BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Problems of Marxism Hitler Dilemma TheLeagueMarches To New Victories Workers Democracy The Crisis in Germany using the since wages to the were The Communist League of America stands on the threshold of great support Grows in No one with the least understand tons are controlled by a self seek events. Never in the history of our organization have opportunities Ong Press Drive Behind the recent events in the 43, 409 in 1983 the payroll fell from ing of Marxism would insist upon ing bureaucracy which does not been so favorable.
top circles of the Fascist dictator 60, 000, 000 marks in 1932 to 67. 000, The whole physiognomy of American labor is undergoing a radical The heroic struggles of the work ship in Nazi Germany there looms000 marks in 1933. In the Hoesch a revolutionary program if there word in opposition destroy the con change. Every where the workers are stirring out of the chains of the ers in Minneapolis, Toledo and the the dark cloud of an economic works with an increase of almost are weighty reasons for diseardingfidence of many workers in trade economic crisis.
that term and using some other one unions?
And wherever there is ferment it assumes a new form. Pacific Coast are firing our members crisis which more than any other 1, 000 workers in employment the And should we for that more militant, more class conscious and even more political conveying exactly the same idea. reason advocate a change in the Sentiment and tradition necessarily name from trade unlous to some honest, courageons revolutionary leadership becomes more insistent In the stress of the class struggle today the cry for leadership determination to build the League of Hitler and his camarilla. Trademarks. Like facts can be adduced and its press.
bulances are unfavorable. The gold to cover almost every German inplay a role in movement and they apply event to plain that a trade union should give the minions of the capitalist class in the E. of hold back the Two organizers have already coverage ou currency in circulation dustry. If one were to take the the use of certain expressions and to the members the right to criti struckle, stemming the tide when possible or kniring the movement whenfeld. One to Minneapolly, the other has been reduced to the zero point. 000. 000 to 2, 500, 000 then one gets been selected to be sent into the have dwindled by more than one boast of Hitler seriously that he third Credit with other nations has reduced unemployment from 6, if any question arisex as to the ad eize and decide important matters, it gets out of their leading strings.
to Detroit. If the funds continue visability of substituting a new for that the workers must struggle Spontaneous revolt against the reaction in the of crops up to come in as they have in the past Debts to creditor nations have been an indication of how deeply wages tor of tradition should be taken for these rights. Alus, there are men, tomorrow the militant workers will break the bonds in another to proceed into the timid within a sailles Treaty, German capitalism Forschung as quoted in the Current an old term in a program, the face constantly against any bureaucracy in unton atter unton. First in the steel union and now in the longshore week, both organizers will be able departured or per comWhites the markeer bekende en slitshed over the contactaties into consideration. But to cling to many correct ideas which the Stal union. But these revolts are sporadic, confused and lacking a revolu few days, a word simply because it is custom inists have twisted to a point where clonary direction are child play for the slick fakers, From Minneapolis we get word sinks deeper und deeper into the History for July 1934. The payroll ary and traditional when new de. they are not recognizable and where velopments demand or even advise the workers are beginning to doubt for Germany has careened from REVOLUTIONARY LEADERSHIP VITAL that our members there have al mire of an economie blind alley.
change, would constitute stupid the correctness of the ideas them Political leadership of a revolutionary nature is the key to the pating the arrival of the organizer most advanced and technically ready rented a headquarters, autic German Industry is among the 850, 000 marks in the last quarter of 1913 to 100, 000 marks for the dogmatism and not Marxism. selves. Have they not desecrated successful outcome of the workers struggle. This leadership cannot be Detroit, we trust will not be tong best equipped of any in the world. first quarter of 1934.
It must be absolutely certain, and murdered the idea of the united had without the touchstone of Marxism. And the banner of Marxism, in doing likewise.
Yet hemmerlin within the boun Prices Rise however, before a word or term is front, the idea of democratic cen tooking soberly at the facts, rests in the hands of the International In order to maintain these or darles of the Reich, with its enorchanged, thut the new term is extralism? It certainly makes it Communists, the communist League While wages huve declined to the actly synonymous with the old. We more difficult to attract thinking assume that the idea expressed by workers, but to substitute, new claiming to represent the workers have failed where history called upon and directives, the center has to be tercourse of It becomes more apparent every day that both the political parties assistance from the national office like a giant monster stilling for vanishing point prices have risen in the way of timely information lack of air. Without the normal in more than 15. in the six months the old term is correct. If not, terms would hardly make it less them to fulfil their self appointeel mission. The stalinist party, which strengthened the press has to heism in Germany is fuced inexorably and the first quarter of 1931. How trade cupital covering the last quarter of 1983 change of term is necessary because difficult.
the old ideu must be changed. Given Necessarily comrade Hook as bowed its head in mute acquiescence while Iitler axe descended upon Vitalized.
with the need for an outlet for its close the German masses are to pressed by the traditional word or exactly the same thing as dictator occupies the center of the stage for destructive purposes. Stalinism is FRIENDS AND SIMPATHIZERS, goods. But to these normal prob fact that food consumption has MEMBERS OF THE LEAGUE, surplus in commodity and capital starvation is again shown by the phrase, nothing would justify a ship of the proletariat. If that noton not for capitalism but for the labor movement.
DONT LOSE ANOTTIER DAY! lems of German capitalism are add substitute unless the very same idea were so one could, though not tully is conveyed by the substitute. convinced by the reasons given formised by the major events in Austria and in Germany. what revolu. Organization Press The Socialist party, torn by internal dissention, hopelessly compro Send in your collection on the ed the new difficulties which have course of 1983. Retail sales in coupon book been accumulated Hitler Groceries, delicatessen, department The Program of the the necessity of the substitution of tionist could think of this stinking corps directing the movement of stores, clothing and other staples without further delay. The returns walked into power.
with the rise of new and differ terms, agree that a change of terms the American working class?
from our readers are far from satbear further eloquent testimony to Unfavorable Trade Balance ent groups in the revolutionary inight do some good or at least isfactory thus far. Many have not the ration system Hitler has instiBUILD THE NEW PARTY NOW!
Germany trade balance, unfav tuted among the already Impover.
movement and with the probable could not do any harm. Hook does responded at all.
fusion of some of the groups to not enter into any extensive argu Now tben is the time to build that organization which for five years orable for the first time in four ished German population.
Receipts ment that workers democracy and has been forging the weapon of Marxism, testing and tempering it in the years, amounted to 5, 500, 000 in form a new party, the question of dictatorship of the proletariat are crucible of world shaking events. The intensity of the class battles to Los Angeles Branch. 20, 00 ist to 8, 750, 000. The government (since last Report)
Capitalism under its democratic January and increased by March form had become too expensive for Ideological struggles will ensue and one and the same. He more or less come will make the greatest denunde on every resource of this organ Waukegan Branch. 11. 00 itself has augmented this adverse their principal objects in destroying the German ruling class. One of some of the controversies will re takes it for granted, simply saying ixation.
that Marx, Engels and Lenin refer volve around the use of certain New Haven Branch. 10, 00 trade balance by placing restricwords and phrases. The program Then their is the titante job or erreting the new purty in the fires Duell, New Haven. 00 tions on imports. At the same was to eradicate the sains made by to the nature of the workers state of the American Workers Party Is and the character of its rule as of the class struggle. The creation of the new party depends for its Gendelman, New Haven. 00 time, trade with the Soviet Union the workers in decades strugPittsburgh Branch.
the ring and it is suf the dictatorship of the proletariat nomentum on the Marxian corp being rooted in the firoletariat.
17. 20 which had for years been one of the first gle. Tens of thousands have been Riciently different from a common or the workers democracy. Hook And atreally our training over the past five years, our granite founBoston Branch.
15. 00 Germany leading customers de renovel, under Hitler, from the un ist program to furnish rich materi slves no citations so that it is im dation in the teachings of Marx, Lenin and Trotsky have begun to bear Cleveland Branch. 60 clined from 626, 000, 000 marks in al for discussion and clarification possible to argue that point. Per Ernit.
Youngstown Branch 11. 00 1932 to 282, 000, 000 marks in 1933, employment benefits. Eren such an elementary social service as inNew Castle Branch 15. 00 and then catapulted again to 21, One of the most important hape that is for the best and the Minneapolis is the first milestone on the road.
valid Insurance pensions were reNewark Branch. 00000, 000 marks in the first quarter er of changes in the program is argument need not degenerate into There the international experience of the Bolshevik Leninists as Philadelphia Branch. 001934. Similarly with France, the duced by more than two million the use of workers democracy a battle of quotations.
congealed in our trade union policy inspired a strike that has been ex for dictatorship of the proletari The Characteristics of the Rose Hegedius, South Bend. 00 Scandinavian countries and Finland marks under the Brown Shirt regime.
Transition Period emplary in the whole labor movement.
Pearl kling, Boro Park at. The change is sufficiently imwhose imports from Germany fell And Minneapolis will show the way once more!
portant to require an explanation The Master Is Repaid It is absolutely correct to say Youth Club. 00 of respectively. 400 million, 41 miland comrade Sidney Hook does the that the dictatorship of the prole: make the last one, with all its militancy, look like it social tea party.
The new strike which will probably break as we go to press will Friend, 00 lion and million marks.
Hitler has served his masters explaining in his article Marxismtariat is workers democracy Jert. Rall, Bryan, 00 By the side of the unfavorable well. lle has destroyed the entire and Democracy in Labor Action it is not correct to assert that All of capitalist renetion in Minneapolis is being pressed into ser Manbattan Branch (King. So trado balance stands monetary political and labor movement in of May 1, 1934.
workers democracy is the same as vice for the battle which will determine whether Minneapolis is to be New York City. 00 system so tampered with by the tin Germany, slashed of New York City has dis ancial doctors of Hitler from Dr. bone, raised prices and made heavy by Hook in justification for dis From the point of view of the right Two main reasons are advanced the dictatorship of the proletariat. a union town or a prey to the labor lating Citizen Alliance Red scares are beginning to find their way in the press. Dan Tobin, to date. The last time he came shadow of intlation looms big In The Thyssens, the Krupps and the posed of a total of conpon books Schacht down, that the menacing Inroads into the social services.
placing the dictatorship of the pro to vote alone, the workers state labor scate head of the Teamsters nion has added his voice to the into the office, he took another Germany. Gold reserves in the others have every reason to be letariat by workers democracy the transition state between capired balting campaign of the bosses against the militants leading the books. When asked us to how he in the program of the One, talism and communism, will repre union.
Relchsbank have dropped from 351. grateful to depraved bandit.
manages to sell so many, he told 241, 000 marks on June 7, 1933, to And why not?
because the non political worker, sent a tremendous extension of Profits in the hearing the word dictatorship. asGENERAL STRIKE IN MINNEAPOLIS 23, 700, 000 democracy for the working class.
us go from door to door. The 111, 135, 000 marks in the same Hoesch works sociates Communism with Fascism But this extension of democracy is On the other side the entire Miuneajolis movement knows that this other day rank the ball at a door month in 1934. The ratio of the marks in 1983 as compared with and a man answered. told him Reichbank gold to outstanding 12, 500, 000 marks in 1932. Thyssen and thus the illusion that bourgeois not the only characteristic of the is a finish fight and has pledged itself to pitch in, in a general strike.
democracy must be defended workers state. If that were so Comrade Cannon, editor of the Militant, has already left, to be on have anything to do with anything on June 7, 1934.
what wanted and he refused to circulation fell to as against profits rocketed more than afteen against its enemies from the left workers democracy would be a band when the big dofuge pop in Minneapolis, to give is first hand rehke it. talked to him while million dollars in Increases over as well as from the right is pre correct term to indicate the nature ports for the Militant.
Wages Slashed what was enrned in 1932. A11 served. The second reason why of that state. The workers state was a Fuscist and discovered told German industrialists have workers democracy is preferable is further characterized by the fact and bleker Communist League. New recruits from the firing line. New en get results.
Out of the Minneapolis and similar struggles we will build a stronger sympathizer. But most of the place it is difficult to concelve how been presented with a gift of more conditions could be very much than 1, 000, 000, 000 in the form of to afctatorship of the proletariat that it uses repressive measures Intluence in the mass organizations.
Perhaps the method uses worse for the German musses even Is because the Stalinist bureaucra against the capitalists, the exploittax reductions, subsidies and mucy in the Soviet Union has usurpeders. It takes a way their private All our members and our sympathizers must realize how tremendous can be used by other comrades with intration were instituted Wages thorixed wage reductions.
the power of the Communist party property in the menus of production are these tasks. If we carry them through properly then it is a certainty good results. has also have been slashed to below the The record of one year of Hitler and destroyed the democratic rights and it also prevents them from that the Communist League will be on the map as a political force to Fund, saying: cut out smoking. this is given in the war Industries stewardship in office speaks for it of the workers sovlets and thus a having any say in the government. be reckoned with thronghout the labor movement.
misunderstanding has resulted to The workers state does not grant the effect that the dictatorship of democracy to the oppressors.
Yet this stupendous task is nothing more and nothing less than ll give weekly to the Pledge city since the advent of Hitler. italist parasites and nothing but It building the Communist League.
In the Krupp works where 35, 17 misery and the Iron heel for the the proletariat means in reality the is a dictatorship with reference to Building the Communist League requires an apparatus, a function dictatorship over the proletariat. is not a member of the or workers were employed in 1932 and workers them. The term workers demo ing staff, and a whole corps of field organizers Minneapolls, Detroit, sanization. He is an example of In all probability Hook in his cluim that the non political pect of the workers state. dicta Pittsburgh, the Middle and the Far West are all calling for organizers, the kind of sympathizers a com worker (who however is political torship of the proletariat gives BUILD THE LEAGUE!
munist organization should have.
Another sympathizer of ours from enough to follow the capitalist par wholly correct conception of the Besides these organizers there is another organizer, the collective the Bronx came in to the office two ties) tends to associate Fascism nature of the workers state. organizer our press that must be built, that must be popularized. weeks ago with a coupon book in (Continued from last Issue) We cannot refrain from one last with Communism when he hears In revolutionary program it is quotation When we appeal to you to support this campaign, we do it not to his hands. He had gotten it through In 1931, Dunne swings into action particular Dunne (or as his BoThe Stalinists, and in the word dictatorship. Both the essential that the terms be exact retrench, but to advance; not to stabilize but to build the mails.
capitalist and the liberal press in and not such that can be stretched In supporting the Organization Press campaign you are building the half, as we looked on: sayingcal fellow. As graceful as a swan, now call him for the Arst time in to put the dictatorship of the proformist parties would undoubtedly firm edifice of the new party in strengthening the League as the inajor bare no way to selline these cour he lears through the air with a new his life, William Francis Dunne)
letariat in Russia and the Fascist have no objection to coming out in Instrument in its creation.
dictatorshipe in Germany and Italy favor of workers democracy and In supporting the organization Press campaign you are laying the another fourteen books for me, and clase is on the offensive, and what the bureaucratic trade union prae on the same level and thus try to would contend that electing them best foundation for the new left wing in the trade unions, Here is another interesting Item counter offensive.
the employers are engaged in is a lises of the Trotskyists in the save democracy in this country to office would bring the workers FUNDS! On those five letters hangs the whole campaign.
This in 1931! Minneapolis union. Dunne ought from sympathizer That simply means that to all the democracy into existence. The ar As a revolutionary worker, as a supporter of Marxism in the labor able literary man committed his 1931, he other misconceptions that the back gument would then arise as to what movement, now is the time to rise to the task you are called upon to like the Militant so much that views to paper with the result that ative of the to the Pittsthe official representward American worker has. one a real workers democracy is. No perform.
got so annoyed when it did not he was kicked unmercifully around burgh convention of the organizamore is added. Hook recognizes leeway must be given the reformcome. am now far away, there the lot by no less a man tban Karl tion which for some unknown reathat a great deal of explanation is ists to confuse and misinterpret.
fore really don think shall be Browder, and he took his punish son goes by the name of the Nationnecessary for the non political That is difficult enough even with able to sell any of the coupons. Inment without a peep. Time, o al Miners Union. Let us Again worker. He takes up two rather exact terms alone with terms lengthy paragraphs to indicate how that are vague and capable of being stend, am enclosing Ten Dollars Morals! And in the old days Dunne listen to Browder observations on my birthday money, slightly antici: used to refer to Browder in such Dunne: the backward worker must be stretched.
taught the difference between cap Program Not Propaganda the issue necked attitude that everyone not make no bones about this fact. The Marxists do not hold the stif Our organization is small. We pated. Helen Mason, Columbus, alsrespectful terms as Foster Marlon Mcleod, of low Falls, clerk or Bill office boy. At the miners convention, there Italist democracy and workers occurred unprecedentedly bureaudemocracy, how private property we are dealing here with a program political organization of the work insufficient for us to carry through Weltats destinare te wetenempecerant holding a membership card in the resources of our membership are writeris rights in capital must be wiped ont It is therefore clear. sala cratic distortions of the correct rev This will acknowledge receipt of a revolutionary party composed ing class is to be sneered at as a the great tasks before us today of the coupon book. While was Browder in his most imperial man olutionary line. This was typified in order to establishmore demo of advanced workers and trying to weakling or castigated as a class our membership which has been not able to dispose of them to other ner, that it is absolutely wrong to by the method used in making a cracy for the working class, etc. attract to Itself the more conscious enemy burdened with the support of our people. am happy to be able to speak of the offensive of the work change in the name of the Union.
etc. The conclusion can be reached elements of the working class. We The concept of the political pa party of the capitalists tical organ and our other various necessary explanation a worker is agitation and propaganda.
An example of name, National Miners Union; the pro basis that the vanguard organiza institutions has been again called this wrong use of these terms, Party had never made any decision convinced that a workers demogram must attempt to be as exacttion of the class consists of the on to bear the brunt of our OrganFirst Annual which can create an entirely erron. instructing its members to try to cracy should be established, he and scientific as possible. It must best and most qualified fighters in Ization Press Campaign. They have PICNIC could also be convinced that eous political atmosphere around change the name. And yet one our struggles, may be found in a comrade holding a strategie position dictatorship of the proletariat is class conscious workers.
the educate and furnish guidance to the ranks of the proletariat. But responded nobly.
Given by not what he thinks it is and that in order that the influence of the But that is only the beginning, recent issue of the Daily Worker, proceeded upon his own personal Unfortunately it is true that in revolutionary party extend beyond only a small part of this new camCommunist League of America which says: increased mass pick whim and by use of personal preshe should struggle for it. The fact experienced or unintelligent agita its membership it gathers about it paign that will make the League (Cleveland Branch) eting at Piney Fork and other mines tige to propose and to have adopted that leftward moving socialists tors we terms not understandable selt a large periphery of people a powerful political factor to be SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1934 Saturday morning checked the without discussion the change of openly espouse the idea of the dic by a crowd of workers. And dle known as sympathizers.
Garfleld Park. Section contended with by the capitalist counter offensive of the coal opername to Mine, on and Smelter tatorship of the proletariat at this tatorship of the proletariat is not ators.
class and all their agents. That (Take 105th St. Car Garfield Pk. Earl Browder, Daily Workers Union (without even a time in just that very phrase is the only such term used. Workers Don Be a Platonie Friend why we blow the bugte for a call Admission 10. Free Refreshments refers to a dispatch sent the Work fraction. It was an extreme quite significant and lends strength democracy Worker, July 14, 1931. Browder discussion with the Communist undoubtedly to be It is to these sympathizers that to action to our periphery of symto the argument that the term dic preferred to dictatorship of the we are making this appeal. We pathizers.
er by Dunne. example of bureaucratism, of going tatorship of the proletariat does proletariat in a popular article or believe that sympathizers are not The Oportunity Is Here THE MILITANT And as a parting kick, Browder over the heads of the workers and not repel thinking workers.
in an agitational speech because it platonic friends, who have general The Dictatorship in Russia can be understood by most workers. agreement with our ideas, but ae classed as sympathizers have the matter November 28, 1928, at the because we have a splendid fighting alization was thrown into the work Entered as a second clase mail damned Dunne for the idea that, even of the Party. Further demorThe same argument applies to the In program, correctness of idea is tive supporters of our cause hearticontention that the dictatorship of paramount and a term can not be ly willing to work for it, if not to opportunity to show whether your Post Office at New York, Un spirit among the masses therefore of the Union at this convention by we are already developing an of another irresponsible action, the the proletariat is misunderstood to discarded because it is not readily accept its discipline. You comrades sympathy for the ideas of the Com der the act of March 3, 1879.
mean dictatorship over the prole understood by backward workers and friends of the Communist interest or whether you are reserve Published Weekly by the Com fensive of the working class. Some postponement of the election of the tariat. We times this is theorized. In its official leadership and the installancede that munist League of America misun League are in the second line soldiers, ready to take your place 144 Second Ave, New York, least harmful form, this is no bet. tlon of a provisional committee Intatorship of the proletariat, though derstood.
trenches of the Aght for the new when the signal is given ter than phrase mongering. It is stead. This again was an individexisting in Russia, has degenerated. There was a time when some so party and through it, the proletarIt is in this spirit that we urge Vol. 7, No. 28. Whole No. 232)
We grant that there is no democracialists claimed that the best way ian revolution in the United States. all our sympathizers to bring in SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934 substitution of the wish for the nal action. Earl Browder, The deed. The Communist, August Communist, August 1981. cy for the workers in the Soviet to win the American workers for donations and to solicit contribuEDITORIAL BOARD 1931. If the democratic trade uplon Union, that the Stalinist bureau socialism is not to mention the should disappear. To substitute tions from their friends for our Martin Abern James Cannon Now we ask, in all good con practises followed by Dunne, and cracy has displaced the party and word socialism. Inevitably such workers democracy for dictator. Organization Press drive.
Mar Sbachtman Maurice Spector science, why should anybody take the daring leape through space the soviets. And we must also ad socialists not only substituted some ship of the proletariat would re The call to action is given!
Arne Swabeck seriously the criticisms of the man which he makes regularly over the mit that the rule of the bureaucrat other word for socialism but gave sult ultimately in surrendering the The field of the Campaign is the Bundle rates one cent per copy.
whose ideas and theories, according field of trade union policy, are what objectively counter revolutionary the danger that in substituting an of the revolutionary dictatorship of Sympathizers! Take your place te apparatus in Russia has had an up the idea itself. There is always Marrlat conception of the necessity Organization Press campaign! Subscription rate: 00 per year to no less an authority than Earl he recommends to the Minneapolis 50 per half year. Canada Browder himself, are, in their teamsters Is it any wonder that effect upon many workers. But does incorrect for a correct term the idea the proletariat.
in this new battlefront of Marx and Foreign. 50 per year; least harmful form, no better than the Stalinists are anathemato not the fact that many trade un represented by the correct term ALBERT GOLDMAN. ism?
78e for olx months phrase mongering? Why?
them Fund.
The Man on the Flying Trapeze Dear Comrades: It was became And alas! here too our uncontrol to know, even if he doesn In An Appeal to our Sympathizers that if after such a detailed and are not concerned here with massas taught us by Lenin rests on the press our monthly theoretake the book myself and enclose ing class and the counter offensive The miners were all for the old ecaus might evet