CapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerImperialismInvasionItalyMussoliniNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeTrotskyWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 30 (WHOLE NO. 234 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 28, 1934 PRICE CENTS TROOPS RULE MINNEAPOLIS Police Arrest Cannon and Shachtman VICTIM DENOUNCES POLICE LIES WARLOOMS AS POWERS CLASH OVER AUSTRIA 40, 000 Join Rush Funds for Cannon Shachtman Defense Drivers Ranks Mass Funeral Solid Despite forHarry Ness Provocation Local574 on Martial Law Frisco League iselo mo ng pagkaing dan en er en and Ehete domics, ighting for a right to like be Firm in Wave erected from a borondecasting appar.
of Boss Terror to Simon Barach, badly wounded by police thugs yesterday, is now Comrades Shachtman and Cunnon have been arrested by the in General Hospital, where he isMinneapolis police, the first vietims of the terrifle red balting sued the following statement. campaign unleashed by the bosses. In this we witness once more The outright published in the celebrated frame up methods of American capitalism hitting last night Star, that told the directly at the Communist Lange. But in its essence it is a part police that Communist party lead.
of the general efforts to break the truck drivers strike and if ers said would get a good job possible to crush their splendid lighting union.
if joined the strike, wish to (Ieprinted froin The Organizer, July 25, 1934)
The strike is solid. No trucks move. But the bosses bring refute absolutely. made no (By Wire)
statement to the press or to po One of the most solemn and im into play their most deadly weapons: the frame up, armed police MINNEAPOLIS, July 26. With Central Europe was charged with the dynamite of a new world war lice stenographers beyond giving pressive gatherings ever witnessed attacks and martial law.
the declaration of martial law, when the Nazis assassinated Dollfuss in an unsuccessful move to extend my name and address. have in the city of Minneapolis, was seen Help is needed to defend our comrades against this dastardly Minneapolis police began a howl.
the boundaries of Hitlerism Into Austria.
talked to no Communist party when 40, 000 workingment and wo frame up Rush funds immediately to the militant office.
ing red scare and arrested Com.
Not since 1914 have the explosives of international conflagration leaders.
men assembled to pay tribute to the rade James Cannon, editor of been nearer to ignition. Italy has mobilizied 40, 000 troops on the was not paid a red cent to first martyr or Local 574, Henry the Militant and Comrade Max picket for 574, por do expect to Ness.
Austrian border, holding them in readiness for any eventualities. YugoShachtman, editor of the New slavia has brought its army to the frontier where shots are reported receive anything. am a mem Men and their families, from ev.
International today.
to bave been fired. France and England make ominous pledges to guar ber of the Minneapolis Central ery trade and industry, Union men The arrest of these leaders of Council of Workers, organization and unorganized, employed and un the Communist League of Ameri.
antee Austrian independence.
Whether the powder keg which Europe is will now go up in exploof employed and unemployed. employed, come from all parts of (Reprinted from The Organizer, July 25, 1934)
est, in Minneapolis covering the Realizing that 574 battle is the the city to honor the first man to There is increasing talk about establishing martial law in Minnea strike situation for the Militant sion and thrust humanity into a bloody slaughter is still unclear from battle of all Minneapolis workers give his life so that others might polis. Some reports even indicate the possibility of martial law being and the New International, took reports in the press. But certain it is that the latest events in Austria against their common oppressors, Hve, the fearless warrior who was established by the time this issue of The Organizer is on the press.
on a sinister aspeet when it behave the making of another Sarejevo. was more than glad to do my shot down in cold blood by Johan The thousands of National Guardsmen encamped in the city are to take came known that they were held IMPERIALIST CONFLICTS UNDERLIE AUSTRIAN SITUATION part on the picket line. will mes, the Murderer, shot in the back control in the present strike situation and regulate all activity by force by authorities without charges.
always hold myself in readiness by cowards who dared not face him.
There the tense situation which grips the world in a state of unAll the earmarks of a frame up of their military authority and arms.
to fight for the working class Not policeman was in sight as The establishment of martial law means a recognition that a state were present in the case in the certainty expresses the congealing of imperialist rivalries which are anywhere.
the grim thousands gathered at the announcement by police that rapidly approaching the one remaining issue war. The struggle for (Signed) Simon Barach, call of 571. Starting from the fun of war exists which cannot be dealt with by the ordinary police author they had seized a large quantity markets, the trade wars, the conflict over colonies and fields for expanstrike reading is a they marched to the itles. And, in a certain sense, it cannot be denied that a state of war of radical literature in a room sion which have given way to the mad race for armaments underlie occupied by one of the men.
the earthquake that is rocking Austria. torious Garage, packing the streets men are fighting for something more than a hard crust of bread for The New York branch of the Whatever credence one can place in the denials of Nazi officials that the Putsch of their brother murderers to the South is a purely Austrian through. In front of the headquar being. It is a war of cruelly exploited workingmen against a predatory Communist Lengue of America has ters, temporary stand had been band of business barons who stin think they can rule over labor like arranged mass meeting affair and that they are pursuing a hands off polley. the indubitable fact remains that the Austrian Nazi movement is a creature of Hitler.
arrest of comrades atus set up. from which last tribthe feudal lords ruled over the serfs barons of commerce and finance protest the Shachtman.
Financed from Berlin and Munich, furnished with tons of propaganda who are set up on bringing to their knees the slaves who are determined numbers of revolutionary workers Large utes were paid the heroie martyr.
from Goebbels headquarters and given courage and inspiration by belllWilliam Brown president of to stand up like men.
will jam Irving Plaza hall, where cose radio broadcasts against Austrian officials and government, tho Tocal 574, spoke about the fighter In this war of poverty against wealth, of labor against capital, the meeting will be held on Sunday, whom he had known so well and there is no room for No Man land of neutrality. You are either July 20th at PM. Reports have Austrian Naxis pressed forward with the conviction that German PasSan Francisco. July 22. AL who was so beloved by all the men on the side of the men and their families who refuse any longer to live arrived here that similar protest cism stood solidly behind them, though the police and police backed He was so overcome with emotion on fourteen, or twelve, or ten dollars a week, or you are on the side of meetings are to be held in several HITLER DESIRE FOR THE ANSCHLUSS vigllante committees have opened as he spoke about fought many good batBut it was not for fraternal synpathy alone that the Nazis in Aus. new and sudden attack on radi side he had the man by whose the men who refuse to grant them a higher wage. You are either on other cities.
the side of the men who strike, or you are on the side of those who cals throughout the San Francisco tles, that he was unable to say tria counted on help from Germany. The irresistible push of German Bay District, new members have more than a few brief words.
want to smash the strike. You are either for the right to peaceful pick(By Wire)
Minneapolis, July 26. Martial imperialism to break out of the boundaries of Versailles to find new bee gained and new activities un Albert Goldman, the noted labor tine, or you are for the right of the police to massacre the plekets.
markets and to retrieve her lost colonies drove towards the Anschluss dertaken by the Communist League attorney from Chicago who is now you are either for the right of the workers to organize their own Union law was proclaimed here today by as the first point of attack.
here. The morale of the Bay Dis attached to the Unton legal statt, to defend themselves, or you are for the right of the employers to Olson, in an effort to break the Recent events in Germany lend confirmation to the belief that the trict organizations has been un followed him on the tribune.
In crush the Union.
general strike of drivers and help hand of Hitler has helped to engineer the Vienna putsch. The stripping shaken, in spite of attacks on solemnt well chosen words, he ex Whom and what will they protect? We never asked for protection ers which is now rounding out its of Hitler regime of its main social support in the decapitation of storm every radical group in the district. coriated the murderers of the dead from the Guard.
We have no property to protect. The employers second week, undaunted by police troop leaders and the elimination of over a million and a half a. sland unit and one the San Frane down, but those higher up who had that they want protected. It is their scabs, and thelr scab trucks, sent Three new members joined the Oak man, not only those who shot him have. It is their properties and their profits extorted from our labor murders and bosses provocations. 000 National Guardsmen were on the one hand and the shattering economic crisis on the other has Loco driven Hitler to a point of desperation where he knows that a foreign done, preparatory to publication of tion.
unit. Final work is being given the orders for his assassina out to rob us of our bread, that they want protected. We never called placed in the streets, which means embroglio is the only solution for his troubles.
the first issue of the Western Mili The last speaker was Chaplain for the troops. The employers did. We call for their withdrawal. that Governor Olson considers this The news that Hitler has proceeded to the Austrian frontler and tant, which will appear in the im Nelson of the post of the National them is whistling in the dark to keep up courage. We have sewed them conditions and recognition of their The employers are desperate, sind whatever noise you hear from battle of workingmen for better there ordered all roads on the border closed to prevent a mass invasion mediate future through the com Veterans Association to which of Austrian Nazis anxious to come to the assistance of their friends bined efforts of the Oakland, Rich Henry Ness had belonged. His in up and they know it. Their proudest boast is that they have been able union to be a State of insurrecindicates only that Hitlerites in Austria got out of control and broke mond and San Francisco units. The vocation was a touching tribute to to make 22 trips in one day, under the heaviest police convoys. That tion. Bodies of men. wald Governor the leading strings of their Berlin masters. Or Hitler is retreating in League branches and the Spartacus the intrepid soldier who had so means less than one fourth of one per cent of the number of trips made Olson, together by force have atfear before the international frankenstein that he has called into being Youth League of have stil fearlessly fought for himself, his per normal day In Minneapolis, based on the conservative figure of 3, 000 Tempted to break and resist the and for which he is not prepared.
fened up their organizations with family, and for his brothers for trucks involved in the strike, which usually make a minimum of tripe laws of this state, Imperilling the out loss of membership, his Union.
a day! We don need the Guard to stop peab trucks. But the employ lives, health and property and genMUSSOLINI OPPOSES NAZI EXPANSION The terror campaign here has The echo of the last address bavers need it to convoy them through.
eral welfare of the citizens of MinReports that Mussolini is massing troops on the Italian side ready been no mild one. Police, backed ing died down, the massed thouto march into Austria bear witness to the deep going antagonism beGuardsmen, armed with machine umns behind the coffin of the dead. this cause riots. Where there is no sedbor police interference wholly unable to cope with the sitby two truckloads of National Sands wheeled into marching col movements these cause riots. Police shooting down unarmed workers the civil authorities thereof are Is it riots that the Guard will prevent? Scabs and scab truck neapolis and Hennepin County, and tween German and Italian imperialism. Italian capitalism will have no guns, raided the Marine Workers Following them was a cavalcade of there is quiet. Look at the imposing demonstration of 40, 000 workers uution or to preserve and maintain and desire for Balkan expansion and markets bring Italy into violent arrested everyone there, more than mobiles Alled with workingmen who at Henry Ness funeral yesterday where without a policeman in sight, law and order.
opposition to any German designs on Austria. More than that, Mussolini 100 workers. Vigilante commit swung into line.
the workers themselves maintained perfect order during the ceremony Protect Whose Lives?
is ready for war should the Nazis seize power in Austria.
tees, consisting of plain clothes So magnificent and startling aand all along the line of march.
While the meaning of this mottFrance and England, while not making suchu belligerent moves as men and hired thugs raided and demonstration has not been seen in Another illusion that prevails among employers is that if the Guardvation for declaration of mar.
Italy, according to United Press dispatches are considering a warning wrecked every Communist party Minneapolis in years. By the tens is sent into action, that means the defeat of the strike Fighting 574 tial law remains unclear for the to Germany to respect Austrian independence. These imperialist hulle inwone lomDit and workers of thousands, the workers of Min has no such iden! The only ones who can defeat this strike are the moment, interpretation was wideunit have their own axe to grind in the recent devolopments. Neither the worst hoodlum style, smashing 57 and its martyr which fung into runks, if they lose their fighting spirit. And this is just what they will sarding the imperilling of the everything in the rooms, tearing the teeth of their detractors the le not do.
health and property of Minneapolis France nor England want to see either Germany or Italy too strong in books to pleces, smashing typewrit. that the labor movement of the city could be construed to mean the central Europe. They are interested in maintaining the distribution ofers, mimeographs and furniture. Al is not behind the truckers and inWe know from rich experience: Clumsy, cowardly scabs cannot moving of trucks with troop conthe booty the balance of power or the status quo as it was handed ter raiding the halls of the the side men on strike. By the tens of move trucks. Policemen clubs cannot move trucks. Deputter badges voys to protect them against the headquarters of the were thousands, the workers of Minnea cannot move trucks. Guardsmen bayonets, tear gus guns or trench strikers. There is likewise some WAR AGAINST SOVIET RUSSIA completely destroyed.
Proletarian polis showed their hatred and hor helmets cannot move trucks. Yes, not even field artillery has even been uncertainty here as to whether the Party and Socialist Party balls ror of the murderous attacks of the knowu to move trucks.
remark on the protection of lives The sinister cloud that hange over the international complications were attacked police and the masters from whom You need truck drivers and helpers and platform men and inside men is a bit of demagogy, at which 01son is so adept, in order to deceive caused by the Austrian events is the danger that the plunder gangs Home of Leogue Organizer Wrecked they take their orders. By the tens to move trucks.
now at each others throuts may bury their differences for the time of thousands, the Minneapolis work And they are all in the ranks of 574.
the drivers that the troops have The Triangle Press, where the been being and agree on Hitler drang nach Osten an assault on Soviet Western Worker, organ and ers bowed their heads at the grave And that where they are going to stay.
called out to protect them, on Russia. The sudden leap of Italy out of the lap of the Triple Alliance other radical papers and leaflets of a hero and soldier of the labor whether it is a sly hint to the emAnd under its hanner they are going to win.
ployers that scab trucks will move at the outbreak of the last world war teaches us not to be too cock sure are published was mysteriously No force has yet been produced that can rob them of victory unless without the casualties caused by Farewell, bod of Henry Ness!
of alignments that seem most obvious.
burned to the ground. Halls that Hail, your immortal fighting spir they voluntarily submit to the tyranny of the employers, unless they the indiscreet police force.
The Nazis thrust for power and the ensuing international situation Communists rented were either it!
surrender Olson did not say what he meant Only cowards surrender but Union men aght!
raises the struggle against the war danger in the boldest relief. The wrecked or the owners terrorixed.
by law and order but strikers decimation of the Austrian and German working class removes the Hesser, organizer of the League In Richmond the home of Comrade And the men of 574 are Union men!
and large sections of the population strongest bulwark against another world slaughter. The difficulties are branch, was visited by five vigiGoldman Speech here have come to understand this great and the tasks greater, but the struggle of the working class lantes whom the comrades drove term in the light of the premediagainst war is the most crucial issue of the present moment.
off. The next day Afty came and ers by murderous thugs in blue completely wrecked his home and ing workers caught in the clutches auto, smashing every piece of fur of enpitalist class fistice, have Bryan, Ohio, July 19. Workers been shot and a great many gassed costs last Friday.
niture in the house. They wrecked come to know well the brutality of in the world largest onton flelds, and clubbed. The Jalls are alled after the bosses had earned doorn his car and placed a sign on the police officers against pickets and in southern Ohio, have been fight with strikers. In a recent flare up the proposals of Federal mediators ruins This was a Red Car.
in militaney, fifteen more plckets to arbitrate the strike. These proworkers demonstrations. Now inga tenacious and unyielding were arrested after a courageous posals, including an election to deGringoire, the police paper of One bright morning we read in Bricks, wrapped with warning from an examination of the avail fight against deputies and strikeCarbuccia Chiappe, publishes the the newspapers that the revolution notes were thrown through the winable evidence, am convinced that struggle for over a month.
following note in its issue of Jugeary agitator had crossed the border dows of homes of known Commu if ever anyone was guilty of malmost savage brutality by the bosses. trucks.
The strike has been met with the breakers who fired on them from termine whether the union shall be entitled to represent men In into Switzerland. This report was nists and Socialists in Berkeley and cious, premeditated murder and an army of strike breakers and de 15: The workers who formerly worked strike be called off and all workers collective bargaining. that Sarruat not only protects the murderer of Bonnetoy Sibour. He where he continues to dream of Nationals. and individuals were lice. who fired at the pickets Last puties with suns, gas bombs, and for eight to twelve cents an hour, on the payroll as of July 17 be reclubs have been mobilized against are demanding 80 for an eight also protects Trotsky. Continued on Page Continued on Page Continued on Page 4) the strikers. Two pickets bave hour day. Continued on Page 3)
In my years of experience defend. Farm Workers Strike in Ohio Shows Militancytatea attack of defense or morka Leon Trotsky in Danger the PROTEST Against the Murder of Minneapolis Strikers and the MEETING Arrest of James Cannon and Max Shachtman IR VING PLAZA HALL, 13th St. and Irving Place Sunday July 29, 1934 at Sp.