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Leon Trotsky in Drivers Ranks Frisco League is Danger Firm Solid Despite Provocation uueu Bent.
situation The reactionary circles acting as agents tiun, 40. 000 workers attended theue tu me the situutiou.
Democracy. American Style (Continued from Page Continued from Page Reprinted from The Organizer, July 21, 1984)
OUBLE murder was committed in Minneapolis when the sawed off civil war.
The blood of workers ran freely in the streets of Minneapolis yesbeaten by mous. In une cine the shot guns de police barked death at striking drivers. Firstly the. What is the ministry of interior vigilantes even stopped a meeting terday in a church and warned the speak They were shot down and wounded by the uniformed thugs comworkers who lost their lives so that their union might live and secondly waiting for? Why doesn It carry er to be careful what he said. Continued from Page 1)
manded by Police Chief Michael Johannes, by Johannes the Murderer, the myth of democratic America that has become so current of recent out the expulsion order?
times. Or do we have to call on the linstated, that no arbitration award To date more than three hundred in the name of the city administration and at the behest of its master, Liberal politiclans and capitalist sycophants of every shade and hire war veterans to conduct Trotsky, to in wages shall be less than 42 radicals are in jail San Fran the citizens Alliance Cis. stej luwara deportation are Forty eight sons of the working class were mowed down by shot cents an hour for inside men and have inundated the press of the country with their vauntings that the border?
America was the one remaining outpost of democracy. They shuddered published in Gringoire without a unanimously accepted by a meeting Needless to say, this note is not 124 cents an hour for drivers, were taken towards Bou citizens. guns in the hands of police All are more on Vugruncy charges. They were shot down though they were defenseless and unarmed, members of the League bave like animals in a trap.
Hitler. They boasted with pride that dictatorship and the rule of the cause of certain circumstances to onus for the continuance of the met een arrested, we me They were shot in the back by base cowards who dared not look malled Ast were not indigenous to the American soll They ralled at which we shall return later. Evi Strike directly upon the shoulders areny, but still meeting and car: radicals and Communists for their dissatisfaction and discontent. Look dently we are faced again with the of the bosses.
ryg ou work. ive members of them in the face.
It was no battle that took place on Third Street North yesterday.
at Austria, at Germany, at Italy they shouted, and contrast conditions unleashing of the chauvinist, coun.
che District Committee of the Now that the troops are out on there with this land of liberty where the right of free speech and free per revolutionary campaign let the streets, the employers wante in jul, well as Caroline was massacre. cunningly concelved, diabolically planned and press are inviolable, are guaranteed by the Constitution. Why Rooseloose against Trotsky in May.
them used to smash the picket lines Decker au Pat Chambers, organix cold bloodedly executed massacre velt has even incorporated the right to organize Into the nation statOur comrades, our readers must and the Employers Committee des the Agriculturul workers. COLD BLOODED PROVOCATION utes. The gunfire in Minneapolis delivered a withering blast at this be informed that the position of mands to know of Governor Olsounder the present bysteria the On Thursday, the Citizens Alliance met at the Radisson Hotel. The thin shell of hypocrisy.
Local 574 is a trade union. Through its sincerity and devotion it settled. The expulsion order re authorities with military aid in the cuoreed and some convictions thorough manner in which the striking members of Local 574 had closed has won the confidence of the overwhelming majority of the truck expelled it is simply because no port the efforts of the few to law.
down the market, had driven the employers desperate. It was decided If Trotsky was not discharge of their duties, or sup Takon Completely of Guard to lay a trap and provoke a blood bath. It was from that source that drivers and the inside men. The battle it is so heroically waging is for other country would have him, belessly obstruct the flow of normal better conditions and for the recognition of all the workers they reprecause it was actually impossible to traffic in this city.
Tae appratus is complete Johannes received his orders.
Ly wprejareu tu wout the change On the same day, at P. Johannes ordered a turnout of his conduct him to the border. He Union Gains Daily Terrorized, its mem police. That day Tribune reported him as saying: From the boasts of the representatives of capitalism one would as is still facing a planet without a We re going to start moving foods. Don take a beating. You aume that these elementary righ are taken for granted. Yet for organ Visa Despite all provocations, murders, vers droppaug vutlast, ats When we are finished izing the Minneapolis drivers are called Communists, for striking the The government has placed Trot red waiting and martial law, the way workers clubs, the real buck have shotguns and you know how to use them.
Twenty four hours later the wholesale district echoed the clatter of are accused of sedition, and for endeavoring to make their strike ette sky under surveillance as a real strike of drivers still remains as como last movement with this convoy there will be other goods to move.
soliday granite, guining new were huve al dissolveu. Tue tive they are shot down like dogs in the worst provocation American prisoner, in an assigned place, strength with every new day. 18 HUL Lunctions, and George Anshotguns, rifles and automatic pistols fired by doxens of police who had labor has seen for years.
der constant watch from the police.
in a smashing reply to the primersul, tue. luwyer, refuses caught a group of workers in a trap.
There seems to be a contradiction here.
He is actually considered a prisoner trap that what it was! Look at the photographs reproduced From all signs and comparisons this is a democratic country. We to a foreigner and is not in a position uormal inals who thought that the lead uetend the members in jail due threats. Neither the District they emptied into the backs of the have no Hitlers or Mussolinis here. The right to franchise is widely But will this situation last? Ob drivers would dampen the ſerver committee of the or the y. In this morning edition of the Minneapolis Tribune. In the scab truck las met smce the attack. At which was being escorted by the heavy police convoy, can be seen only a given and a legislature ostensibly elected and serving the people rules tously not. muand the Gringolre in lust Friday and vowed to hold their or several weeks severns that more large loads of goods. The truck was only a decoy to draw picketof the men, 16, 000 workers met here out the attack wa Decu expect half dozen small cartons. There was no serious effort being made to.
take place on the streets of Amerien?
been ing workers into a murderers trap.
The truth of the matter is that democracy here is but a sham Look again at the photographs. In one of them, a handful of pickets curtain that hides the bayonets and tear gas, the bullets and the clubs of world reaction are preparing mask funeral the next day of Harry The attack came on the second is to be seen in their cruising truck. From all sides, the police are more drastie solution. THEY hange loose over an idyllic scene that pictures the United States a nation WANT TO INCARCERATE TROT Ness shot in the back by order of day of the general strike, and was rushing down on them. Police car doors are opening up to emit a free for all, workingman and capitalist, rich and poor. Democracy is SKY IN DISTANT COLONY ON Chief of Police Johannes.
Uganz by the police department devil spawn armed with shotgun Thelr murderous weapons are but the holiday dress worn by capitalism to dupe the workers into beA delegate conference of Emer. and the Chuizen Commitee. As aimed at the strikers from every angle, and the next moment the maxTHE und zles belch a fusilade of shot.
Heving that under its rule they are free to improve their conditions of LANDS. There Trotsky, on some seney Relic Administration work the strike wek weuken The workers are completely warmed and helpless. They do not lite and to keep them contented that they have those rights enabling Saint Helene, will be a prisoner of tral Council of Workers, represeutueneral Strike committee, Lotte au have a rifle among them; not a gm; not a club; not a stick them to alter any laws or strictures that stand in the way.
But oh, these lions of men, these heroes of the working class! They Democratic capitalism has for its background a violent class strug mergue, Stalin and Hitler will be noted enthusiastically to support le attack against reus beau un gle which rages with varying intensity. Wealth and the means of pro satisfied.
the strike, to volunteer for picket der the slogan that the real Amer do not falter for an instant. Not for a second do they hesitate, even in duction rest in the hands of the minority. So long as the workers do This solution was already under duty, and to set up committees ef can clements in the unions did race of the overwhelmingly superior force that confronts them, that not infringe on their property rights, so long as they may harvest their consideration after the discovery rectively to aid the strike of Local not want a beneral surake and thout shoots into their ranks without a word of warning. Their stout hearts profits unchallenged by the producers, so long as class war remains at Barbizon. But they did not exe 674. More than 800 new members it was all wu to the Pas and beating with a magnificent courage, they face the enemy unflinchingly hidden under the apathy and passivity of the proletariat, just that long cute this plan because public opin: have been signed up by the ir ne rods were run out ev. and seek to stop the scab truck sent out to rob them, to rob their wives do the hypocrites have their field day, contending that America is the son was not prepared for it. That in the last few days. Stalin erything woulu to praceful again and children, of the miserable crust: of bread which are their lot.
is why they are now preparing aist came to the conference with no The slogan was helped by the disThey never had a chance.
land of equality and opportunity.
new campaign.
credentials at all. His claim to honest and indiscreet statement of But these are men! These are lion hearted! The first detachment Let the struggle break through the dead weight of indifference, let We have positive information at represent workers from districts Browder that 1000 Communists in quivers and falls under the withering fire of the police. Then, to the the workers organize for a few more coins and for the very democratic hand proving that several newspa: was immediately belied by rights they hear so much about on the Fourth of July, and the Minnes pers are ready to support this cam who were employed there workers San Francisco were directing the aid of their fallen brothers, from the ranks of other strikers and work.
and after General Strike polises and the Toledos am the Friscos rise up to give lle to the paign. By means of intimidation, several delegates expressed dissat prool to back their attack. Hearsters sympathette with their cause, comes a second wave rolling right unimpeachable rights that the workers are supposed to enjoy. threat of physical attacksee Grin isfaction with lying and misleading and the American Lyon played up into the jaws of the shotguns. But they too must give way before the Power and wealth rest in the same hands. To challenge wealth goire by means of terror they are articles and editorials in the Daily the statement and arouncu u tre murderous tire How prond the police must be of their triumph! And haven they to challenge wer. Den cracy is but the holster for the gun which trying to force the government to Worker, motion was unanimous mendous umont of hysterit in fais the power of capitalism, that is why they can afford the leisure of July, before the Chamber of Depo not be seated. The editorials instalinists locally further provoked these dozens of police, armed with dozens of shotguns and plstels?
is drawn when trickery is no longer effective against the workers. That carry out its plan immediately, in adopted that the Stalinist should vor utan attack on the reds. The came ties reconvenes.
the Daily Worker that this was the hysteria by claiming credit for Didn they do a better job than ever before in the history of Minneademocracy.
Despite slanders and lies the splitting the unity of the workers the strike while it was still on. polis? Haven they made the name of their chief ring throughout the The power of the workers is not yet in guns and tear gas. It is in name of Trotsky, towering over was met with rounds of laughter Mayor Rossi Leals the Vigilantes and didn they crush the criminals who were armed only with bare organization and in militancy. When organization can shut a metropo those of his defamers, remains that by unemployed workers bere.
Mayor Rossio has an fists?
lis like Frisco as tight as a clam by means of a general strike, when the of the comrade of Lenin, the leader The Ladies Auxiliary, which rennounced that This (the anti Red workers can have a fighting lender. hip as in Minneapolls then it will of the October Revolution, the real dered such signal services during campaign) will be the continuing THE CRIME OF THE STRIKERS not be long when even the real democracy of capitalism guns and tear continuator of Marx. His name is the strike of last Mas, is continu policy of the administration. Cap For criminals they are, these trikers. They have committed the gas will be brushed aside. Forward to that day!
bound up with the struggles of the ing its good work. More than 50 in Mears, heud of the newly greatest crime known to our modern society. They have stood up, these proletarian vanguard for the build new members have been admitted created red squad, announced any impudent slaves, and demanded wages that will enable them to live like That is why the infuriated for membership had to be turned one found in the wrecked red head human beings. They have demanded hours of labor that will permit Red Baiting on the Coast French reaction is preparing to pro down because they came from good quarters will be arrested Cummu them a little rest and recreation, a few more years of life.
They have voke an attack upon him. Fascism friends who were not eligible for nisin is through in San Francisco.
Ve San Francisco general strike uncovered with one stroke the and military and police reaction membership because they are not. We have wrecked every red nest in demanded recognition of their elementary organization of defense whole depth and width of the class struggle boiling and seething wants to sidetrack attention from strikers wives or relatives. They San Francisco, and we iuteud to against cruel exploitation: the workingman Union.
keep them wrecked!
Is this not a crime? And for this crime, which has already pro underneath the surface of the American Industrial scene. Starting out the new conspiracy they are con maintain a commissary which LEAGUE MEMBER duced thousands of heroes martyrs throughout the world, many fawith a strike to bring about the abolition of the abominable hiring cocting against the toiling masses. serves 5, 000 meals a day and a hosmous and many nameless, the workers must be punished. They must methods of the shipping trust the workers of the Golden Gate area The kept press hasn changed its pital. They have played a leading LOS ANGELES BR. ACTIVITIES be taught their lesson. The vipers nest of the citizens Alliance of the became involved in a struggle which necessitated their taking a few alms. It is a campaign of the same role in distributing the Organizer OPEN FORUMS Law and Order Leugue, has commanded it. The command has been things in their own hands: They tied up industry and made a serious press, in similar circumstances throughout the city, making collec The San Francisco Strike obeyed with powder and shot.
effort to keep it so until the longshoremen and sailors were in a position which led to the assassination of tions for it that run into hundreds of dollars.
An Eye Witness Report Yes, butchers and assassins, the workers have learned a leason, but to get a square deal from the losses through hiring halls of their own. Jaures in 1914.
This is a warning to ourselves Speaker: BILL MONROE not the one you thought to teach them. They have learned only to Immediately the bosses took up the cry of revolution. Immediately and our friends. The campaign for Portland, Ore. July 21. The red Lessons of the General Strike tighten their ranks, to link their powerful arms together more armly, the civil authorities howled about the usurpation of constitutional the defense of Trotsky must be im. raids here have gotten to the point Speaker: SAM MEYERS to clench their teeth and march more resolutely towards their goal.
rights. Immediately the labor loving which in ever so many mediately broadened. We have re where twenty men, including Dirk Weduesday, August 1st, P.
The shot you fred into their defenseless bodies has not broken them, wordy statements declared itself for the inviolability of the right to celved testimonials of solidarity de Jonge one time Communist can Doctrinairism, Reformism and the as you thought it would. It has only toughened them, steeled them strike Joined the chorus with General Johnson miserable shout of: from all over the globe. The task aldate for Mayor here, are being Struggle for Immediate Demands Insurrection.
now is to make this solidarity ef held on charges of criminal synd Speaker: EVERETT BERGSTROM not for tomorrow massacres, but for tomorrow battles. They will calism.
Wednesday, August Sth, P.
not permit themselves to be massacred.
The bosses did not stop with the cry of revolution. They declared fective.
You thought you would shoot Local 574 into oblivion. But you only These forums will be held at their intention to go ahead with a drive to wipe out the power of organMUSIC HALL succeeded in making 574 a battlecry on the lips of every self respecting ized labor in this mighty union town of the West Coast. They proceed232 South Hall Street workingman and working woman in Minneapolis ed with the organization of Vigilantes and started the drive against Aus: International Workers School You thought you would separate the rank and file from their leaders.
the radical elemeat in the strike, the Communists.
Admission Free. Questions and You only succeeded in cementing the bond that holds them together in Howling about the incursion into rights of the property monopolists (Continued From Page 1) es tolerate a social system which Discussion an efficient fighting army.
which for two days impeded the march of profit extortion on the backs Friday and killed Henry Ness sives to over 12, 000, 000 unemployed Law and Order.
You thought you would alienate the labor movement from 674. You of ensin ved and exploited totlers, the Vigilantes have gone ahead with and wounded about fifty other starve in the midst of plenty, which the fighting spirit of Henry Ness. cause, in bringing one Union endorsement of our fight after another, in The workers have numbers and only succeeded in rallying every section of the labor movement to our the barbarous destruction of property accumulated from the hard earned workers.
gives to millions more the right to pennies of militant workmen by railical labor organizations. The van When a dumb cop shoots unarmed be exploited and to receive a mis Labor is on the march, a new mill having one Union after another put its men and resources at our disposal.
dale wrecked meeting halls, threw typewriters and mimeographs into pickets, the pickets have a right to erable wage? The answer has been tant spirit in its breust. If we You thought you would create an antagonisan between 574 and the the streets from second story winlows, burned down printing plants. defend themselves, but the ones to given by the workers of Toledo, heads lowed and knees bent, but away with your despicable red scare. But last night 15, 000 men and guardians of the people life and property did they interfere in this police: Johannes, Mayor Bain Portland, Seattle and Minneapolis. hu women roared their condemnation of your dastardly attack, roared bridge, and the bosses behind them. The answer is that there are mil. as did our beloved brother, Henry We. we. holocaust of the bosses men?
their endorsement of 674 militant fight. Their voices will echo and. They mopped up after them, the papers tell us. They followed All are equally sullty of murdering lions of Nesses, workeese rend you to re echo throughout the city.
in the trail of the wrecking crews and they arrested not the wreckers, sacrifice their lives if need be in Ness.
You thought you would cut us to pieces with your shotguns. But but the Reds.
When the police are instructed the struggle against the exploiters such a spirit, they will not have to you only succeeded in having the whole labor movement forge an iron In arresting the victims and not the attackers, the police and the to make distinctions between races, die. They will live and conquer shield of protection arsund us.
One thing is sure. Workers begin the forces of exploitation, of reacNational Guard proved that they were indeed defenders of life and nationalities, colors, creeds or posto realize that they must organize tion, of murder.
Yon thought to intimidate us with your bullets. But you only property. but that all depends upon whose life and property Is In litical persuasions. They are told and struggle. They must do every Brothers, Sisters, as we leave showed him more clearly than ever that this is not merely the fight of aroused the anger and indignation of every honest workingman, you volved. Certainly not when it is the people The strike was called by all of organized labor. In starting out with a crats. Farmer Laborites, Socialists New Deal. Now they begin to see on Brother Sess struggle. We The police and the National Guard were mobilized to break the strike nationality, workers whether Don American workers had faith in the our hearts at fierce resolve to carry 4, but the fight of the whole labor movement.
WORKERS! SPEAK OUT IN PROTEST that a New Deal can come to them must not fail him! We must av.
making a beginning in contormity with the bosses threat to crush the ranks of the workers, make no dis own organization, struggle and sac. if we struggle to win this strike. clean up of the Reds in the strike, the state forces are merely who try to create division in the only through their own efforts, their enge his murder. This we shall doont as they have never so will immediately join the Union of his And now the stalwart batallions of Minneapolis labor will speak before.
entire labor movement.
tinctions when they want their po rifice.
it we struggle to throw the exploitEvery unorganized worker In this wave of terror on the coast, every worker must realize that lice to shoot workers. blow against one section of the labor movement means a blow against The life of our murdered Brother This struggle against oppressioners from of our backs and to escraft, trade or industry, because all of labor. It is a matter of self preservation for a class conscious typifies the lives of all workers. bosses are the police, the army, the the worker may enjoy the fruits of is no easy task. On the side of the tablish a new social order in which Now is the time to make Minneapolis a 100 per cent Union town!
The workers will not let the Citizens Alliance smash 574. Instead, thilitant, for every good union man to rally to the defense of the West The social system gave him no courts. The Mayor of Minneapolis his toil.
Coast Communists and to protest through his organization against the chance. At an early age he was does not consider the lives of strikthey will smash the reactionary, open shop conspiracy of the Alliance.
forced terror which the bosses have unleashed.
work Bowing their heads in admiration for the bravery of the dozens who earn a living and ers worth protecting. The only to make profits for his employer. thing of importance to him is the THE MILITANT now lie on hospital cots, they will be inspired by the words of one hero Together with other workers, he protection of the bosses property. Post Office at New York, Un not to give up, to stick it out till they ve won.
Entered as a second class mall who, fully aware that his death is at hand, has said: Tell the boys NOTICE!
will please write to the Mose was sent to kill and to be killed in the bosses right to keep workers der the act of March 3, 1879.
a donation for this special All letters, subscriptions, bun.
the world war. What for? For enslaved Local 574 has received its baptism in fire and blood.
low wages and in misdle orders, donations and any City Organizer.
It emerges freedom? No. For the sake of Published Weekly by the Com from it firmer and more resolute. And nowinquiries concerning or intended profits and imperialist markets for What is the essence of this busimunist League of America We have just received from the the bosses.
It will man the picket lines with workers from every trade in Minfor the NEW INTERNATIONAL Mark these words!
magazine, are to be addressed to: binders a number of Bound Vol There is only one war, one struggleness of preserving law and order 144 Second Ave. New York, neapolis.
Phone: Gramercy 9524 If a man is on the side of the workumes of the MMilant, Serles No. in which worker has a real Interers he will grant them the right to THE NEW INTERNATIONAL It will permit no trucks to be moved by nobody!
Vol. 7, No. 30. Whole No. 234)
It will not capitulate and surrender. It will fight doggedly till it STATION D, BOX 119 which includes all issues of the est. That is the struggle of Labor picket and stop trucks driven by SATURDAY, JULY 38, 1934 NEW YORK, Militant from January 7, 1988 to against Capital.
EDITORIAL BOARD December 30, 1933 Inclusive. Coples In 1929 came the terrible depres No trucks to be driven except by Martin Aborn It will help make Minneapolis a Union town, a fitter place for workcan be obtained from Pioneer Pub Ston and Henry Ness learned Unlon men that is Law and Order. Mar Shachtman James Cannon The Milltant malling department Lishers, 84 10th Street, at the what freedom the War had won. But if a man is on the bosses side, Maurice Spector ingmen to live in.
Arne Swabeek The blood of its heroes will only nourish the roots of 574 and make is badly in need of an addresso phenomenally low price of 50 For him and millions of others, the he wants trucks to be driven by Bundle rates one cent per copy.
it a mighty oak.
graph. The lists are too large for plus twenty five cente for postage. freedom to starve and to be shot scabs without interference of pick Subscription rate: 00 per year Woe to him who tries to cut it down! Woe to the murderers and the method used at present. Any Regular price is 50. Order your down while exercising the right of ets. Breaking the strike that is one who knows how to procure such copy immediately before our supply peaceful picketing. 50 per half year. Canada assassins! For the oak will grow and flourish and triumph over all a machine cheaply or wants to give is exhausted.
what Bainbridge and Johannes and How long will the working mass the bosses mean by preserving and Foreign. 60 per year: obstacles. Tbc for six months.
Unton men, fight on!
Goldman Funeral Oration ery wins.