BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyFascismHitlerImperialismMussoliniNazismSocialismStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

L AGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, AUGUST 4, 1934 REVIEWING Green Strikes at Sharper Struggles in Strike Wave Statement of the THE NEWS Labor in Blow at New Group For SympathyStrike Workers Rights MARCH OF EVENTS very spirit For Local 1574 to its General strike a statement o By et Dollfuss.
organiation Militant Builders Ossip Wolinsky Resigns In the gigantic strikes, rolling on the beginning of the struggle for a made for public consumption, but like an avalanche from coast to new type of union leadership to convoy the moving of trucks coast some trends are apparent While it is not yet a conscious ob manned by scals and moving in The Minneapolis Organizer which will be of the greatest im ject, nevertheless, it grows directly defiance of the strike. Following Turn In the Business Trend portance in future developments of out of the needs of the working this brazen provocation, the farmer The Organizer, issued by the striking truck drivers of MinneapoLike at vulture who waits till the these labor struggles. The main is class and the conditions under labor governor brought the national July 21, 1934 The overbeuring contidence exHis is the best strike paper that last breath of life has cozed out sue is union organization. That which it exists.
The old time re guard to the city as a further perienced by the American capital.
Not since the days of the postists with the upturn in business of actionary trade union leadership threat to the strike and to the truck war hysteria against liberals, radi have ever read. militunt, well of a dying body, William Green has stands out clearly and unequivocal written sheet, brimful of life brings seized upon the corpse of the Friscolly and it is pursued consciously. now stands out more clearly as an drivers union. On a whole it is the leals and workers alike has thereins recent months is rapidly evaporata which readine sub struggles there is already implied outlook, its actions as agents of players and their government which workers constitutional and civil New Dealers relled upon the vast readers. Many a striker is gaining to the clearer insight into the class strug stane. They should not have in them the trends toward a new capitalism, this leadership serves will give the exceptionally intens rights us as followed in the wake stream of government funds pumped type of union, new in character and as an instrument not only to pre political character to the present of San Francisco general strike gle from the clever and humorous fought.
First an ominous silence, then a broader in scope than heretofore. rent further working class advance strikes. But this is also the point Mifteen years ago, liberals and into the pockets of finance capital letters to dere emily from Mike.
treacherous interview to the capt. Simultaneously with this there is but also to tide over the worst stages of the Tough Break for 200, 000 Natives talist press when the strike was expressed also, although still un the a to betraty the truale for at which the capitalist lieutenants, friends of labor unqualifiedly con aims of today.
the reactionary labor leaders, swept demned official lawlessness in the would then show such increasing crisis and they hoped that business The issue of union organization on by the force of the movement, days of Mitchell Palmer. Lib.
under attack from all sides and consciously as far as the mass of The New York Times reports a now a miserable, cringing told the workers are concerned, the er auch union recognition cannot be head it in order to behead it as erals and workers throughout the signs of real demand for commodipromised land of srussy, fertile you so has marked the role of the forts toward bringing forward a arbitrated. That will mcan only a they did in San Francisco.
ties and capital goods that the govcountry inbabitated by 200, 000 ataunchest defender of capitalism new type of unfon leadership wastponement of the struggle. That is the contradiction today unanimity San Francisco persecuther outlays and return to normal Land must now protest with equal crument would be able to stop fur.
tives was discovered by Australian within the ranks of labor.
Throughout the country the et tho automobile industry an arbitra. peneral strike, challenging the tion of workers for their opinions functioning. That lope has now government officers Physically Grave Mistake they are tine healthy blacks, not undrives them forward. Their grievcame a blow to the unions which headed by leaders who are the brought about by the reign of vigi given way to acute anxiety. The The sound and sober judgment ances multiply and come to a head. were emerging and the grievances agents of cupitalism. These lead mental American rights to the island but much stronger and of the organized workers in Frisco seething discontent is manifest of the workers remained. In the ers do not want a contlict with the workers of San Francisco by pub cannot be sulved by capitalism.
the new and deepening problems that sturdier. Gold has been discov has finally asserted itself. They The need for union organisation steel industry the acceptance of system of exploitation no matter officials.
ered and law and order is being made a gruve mistake when they grows as it meets the open ruthless Wm. Groem proposal means that how much the life of the unions Foreign trude has not recovered to set up under the British Aug engaged in to sympathetic strikes attacks of the master class. All the struggle for non recunction are threatened. They play at the strike and with the merits of the gold prices and values and in fact With the propriety of the general any appreciable extent in terms of is a pretty bly responsibility. says but they acted whitely when they along the line there is a sharpening is Elven up for the time being himes the role of brake upon the issues in the strike we are not here the debt situation and the currency covery. tu nda 200, 000 natives to They are to be heartily commended ful strikes for union organization Strikes of last May, the issue was read it forward, and their purpose ticerned. We deal solely with iw difficulties keep the world market in a state of unremitting uncertain the British Empire and make sure for the action tuken.
become ever bronder in scope. Ever fought out. Union recognition was is to keep the working class in subcringment of coustitutional and civ.
So it was a grave mistake for more political in character, and guined, though only partly in Tolejection.
il rights.
ty say it bloody well impossible. And the workers of Frisco to rise up in they will tend to advance the Am do, and in Minneapolis the recogni We make these charges. Unions Life and Death Issue it one can conceive of British luw dignation at the murder of two erican working class rapidly to tion in order to also include the class con inside men, organized by the truck main working class issue. By the gendering unti red hysteria was economy try to present the turn of and order Justing it won take of their fellow workers. It was a higher levels toward The program of the ship slump More Than Seasonal Unton organization is today the owners to break the strike byen The hirel optimists of capitalist long before the new studier and grave mistake to huve united sciousness.
drivers union, has to be fought ont Bead on attack it meets from the joined in by the Governor of the business downwards as merely a united stronger blacks will be down to their forces against the again Deeper Meaning in Struggles The Offensive employers and their government state of California, by the Muyor sonal manifestation, but statisthe same plıysical level which forces of the union. busting Frisco Christianity and cupitalism bus capitalists, to deal a blow for the On this general background the on a nation wide seate the em the struggle for its realization in of the city of San Francisco und by ties belle their hollow emissions.
brought their fellows in the rest or striking longshoremet who were fight for union organization begins ployers are now determined to put fore be expected to follow Miune. The reign of vigilante terror slump. Steel ingot production for tensifies. Bigger battles can there be federal government.
victims of murderous raids of po the far flung Empire Stocks are taking a slow but stendy to assume a deeper significance a stop to the union organisation polis, Toledo and San Francisco tice and national guardsmen.
Laughs from the News sou think, Mr. Green And so do emerging represent something new state power stands at their disposa Bearing in mind the general back und vundalism resulting braids the weck ending July 21st was at Mussolini, the murderer of Nat De Lost and their friends the in the sense that they are distinct data bener ellery are beforees oot ground already created, it is sate upon and destruction of Communist the rate of 28 of capacity as com country over.
from the traditional type of craft the capitalist state. The employteoti, becoming righteously indig No Solidarity Green unions golng along with such con ers had their own will bring toward much more dis Ly were with the knowledge, appro and steel production generally has cessions as it could wrest from eap of the National Industrial Rethe new type nant over the happy ending of section Minctly as a working class offective val and cooperation of both the em Pallen of sharply and far more Further on, in his one big while italism through the means of class covery Act. But they never accept unionism and the new type of inco, and the National Guard.
new methods of ployers, the police of San Francis han easonally The weekly bus.
Friends of Dollfuss, the murder Insued to the press on July 20th, collaboration and obtained at the ed the working class interpretation on leadership which these new con The searching of headquar extent that the New York Post iness index han dropped to such an at the funeral of the bloody gnome puthetie strikes for all times: unorganized and subsisting on danger to their special privilege of ditions require. This new type ofters of workers organizations with finds it necessary to comment on It is a dangerous experimentation lower standard of living. In the exploitation when the workers be leadership is developing in the fire out warrants, by police and Nation this editorially. showing how its German Nuzi writers raving over traught wit, grave consequences.
on the Austrian Nazis in the Heimers! No, such a thought never seeived of from the outset as an indistinct from that of the craft un AKR tower of strength. It is bonndles, but fu violation of both thel Business Week showed a decline the outrageous tortures inflicted Grave consequences for the employ recruits their organization is con character to perform a new role out already today in Minneapolis ature, were not only entirely lawpoints in the past week and that of wehr prisone Lexeral and California coustitutions of seven points under its index of en reise büt not leust, the Amer conomic losses which workeresus ditions and this is immediately their terrifie onstunght they now But this course, however clearly prohibiting such searches.
a week ago and a drop of 20 points under the average for the years lean bourgeoisie who burned the tain when they are compelled to The wholesale arrests by po. 19 20 162. Economists have been translated into practical action. To hope to head this on before it indicated in the present situation, lives out of Succo and Vanzetti ar return to work, demoralized and this extent it is a new kind of too late.
depends upon the attention and lice and military authorities of feeting horror over Fascist degendisteartened as a result of a symionism which stands on the order cracy and torture.
ixtthetic strike, cannot be adequateof the day. Equally as important, On the other hand the splendia guidance from the conscious revo workers were without justification predicting this more than seasonal in law and was un abuse of Calislump for some time, for a large ly appraised. ARNE SWABECK.
variety of reasons. The drought, fornia vagrancy law. It consti class throughout the country testi If it is the Frisco strike to which however, in the present situation is spontaneous actions by the working Tutionary forces.
The Cardinal Mistress Goes cutes another example of the use of hitting the entire West so severely, ties to the fact that it senses the Mr. Green refers then we are tempto Mass the criminal law as a strike break has contributed to the situation al ted to ask wiiy it had to be a de great opportunity for thongh its effects have been addi.
Mussolini uttended holy mass for rent? The workers responded to a Aug weapon against workers.
and for making new gains which tive rather than determining.
Dolltung in Rome. We wonder il man to the general strike call, the are at hand whenever it avails it6. The whole program was deigned to persecute strike leaders The Workers and the New Slump self of this opportunity. The work a copy of his book of other days, city was held firm in the grip of the Cardinals Mistress. black the unanimous walkout, the capitaling class is set into motion and and militant workers for their ac listed by the Vatican) accompan ists were shouting their panie to proceeds to break down the bartivity in the strike; and to punish The working class will experience led him.
the heavens victory was in sight. riers which stand in the way. The New York, July 31. Ossip Wol them for their political opinions. he full effects of this new down It was the Judas kiss of the Greens, rising curve of struggles give newinsky resignation from the post of As such It was a denial of freedom turn in increased unemployment, in Bullding Up Socialism and the Vandeleurs and the Cases that Forward to a Daily!
inspiration and creates new and legal advisor to the Pocketbook of thought guurauteed to us both increased drives on the frightfully Tearing Down Capitalism turned a possible victory into a cer.
The second Club Plan sub drive favorable opportunities for further Makers Union remained unaccept by the Constitution of the low standards of living. The prob lem of relief is becoming more While Troyanovsky teaches the sain defeat and compelled the ended on August first with a total progress. The grievances and the ed here tonight when the meeting and of California.
discontent of the workers is con called consider this question at We unquality condemu the en neute every day. The government is being forced to expand far more Bullitt teaches the Red Army Polo taining losses which cannot ade of 574 new subs.
During the past week 86 new nected directly with the fight for the Stuyvesant High School ended tire program. good exchange. Polo sharpens quately be appraised.
subs came in as follows: organization and it is militant from in unprecedented commotion. ublic officials who have sworn than it intended in the 1934 budget.
the wits. Vodka dendens them. Bosses Unite for Green Minneapolis (Amigo)
the start. In this process the un Pressure from the membership to support the Constitution, have the threat of worse inflation tooms That the bones are constantly Chicago Branch Smile! Damn You, Smile!
resorting to sympathetic actions, Los Angeles Branch broader scope and are becoming signation to the Joint Council which is even more ominous, mob violence sine to rise fuster. Cattle are be accepted it. The meeting held to be recurred in California. Gov.
more industriat in character.
ing slaughtered at an unheard of Sun, July 5th: new pol supporting each other with finances New Haven Branch Breaking the Craft Lines ley at Boston Girls High School and moral assistance of every de Buffalo (Reid)
night was for the purpose of se Itolph public approval of lynch rate and yet the prices of meat keep There is involved in Bronx Sp. Youth Cl.
requires that every graduate must scription, that their network of this not curing the endorsement of the mem law encouraged mob violence going up in expectation of serious smile when receiving her diploma. Chambers of Commeres are ready to Davenport Branch merely the pedante question of bership to the Joint Council decl against strikers in Imperial Valley. shortages later. Wholesale prices Well, that a step forward. If the multe against labor and its unions Local Y. form, but rather the question of sion. The membership has been Gov. Merriam toleration of mob are the highest in three years, led of course by those of foods. Not government follows the advice of at a moment notice that troubles Philadelphia Branch substance. The Minneapolis Truck angered to the extreme by Wolin law will serve as a direct encourthe Daily News and drives out all Nr. Green not at all. And why Waukegan Branch Drivers Union, for example, found sky collusion with the bosses, agement to the vigilante terror that these prices have reached any. Reds it can as a further develop should it? This is a free country.
Complete Record it necessary to organize also the Since the expiration of the last against workers that is sweeping were near the pre crisis level but that they are rising sharply when unem Isn it? What frightens this Bap Local New York inside men who are directly con agreement with the bosses, ment pass a law that Instagricultural and urban California.
103 nected with their line of commer Chicago Branch ployed American citizens shalltist president most is that sympat purchasing power is declining. The May, there has been no new set72 The state of California continues working class faces a more desperCleveland Branch gasp out My Conntry tis of Thee thetic strikes may come into conflict 00 cial transportation. It is reported tlement although the membership to take first place among the lawate struggle for its very existence as they starve to death in the midst with the government.
alinneapolis Branch 40 now that the longshoremen union outlined some 18 demands als points les states of the Union. Once this fall and winter and it becomes in the citles along the Gulf is siml of bargaining Wolinsky who was aguin California justice is ou trial more than ever urgent that they of plenty. When wympathetle strike oc Minneapolis (Amigo)
curs, the issues primarily respons Los Angeles Branch 30 larly beginning to organize within in charge of this matter did nothing before the bar of public opinion of combine forces, that a united strugCapone Declines ible for a strike become subordinat Philadelphia Branch 20 comins.
sle le conducted for adequate re ed and a new conflict arises be Davenport Branch 16 with the handling of ships cargo. sion in Washington, which in turn It is reported that in their desiretween those engaged in the strike lief, for unemployment Insurance, New Haven Branch 16 We already know that the unions did nothing, to the great satisfac.
to have a representative in Berlin and the governmental authorities AN OPEN LETTER TO developing in the automobile and tion of the bosses.
for a shorter work week of thirty Pittsburgh Braneli who understands the Hitler mental. It is compelled to bring all its San Francisco Branch the steel industry among others, The meeting was packed.
12 hours in all industries at higher FRANCES PERKINS Turits the Washington Administration resources into action. the fight could proceed to organize only on moll set in at the very ontset. More Miss Frances Perking, Secretary wages than the present miserable (Osborn 4)
proposed to release Al Capone from is between the city, state and Fed Toronto of Labor, ones, The employed and the uneman Industrial basis, taking in all than an hour was consumed electing 12 his present position in Atlanta and eral authorities on the one side and ployed must close the ranks!
Youngstown Branch workers to make common cause in a chairman. Kleiuman, a former Washington, seld him as Ambassador Nazi the strikers on the other. every Roston Branch the fight. This to a considerable lieutenant of Wolinsky who desert. Dear Miss Perkins: land. It is also claimed that Scarone must know and understand that degree also accounts for the fact him when he saw his ship was The French Parliamentary Crisis Chicago Friends of the face indignantly declined the hop in such a contiet the government Your recent telegram to the Militant Club of the militancy which has been sinking, took the chair and gave Governor of California cume as The Doumergue government is or. preferring to be the Bigshot in San Francisco Branch displayed by the workers and the floor to a Wolinsky supporter a shock to the great liberal sec pursuing its task of preparing the America to third rate piker must win: It cannot surrender.
Profoundly correct. Mr. Green! Helen Mason accounts much more directly for who urged the non aceeptance of tion of the American people who road for fascism. Under the guise among the experts of Berlin, That is the first part of your state Stone, Phila.
the violent opposition and head on the resignation. The Inclignant of a truc. a non party governhad begun to hope that the De ment which snys that the govern Kogan, Berkeley attacks by the bosses.
workers rose and voiced their in partment of Labor in this admin ment, the bourgeois republican parA Reminder ment lines up with the bosses. The In San Francisco the strike indignation, where on the Wolinsky istration was not to be un instruties, the radical socialists in parti As a worles of irreconcilable an workers are fast learning this les Lndington, Mich.
volved almost from the outset, not supporters, led by the aforemen. ment of hysterical red buiting.
cular as the largest single one, are tagoniams exist among the Allies, son, but they are learning too Ben only the longshoremen, but all the tioneel stein, begann Billy Sunday: unlon destroying activities betraying the workers and the midthe Lengne Nations. should it that the bosses and their gorern Lecser maritime unions. From the point Holy Roller demonstration. This dle class in their ranks to violent The effect of your telegram, ever be realized, even on paper ment will never surrender 80 of view of the bosses that progres Bedlam all to the chairman liking New Castle Branch whether intended or not, was to fascist reaction in precisely the will be kind of Holy Alliance of long as they can call upon slimy Buffalo (Reid)
sive combination had to be broken continued for some time until order same manner as these parties and encourage unti union employers Capitalists against the workers traitors like Green, who decries a up and the stat Newark Branch forces, the police was finally restored only for the the socialists betrayed them to the and local and state officials every revolution. Propagating the League Mympathetic strike as an insurrec Oakland Branch and the troops, were brought onto chairman to make the astounding where to continue the drive on bourgeoisie in the sacred union of Natious is the best means of Hon.
Springfield Branch the scene, not to maintain law and announcement that Wolinsky was that Inaugurated the last imperiallabor organiations. Tbe facts of confounding the revolutionary feel.
order but to protect scabs and to report on his activities in St. Louis Branch ist war. Tardieu, whose task it is workers struggle are too wellbreak the strike.
Ross Moram ings of the working class. An in All the union Washington. Then for the first time New Headquarters of to precipitate crisis after crisis in known to you for us to stress ternational association of sham demen of San Francisco sensed in in years this gangster actor in the Rumble them in this connection. We ask order to bring about the coup mocracies to be achieved by a LOS ANGELES BRANCH Jefferson Rall this a menace to their organiza labor movement could not be heard etat, the rule by force and the you to make clear to state and tions. The general strike resulted above the angry shouts of the work coalition of the laboring and midend of all democracy, for which he, local authorities that your de Communist League of America dle classes is to be substituted for It became a contest with the state ers: We want your resignation.
Total in Second Drive 539 Doumergue, Chiappe, Weygand and partment is not available to them the international alliance of revolu. HOUSE WARMING PARTY powers because of the use of the Unable to steamroller majority Total in First Drive 1014 the others have prepared for years.
as a strike breaking agency and armed forces to attempt to break for Wolinsky, even in this meeting Tardieu knows that he can act with tionary proletaran republice. The SATURDAY, AUG. 18, at P.
League of Nations is the shibbothat you will not be a party to Grand Total 1553 the maritime strike and to attempt jammed with administration sup the persecution of militant workimpunity so far as the Herrlots, the leth to split, in the interests of in Music Hall, 232 So. Hill St. Our next job is to get every one to crush the unions, porters, many of whom had never ers for their opinions or strike Chantemps and the rest of the beternational capital, the forces of the of these new sube bs to renew their In Minneapolls at the very begin attended a meeting before, the traying crew of radical socialists activities.
proletariat and advance the cause Los Angeles ning of the present strike, police chairman adjourned the gathering subscription as their terms expire.
We ask you further to declare are concerned. The very fact that of International counter revolution.
The Militant herewith expresses were armed, not to maintain law with Wolinsky resignation still they found it possible to enter into forcefully against official mob The revolutionary proletarians of THE MILITANT its deep appreciation to all those and order. as is the usual plea hanging in the air.
the Doumergue government rule in California by ordering the concentration. with its attacks on all countries must wage relentless hustlers who made it possible to immediate release of these work Entered as a second class mail add the 1868 new subs to our mailwar against the Wilsonian League Post Office at New York, Uning list. The securing of subscrip parlamentary government, shows Just off the Press!
ers held for your department for that they are mere pawns in the u lengue of spoliation, exploitation strike activities, and to announce tions, as well as the selling of the and imperialist counter revolution. der the act of March 3, 1879.
Game of reaction. It was foreand vigorously carry out a pol These on Internatonal Sit Published Weekly by the Com Laper and Its general distribution gone conclusion that Doumergue Icy to prevent immigration of would not accept the resignation of ution from Communist Inter munist League of America cials in your department from benational BILL. 144 Second Ave, New York, and file Job, but looked at properTardien for his violent attack on Phone: Gramercy 9524 ly it is political work of the most ing used by employers against Chantemps in the attempt to disworkers, vigilantes and local Vol. 7, No. 31. Whole No. 235)
It the number on your wrapper is lodge these dubious allies so as to important kind.
SATURDAY, AUGUST, 4, 1934 The Militant Builders have not officials have been used.
Draft Theses Adopted by the International Secretariat concentrate the power completely EDITORIAL BOARD only helped to raise 388 for the American Civil Liberties Union in the hands of the extreme right.
of the International Communist League Martin Abern James Cannon Militant through this drive, but General Defense Com. It was also a foregone conclusion they have also enabled 1553 people International Labor Defense that the radical socialists would Maurice Spector or smaller, your subscription to The Nar Shachtman to read our message.
TEN CENTS swallow the insult since they Many of Militant expired. Do not delay.
Arne Swabeck these new subscribers, we are conLengue for Industrial Demo fear an open break with the right Send your renewal in at once and Bundle rates one cent per copy.
cracy fident, will remain with us.
that might precipitate a struggle on PIONEER PUBLISHERS so save us unnecessary labor And Subscription rate: 00 per year National Committee for DeTogether we will continue to the streets between the united expense. 150 per half year. Canada build the Militant and march for: If you cannot renow at fense of New York City Prisoners workers and sections of the impov.
84 East 10th Street this time let us know how soon you And Foreign. 50 per year: ward to a bi weekly, thenThe Provisional Committee for erished middle class against the can.
75c for six months.
On to a Dally Militant!
Non Partisan Labor Defense fascists. JACK WEBER.
20 20 1of no appear on the ordinary at War and the 4th International 235