BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismEnglandFascismFranceHitlerIV InternationalLeninismSovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY AUGUST 18, 1934 REVIEWING THE NEWS Lessons of the General OrgsPress Once Again on the Role MARCH OF Strike Frisco Of Governor Olson Campaign EVENTS fara thud thievers Converts or An Ancient Hitler. This leadership is engaged in ony of big finance capital (Hord, arrested berole struggle in in return Olson has done all in bis martial law? Is it not true that were not only dincburged but were tbe untapped wealth of moral scebat in every big strike the Thin Auclution hus a long record, us some more Mulltants.
anes of the mercy ut proses. Sou o seu dia a la segonger was in the bad murdere il labor de andere Laval New York Malatech were prise caddition, placketlost. probio pod of martial law extra French Pasclem and the Forolgu Loww Worker Demonstration of Power although, obviously, the workers do The Church Crusade on Films This is the twenty sixth day of ruling allowed necessities to run Despite the reactionary of not see it in this light.
What wel The church in all its forms, from bureaucracy, despite the lack of must make clear to the workers is The Orr les campaigu has bourgeois Farmer Labor governor sired to carry on trucking sigu the the strike and the radical petty and demanded that those who de The Foreign Workers in France Holy Rome to Ge Dunkers, from revolutionary leadership with rare what it is that the bosses fear in brought in The decimation of the male poputotul of u23 up to is rapidly regaining some of his Laas Dunnigan proposal, which lation in France during the war Hard Shell to Episcopal, from exceptions in the trades unions, the the closed shop. It is first of all date. This is by no means enough Lost prestige. The turn of events, was accepted by the union but recreated a shortage of labor in the Presbyterian to Holly Kollers, is San Francisco workers came out a united working class bargaining to accomplish all the tasks we while not taking any of the presected by the employers, through felds and factories. Hence in the up in urms against lewdness, im solidly in a sympathy general strike over hours, wages and conditions. Dave set ourselves and we hope sure off the strikers and the work the Citizens Alliance. This retreat period of reconstructiou that folmodesty, etc. eto, in the movies. With their striking fellow workers and the busses cannot tolerate this thout all those who have not yet reing class, has nevertheless, put the cutirely due to the pressure of the lowed the signing of peace, the exwelle het etes suppose, the movies on the waterfrout. This movement, when they are engaged with the sponded to our cireularization will squeeze on the employers. This working class and the attempt of ploiters uided und eucouraged the taged a few morul bible scenes taking the capitalists completely by help of the buurgeois government, set busy ut vice and dispose of peculiar position of Governor Olson ou und the right wing leaders Importing and Immigration of a Calu slaylug his brother and then surprise, had the force of an elein endurging proats by beating their books of coupous.
searching for a wife in the Land of mental upheaval, and as such indi down the standards of living of the of the Bronx has shown due to the position he holds in the strike struggle is entirely to bead of a general protest strike, vaxt supply of foreigu labor from Nod: title, Murder in Eden. cutes profound current of change tollers. But the bosses fear that that this can be dow. He sold 50 existing class relations in this part immediately took the case to court the was a blow to the bosses. They the more backward countries of Noub drunk and dancing in the in the depths of the working class the closed shop will lead next to books of coupons all by himself in of the country.
Central Europe, particularly from and tried to obtain an injunction Poland. Today, as a result of this nude: title, Sailor Beware. Ab Considering the circumstances un demands of the workers that the a personal huuse to huuse canvass. The general trend of politics in aguinst martial law. As long as policy jiwd to the economie necrabam and Surah, chang out the der which the strike occurred, with bow justify any lay ufts or any at Surely utbers can follow his splen America is in this direction and the martial law played havoc with the excities of the poverty stricken frail Hugar and her child born to a general nution wide drive by the tempt to lower wages by permit did example!
working class leaders will have to strike it was alright, but as soon workers and peasants of other Abraham: title, Man of God. bosses for the open shop with ating the union to examine the firm Isare turning his wife over to the vast unemployed reserve army that books. It is but a step from this Sorry to have delayed so long tu advuntage of the existing antagou torced the Governor to retreat, the and one balt million foreign born Anette of Chicago writes: know how to expose as well as take as the pressure of the workers war torn areas, there are over one King of Girur and God punish threatens to become larger again to the idea of workers control of sending in the money and wish it isms within the ruling class. The employers demanded redress. Olson ment of seven years of barrenness with a new slump in business, the production, to finding out where the could be more. If a job ever comes role of Olson in the strike and the aid well bu defense of his radical worst forms of uppression by the on the Kings innocent people: title, Prisco workers showed that cour boss gets his materials and where my way, will be only too glad to way the strike leaders divided the pretty bourgeois position. He blust. French landowners, and over two The Woman Pays or a short reel age and faith in each other which he markets his goods, how much send more. All the comrades here enemy class in the Interests of the red into court and spoke for buinillion or them bouud over to all Lifting the Ban. Either would in the prerequisite for united ac protit he is inakiug and why the are very much thrilled by the workers is well worth studying.
pack them in and of course would tion. In their elemental struggle worker must be penalized if the strike Minuen polis and we are man rights Roosevelt Olson Harmony be highly moral. The story of Ja they have demonstrated anew, no boss is not making enough protit. all hoping for a successful ending.
rights uudsuld be would dery thu the special fortus of exploitation and starvation in the mues, mille It must be remembered that there injunction If it was granted.
cob life of murder, low cunuing less to themselves than to the en These ideas must be projgaudid Full of New York City is a perfect understanding between and factories. When these work etc. could be woven into tire working class the tremendous now But far more Martial Law Bosses Weapon portant in wri as Olson forces in Minnesota, and the The three judges refused the in for the very righ ers dare to organize and struggle serial under the gueral title of power of lubor, united su actiu. the struggle for the union und donation help flood Minneapolis Roosevelt forces nationally. There junction.
to exist, th As the Organizer curare rounded up like so inany beasts Gypping ills Brother (2) Flee Growing kilt Between Masses and how this drive of the bosses be und herole fight they are waging. tween them. Roosevelt needs the set weapon or the boss classement America thus the Poling in Terror. 3) The Ladder Reactionary leaders comes part of the process of the comrade in scutland sends a support of the Farmer Labor Gov. against the workers and the cupi ish coal miners who were driven Episode or Exploring the Stratospbere. 4) Jacob Marriage of bureaucracy in the wave o Process of Fascist Crystallization. According to y current issue of gressives of Wisconsin. to carry a precedent for the checking of the ground against their exploiters The role of the reactionary erystallixing of fascism in America. dollution and writes: Rude Awakening. 5) Install militant strikes that is sweeping Everywbere right now in Ameri an paper, see that comrades through his policy in this part of use of martial law. 1s it true and against the calculated syatem ment Plau Wives. 0) Murdering the country hus become axiomatic ca the boss class, under the hege Shuchtman and Cannon have been the country, Roosevelt has sup thut 150 of the best tghters of 674 of terrorizing the workers by dlaThe comrades here are ported them wholeheartedly. And up with a wholesale strike breaking in are in the military stockade under charging the most mllltaut agters, de Hockefeller, Sloan, Swope Alorgun, following the God wrestling with Jacob, Mat were og er keuhkestus ehe es etc. is Hinancing with its new sinneapolis and we send fraternal power to carry out the needs of the picketing is probibited uud tue un deported back to Polund without Title Goes to Heaven. few class. But a distinctly molecular Prisco this drive is being conducted Loul 674. It is with pride that sota workers in in daily who are even usually acquainted lation between the misleaders and under the notorious Industrial As we extend the hund of comradeship. We pointed out that before mar days of the wew rullug thut trucky uite of them with ther fumilles, is it not true that even after six of their meagre possessions. Eighud. very fact. Send a law was declared the strikers luder the protection of martial two hundred In all, were loaded arlos tobisfound bad Last and override the opposition of the bu dating back to the building trade. The followink was received since light With the ah Wite Disembowelling woreaucrats and demand actiou, is it struggles of 1921, of strike break the last report in the Militant. This martial law truck movement with not true that before martial luw the train after their hostage strike self proof that the labor birelingsing. labur explonuge, gangster tuc does not include the returus from In a few days, was almost normal. unlon had trucking at a standstilat Lains and expelled from France.
It the bosses did not have the wenomou Songs starring Mae Westminds of even the most backward With the aid of the entire loured separately in the last issue. Ited, meetings banned, the union Rutb and the Farmer or The Reaper Rewarded. The list is end workers to the extent they have in sevisie, frantia with fear that the Get Busy! Disjuse of your cou hall as well as the Central Labor force of suppressiou the lessas is also the gall of half with the it. What the new generation General strike might take the path pon ok. Send Your Dollar.
Uuton headquarters raided by or would be sewed up tight.
The situation has changed since Receipts son troops, and the leaders of the The Purmer Lubor Governor of the period of feverlah reconstrucdope predlars who set themselves up learn to how to democratice the sociation financed gangster ralds ou Haldous, 75 strike thrown into the military Minnesota la pressed between two tion that brought about the im union so as to displace the lakers the meeting balls, print shops, Wasselius. 70 stockade.
warring camps between the work. merine expansion of French produe0. 00 Pressure Forces Retreat ers and the capitalists, represented and put honest workers at the bead homes of Communists and Commu. Bronx. of Executive Council of their organization. However, ist sympathizers. The gangsters Philadelphia 25 were shrinking The union defled martial law. by Local 574, and by the Citizens Live forces at a time when the 00 continued picketing and crippled Alliance. Whoever exerts the great. The crisis of overproduction for pleture of that bunch of fat, when even the bourgeois press were alded by vigilantes consisting St. Louis.
sleek, agents of the bosses appears pulses the Vaudeleurs, the Caseys. or business men, by the American Win. Humovitch in the press with the caption the Kidwells and the William Legion and by the police. In their Nathan Berman 00 city, in spite of the fact that the pretty bourgeols to alter his course. Preuch economy last, but it is Leaders of labor. Trallers of Greens for their aid to law and usual attempt to split the workers Chicago Brauch 89. 00 leaders were in military prison. The mass support of Local brlaging precisely the same conse capital would be a more Attiug order in breaking the strike, can the press tried to place the onus Two Friends.
there be any doubt that trade un of these raids ou conservative Chicago 00 bor movement developed. Witbiu Minneapolis among employed and Iquences in its train in France as sonists learn from their struggle the strikers, lourshoremen and team California 00 Olson own party, the Farmer La unemployed, thanks to the leader elsewhere. Unemployment is spreadAn Act of God aneaning of this type of leadership? sters. This lle it is unnecessary to Sympathizer. 00 bor arty, this revolt took on dit ship of 674 and to the wing, both on the farms and in the 00 lenslo beavy downpour of rain, the Can there be any question that the refute.
Of course we must always Max Croton that produced fright in the but also throughout the state. This towns. The fascists, appealing to the lowest and most reactionary attempt to 00 heart of Olson and his forces.
This support for the union exists in spite emotions of the petty bourgeoisle first lo many weeks was received teamsters who came out even be point out that such de separate the sheep from the Kogan, 00 caused a retreat. The pressure of of the local reactionaries of the In the efforts to obtain a mass by the Tyler Kansas Chamber of clared, who in fact were key men goats could never have been Kansas City Branch 00 the working class against the rad Central Labor Union who are the Commerce with Praise God from in exerting pressure on the rest of made if the Stalinists had not pre New Haven Branch Whom all Blessings Flow, at the the one hundred thousand who pared the way for it by separating Boston Branch. 00 cal petty bourgeois Governor, was tools of Olson, in spite of Tobin basis, do not fail to point their at3. 00 so great that he was forced to and Green, and in spite of the lack at the aliens. If there is unemployment that is because so same time Warl Winkles, repairing downed tools cau there be any their followers from the masses in Brooklyn.
scoundrelly role of the stalinists. many foreigners have been permit 40 change his polley.
He raided the Citizens Alliance The strike is still on. Olson lated to take the bread out of the that, for the drought, for death, for question that they feel outraged the trade untous. Such raids would Friends of militant Club. 25. 00 50. 00 The strikers got nothing out of this on the frying pau, but by no means mouths of the French workers and cold, we should always Praise, and betrayed at the role unwilling bave met the united resistance of Diego Rivera. S, 1. 00 but Olson obtained big political finished. He has regained lots of peasants. These foreigners must God. It a great game the church ly assigned to them by the Caseys all the strikers bad the Commun capital. Next he revoked all truck lost ground. It is up to the leaders be driven out. And besides, think plays, for favorable phenomena, of helping to break the longshore Ists been in one organization with Total 203. 10 permits. Trucks were running al. of local 574 to continue to utilize of the danger to French racial favorable, blame yourself and your sters but the reactionary clique of these raids duplicate those of the most normal after a week and a the division within the camp of the purlty. Thus in France antihalf of military rule. Olson new enemy.
ainkHeads wiu, tails you lose to an inglorious end by permitting period of 1919.
misleaders who brought the strike war days or those of the Palmer Semitism is rivalled by the fomenting of hatred against the forelgu The general strike has united the Scab drivers on the streets. The worker.
Who Is God?
proof will be repeatedly forthcom forets of reaction against the The Daily Worker says in argu.
ing against the thesis Father Dl the working class and militant gantze.
ing that any movement for unity of working class in its attempt to orThese raids, conducted The French Communist League vine is God. party members ab struggle has the immediate effect of now to break the unions and to ex The Scottsboro Boys have been fouly that the pressure was not deep Our comrades in France, small stractly tried to prove that Father setting the rank and file against tablish the open shop, although jonabed. Properly defended they enough. was not wide enough. as are their forces, are at the Divine was not God. We wonder the corrupt bureaucracy. This they start by attacks on the reds. might ere this have been Pullman which does not exactly mean that forefront of the battle against the if they bad another candidate for struggle is now transferred back mentum, form part of a process of: Glade Manhattan temp. 00 monthly portes oleme. band player che cor is entirely negligible. e only means wat or la the lawyer place in labor case cism and the looming menace of Under the guidance of a 00 weekly bearance of the mob minded crack that his importance be not exagger leadership schooled in the principles ble, steeled and unchangeable, the Class Consciousness and Political crystallization out of the forces of Lonard Lewis same today. yesterday and forever ization of Struggle utter reaction, determined to crush Dorothy Morris er proletariat Is so unprecedented ated. That Leibowitz was an evil of Bolshevik Leninists, our French An elemental action of American all democratic rights. It is hardly Clara Nelson in these parts (the south) as to choice the Militant was the first to League has given timely and correct Warden Lawes of Sing Sing workers that leads to. 50 merit commendation. In an effort point out. His shyster behavior in analyses of the march of events. The fellow who doesn have strike must be hailed unqualifiedly this process on such a scale should Splthos 00 monthly to outdo the cynical Mencken in his the courtroom even brought re hag understood clearly every move choice of insulting euphemisms for proof from William Foster. Law of fascist reaction. it was under much money or many friends does as a tremendous step forward in occur in the city that witnessed Bleeker the word Negro, the author resorts yers don win labor cases. They the League Influence that the first u get much of a break. am not the building up of class conscious the frame up of Tom Mooney. It is Gordon to such tidbits as the lowly Senecan postpone, appeal and postpone real united front was established a Communist but there ought to be ness. Two things become clear by the same of bureaucrats Paul King 00 some changes in the social order to study of the recent events. First of who betrayed Mooney that also be Florence Becker gamblans and the accused black again until the pressure of the with the Socialists to combat the Only Weber amoors. Now who may the au masses becomes so intense that the immediate menace of a fascist coup all, the workers in their trades un trayed the General Strike.
get across the idea of fair play thor of the above quotations be? Judicial hirelings of capital will etat in the February days. And both in prison and out. So saldsons are ripe for new leadership. the united front of workers organ Com. Tamas the Warden, under the shock of a are in fact in their own fashionizations, including all trade un.
Vietor Is it some kindly southern gentle think twice and three times before this at a time when the stalinista, casting about for leaders with cor. 50 ions, can meet properly the attack. Kling triple execution. He seems to sense man talking down to the poor, be they go through with their framestill opposing the united front as pighted blacks of his vicinity? Is ups, executions and imprisonments. counter revolutionary, were going the fact that only a Communist roit policies to direct their strug of the incipient fascists whose Konikow Harlem it one of the newly formed group of Is there a fool or a Schuyler in through a briefer phase of the Gerrevolution can put across the idea gles, for they show every willing forces are being gathered now to. 50 of to ir play both in prison and mess to struggle. That means that prevent the closed shop. The reac. Beether reactionary southern aristocratic the United States who still doubts man Red Referendum by demonliterati talking of southern en the left wing elements must intenstionaries are not yet making their that only a serious nation wide strating on February 6th together.
ity their efforts as never before to bid for state power but we must Colay lightenment? No. The above quo movement of the masses will free with the fascists against the govestablish their influence in the unprepare to meet this bid.
tations are from an article by Jerry Marsh Capitalism Safe and Sane Mooney? Is it for a lack of good ernmenc of Daladier, and by call.
JACK WEBER. Smith ions. Again we see the criminal Negro. An above the race and legal talent that Mooney still rotsing for the imprisontent of DalaJ. Priestley after a survey of Polly of the Stalinists in stupidly the slums of Birmingham, England. separating real fighters from the above the class Negro. typical in prison or is it that the pressure dier and Frot for shooting down Brons CHICAGO PICNIC NO DUNES handkerchier head. writer for of the masses is not as yet deep fascists who were attempting the Eckstadt 00 Never were there so many people masses in the unlons. But secondthe Negro bourgeois Pittsburgh enough nor wide enough? Mooney, immediate forceful overthrow of For the benefit of doing nothing and never was there ly, is it not surprising that a gen Lifsbitz Courier. contributor to what Billings, the Scottsboro boys. An the bourgeois democratie parliaso much to be done.
Others in New York City Young Spartacus eral strike with all its indications was Mencken Mercury. writer gelo Herndon and others can be mentary system. Our League has Tulsa, Okla. April 24 John of class solidarity, should PASS SUNDAY, AUGUST 26th Porter 00 monthly for the super eynical sheet of freed. It is up to the working set up the slogan of Workers AllLeavell, community fund food di without having left a trace of any Alby 00 George Jean Nathan the American class organizations to build a powance (the united front and the inrector, says that indignant resi ADMISSION 30c but the most elementary trade unE. 00 Spectator. member of the Amer erful united front movement for cipient soviets) as the only means dents of Tulsa are thriving on food ion slogans Basie as are these Trucks leave: Conwit ican Workers Party! His name is that purpose.
of fighting fascism effectively, of Cornells costing less than 1 cents daily. slogans it is evident that with a 00 2557 North ut A.
George Schuyler.
Mr. Schuyler is a member of the the arming of the working class (New York Times, April 25, 1982) correct approach we can begin to Haldous Sneers at Mass Pressure Ogden and Kedaleat at A. Samuel, American Workers Party. Does the and the formation of the Workers 00 Schuyler, Nebraska. About the propagandize for wider alms of Mr. Schuyler opinion is that take responsibility for his militia to meet the attack of the same date it is reported that corn struggle. In this epoch the class 51st and Cottage Grove at 10 The Geltmans 00 mass pressure in labor cases or opinions. Does it agree with Mr. military formations of fascism.
struggle cannot be carried on in Refreshments.
Games. Bathing is being burnt Instead of coal. Miller 00 00 what amounts to the same thing Schuyler, a responsible member of New York also rang in early in distinctly isolated stages, flrst ecoAuspices: Spartacus Youth Clubs Sydney Morotr McAbe 00 the attempted framing of Negroes Its organisation, that a benevolent comrade Trotsky in Danger!
1932 with the story of 16 year Domic, then political. Our strugof Chicago City Subway Worker 00 in southern courts Is useless and protectorate (armed intervention)
No wonder that the fascist forces old high school student, honor stugle is a combined one in which we Edith Sher 00 dent of his class and son of an un must learn to combine issues prop Ann Toven 00 pressure is an effort on the part of the consider Mr. Schuyler aided by the Doumergue governemployed carpenter, hanging him erly so as to lead the entire class THE MILITANT 1, 00 weekly the bon feather workers and ints a fit member for a revolutionary ment, the prelude to fascism, aim self in the basement storage bin one step or two steps or many steps to crush the League! Today the pressers to embarrass the south a workers party?
Entered as a second class mail which had become the home of his forward, along the readerimentier Post Office at New York, Un Teacher (paid for 25 weeks) 00 ern courts. Mr. Schuyler is not Mr. Schuyler divests himself forces working against time to by consclous experimenting der the act of March 3, 1879.
can we learn how many stages (paid for 26 weeks)
sian Jews who are starting all this would go to the south in defense of are rightly viewed by French reac be skipped and how many comPublished Weekly the Com Geo. Cooper Just Items from the thousands of bined through the present struggles. 00 munist League of America trouble in the country. What a the Scottsboro boys or the like tton as the worst enemy of fascism. 00 similar cases to show the Snfe and Any preconceived, fixed notions of 144 Second Are, New York, John Delaney 50 monthly callous way of dismissing the her says he: Play up southern chivalry Hence the spearhend of the attack Saneness of capitalism. Safe as a distinct and separate steps, each ole protests of workers in every cajole, flatter compliment the against the working class is turned jungle beast, sane as a gibbering one taking so much time will prove Phone: Gramercy 9524 Newark, part of the country and every part southerners. Play up to their race first of all towards comrade TrotGeo. Holley EDITORIAL BOARD idiot. 00 monthly of the globe. Protests held in sym hatred, their prejudices and then sky: Under constant survelllance to be pedantle and sterile. Nagy James Canon Kotz pathy and in solidarity with their you will get results. After you ve by the police forced to move about Workers Control of Production Martin Abern 00 persecuted brothers in the south proved that you re its good as any so as to destroy any possiblity of Medals 00 Maurice Spector Becker The workers demand recognition Mar Shachtman of these United States.
southern gentleman (rend, Negrodoing concentrated work. he is An American who served in the of the union as a step in the direcArne Swabeck Lambert 00 Who can deny that but for these hater) the Judge, continues gentle threatened constantly with deportaBritish army in Palestine dropped tion of the closed shop. The bosses Vol. 7, No. 33. Whole No. 237) Sympathizer. 80 very protests, this very mass pres man Schuyler, will impose sent tion to the French African colonies, into the militant office. He had refuse recognition of any outside 00 Madagascar. His life SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1934 Social Worker sure, the Scottsboro boys would ence of 18 or 20 years and which perhaps somewhat belatedly received two wion and fight for the open shop. Bandle rates one cent per copy. Clerk Bong since have been chanks of sentence will never be served. Be defense! Every aid must be given is in danger! We must rally to bla shiny medals for saving civiliza. In this fight the workers the long: Subscription rate: 00 per year Boston charcoal dangling from southern Cause as soon as the erackers defe tion and he wanted to know it shoremen, for example, who want magnolla trees. 50 per half year. Canada Wiener If mass pressure depart from the court room and go to assure his safety. campaign he have to turn them in under control over the hiring halls are. 50 cannot save worker from the back to thelr corn licker, the boys must be started to secure political Roosevelt new silver order.
and Foreign: 50 per year: Shecket So really setting up the slogan of con 76c for a months Henderson frame up which has been developed will be freed, Justice will be served asylum in America. Above all, we informed him that the medalstrol of their own labor power as a Chlplowits into a science by America ruling and the south will be vindicated. money is needed. Ald now to comwere exempt and also that up to united group. This is actually a Wolte, New Haven 00 class then nothing can save him. None of this is made up. You can rade Trotsky means aid to the the present Roosevelt hasn na demand, a first demand, for self ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI FYend. Youngstown 00 It mass pressure does not free the find all the above quotations in the French proletariat.
tionalized tin. BILL determination of the working class TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. paid months in advance) Scottsboro boys then it will mean July Amerlean Spectator.
Pledge Fund Handkerchief Head Speaks Out 00 00 50 00 00 00. 50 1:00. 50 00 00 00. 60 11 00 FP.
60 BO KO. 50