Anti-imperialismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMarxismRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSpainStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE REVIEWING Strike Ends in Philadelphia THE NEWS Works THI: MITTANT SATURDAY JULY 21 1084 QUESTION The Crisis in the New York MARCH OF BOX Painters Union EVENTS The Pledge Fund Holy United alone Stadenlot detended their potere le montage de les same bave emerker Thunder The readership Campaign Philadelphia. The heroic strugeting around the plant during the The widespread belief that the been to be in his favor at the moThe Capitalist Press and San gle of the SKF Anti Friction Bear beginning and end of the work day Send questions to Question Box Brotherhood of Painters, District, ment. He has a score of men al The United Front in Franco Francisco ings strikers ended on July 9, after was made impossible by the scab Editor. o The Militant. State Conell No. 9, with its thirteen locals ready under charges of Section 272 In tearful articles about the suf a four month battle.
lovers. Convoys of motorcycle cops the name under which you wish in New York City is facing its of the Constitution which, when en is an even greater danger to the The threat of Fascism in France fering of women and children, tol. The strike broke out when the guarded the scaba to and from work your answers to appear.
COMRADE d n, Brownsville. Sears, was substantiated by Philip pulsion. The men were instructed than was the threat of Hitler threatening stories about the power bosses refused to renew the agree 300 cops were stationed around of the National Guard and the ment for a closed shop (which had the plant during the day and were Here, briefly, is the story of the Zausner, fraudulently elected secto ignore the charges.
coming to power in 1982. That is Army. in hair raising reports of been in effect for six months) and fed in the plant cafeteria. Many Prussian red referendum retary of No. 9, in a sixty Last Friday Zausner opened his clear when one considers, as every agree were injured by the bluecoated On March 5, 1981, 42, 000 mem minute speech delivered last Frlbarrage in a forceful speech at Communist must do, the Internaleadership on Americans the capl ment exubodying all the earmarks of brutes, obe striker was shot, two bers of the Stahlhelm, the national Russian Reds Imposing their in its place tried to force day, July 13, before the membership Local 442 against Communists tional setting and the relations of were stabbed and more than a score istic, reactionary, league of war meeting of Local 442.
talist press does its bit to discredit a company union.
emphasizing that the fight against the classes on the world arena.
forward The Philadelphia Regional Labor injured with clubs. The city veterans, petitioned the Prussian The New York Painters are in bim is a fight against the union. French Fascism strives for power Americane in bor in years the Pact Bourd pretensions to Impartiall public strike breaking agency, the government, headed by Otto Braun, open revolt against the unconstitu. We must present a united front after the catastrophic defeat of the fe Coast general strike. And yet ty were exposed. This bosses in police force, was the most effective Premler and Dr. Carl Severing tional, fraudulent and strong arm to our enemies, the strikebreaking German workers, after the betrayal hidden away, far from the front strument tried to get the men back tool in smashing the strike. Minister of the Interior, both So methods used in the elections on Communists and the bosses who of the Austrian working class, after On the 11th week of the strike cialists, demanding the calling of June 30 and they are determined to press on us now from all sides. the advent of Fascism in a whole page and the headlines, we find the to work under this condition: to World Tolegram correspondent arrange negotiations between the about 10 Workers went beter to popular initiative on the dissolu clean out the underworld elements He didn forget to mention the string of countries. In their strugAll the from the ranks of the organization. Taxi drivers and the Seabrook gle the French proletariat cannot, dramatic, has seemed amazingly 10 days during which the men were in the strike that is to keep out parties to the right of the govern Betrayed in the strike of last Farms strike as illustrations therefore rely on the active support popular with the general public. to remain at work, and after that scabe support from other unions ment, particularly the Nationalists October, deprived of 160, 000 which His lieutenants, Harry Rosen and of the enslaved tollers in the counOver the protests and barriers set to arbitrate all disputed points and was necessary.
Calls were sent out and National Socialists, signified was extorted from working mem Harry Kaplan even dispensed with tries given over to the bloody reup by the traitorous and yellow render a binding decision in 30 to all abor organizations. their intention of supporting the vers in the short space of a few lip service to union democracy and gime of reaction. Furthermore the labor leaders, many of them bought days.
Some offered fluencial assistance initiative, thus indicating who stood months under the pretext of raising with enemy gold, the working class Vicious Decision and a few pickets but the main to gain by it. By about April the a strike fund and then having it advocated suppressive measures and bourgeoisie of France travel mond mob sentiment give full rein to readily over a road partly paved body of the Central Labor Union initiative, which required about spent just as quickly by Zausder the ever present bureaucracy Many for them, it is the bourgeoisie and of California, the great American The decision of the National La sabotaged the strike.
working man has surged forward bor Board was even more vicious.
000, 000 votes was carried. The Diet and his friends who ignored the workers were impressed by this not the working class that has been Labor Sentes Roycott Strike in splendid class solidarity. That They proposed that 250 workers then had the choice of either voting welfare of the painters and imposSince there wasn any organized demagogy. The struggle has shown how it is done. at least in surging enthusiastic militaney has were to be taken back (900 had leftwing that could challenge the on its own dissolution or submiting on them a flock of human paracarried with it not only a consergone on strike. the others were to quired an ethical tone and bolled this recent period. True, the reting the matter to a popular refer sites who maintain their hold by in. up into a confilct between the cent happenings in Germany can vative organized labor and see be placed on a preferntial hiring list ers, this treachery to the strikers conservative and reactionary lead endum. It chose the latter course. timidation, force and terror, the destroyers and saviors of the but strengthen the determination of tions of the unorganized but also for one year. In this time the heightened the audacity of the Armscene. On July 21, the Central have become and file members inlon. Zauster, as a slick speaker the masses of every land where reNow the stalinists step on the Brotherhood ranka thousands of the white collar work company was not to hire any outdefinitely insurgent.
and a shrewd politician, capitalizes action has not yet triumphed, not while the workers became demor Committee addressed itself to the And rightly so, as the conditions in on the situation. His very position to permit the seizure of power by ness men who make up the general Board was to act as arbitrator in a question of how long the workers mand for democratic and social worse now than they have everganizational matters gives him the of France, as of every other capi ors, professionals and small bust side helpThe Regional loabor alized. After that it was merely Prussian Government with the de the trade and in the shops are and continuous experience in or the Fascists. For that the masses spiritual and moral awakening of The strikers correctly rejected condimohol dost against the over concessions, threatening otherwise been.
advantage of wider knowledge. The talist country, must be united for the workers of California In a both of the proposals. The workers to come out for the referendum. The Steamroller in Action courageous rank and Aler lacking struggle.
Though the strike hadn been Advancing its demands, the Stalinword a rising class consciousness received a lesson which helped to called off, as time wore on quite a ist bureaucracy in actuality ad when the union treasury was bals leadership loses more than gains During the last Fall season the constancy that characterizes the of decaying American capitalism that the only defense against the few workers went back to their dressed itself to the upper stratum Ing with cash, Zausner clique felt from this verbal light on the floor. The Inception of the United Front are reaching for their spades. No bosses was their own organiation, On Monday, July the strike was with the proposal for a united front union.
of the Social Democratic party itself firmly in the saddle of the What is needed is a wide mass sup against Fascism in France is at wonder the capitalist press becomes the Anti Friction Bearing Workers Officially ended.
The seeming stability soon port and for that slow and stubborn least a guarantee that the French hysterical.
against the Fascists under certain led to mechanization of leadership. organizational work must be carworkers will not capitulate without For 10 weeks the ranks of the that militancy in both the lender leracy rejected the proposed condi machine, which was transformed they voted for a rank and file can needed in a country with the tradiFrom this strike we can learn conditions. When the Social Demo Next he found it easy to create a ried on. The painters, although a fight, such a guarantee were strikers were solid. Until that ship and the membership of an inGreen The Lost Leader time the only ones who were workto William Green who is so much in ing in the plant wore imported dependent union is insufficient tions, the Staliniste formed unit into a perfect teamroller that now aidate, are not united enough in tion of leadership in every revolued front with the Fascists against dominates all the activities of the action. There remains mutual dis tion in Europe except the Russian win. By being separate from the the Social Democracy, scabs who had been brought in by main stream of organized labor, the evidence when chains of arbitration a scab agency of New York City of the union was cut of union at meetings and elections trust, continuous sense of Irrita Revolution. Forced by the inexorThe vote was taken on August flattening out opposition, balking tion that seems to set the members able logic of events, the Socialists nothing to say. This buzzard stands ter the Regional Labor Boards de from the aid of other locals in the 1961, the pleblecite failing, receiv protests. But the potential risc o of the union against each other, and the Stalinists, the parties of the betrayal of the German workers, of The Minneapolis scrike ing about 10, 000, 000 votes out of a new lenders, in time, under the This situation must be slowly overvoting stimulus of real divergenees of come. And for that more patience have come to an agreement to fight class defeat will furnish him rlcbcision was rejected.
shines out like a beacona militant required 13, 500, 000. The Police Terror together against French Fascism.
pickings in bringing labor back to left wing trade union within the was not done by parties, all the policies and program is a real men is necessary.
Neither of these bankrupt bureau sanity. Whatever the settlement Red Balting During this period the polle of forced the conservative votes being merged, so that no ac ace to the steamroller today.
available us to Last Thursday evening Neven cracies could resist the over riding When important issues come to demand and Impulse of all the tollthing is sure, that the handwriting tory of the city, was inaugurated ſty and into giving united ala bow each party voted. The Stall hundred bona fide members of the the fore and the old and the newers for united action. Both these of the California strike may be one terror, unequalled in the labor his trade unions into workers solidari curate measure 1s on the wall for the blustering by the head of the Department of against the bosses.
inists, however, claimed that the Brotherhood marched in solid ranks showing was due to them and ac to the headquarters of the DC are rally in gripe, numes play a parties have alle suffered serione LOU ROBERTS.
Baptist betrayer Bm Green and Public Safety. Le Strange. Pickcused the Fascists of having sab 14th St, and Eighth Ave. and im rat. etc. plays a large part in the tegration.
great role. Red. Communist: splits that threatened their disinhis kind.
otaged the voting, pressed the gangsters and the police St. Denis commuactionaries terms that have sition by claiming that it was not day a huge mass meeting was held bearing on the real issues that are to the proletarians still under stalof Dorlot merely showed the way Lost General Strikes their fault if, in voting correctly. In Irving Plaza where pledges were at stake. Thus every leaflet that intet influence. At least one motive The capitalist press with great Front in Mexico the Fascists voted their way. To made and a resolution ndopted to the issues contains one or all gusto tells of the lost general this we replied: The question of night Zausnerism end of these epithets. The bad name the policy of the Comintern in authorizing strikes of the past and reckons the coincidence of the voting with Every honest painter is convinced among them the Winnipeg general THE PLEDGERS Mexico City While considering the Fascists ss of thieved by us that the Zawsner une occupies the campalan is a flank attack. Inti an international scale, was to prestrike. And it is true that the WinNew York City counter revolutionary all proposals not from the point of view of some office illegally, and the election was all these hit the workers directly win back the St. Denis insurgente.
nipeg strike was called off without (New members)
of a united front with other work abstract principle, but from th carried through by repeating at the Bad names. or at least unpopular winning recognition of the metal John Delaney pledges 60e month ers organizations not directly con point of view of the actual struggle voting machines, by dishonesty and ones, are utilized in an effort to workers union, the point for which ly, for period of employment.
trolled by them the, stalinists make or the classes for power, and the corruption shortly in a frauduleutsten the discontent of the painters. The Psychology of Forgetting the strike was called. However, George Cooper pledges weekly no bones about the formation of relationship of forces at a given manner.
So Mr. Zausner knows that the Both the Socialists and the Stal during and after the strike wage as long as Job lasts.
united fronts with isolated intellec stage. To come out into the The chief demand was new elec Communists are taking advantage inists would prefer to start a new increases were won by practically pledges weekly for as tuals or intellectual groups, and at streets with the slogan Down with tions and speaker after speaker of the forthcoming strike, to wreck page on the united front and to all sections of Winnipeg labor. long as possible.
times in actual practice even with the Bruening Braun government at directed his speech to that correla: the union and Ellsteln also knowe forget the past mistakes. That Thousands of workers were brought this is the same comrade who the Facciats as demonstrated by the a time when according to the rela sion. New elections is a correct it is the dual union Idea which is partly the meaning of the mutual into the labor movement who had has disposed of 47 coupon books in Prussian Red Referendum in tion of forces, it can only be re demand and since the case is in the underlies the real cause of the re guarantee not to critfeize each no previous contact with it. Liter the Organization press Campaign. 1981. The prize example of all, placed by a government of Hitler hands of lawyers and courts it was volt.
ally thousands broke their church. He has 10 more books, and will un however, seems to have been re Hugenberg, is the sheerest adven also correct to demand that in the The fight against these misleaders French Stalinists tried to impose as other in the united front. The lodge and other ideological tres doubtedly sell those too. served for the Mexican Staliniste turism. By taking such a position meantime the painters themselves with their masters and never reManhattan stored them again. So great was Glade who today maintain a united front under the circumstances the Com take action and force Zausner from will not be a simple one. The very one condition for the united front fact that they occupy the seats of that the Trotskyists, the Interne 00 monthly in action with the clerical forces munists. appear in the eyes of offee.
the support of the strike that Leonard Lewis power gives them a sharp edged tional Communists, be 00 weekly on the issue of opposing sexual edu the masses as the aids of reaction. Bit of Fake Bravado months later four of the strike Dorothy Morria weapon against the members. They Indeed they had every reason for cation in the public schools For a more complete analysis of Here we were witness to the translate every phase of protest inwishing this. But their double leaders, three of them still in all Clara Nelson 00 In an effort to cover up its inabil. the question see the article by usual Stalinist hotheadedness, were elected to the provincial legis Wright to terms of constitutionality, and bookkeeping denunciation of the. 50 ity to solve the problems of the Trotsky in the militant of Septem where sentiments were allowed to demand that the protestants obey or Trotskyists as counter revolutionlature. labor mayor and a group Spithos of labor aldermen were elected in Bleeker 00 monthly Mexican revolution and distract at ber 19, 1981, from which the ex run rampant and emotions take the be crushed as disrupters of the unists in one column for having ad 60 tention from the non fulllment of cerpts in quotation marks have place of sober reasoning. One of the lon. In other words, Zauner vocated the only correct policies the city. Later with the formation Gordon 00 the pompously announced educa been taken.
main speakers, the LL. lawyer machine wreaths all its acts into (which would have made Hitler of the Communist party a Commu Paul King 00 tional projects, and the attacks on nist alderman was elected. Despite Florence Becker Sacher, forgot himself completely the aureole that emanates from the coming to power impossible) in the 00 the standards of living of the school and after admitting that he is ter constitution since they are its cas struggle for power of the internathe fifteen years of prosperity and Weber 00 teachers and professors, the governtional proletariat, and sliding in of COMRADE Now York. ribly interested in the painters and todians and interpreters.
depression, Afteen years of apathy Com. Tamas 00 in the American Labor movement, Victor ment of the bourgeoisle has brought the names of the countries where a feeling had come over him to be. 50 Zausner machine will fight us these very policies in another colforward through its Minister of we have sections, and the names of one of the painters himself con bitterly.
the solidarity and militancy gener Kling. 50 ated by the Winnipeg general Konikow Publte Instruction, Nicholas Bas the papers which they publish folcluded his speech by a bravado: when all means of combating the in the matter of the united front, 00 sols, an elaborate and apparently lows: was a painter would go and influence of the rank and alle falls without any announcement of strike is yet a potent force in that Harlem city. The San Francisco strike, Beccher very revolutionary project for bust up the whole outfit. When the officials would use their last change or analysis of their past. 50 sexual education to the children in Germany: Unser Wort during the collection dollar bills and most powerful weapon expalgreater in its scope, occurs under is the proof that the new line 1s the public schools.
Holand: Baanbreker far diferent conditions. Conditions Colay were slow in coming in he pleaded slon, and revocation of local char only a false cover to be cast of much more favorable for the work. Jerry Marsh Cochrin. 60 Taking advantage of the prejuFrance: Verite and Combat des with the audience that he personal ters. In order to conduct a suc for further betrayal at later 00 dices of the most backward sections Jeunes (youth)
ing class. Gentlemen of the Cap Smith 00 of the population, the Roman CathBelgium: La Voix Communiste tion of the meeting and at least clique we should by all means fight lead to nothing fruitful without Itallst press: American labor, conBronx scious and aggressive, has arrived Olle clergy has succeeded in mobil Spain: Communismo and Antor that amount should be made good, 00 cha izing the parents organizations unA few minutes later he bursted out to retain our membership in the correct policies to be advanced union.
through the united front itselt It is here to stay. It took some Eckstadt der its control in a mass protest again and literally threatened to go Greece: Pali ton Taxion besitating steps in the past year Litsbitz merely a tactic And until the reTasks of the Left Wing Others in New York City and again more frinly in Minnes ont and tear the gangsters to ribmovement against this unholy Poland: Proletarjat bons Although the fight against the actionary theory of socialism in one polis and Toledo. Now, standing Porter 00 monthly proposal of the Rodrigues Calles reBulgaria. Osvobojdenie Zausner regime has reached high country is destroyed root and Louis Weinstock, the rank and point the Loft wing has still to en 00 gime which, they point out is set upright and powerful, it places its Alby branch (and this means inevitably England: Red Flag 00 on destroying the morals of their file candidate for Zausner office, rench itselt in the union, to win cliques in every country) the stalfeet down firmly in the Frisco gen the louidation of the Stalinist eral strike. Its face is to the East. Conwit innocent offspring and corrupting. 50 main speaker also made many over the wavering.
Italy: Verits There will be setbacks. But its Cornelis 00 the home with ideas about life and Militant, Young Sparta statements that didn win the apworkers and by means of a realistic Inist parties can only mislead the 00 task is laid by lilstory. Awakened Haldous sex not yet accepted by the Holy eus (youth. and the New In proval of the painters save the few Marxian trade union polley to pro the unity in struggle of the work and all powerful it shall march Samuel, 00 See.
the painters to violate the constitu ion. The double faced policy of the to pass to that party which advoacross the continent, cleaning the The Geltmans 00 substantial mass movement ly)
capitalist rats and parasites from Miller 00 has been raised on this issue bavCanada. Vanguard tion whenever possible, since Zaus Stalinists, who would just as soon nee has also violated it. He spoke as not provoke a split in the union based on firm principles, precisely Sydney Moroff the country it has made: 00 ing its main support among fanaticates a corrdet course of action Argentina: Nueva Etapa, Tribe of bullding some new, mysterious in the interests of their paper for this reason the Stalinists would McAbe 00 cal housewives. And here is where una Leninista the official Communist Party enters anton, the name of which he care olutionary outfit can only bring like to exclude the Trotskyists City Subway Worker 00 00 Brazil: Lucha de Classe Edith Sber fully omitted. Weinstock spoke grist to Zausner mill.
the scene with its complete collecClass Collaboration Ann Toven 00 tion of appendages and auxiliaries. Cuba: Rayo about starving out the not whom they cannot face and withThe following item was not clip One thing is certain, the fight stand in open and free debate. They Chile: Izqulerda 00 weekly The and the Anti Imperialist a penny in per capita tax. He also ped from organ of company (paid for 25 weeks)
League are fighting in the street Bulletin of the Russian urged the painters to go back to within the Brotherhood of Painters fear the Fourth International!
union, nor even from Green Amer1. 00 Teacher demonstratione side by side with Opposition ican Federationist but from the en els locals medicines with an atau servative officials is the power of the United Front to Release (paid for 26 weeks)
Switzerland the Catholle Youth Federation as Stalinist Dally Worker. However, Geo. Cooper 00 the shock troops of reaction in this Lithuania knowledge that the painters are not the official machine.
It should occasion no wonder that radical rank and file is the trend Thaelmann 00 conflict.
Mexico those who can read peaceful Inten. John Delaney in a position to do so with the exof the times.
We fight for the release of all. 50 monthly As If there were nothing else to In addition we have groups inception of his own local and probtions in the imperialist policies of. MEMBER OF BROTHERHOOD political prisoners of Hitler, Thaelattack and criticize in the policies China, Austria and other countries. ably one or two others.
France and England can also be Newark, mann included. And do not forget The response of the meeting was 00 monthly of the bourgeois government, and keenly aware of the problems fac Geo. Holley emphasizing the demands the four German youths shamelessTHE MILITANT. 50 good, but not as good as it should Ing both sides in the factories of Nagy for better conditions for the teach. Com. Abramowitz Dead the painters. Despite the fact that matter November 28, 1928, at the Ing our atter repugnance to the proEntered as a second class matlinlsts. But we cannot help volely abondoned to Hitler by the stal1. 00 American capitalism and have a Kotz 00 ers and the fulfillment of the prorealistic approach to their solution. Becker 00 gram for better conditions for the during the last month, the Daily Post Office at New York, Un paganda of the Stalinists which, Here is the quotation, Daily Work Lambert Comrade Isaac Abramowitz Worker bas printed column after der the act of March 3, 1870.
teachers and the fullllment of the member of the Communist League column on the situation only 700 out Published Weekly by the Com 60 looking to this figure of the leader, July 16th Rosenberg writing Sympathizer 00 on the shoe industry in New York: Social Worker er. shamelessly speaks of the daily 50 tenance of schools in the country Saturday, July dle for the greator of 000 members could be mobilized munist Loue of America The manufacturers must admit Clerk side, raising the late for free books part of his life he was a fighter in ing execution of one or two Communtat for the parade and the mass meet(cally. that our organization is Boston and supplies to school children, the the revolutionary and working class to approve the petitioning for Vol. 7, No. 29. Whole No. 233)
The meeting also didn seem 144 Second Ave. New York, workers by the Fascist scoundrels keenly aware of the conditions pre Wiener. 80 Phone: Gramercy 9524 as merely the prelude to the killing valling in the industry and the Shecket. 50 education, thereby giving the most in Russia he was one of the found be sent to the Executive Board in of Thaelmann. And what of these problems arising nameless victims themselves! It la the shops af. Henderson. 60 SATURDAY, JULY 21, 1934 direct support to the most reactionation members of the Communist Indianapolis. Many felt that this is fecting both sides and they know Cbiplowitz. 50 EDITORIAL BOARD the Irony of history that Blum and ary forces in the country. No fur that our organization is having a Wolfe, New Haven 00 Thorez form a united front in ther comment is necessary. pelled in 1928 for supporting the Party of the United States. Ex self exposure and would result in Martin Abern James Cannon France to help secure the release realistic approach to the solution Friend, Youngstown 00 blacklisting Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector of the problems. Bill Green could (paid months in advance) of the Bronx, the teacher in Marxist position in the party he has Zausner on offensive Arne Swabeck of Thaelmann who found imposn put the case for class collabora Steel Worker, Va. sends a sible (counter revolutionary. himNew York City and the steel ever since been a staunch Aghter Bundle rates one cent per copy.
Although the militant rank and tion letter than that. Here again self to unite with Wels, the colladonation to this fund whenever worker from Va. In addition for the Communist League. His nle is ready to carry the battle to Subacription rate: 00 per year borator of Blum in Germany, to the swampe of Stalinism and re he can manage it. Thus far he 50 per half year. Canada prevent Hitler from coming to pow to our regular pledgers, whose death has greatly bereaved all the the door, Zausner machine formism merge.
has sent in 16.
contributions help greatly to comrades that knew him.
is far from sleeping. In fact he is and Foreign: 50 per year; er and placing Thaelmand in Jall. BILL NEEDED few more friends like lighter our financial burdens.
taking the offensive and the odds 78e for a month JACK WEBER. 00 1. 00 AS 11