentioned would only further destroy the Stalipists LAW. document within the Socialist principles The Majority (right and his colleagues in France have found a convenapplies to the final of Soviets.
contention, These fascist organizations, beperty.
wing) Social Democracy had conient ally in the statinists in hamstringing the united goal. 15)
Point 3, which concerns the s position prior ing liberally supplied with funds Surely, we are told, a document What an explanation? In the trol over the workers the trade front, confining it to meetings, speeches, etc. but not After they to struggle is manifest in the same article. Here to the Inception of the requires fairly leng from German, French, Spanish, which opposes the bogus democra first place, it is obvious that the unions and soviets.
thy quotations which will be given in order that the Catholte, and in all probability of capitalist parliamentarlan declaration formulae is intentional were forced to proclaim the RepubVandervelde attributes the turn of the French matter can be cleared up once and for all, and so British sources, elements high up 1sm and calls for its replacement ly vague, so as to unite the largest, le they did not destroy the old to the new position occupied by the Interthat no accusations can be levelled against us that in the government have enrolled in by workers democracy is a rev. even if condicting, forces behind it army leadership, we make use of hastily watched quotations. Since them.
olutionary one. The old Guard and permit the left wing Socialist geuerals and officers, but rather to follow a policy of attempting to maintain peace other questioners are pressing for answers, lack of This trivial fact may Illustrate gives aid this interpretation by to think that the is for the used them gainst the revolutionary at all costs, even at the expense of revolutions and space requires that this be CONTINUED NEXT this. The Department of War, ru howling: communism.
dictatorship of the proletariat! workers. Violence against the most upheavals in European countries. Vandervelde and WEEK mor has it, advised all foot loose Officers to join these movements. It mean? Kantoruvitch again comes of Kantorovitch state that both Ism was avoided by the Social De capitalist countries where they hold down fat Jobs COMRADE Philadelphia Unfortunately, also gave its band to the fascists to our assistance. real demo terms are synonomous? On the mocracy only to have these forces The Stalinist parties must follow blindly and obedi: since they are out of print, or their publishers out to be used at an entertainment of cracy is incompatible with capital other hand, has not Thomas repeat used against the revolutionary ently the foreign policy of the Polltles make of business, there is no record of all the versions, in the brown shirts at the Bull Ring. ism. Real democracy will on:y be edly stated that workers democraworkers. In a word, a truly so strange bedfellows!
Allew days ago Callen came to the made possible by the abolition of cy is not the dletatorship of the walls frustrated and converted into tion in peace time leads to social patriotism in war check up at the Public Library shows that the capital. It is said to personally class divisions in society. The proletariat?
only copy on file is a French translation.
liquidate these organizations. Upon Socialist Party at the Cross But Kantorovitch goes further a capitalist counter revolution. In time. The alternative is a revolutionary Marziat What Socialist would in the declaration the term work Austria the same social process was party, to the exclusion of reformists and centrists.
However, there is handy, in addition to the one bis arrival the army band was Roads. not give lip service to such a state ers democracy refers only to the less violent. Oneal and Waldman have no bones to pick recently published by the International Publishers Withdrawn.
The main step that lends cred ment? One can find the same view Anal goal. Which means that it But what has the Declaration of with the assumption to power of the German and an edition entitled Left Wing Communism, An In From takes no positiou that is no posi Principles, or Kantorovitch In his Austrian Social Democracy in 1018. They are op tional Boclety, 1821: and an edition entitled The passed July 28 by the Central Com Marx to Lento. but did this make tive position on the all important analysis of it, to say about the posed to preventing the problem in the same manner fantile Disorder. published by the Marxian Educa ence to these reports is the motion expressed in Hillquit as the declaration; they are against saying anything problem of the transition period be lessons of these events? Is vlo Infantile Sickness of Leftlsm in Communism. pubmittee of the National Revolution Hillgut a levolutlust?
Kantorovitch goes no further tween capitalist rule and socialism lence against the active counter at all about it in the declaration. On the polities in 1920. The latter translation appeared simultan its ranks who Joins any organiza than general remarks oa the ques. Instead of the declaration reading revolution to be avoided? Is the there is no disagreement.
The Revolutionary Policy Committee therefore has duelon with the first Russian, French and German directed against the shirted ones. And for good reason! For only cialism so as to make the fullstroyed? What is going to be the made a serious mistake in advising the Socialist Analogy with Kerensky yesterday when the old tants meaning clear, the latter phrase is basis of workers rule if the par party members to vote for the Detroit declaration of comparison of the 1920 Infantile Sickness The Calles Party in Mexico is group showed the changed charac omitted, thereby giving the impres liamentary system collapses? principles. No explanatory statement of such an accopy with the latest International Publishers publl budite upone many elements and ter of democracy since the Worla sion supporting something revo new system or soviets? The declar. tlon can wipe away its support of a centrist program.
Undoubtedly many militant Socialists think that a various subject headings, the text covered by both lutionary Party of Russia in the Labor and Solalist Internation greater deception than this appar in his learned explanations of it. support of the Detroit declaration is a blow at the cation Indicates that as far as can be judged by the classes similar to the Social Revo War and stated that the parties of lutionary! Can one Imagine ang ation of principles or Kantorovitch Lentu correspondence with the Dutch Communist was in 1927. These elements (supe Kantorovitch replied: But The So Called Minority Revolution fundamental problems, but does not left wingers who oppose the declaration as sup Party, an article about Turatti in Italy, etc. Except porting one of the imperialist the Comrade Shapiro and the Militants Many Socialists may be ready to even recognize their existence! porters of the Right. But is not this the universal for some typographical errors it will probably be tions, of course) attempt to unite never seem to have thought that grant that the declaration of princ b) But what relevance has the cry of the Centrists? By their very position be difficult to show why the 1920 edition is Inade the nation, and to suppress the thelr anti democratic propaganda ples as a whole is vague. But post World War collapse of capital tween the extreme right and the genuine left wing latter with the growth class struggle in the interests of must be very welcome to capitalism. they are convinced that it is unism, except as a theoretical post they threaten the However, the stalinists will bear watching. They a national task. In Russia it. It is a strange case of class colla equivocally revolutionary where it bility to do with powerful imper the former and the former with the growing power are making a turn in their trade union policy and a was to carry the war to success boration. American Socialist proclaims that if the capitalist sys ialist America? Here the forces of of the latter. At this stage with a small and hesitant slight distortion of a sentence or the addition of ful conclusion. In China it was to Quarterly. April, 1932, page 40. tem collapses in general chaos reaction are strong; the petty bour left wing in the tha Centrists warn them of word, particularly in that part of Lenin work which drive the imperialists out.
and confusion, the Socialist party. Reolsle numerically large. Partieu their support of the Right Tomorrow when the deals with work in the reactionary unions, might Mexico 1t 18 to liquidate the Now the Old Guard repeats the whether or not in such cases it is larly in a deep going social crisis left wing grows stronger the Right wing will be help them in their oily maneuvres, especially since clergy and the foudal elements.
argument of Kantorovitch by a majority will not shrink from the one or another form of open dicta warned of this new danger by the centrists.
It is this chapter which stands as a condemnation The What is needed is a clear cut revolutionary proThere is another analogy.
quoting his past statements! The responsibility of organizing and torship is to be expected.
of their whole polley.
An phrase bogus democracy plays maintaining government under threat of Fascism will appear as an gram and grouping the Socialist party. This these parties appear in the period into the hands of the reactionaries, the workers rule.
immediate menace. Can a revolu menns an unambiguous struggle against the rights, between the downfall of the politi they shout. However, if Kantoro LEFT Ite, Because of lack of space, our cal government of the ultra reac vitch recent interpretation of the communist, however, would sub time take power without vlolence, means a fundamental understanding of the revoluAccording to Kantorovitch: No tionary workers party at such a Thomasites and the self styled Militants. It answer to the Boston Yipsel of August did not go tion (the overturn of the dynasty in phrase were put into declara. scribe to the above paragraphs. out tion? To base a tionary road to power, of the task of the workers completely into the question raised which may acchina, the March Revolution in tion of principles, Oneal and Lee and so as to make it clear that he practical program of action on such party in the struggle against war and Fascism and count for the impression you got. It was never in Russia and the overthrow of the would find little to disagree with. is anti communist he states that an eventuality is to substitute the the need for a new revolutionary workers party.
tended to convey the idea that the question of pro Czar, and revolution against Por: In a word, the phrase is used so The declaration of principles does platonie wish for the sordid reality. Such a party cannot be a member of the reformist letarian power might be settled by the ballot box Arto Diaz in 1910 in Mexico) and as to appear near Communist and not call for insurrection and vlo More, it blinds the working class Labor and Socialist International. The revolutionary even under certain circumstances. No! The ques the victory of the proletarian revyet Socialist; to satisfy the Thom lence. Then how is this non so as to make it unable to see the workers in the Socialist party if they are to break tion of power will be decided by the dynamics of the olution, supported by the poor pea asites and the militant workers. On majority revolution to be at real dangers and prepare for them. from reformism and centrism must demand a break class struggle of which elections are, at best, but asantry.
the fundamental question of demo tained? What does it look like in It is such a program of theoreti with this International and proclaim the need for a crude barometer, In this period Kerensky appeared cracy and socialism the declaration real life?
enlly possible roads to socialism new, a Fourth International.
You will find an answer to Kautsky Terrorism in Russia and Calles in Mexico is not in irreconcilible conflict with To this Kantorovitch responds which is at the bottom of the cen. Only along this path can the left wing Socialist vs. Democracy in Trotsky pamphlet Dictatorship The duration of this period depends the position of the old Guard. triumphantly: Look at Germany trist theory of a united party forces contribute in a progressive and revolutionary vs. Democracy which was written as a reply to on the specific conditions in each Does the declaration of principles and Austria in the period immedi that is unity with the reformists, manner to the solution of the problems of the AmeriKautaky.
country and the relationship of care any better with its statement ately following the World War: whose opportunist class collabora can working class. JOSEPH CARTER.
of In No less!