CommunismDemocracyImperialismSocialismSovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers Party

General Strike Votedin Textile Convention Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 33 WHOLE NO. 237 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, AUGUST 18, 1934 PRICE CENTS Conspiracy to Break Danger of War Mpls. Strike Smashed Grows as Japs By Committee of 100 Provoke Soviets Haas and DunniganExposed as Aiding Bosses in Fake Agreement Food Prices Rise McMahon Out Voted by Gougers Active; Workers;500, 000 to Strike No Shortage زل large.
Kestudies and Knit Goods Strikers Show Militancy es Youth Defeat Aides At Congress Club Strikers een deel te neem as La Guardia MInvestigates PHILADELPHIA JOBLESS FIGHT FOR TAINTED FOOD Philadelphia, Aug. 16. No one is starving in this country But today, a famished crowd of unemployed, squatters on Riding high over all moves of the reactionary officialdom for postthe city dumps, fought deputies ponement, the overwhelming majority of the 570 delegates to the annual armed with revolvers, and convention of the United Textile Workers, now in session in New York, This week dispatches from the braved a blazing gasoline bonFar East carry the ominous There will be no food shortage voted for seneral strike on or about september ports fire, to get to a trucklond of because of the drought, Government with a strike of 20, 000 cotton workers already in progress in alacanned prunes, condemned by of renewed aggresalveness against agencies solemnly assure us. bama and the report that 2, 000 have joined them in Georgia, the senti.
the Soviet Union by the Japanese the city authorities as tainted.
But the cost of foodstuffs this ment for meral strike which will involve more than 500, 000 exploited militarists and their Manchukuoan As the crowd advanced to Winter is going to rise sky high. Slaven from Maine to Alabama, swept over the convention like a mighty puppets. With the arrest a few snatch at the enns, the City days ago of 17 Soviet officials em Marshall and his deputies drew The situation is summarized by tide.
the Department of Agriculture is as More than fifty resolutions culling for the general walkout were played on the Chinese Eastern Rail revolvers.
follows: Introduced on the first day of the convention, and new adherents were Minneapolis, August 14. conspiracy to break the strike of local way there has been a sudden, sharp The stuff poisoned, the (1) Food supplies for the nation guined every day 574, with the Federal mediators as the spearhead was smashed to bits increase in the tension existing be Marshall shouted.
18 whole are ample. McMathon concluded his demagogie speech the entire delegation at the meeting of the strike Committee of 100 where Haas and Dennigan tween the two countries. Who cares? the hungry men (2) Stockx of bread grains and from Alabama, where the workers have faced bullets, tear gas, cope had gone to appeal to the rank and Ale over the heads of the leaders. Relations between the Soviet Unselled back. It something to of several other food products are and soldiers, jumped from their seats and shouted for a strike vote.
The ugly conspiracy centered around a new settlement proposal of ton and Japin, strained ever since eat.
Then a delegate right from the the bosses which would force a liscrimination clause on the union the creation of Manchukuo into a The deputies hastily pitched (3) Production of most canning Gring line in Alabama limped to the and hold wage scales at their present miserable levels by means of a separate state, have been getting the caus from the truck and rope will be normal.
complex stalling process.
stage, wunded in head and foot by steadily worse. The seizure of the poured gasoline over them. The flames mounted, Prepared behind closed doors, the plot had wide ramifications and Chinese Eastern Railway)
fairly abundant outside the drought thugs and guardsment, and sald The crowd became frenzied that he was ready to die was intended us a body blow to the striking drivers. Its entire aim was merely added fuel to the finme and area.
the union.
to throw the onus for continuance of the strike at the unlon.
has since then served as the pivot as they suw the food being de(6) The supply of meat, daiwy Acting in concert, the military, the kept press of the bosses, and about which the inevitable conflict stroyed before their eyes. They McMahon, Gorman and the rest and poultry products will be ade of the sell out tribe that now heade the federal mediators planned against the strike as follows: between the two nations has taken ignored the kuns of the depu quate for the remainder og the The press reported that Haasthe United Textile Workers, moved form.
ties, and rushed to the blazing year.
and Dunnigan abandoned their oriheap, snatching out the Japan, in continuing its ruthless heaven and earth to force another In a word, there will be famine with sticks, and rushing away only for the worker living on aldelay of the strike. It will be reginal plan in favor of the slavery policy, has been attempting, ever with their loot.
proposal of the bosses, setting up since the sexure of the railroad, to membered that time and again this ready hear sturvation wages.
The kuitted gurment a hue and cry that the union alone workers rotten clique has threatened strike compel the Soviet Union to sell its Price gougers und speculators are now awakened to uniou conscious only to call it off on some times blocked an immediate settlement.
share in the road. The Japanese licking their chops in anticipation nessure on the march to success promise of the Washington admin The military announced a militarists have organized bandit Food prices, that have already riscul struggle for better conditions istration. It took the power of the loosening of the military permit raids on the road, blown up bridges en ten per cent over last year, are in their muditstry. The united system and at the same time began and tracks, stolen rolling stock and to rise still higher. The thousands torts of the bosses to defeat the aroused rank and file to turn the to slap heavy sentences on pickets used every conceivable device to now starving will discover this aims of the general strike, to pre hypocritical talk luto action.
winter that they did not know what vent the balaing of a strong khit another postponement or a sellout in the military court.
At the same time the danger of The refusal of a permit for attempt to force the Soviet Union starvation means.
ted garment workers union that a strike mand meeting at the per soon after the strike starts is to be The insistence of the delegates to to surrender its share in the road with smaller supplies and the will uid the workers in their struk ade grounds on Tuesday.
necessary increase in volume movie for shorter hours and higher seen in the announcement from broad hint in the press the First American Youth Con for a song.
The negotiations for the sale of that Haas Dunnigan would at gress for democratic control, led a higher level of food prices on the met by the workers with effective Labor Advisory Board of the NRA.
ing through commercial channels, muimum witges scales, is being Washington that McMahon has tempt to cajole the strikers to ucing group, the Central Bureau for sabotage on the part of Japan, to the withdrawal of the sponsor the road have, despite these acts of cept the fake over the heads of the Young America. About 170 dele never made much headway. The gave investigation into police bru of the Department of Agriculture While the knit goods bosses are ready to act in the strike.
Apparently unluformed of the whole may be expected the report militancy.
The NRA is already reported to be leadership reads.
attendance of these Soviet officials always point to the tality against pickets being conutilizing all of their resources, such But the bosses and their govern. gates were However, the workers will not as the Regional Labor Board, the Reactionaries Challenged As we go to press, voting on a ment agents reckoned without their Young America had approximate earning power and value of the line ducted by Mayor LaGuardia and ly 20.
prior to the recent period of dis Chief Inspector Valentine, the cop be without their champions. Presi NRA and the polls in their efforts host the courage and intelligence The Congress, which opened last order and ask a much higher price pers swung into action again dent Roosevelt bas served public to brow beat the workers into sub new Foxecutive Council for the of fighting strikers and not the wednesday it New York Universi than Japan is willing to concede. while the investigation was going notice that he will frown his sev mission, the Joint Council of the Is in progress. progresInternational Ladies Garmentsive wing is challenging the corHaas and Dunnigan were sabe Bureau to arbitrarily determine its pointing to the present disorganized loving Picture Operators Union tempting to profiteer in grain and Workers Union and the United Front officialdom in the elections.
betrayed ties in of the committee of 100, with whom own chairman and committee of trains and regularity of bandit Rugby Theatre, 823 Utica Avenue, drought. He will combat bow he creded in walifying 14, 000 kalited strike will not does not say any excessive rise garment workers in one united the ousting of McMahon and Co.
they met last night, that they left Viola Ilma, the chief organizer of raids, offer a ridiculously low sum Brooklyn, While the Mayor was assuring in prices.
struggle for improved working on and replacing them with militant the conference room with their the Congress, withdrew with for the Soviet share.
left wing workers.
War Clouds Gather Officials, un dispatch ditions.
union leaders that he saw no reasmall group of fifty delegates.
tails between their legs, put to Action on a tie up in the closely The Congress was called for the son for the police attack with clubs rends, uld they anticipated no it is stirring to note the millsbame by the very rank and fle Having made no headway in their upon pickets at the Commodore development which would make it tancy of the workers in the strikers allied silk and hosiery industries is they thought would fall for the avowed purpose of gathering rep attempt thinly disguised swindle. resentatives of all sections of Am. they have already seized by force. His coppers were gleefully swinging that cooperation was expected from ing the busses hirelings, the gang. strike in these branches of texA Fusillade of Questions erican youth. collect data on the the Japanese police in Manchukuo their clubs against a new group of the majority the Exchange and sters and the police. The workers tiles has been long delayed despite from food handlers as well. have accepted the challenge of the convention and executive board de After an admission by Hans and imum program. The Central Bu arresting 17 Soviet officials of the worksetarrests were made. Pickets Nor does William Green, presi bosses association and are meeting is ons tocaillestrike with speeches, that militant ick of its own, received fancial and citizens of the Soviet Union, have trampled upon as the coppers Labor, intend to accept the situa of numerous arrests and besten The demands of the strike reveal ets would be discriminated under other ald from high oficials of the been charged by the Manchukuoan charged with all the old time gusto tion lying down. He has hurled a company untons were the last ditch the coole conditions under which with sence the fixed minimum of 128 York City administration, and bandits in recent raids on the rail showed articular interest in the Into the teeth of the gougers.
But, at City Hall, the Mayor typical William Green challenge that the bosses have attempted, the textile workers have been slav.
with compleie failure to date. They ing. Chief among them is a deand 52 cents would be a blow to wealthy individuals.
In the event of a price rise, Spared neither money nor efforts to mand for a wage scale ranging the un fre of rack and fle questions began lected by the Central Bureau.
the rapid machine gun the Congress were arbitrarlly we Japanese Manchukuoan officials ined that the Knitting Mus dem Green says, the executive council propagandize the workers by such from 13 to 30.
have been to resound: Plan of Sponsors Whose plan is this, yours or the 17 accused, when it is common buked an Irish girl for taking part sion of the codes of fair competi. to the workers homes, as well as working for as low as six and seven bosses?
The real plan of the sponsors knowledge that it is the accusers in the strike.
tion in the major industries to pro calling meetings in their shop for dollars a week throughout the They. Sonth.
The answer was that it is nei was to get the youth behind the who have encouraged and incited Roosevelt program. They proposed these bandit attacks (frequently with these Jews and Wope, the wage schedules. What the hell are you doing vide for an increase in minimum company wnionization.
gaged the services of the Chamber Second, but not less important, is ther ours nor the bosses.
Then whore is it?
the extention of the Civil Conser with Japanese manufactured arms. policeman was quoted as saying If the cast of living is to be of Commerce to help them in their the demand for the elimination of vation Camp and the Transient No answer: laughter.
The present arrests have taken The Mayor, who is himself hale affected, he said, with the old scheme for company unions, with the vicious stretch out system.
How do you know the arbitrators Campe, the outlawry of war, the on a critical appearance. The Sor Jewish and half Italian, pricked up fighting spirit that has ever char the result that in the shops where the stretch out is an inhuman limitation or abolition of arma. let Union, in protesting the sumi his ears.
won eut us to 30 cents?
acterized him, it seems proper and the strongest efforts for company speed up under which the workers ments and the investigation of mu mary arrest of its citizens, has And he turned the whole enseJust that wages should be lifted to demonstrate their resentment to per person than is physically posworkers are required to operate more looms No answer.
Why do you go over the head of nition production. They called for voiced fear that the present move over to Inspector Valentine, who a higher level. We propose to that scheme. by registering 100 persible. One of the most intense our Negotiating Committee, and spiritual renaissance service is but a preliminary one to the promised disciplinary action make plans to meet the situation not over the of the bosses and unselfish humanitarianism of complete seizure of the by against the policemen involved as best we can, so that the working cent with the Joint Council for en means of exploitation, it has been Negotiating Committee? Are you the youth; a plea of Secretary of Japan.
the charge of brutality can be sus population will not be compelled to ing bravely against all the forces workers that the stretch out be trying to insult our Committee, or scent of the cries of the Hitlerites. Union will take in this eventuality Precisely what action the Soviet tained.
suffer from this changed economic out to defeat them.
abolished, question their sincerity of course, it would seem a simple situation.
The original plan of the Congress cannot yet be predicted. In any matter for Chief Inspector ValenThe enthusiasm of the strikers The Fight for Recognition Answer: Oh, no. Your CommitNot that he contemplates any marks uhlich pitch. Their detertee is made up of fine men. We have Is further milde clear by its receipt case, the war clouds, ever present tine to issue Instructions that thing rash or un American. such mination to struggle on to victory lective bargaining is another car Recognition of the union and colof done thelr best to get a good set its first session from Mrs. Franklin begin to gather. Now, more than or pickets And Mayor LaGuardia forbid! Green expressly states, lest their strike activities, and they will is to be called. The bonnes have tlement in your interests. Somecluded Mayor La Guardia and the Soviet Unlon take on real s8 a coroner jury. Continued on Page 4) not stop short in dealing properly in this industry as elsewhere, with with all the enemies of their cause, the wholehearted cooperation of Why don you force the 166 Berle, original brain truster nificance for the workers of the But they prefer to hold Investigawhatever the label they parade unthe NRA, been trying to folsta bosses to get together and take Arbitrary Rulings world. Any moment may see ittions.
question of revolution company union on the workers.
secret ballot on the Haas Dunnigan itepresentation the Congress transformed into a slogan of action. There have been many such inPAPER IN STATEN ISLAND ary unionism is again creeping up Here, as elsewhere, it will again plant.
was arbitrarily given to individuvestigations in the past few months.
with all its accompanying ills, be proven that only battle and not Answer: We can als, unaffiliated delegates and to MARINES LEAVE HAITI AS Witnesses, victims, have paraded Then why don you at least ask official government heads, as in the Newspaper men, members of bringing in its trail demoralization the ambiguous section Ta of the DIRTY WORK IS FINISHED their bruises, broken noses, cracked the Newspaper, Guild of New and disruption. As for instance, them If they are willing to do it? case of the transient camps. Large heads, hair torn from their heads, York, are picketing the plant of when the Joint Council of the IL NRA will win for labor the right to a union of their own choosing No answer.
organizations at the same time were The Marines bave finally evateeth knocked out, ribs broken, and the Staten Island Advance, and the embracTogether with the amended Why didn you make the bosses given one delegate; others were cuated Haiti other evidences of police brutality, Staten Island, New York City.
ing three locals called a general strike resolution, which was adoptaccept the original Haas Dunnigan completely denied representation.
before the Mayor and his investiDispatches in the capitalist They demand the re instate.
strike on Wednesday, August 8th, ed as against the proposal of the plan?
The Spartacus Youth League was press from Port au Prince report gators. The transcript of evidence ment of Alexander Crosby, news We did not have the power to informed that it would not be given that the evacuation was accomour friends. the Industrial Unofficialdom, and which makes the piles mountain high. The facts are editor of the Advance, who was ion also came out with a leaflet calling of the strike within a defmake them do anything, a credential because the Nationalplished with great solemnity, common knowledge; have been re calling for a general strike in the nite period of time mandatory on Then how do you know you will Student League (Stalinist) would and considerable enthusiasm on discharged for joining the Guild.
ported even in the capitalist press.
Crosby was with the paper for knitted goods Industry. Less than the Executive Board, was the prohave the power to make them live represent its point of view. Could the part of the civilian populaBut to date, not one police officer five years, and had been given 300 workers appeared in their four vision that the contracts of all lo up to government decisions on the anything be more ridiculous and halls. As a result of such or cals with the employers be uniform has been punished. Not one has a raise fost prior to his joining basis of this settlement?
tion. Haitian officials and officers of the Marine Corps exbeen transferred, or even warned. the Guild. The reason assigned response, they cmbarked on new, on a national scale.
No answer.
Nevertheless the largest national changed compliments.
very supposedly clever maneuAnd the dirty work of beating for firing him was incompetenA resolution condemning William Win the man from Washington youth organizations had delegates In the general rejoleing, it was vers. telephone call would come up workers who are striking for Illy and incompatability.
Green for his desertion of the strike to the strike headquarters of the in Frisco, unanimously introduced who judges violence cases wear to the Congress. The Young Comundoubtedly forgotten, save by Realizing that the very exmunist League, Young Peoples So the workers, that the marines the right to live goes on without white collar or overalls?
Joint Council stating that the work by the Resolutions Committee, was istence of their organization is interruption just as if there had He will be fair in any case.
cialist League, Student League for have accomplished their purpose. given shop are ready to lost after extended discussion by at stake, members of the Guilders Industrial What is our guarantee?
been no investigations.
Democracy, National strike and requesting a committee the narrow majority of 193 to 103.
American investments have been Student League, the National StuAlmost as if the Mayor and Chlet have developed unexpected spirNo answer.
to take ther saved. The revolt of the starving Inspector Valentine were not sin it and solidarity in the fight Other resolutions instructing the If you had been a picket and dent Federation, sections of the When the committee of strikers ap delegates to the Frisco Convention workers has been crushed. The against the publisher of the Adcere.
pear, the workers in the shop stand of the of in October to were now asked to sign an agree and other radical, liberal lackeys of American Imperialism vanee, whom they defeated bement which might har you forever and conservative youth groups were Bronx Lecture up, wave their Industrial Union are, for the time being, firmly fore when he sought to block represented.
from a Job, would you do it?
in the saddle.
Eye Witness Account of the the organizing of employes on books, sing the International of Aght for a labor party and for lo The revolt against the non demoNo answer.
MINNEAPOLIS STRIKE course. tell the committee thatdustrial unionism were adopted by There were conciliatory rethe Long Island Press, which he cratic character of the Congress Speaker: marks and compliments passed also owns.
they are members of the Industrini the convention.
Then why do you bring it up?
Mediators Squirm was prepared by preliminary meetUnion and that they dare them to DON FORGET THE BOATRIDE a plenty, but the assurance 1s MAX SHACHTMAN ings of a number of the progresIt is significant that the Guild be taken down, in hope to cause a still not forthcoming that the Editor New International refused Mayor LaGuardia ofThe questions of the strikers sive groups. At a conference of Tickets for this excursion are fight. The strikers committee is marines will not return when Sunday, August 19th, P. ter to arbitrate the dispute.
pinned the conniving mediators to these groupe a series of resolutions successfully fooled and the revo available at the City headquarters the wall. They sat through the were adopted to be counterposed to It is necessary to protect Ameri 1739 Boston Road Room The right of newspaper men to barrage sweating blood and look the Rooseveltlan program of the can property and the sacred Auspices: Communist League of join the Guild cannot be arbilution is completed. But it never of the League, 144 Second Ave.
rights of foreign investments.
America, Bronx Branch. trated, was the reply.
occurs to the wise revolutionary The price is 00. The boat will leave Pier 11, River foot of (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
Admission 10e. Continued on Page 4)
Wall St. P. Saturday, Aug. 18.