AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninLeninismMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietSpainStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE THE METTANT SATURDAY JULY 28, 1934 REVIEWING THE NEWS Civil Liberties Under The New Deal QUESTION BOX New Castle Unemployed THE WORLD Organize OF LABOR Stalin Keeps Historiander the control of the of Liberty Under the New Deal The police, it is found, have been the New Castle, Pa. July 23. Ori an appropriate time, showing their Democratie Law and Order Record for 1933 34. Published by most active agents of interference COMRADE d, Newark. The ghnality and versatility are two of contempt for days and seasons. Towards a Western European From the Pacife Const the caplthe Civil Liberties Union. with the rights to meet, speak, dis proletariat in this country is made the many qualities which the pro Since that date, the of has Congress of Workers talist press reported armed viglThis pamphlet, issued by the tribute literature and to picket in up as follows. 1929 figures, waggressive workers of New Castle been representing the Interests of lantes (Boss term for strikebreak Civil Liberties Union in June, 1984 strikes. bill intended to permit and salary earners in thousands) possess, if one is to judge by their the and the workers. At present, beginning of broad years. This town Now that the Trust Tin Plate united front movements have alera) smashing up workers balls suffers obviously from the fact that political refugees asylum in the Agricultural. 2, 027 record over many is known as mills here have shut down to one ready been commenced in France, and homes, beating up men and wo it could not include in its report United States was so changed as to Electrle light and power, gas 330 years ago hud what men, destroying property with the the red balting and labor hating confine its provisions solely to re1, 064 One of the Reddlest locals of the half capacity, the of shallin, Belgium, Holland, and Eng.
full approval and armed support of terror that is now going on in San actionary Russians Czarists and Mining.
9, 840 Socialist arty in the country. It represent the luterests of every unlund, und while the whole movethe capitalist state. From Seattle Francisco and other cities of the enemies of the Soviet Union. The Manufacturing fought for the veto of the Construction.
elected a Socialist administration employed worker in New Castle. ment is still only in its initial stage, comes the story of 3, 400 National West Coast. very definite short1, 360 in 1943. In the early days, a local This developed at a mass meeting it is already evident that this offers Guards armed with machine guns, coming, however, of the pamphlet bill but it was signed.
Trumportation 2, 905 workers press was published here. held Monday, July 23, at Dean not only the best but the only way rifles, tear gas, vomit gas and light Liberty Under the New Deal Is signiticant itern under the head.
Communication 533 the name of which is still well re ark. After hearing a fine report of chexklug the development of bowitzers moving on to attack pick that overbearing evidence is ad Ing. Aliens, 18 that where the re Trade 5, 52 berud by the old timers. Dur from their chairmun, and a stirring seimad turning the tide in faeting strikers. After listing the need from cases in which the port points out that the Labor Deing the World War, a large local address from one of their militant vor of the working class, Finance.
1, 122 strength of the armed forces of the was directly involved. Matters partnient policy has been wome of the Industrial Workers of the organizers, the meeting got down to In Suin where the first permabosses the report concludes: a being so, the review, of necessity. what modified by the disaffiliation Government 3, 003 World Hlourished here and defied the business of organizing every neut miteal front organization, the striking seaman was arrested and suffers from an all too oneslided ap of the Trade Union Unity League Service 4, 858 live repressions in their anti war ward in the city and the county Workery Alliance against Reaction Miscellaneous found to be carrying a knife. Here proach to the general question of from the Red International of 2, 260 activity. The local workers have districts as well. Ward and town und Puscism was formed, the move.
Is the content of capitalist demo liberty or repression under the New bor Unions. The price paid for likewise distinguished themselves ship committees were named by the ment continues to make great head.
craes. Howitzers, gas and machine Deal.
American recognition of Soviet Rus Total. 35, 206 by the great battles which they workers volunteering their service. way. In spite of the subotage of guns to defend the profits of the Militant Tone sia has, at least, helped Frank There are about million owners waged against the Steel Trust, es It is now in order to estimate the socialist and anarcho syndicalboss arrest for the striking worker All in all the pamphlet strikes a Borich, secretary of the National and tenant farmers, and 1, 060, 00 recally in 1:09 und 1919. They this organization prospects and to ist leaders, the most important secwho carried a knife.
fairly militant tone. Despite sec Miners Union who had deportation owners of retail stores. This latter look au wful beating in both prescribe or describe certain condi tors of the labor movement are adtion 7a of the NRA and despite all proceedings cancellation.
as a direct gure having been 010, 007 Istrikes; the unions were success tions unde which is can become out hering to the Workers Alliance un 19:20 the blabbering of the various result of the fully broken up by a combination standing in the labor movement. der pressure of the evolutionary And the Ass Spake shades of pink in the labor move Why the Omissions?
ofthe strategy employed by the Provided that the of can minorities within their ranks. The Since the time when God opened ment is to labor, at last, coming And here permit us in few criti Trust and the traitorous inaneou rutill certain conditions, its futuro and the Anarchists conthe mouth of Baulam ass and the into its own, it is clearly pointed cisms of the Civil Liberties Union hear that the Stalinists bad three Amalgamated Association. In cdu United States is entering a new of the working class for those of SARA Where did you vers of the of skates in the is bright, as it appears that the time to betray the general interests 188 spake other asses with collars out that the government in so far which proclaims to be non partisan positions on the Saar julebisciter citional activity, turned backward have had their as it has intereeded in recent strike but goes out of its way in its ef: You must have reference to the ap: workers here have promisured many rument is daily revealing the uc tunately both sectarian tendencies the vanguardph of class struggles. The Cov their own particulant group. Formouths opened or what is the occastrugeles, has done so exclusively forts to uchieve a rapprouchment xal to the Suur Workers by the forums and lectures which may tual content of the new deal. The are becoming ever more isolated sion required by their God and mas on the side of the bosses. with the Stalinists. Under that where it states: At first they will have become models for the public debt grows at the expense of from the proletarian masses. The ter, Big Business. Despite the gen The pamphlet is summarized un sume heading, Allens, one expected (the Stalinists. stood unconeral moronie qualities of gentle der various headings such as to find a review nay a mere men. ditionally for return tu Germany, now, as if to crown their forty year index falls. And the workingclass demonstrates the possibility of deworkingclass everywhere. And the workingclass. The economic experiences thus far in Spain men of the cloth really believe Courts, Laws, Strikes, Labor Intion of the Belussi case with which then they sputed hollow phrases labor record, they have organized is becoming organization conscious. veloping borond united front movethat the Rev. James Henry, dis Junctions, Aliens, etc. etc. The the was involved. Not a about a Soviet Germany and tuully their own unemployed organization, all these and more form a back ut in the present period, in spite cussing the general strike, has dindings under some of these beadword. In Los Angeles Wirin, in the last buur cume out for the the co operative Workers of Ameri ground aguint which the of of all the sabotage and betrayals reached a depth of assininity that ings is that a larger share of lib Beardsley and other lawyers con status quo. may stand out. There are at of reformists it will be hard to beat. This pareral opinion has prevailed in this nected with the Union were Instrusectarians.
Apparently, the first two are but ticular servant of Christ is doing last year than heretofore. The Civ. mental in getting a reverse deci Movement Under Way least two conditions with which the demonstrates the inherent ability of his soul saving at the Park Ave Liberties Union is particularly ion on appeal in an anti picketing two faces of the same coin.
The of organized at a of must comply it it would the proletariat to overcome the diEpiscopal Methodist Church. Listen happy orer the Administration ac case where one of our comrades. Iesolution of the Presidium of the mass meeting held early in the play its role well: First, it must Vixion existing within its ranks.
The western European Workers driving the money changers from Indians. The bill restoring Indian mention. In San Francisco where April 1, 1953) the establishinent of nitters picked Faster Sunday asty and Muncipal governments and liances have before them the the temple. Radicals who attack tribal lands and tribal autonomy, our comrades were arrested and dean eu fascist dictatorship.
all their agencies (especially the retask of mashing Puseism and lay.
agencles. mil the government while enjoying its etc. is described in the report as fended by Austin Lewis no mencelerates the rate of Germany de in the basis for the Soviet United protection were conderoned. We milestone on the road to the In tion. But if some paper victory velopinent towards proletarian reveven give people permission to stand dans recovering their lost indeby now entirely in the limbo folutiu, then the best thing for capitalists; second, it must logically States of Europe.
conduct all its activity in consonThe last number of the Internaon our streets, besmirch our laws pendence. Also, the report com memory only by the National Min the Saar workers would be rePromises and pour contempt upon our instiments favorably on the Administraers Union in Gallup. it is turn to revolutionary Germany.
ance with the recognition of print tional Bulletin of the Internationone, alist Comununists, post the ques tutions while our own officers of the tion attitude towards the Amer halled as notable among the gains This is the logle of the first post tion of an International conference Forward to New Positions law protect them. d like to give ican colonies.
No one who has read the of unionism. The winning of a tion held by the Stalinists, and talk of the Workers Alliances of France, the Reverend Parasite a little of Roosevelt Terror Times for July 20, will say that So far the leadership of the tighting union by the Minneapolis of a Soviet Germany is merely that protection. Mr. Henry reLynchings in the past year have truck drivers, the beroic battles of part of it.
stalin does not live up to the com o has been characterized by Spain, Belgium, Holland. England.
much dependence on the Federal lated a story of an American man Jumpel from ten the previous year the Toledo workers no mention! It is, of course, impossible for us mitments which his righthund man and State relief agencies, the Towards the New Party in Chile ufacturer who, finding his plant HO Stalinists there.
to twenty eight. Troops have been there were no to give you any official reason for Litvinot made to President Roosepicketed by strikers, invited them called out in states against strik The slus of the pamphlet are in the change because the Stalinists velt in return for recognition of. admiuistration, etc. Now with Ite. ently, the Communist Left of to go fishing with him. Many dlaers. Over forty injunctions have the main sins of omission. It would simply dou give any. In an ur Soviet Russia. In an article by the the personal record of the leaders and, turned to work. But, says the ling or suspending the right to or with the its ideal conition in the saur Question (Daily pontent for Russia, Ilaroid Denny, rel; they are conscientious in the ternationalist Communists 80 and the next day, the men rebeen issued by state courts restrict serve little purpose here to debateticle entitled The Communist Po New York Times, July 21, corres or the of we have no quar Chile, Section of the League of InIrformance their duties as they which has broad influence among Reverend Longears, you can treat ganize, strike or to picket. Moreception of government, its fighting Worker, July 19, 1934) un certain discussing the Seventh World Conile workers, signed a pact with the radicals and reds that way. They than 16 strikers have been killed for the rights of all Naxis incluid Mueller condemns the Back to Bress of the Comintern, which it is understand them, but this is insuf have no loyalty to our Institutions and over alle wounded boom picketea. One can, however, hoppe tint in Germany slogans as follows to date will be held in die hard, the effectively, they must recognize the agreeing for joint action in build Youth. Their boast is that they are citl. lines or in demonstrations. Sever the future such reviews, as the pre advocate union with Hitler Gerllowing comments are made: role of the New Deal and its agening the Fourth International. The zens of the world. After this bray al hundred have been arrested. It sent, will begin to picture events many would mean to betray the An interesting feature is that cies. This, we grant, comes by ex. Communist Youth Opposition is an he went on to show that the world must again be borne in mind that in the United States throngh their workers, would mean to udvocate most of the data on the coming perience in the case of the wide autonomous organization, spontanwas an economic unity with each the publication date of the report own reflection and not from their being placed under the beel meeting published in Soviet press masses. In the case of the leaders, cously revolting against the Stalinor elections raw materials and manufactured med strikes have marked all the crazy mirrors of the of Hitler fascisin. and then he are translations from Communist it means that if they cannot aid the ist bureaucracy, which split away fuils to explain the change in posi publications in other countries. unemployed to understand the ex from the official several goods. In other words he showed great unorganized industries. The GLEE.
tion as follows: They (the This is probably motivated by periences through which they pass, months ago the economie basis for being citicd. declure most emphatically. desire to make Moscow appear less the leaders must give way to others zens of the world. His final word that the Communists are making a the center of the world revolution. who can by their policies and leador all the South American counwas to advise listeners who were volte fuce. that the tactics pursued We had always been tries, it is in Chile that the moveleaving New York to attend some given to ership, give expression to the suc inent for the new party is most adby the Communists the Saar understand that the Communist cessive stages of mass conscious devanced. The stondy. consistent other hop Joint even if it didn were and are correct. They could party of the was the lead velopment and also ald its evolu work of the Bolshevik Leninists in belong to the Methodist syndicate not make the tactical decision they ing jarty of the Communist Inter tion. The tendency so far of the the industries and in the unions is What strange, crawling creatures are How making six months or a national and that its. voice was present leadership has been to refatten under decaying capitalism!
yeur 150, because the development most influential in shaping worla pose faith in the New Deal. They laying cbe basis for a real Commuof the class forces and the sudden policies. This fact quoted in the inust expose It, while exhausting all nist Party. Although lacking rela It is Reported Second Drive Ende That the capitalists are deteror unexpected turns in events be Times does not leads to change posible ngencies or reliet. The tively great resources that the mined to break the resoluteness of fore the holding of the plebiscite our position to the effect that some leaders of the of do have our comrades are making them Hitler a prisoner. screamed the Local New York in the Lead.
The second Club Plan Sub drive the workers in the present strike might have rendered necessary other party of the Comintern has a militant policy against evictions Daily Worker. The source of their Dewr, according to themselves, in which ends August 1st has brought Wave was clearly evidenced during to adopt another attitude in tbe takeu the place of the it This is good. Apply this militant selves ieit in every field. new fortnigi. tly newspaper has been from General Motors Berlin by in a total of 403 new subscribers the past week in California and in Saar question. Can you make wouldn make much di Terence to attitude in its denings with the New launched under the name Izquier head or tail of this hodge podge. exchange one corpse for another Deal agencies and great victories aa (Left) which is a cable to Morgan, and from up to the present writing. few sinneapolis, Wholesale arrests, unwarranted Why the change, still remains un but that the World Congress, post shall result. Take up the cases of proversitove the bulletin pub Morgan by authentic word to the more are expected before the final soon Morgan got the cable he an indication. He writes, asking places and offices: surprise raids on answered. The turn cannot be utponed for five years will merely be workers refused relief, who have listed previously.
Daily Worker. suppose that as date, if George Truhar letter is attacks on workers halls, meeting tributed to a change in the stala rubber stamp for all the crimes of recently lost work. Rely only on mass pressure. Forward to new Can send in another 20 subs by the homes of Individuals active linist position concerning the pres. Stalinisın.
One Indication of the fear of the said: By George! must call up the struggle. This is the record of ent situation in Germany. The Further down the correspondentsitions. ruling classes for the Communist Hathaway about this. However, midnight of July 31st?
California democracy during the same Mueller states: With the says it is uiteresting and perhaps Luft, is indicated by the recent atas the Freiheit says, if it wasn New Subs Last Week past few days.
tack on our parliamentary repre.
true yesterday it will be tomorrow.
tactics they are adopting, the Com significant to note that not only the Bronx Spartacus Youth The workers only response in munists deliberately turn the atten. Soviet publications, but communist sentative, Comrade Emilo Zapata And so like the American corres Club Jean Tomasini Dead this situation is organization. Ortion of the proletarians in the Saar party, terances, including stateby the carabineers. Comrade Zappondent in the movie Viva Villa. Bob Green (Bronx Br. 15 ganization is no abstraction.
ata was shot in the head and serithe Dally Worker scored a scoop District and of all countries to the meute in behalf of the Conintern Cleveland Br. Trubar) 28 living matter, its importance is in Comrade Jean Tomasini, a young. ously injured in what appears to even if the action is somewhat dethe ideas it fosters and sponsors. revolutionary upsurge which is tak do not mention the United States. pronising member of the Bronx have been an attempt to apsinate Chicago Branch layed.
In the Communist League of Amering place under the leadership of The interests of the national pol Branch of the Communist langue him. Stone, Phila.
bey of the ruling clique in the Sov of America, died Thursday, July 19 the Mich.
ica these ideas are the ideas of iet Union have developed to such a Marxism and when you build the Can the change be attributed to point where it has become possible comrades who knew and worked Regional Conference of the after a protracted illness. All the War and oll 63 Communist League you strike a pressure from the workers. This for the theoreticians of the Stalin Some years ago when American Complete Record blow for the present and the future inay be a factor.
with her are deeply grieved by her Catalonian Workers Alliance regime to analyze the world sitmarines were killed at Socony HD 95 Local New York of the revolutionary movement. Our in China some Ameriean liberals Orgination Press campaign has sons, in harmony with the entire the cconomic and litical pivot of work in the Communist movement However, the most likely of rea uation and uit the United States passing from our midst when her The Workers Alliance of Cataasked why should United States Cleveland Branch been conceived of as the weapon for Stalinist nationalistic approach, is international events today from had but begun.
lonia united front organization of soldiers die defending the robber Chicago Branch 82 this task. When you support us in the fact that the Soviet Union their caleulations.
the workers of all the main political wealth of Standard Oil Co. of New 40 Minneapolis Branch this drive you strike a blow at the stands ready to join the League of tendencies of that region, held its But it is not always that the York. Standard Oil Co. doesn inwhite terror of the bosses.
Place Orders for the time this was during the height 36 LAN Angeles Branch Nations which now nominally rules United States is left out of consid sist on using only soldiers to Receipts eration sometimes says Denny, the Saar.
do its dirty work.
Philadelphia Branch 16 Paraguay has Total reported thus far. 360, 08 Since recognition the tone of the New International of the agitation over the Catalonian placed a memorial before the Davenport Branch 12 Total since last report. 18. 60 government and party las been ex land law, when the relations beLeague of Nations charging that the 12 Pittsburgh Branch as follows: Goethals. Strikebreaker tremely friendly. towards us.
tween the central and regional govLeague Branches are requested Standard Oll Co. is paying the Bol Youngstown Branch crniments were very strained. The R. Hermann, Chicago. 00 News of strikes in San Francisco to place their orders for the Ivian army to hold its Chaco oil Conference adopted a resolution Boston Branch Podell, Brooklyn 00. An elaborate military plan for and other American cities is being second issue of the NEW INTERfields. The memorial states that Meisel.
stating that in the event of the esChicago Friends of the 00 breaking the proposed general published in the press here, but NATIONAL at once, in case they the Bolivian oil concessions to Manhattan Branch, 55 strike of the railroad unions thir without comment.
tablishment of an independent Cawish to increase their bundle Talonian Republic, the Workers AlMilitant Club Standard Oll have increased from Communists, are arrested, jailed 00 teen years ago was revealed to the order. Orders not placed in ad386, 000 to 2, 703, 000 square miles San Francisco Branch (from Bass 50)
and beuten, headquarters liance would defend Catalonia vance cannot be guaranteed shipsince the war began press this week by Major Elihu We don Constance Stylus, Bronx Br. 00 ment. The first issue was sold nguinst any attack of the central know what oil company is financing New Haven Branch Local New York. 3120 Church, who assisted Major Gen. smashed, a general strike such as Americu lins not seen for years government and would rally the out completely.
George Goethals, engineer in the Paraguayan army but we do Toronto proletariat of all Spain to its deshocks the bourgeoisie of the counSterling. 00 Send orders for bundles or subcharge of Panama Canal, in preknow that the patriots and hertry and then is betrayed. And the fense. At the same time an effort Manne. 10. 00 Stone, Phila.
scriptions to. oes who are dying in the Chaco paring the plan.
Soviet press has nothing to say but 00 should be made to transform the THE NEW INTERNATIONAL swamps are tools of the same or Berkeley (Kogan) party. 11. 25 Had the strike taken place, it publish the news. What a let down Catalonian Republio into a Socialist STATION D, BOX 119 similar interests to those who sent Collin, Brooklyn 1, 00 was planned to institute martial since the days of Lenin.
NEW YORK, republic.
the National Guards to shoot down Ludington, Mich. Anonymous, 00 law in all strategie areas, requisiThe following immediate de striking workers in America, 80 tion all trucks, and set aside roads Ben. and Porter Cleveland (Abrams)
mands were formulated by the ReBoston Branch (Bolan) 00 for the sole use of the strikebreuk. MOONLIGHT EXCURSION Leeser Kional Conference in which dele1. 00 ing military.
Roosevelt? No, Lovestone Anonymous, gates from Syndicalist, Socialist, New Castle Branch Cleveland Branch 00 Goethals and Church were then trade union and independent Com In addition to our economie 10 New Castle Branch Los 00 members of the Port of New York Saturday, August 18th, 1934 munist organizations represented terest we have a very vital political Newark Branch Boston Branch (Bolan) 50 Authority. Among the steps carthe majority of the proletariat of Interest in Cuba. We snatched Oakland Branch Friend, 50ried out was a census, worked out Catalonia: The arming of the workCuba from Spain because it fitted Springfield Branch Special Note: with motor vehicle authorities in ers, complete liberty of organization into our dream of empire. My emSt. Louis Branch All those who have received cou. New York and New Jersey, of ev Dancing and propaganda for all workers or phasis B) Workers Age, July 15.
Osborn, Frisco pon books and have not yet re ery motor truck in the city and ganiation, expropriation of the As an American speaking to Toronto Branch sponded or returned the book, will their capacities in terms of ton Entertainment estates of the most active leaders of SO Americana, do not feel it appro Toronto Youth Club kindly do so and so avoid the nec miles on a twenty four hour basis.
the Regionalist LLIGA. the clospriate to make suggestions to those Waukegan Branch essity of sending them a follow up Military authorities of both states, Refreshments ing of all Fascist centers, arrest of South of the Rio Grande. want Ross Moran In the last issue, an error was as well as of the regular army.
the Fascist leaders, and the fortyrather to say few words about Rumble made in reporting the returns from said Church, were consulted and a four hour week in all branches of what we Americans should do as a Jefferson Rall New York Local. The total was plan worked out for the strategle SEAGATE industry.
people, if we wish to promote bet 57, 25 for all the branches. Not as nse of available troops to act as Larving Pier 11, East River, foot Wall St. at P.
Steps ter relations with our neighbors to Second Drivo Total 453 it appeared, 57. 25 in addition to convoys for the food trucks.
fere were also taken at the Confor the coordination of the the south. Bert Wolfe, Workers First Drive Total 1014 Tteket 00 what the branches turned in. An Like the San Francisco and Minactivities of the Workers Alliances Age, July 16. BILL.
other error was the contribution neapolis authorities, General GoethAusplees: International Workers School, 144 Second Avenue, throughout the country.
Total for both drives 1467 from Konikow of Boston. It als planned to break the strike unSUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT.
new subs. should have been 5, not 15. der the guise of transporting food.
JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE Militant Org Press Builders Campaign 8 4