AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarInvasionLeninMarxismNazismOpportunismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld WarZinoviev

SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1934 THE MILITANI GE THE SOCIALIST PARTY. IN 1914 AND TODAY WORLD OF LABOR QUESTION BOX The Coming Referendum Twenty years ago today the im was the pre war program of Social, ship to talk general strike before, Third Liberty Loan. In August, COMRADE Waukegan, Ill. If you will reperialist war. 1914 18 was the reason for the outright chauvin that prevailed when war did break used a resolution which suid Democracy. But this was scarcely war, it was their general polities the National Executive Committee MASSACRE IN CHILE examine the Question Box of July 14th, you will The World War note that it does not say that the workers in the preceded by a series of Incidents. ism of the main wing of Social De out. They did not throw aside their nothlug about the war, except to We are in receipt of definite Information concernSovlet Unton control the means of production, but No more important than many pre mocracy, and the equally shameful general politics, with its worship denounce the Kaiser! Meyer Lon ing the recent pe sunt uprising in the little village that they own them. In modern society, the means coding incidents was the final pacifism of the centrists who either of legality at any price, thelr fet don sat in Congress and neglected of Ranquil. Chile, which was featured u few weeks of production are elther the property of the capital signal at Sarajevo.
voted war credits or while not ichism of peaceful means, their every opportunity manifesting ago in the prvas us a Communist led revolt of the series of incidents are now openly supporting the war, defend worship of the sacredness of the serious opposition to war.
1st class or else the property of the proletariat. DeVictor peasu masses. The trath of the matter is as folspite the Stalinist bureaucracy, it still belongs to again taking place. For the second ed the right of socialists to do so. capitalist state, the proletariat in the Soviet Union.
time in a year Austria last week No, social chauvinism and social class collaboration. The weight of the protests of the left wing against une marloyed workers numbering about 600, their practical Berger was frankly pro German. To lows: Javing no other means of subsistence, a group Your statement, based upon your own experience, became the likely crucible of the pacifism was not caused by their this reformism crushed the specific all these outright violations of the cended an uncultivated mountain valley some months workers do not have anything to say about the man Saar, or a dozen other spots will cause they didn even get to the outbreak of the war, the choice be Party leadership turned a deaf ear. sion, communced the cultivation of the land. The ugo agement of industry, etc. does not contradict this provide the next occasions for war. point of trying to start a general came clear: Either fight the capiThis merely means that workers democracy has been as the Balkans burned for two strike, or even raising the slogan. talists or accept the war the repay for the mistaken bellet that it was time to reap the harvest.
How deadly did Eugene Debs ground was cleared, the soil was plowed, and at last at this point the destroyed; that the proletarian dictatorship is slek. years before the contegration Causes of Social Chauvinism formists made their choice and the there was room in one party for all Producer Society of Industry and Commerce. Lack of space does not permit us to print your spread, so, today, contlict rages in The causes of social chauvinis centrists went with them. This shades of beltet! When the left claiming that this laud was part of the 40, 000 acre letter in full, nor to go completely into the questions chaco, kuerilla warfare continues and social pacifism socialists in happened wherever reformism beld wing demanded the expulsion, early estate of one of their members, the colonists were you raise. We are taking the liberty of sending you in Manchuria, Britain, France and words, chauvinist or pacifist Trotsky The Soviet Union and the 4th Interna Japan wage warfare against the dieds lie deeper than the specife American Socialists in Warsell who had already turned pro were sent in Afrightful massacre followed, in tional which goes fully into the matter.
Chinese peasantry.
anti war program which is violated. There is a myth abroad in the ally. Debe pleaded with the left which the colonists guve a good accounting of theniWhere shall the masses of the The three grouping of socialists and about the conduct of American wing to permit Russell to stay elves, but which could have but one result. In spite Brownsville. The stalinist position on the world turn for leadership. aguinst during the World War wang as a socialists during the last war. Ict What was the result of this polley the declared sulklarity of the Chilean workers.
Saar plebiscite before it came out for the status imperialist war?
quo is indicated by the following quotation, which August 4th is not only the anal pre war grouplugs on fundamental honorable action by American So who did not leave the party, as ist who claimed they were leading a revolution. the only one handy at present: We are and reversary of Imperialist war. It is principles. Itight wingers became clalists were great. First, the war Kussell did. joined together with the colonists of Ranquil found their efforts to saiu the pacifists to keep the party im. a livelihood, drowned in their own blood.
lers and the return of our class brothers. We are sary of the betrayal of the massetsky strip which meant to defend everywhere. Second, the entry intend quit, Solomon, Waldman, Panken cuse for the massacre, claimed that there was a letartat, and we fight for the abolition of the front workers of the world, the anniver. chauvinists or pacifists of the Kau with consequent disillusionment potent. Debs went to the at nim The Chilean goverument, seeking a plausible exnot frightened by the fascist terror, we are strength the war machine by the Social the chauvinists and to stick to the strong left wine which later Co. could speak from every plat Communist Insurrection afoot. The stalinist teil socialist Soviet Germany. Quotation from the Reichstag voted war credits to the by Lenin and Trotsky, Liebknecht story of the American Socialist sectionable.
for the revolution and the will to fight for a free day the German Socialists in the the war. Only the left wmg led spite these advantages, the true arrest for they said nothing right in with this manevaver of the reaction by claiming the same thing when nothing was farther from Saarbrucken Arbeiterzeitung in the International Katser. he truth. Among the Irresponsible followers of an and Luxembourg. remained ada Party, and especially of most of Press Correspondent, April 21, 1933, 411) quesHow did it happen? Haase, who mant on the war question. Turn the outstanding leaders, is a shameAnd even after the war was over, irresponsible movement, the Chilean Stalloists merit tion on the Saar referendum was answered in the made the declaration in the Relehs the Imperialist war into civil war, ful one.
In the Assembly Investigation of the first prize. Not so long ago, when the sailors of Question Bor of July 28 tag, was only a week before de erled the Bolsheviks, and they did. Within two months of the st. 1921. Lee and Hillquit assured the che fleet rebelled in Coquimbo, these poor clowns Your other question is covered by the following nouncing the war mongers from the Then, to the horrible crime of Agbt Louis convention the leader Assembly that the St. Louls Resoissued fantastie proclamations, claiming to have oranswer to a nelghbor of yours.
forum of the International Social ing on the side of the bourgeoiste ship was organizing the Peoples lution was shot an incitement to sanized the outbreuk. When the uprising falled due.
BROWNSVILLE WORKER. What you state mass meeting of Socialists Democracy added the horrible eralx and pacifists. The Council Waldman swore that New York the officers themse. ves had luxpired the whole thing.
quite correct. There did appear in the Daily Worker throughout Germany were organ crime of fighting on the side of the said nothing about opposing war. State was a peoples government. Other cases could be cited, such as that of the care of August 8, 1925 an article by comrade Trotsky ized under the slogan: Warbourgeoisle in the civil war. nor did it even discuss Its causes Against War. On July 31st, mar.
directed against Max Ernt man and the politial law having been declared, came forcible means of day by day poll thern. Soon after, the Socialist clared he would fight for his coun We find the Stalinist party of Chile claiming lenderAs war is the continuation by and the necessity of eradicating a capitalist government, and de bineers conspiracy of Captain Villota. and each time rumors of a ship.
in the party and the existenceet Lenin wil are the final message of the socialisti. so the position on war or leadership of the needle trade un try to repel any invasion and that While making no claims to lend non existent revodenied. To the personal knowledge of this editor Party Executive: Up to this last coups within the working class is tons frankly came out in support be favored necessary preparation comrade Trotsky has never directly repudiated this moment the International proletar a continuation of their general pol of the war. In April, 1918 Alger to do so. Waldman had also voted tions, the communist Left of Chile is laying the document although many of the articles which he ist has done its duty. 80 we tice. If the masses hatred of war non Lee and six other socialist alfor militia appropriations, in di asis of the new party that will be found when the has written since that time, ench as the article in must look at that which lies be led the Social Democratic leader dermen in New York voted for the rect violation of the party constituime arrives, in the leadership of the Chilean workthe la:est Now International are Indirect repudiatore us, firmly, undlinchingly.
tion which made votes for military ers revolution. New forces rally daily to the banner tions of it.
Meanwhile, the party organ, Vor.
expenditures grounds for expulsion of the fourth International in Chile, Stalinism loges Your question, of course, implies doubt as to the waerts, was sounding the note of The Crisis in the Socialist Party If the Old Guard and the cent ground daily, the Socialist arty Is heading for existence of the will. However, Stalls himself ad revolt against war, denouncing any rists did these things after the st. plit, and the Chilean Communist Left announces that mitted its existence. It has been proved over war of whatever kind waged by Louis Declaration, what will they the first issue of Its theoretical magazine, The Fourth and over again that nobody has concealed or is con capitalists. Even when mobiliza do in the next war? The Old Guard International will soon be off the press. In this way cealing anything that Lenin Testament was ad. tion was ordered July 31 Vorwaerts Srebbe to the sth Party Congress and that tt, this contrgeoisie. On August Voris by now largely and openly chau the basis is being laid for the new party.
own vinist, and, at the least, against any Testament was read at that Party Congress (Crles Mas opposition to war. The MI of Qulte true. waerts denounced German patriot(This is the first of a series of Let us exumine some of the high majority which voted for the re Itants and the rest of the party SPAIN It is said that in the Testament in questions and those who suddenly articles on the problems facing lights.
The Spanish Communist Left, while growing or Lenin suggested to the Party Congress that it sbould talked of fighting for freedora the workers in the Socialist deliberate on the question of replacing Stalin and against Czariem. Yet, that very Kautorovitch examines the right Detroit, are today playing the role Sanizationally, is detingutshing itself by its printed party. appointing another comrade in his place as General afternoon, it had already been de wing eritlelsm point by point. We that Hillquit, Waldman and Alger materiale shall follow his arguments.
Secretary of the Party. This is perfectly true. Let cided, and the next day the Social non Lee played in 1917. Lip ser being published. It is devoted primarily to matters The Referendum Before the us read that passage, although it has already been ists in the Relchstag voted war dou The fire that the declara: ice to the unrealistle weapon of seneral popular interest, written in a freer, more too uncouth and this fault of his, which is tolerable clal declaration, for the protec. party will soon be called upon to committee of eminent lawyers, than outweighed by the general books and pamphle read repeatedly at the Plenary session. Stalin 18 credits, in the words of their oth The members of the Socialist com of principles is not legal. the general strike will be more popular style, and thus supplements Communismo, the reorganization theoretical magazine. Innumerable most of them by members of within our intimate group and in view of the contion of our country. in its hour vote on the various declarations of states Kantorovitch, has found that formist orientation of the militants.
mettons netween thes. Shoe med anbearable from cone of danger Germany, may relie upon principles before them. In addition the declaration is within the law. Again we repeat: War is the con ehe Spanish Communist Left, have been publlshed in thereus. How could this happen?
to the Detroit declaration, there is the right wing had stated that tuation of day by day politics who holds the post of General Secretary.
the recent fore suggest that the comrades should discuss the We have on numerous occasions the rigbt wing declaration of the Our left wing. want to find out Those who, like the Militants. The right ist government of the republie of workquestion of dismissing Comrade Stalin from this post pointed out the unrealistic shor. endorsed by the New York revolutionists. The defender of ichism of bourgeois legality and the very brink of illegality. new ruling now proNew York State convention of the whether it is against the law to be are committed to the reformist feters is hounding the working class organizations to other respects, is only distinguished from Stalin by war with a general strike, which central committee. and the amend ments to the Detroit declaration by on its police criterion of good social geols legality when the choice be sell the poblications of political and working class one quality, e. that of being more tolerant, loyal, the so called Unity Group. Both ism, forgets to mention that it was comes: Either fight against war or organizations. It is claimed that this aims at the olvil and considerate towards the comrades, less An Appeal for of the latter groups are right wing. Thomas who submitted the declar capitulate to bourgeois legality. Fascists as well as the working class organizations.
moody etc. Stalin, Speech delivered at the October Plenary Meeting of the and the They difter only on the question as ation to the group of lawyers!
Robins and Gras to how to defeat the Detrolt de That the Socialist Party party majority has defended the have already been forced off the streets by the work Spokesman after spokesman of the But this is not true, because the Fascists newsboy of the International Press orrespondence, claration.
November 17, 1927. 1428, emphasis ours. Now as to the reason Trotsky 1925 article After heated dispute lu a naacts, and acts of individual terror new Detroit Declaration on the ers through direct action methods.
The argument of a motion for a tional sub committee, the Thomas ism is substantiated by the declar. Solution did not drive the party into Mass arrests are taking place in connection with shows that, under the pressure of party discipline, doubt, which is granted would tree declaration in one respect. The Party seeks to attain its objective permit the party to remain legal: In spite of all difficulties, however, most of the workIn the same speech is contained the evidence which contato certificate reasonable ites decided to amend their own ation statement that the Socialistegrity, the new Teclaration with every strike, publications are suspended, and Hot had formerly associated with comrade Trotsky, we ball, was postponed oursday would support any of thelr com and other such phrases. On the worked in 1917. Then the Socialist or less regularity and all of them are attempting to Molotov, members of the sukharin, Stalin, and at the Instance of the District Atrades who for anti war activities score there is unanimity in the Party remained loyal to bourgeois comrades Rykov. Zinovlev, Polit bureau, requested torney. comrade Trotsky to dissociate himselt from Victimized for their loyalty to or refusal to perform war service camp of the right wing and cen legality and would not fight war maintain a legal statue Eastman. Comrade Trotsky actually dissociated the labor movement in the recent come tuto conflict with public opin trist forces.
Tomorrow the Scialist Party will himself trom Eastman and made a statement to that general strike of hotel workers. read that they would support, in declaration to the support by the formism which, in war time, Can SPANISH YIPSELS FIGHT OPPORTUNISM The reference in the Detroit remain true to its traditional re Roblus is serving a term of two to the event of war, those of its mem. of their comrades who, in only mean taking sides with the ere there we dont left in your mind as to the nature cour years, and Grus from one to bers who come in conflict with the time of war come in conflict with bourgeoisie against the interests of following, and the natural opportunism of many of Between the radicalization of large sections of its of Stalin request. Just hear in mind that, as his two years, in Sing Sing.
speech shows, he knew of the existence of the will Robins, an organizer for the Am law in their anti war work not in the law or public opinion is ex the workers of the world.
Its leaders, the Socialist movement in Spain is in the at the time he and all the other members of the Polit algamated Food Workers union contradiction to Socialist princ plained by Kantorovitch as mean groups agree on this ing a defense those who work The revolutionary struggle chroes of an interal crisis. On the one hand, the bureau requested Trotsky to deny its existence. and Gras, a striker, were sentenced ples. within Socialist policies. This lat against Imperialist war will be Socialist Youth Federation at its latest congress deby Judge Corrigan of General Sesamendment.
But the right wing is furious. ter position was supported even by waged only under one banner: THE clared for the armed insurrection and the Dictator COMRADE New York. We certainly do slons, a judge whom the labor ship of the Proletariat: on the other, the party not disregard the ballot box. The following briefly movement knows for many sentene The National Committee has no Louis Waldman at Detroit! AS FOURTH INTERNATIONAL.
parliamentary fraction and its leadership generally, Elves the Communist position on this: ex Against striking workers. Their constitutional right to amend the stated above, the Thomasites have We are Marxists and not anarchists. We are accuser in an assault charge was convention declaratloserAnders already amended the Beation Starvation Wages for ortent towards a new coalition with the teft repub supporters of the utilization of parliament: It is not a chef who was not even eligible cording to the best lawyers this is should be noted in passing that the original ambiguity was caused by an instrument for transforming society, but a means for union membership. This was The original wording was in line one factor: the attempt to appear German Workers ing leader of the party, while sincerely striving for militant leftist polley, attempts to preserve the of rallying the workers. Trotsky, Talk with the only eye witness. Despite with Thomas attempt to appear very radical and thereby control unity of the heterogenous movement.
the socialist Workers. Militant, April and 15. this chet contradiction of his own very radical. Under the hammer the leftward movement in the Hamburg (TIS. The starvation 1989. evidence, the lack of any other evi blows of the Right he flinched and The Socialsts and War level to which the German workIn Renovacion, organ of the young socialists, for. participation in parliamentary elections and dence, and despite a host of wit patreated. Politically there was no On the question of Socialisters waged under the Nazl regime July 7th, a demand is made for the purging of the In the struggle on the parliamenta platform is fresses for the defense, the workers real difference even at Detroit. program on war.
have sunk, is startlingly revealed party, through the expulsion of the members of the obligatory for the parts of the revolutionary prole were convicted.
tariat Just for the purpose of educating the backward The Robins Gras Defense com amendments of the right wing time, scores the pro war record of tensive wage Investigation conduct capitulation followed by the latter in a whole series Why did Thomne reject the othera. Kantorovitch, for the first by the Nazis themselves in an ex parliamentary fraction. The treacherous poley of masses of its own class, fust in order to awaken and mittee, a broad united front of po Unity Group The sub commit Waldman and Leeot 1918. Only) ed by the German Labor Front of situations in the recent session of the Cortes are enlighten the undeveloped, downtrodden, ignorant litical organizations and trade un tee could not and that other chang. yesterday in his militant Pro The statistical compilation has been he basis of the charges now levelled against the mase. Just so long as you are unable to disperse the lons, bas opened a fight for appeal. ex of this sort were necessary or gram. when discussing the record published in the official labor magright wing elements, who are making a fetish of bourgeois parliament and other reactionary Instituing the case. The appeal will be would commuund general support of the during the World War, azine Arbeltertum and is basedurlamentarism and legality in a period of revolutions, you are bound to work inside of them for the argued in the Supreme Court on (Thomas, New Leader, July 21st, he forgot all about these actions upon the reports of the amulated foarte agitation. On several occasions the Youth He also quotes Abe Cahan as being trade unions for the month of Feb from the Cortes, a demand which coincided with that by priests and the remoteness of village life; other. yers Association is handling the Thomas did not basically disa in favor of the defense of the Am ruary, 1934.
wise you run the risk of becoming mere babblers. legal work.
raised by the Communist Left.
gree with these amendments, that erican government in case of an The investigation included 16. Lenin. The Infantile Sickness of Leftism in Com Meanwhile the Robins Gras Delis, to the program of the right attack by Japan or Germany. Page 600, 000 workers with poweckis Recent issues of Renovacion publish photographs munism, emphasis in original. tense Committee 18 attempting to wing, but he found the changes un 12. But what conclusion is drawn? wage total of 435, 000, 000 Mark. Young Socialist Red Shirt detachments in which secure the certificate of reasonable necessary or that they would not break with the supporters of im The average weekly Income is thus thousands of uniformed youths can be seen marching workers released on ball. If the strength lies above all in his form communism!
at the present rate of exchange. It The caption in one issue, halls the future Spanish District Attorney does not arranging a centrist buffer between the The phrase massed resist must be kept in mind, however, Red Army.
further postponements, the certif genuine letts, the Communists, and ance is interpreted by Kantoro that the purchasing power is much War and the Fourth International cate may be granted next week.
the right wing reformists.
vitch as meaning mass protests, less since the decline of the German You have probably read the ad In another page of The Committee is appealing to all the Militant for War and the Fourth International organizations and sympathetle laThomas finds that There is notions, mass petitions and it prac a steady rise in prices.
It is therefore not surprising that mass meetings, mass demonstra wagel evel has been accompanied by NEW PARTY IN AUSTRALIA the Draft Theses of the International Secretariat odividuals to rush funds for ball and cause for split. We need Instead to ticable general strike. Then why Greetings to our Australian comrades who hy this The average weekly wages for the League of Internationalist Communists. We take the costs of the appeal to the office increase unity among the workers in was this not made clear the de the varions industrial groups are: time have probably founded a new revolutionary this ocasion to stress the great importance and time of the Robina Gras Defense Com the free of war, fascism and a disclaration? Again because the Marks party. We are in receipt of the Draft Program and liness of this pamphlet. With the Imperiallst powersmittee, 22 East 17th Street, New Integrating capitalism. Thomas Onells and Waldmans would not Building workers 28. Policy of the new Workers Party of Australia which heading at breakneck speed towards a new imperial York City, Room 731.
seeks, nay, pleads for unity with have disagreed with such formula Miners 24. was issued in May by the provisional executive comIst slaughter, in a situation where any Incident the Waldmans, Solomons and Ca tions they have given similar Wood and Lumber Workers 26. mittee elected at a conference of the organization in light the powder key of a world conflagration, the THE MILITANT hans. And rightly so, for he enu pledges in the past. The term was Agricultural workers 20. the same month. twelve page mimeographed bulEntered as a second clasa mall merates the common basis of their left unexplained because it could (including goods given in letin, the draft theses includes an online on the uppermost in the mind of ever revolutionist. The Post Office at New York, UD mutual prograin. Same as above. be interpreted by the genninely left llew of cash)
present world situation, notes on the situation in theses of the International Secretariat to the most der the act of March 3, 1879. The Centriste Versus Right Wing wing workers as somethiog new for Metal workers 32. Australia, their attitude townrds the labor party of comprehensive Marxlan analysis on this problem Published Weekly by the Com Then what are the differences be the Socialist party. Incidentally, Is Textile workers 21. that country, the Communist party, the trade unions, since the first four Congresses of the Comintern. No munist Langue of America tween the troupe. mass resistance at a time of war Tobacco workers 13. strikes, the united front, war, defense, immediate isclass conscious worker can attord to be without 144 Second ATO, Now York, The criticism of the Detroit de legal? Kantorovitch does not say. Stone and earthen workers 20. sues. It concludes with a constitution. From be this pamphlet. It sells for ten cents a copy and Phono Grimerey 9624 claration by the right wing, the But it is obvious that if in periods Publie workers 28. vinning to end it is a Martis program action of the worthy of the seven cents in bundles of five or more.
Committee for the Preservation of of social crises a working class EDITORIAL BOARD Leather workers 29. Communist group that will become Martin Abern James Cannon the Socialist Party (no less. 18 party is hindered by the laws of Food workers Fourth International in that far away corner of the 25. Bound Volumes of the Militant for 1933 have reOther factory workers summarized in its pamphlet The capitalist democracy, then the party 20. world.
cently been received from the bindery and can be Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector Crists in the Soclalist Party The must conduct illegal works. Bet het hele er at the wages innamer mimeographed theoretical orsan called the Militant The Workers Party of Australia issues a monthly Arne Swabeck obtained from us at 50 per copy. We do not need to agitate our readers as to the enormous value of Vol. 7, No. 32. Wholo No. 236 this criticism by the defenders of going to conduct this mass resistous cases were much less than the lively revolutionary group, it devotes itself with possessing one of these volumes. In them are writ SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1934 Thomas, the so called Militant ance? An illegal apparatus? Kan above mentioned average figures. skill and ability to the political problems in that out58 by comrade Trotsky which cannot Bundle rates one cent per copy.
be found any group, has been penned by its lead torovitch is silent on this essential Since February 1984, wages have post of the British Empire as well as to the memwhere else in the English language, as well as the Subscription rate: 00 per year ing theoretician. Haim Kantoro practical question. Again the only shown a further considerable deployed and trade union movement in which it is acgreat store of revolutionary tacties and strategy 50 per half year. Canada vitch in The Socialist Party at the clear, consistent and effective an cline. Before Hitler accession to tive. Similarly the Australian group is thoroughly which the Muitant has offered its readers through and Foreign: 11. 60 per year:Cross Roads. Here is a left in swer is given by the Communists. power wages were often twice as imbued with the ideas of internationalism which are out its existence TBe for ax months terpretation of the declaration.
JOSEPH CARTER. high as the average given above. so well reflected in their paper.
Pioneer Notes