AnarchismBolshevik PartyBolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismMussoliniNazismSocialismSovietSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

JATI DAY, JULY 21 1084 THE MILITANT PAGE China Movement TowardsUnity Against Fascism Grows GERMAN FASCISM UNMASKED Terror and Capitulation Grip Worker Ranks In Mussolini Paradise Conflict almost to the point of goverments hoping to smooth matShanghal, June 20. Much has mouths. Through his elvil war is now raging in Spain, ters over because such a war would nefarious though not a word about it is to be almost surely become revolution.
Fascism promises the abolitionles, inust be the envy of any leader in a very simple manner: On the though many important events rades were arrested by the police happened since my last letter. Al work a few score of militant comband.
seen in the pages of the bourgeois Wo are almost surely at the of the class struggle, clean governor Macedonion is still inade salutes of the upraised arms of the world the revolutionary movement trict Committee. Was Spy for press. Its correspondents and re doors of elther triumphant revolu ment and material prosperity. In 30th of January Elitler returns the have taken place throughout the Zee, secretary of the Chapel DisOur porters have been ordered by the tion or a Catholic Faselst dictator the last three days German guate. But what is revealed Is an Brown Shirts passing under his in China remains in much the more than a year but the bureaureactionary Spanish government to ship. our correspondent writes. cism has demonstrated before the unequalled slaughter. Mixing the window rendering him homage. same condition.
The official cracy was ignorant of the fact.
workers strike on pain of heavy moments of ber modern history that it brings about instead an exist Goering profits by the occasion window, the same Hitler, the same Communist party and the Left Rank and file comrades, dissatisfied kines. and the government itselt The objective conditions for revolu treme accentuation of the class as he did at the time of the burn salute. But outside are not the repressions from the Kuomintang the bureaucracy when they demandtakes the position that the strike tion are present the workers in a struggle toernment of denone of the Reichstato exterio Brown Shirts passing review but and its imperialist masters. The ed his removal. It took the Stalint, while at the same mood no longer willing to compro ates, rakes and criminals as well as ote every possible bit of opposition the Reichswehr. With the Iron party led by the Stalinista faceta anists a long time to discover on time more and more police and mise, the army sympathetic to the abject material misery.
whose side the error had been.
shock troops are sent out from the workers, and no formidable armed What happened? For months Night in the midst of all this the ders. And behind Hitler is General am devoting this letter to incapital to enforce the illusion with force that can be relied upon to dissatisfaction developed increasing working class apepars to have re von Litzmann.
Significant Figures formation on the following most leaden arguments. Our correspond support the Right. On the other ty among all layers of the German mained removed from the events. Italy and Germany Besides the sples who work in ent reports that to date, seven hun hand, the workers are handicapped people. Fascism was in really un. Only because of this situation was Important questions: the soviet dred Civil Guards have been killed by two serious factors. One, fat able to placate any of them, but an inner Fascist conflict possible. The transformation, that we have territory. the bureaucratie regime cooperation with the police there. which means that the workers isue, after three years of ceaseless, that this situation would culminate the explanation of the passivity predicted, from the Hitlerite has and the renegades from Communiem are those who turn renegade after are on the offensive, and in a grim heroic struggle involving good with the dramatic explosions that the working class is not yet poscism to Bonapartist dlotatorship of as well as the stalinists at work arrest. If we express these facts y determined, though disorganized deal of loss, both organizationally did no one was able to foreseesible on the basis of the informa the state apparatus and especially in the Labor Defense Association coats and sples in the upper and are a by clearly.
tion at hand. The first letters of of the army has not only occurred (the Chinese may become the first step of a ser and this is the pivot of the queslower ranks of the party is as folwish to state firstly that every Discontent on Two Sides our German friends, dated after the more rapidly than in Italy (correslous struggle for definitive power. tion, the workers are confused, beThe spirit of dissatisfaction cry events, shows that they are better pooding to the German rhythm of thing written in this letter is based ows From 1932 to June 1983, workers Hederation or the social wordpredsplittle datos conflicting studied around two pules. Hitler and more rapidly informed than development which la decidedly air on authentie facts. Al am now among theme me me me Chalvdias of the National Union of Labor and 1st Union General de Trabajadores, real faith in the revolutionary will dissatisfactiou of a section of heavy Goebbels censorship. ment. but in a more dramatic my daily work gives me an oppor Chon Kwang is, secretary of the demands the return of the rights of any.
The fact that the murder of manner and with an incomparably tunity to draw an accurate picture Klangsu Provincial Committee, abrogated by the cancellation of The Socialists, who control the Junkers, was camised by the Her butchers like Helnes as well as the less stable perspective in the eco of the Stalinists in China while the renegades after arrest reformist land laws passed by the great mass of organized workers (at renklub clique of Papen and Schle evoke any sympathy among the of Europe, as against backward sharpers of the Herrenklub did not nomically most developed country The Soviet Territory numbered from 25 to 35. From Azana Socialist government. It is four years now that the June 1933 to the Fall of 1983 the Eist of these rights are: 1, collector out and out revolution, dictator of the Reichswehr. That accounts workers is not an adequate explan Italy. If the rapidity of rhythm Stalintats have been shouting at the former was 80 and the latter rest 20. In these figures can be seen local, organized labor in preference but have done nothing whatsoever speech.
hours; and 3, the employment of combination with the bourgeoisie, Papen in his famous Marburk le and painful fact that in face or due to the great difference of social or victory in one or several such a conflict in the enemy camp structure, the sanguinary side of vinces. We the Bolshevik Leon among the members of this party to transient immigrant labor, either concrete in that direction; while at The dissatisfaction of the petty the working class should be so far the convulsions are explained in its bave frequently and openly it rests in the lower ranks.
from other sons or from Portugal, the same time they continue their bourgeoisie, who had received noth removed from intervening to strus large part by the extremely acceneritelned the party policy in giving monstrous size of the upper catebe the tuated economic situation, which up the city workers and seeking gory shows that our accusation years we were morete Jandarmers to adorse, but we. united front removalne ter um cheiro pode sus, could struggle caused by the bankruptes, which favored Mussolini, mund te ostalimats es follow. comrades to the pollce is not at all following: the defeat without a Hitler faces instead of the prosper revolutionary cadres in the village. that the Stalinists have betrayed terton Shore to che est labore from ment their 1988 every time a So the actual creator of the Nazi party of the Socialist and Communist which has created an enormous its head not the peasants follow. unlikely.
shifting responsibility for the work from Oflice. In reality they are in view of the impending danger Flat parties has demoralized the proleta pressure of class forces and a vering the proletariat but loading The Economic Crists such a point, so deprived it itably desperate situation. them. Four years have passed and ers in of seasons. Since, as a rule working hard to bring back the Hitler compromised Up till now it has only been the The economic crisis is deepwith the of all serious organization, that this peasant partisans still remain a land worker can expect a Job not left republican forces, talking revo Reichswehr. Hitler, the loyal. proletariat could not intervene upper contradictions which have en with more and sometimes with less ploitation of labor in China is more more than six or eight months outlution only in order to keep the made them a sacracial gift of his however favorable the moment classes which reflected the in the same condition, sometimes lening day by day. Capitalist erof the year, unemployment is chron workers under control. as the friends and gave them the monomight be.
tered into the struggle. Tomorrow territory. One section of the per terrible than ever. Despite the sav.
le, and no provision whatsoever has workers by this time are beginning poly of the armed forces. The loyHow Long Will Hitler Last? when the devil finally overcomes his sent partisans led by Heleng tsien uge white terror of the Kuomintang ever been made for relief; and now to realize.
al Reichswehr generals, returning the quite minimam protection con For the moment Hitler appears disgust and claims Hindenburg, the has changed its field of operations Blue Shirt Society (Fascists) the will from the border of the Honan, Chinese workers stll rise time and The Anarcho Syndicalists, who at the favor, betrayed the actual cre to be the master of the situation contradictions from above tained in the land labor laws his one time were the great driving ator of the Reichswehr forces. But for how long? And how? Two break out anew. And other Ocea Hupel and Anwbel provinces to the again for improvement of their livbenden Polsce box this being the backbone of gle reactionary offensive backed first ganized because of irresponsible benediction of heavy industry.
General become much weakened and disor then the deed was done with the in the world press austrated the true that the top layers have bewan provinces.
come more restrained and more une big advance last year but they Mill in the Fall of 1933 and the and most powerfully by the land putsches and revolts under terrorist iform.
owners, whose two parties, the leadership. They, too, sidestep the Roehm Schleicher Combine But in return the regime were unable to occupy even Wan strike against a wage cut in the Impossible Agrarios and the Confederacion Es. united front question, calling for a has registered heavy losses in its halen, the second important part on Shanghai Mel la silk weaving facbase. It is true that with the the upper Yangste valley. At prestory in January February 1834 the Hitler and Goering are today workers automatically demanded panola de Derechas Agrarias doml united front within the creating one of those famous amal struggle against rotten ent they have suffered severe denate the present Cortes.
with corruption, Hitler has gener reats and have made no further legal trade unions and wanted to Catalonian Land Laws federation. The official Communist sams from these two oppositional ated not a little enthusiasm among steps forward. All this is not saia organize an open strike committee.
As part of this same offensive Party fights the united front with groups but all the facts point to the the philistines and he has justified to prove that the peasant partisans But the Stalinists objected and held the workers the land reforms voted in Catalonia its familiar cross fire of ooted tween Roehm and Schleicher. Not organizations the excuse in the eyes of many dis are not brave fighters but rather that by the autonomous government, un front from below. which is echoed because they were not personally That technically impeccable contented: If Hitler knew he that the Stalinist pensant policy is must be secretly organized or they will face prohibition by the police der left republican control, have by the anarchists with the slogan inclined to conclude a compromise. Journal of objective bourgeois would have Intervened. But the following a disastrous road.
been declared unconstitutional by of united front in the streets. But rather because they represent tents of its entire July issue to sie is a bad exchange for the fightInternal Life since they had not registered as a opinion Fortune devotes the con moral part of the petty bourgeoithe National Tribuna of Constitu And the Izquierda Comunista. In ed two opposing social orientations, Mistakes in principle ques legal body in the offices of the Kuotions, Impotence in the political mintang.
tional Guarantees mostly of monternationalist Communist) whild it two opposing social forces. If Italy. As such it reviews the posting section.
life of the country accompanied by The Stalinists are ignorant of Potty Bourgeois Discontent laws provide reforms of another dissociated Itself from the Pticance at all then it must bave dietatorship in Italy. What it finds dishonest methods in the party the fact that a trade union cannot And besides this moral part cause the Stalinist bureaucrats to exist legally without a miss founclearacter than those reponsored me and though it enjoys widespread been a struggle for the absolute there is not eats icely ras palatable to will have to pay the same taxes to refuse to acknowledge their errors dation. While, on the contrary, the are designed to protect peasant sem too small and too weak to take Roehm second revolution coulders. But that to be expected same bankruptcy and instead of beat every turn in the road. Expres 1st as struggling organization renters, who by these laws are en the leadership of the situation. have been nothing but a struggle How will the working class and ing satisfied with the apostle of sion of opinion in the party is lim even if it is not given permission by titled to demand revision of con tracts, expropriation (with arbi like ferment in the shaping of the Reichswehr. His following: revolutheir doubts on those who were so by the bureaucracy. Immediate ex. determined upon whether the union same hands for eighteen years or most Spanish workers as their most of the petty bourgeois parvenues.
trated near of land worked by the Workers Alliance, looked upon by tion was struggle for the spolis) 14, 000 bankrupteles during long the friends of the immoral. palston is the price of the slightest represents the workers or not and 1933, mostly of over; rent is to be paid in cash, immediate hope. The Workers AlWith the difficulties to come Hitler doubt. Words cannot express the not on its legality or illegality. But 2) The national income The second version that Hitler bas can no louger count on any extend venomous hate the Stalinists dis to try to convince the stalinists of 100 bil ed support from the petty bourgeot play against the International Com this is like playing a harp to an the land, instead of in crops as organization of united front com of the Is no less contradicted Hons to 75 bilion dire. sie, but ther on an important munists. Only those are permitted ox. as the Chinese proverb says.
formerly, it is not to exceed fifty mittees operates in a manner 3) State and local taxes have in number of irreconcilable enemies into the party apparatus who bow Under the relgn of white terand must always allow first for a ſoused so much interest and sympathe Heines, Ernst, Schueld 4) The average wage for a workgrown campaigning in the struggle qulousness. Militancy and integrityers has jumped skyward in recent from 27 to 32 of tional income.
profit to the tenant.
thy among the workers throughout huber. At the same time he also against the Junkers, its Steel Hel count for nothing with them. years. In Klangsu (including in Catalonia are peasant renters, pressure from below, it has taken Herren clique: Alvoraleben, Bose, hour Since most of the land workers the country that through sheer slaughtered the Papen Schleicher in Italy is eight (8) cents an mets and its cousins of the Reichs This stillling regime opens the Shanghal. in the latter half of 1932 who form the majority of the popu shape in some cases, locally, else Klausener.
5) This is the lowest wage seule webr, has not yet pronounced its door for sples, adventurers and and at the close of 1933 the number lation, and are also the strongest where, regionally, and sometimes slightest opportunity to attribute If he had had the last word.
in Europe.
government agents of every descrip had risen to 000. Although prison political base of the Catalan gov only for given strikes. In Catalon the assassination of Schleicher to The working class is directly tion to enter the leading apparatus conditions are somewhat better ernment, it has apparently defledia, all workers organizations ex the he would have selzed at Taxes on Necessities threatened with new reprisals from of the party. They flatter the bar than they were previously have Almost half of the total revenue the state apparatus of Goering on eaucrats, perform the most amazing received reports from the Nanking retroactive character. though it, and sometimes the too is never have had to take it upon his thon (sales) taxes taxes levied on by the bosses on the other. But it skill at every new zig zag and work our bravest militants have died of meanwhile it begs the peasants and forced to take part in some specific own shoulders.
Meteoroldve petlara ter Lawn with september one Pare represented to it with unmitigated joy. He would in Italy is derived from consump the one hand and by brutal attacks contortions with the most graceful and Shanghai prisons that some of workers not to take direct action, action. The same conditions are the most elementary needs of the can be predicted that in these at their way into the good graces of tortures inflicted by the prison aubut to wait for orders. The peas true of Valencia and parts of Ex The Hitler Goebbels Legend Italian masses. The income tax tacks and in the next crisis of the this perspicacious Idadership. The thorities. There are many more ants, however, have started carry tremadura and Castile. In the city such tragedies in every part of The struggle against the right which, of necessity, is gotten from regime things will happen different results are not unexpected Yen, the chairman of the Shang. China but if help from the outside ing the laws out in their own way of Zaragoza, an overwhelmingly and the left wing of Fascism was the upper strata of society supplies ly. For the ring of iron with which elite propriating the crops, while the successful strike was called out re conducted by the police, the Reschenke for the entranche facetines. bave surrounded the fact bal Union of Labor ekan, legal red could manage to reach the impris on the issue of Catalan rights, for Given a national scope, this organ. Goering, the semi government that income tax in the bisher broken. And no police in the world shirted elite troops of Hitler and ing with finances it is pointed out the working class familles bas been had been a spy for more than six might be avoided.
are ready to fight. Thus potential the morale of the entire working forces. There is hardly a doubt brackets a mild drain on the can replace this truly popular comparison with other movement against the ly, another kind of clvil war walts class, and give it a powerful night left that it was conducted along wealthy on the threshold. Ships have been ing weapon. It is this that must preventive lines. The victory of nations.
class. Although we do not give That a government exacting a ourselves to any Illusions on ap ordered to the ports nearest Barce be watched for on It depends, to Goering in the North and of Hitler In the great events now taking big task for ourselves, and we have lona, the Catalan deputies have re la tremendous degree, and untii in the South was achloved too mild drain from the wealthy and proaching struggles for power of tired from the national parliament, revolutionary party takes leader smoothly. People like Roehm, indicting an eighteent hourly wage the German working class for it is place in various parts of the coun done that because we count upon and each side waits for the other ship the triumph or defeat of rev: wounded fourteen times on the bat on its laboring class can hardly be deeply beaten, sbattered, disorgan try our organization is playing an your support. We can report an to break the grim deadlock both olution in Spain.
with such insignificant losses, once parently, entered the refined skulls next period offers it great possibilt This is the beginning to a new ad peals for the organization and press they have begun the struggle. All of the immaculate editors.
ties to reconquer its lost positions. vance. revolutionary organiza campaign. If we can bring it to a the stories of Hitler and Goebbels With impartial unction it is verything depends on the degree tion is built in the fire of the class successful conclusion, as successful about the execution of the coup pointed out that strikes are pro in which the German working class struggle and it is in that sense as it has started, there need not be real Commu that the League assumes its present the slightest doubt that new and In the series of rearguard battles the uniformed brigand Batista? The hysteric Hitler is capable of there, what could be fairer than nist Party in place of the organiza responsibility.
great gains will be recorded for the being waged in Cuba by the work. The answer to these questions will skillful intrigues, We are on the way to new gains. League, for the views we represent, per class the Bolshevik Leninist depend to a great extent on whe his atrocities with clouds of stifling unemployment which is but a sub Not a few black days are ahead of but the job ahead is still an enor for the development of the new rev.
tle form of lockout is not prohi Hitler. For not only the social but mous one.
supplied with unlimited funds as ther or not the Bolshevik Leninist smoke.
The Struggle for Morality are the Stalinists, our comrades party is able to bring sufficient also the economic and political con The building and strengthening thening of the labor movement as Cukure Under Fascism Hitler, knowing his German philsequences of the new developments of the League is the crying need of a whole.
are deeply rooted in the unions, es pressure to hear within the labor istines, conducts the struggle in Additional quick response is impecially in the sugar industry and movement. The party organization the name of morality.
What does Mussolint preach. add to the old difficulties facing the moment. To bring our prese toperative. Will you help us finish among the commercial employees. must be strengthened, tightened the victims were sexually abnor quality of men. The transformof course the fruitful and unassailable in him.
ever wider circles has become an Priceless Lesson indispensable necessity.
It is in the job? Will you do your share in In Havana province, the Labor and consolidated. Rayo, the party mal: of course they led a life of ing of women from human beings to the organization and press camFederation led by Bolshevik organ, must be assured of the pos debachery at the expense of incubating machines. Culture in has recelved a priceless lesson. In will win now supporters and her Funds Received in the organization The international working class that way that our views, our policy Paign? We count upon you.
sibility of regular publication. Restarved people; of course, the deed! Divide and multiply like ternational Fascism has received a come a greater influence. It is in and Prese Campaign.
One of the most solid labor or seres must be made available for Roehms, Heines, Ernsts were bloody rabbits. is Mussolini dictum to powerful blow. These have already that was that our organization and (Since Last Report)
ganizations of the island, the Gen the Party congress to be held soon, butchers who have on their con women. Bear kids so that they had thelr consequences on the Saar. its syn, athizers become a more ac Chicago. 00 eral Union of Commercial Employ.
for organization purposes and for science the lives of thousands of can be reared to become obedient 00 ees with a membership of 7, 000. labor defense. The Cuban comrades our brothers. But who are their and bloodthirsty tools of Fascism. should exploit the lessons of these labor movement. 15. 00 publishes a 24 page magazine, have appealed to the Communist accusers? Those who were thelr The Balltla, ages to 14, are issued events in the entire world by ex Ideas become a power when they student, West Haven. 00 Proletarian Culture which con League of America for support. best friends despite knowledge of real ridles and bayonets in minia plaining that Fascism does not penetrate the masses. But to pen Konikow, Boston. 15. 00 tains a number of valuable inform The intense activity and difficult all these vices for fifteen years! ture. The city of Milan spends mean peace and well being but etrate the masses a medlum is re Hoffman, Chicago. 00 ative and theoretical articles instruggles they have passed through Who are their accusers? Hitler, more for its police than for prim crime, murder, misery to an ex quired. This medium is at our dis Dissend, Newark. 00 during the revolutionary period Goering and their pack cluding in the last issue one byhave drained practically every local firebrands, drunkards, rakes, per there were last year but 47, 000 these facts they should bent down tive as we succeed in building the 00 Comrade Trotsky.
dogs, ary education. And in all of Italy treme degree. Basing themselves on posal and will become more effec Two Steel Workers, Va. 00 The Bolshevik Leninist Party necessary for them to appeal to us and bloodhounds.
source of funds, and it has been verts, bullies, neuroties, traitors students attending the universities the Fascist bands. But it is nec. League. To make it more effective Salt Lake City Branch. 00 through the Commercial Employees Comrades and sympathizers are re like to appear as a Robespierre) To sum up the picture of Fascism Fascism is but the result of the ex to the field. They are now actively San Francisco Branch. 50 Hitler would of the country.
essary that it does not forget that we have sent several organizers in Philadelphia Branch. 15. 00 Union is striving for the establish quested ment of trade unton unity in a to the National Office, 144 Second the guillotine but in reality he 18 And that the workers are the most that it will install itself, despite au Minneapolis, in Detrolt and on the Friends of the Militant Club, send their contributions sending a Danton and Hebert to in Italy ever since its inception we tremel convulsions of our epoch, and engaged in building the League in Boston Branch (Boland. 75 Workers Alliance.
16. 00 Can the Stalinists, who dominate may also obtain collection Lists 14 Al Hitler, the cousin of Al Capone, middle class is taxed to starvation, unless armed with a new party, for spared to increase the clrculation Local New York. 57. 25 Downtown Branch. 26. 25 bor, be forced into a united front tion to the work of the Cuban Boling of the reprobates. The recent decay, that higher education is all selves incapable of leading it does New International as a regular 00 against Fascism? Can a solid front abovik Leninist Party 18 blow days have shown that Fascism has most non existent and that all that not lead society towards the only monthly publication.
Boro Park 10. 00 of labor be organised in time to dealt at American imperialism. put at the head of one of the most Fascism inculcates in the minds of solution possible, towards the tak This is the way we have proceed Brownsville 00 prevent a Fascist coup by the Latin American Dept. of the advanced nations in the world a the masses 1s obedience and slav ing of power, towards socialism. ed; but to complete the job Krakofsky 00 and further repressions by National Committee band which, for its want of scrup tahness. GLEE. Paris, July 2, 1984. need your support. We have set a Williamsburg 00 nerator Make the Org Press Drive a Success An Appeal for Our Cuban Comrades The international working clasel tive ud a more vital force in the Hutchinson.