AntifascismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist ManifestoCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninismMarxPrivate PropertySocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1934 THE MILITANA PAGE QUESTION BOX COMMUNIST RADIO SPEECH WORLD OF LABOR In the last several months, labor have labor struggles and wherever MILTON AURBACH, Brooklyn Well! Well! So story has been enriched by a you have labor struggles you have DORIOT you are going to give up hope in the radical move series of magnificent strike strugHammond, Inc. July 26. Ou Thursday evening, July 26, comrade revolutionaries. The only differmneut if, through this column, you find the Militant gles which match up well with the Lydia Bellel of the Chicago Branch of the Communist League, ence between the revealing commentary on the sincerity of the revolutionaries stalinists in the united front recently built between wantius, particularly if you don get satisfactory greatest of America working class broadcast the following statement over station WWE at Hammond, and other strikers is that the revoanswers us to why it is only comrades Cannon, tradition Detroit, Toledo, MinneaIndiana. The radio station, located in the heart of the steel area lutionary is a conscious part of the Prance is the news that simultaneous with this action the Socialist party and the Communist party of Shachtman, and Swabeck whom you hear speak at polis, San Francisco, Portland, of the middle west, has a registered audience of 8, 000 listeners social evolutionary process the Doriot has been expelled from the meetings, and as to why the Communist League has Seattle, Alabama. Examples of distributed throughout Jacques most important manufacturing towns in the others are unconscious tools of not developed new speakers. Your facts are not quite courageous determination and the neighborhood of Gary and Chicago, Arrangement to the broad history.
Dorlot, mayor or the proletarian suburb of Paris, correct us you would liuve found, hud you attended vorking class solidarity, they stand cast was effected by one of the Leugue most valuable sympathizers, Saint Denis, led the revolt in the French Communist Salome Howard. period of 12 minutes was allowed our speaker.
The Great Teachers Speak the League open forums Purts for the tactic of united front from orgaulaAs far as the general program of cut as an If you will take the trouble to attend any of the masses every tation to the toiling An interesting coincidence occured when it was found that the Communist movement is con of the Stalinist bureaucracy and concluded an antition to organization. More, be violated the discipline seven or eight street ineetings which we conduct The anti labor forces of the Municipal Judge John Lyle, who has been vigorously conducting cerned, can do no better in sumevery week in greater New York, you will see our country are determined suppress a private red baiting campaign, immediately preceded our speaker Vascist unity pact with the Socialist party of Saint marizing it than to quote from the on the program.
other speakers. You will generally find them, weathis rebellious spirit, if possible to He chose the stockyards strike of Chicago for Denis. For this he was accused by the high priesta his theme. He denounced the workers for tying up normal business Communist Manifesto, written in ther permitting at the following locations. Boro prevent the accomplishment of the 1847 by the greatest theoreticians munism. and uiding Pascism. The Moscow.
of the French Stutin church of discrediting ComPark, 18th Ave. uud 43rd St. Williamsburgh, Grabam move toward unionization, and even in the yards, but used as his main demagogie appeal the poor, of Communism, Karl Marx and moguls condemned him for following the path of Ave. and Burret st. Brownsville, Pitkin Ave. and tu crush whatever labor organiza dumb brutes who are suffering in the yards over a misunderstanding Frederick Engels Bristol St. Manhattan, 9th St. and 2nd Ave. and oth tions already exist. They are play.
over wages and labor conditions. That cuttle are being shot for In what relation do the Comthe counter revolutionist Trotsky.
St. and Ave. B; Ilarlem, 120th St. and 5th Ave. and ing the ancient trick of dragging want of water and food will not incet with the approval of the citi.
Now that the pressure of the workers of France munists stand to the proletarians torees the stalinists to make volte face they expel Bronx, 170th St. und Walton Ave.
the old worn out red scare her zens, he declured, and pruised the action of the California state as a whole?
government and resident Green of the of for their work Does the league of Communist Internationalists ring across the trail of today not form a separate party opposed Dorlot in order to preserve the lufallibility of the still have your adherence?
struggles for an Improvement in in smashing the generul strike in San Francisco.
to other working class parties. Crom the Russian Party in 19:27 when they partially living and working conditions. It Five yeurs ugu, this same Judge Lyle held comrade Beidel and BRONX AINTEN. Here, briefly, is (or was. have been fomented by rods, radis claimed that strikes of today 26 other prisoners who had been arrested in a demoustration) and art from those of the prole accepted his policies on industrialization and collec without bail for five cy With his knowledge, in the dead heat the otticial Studiest position towards the of Licals, or revolutionaries for the tariat as a whole. They do not set Livization. Dorlot is expelled so that the next time of summer, cleven women were kept pened up in a cell built for and Thesis and Resolutions for the seventh purpose of overthrowing the governup any sectarian principles of their the bureaucrats get ready for another zig zag they the jour accommodation of two. There was constant nightly har own, by which to shape and moulang and after. there has been no change in our can maintain the thiff: We were right before, durassing of the prisoners by sudistic detectives. Court was called at the proletarian movement.
by Workers Library Publishers. the reformist these and an attempts made on basis to any hour of the day or night that the judge cared. When another judge in a writ of habeas copus, Lyle immediately caused a rebelieve that every The Communists are distin polley.
guished from the other working Doriot expulsion is very recent but his actual ure outright fuscist, while others (Socialist radical has a tall tucked into his arrest on al capas. Matrons were encouraged not to give the pris class mirties by this only: In schism with the bureaucracy dates from several Party, Muste group) cover thele fascist activities punts, cloven hoofs and his shoes oners blankets and pillows to sleep on. Buil was raised to nearly the national struggles of the pro months back. During all this time Dorlot only prowith weudo radical phrases. 11, notes in brack and horns under his hair into ac.
u quarter of a million dollars for the 27 defendants, and finally the letarians of the differen countries, gram has been the united front. He maintained si ets in original. tive struggle against workers who prisoners were rescued from the hands of this friend of the poor, they point out and bring to the lence on the other burning questions before the revo The purty can win the working musses for its dumb brutes ouly by the intercession of another judge who feared Trout the common interests of the Futionary movement, jkrticularly the need for a new political leadership only by leading them in their are fighting for nothing more than a decent living wage.
for the reputation of the whole mil court if this thing went ou.
Comrade Beidel speeen was prepared before the broudast went entire proletariat independently of Communist party. Some three weeks ago Doriot economie struggles; and ONLY on the basis of the The Red Seare Farce all nationality.
Trade Union Unity League will the party be able to In the various broke his linseenly quiet in a speech at a public on, but it seemed to fit the circumstances pretty well.
une the leadership of these economic struggles.
The fuel that revolutionariesstages of development which the meeting at Saint Denis and relterated bly centrist struggle of the working class and in the amorphous formula: For a united party. all communists must belong to the hose who believe in the establishment of a new economic order on suve to be settled much more the courageous tight of workers througti, they always and every and causes Doriot stigmatized the Comintern, which against the bourgeoisie has to ass and a united Class. Ignoring or unaware of reasons Your other question should be addressed to your he basis of the abolition of capi speedily ir tte tie up of industry is struggling for organization where represent the interests of the be declared, wants top sergeants and not militants.
Stalinist friends who claim thut we distort their calism are active in the organiza complete And right here is the Anti lavor organizations are bein the course of his speech Doriot, for the first time vlewpoint, since the burden of explaining what is one of these struggles does not origiu or the red bugaboo. For coming daily more promiuent in the The Communists, therefore, are replied to our pursistent question saying: The Trotineant by rank und alle leadership falls upon the make the red sicure propaganda is precisely the reds or revocvuutry the vigilantes on the west on the one hand, practically, the kyist comrades have asked me if am golng to form However that may be the first thing is that the blame reds for these strikes as ation who are the most competent meree with their gangster and color the working class yirties of gorically no! The mistaken reasoning for Dorlot and the Teadership. at the same time that they recanter for our present heat or it is they who uuderstand the mevitable outcome of cupitalist depushes forward all others; on the total failure of the Party of Proletarian supplement each other, mutually exclude one another. Geologist for a volcanic eruption corces at work and buve profited by cas maggots luttening of a putrid other hand, they have over the City. rests on the assumption that there are surThe existence of u rank and file implies the existence because these men know of a leadershty us distinct from it and vice versa, cores are at work and can predict experience in the technique of strike othenstronger labor organiza advantage of clearly understanding ary tendencies in the for the trution of his so that the term rank and ille leadership has as what is about to happen.
strategy. It is they whom the anti tion.
much suse us an expression like proletarian capl ultimate cause in the decay of our representing their role and objec the line of march, the conditions. program of a united party and a united class.
The strikes of today have their labor forces fear and it is by mis Tige Purpose of the Strike and the ultimate general results of Whether the workers in Saint Denis will follow tallat. strike is not a revolution and the proletarian movement.
Doriot bahis Centrist course remains to be seen.
Because it is such a contradictory and confusing. conomie system. On the one hand, cives that cupitalist agencies hope wowody knows that better than a The immediate aim of the ComBut it is certain that a continuation of this middlephrase it serves the Stalinists in any and all circumreum the processes of production have stances. Instend of trying to explain what is meant developed at a tremendous rate u break down the Instinctive soll Communist. The purpose of a strike munits is the same as that of all of the rand policy will destroy the effectiveness of Warity of the working cluss.
18 to enforce demands under the the other proletarian parties: form the movement which showed so much promise and by this notisensical combinatiou of words, it would chat we not only have a huge bulk The Minneapolis Battle capitalist system productiou andation of the proletariat into a class, lend it into a swamp of opportunisin or capitulation.
be bent, in the interest of clurity, to eliminate it en real relationships in production auxel strike maneuvers of this KEOW that it is through these macy. conquest of political power UNITED FRONT IN THE SAAR of commodities produced but new One of the most beautifully or distribution. But the revolutionary overthrow of the bourgeois supre tirely from working class vocabulary.
involving the organized participa period was the series of truck drivstrikes that the working class will by the proletariat. The theoretical After years of criminal sabotage the bureauSPARTACIST, Boro ark. The armed state forces highly mechanized plants; on the tion of large masses of workers in ers strikes in Minneapolis which learn two things: tirst, that nothing conclusions of the Communists are cracies of both social democracy and Stalinism while In this country are made up as follows: Federal other hand, we have the old private bepales tres culte parties and won without strong and in no way based on ideas or prince Fascist of Hitler made ominous sains, army. 133, 038 Navy, 141. 814: Police, 110, 541 Naprotit relationships in the tield of working class circles. Members of the state apparatus, the political or discovered, by this or that would be Saar region for the preservation of the status quo.
tional Guard, 187. 380: and lteserve Corps Officers, distribution; and the gult between Che Communist League of America anization of capitalist society, will universal reformer. They merely While the insistent kitation of the International 128, 003, making a total 700. 782 To this be the two becomes ever wider as in active in the strike, like all of the ways be used ou the side of the express, in general terms, actual communists has finally been vindicated in what is added state troopers and sheriff s, who are The workers of Minneapolis, are victims master class, the capitalists. It is relations springing from an exist no doubt a tremendous step forward, the non aggresnumerically at colleges etc. In the 11. and 38, 588 attended of workers becomes constantly less ditions, but they can see more clear lhese trulsmes to the working class. movement golog on under our very letter. Thus the bureaucracles of both stalinist and addition 114, 62 were trained amounts of wages puid to the mass of the sitne oppressive economic con not the revolutionaries who teaching class struggle, from a historical space of the brender order of this the the and less adequate in the buying of than the rest what to do about it. they simply put the lessons into eyes.
socialist party shield their further actions against products for consumption. Hence it is regrettable that it is the pe words and weave these experiences and close with the principal any adverse criticism. Although for the first time YIPSEL, Boston. What basis can there be for as the fight for increased wages is as culiar fortune of the anti labor into a theory of action; it is capi slogan of Communists everywhere a truly popular movement against Fascism has come suming that in the United States the capitalists may ise vieublepine the course the capital forces that they can usually depend talist society itself which provides WORKINGMEN OF ALL COUN into being into the Saar, practical steps like the or government which aims at expropriating capitalist the skin of a snake is in that ant paid officials of labor unions, who There is one more truism whicb NOTHING TO LOSE BUT YOUR gainst Hitlerite assaults on workers organizations private property? In the American Civil war the mal growth.
Labor Weapon the Strike do their questionable service southern Bourbons resorted to armed force because of is in the process of being taught: CHAINS. YOU HAVE WORLD remain tasks to be accomplished.
their material Interests were jeopardized by the Strikes are by no means a new Rcially disowning and denouncing whererer you have capitalism you! TO WIN.
UNEMPLOYED REVOLT IN HOLLAND northern Industrialists LEGAL control of the govern phenomenon in capitalist society. eter Schmidt, chairman of the Independent 80ment. In strikes, where only part of their profits Even the period of capitalist econoalist Party of Holland (one of the signees to the are at stake, the American capitalists break their mic intancy is characterized by the pact of the four) gave an interesting Interview to own laws, where the legal use of force and terror most violent labor battles. Nota representative of the British New Leader (July 20)
do not suffice. Note San Francisco. single improvement in the standard You On Thursday, July 19, the Min driver of the picket truck, a pow. working class solidarity was evi on the recent unemployed revolt in that country. In which really stood for the expropriation of capitalist betterment of labor conditions but neapolis bosses started their livestoritells built on attempted to set denced in the arrival orden bekommers: Schmidt maintains that the action of the jobless was trol through legal channels because the American bitter and bloody battle on the part with a cunning strategem. without some attempt at vengeance. each carrying at or ft. Iron bar. purely spontaneous. It was in protest against a reconstitution was, at its inception, framed to prevent organized workers. Even the Word renched strike headquar. As his truck neared the corner bis They were there to lend band induction in relief ranging from 20 to 60. The heroBarricades, such au eventuality. Let us quote from a liberal slightest of goverument reforms to ters, shortly afternoon that the werful left arın reached out and the defense of the headquarters. ism of the jobless was magnificent.
historian on the reasons for which the various de the nature of so called labor protec bosses were plans to move lifted from his feet a police ser. Labor sent other representatives, built out of paving Stones, were hastily erected in Six workers were killed in the streets. More than foresaw a time, not far distant, when the great mass the capitalist class only as the centers sped to all parts of the city between he was gleefully tiring lead many of them currylug the imple defense against the attacks of heavily armed troopa.
of the people would be without landed or any other sult of violent and unavoidable calling all pickets back to strike by attempting to carry wounded Strange to say, the police did not wo hundred people were wounded when soldiers and kind of property, when in spite of all precautions a struggle by the working class.
headquarters. The enthusiastic strikers out of reach of the murder nake any rald: in fact they never police fired through windows which were kept open The revolt spread to triumphant majority might get ponsession of the strikes are today necessary to and speedy response was yet anou barrage. Holding the sergeant so within three blocks of strike in denance of military orders, twelve the largest towns.
political machine and make it an engine of their enforce two working class demands, other testimonial to the militaney in a paralyxing grip, he drove him headquarters.
Official Socialist party leaders played a treacherons purposes to the detriment of the public good, that is, which will not be granted by cap and solidarity of the strikers. a block away, where he stopped his Tuesday, July 24 marked one full game during the revolt.
in the main to the detriment of private property. Frightened by this specter of democracy, some of right to collective bargaining that deafeuing cheers from sympathizers then cop from consecousness. week of the strike and in that time of the Metal Workers Union sent a delegation to the members of the convention proposed to restrain is trade union organisation; the masses by putting property qualifications on the increased wages with descond, in the vicinity.
Upon approaching the designated the bravery of these workers. Un was stronger than ever, the leader about the jobless revolt. The lenders telephoned to suffrage and on high federal officers. After toss hours of work (or at least without trouble center, the picket captains armed, weaponless they rushed into ship us alert und intelligent as any the police requesting a flying squad to remove the ing about restlessly for several days, the delegates increased hours. The winning of were quick to recognize that the the merciless fire to help the in: brought forth the mightiest demon one of the members of the deputation was shot dead gave up the idea of entrenching property in the con these two objectives, even through heavily armed olie. convoysur. jured. It is reported that 36 cops stration Minneapolis had ever seen by police. The stalinist party aroused the tre of the stitution by specific restrictions on voting and office the instrumentality of seneral Without hesitation they turned where they turned in their badges lenty Ness, one of the strikers who workers by boasting that it had led the revolt and Finding that course barred, the delegates chose sarily involve the overthrow of the around and returned to headquar Ten minutes after the massacre had been killed, was burled while then when the government threatened action againet strike headquarters was covered that they too would give their lives alming responsibility for the events and in stoolcratic majority. the Fathers created a system of step in that direction, but the de sow, it is well known throughout with dozens of severely wounded even us he, ir ttre bosses tried to gron manuer shitting it on the Independent socialworkers, remarkably unanimous in ment among legislative, executive, and Judicial mie and only remotely political. checks and balances. dividing the power of govern mands are at this moment econo the city that the imion mol minimizing their injuries and urg break their union and take away Isterty.
hospital trucks to operate branches with confused and uncertain boundaries.
their meagre crust of bread.
The Role Communists ested. The bosses with the able ing the harassed medical corps to Generally, the number of Com cooperation of the police had hoped look after some the other boys. The legislature as they devised it was of intricate Albert Goldman the union at PREPARING TO DEFEND THE FATHERLAND structure. Members of the House of Representatives munist workers and by this mean that the convergence of pickets on what magnificent bravery. many torney, made a remarkable speech BRITAIN On the eve of Stanley Baldwin bellicose speech were to be distributed among the states roughly on conscious revolutionaries) Involved the scene, would give them the op of them lying with upward of 15 in which he pointed out that Henry the basis of the chamber so directly afiliated relatively small, since they are the as an attempt on the part of the that others be attended to first. battle and that such increase in the serial force of Beltain in preparation Cop Vanishes would no longer be necessary when for a war which he believes certain, the General with the commonalty was by no means to have a most intellectually advanced and union to interfere with the delivery the workers had taken power from Council of the Trade Union Congress, the National clear track in the making of laws. strong Senate politically acute; they will always of needed medical supplies The When the powerful truck driver the bosses and ran the country Executive of the Labor Party and the Executive of the Parliamentary Labor party met and decided on chosen by the state legislatores, one degree removed mle struggle because they under all of the situation had frustrated had walloped the cop returned themselves. program that can give only comfort to the British from a bullet wound in his fore The bosses are trantic they can warlords.
instead of two; and only one third of them were to economic action in historical evo tinneapolis papers carried a paid head did not prevent him trom not break the spirit or solidarity of In the statement issues from this meeting a dis80 out at any time, so that after each fresh election, ution. But to say that these work. advertisement of the Employer seeing a cop innocently swinging the workers. Unemployed workers inction is made het ween war of an aggressive no matter how tempestuous, a safe majority of the ers can create a strike or any other Advisory Committee the next day his club block distant from head prefer to register as pickets rather character and a war undertaken in defense of the old members were to remain undisturbed in their mass activity simply out of their The substance of the ad was an apquarters. With a few powerful than receive extra pay as scabs. collective peace system. They declare themselves places. The conservative effect of age was brought own revolutionary desire is to talk nie chate crime their midis hoc steps he reached the cop and told The work of the Minneapolis Cen: ready to oppose the first type of war by strengthen old, five years above the minimum set for the lower are forced by Capitalism itself to labolic Communists who made it uimir well chosen words that heral Council of Workers deserves a Ing the League of Nations non aggression practs and strike for betterment of their con necessary to furnish heavy police would give him two seconds to get special tribute from all workers the rest of the worthless pacillat tommyrot. But in Opposite the legislature thus divided against it splendid they have mustered their forces citizenry unflinchingly to support our government self was set the President elected by yet another of workers involved consciously mothers and babies in dire need. The bosses had thought that behind the union. This organiza In all the risks and consequences of fulfilling its duty process by a special body of electors chosen as the and willingly takes part in the acSecond Offensive wholesale murder would break the tion, set up by the League, has lent to take action against a pence breaker.
state legislatures might determine perhaps two or tion whether it be general or 18 The second major offensive took strike and send the strikers scuryeoman service to the strikers as British imperialism could ask for no better guarthree degrees removed from the passions of the pop confined to one industry no strike place 24 hours later in the whole rying back to their jobs. The thou evidenced in the numbers shot in antee that their servile lackeys in the labor move ulace. Thus firmly planted on his own base, the can even be called, let alone carried sale grocery district. Here a police sands at the mass meeting save the Friday affray. 20 of those ment will patriotically support their colonial empire President was to enjoy, in addition to his executive forward with any success. The convoy of 150, all fully armed, stood powerful denial to this. They shot were members of this unem in the next war and drive the workers into slaughter functions, the power of vetoing acts of Congress. To charge that masses of workers are ready while a truck with license cheered deafeningly the militant ployed organization.
against any robber power that threatens it. 20 years Increase the friction of the machine, his term was intimidated into striking is the plates removed picked up three or speeches of their leaders and shout with such spirit, with such soll after the bloodbath in which the brigand British fixed at four years, not two or six, and it was pro product of a bankrupt mind that four boxes at the loading platformed in unanimity that they were godarity, with such leadership the capitalists clashed with the aggressor German millvided that he could be removed only by a difficult does not want to look at facts and of the Slocum Bergren Co. The ing to fight until victory was theirs. fight cannot be lost though all the tarism in war to end all wars the English trade method of impeachment.
makes up excuses for violence truck then took off with its Prge When a union official told them forces of reaction are lined up in unions and Labor party valets of His Majesty are was placed the Supreme Court composed of judges Since strikes are inevitable in the block down the street and attempt police escort. As it moved a halt that they had received information solid phalanx against them. One laying the ground for another August Fourth.
that the police planned a raid on must not forget the Stalinists who And suppose by some stretch of the convenient imappointed, not for two, four, or six years, but for struggle of workers against unem ed to turn the corner a picket truck headquarters that night, they thun help reaction by distributing leaflets aginations of the Hicks and the Henderson they conlife Judges chosen by the President and the Senate, ployment and for economic security containing about ten pickets pulled dered, Let them try, we re ready. attacking he leadership. The strik ceive of Britain entering the war for aggressive purthe two federal agencies removed from direct contact it would stand to reason that the up in an attempt to force the scab They were ready too, for several ers know the difference between poses? What do they propose to do then? Absolutewith the populace and in fact, as time proved, en better a strike is organized and the track to the curb. As it did so thousand marched to headquarters Communist leaders and the Stalin. ly nothing. They reject the general strike as being dowed with the power of declaring acts of the other greater the clarity with which its the police without warning let loose to spend the night in anticipation ists. The Stalinists they call bra Impracticable because workers in countries like departments null and void. Beard. The Rise demands are formulated and mill a terrific barrage of lead. Dozens of an attack.
Communists while the League Germany, Italy and Jamen could not join the general of American Civilization. tantly pursued the better for socl of bullets pierced the truck and Workers Solidarity comrades are designated as good strike horense of the destruction of the trade union Pay us a visit while you re in New York. lety as a whole, since the issue will bodies of the pickets abroad. The splendid demonstration of Communists. JERRY KOTZ. movements there.
Minneapolis Sidelights by an Eye Witness