Bolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismHitlerIV InternationalImperialismIndividualismLeninismMarxismMarxism-leninismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 11, 1934 AGE Labor News From Mexico Freak Movement in MARCH OF REVIEWING Org Press THE NEWS The Taxi Drivers Strikeists, but only resort to, in vlew of Campaign EVENTS com and bow but a sheli pot de Father DivineBrowder God workers Victor Levy.
the Garfinkle 00 movement 00 changed 00. 00euld be and wbat should be God. God is peace. Peace winnents have no connection with the 00 00 10. 75 Los Angeles. Los Angeles has but disillusionment being at the what was obviously going to take long been noted as the stopping of end of the blind grab bag of cycles Mexico City. On July 27, 1934, place, tists.
place of innumerable freakish disintegration and splits will ocThe prearranged signal was the the taxi drivers of the capital anmetaphysical cliques and move cur. Members have begun to drop Father Divine swered a rise in the price of gasolret criticism to be made of either ments, but recently with the de away too much monkey business The Conspiracy Against the Unions The Daily Worker editorially line from 20 to 24 centavos a Ditro Stalin or the Party. When one of Special Local New York Report pression, has come from the mater. clowning around. Is it Proof is not lacking of the far.
Local New York bas collected and ial human soll in southern Califor Macket Are the three incorportries to justify to their somewhat by at one day strike and demonstra our speakers pointed out that the bewildered readers the Joint Itelition, which resulted in a complete proletariat of the world needed the turned over to the national office nla a couple of large mass organ aters sincere freaks. These are lung campaign of finance capital to glou Freak talinist parade victory for the workers as the govaid of Trotsky in their struggle a total of 250. 50. This includes izations and to compare them to the comments of some of the more block any further attempt on the August 4th. That the new rankerunt intervened under a new against fascism, and that Trotsky special donations from individual past organizations of a mass char intelligent in neighborhoods where part of the workers to organize in and tile god, Father Divine and his law that gives it the right to fix was kept in a condition worse than comrades as well as the day wage acter they indeed seem in a way the attendance to the secret house independent unions, and to estabfollowers, including the angels and prices on articles of primary net prison by an alliance between Stal contributions from members for the freakish. Springing into existence meetings have dropped on. As one is the open shop. That campaigu bosses were of the comrades says, It is a mass started when the seraphim, carried no bauuers and wilty, to reduce the price of the in and the French bourgeoisie, the special campaign in behalf of our almost over night they attract thoushouted no wlogans against warlower figure storm broke League work in Minneapolis. The sands of the hard pressed and dis movement Incorporated and threatened with the unionization of und Fascism but just hanners and The strike was important for al. After having split the skulls of itemized statement is as follows: possessed.
good racket for the mercenaries the mass production Industries, u.
slogans expressing the riginarole of number of reasons: the Internationalists for years for Downtown Branch Total 89. 30 The first one peculiar to the so and a plaything for the Reform tos and steel in particular. Since Tackpot religion is not mentionell By its very character it was demanding free speech in the labor Robart 00 clal student, was the Self Help treaks. The mass membership are then every reactionary employers by the Jolut Stalinist blow against the imperialist oli movement and the right to express Gordon 00 vegetable gathering unemployed on the tobbagon headed for a brok organization in the country has Holy Roller mecting, in which the arms, particularly the Royal Dutch themselves in the Party, those who Lewis. 00 movement. This reached close to len dream bubble. T, been quietly organizing its forces only yesterday carried on these Wallace and collecting a war fund for we a hundred and sixty dve thousand Stalinist would adente Nocial Shell which controls approvalon massacres against the Trotskyists, Sterling bsm in One Country and the Koller ly half of the country against labor. These powerful as perfect Bliss in one Heaven, would and initinted the workers the most and who will do so again tomorrow Manne 10. 00 er self. The masses have left it sociations of manufacturers are at least have a basix in toplan in this situation. for this is the only argument 00 since the vegetables ran ont, and knit closely together on a national ximllari for united front. The. The much divided union they have suddenly became the de Reva Crain 00 the churity, with a few cheap pollscale, supplying each other with inDivine Stalinist parade was a lit movement united in support of the voted champions of liberty of ex Nash. 00 ticians taking it over.
formation, with blacklists, with tle of a united front against Watstrike. The chauffuers sections of pression. They wanted the floor. Konikow The latest mushroom growth is thugs and gangsters and stool plg 00 as tagging along with a Corpul the federations from the stal not in their turn but right now. Karsner 00 a secret organization with a series This is not intended to be a funny leone when necessary. This moveChristi procesion. And if new int controlled United Front of and if it was not given to them. Bleeker 00 of degrees or cycles. The Utopians column. This is for the informa nient to smash the unlons has been from Mexico is any indledtion, even Workers of Transit to the govern well they have had a long experl. Glade 00 became Hermits in the course of tion of those workers out of New strengthened by the existence of that may be possible to stalinism mental controlled Chamber of lence iu breaking up workers meet Dorothy Morris the degrees. It is self organizing York who have not been witness to the Code Authoritles organized and of course anything is sibkebor were multed in one strike comings and are quite efficient. 00 a to very Oswald to God. Lorestone, who is Hellmittee. This in itself is a revoluThe majority of the 00 full fledged member one must bring tacle of stalinist degeneracy in NRA. There is every danger that bent on getting into the Stalinterni in trade mion relations here present supported the chairman, Spithos. 00 at least two new members. The America.
this movement of reaction may should change his tactles. Just anThe initial victory of the united Diego Rivera, in his refusal, but Having failed miserably with its steadily develop towards the crysnounce that he is the reincarnation forces of labor is a confirmation of this meant nothing to the Stalin Through branch see y. 48. 00 masses are locking into this mystic Harlem Branch Totel 25. 40 garb bag by the thousands. Most reactionary united front from betalization of fascism as the workof Moses, put wings on some of the correctness of the Internationists. They advanced to capture the of the people foln without knowing low and having met with suspiers, driven by sbeer desperation to angels and set up a chant: Halalix communists slogan of Trade platform forgetting that the en Smith Visconti 00 001 what controls it or who the leaders clon on the part of the Socialist struggle for their very existence, leluja! Tere Meses! llere Nosenion Onity Without doubt this raged workers had a say in the Colay are. The last week it came out in workers with its seemingly genu refuse to be intimidated and con1. 00 of a again! Into the Stalintern? Why slogan of the League of Communist matter too. scuffle took place Gonzales.
It a pipe.
Internationalists of Mexico will in the center of the floor. When Through Br. Secretary.
publishing its secrets and the inintem made a united front with for their unions.
19. 00 terests of the Chamber of Com God. Laterally, with God!
mert, from now on, with even some quiet had been established in Bronx Braneb Total 14. 00 Hindenburg creater response from the workers. the interest of order and workers merce Civic body which exposed It Saul 00 In New York there is a Negro Olson Mancouver The devil finally overcame his The strike bore a militancy discipline, the speaker of the Comas partly Holalist, Technocrat, mountebank and racketeer known 001 disgust and took Hindenbure. The seen here for years. Traffle was munist. Party was given Communists. etc. a dangerous as the Fatber Divine And Father Olson, driven out into the open by old murderer and fornuer sociale up in the gigantic demonstra floor under the firm warning of the Burns 00 Divine and his followers proclaim the class struggle, was forced to democratic White Ilove had a son of the workers, who marched chairman that the meeting was go The members on the average are him God incarnate. Father Divide declare martial law in Minneapolis eventful and lucky lito. The into Carinen Prison as an expresioning to be maintained at all costs Through Br. Secretary. 00 of the dispossessed or nearly so is God. is their slogan. And since in the interests of the truck ownetfiedeney of Czarkt generals toe of solidarity with the more than and that no speaker was going to Williamsburg Br Total 18. 50 workers, unemployed and the small outo God all must be given, bisers. But being a clever demagogue busy with vodka and skirts to hold a drivers who had been arrested. be allowed to slander.
Hubbart. 00 business men; the first two making wretched, deluded disciples give who knows the value of votes la Tannenberg, the treachery of the The number of arrests as well as stalinist speaker got cold feet, and Weber 00 up the vast membership. They have onto the starvation point. To this the next elections, Olson, unlike social democrats who mistook the be two deaths of strikers and one calling upon all revolutionists to Stern. 00 a program which is given by de psychopathic mountebank the stal Merriam of California, wants Nendeck Junker for bulwark of of a policeman testify to the mill leave the hall they marched out kemalat in retreat. It was obvious thes Gosh. 00 srees, as member progresses inists offered a united front and to create the Illusion that he is Im.
democracy. and the stupidity of any of the movement.
through the cycles. The Utopla and behold! the Browders found partial. that, in fact, be is for the Stalinist, poured needless. The strike by its very nature could not capture this meeting 00. incorporated in the names of someone Through Br. Secretary.
Hence his staglug of the The meeting continued.
streams into the well of liis suuri joyed the support of middle class who would bite. fur labor.
three persons. These were bother proof that stalinism and pay rald on the Citizen Alliance, the ons reputation as a great man. Ota layers of the population, who drive in character, with non party trade Roro Park Br. Total 30. 40 Blackwell known to the vast membership, un chomania are brothers under the boss organization for the open aris. Engelt shop. We foster no illusions contil exposed in the press last week. skin. 00 of every right thinking citizen of Oss. In a spontaneous form the ing and telling their frank and inH.
The program caters to the destres. On what occasion was this unitedcerning the strike breaking role of the world: to get a couple of cus vadership of the proletariat was complimentary opinions of those Toven 00 hopes and superstitions of the many front consuminated On no less an the Farmer Laborite Olson. But tomers like Dollinss and Hinden. Acceptet.
who break up meetings called in Kluger (S. Club. 00 hard pressed, and apparently is Occasion than the anniversary of We note the revealing material obburg in the course of two weeks, is This and other strikes inark solidarity with other workers.
more than any flesh and blood can be twinning of a strike wave in one speaker, a respected member Brownsville Bro Total 50 chology. It is mystic. It is the warpet struggle agtertoestel aan der, vice president of the Allades. stand.
Mexico, the result of the long sought utopian dream of what Father Divine.
Father Divine Is announces that the selzed docuennnes as in the said that he hoped that the events Layton 00 Famous Sayings that Made This also marks the first ape the evening would not stop the Kenen in the average person mind. It stop war. On, Bather, Father DI Minneapolis strike, but contain cor. 50 also has its material practical devine! Unto what further cess pools tions in other parts of the country, pearance of the Mexican League formation of the united front Marcella Headlines There is no god. Bimba will stalinism offer to mislead the thereby proving the nationwide The membership is new, a hundred American masses. Daily Worker, 1926. Inc. membership on the strike compation of the stalinists and Trot Through Br. Secretary. 00 stres and is clars collaborationist Green backs union loyalty. mittee and through its press. skyists League speakers pledged Individuals Total 19. 60 thousand in Krakowsky the country, and is on. Here it is nt to describe but character of the conspiracy.
On leaving the prison, the demn themselves to work for this alm.
Zimmerman. Workers Age, 1934) 00 Eleanor to become a national or how describe the undescribable. In strong president of the Alliance ganization.
austration commandeered busses, swept through the streets deserted With the conditions of illegality Matter Simpson With the Daily Worker Staff 00 The unemployed don pay in the Party about 2, 600.
Next come one or two permanent InvestigatSender Garlin compare 60 trst cycles. They have collected Father Divide and his follower ors in the unions to enable the the by all auto traffle to the Aguilt on that exist for the Communist move Ilves TU. pers with the Company (Royal Dutch Shell. ment in Mexico, special methods of Saint per cent of the dues; some 30, 000 about 5, 000. Next come the Party bosses to spot the radicals and 00 dollars already.
stodgy of pers. Here is which they wanted to picket and propaganda have had to be de trade unions, cultural. organiz Communists. The workers must vised. For example, whitiwind Louis Suss the Coal Digger read and lored by which is across the street from meetings are held in this form: AR. Simon.
Everything is questions and for ations and peripbery organizations demonstrate against these reaction thousands of coal Olygers. Come. Regls llotel, chier hostelry of mulaes handed down from the top. about 000. It is an almost ary centers of strike breaking and These latter, group of comrades will band to 1C. worker 50 Meetings are held in private homes equally divided united front.
come. Sender. Labor Unity. American tourists.
As betrayal. strong, militant union does not even get the support ittir business men and their wives gether. enter plaza at an hour workers. about twenty in a group both many so called Communists and is the best answer to reactionary deserves from the 100, 000 members came to Mexico probably to when it is thronged, hold a meeting worker.
Ko men and women. Some two hun followers followers of God. capitalism. The unions must not alaffiliated to the And Godscape from their worries over the until the outposts give the dred of these small meetings are in Fight against War and Fascism. low themselves to be lotimidated knows, that asking little enough. strikes in the States, fled to their that the police have arrived when session every day in the week. echo) Peace, Peace. Free the by the bosses into driving out the and now for a gem. There are rooms. thinking a revolution had the comrades disappear in the worker other pers too of varying degrees some when the strikers appeared crowd which usually shelter then. Christos.
Alexandrunakes Large meetings are beld in Shrine Scottsboro boys. echo) Father communists. That would be cap1. 00 Auditorium which seats 3, 000 twice Divine free the Scottsboro boya. tulation to reaction.
of excellence, like the Food Work hours secas. cfeolidarity with one unit of the League decided. kak.
or more a week. large meeting Defend the Soviet Union. echo)
et, the Furniture Worker and the workers on strike in the to hold sucht a meeting in one of Geo. Kedwards. 00 was held in the Hollywood bowl Father Divine is God.
Arned Fascism Starts to Drill!
vary in the masthenils. otherwise troets for Hive hours, the strikers Upon starting the meeting the the House Party by sympathizers 11. 28 and tickets sold to twenty thou Divine is God God stop watter Peace, peace. Picture to yourselves The Los Angeles Examiner Le Through City Comm. office. 32. 45 they took alike to me as three peas were finally dispersed, after a bated police and fascists broke it up, Among the workers and the the antics of the inmates of a hun quoted as revealing testimony con.
in a pod. Pod, Sender, not prot. tle. by a large group of soldiers hurting a comrade and an old woGrand Total. 250. 50 masses generally there is a contindred Insane asylums let loose on cerning the fascist silver sbirta New York functionary writing and police who wang rifle butts on man who was listening and arrest.
to the Daily Worker on the poor workers trying to escape through ing a speaker. One policeman and (Room does not permit addition galore of all kinds and description, some idea of the deportment of the ing committee meeting in Los Anorder kept at the July 18th fune neighboring buildings.
one fascist were given something al report on this campaign from the mystery and secrecy to the followers of the new God in this geles for the purpose. The testitionaries meeting, says: It shows Encouraged by their success, the to remember us by, too.
other branches and individuals out membership encouraged tremendous anti war parade.
mony shows that armed men, the ignorance of some, still uncon chauffeurs are preparing to battle. With this added fact, the hire of town. This report will appear exaggerations such as the notion of The degeneration of Stalinis known as the Silver Shirts, with scious functionaries (still uncon for 16 centavos per litro as at the Wings of Stalin are doing quite in the next issue of the Militant. 40 million members in the has penetrated deep in some work secret Auxiliary called storm scious? Why, we thought they had expiration of ten days from the bit of sweating, explaining to their Another hermit member woulders. It must be counteracted by a Troops are drilling near San Diego.
all recovered from the well of victory the time asked by the gov. dwindling followers how. why, and REGISTRATION PLAN FAILS whisper to you that there are 20 healthy revolutionary anti toxin. This reactionary organization bas Browder masterly address. Unernment to consider the workers where we are allied to the Mexican Faced with the overwhelming million. It is more or less, at pres. Let those hundreds of Communist its own rifle range and is in conless we get rid of these undisci lemand to fix the price at this fig bourgeoisie which does not keep protest of left and right trade un ent confined to Los Angeles county, party workers who have been re nivance with naval forces to The onllenge of comrade Muenzen that there will be another strike by being increasingly dubious, does not clonary leaders to take part, Mayor thering in members and dollars, tionism speak np. If the Daily cently purchased 2, 000 rounds of. is. bers to have the first Soviet elty the 8th or 9th of August. keep their prestige from falling. La Guardia and Police Commission that it is about to beome a nation Worker refuses to print their pro 30 calibre bullets at the North 18and does not keep the Internationer Ryan have turned tall on thelr al movement. It is an Interesting tests, the columns of the Militant land, San Diego naval air station Very consoling assurance by var. Stalinists Fail to Disrupt borship and respect amongst the Now they would have it appear aldering.
phenomenon and is well worth con are open to them.
from active armed forces of the Browder, under the influence of government. The organization Nuenzulerg oratory: workers.
Meeting that the whole thing was a misun some of the almos and program Once Again on Cuba nas inst members of the came Bring on your American Storm derstanding. The credentials al are as follows: The reputed leader Troopers we re ready for them.
fornia national guards. With the legedly turned in already by co and official spokesman, unknown Yeh, yeh, like willi was in Ger Mexico City, July 18. meeting New Headquarters of Several weeks ago we made an class struggle deepening in intenaloperating labor lenders are to be and silent, until last week, Eugene called in solidarity with the San many?
LOS ANGELES BRANCH returned. The police are to be in Reed says: providing plenty in all these columns for finanty, with the proletariat resorting Daily Worker instructions for Francisco strikers by the Associastructed that no such order ex a land of plenty. It has been clal ald to our brother section, the to the general strike for defense of August First: plenicking Intion for the Study and Divulgacion Communist League of America.
labeled Communist, Socialist, Tech Bolshevik Leninist Party of Cuba. Its living standards, one can preUnion Square must reast furth of Marxism Leninism was invaded The Incidert is entirely closed, nocrat, Fascist and un American.
HOUSE WARMING PARTY with. Chattering and promenading July 18 by the Stalinists who at.
says Mayor La Guardia It is none of them. The only peo sponsible and strategle positions to distant future, attempt to take the SATURDAY, AUG. 18, at P. So spontaneous and immediate ple that can really be called un the labor movement of the island. Heldi a erusade against the bull, the crowd either didn read repulsel, and forced to retreat with was the reaction to the plan in la American, it seems to me, are those Now both the party and the untons unions and the workers political the Daily Worker or are still im their tails between their legs. In Musie Hall, 232 So. Hill St. bor elrcles that even Joseph who would deny people comfort in find their very existence threaten organizations. The raids in Frisco bued with the noble spirit of my many respects it was a repetition Ryan, of the Trades and labor a land of plenty. The monetary ed by repressive measures on the were prelude to such activity, Los Angeles sed individualism. So they contin of Madison Square Garden, with Council, who was previously re system must be changed. part of the government.
ned to munch peanuts and to kibit the fundamental difference that ported as having approved the re there should be work among plen Events point towards a new mass while the orators ornted.
here those who called the meeting gistration scheme as a means of ty. work twenty years and uprising in the coming period and The United Front Waukegan Branch BILL were revolutionaries, in sympathy shutting out the Reds. has since retire at 45. And on this uteplan este ore necesare that every possible we must apply the utmost presPICNIC with the Fourth International, lent his name to the protest.
while in New York the callers of Auspices of the Communist League Had the authorities succeeded in rambres. This also to uteplan ofera solidate the influence of our Cubao sertion ever you more than anated Front of the Press. the meeting were socialists. The of America (Waukegan Branch) rallroading through their scheme, for he is going to buy out the in section so that it can be in a post against fascism now! We cannot ACCUSE STALINISM results of the Madison Square Gar left wing leadership, lacking the o. terests with new paper units. If tion to function in its role as the wall. The attempt of the to SUNDAY, AUGUST 19 IN JEWISH len affair can be expected to reK. of Green bullies. would have the interests won sell then we vanguard of the working class.
Editbon Beach establish the united front with the peat themselves here, disillusion of been officially barred from partiel. can set up our own The continual functioning of with its manifest bypocrley Maria Reese devestating in many of the elements of the Stal (on Lake Michigan, between Win nation in strike activities, and sub He denies that it is political, but these organizations depends upon in trying to evade the implications diet ment of the course of Stal inists who still follow them, and throp Harbor and Kenosha)
the solution of the present financial ject to persecution by legal author his new system is all on the as ilm in (Bermany before Hitler an approach to the Fourth Inter REFRESHMENTS SPEAKER ities as outside agitators. Erresumption that control of Congress aiflculties. For our part we have crimes, we nevertheless welcome.
took power. Acense Stalinnational.
ENTERTAINMENT sponsible elements. etc.
has been vested with control over promised to bend every effort But we warn both of these organismi. in an excellent Jewish Mustering about fifty of their Cars leaving McAlister and May But the workers refused to be money and can regulate its value support of our Cuban comrades. izations that the task confronting translation is ready for sale members, they arrived in groups Streets at 10 and P. fooled.
The response to our previous ap the workers is too serious to be Pioneer oblishers, 84 Bast 10th which sented themselves, each does Interest us is the fact that the peals bus to date been very small. trifled with and that they must not Street. It sells for 10 cents a grond with a leader. Many were are flocking All comrades, branches of the attempt a caricature of a united copy. Special rates on bundle plainly none too proud of the work thousands of banner and are Lengue and sympathizers should front by the exclusion of other orJust off the Press!
Utoplan orders.
they would have to carry through doomed for an awful wallop of disremit their donations and collecganizations. We urge the socialista that night. They sat silently, as appointment from these three lotion lists as soon as possible to the to accept Browder helated offer, National orice of the League.
OPEN FORUMS but we also urge that the offer be speakers spoke, awaiting the preLatin American Department. extended at once to every workers True to its reputation, Los AnAugust 16 What the Communists arranged signal geles has produced a real freak Communist League of America Want.
Arranged in less than twentyorganization willing to enter the Speaker: Reva Craine.
which is still growing like wild Draft Theses Adopted by the International Secretariat four hours, only about 125 workers.
fre. Will it bust and go down as Ir the number on your wrapper totempt to exclude the BolshevikAugust 23 Proletarian Literature excluding the Stalinists, were preof the International Communist League quickly as it came up? Or will this Leninista, the Trotskyists, will reSpeaker: Geo. Marlen. sent. Since the meetings of all radUtopia spread to a large portion veal the lack of any serious purAuspices: Spartacus Youth League, ical groups, including the Associaof the and then break?
pose back of this united front of TEN CENTS Manhattan Branch tion, have been raided by Fascist The reform quacks are successful or smaller, your subscription to the shame faced stalinists. It will 144 Second Ave. 8:30 elements in the last months, a good in playing upon the desires and militant expired. Do not delay. show that this is only a maneuver Admission Free All Welcome core of the workers were armed PIONEER PUBLISHERS needs of the pinched and oppressed. Send your renewal in at once and to prevent the toppling of the buwith a variety of weapons ranging The class struggle needs of the un save we unnecessary labor and reaucracy. Only the united front JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUR from a club up. For reasons of 84 East 10th Street New York City sentiment it was deelded not to use employed and workers in this expense. If you cannot renew at can prevent the smashing of the dream organization will press for this time let us know how soon you unions and the establishing of the SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. these weapons against the Stalinthe goods to be delivered Dothing can.
open shop. JACK WEBER.
as signalC. worker 50 willi Isted, to telpen inte seriode ting the more War and the 4th International Corporated med repeteren 236