CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceHitlerSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1934 The United Front Demagogue at Work The Coming Convention Olson Role in the Strike we Minneapolis leaders of boten of the French para revoluciones y content. made become Internal Fight Splits Painters of people a Originally scheduled for Sept. 10, a national secretary, Frank Schwel manager of the Associated Silk the Convention of the United Textwer, the union consists only of the Workers, the largest single branch tile Workers will be held on Mon large branch in Paterson and of the w, has made do proday, August 13th. The reason for few small locals in Pennsylvania. test against the sending of orgu The last chapter of Olson role, ters to the strikers. Picketing conIn France the united front has result.
this sudden advancement of the Ry paying Schweitzer wages, Meiers ints he field and organizing On the con in the Minneapolis truck driverstinued, but the militia was wus ar.
been established between the Com The Task of the Socialist Worker date is the tremendous unrest and Mahon aims not only to restrict the silk locals.
There are thus very good reasons ferment now going on in all sec growth of the but to slow. trary, he, Keller, expelled militant strike of Local 574 of the of resting more pickets each day and party. Both of them were forced for the Socialist workers paying ting the convention is the most im organizers that are sent out they consistently soughton for the lines are nowing as firm as ever, Even this retreat was not suffitions of the textile industry. Fac ly choke it to death. The few members of the As. because cannot yet be written. This is throwing them in the army stock indvancing fascism either the unit cal test of their party and its leadPortant Already in Alabama alone workers into pure and simple ed front or destruction at the hands ership. But it is necessary to do 20, 000 textile workers are striking: locals.
American Federation of Silk Work in spite of the fact that Governor cient for Olson to regain his former of this merciless enemy.
This is more than this. It is necessary for throughout other textile sections.
ers. Moreover no effort was made olson militlu have dealt some position as the friend of labor sue is poised on a razor edge.
Silk Workers Distrust to unite all the existing craft heavy blows to the strikers. In and the radical Farmer Labor Gov.
the Socialist workers to demand caHe was forced to retreat The danger inherent to MeMa silk locals in Paterson, together fact, indications are that a settie ernor.
This action is a victory for the tegorically from their leaders that numerous smaller strikes are in hon ging in a real autonomous with the into one industrial ment favorable to the workers may still further in order to hold off the working class, accomplisbed by they make good their pretended progress general strike and to clear himself pressure from below. This is not claims of favoring working class president or the was able are the reasons for McMahon ac of silk Workers, although these Seven months ago, MeMahon, the silk federation is obvious to all, as branch of the American Federation be won.
Up to the time of the declaration in the eyes of the workers. Ile is pressure against the bureaucracy their leaders a genuine united front postpone the general strike on tions. The silk workers, because of have loosely amalgumated into of martial law by Governor Olson sued a statement informing the of both parties which despite all which will include all workers see from the NKA. Today the union is and their long experience of strux Progressive Keller is expending was closed 100. Trucking settlement was reached by Friday Instead the che strike stood solid. The market bosses and the strikers that if no their hypocritical lip service, con tions and groups willing to colla: faced with either putting up a fight gles, are the most militant section most of his energies in organizing thronghout the city was restricted midnight he would poroko pero The last few critical years, resisted today of definitely stated multhum or losing the support of the mass of of the textiles. Their previous bit the small bosses and family shops by the rules of the union. Only units.
silk workers.
We have no aims.
this unity of action.
certain necessities, hospital Hup raid the headquarters of the citi.
ter experience with the class colla into at local of the It is indubitable that the boration policies of the Paterson Isolated plies, and a farmers market, eszen Alliance and extend the per illusions of a genuine revolution In France the united front is con has made great strides forward. have made them very distrustful of As a result. Paterson has retablished by the strikers, were almits until Monday morning. All inary polley in the agreement for this tined to the officiul Stalinist party loculs dot the textile areas the parent organization and its mained practically isolated from lowed to be hauled.
united front. Nevertheless we The bosses dications were that it was a tipped and the Socialist party. The revoin the South and in Pennsylvania. corrupt leadership.
the rest of the silk Industry upon were on the run. The Citizen Aloft raid because reliable reports greet this first step as a progres utionary section, the International Even in New England where the vive move for the French proletar. Communists, is excluded, apparent stench from the past McMabon sell with their trade union policy, base pendent. The low scale of wages in The Lovestoneltes, in accordance which its wage standards are de liance was whipping up a red scare which were even carried in the int and a vindication of the standly by common consent of the bu onts has not yet subsided the offered to resistance to MacMathe Pennsylvania and New Englan Out to no avail. The cops were bonnes press said that most of the Dowhere to be seen when the strik files were removed befor: he mill reaucracy or both parties. In realt. is also making headway. hon stilling of the autonomy silk areas permits the Paterson ers cong gated. eace reigned un tiu arrived. The raiding of the Step Forward ty, as we have suid before, it is a McMahon Spikes Autonomy the silk workers. And this certain bosses to beat down almost all the der the domination of local 574. Citizen Alliance headquarters was While this first step does not social democratic non aggression The silk workers are organized plays directly into the hands of sains of the last strike. This tre. Even the labor fakers of Minneaof no value to the strikers, but it represent, as we shall see later, act. That is the reason that into an autonomous section of the MacMahon. Eli Keller, the general mendous weakness of the Associat palis were silent. They were wait was of first rite political impor.
change in esence of the attitude there should be no llusions of a the American Federation of ed forces it to backwater before ing for a more opportune moment tance for Olson. The fact that per: of the leadership of the two par revolutionary polley in this pact. Silk Workers. The idea of auto every offensive of the silk bosses. to serve the master class. mits were not revoked, but exten.
tics, It does represent a change of in essense it represents an agree nomy for silk originated in PaterNaturally, the workers have been ed to Monday, and the fact that Permits for Scabs form which can open up new and ment between two centrist parties son, the main organized center.
getting more and more disgusted great possibilities. It increases the to the exclusion of the revolution. It was intended to give the wilk with present union officialdom Then Olson declared martial law more pickets were being arrested strength of the French proletariat ary wing in the movement. More workers the same status as the Drivers Firm which the percent and could allow mits are revoked Monday the bosseg greatest danger to the unhe istantanent which was are well worked for several days.
It broadens the field of over, the change of the Stalinist Hosiery workers in the solid, Am working class struggle and opens to this kind of a united front is erican Federation of Full Fashionion itselt, unless properly organized verbal blast against the bosses, and it permits are re issued, the union up new perspectives, not only to primarily dictated by the needs ofed Hosiery Workers. But the (Continued from Page 1)
under a genuine left wing.
the sidor the emergence or Union as pursued under the Stall out their host, McMahop.
of beating back fas the foreign policy of the Soviet workers in Paterson reckoned with was rejected by the union. In the Omis a firm and militant policy workers by establishing a millor them to these firms who will cism, but new regroupments, leading in a revinist regime shaped by the theory The exists as a national terview to the Organizer here centered the textile worden er voor el commodities comme under the bread abide by the laus proposals, tee olutionary direction.
of Socialist in One Single Country organization only on paper. Having are several ridiculous clauses in the rat they are in. All the elig ing of necessities and within three entre the union. my union wages and hire union The demand for the united front Stalinist Foreign Policy the bosses proposal. Whether they from which the textile workers are ways trucks with scab drivers, un Neutrality in the Class War could no longer be ignored and the This. of Tare meant seriously or put in mere suffering, particularly the spread der the protection of Governor Ol In more than one statement the ly for truding purposes It makes of unemployment, can be countered son militia were moving about ties accepted it. The Communist based exclusively on the idea of no differences. Local 574 is never in only one way the establislament town in droves as though nothing Governor has stated that he does not take sides with either the parties in other countries have ac maintaining the status quo within going to agree to a preferential of the hour day. day week on hud happened.
cepted it and made formal propos and amongst the capitalist nations list which puts the rights of seabs higher wage scales. This cannot The union protested and informed bosses or the strikers, that he is als for o united front to the Social a means of preserving peace unahead of the rights of union men. be gained without a serious night. the Governor that his action was for law and order, and will take ist parties, which have so far bender capitalism. It means to undea (Continued from Page 1)
The same holds good for the pro General Strike in Textiles breaking the strike and demanded what action necessary for the good rejected by them. To this date the vor to forestall not only reactionary nothing but wait wait while strik posal to discriminate against The question of the general strike that he withdraw all permits. The of the people to see that the neestrikers whom they aceuse of common textiles and the organisation of American Socialist party has failed changes within the capitalist coun ing!
Governor again answered with lessities of life are moved. It is to answer. Of course, the pressureries, but also revolutionary chang verbul blast against the bosses and well known fact that before Olson By that the silk workers nationally into the debated citizen Alliance and militia came to Minneapolis the Their docility before their baumitting unlawful acts.
of the masses for unity of actiones. In France especially, this non reneratie leaders in some loral they evidently mean our pickets. are intimately linked to Doesn it take a collossal gall for get her.
has not reached the same degree ev aggression jaet endeavors to create ions is almost unbelievable, ese people who sent out wunds of mur Isw. hacked by the tremendonner. Picketing was becoming too and peace regned. solidly organized proceeded to act against the strik strikers had the town sewed up.
After his troopa erywhere, although the issues that a left bloc to balance the right cally when considered in the light derets to shout our pickets in the prestige make it necessary exist. They ex bloc (fascism. with the present of other strikes in the country. The back to talk about unlawful acts thronghout the textile Industry is picketing, prohibited meetings on umber from day to day. It is also the Milk workers prominent, the militiat prohibit arrived scab trucks inereased in ist in the United States.
capitalist government remaining in tighting, class spirit which this Bureaucrats Fear United Front power.
very moment pervades the ranks of The Citizens Alliance is again the real spearhead of the offensive the union in front of their union well known fact that the Obviously the Socialist event that martial law is lifted. Sollty wondrous of new military are the majority.
leaders fent the united action of in the limits of the objects of the completely absent. Instead of mine uglies have been imported into be the greatest obstacle in the way peronity to the bones so they could Any one who says he is for the Communist and Socialist workers. pact although that is exactly where itant picketing the Zansner leader town. The notorious Bergoft igen run scab trucks.
people and neither for the bosses sell outs. Moreover, solid anIn the meantime the trosses were nor the workers is elther Har or old gunu fear the broadening and in action and or actions would not strike activity Into the harmless ex. with headquarters in New York tonomous silk organization would deepening of the struggle and point the way to the organization bowling aguinst the parking ban a damn fool. It is also a well the capitalist attacks, but they are front. In essense this pact is very the neighborhood of the headquar strikebreakers to the bosses of woolen and worsted workers who the Loop district informing the known fact that if the Governor, at present organized struggle Ittle different from the German ters, in card playing and general throughont the country, is reportedures. delegates must take what the day time parking ban in with the necessities of life for the that will bring forward the millbusiness. Many strikers thought tolerate any strike that interferes social democratie support of the The around the meeting halls to be the agency handling this job tancy and revolutionary potential so called iron front with Hinden printers stand sheer After Harry Ness, the second view the lead in committing the conventhe Loop was a blow at the bosses, people than the Governor is ity of the working class. Among burg as its candidate against Hit ishly in line for hours in order to im of the premeditated attack was tion not to talk but to action.
but the truth of the matter was against the majority of the workthem are outright traitors and ter, or the Austrian social demo Save their strike cards paunched John Kelor who died of wounds to They must reassert in so uncer chauvinists. But this fear ouvi cratle support of the Dollfus re twice a day after which they usualla hospital here a week 1go. Thus tain terms the autonomy of the that the militia desired to have ers. The majority of the workers to be ously exists also amongst the mitsime against fascism. It is the ly go home.
the two labor mar. and lead in real consolida. parked uutos, in order to have the distribution of the necessities of itans Speaking for them. Nor Anglo Russian committee over Leaf from Hitler Book tyrs in Minneapolis the deathless tion of the textile workers for their man Thomas declares that: What aguin in a somewhat different form. Anyone who criticises this into unity of the employed and the worlatrukele ahead, especially in organ mas concentration of strikers was any one who holds a strategical hinders the united front is the in. This set up, too, was created os erable procedure is marked, singled 674 and Belor of the tention of the Communists, declared tensibly to prevent intervention in out and beaten up. Sluggings are It is up to the silk Workers attempted in the heart of the city. position such 18 a Governor, and Even the freedom of the press is They can win the 30 hour week. struggle with scab trucks under says he is not taking sides with openly in word and deed, to use the the but served as a shield daily occurrences. Meetings, where molested in the liberal state of with substantial wage increases these circumstances would give theelther the exploiters or the strik united front less against the com for the betrayers of the generall the sentiment is overwhelmingly. Minnesota with the progressive eliminating the many disgraceful militia all of the advantages. Thisers, no matter how sincere he is, he mon enemy than against us in the strike and as an instrument to dis against Zausner clique, are broken Olson at its head. Salesgirls of the conditions now prevalling in the did not materialize because opera can do nothing else than help the tention, of good or bad faith, are, view of this, the revelation that the from injuries received in the course Organizer have been constantly mills It they bear in mind their lions against scab trucks are not losses. Neutrality in a class so of course important, but they can centrist bureaucracy in both of ot the meeting of Local 906 held perscented by the militia and now strategie position in textiles and centered in the loop. After a week clety always helps the strongest the parking ban by the militia was force. And since the bosses are in mot be put above the needs of the these French parties semi openly a week aged Another is held comrades who sell the Militant are act accordingly.
power neutrality plays into their to be arrested.
class. In doing so, Norman Thoirt with the idea of creating one death from a fractured skull re Demands of the Union hands The words and deeds of inns betrays his own lack of har united party should not shock the ceived from a blow delivered by Governor Olson in this strike mony with the working class in revolutionists. The formal change MeNamara, President of the These words against the bosses proves this point conclusively.
terests of policy executed by the Stalinists on Monday night in Local 892. Sevand blows against the strikers were Good Intentions and Results not taken lightly by the union men Far more decisive than the in is not a real political change but a eral have been taken to hospitals, Governor Olson is a petty bour tentions of anyone are the forces way wherely they begin to adjust dozens have received minor injur of the city and their sympathizers. geois radical. Even if he is the The strike committee of 100 drew most honest and sincere man, and that are set into motion by the themselves to the attitude of social los. Instead of maintaining the in Historical processes united reformism.
tegrity of their union by organixup demands and presented them to desires to help the working class, a working class, or at least united Stimulous of United Front ing themselves into a strong left the Governor. They demanded the radical type of reformer can in rein action despite what differences withdrawal of the troops, a with allty do nothing but help the bosses.
Despite this perversion of the wing force which would stand may separate its various sections. real united front and its outright shoulder to shoulder against the strike) Arrested in the recent general rule is often violated iu enses meet, and the right to picket. This the capitalist system is so organized Harold Robins and Andre Grasſ the certificate. However, this gendrawal of all permits, the right to the structure and framework of force. And those whose views are best ister will have are reaching ing themselves to be bulldozes and today refused a certificate of rea convicted racketeers roam recomes a distinctly progressive reformist implication, even this gangsters, the painters are allow cral strike of hotel workers, were involving the rights of labor. While the Governor refused and the unton that it cannot be used for the beneon the progressive side have noth value for the French proletariat. terrorized into submission and puus sonable doubt, in a deciston handed streets frcely, responsible and well Dunne brothers, Dobbs and Brown instrument for the capitalists, by the under the leadership of the three At of the working class. It is an ing la fear But that is not the All its latent energies are coming sivity case with the Militants. By to the fore and will serve as a stidown by Justice Valenti.
Playing into Zausner Hands known workers are deliberately were forced to organize their forces the capitalists, and of the capital.
Simultaneously, however, the kept failed, thereby hampering the to fight for the elementary right of ists.
their reformist centrist position mulous, not consciousy directed, but one of the fundamental causes of fight for the appeal of the original defense work, which would be im semblage and picketing, or else they find themselves preoccupied of a spontaneous character, to a this chaotic condition in the Broth conviction was hroadened, with the measurably alded 1f the victimized lose the strike. Governor Olson scale is at stake. And the strike Olson political life on a national with the function of blurring their real struggle against advancing erhood is the criminal union wreck announcement by Feinstone. strikers were free to appear on the action was breaking the strike.
differences with the old guard, of fascism in France. By itself, this ing policies of the Stalinists who, Secretary of the United Hebrew issue before mass meetings and unis not yet over. Olson thrived on The drive of the union was met the Stalinists exposures. He grew adjusting their views to the stand will pose revolutionary problems with dramatic gestures, noise and Trades, that his organization has ion meetings. Judge Corrigan or by military occupation of the strike fat and gained politically. It took point of the old guard, including the very posing of which will have phrase mongering, have been able to endorsed the Robins Gras Defense iginal charge to the jury, as the headquarters and the arrest of the daily strike bulletin of a strikexpense of the struggle of the tarian ranks. In this sense it will membership from the general strug gued in the Appellate Division of a second summation for the prose militia. The militia was unable to left wing leadership to expose Olmasses.
ruly left wing on the other have additional significance for the gle. For more than a year they the Supreme Court on October cution. And now, Judge Valenti seine Grant Dunne and Dobbs and son. In spite of Olson strikehand, would welcome the opportuni e posibilities, even in this kind Having gained leadership there, Amalgamated Food workers, and tice proletariat. Harold Robins, organizer of the decision is ont and ont class jus others. Under their leadership the breaking role the union is still ity of working class unity of action of a united front must find atten they waited for the strike to start Andre Gras, a striker, were arrestforces of the union were reassem strong and all indications are that The Robins Gras Defense Combled at Central Labor Union head a partial victory can be bud.
the fight against the perfidious res all revolutionists.
as its own best reenforcement in tion and wholehearted support from and then promptly defied the loaded during the strike on a charge of mittee, set up at the request of the quarters. In less than two hours The odds are against 574, but In France the ership of District Council No. second degree assault. Robins had two victimixed workers, is a broad the Central Labor Union offices they will fight on until victory. If formist bureaucrats. That is what actions of united struggle are al with its twelve locals. In unmis previously been arrested a number united front of organizations, in were raided, taken over by the milshou be expected from the Revo ready creating new left wing cur takeable statements they declared of times on various charges trump cluding. Amalgamated Food Work itin and the strikers driven out.
victory is had it will not be due to lutionary Policy Committee. But rents within both parties which are that they would not recognize the ed up to hamper his strike work Olson. It will not be due to Tobin.
ers Union, Central Executive. wave of protest rose from the Green or the local conserv.
as its brothers under the skin, the liamentary illusions and the diplo capita tax to pay a cent per The only eyewitness in the assault Board, American Workers Party. laboring masses of the city. Furmative labor leaders. Vietory will be it has so far failed as miserably coming into revolt against the par District Council, nor The National Ex Despite this fact, and the weak Communist League so called Militants.
matixing from the top: currents cutive Board sent representative, ness and contradictions in the tes Communist Party Opposition, Governor Olson, declaring that his be had because the militant left of America. er Labor groups sent e of them. Victory will Practical Test that demand that the revolution Mr. Arkerly, to Local 199 on the timony of the prosecution, Robins General Defense Committee, actions were breaking the strike wing leadership of 574 knew how to Here is a practical test. The is ary problems be posed for a solu morning of August with an ulti and Gras were convicted in the Martello Group. Organization Com which they were supporting 574 expose them, how to counteract suhese this work merceaverinterest The demand for a united front with the DC. The answer was torious in labor circles for his sen ers Party, helt poole Zhon Jewish for one day. It met with rapid ap se between the exploiters and the playing for time are losing time for cannot be ignored for long in other that they did not recognize that of tences against the working class. The common en countries, because it grows directly fice, whereupon their charter was was sentenced to from two to four trial Democracy. Socialist Party of the labor movement. The con suport of the workers of Minnea workers. Robins Workers Party. League for Indus proval throughout the rank and fie workers, and thus gain the loyal emy does not cease his attacks.
out of the needs of the working promptly revoked. Now six hun: years, Gras from one to two years, Local New York, In the United States, it is true, class. Revolutionists and all those dred members, the most militant of to Sing Sing prison.
Communist servative labor leaders, agents of polis. HUGO OEHLER.
League of Struggle Provisional Olson, were on the run. At the workers constitute so far only of mass struggle against fascism. Strike committee. conduct their was a refusal to permit the work Defense Justice Valenti decision today Committee for Non Partisan Labor same time picketing increased. Al. Russlan Opposition Bulletin though the militia ocupled the Our friends and sympathizers, as a whole. However, some very talist attack on the workers must isht, not the bosses and Zausner, the appeal. The Robins Grosbe of the United Hebrew Trades, an. turned, and the militia was kept Trotsky is its regular contributor all over town, trucks were over. tion Bulletin, know that Comrade nounced today, the Committee has busy from early in the morning in net afoot sagiest this conscious mi etrate the united front in the makut by the other twelve locals, the ſense Committee issued the followalso been endorsed by Walterst late at night. The bosses were Atosto recente con have ing with the idea that a solution expectation that other locals will statement of Defense Committee and editor. International reaction nority follow their example is childish but the anti Communist to the problems of today can be campaign with its vigilante and found ultimately only in the over of their followers in the other lo ball pending appeal have in most Certificates of reasonable doubt Union Local 1, and Local 22 of the afraid to move trucks. All unions are being the probability is that expulsions enabling release of prisoners on visited to enlist their material and in the number of shipments could lice want to stifle the voice of Leon Trotsky They will not succeed.
police terror on the Pacific Coast. throw of capitalism.
This method of concentrating heavbe noted.
cals will take place. ARNE SWABECK moral support of this important criminal cases become the merest case.
Despite police persecution, despite Having solated the Olson Retreats militants formality. The existence of sufthe fact that the editorial office in ily against a small minority would from the strike and split the union cient grounds for appeal have been indicate that the unity of action of The Socialist Lawyers Associa This united action of the workforced to move again, despite tre.
the conscious section of Communist All letters, subscriptions, bun to knife the struggle of the paint taken to be sufficient grounds for thon is in charge of the legal workers and the threat of general mendous financial difficulties and strike brought results. Governor delays, the Russian Opposition Bul.
and Socialist organizations would dle orders, donations and any ers. The courageous rank and file at their inability to intelligently The date of a mass meeting ou pololeme ground and everywhere it The next issue is ready for the was losing letin will appear.
have a significance far beyond its Inquiries concerning or intended are being made fools and tools of cope with a superior power, they the case will soon be announced.
numerical scope and would have for the NEW INTERNATIONAL a group of arrogant Stalinists who resort to open splitting and thereby An effect that would really extend magazine, are to be addressed to: All workers and workers organ became apparent that Olson ac prou now. You can help to speed are taking advantage of thelr gull sign their own death warrant. They izations are asked to aid this right. tion was breaking the strike and up its publication by a contribu to wide working masses. New in THE NEW INTERNATIONAL spiration and a new determination bility. The stalinist actions are not sacrifice the interests of the work. The ofice of the Robins Gras De: helping the bosses, irrespective of tlon, you can help by getting readSTATION BOX 119 the actions of intelligent leaders, ers to their political aims.
to Aght and to win would be the NEW YORK, but those of the Jungle. Infuriated MEMBER OF BROTHERHOOD East 17th Street, fense Committee is Room 781, 22 his intentions. He released thelers and subscribers to the Russian leaders and returned the beadquar. Bulletin.
Robins Gras Refused Release On Bail; Appeal Pending protests to had In addition to the endorsemen headquarters scabs were beaten up our readers of the Russian Opposl. decline hounds Trotsky. The French po