CapitalismCommunismEngelsEnglandFranceGermanyIV InternationalLeninMarxRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSViolenceWorking Class

THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1934 PAGE The Betrayal of the Coast Strike Brass Check Journalism Trade Union Strategy Unionism the Main Issue The Boss Press and Frisco WAN WAS and (Continued from Page 1) tightly twisted around the neck of the Maison Paul, that runs an order permitting scab trucks to the Seamen Union 10 these two through Murket si. to Grove, move. When the teamsters came shouls start driving the marine when waitresses begun rushing to out in sympathy with the water workers back to work, can Harry the Grove st. exit to see what happening. We followed venomous attack on the sun business WUN inevitable. Arly.
them, went on out and across Unionism the right of union or emphasis is lent to this fact by the front fight, they had seen to it that Bridges with a handful of mon ganization and union recognition campaign of hysteria against com o trucks rode the Frisco streets around him keep them fighting?
Francisco strikers is being carried think, kuy trick, to muke pro Stalinist Responsibility Grove St. to join the crowd that is the crucial issue involved in the munism, charging the objects of the without a permit from the union.
stared across at the office of the on by the nation wide capitalist at agaiust the strikers!
If the marine strike fails, the San Francisco general strike. But general strike to be an insurrection. This procedure was also followed Western Worker, Communist press. All the News That Fit to Print it is not contined to this one section and by the savage attacks upon the the first two days by the general Stalinists will bear a heavy reThe Los Angeles Times of July Freed from the restraint of apof the battle front, it is the most communists, the official Communist strike committee. The bosses sponsibility for it. By going right newspaper.
10 editorially called for the crush: proximating the facts lu the news burning issue before the American Party and the Communist League obeyed, and only trucks with union on with their splitting policy of Glass Front Smashed. ing of the strike by force, calling columns, the newspaper editorials Its plate glass front To this the Daily permits moved. The milk, bread, building the Marine Workers inworking class today. At the same of America, it an insurrection and saying: were bitterly hostile to the workers.
time it is also the most sharply Worker of July 17 answers: produce and other trucks exempted dustrial Union, they have done a smashed, the shattered glass scat There is but one thing to be done The fair minded Times of tered all over the sidewalk. Peo. put down the revolt with any July 18 said the aim of the strike contested issue wherever the dir: Any sensible, sane and honest from the strike bad to have union perfect job for Ryan, Furuseth and ferences between exploiters and person kuows that there is no revo drivers. But after the resolution the bosses. The existence of the ple to the crowd told us that a force necessary. The Sacramento was to inflict such hardships upon those who are exploited come to a lutiou on the West Coast. The aim and the Longshoremen Board in bas meant the isolating gang of hoodlums bad driven by Bee, and the Oakland Tribune the people of the city that the auhead. In this San Francisco is in of labor in this situation, the aim terpretation, the bosses decided of splendid, fighting militants who and done it with rocks they car. torially hailed Governor Merriam thorities will yield. leaving out enthe limelight.
of the general strike is not to seize they could tlout the union orders, should have been in the midst of ried. They might have been and Mayor Rossi strikebreaking tirely the fact that it was a strike the marine workers within the un workers inaybe strikers. they The right of union organization political power, but to force the and non uzion drivers drove trucks efforts. The San Francisco Chron against the bossts. The Times is by no means an established fact ship owners to grant the maritime Especiate the standard ou Colons. Instead of that, most marine said. They all wore leather jack: icle, declaring the radicals are bailed the red scare and provocaUnion recognition is not something workers three demands. 1) union and other gasoline companies ran workers have come to hate these in control of the strike, says the tive attacks of the Mayor and Govthat can be taken for granted. On control of hiring balls. 2) recog. scab trucks. The teamsters and militants for being in a dual union They got away, they said.
The Was like a man majority voted for the strike in ernor, saying their attitude and longsloremen got busy, and chased the contrary, it is accorded only nition of the maritime unions. Where were the police we fear of radical thuggery.
proclamations are correct and asked, They shook their heads.
wherever the workers themselves improvement of working condi. trucks of the street, and closed gus sticking his chin out for a sock, The newspapers are enthusiastic commendable. said the strikers had secure it through the force of their tions.
stations as far as San Mateo. When and when the troops and vigilantes We went across the street and ally backing the red scare and the already allenated public sympaWhat About Minneapolis!
into the building. We went all raids on groups of strikers being thy and talked lyingly of for provocative purposes, two filling raided its headquarters, the result colldetive efforts.
the This is entirely correct. Such stations were opened early Wednes the whole splitting policy was through the rooms, both floors, carried on by the police, the bosses strikers determination to keep Recognition Still to Be Won and nobody there.
come to their help. The failure of vigilantes, and the National Guard. food and supplies from hospitals Many serce struggles to secure are the aims today. They imply day less than a block from the that the striking thousands did not Soon the police came, four car. Before the raids even began on and children. Such an open effort the untou organization aretirst of all the building of powerful the Longshoremen headquarters, andeloads of them, sirens shrleking. It Tuesday, every San Francisco to hold it up the city must be prerecorded in American labor history unions to usert their rights and with Natioual Guard sentries guard the strikers to defend the had been about ten minutes since and yet the issue had to be fought to establish the guarantees of rec ing each station with ritles, bayo and the condonation by th newspaper carried front page edi: pared to resist with all its might.
the rock throwing. They did not torials proposing crushing of all The Tribune editorial of out again and again. History once ognition by their own forces. In nets and machine guns, scores of leurs of the red raids, would have question the witnesses por start militant elements. With eight col July 16 was a tissue of lies. The mure repeats itself. The present cruentally we may ask, in view of carloads of pickets went cruising to been absolutely impossible 10 it pursuit. They went right on into umn streamers, the yellow Trearst attempt to separate the longshoresweep of union organization has this correct statement from whence prevent shipment of fuel into Fris weren for the splitting policy of co. Whatever reasons the general the Stalinists. The confusion bred the Westeru Worker and Work press throughout the country is men from the other marive workbrought large numbers of new re appeared the thesis advocated by ers Bookshop and finisbed what hailing the mass arrests of militanters, and the bosses refusal to abide erults into untons formerly existing the stalinists in the Dally Worker strike committee might have about in the minds of the workers has the hoodlums had begun. They strikers as welkures of Reds Theby a vote for representatives of the only in skeleton form and now in obrate that are the one hunda polis terecht beck, Ludm liberalizing issuance or to march right into groups of pick strasbed every window and every two great national press services, seamen Issues fundamental to the strikers. There have been piece of furniture in the place, the United Press and the Associated strikere thus described: The hope New unions have grown up sential objective should have been truck permits to include owderets and soup lines and arrest miliknocking glass and pieces of Press, are reporting the raids as most difficult issue. is a rather in formerly unorganized industries. the overthrow of the state govern driven trucks, it was essential to chairs down into the street. raids on Communist meeting plae minor one about the recognition of strong stimulus was undoubtedly ment, which, the Trotskyists the salvation of the marine strike, plenty of fights in which strikers Brandish Clubs defense has been spontaneous and es and those arrested as Commu some weak maritime unions in provided by the NRA, at least in its Ruileu to do? Are the Stalinist let alone the general strike, to keep fought to save arrested men, but nists. The Times of July trades in which an election cannot They brandished clubs early stage. But it did not at all now ready to say that any sensible teab trucks off the street. That suorganized, whereas if the chused everyone across the street, 17 attempted to convey the impres. be held at once because most of the establish the right to organize her and sane persou knows that the why the teamsters came out, indet. members had been all along ineven reporters. But Herbert Lord, sion that the raids were made by workers are at sea. Then the Trisecure recognition of the unions. aim of the Minneapolis strike could pudently and before the general 27, they insisted on hustling innot and should not have been to strike. Had the general strike side the regular unions, this raid longshoremen. The Post was bune, like a magician making rabThat this right ein be assured only the only paper whose headlines its disappear, does away with all through struggles is verified once seize political power? Are they never come, the teamsters theming of strikers would have led to of the rights of strikers.
out his head was bleeding. more by the San Francisco general ready to say that the aims were selves would have seen to it that a tremendous and organized defense side the building. When he same made it clear that strikers were the issues of the strike: It is a didn do nothing, he declared.
It just beginning to dawn on being arrested.
strike about very little, which prestrike. It was verified before by recognition of the union, control of no scab trucks rode the street.
It was this vital spot of the the masses of strikers what the When they got through there sumably means that it is not really The Myth of the Food Shortage the struggles in Minneapolis and the biring of its members without Toledo and in its reverse form by discriminatiou and improved work strike that Vandeldur and his gang Vandeleurs, Kidwells, Careys, are a strike at all, but the discharge of the police raced up to the Work ing conditions; the very aims that stabbed mortally. The small exe doing to them. It a known fact The red scare was merely the pent up emotions. etc. Then, like ers School at 121 Haight St. We the treacherous sell out in the autolatest of series of propaganda true bourbons, the Tribune blames these strikers battled for until the cutive committee, without followed. Police did not have to mobile and steel industries.
even here that the Standard Oll Co. has do much smashing there. Twenty methods by which the expitalist for the strike the Roosevelt labor On the Pacific Coast the Long main victory was won? Are they consulting the big general strike contributed two million dollars to ready to grant that this correct committee on this fundamental the Frisco Industrial Association men or more. guess they were press has been aiding the bosses policy. The Tribune, no doubt, shoremen and the other maritime policy resulted in the establishment question, issued an order releasing open shop fund, that almost every hoodlums, said the cops. bad against the strike. The worst of would like to outlaw labor unions workers in thele battle of almost of a powerful union: Upon honest gasoline and fuel oil supplies to the firm in town has signed a pledge droven up in cars and done u these was the myth of a food altogether, instead of, like Roosethree months duration demanded revolutionists such confession general public. While every other card covering five years contributhorough job. They wore leather xhortage in Frisco.
velt, chaining labor to arbitration this elementary right union recogembargo lifted previously had pro tions to this strike breaking fund, jackets and heavy gloves and in San Francisco, where the pubboards, special mediators, extranition and union control of hiring would be obligutory.
Breaking Strike Solidarity vided for union truck drivers, this and that the banks are discounting lic could learn from Strike Commit special mediators and the rest of carried rocks. They didn leave halls. From the outset the contest Meanwhile in San Francisco the inost strategically important factor the pledge cards for the full sums a piece of the place intact except te statements, from strikers, and the clap trap class collaboration centered around this issue. The the poster that stared out the from the bread, milk and other machinery.
owners of the maritime industry restruggle for unionism to a higher the result that scab drivers are sociation has a terrific batch of window about America Today.
food trucks passing freely in the Pro Labor Paper streets, that the Strike Committee cede even this elementary right. level than before. Hence the desing the streets. This has made the cash, and is out to smash the union As hostile as the bourbons is the it by the union permit ridiculous, and bosses movement here. The workers are had made every proselble arrange World Telegram editorial of Support solidly by the whole of perate onslaughts up the craven are tearing them off with impunity contrasting these known facts with Green Treachery ment before the strike began for the capitalist interests and employers. Hence also adequate distribution of food, the July 16, but it finds itselt subtler the backing down of the union leadgovernment, the San Francisco sec reactionary local lenders headed by on Tuesday 10 truck rode the It denounces the genmyth of a food shortage could make eral strike as suicide for organ. Continued from Page 1)
tion assumed the offensive to endes Vandeleur and backed by the streets without waion permit. ership and are finding that the an little headway.
evening few permits swer to this contradiction is: Fight of hierarchy, who above all else Wednesday vor to settle the issue to their own ized labor because the basis of The Holy Contract fear the militancy of the rank and were in evidence liking through their armed forces.
But the rest of the country, un organized labor is the union conNow or Never.
With these two moves, first the Richard Gray, International able to see what was going on in tract and any union which engages The concentration of troops and ile, began to turn their backs If the teamsters and waterfront treasurer of the Bricklayers, Mas Frisco, were systematically propa in a sympathetic strike can do so police became a direct threat to the treacherously upon the general demoralizing resolution, then per men hold ont they can still savel ons and Plasterers International gandized by the nation wide eapi only by breaking its own contract very life and existence of the un strike, gave concession after con mitting scab drivers, the labor fak the union movement there.
Union, said: Our policy is to live talist press with preposterous storions.
other cession, joined the red baitingers have broken the back of the with its employers. In union basies nbont famine in the strike area.
They have also up to our contracts.
chorus and thus assisted in the general strike no right to walk out, no matter how In this attempt to allenate the words. It denounces unions for Efforts to Smash Strike by the second savage raids and arrests of work largely bullitled great its sympathy with another masses from the strikers, the libin breaking the clause often inserted Ever since the general strike beers charged as Communists. The move the value of the teamsters Bosses Terror craft, if it is bound by contract.
in contracts by bosses to prevent gan, the combined forces of the objective result of such an attitude strike.
eral press played its part. As sympathetic strikes clause, by capitalist Interests and their gov. is the breaking of the solidarity of Waterfront Strike Not Over Joseph Ryan issued a state early as Saturday noon the the way, which the Scripps Howard ernment, stiffened their offensive the strikers. To break this solidarment which is at least commendable World Telegram carried the scream newspaper chain, to which the But thts by no means ends the (Continued from Page 1)
for its plain speaking. There willing headline: Refugees Flee Coast Telegram and assumed more aggressive at ity is treason to the working class waterfront strike. Even with the civilians, who had dressed like belongs, has always titude. No longer was the object The attacks of course must be re National Guard in control, not only be no strike here in New York As Food Shortage Grows. This forced from the Typographical Unworkers and circulated through while we can hold our men. We was the main point of many stormerely the defeat of the demands sisted to the utmost and it is the of the waterfront but also of a the crowd, struck like lightning.
ion. Then Telegram goes on to for union recognition and control duty of every honest worker to rally large part of the surrounding terhave an agreement with the steam les. But when an enterprising re Several speakers resisted and say that in a general strike the ship companies until October 31, porter checked up outgoing traffic, public is certain to be wholly hosof hiring halls, the whole scope er in the defense of those attacked.
ritory, including markets and ware were reported to bave been tended one of smashing the The San Francisco strike is con houses, it is a lie that steamers are and we shall continue to live up and found few more than usual tile. The public, indeed, is made to it.
strike, put a stop to the organiza ducted by the of unions. being loaded and unloaded to any tion developments and to crush the It is the life of the of un. degree approximating normal. They Telegram (July 18) by the United piers where ships from the West stories.
Later dispatches in the World make trouble in the vicinity of the buried inconspicnously in the later lights to save itsell. Certainly the unions. Watchful of any weaken tons that is at stake. Unity and can get enough scabs on the Pac Press further exploded the worker Coast are unloaded. That is, scabWorld Telegram, for all its falso Ing of the general strike, the caps solidarity in the of unions ific Coast to man the ships and vigilante myth and revealed the loaded ships, being unloaded by Food Rlot Scares claims to be pro labor, has been talist forces prepared, as stated in for the most sweeping general service them, nor trucks to bring tie up with the government author union menon the New York Post dispatch, to strike in years had been accom and take away the reight. If the itles: Ryan orders. While usually the capitalist doing all it can to make the public challenge the workers, that they plished. But it had been accom waterfront workers and the team. Just Hoodlums, Declare Police duty to walk out to show their week desperate unemployed break rangements made by the strike They tell the men that it is their press maintains a dead silence hostile.
about the fact that every day in the By Tuesday the elaborate arcan return work only upon plished against the reactionary sters stick it out, they can still win. By EVELYN SEELEY, sympathy with their comrades on into food stores, two or three usual Committee, to insure adequate food basis to be determined by the em leaders. It had been accomplished The teamsters over rode their ployers.
also in spite of the splitting President, the reactionary Mike World Telegram Special the Pacific, but the men are paying instances of the same kind occur. and other necessities, had become no attention.
Correspondent Could it be more clearly and policy of the Stalinists. Casey when they went it out. But Green and the of bureau ring, not in Frisco but in Oakland too obvious to ignore, and after two more bravenly stated that the issue Stalinists Foster Division the rank and file are an inexperi SAN FRANCISCO, July 18. cracy must not be permitted to live which was as yet not involved in days of ranting about famine the of the right to union organization It is necessary to remember and enced lot, with no militant core to down this shameless treachery, this recognition into a fantastic picture press, but distorted as in the World is a definite class issue? Additional to bring out once more the criminal hold them together. By one trick red and white poster bared to vie flagrant display of unity with the of enormous mobs. The ultra re Telegram by such phrases as labor policy pursued by the Stalinists or another Casey may still drive at the first broken window of the bosses against the workers.
which from the outset played into them back to work.
San Francisco Worker School, spectable and ultra reactionary was slowly relaxing its grip on the The New International the inds of the mployers as well The longshoremen are solidly demolished in yesterday first survey by the State In Herald Tribune ran on Monday throat of Frisco.
as into the hands of the reactionary behind Harry Bridges, but he is a general strike violence.
dustrial Commissioner based on reenaces San Francisco; a four column scarehead: Fumine The long awaited first issue of leaders. While the maritime untons lone militant. The other marine America Today was a lecture ports by 1, 675 representative fac Looted In Strike Crists. The ever Stores the New International is now off were growing, rallying thousands of unions have no experienced rank to have been given last night by tories in various parts of the State, so liberal Post went even the press. It is an issue that every new recruits to their ranks, the and Alers.
Jim Branch, tall young Harvard reveals that employment between Par member and sympathizer should Stalinists pressed forward in direct If Joseph Ryan, strikebreaking economist and head of the Work the middle May to the middle of further, carrying the same day an rivalry their private Marine Work head of the word has ers School. Students said Branch have.
June dropped only while Mobs Riot For Food.
of eight column streamer: Coast Beginning with a stirring editor ers Industrial Union. While the come that he is driving the men on probably would have spoken of wages dropped 18. Compared to lal for the FOURTH INTERNA of maritime unions marched the East coast to unload ship loadstrikes and violence, the struggle last year this means a further reThis was based on an Associated between capital and labor. But duction in wages of 26.
Press dispatch. careful reading ONE MORE WEEK TO GO perspectives of the magazine, St. con strengthen their solidarity and unuseth, white haired uid many of the last night newspapers told the This is ample testimony to the of the three column dispatch disity in waterfront federation, sea. and like the old man of the story for him. benefits the NRA has brought to closed that one grocery store was No Club Plan Cards Sold After August Ist.
Trotsky: The Testament of Lenin which of necessity could not include sca in the story, he got his legs We were having a sandwich at the workers. It also accounts for involved.
and The Clemenceau Thesis and the rival unions, the Stalinists at the support of the NRA by the create sentiment sgainst the strikThus the press attempted to BUY YOUR CARDS NOW!
the Party Regime, document of tempted a counter move by efforts bosses. six month sub cards for erx by falsely picturing them is great historical importance. Com to rally some of these unions in a rade Cannon contributes two analy. Simultaneously they insisted Cards not sold in clubs of less separate conclave with the It is a commonly accepted Marx. preventing food distribution, and than at a time.
tical articles on the Minneapolis upon bringing into the of lan axlom that capitalism can dealso to create an atmosphere of Pittsburgh Branch bought 12 Strike and the Socialist Party Conwaterfront federation, first the PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION velop only in so far as it can revorloting mobs and chaos and vio cards last week and New vention. prominent German Com and when that did not lutionize the instruments of produelence, in order to justify the use York City, got munist under the pen name of a succeed they attempted to bring in Cloth 50, paper 00 tion. Recent statistics show that of violence against the strikers. In This brings the total suls of THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION Max, writes on the Legend of the a subsidiary of the u. the Cloth 00 unemployment amounts to 47 in addition, the press plctured the the second drive to 390 Vienna Commune. a castigating ship scalers union.
THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION. 25 the durable goods industries. The strike as a blow, not at the oppresTake advantage of the last So far did this analysis of the treacherous role of criminally false policy proceed that GERMANY WHAT NEXT?
Durable Goods Industries Commit ive capitalists, but at the whole Cloth. 65c, paper. 35 week to stock up on the club plan the Social Democratie leaders in the party bureaucracy found itselt THE ONLY ROAD for Germany Cloth 65c. paper tee also reports that only 160. 000. population. These various ways of cards.
the recent Austrian events.
25 000 was invested in industry in creating antagonism against the Invest a few dollars and have in conflict with the party fraction COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM Then there is an editorial on the in the of maritime unions, 155 1983, as compared with an average strikers were cleverly woven togethese cards on hand so as to be Soviets and the League of Nations, and naturally 80. Unionists loyal THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER. 15 of 4, 000, 000, 000 a year in the 10 ther. One example is the lead of able to give an opportunity to an article by Jack Weber on New to their class, revolutionists loyal PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE years ending with 1930. This the Associated Press story of July. 15 such workers as cannot afford to Trends under the New amounts to per cent of the annual 15: The general strike began to Deal: to their class must necessarily fight SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER pay the full rate to buy a six 10 swing down upon the 1, 300, 000 resi average.
Strikes and the Economic Cycle by for the unity of the mass unions IN DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION month sub for 25c. After August Alfred Weaver: The Decay of the and can only become bitterly hos 05 The NRA codes also show dents of San Francisco metropoli1st a six month sub will be 50c.
Stalinist Party by Arne Swabeck. tile to the splitting policy of the THE SOVIET UNION AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL 10 tendency to restrict the installation tan are accompanied by vandalism Only those who have bought the Engels on Bimetallism, which is rival unions which have no mass MY LIFE. publishers price 00) 50 of new machinery and to limit pro and violence. Another example is cards before August 1st will be THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION vols.
ductive capacity on the false the the United Press story of July 14, able to get the special rate.
particularly interesting in view of basis.
the monetary crisis. An article on In the present sovere attacks (publishers price 10. 00) 50 ory of overproduction. This in the World Telegram, which planned sabotage of the productive said that unions met to deliver the the internal political situation in aimed to WHITHER ENGLAND defeat the general strike devastating blow organized forces is the distinguishing feature labor has ever dealt to an American France serves to illuminate the reland to crush the unions, unity and Bound Volumes of declining capitalism.
cent events there. It also contains solidarity is the paramount sue.
We have just received from the efty.
a book review section, a survey of Unity proceeds against the reaction binders a number of Bound Volcurrent periodicals and numerous ary traitors, but it must also sot TEN YEARS, History and Principles of Left Opposition If the number on your wrapper is Anything Goes in Brass Cheek Press umes of the Mhitant, Series No. miscellaneous items.
itself hard as Aint against the by Max Shachtman. 10 The same dispatch says not a which includes all issues of the All in all, it is a splendid issue splitting polley of the Stalinists. ACCUSE STALINISM hy Maria Reese. 05 word about the Strike Committee Militant from January 7, 1933 to which shows great promise for the This polley cannot proceed unpunGERMANY AND RUSSIA AT BREST LITOVSK arrangements for food distribution. December 30, 1933 inclusive. Coples. 25 future. Every effort should be isbed. collapse of Stalinism will or smaller, your subscription to the but instead makes it appear that can be obtained from Pioneer Pub.
And all the Kerr and International Publishers books and made to seeure it the widest circu result, but the revolutionists will Militant expired. Do not delay. the unions are attempting to pre lishers, 84 10th Street, at the lation. All inquiries should be ad continue their fight for unity in the pamphlets.
Send your renewal in at once and vent food distribution: Governor phenomenally low price of 50 dressed to The New International, mass unions to prepare for victory PIONEER PUBLISHERS 80 save us annecessary labor and Merriam was ready to declare mar plus twenty five cents for postage.
Station D, Box 119, New York, in the bigger struggles to come.
84 East 10th Street, New York, expense. If you cannot renew at tial law to assure food deliveries, Regular price is 50. Order your this time let us know how soon you while leaders said that a general copy immediately before our supply strike and a complete stoppage ot is exhausted.
Militant Builders Books by Leon Trotsky 33 can