BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalKidnappingLeninLeninismMarxMarxismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeUnited FrontWorking Class

SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE ROBBER BARONS RAVE AT CRIME Between the and in France The Significance of the United Front happiness of the millionaires) and greed and the resping of a small prostitute their bodies, we know it and will was revealed to u sults. For the present we will limit sul e Capitalism Breeds Crime cars, you find that you are compel The big criminals, who have stol. back in some form the wealth that There is practically not a large led to pay five or ten cents for some en more than all the petty thieves they have produced, only when the The turn of the Communist party each other on February 12th. Even only to organize common action but Industrial city where some kidnap thing that is not worth more thun in the county juils put together bankers and capitalists and land and the pressure from the left in the Amsterdam movement was to mutually guarantee themselves ping has not occurred during the 21, simply because the bankers who never violate the law.
lords are overthrown and the work the Socialist party has finally led forced to consider a change in its against any intrusion of any eur last few months. All along the own the transportation companies They are the respectable citizens, ers will become partners in producto the organization of unity of ac forin.
rent outside their control. The fact newspapers have been carrying sen have bribed the state legislatures who make speeches and build Lion unde a collective Socialist So tion between these two parties. For weeks and mouths (particu that Populaire (organ of the sational reports of the kidnapping and huve jassed laws compelling all churches and jails.
of this or that seion of wealth. The of us to pay tribute to them.
eiety Thus the theory of social fascismlaris in April and May) the action F) has ceased to make any referThey have made the laws and Flow Capitalism Reforms Itsell. crumbles to dust, thus it becomes of the leading bureaucrats wus exence to Doriot, while Humanite paid prees, which remains curiously When you go home and want to therefore have no need of breaking clear that by our intransigeant ercised against the realization of refrains from supporting Just leadindiferent to the poverty and decook something on your stove, you them.
La ser, at about lois time, struggle for the united front from the united front of organizations, er of the left wing in the F)
gradation of ten million American tind that you are being held up by And the more these robber bar all the liberuns were walking around organization to organization we that is against the masses. But ac against Blum, is very indicative.
working men and women, and the great consolidated, who can ous steal and plunder, the more Wita broud, contented smiles on which always retains a wober imhave correctly interpreted the un tion from below continued to bring the fact that nelther the nor generally furnish enough light so many of the poor sons of the worker fucus, suy ng told you so. deniable will of the toiling magses. the fighters of different tendencies the have even dreamed of enpartiality when it reports the beat that the state legislature can see it, ing class must go out and commit na was the une, as we remenuWe must say very clearly. new and social groups together aguinst larging the first manifestations of ing or even the shooting of u strik as was revealed at the recent inves. Perime in order to live.
ber, bruin ecoru, ils counsel stage is opened belore us now. We Vascism. In June, these demonstra the imited front to other political ing dock worker, miner, etc. man Ligation ut Albany.
Some of us may not realize it at or the senute Banking Committee bare not before us a chance zig zag. tions were more extensive, more and trade union organizations of aged to work itself up into a verit. And when you go out and want to the time, but it is always hard Was IVOSLAN tue winkers and or at maneuver for a day. It is a solid, more frequeut. The hour was the proletariat, and do not speak of able trenzy against this danger to find some work, there is no job to economic need which drives them stock market wrokers, and even question of u whole policy, whose approaching when the bureaucrats realizing it in the local committees the life, liberty and the pursuit of be gotten, simply because of the towards it. When young womenuousta portant phases of the developmeut will be replete in re would bave to surrender.
vestigation were suppresseu, euuuga sults. For sutties to dispel all doubts.
brom this point of view and in hysterically demanded the death clique of bankers, industrialists and is not because they don go to We place our finger on this dangourselves to the principal features the degree that it reflects a preser because it is serious. The penalty for all offenders. The cor. Landowners who have stolen so church often enough, but becauses must model bursis muce of this policy sure, u rising of the proletarian 0. Socialist Party of France)
rupt legislatures these mighty, much of our wealth, that the rest the lawyers and giant corporations. We all remember Juicy Firstly, what we have here is a SNC, vast perspectives are op and the Stalinist leaderships reprethese junt, these disinterested pub of us eun hurdly buy buck anything have appropriated all the wealth secara reste conside victory of the workers themselves. ened for a united front movement. sent two varieties of centrism Ile servants forgot about the gas of what we bave produced. and have deprived some girls of trust and power corporations for a! When you do find work, three chance of life and we know that ACI tax law so that Murhus been the fundamental demanded hundreds of times in the strugtween them. It is therefore neceswhole day and passed still more quurters of what you produce is the Morgans and the Rockefellers and mot bave to pay a cesti of the workers who see in it the sle ugainst Hitler in Germany, the stry that the real Marxist Leninist viclous laws to combat the crime stolen by the owuer und the boss. are responsible and not the girl who come taxes for live years, etc. first prerequisite for the success of constitution of a museu proletarianguard cuts out its own wave.
Aud so we workers find wherever walks the streets.
their struggle. In every form and un groupeau develop courage, hope the expense of these two centrist Catching Suckers we muy turu, we are surrounded Here and there, some person with Now this is just what we ve in the various centrint and devouWhat was disquieting about the by a hungry puck of wolves, who a peculiar forination of the brain, oublie libero cratie parties and organizations a ble tu u higher stage, in a word o surprise if after consummating and militancy, cun poste stras currents. Consequently it will be crime wave. from our point of Lave fenced everything or for them. may commit some senseless, weira de vestir un solo pressure in this direction has been can create pre revolutionary and their fusion thust two entrist buview, was the pitch of indignation selves, rubbed everything, and then crime, for no apparent reason, and does all vestigation, the wou exercised from the very beurt of Lions.
drys and wrong wuers are puneste, the popular me. The German reaucracies function together to which the press succeeded in turned around and we luws receive great notoriety in our press, In this sense we hopefully see against the incipient new party.
arousing many working men against compelling us to keep our hands off. but these crimes are so rare us to revealing such experience has not been in vain. the reallation of an action which History has seen similar examples the criminals. We mean those that Cnder conditions of that sort, De practically insignificant. By and DNS lu til future.
The movement towards the left embodies the profound correctness in 1917 at the time when the were caught, as distinguished from racing the choice of slow extinction large it is the poor who are forced Starus Quo Aute Bellum grew in the Socialist party drawing of our previous proposals and presenxheviks and Social Revolutionthe catchers. The press, the radio or crime. Of course, many of the to crime and it is they who fill our 11 is months now out the inves its muito force in the sclue and to persa broader arena of struggle aries monopolized almost the totalCongress number working high pressure valve and hysterical latter choice and when they strike the victims of the law. Such crimes aujournca. It sitting thout ity of the working masses in the we The struggle of Doriut in the Com But it is essential to have commited front of the Soviets.
lettera poured into the ottees of the out and attempt to grab u morsel can never be abolished by revenge up the results are any munist jirty relected the nume plete clarity on the new situation city editors demanding that some of all that has been stolen by the Lal laws. They will only disappear suve we gammed anything: Have state of things. Similarly in the facing us and therefore to develop audacity were necessary in order Great events and unparalleled thing be done about it, while armed Asturs und Vanderbilts and Mors when workers get a chance to live workers game anything, us a trade unions a movemeut towards vur analysis further.
for the Bolsheviks to win the leadposses were reported to have been aus and Alellons they are clupped and get in on some of the good us the picuracteu uvestiga organic unity grew and deepened. Consideration should be given to ership, thanks to the experience acorganized around Arizona and Call into jail for violating law while things of life. Only when all monos! Have alorgan or uils puls on the other hand numerous Vigi the form of exclusiveness the enquired by the masses.
fornia the jackals of the yellow press cry ly and exploitation is abolished ween deprived UL Lueir wealta? No Lance Committees and Workers Al tente between the and the On the other hand the turn of Doesn that really sound prepis for their blood. and when the workers will receive vue in Congress even dared sukliane dotted the country. loc. has taken. While at the prethe has an international scope gust 18 much. John Astor, thousands of localities they main sent time it lucludes the most in which must be emphasized. It is Here we are in the year of our DAILY WORKER TELLS ALL brother in law of liuosevelt plained the connection between di portant sections of the working not only a question of the adaptalord 1934, where thousands, literally can still spend two million dollars vers organizations which found class, the appurutuses of these prolon or centrism to the will of the thousands of young men are being ou his briuc iud have it smeure themselves literally thrown uponues appear to have consorted not workers for united struggle. For butchered off every day in South Many have been and are the huve in the unions? Don be unemployed to read. Is there urrogantly across the loudlines for the apparatus it is a question of a America and China and here death at the San Francisco Embarimbers and influence over greater the Daily Worker? Evidently they that last year: 18 the stock markof the It. with democratie France the pivot of the Internationcadero, Afty five wounded and one wambers; of the organizations they don Or to put it us it is, the ut perlas ruumore honestly? The theory of social Fuser: in reality, the differences reigures prove they (Trs mug to run u stock market boucism which has become a mockery tain their force also but what. com killed in Minneapolis, another have built trade unions, unem circulation al struggle of the The evolution of the Stalinist worker electrocuted to death the ployed councils, fraternal societies, haven got a hundred and twenty estly is something like fighting al other week in Milwaukee during whole catalogue of them; of the tive thousand workers in the seewur without burting any budy. revolutionary policy. If reformists united trout. One cannot renounce to this fact. Several months ago coutinues to remain an obstacle to cerns the tasks and methods of the polley in the Saar bears evidence the car strike, unemployed workers strikes and demonstrations they tarian and impotent un way. just a few months agu, Arcommitting suicide every day still have led; of the gains they have ious And it demonstrates, lle asthur Cutten, the granulati are the same as fascists, how can the right to criticise in the most the abandoned its initial slonobody seems to get excited. But won for the workers. For the most they will, on the basis of the party rutsed the price or wheat and kept the stalinists address Pontlus with important theld and at the most sun and declared itself ready to have one hair hurt of the head of uurt their vauntings were like the membership, that the influence of its while thousands of workers the proposal to struggle against critical moment, in the lield of vote for the status quo in 1935. In millionaire, or any other parasite ww. The cause they won the party dress does not extend far did not have the price or a luat of Bato Thiraten absurdity struggle against fuscism. But cri the meantime Cachin denounced and then the press begins to carry now here, now there, have been lost beyond the membership maneuvres of greatly fucilitates Indecision, of semi neats Doriot for proposing an agreement breud ute, etc.
reports of loud voiced young attoror eclipwed in the greater offensive The figures are a balance sheet the reformists.
Our liberal friends reply to us, ures and purilainentary illusions of with Max Braun, social democratic neys who tell us of the sanctity or of the second strike wave of the to date of the Stalinist disruption True, the results of the ecor in2. The socialist congress at Toureformism should not und does not leader in the Saar and was received the law and the tre works begin in overy cra The oranizations. the revolutionary and labor vestigation have been disappoint louse declured in its resolution that have to prevent the taking of prae with loud applause, But on July they built have crumbled to dust or movements. No explanation lying, but at least now we will have groupes against fuscisin but that real earnest!
Who Pays the Press?
Leon Blum is too experienced and the had arrived at an That shows Just about as clearly sts, history hus marked the cross failure their own figures reveal. ve Right Man for the Right Job these groups must not be used as a politician not to know that no agreement to constitute a common Look at the quotas for the twenan instrument for the seizure of party, under as anything else what interests our circumstances can front against any link with Hit Yes, out of that whole investigumwer. Tois clear declaration com renounce the The Daily Worker itself offers y six districts in the drive for tion, nothing has remain but a struggle for the lerite Germany! We are also inpress serves and what is very im. continuous evidence of the isolation trenity thousand of the thirty one will to regulate the stock exportant, with what infinite ease of the stalinists from the American thousand new readers in two change. Just as our gas and elec pletely confirms our estimate of the spreadlug of its ideas and the formed that the same proposals are growth of its induetice except all to be made in other European counthey can stir up millions of people workinge loss. In its columns there months! Half of this twenty thousevis democracy. It does not want great cost to itself. Blum hus al tries.
an hysterical pitch, and divert coutinuous bleating and whin sand is assigned to New York! For and even that is nothing but a webove ustrerle but it is not at to bourgeois radicals, his allies in its theory of social eclam Ite The has tacitly liquidated their thoughts from their own mising about the failure of the party the rest of the country, for ery. Remember 19147) Such evcheap farce to throw dust into the all disposed to overthrow the rule the parliamentary blue. it Leon national conference adopted a new ents give up again a sharp warning membership to carry out the al Minneapolises, Toledos, Milwaukees eyes of the gullible. After months of capital. Thus, the united front Blum und laul Faure put file ar policy although it carried no resothat we must reexamine with a fine ways correct line and root itself in and West Coasts to come ten thoutoothed comb everything we read in the great strike struggles; get the trade unions; become a factor sand new readers!
baseling and bargaining at an pursue only definite, immediate. liticiul conditions above everything fution of this subject. Thores in their press.
The other quotas are equally rewas passed by Congress which was practical tasks: above all the strus else it is because they tear the leader of the French un About this thing of kidnappings sus all those activities for which reallne. The same issue which so ingless that even the million ble against fascism. This realistic united front with the left. They covered the very bottom of the and crime in general, we workers gives all these revealing figures in dollar Corporation lawyer, Samuel manner of posing the question prestill hope that everything will passpolicy.
Firstly, at one blow, Thores de timates that the was prehave no reason to become indignant Circulation Figures Untermeyer, raised his voice in suppones, in any case, the abandon over lwyjucitist, parliamentarian at this or that sensational murder Perhaps mest damning of all are parts strikes despite betrayal by protest! But the corporations were ment of the idiotic theory of social means they try to stall for time clared for the defense of democrat fascismu.
which the press reports, or join in the ligures of the circulation of the cle and the Committee of Ten. not satisfied even with that. These and lose it in reality. This means le rights. That is a step forward.
with the Chambers of Commerce Daily Worker published on June 19 that were the case they must hrowd men realized that about Blum leader states that the pressure of the workers is But at the same time he makes and the lawyers of the American connection with the drive for have had it in mind to raise the 90 of the importance of a law front, but you must cease attacking doubled. We are ready to make a united not yet strong enough. It must be two steps backward. He limits de mocracy to the freedom of assemBar Association in demanding more twenty thousand new readers, it pitiable circulation in the Pittsbrutal punishments against offend. Seltjart of the drive to double the burgh district from 481. Their real depends upon the people who are us. In other words, Blum is ready But Cachin and Thorez blage and press, and to proportionenforcing it, and so they saw to it ers. What fudges and lawyers call Duilis circulation by January 1, perspective in this situation is to be that the President appointed 3o8. to accept collaboration in the de French leaders also fear al elections in the Chamber of De. of it fense against fascism only if his the united front which is the con crime is nothing but an out 1935. Fifteen years after the found not in the news columns, Kennedy to the chairmanship of growth of the system in which we launching of the Communist Party, nor the editorials, nor anywhere collaborator changes his opinion of demnation of their whole pust pol in the most opportunist manner live, with its exploitation and dis in the fifth year of an unprecedentenve in the circulation quotas for the Stock Exchange Commission. Blum, or desists from saying what icy. Precisely because of this the Secondly, he makes a profession crimination and poverty and hunged crisis, with more than ten mil. tour districted Theirs aute irure three as the business men say. flad the absurds when passengers to this with it, play the hyperite instead error had made Thorez say nous than the right man for the right job he thinks of him. But is 16 this Sulinists befuddle the issue, juggle of patriotie faith. typographical exploitation is allowed to remain, xroat offensive by labor, with no ers. The quota is 300! The strike New York to risco he could not stage coach are held up they de of telling the truth. The pressure aimons notre patrie (we love our so long will crime exist no matter daily working class papers with talk is for the reader and to fool have found in more fitting candidate into the opinions that they bave the bureaucrats to engage in the to say notre pays our country: how vicious the laws that are which to compete, the circulation the kullible.
to regulate the exchanges.
of the Daily Worker, the passed.
about each other.
Less than 4, 000 for Steel Last winter, right in the policy of the united front, at least Hem! These subtleties will not ganiner of the Stalinist Communist Blum only increases the abOnly One Way Out It is true that not more than all of the Pecora investigations, Jos.
words, but it did not force them serve to hide the basle fact. Thores The only way that crime can be rty is only thirty one thousands of the four hundred thousandsted. Kennedy carried on Swede mand his peeltion by writing. The work Marxdan manuer.
surdity and the erroneousness of as yet to carry on this licy in a and Cachin has contrived to give a chauvinist tone to their new posiabolished is to give people a decent day! Is this not a confession of workers are in and around Pitts ipulation with Ilarry Sinclair and chance to live; is to abolish all failure and isolation?
private property, all monopoly and The Daily tiguros apply nation, the quota. there is 3:20. Bleming who served prisone sentences, in time make a united front. It is most critical period in history, con the first link in a well known chato: burgh. There are some in Buffalo: mis partner Mason Day. both of ers will not understand how we can But what can oue say of two tion in defense of democracy. It attack each other and at the same bureaucratie nppniratuses that in a is necessary to call that danger by exploitation and then no man will ally to twenty six districts, lo only ham200: Cleveland 900: Chicago the so called repeal stocks.
go out to commit burglary when his tive New York exclusive house is well stocked with food and Buffalo arou, Philadelphia, Cleve sand.
protit or 325, 000 by buying and stands well the psychology of min and seek, disorient the workers and the one that tles the hands of the proletariat the moment war breaks necessary clothing and no womanland, Detroit, and Chicago has the The Pittsburgh figures must also selling a million shares of the Lib isters, of parliaments, of salons and lose precious time. These appara editorial offices: but he undertuses have become a terrifle break out!
will walk the streets when she has endly a circulation of more than apply to the thousands of miners in by Owen Ford Glass Co. stock.
Learned professors may write books percent of the total circulation workers. Similar perspectives ob modest suin of 00, 000 without hav. comfortable home of her own. We thousand! More than forty the district as well as the steel this sum Mr. Kennedy received the stands absolutely nothing of the upon the proletarian revolution. istater cand doubt that the sociale psychology of the proletariat. Every Our epoch is in need of a new parts ist center and left leadership have about the criminal mind and how comes from New York, presumably tain for the other industries. Ining to put up a cent.
nists and the Socialists make a blocstand and which can act. To pre suy: If the Commu. which can see, which can under found a guarantee in this new orientation. There is no wonder that some people are naturally bad just New York City and vicinity. In the figures, not the news and Pontius Investigates Pilate they feel a kinship with Thores.
as the rest of us are naturally good Detroit, center of the great automo editorials are to be found the And this Jos. Kennedy, the despite their irreconciluble differ pare such a party is the most imlaw abiding citizens but that is all bile industry, the stalinists admit real perspectives of the stalinists worst kind of Wall St. speculator. ences, it means that the danger is portant task of the advance they in that this clipping in nonsense! There is no such thing their failure with a circulation of It is a confession of bankruptey. is going to watch over Wall St. to really mortal: it means that we workers. the as a natural criminal. You can only 1, 596. In Pittsburgh, center Were we to take the Stalinists at see that it goes straight. and just must redouble our efforts, it means Verite, July 1934 the most important element constitution the united front.
examine any set of statistics, of any of the steel industry, it is even their word and accept them and to show the contidence they have in that we must arm ourselves.
Messrs. leaders, you must not take te the number on your wrapper is Finally it is necessary to emphasize this extraordinary phenomenfind that invariably 99 of all where their work in the Scottsboro of the Bolshevik October and the of the commission) who victously the workers for babes in the woods.
on: the bureaucracy of the crimes committed crimes case give them a base for work and bearers of the traditions of Marx attacked this very same pool in the You need not color and mask reallaccomplishes a 180 degrees turn against property and are due solely influence they have a circulation of and Lenin, as the Lovestoneites do scoute Banking Report, has just ts. You must tell the workers the to unemployment, to poverty and only 301. In the important cities we should have to conclude that turned over his proxy to Kennedy, truth.
without even thinking of opening a or smaller, your subscription to the discussion or of informing the per5. The Stalinists reply to Blum: Militant expired. Do not delay.
to want.
of St. Louis and Buffalo they have there is no hope for Marxism in the permitting the latter to vote for him Why is it that so many of our respectively 226 and 529. So it is United States. But we need not at meetings. This is just to show We will not criticize you within Send your renewal in at once and Lights extinguished the turn is ac young men must embark upon a with other cities and districts accept the Stalinists at their word.
how seriously they take the whole the limits of the tasks of the united so save us unnecessary labor and complished. It is not in this mancareer of crime. Why must so nothing to bear out their boasting. They are no longer the representa investigation.
reserve. you cannot renew at er that Communist cadres are edumany of young working boys vioReaders and Members tives of the Bolshevik October. It Thus the net results after an criticizing you in other questions this time let us know how soon you cated.
late the law. Let us take another look at the is true they try to cloak themselves investigation costing hundreds of One absurdity is piled upon anoth can.
And what will be the program of The Biggest Grab of All figures. They will tell us more with its glorious traditions, but thousands of dollars money finding the united front?
Simply because 90 of all our The circulation of the revolutionary they have betrayed it. No longer its existence from the blood and Up till now it has limited itselt wealth Iles in the hands of 10 press has always been considerably a revolutionary party, they are a brawn and muscle of the American THE NEW INTERNATIONAL to the defense against Fascism.
of the people. Solely because a larger than the party membersnip. reactionary force. Their blatant working man and women we are An Organ of Revolutionary Marxism That is an important task, but it pack of robber barons have mono The reasons are obvious. The Stal. claims makes an even less serious going to have a Wall St. speculator, can only serve as the arena for a polized the earth to themselves, inists generally exaggerate the dif impression on the working clase regulating Wall St. The President Max Shechtman, Editor Martin Abern, Bus. Mgr. more direct struggle to overthrow have stolen all the forests, the oil ference. Thus in Germany today which turns from them with repug gratuitous insult to the intelligence Station Post Office Box 119 Doumergue. We not insist on lands, the coal, the copper and iron where the Lovestoneites accordance and bitterness.
of the workers, by this appointment, New York, NY.
this essential question today. For ore and have passed laws to com them twenty thousand members in There is a great future for Marx will not be forgotten by ns. This One Year, 50; Seven Issues, 00; Single Copy, 15 Cents; our part we consider that ideas enpel the rest of us to pay tribute to the underground they claim a week ism in the United States as all over glaring contrast between the word Canada and Foreign countries One Year, 75.
uneiated in our program of action ly circulation for the illegal Rote the world. That future lies with and deeds of the President will help in the last issue of Verite (we will When you go out and try to find Fahne of a million and a half! But the Fourth International and its thousands of workers to realize enclose herewith. for which please enter my publish a resume of this program a plot of land to cultivate you find here in the where they claim American section. Encouraged by more than anything else, that capisubscription for the NEW INTERNATIONAL: of action in the next issue of the that everything has been fenced off twenty four thousand members they the self confessed bankruptcy of Italism can never reform itself, and Militant Ed. constitutes the only Name long before you came, and a large admit to only thirty one thousand the Staliniste, let us put new ener can live only by exploitation and program by means of which the sign planted in front, Private Pro readers of their daily press. Sory into the work of rooting the robbery. And only a workers govAddress united proletariat will be able to perty Keep Out.
little is thefr influence. And what Fourth International in the ! ernment working for Socialism can fulfil its historie tasks.
When you go into a city and want of the hundred and twenty five Let us build the new revolutionary provide real justice to the working City. NAVILLE, writing in to ride on the subway or the street thousand members they say they Communist Party. STAMM. class and humanity as a whole.
La Verito, July 6, 1994 er.
or Of worker 234 are them.