BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRadekRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

THE MT TTANT SATURDAY, JULY 14, 1934 PAGE REVIEWING New THE NEWS War Grips MARCH OF Features in Second Strike Wave QUESTION Fierce Trade BOX Entire World EVENTS With the world wide crisis still 11. The Communist Party, by its That Omnipresent Zack Tendeney rampant the first year af the NRA self inflicted isolation from the revThe leading capitalist nations waid of the German French strug Send questions to Question are now entering a period of in gle. Only in this case not only War Rumors Under the leadership of the ends American labor taking the ag olutionary interests of the working Box Klitor. o the Militant. tensified trade wars that shift in America is involved but the whole Communist International with the gressive. The significance of this class, stands, or rather Calls, con State the name under which you emphasis and political expression of Europe as well. What seemingly able except insofar as they reveal Rumors are notoriously unrellbest disciple, Stalin at the head year events are here summed up demned by objective events and the wish your answers to appear. almost every week. The ramifica starts as a German French trade what is creating the greatest anxithe Communists of the entire capl in a simple tabulation: party impotence therein. Russia COMRADE New York. tions of the struggle for markets is war struggle ends by involving the ety in capitalist society. In the tallst world were withdrawn from Every important strike or will build socialism, workers in Your contention that the unemploy so great that it is difficult to follow Imperialist powers of the world and case of war rumors the world press the regular trade union movement threat of strike involves direct in other countries will neutralize ment figures compiled by the y. the battle line on all fronts. But the lesser nations also.
and set the task of building revolutervention of the state. Political the bourgeoisie, then Russia will of ure low is probably correct, what can be pointed out is the genThe Crisis in Germany has been unceasingly filled with tionary unions. In the United uction by Federal government. defeat capitalism; a paper union is and is borne out by Governeral trends and the main antagon Germany economic crisis is Manchuria. If one went in for prethem since the Japanese seixed States in 1930 the of was Already militant attitude is better than an of union, a ment statistics. Senate document isms.
worrying the statesmen of the dicting he would surely be on the said to be openly Fascist and the being shown by workers toward the Stalinist united front is better than No. 194) as the following compar This struggle for markets by the world as well as bloody Hitler. The side of greatest probability in preParty In resolutions articles and machinery of governmental inter a Leninist united front, etc. etc. ison shows: speeches stated, The most funda vention against its evasion, delay, Germany, Austria, France, Cuba, Unemployed (Millions) expression in clashes between im to a large degree on the solution dicting that the next imperialist in the Far mental task in mass work is the suppression, and support of com America in depression, etc. etc. Year Gov of Lperialist powers and in open class of this crisis. The debt repudiation East between Japan and Soviet building of revolutionary unions of pany unions and the boss class. The immediate opportunities and 1980 3. war within the countries or indus wave that has followed the wake of Russia. That is why any rumors the In England the new trick Ta duties of leadership in this period 1931 tries of the nations which cannot the world crisis finds Germany tak bearing on the tense situation in Specifically the line of stalinism was so well carclause is recognized as such by the and on the basis of the above con 1982 14. 11. find outlets and markets for over. ing similar measures. But her dit Asia are given close attention for ried out that good rank and dte workers. It is safe to say the work siderations line up as follows: The of figures for unem production and cnpital Investments. tculties cannot be solved in this the carmarks of truth and actuallmembers of the trade unions coners are ready to break up existing Spread all strikes. Meet the ployment for May of this year is The Two Trade Wars manner.
The economie Isolation of Gersidered the Party to be anti trade company unions at the first oppor militancy and solidarity of the rank 10, 207, 000. Allowing for about three ty. One item that appeared recently The boycott against Germany in the British press seems to bear unionist. Harry Pollitt admitted tunity.
and He with aggressive leadership quarters of u million young work many and the Anglo Japanese trade intensited this unfavorable condi. such earmark.
this in the English Daily Worker. The Publie Lelger of London, a The rank and ille have also and broad organizational unity. ers who come to age each year, a war are two of the main pivotal tion. Germany must find an outlet The result of this polley was ev. learned (though not fully. It is Turn half steps into full strides, ligure around 14 anillion is probab points of this struggle for markets. for her highly developed productive erywhere the same, isolation and true) to distrust the old guard masses Into an organized class. ly nearer the truth, Within these two struggles the inapparatus.
review, discloses that Otherwise the internal financial defeat. This has fnally become. Of leadership and to instat on right delay that weakens or with evident to Browder himself in Am action.
We have the following data on terests of all the Imperialist powers class war will tear the present Japan approached Turkey last bolds the available blows of the speed up. According to the Nation are at stake to say nothing of the structure to the ground. But there, March for a secret alliance directed erica and so we have resolutions, It is very easy still to under workers.
al Bure of open letters and plenums, all taking estimate the aroused militancy of strike in a major industry a Research. Interests of the and the are no markets for Germany. The against the Soviet Union. The Tur kosher capitalist institution world proletariat. The United victorious imperialists need what kish ambassador to Japan was inup the situation. Not for the pur the masses against the terride pres Wiko steel should be a signal for the the output per man hour In manu: States has up to the present man they have and are looking for more vited to see Minister of Foreign alAirs Hirota who informed him pose of finding where the fault was sure of the crisis.
certain in 1935.
and laying the blame. No, not at The settlement of strikes tary aggression of the bosses with 100, was as follows: 1420, 104: this fight, but in reality is one of most drastie methods in the compethut war Would Turkey care to join with all. Every child knows that the and threatened strikes are not set a national strike in steel and ba 1931, 112: 1932, 121; and 1933, the main contenders in these two tition for markets. with Stalin at the head is re tlements at all but postponementational solidarity throughout the 127. The comment which follows struggles and is taking a most en France, the United States and the Japan in the war against the Soviet Union? At the same time the Japsponsible.
other nations must follow suit or of wider outbreaks. Workers are movement. Little of the increased productivi ergetie part in them.
anese Admiral Matusima visited But who in the Party dares to forced to demand and fight for sub Thwart fascism In America ty since 19:29 can be credited to the Japan has challenged England in be pushed out of the race.
Ankara on same mission. To say that. So the search Is on for stantial gains.
an effort to obtain a bigger slice of In turn the whole trade war is by increasing the militant mass Introduction of new machinery in a scape goat and apparently in world trade England is ready to sharpened. Nothing fundamental help blockade the Iussian Black was promised America Zacki Browder, der present conditions with similar presente alte the workers against the dicates that there has been an av: Assure the movement a erage speed up of about 27 since strike back in an open trade war is solved. The nations that obtain Sex fleet. Turkey solemn as an owl, announces, The matory ease. Strikes evolve almost leadership which guarantees 1925. compensation in the shape of terand In maneuvers to defeat the new markets plod along a little betritory in the Russian Caucasus.
Zack tendency to underestimate and spontaneously and without distinct broad aggressive march upon renc Japanese demand for naval parlty. ter and can beat back opposition at hamper work in the of un leadership.
tion. Preclude despair by giving dollar of Roosevelt would raise Just as much at the United Statestions that lose confront incrensed sive) men of war to Turkey, would Theoretically, the sixty cent This Juanese challenge is aimed home more effectively, while the na. Japan would sell (in actuality lons is being slowly overcome. In new leadership is bound to the fighting spirit of the rank and prices 67 higher than they were all other countries other Zacks who spring up representative of this to a leadership that also fights at the time the United States went as it is against England. But the Internal class war.
The Most Decisive Conflict unfavorable economic position of ply technical assistance for the for were dumb enough to actually be militancy.
Let labor learn its power.
The German trade war with an tification of the Bosporus against Ilne are now being made the goats the above points is the objective the contradictions of capitalism in remained the same. Actually, the picturerbe united states to work worse dally, is the most decisive Fundamental to and clinebing. In general. America presents while the value of all commodities measures than those taken by Am Internal economic crisis growing the Russian fleet for six years of Stalinist trade un situation. Elther extremely cen their extreme form (a world dom average price of all commodities is and a. Pangland, Where Do You Stand?
revolutionary, Communist Interna the direct brutality of big business, ment politically uborganized, to that if the same gold standard of naval purity and the trade war even ter repercussions before the Anglothongh it is acting covertly.
or war, is the way out for capital take the example nearest to this price had been maintained, average Japanese struggle matures. per reveals that Washington is most tional ism. Labor is compelled to learn point. and Just as in the past prices for all commodities would most dificult position in the AngloU. Imperialism occupies the America stakes are directly interested in Great Britain stand bound up with both of these con in the next war. In fact Washingmore rapidly and fight more vigor strikes often became civil wars on be lower today than in March of Japanese trade war. Every retall ulets.
Rudolf Hess Defends Hitler Although her favorable ton has inquired concerning Eng ously and unitedly every day. local or regional scale, and as, 1933.
and Murder 10. The world situation: the re too, in the present erials the apex of ation measure adopted by England world position give her a point of land exact attitude in the event of Rudolf Hess who succeeds the turn of Germany in the reckoning American industry and its collapse against Japan becomes a blow at advantage it does not, however, in a Itusso Jap war. Japan diploma YIPSEL, Boston. Yes there the United States. This forces sure the United States against the cy has been directed, ever since homo sexnal Roehm as the closest of the imperialists as a re armed coincided in point of time, so also European and Asiatic trade war recognition of Soviet Russia, associate of Hitler, delivered a rival (a year of German fascism) how, in view of the inevitable were draft riots during the Ameri America to strike back at both naspeech last Sunday. few extracts postpones somewhat national out stringency of the crisis and in spite can Civil war, but this does not tlons, and most often with the storms. America action to over at either breaking off this too dan from the speech will indicate that breaks at home (France) and of the political backwardness of refute our statement to you of sev heaviest blows against England. come her own crisis only aggravates gerous friendship between her po America Position these already difficolt conditions tential enemies, or balancing the companion, Roehm, and socuring a maneuvres of national and allied Eles are absolutely to be expected 2, 128, 948 men in the Union army up new markets with cheap pro into the whirlpool.
Each step Japan tnkes in opening and in turn pulls America deeper with England. In this schem ing of diplomats to build up bal new one, Hitler, like Henry VIII, forces for war. Russia has plunged in this period struggles of imme only 119, 964 (8. were drafted ducts forces England to counter at all of the internal and interna ances of power is clearly indicated was not brains.
associates by Hitler, Hess saya ing with the greatest speed under developments in this period, includ about 20 of the total male popu able measures against both Japanistration to improve its economic character and convulst the entire Speaking of the slaughter of his ever, these maneuvres are proceed cal significance. The rapidity of the population of the North was tack with more effective measures. tional measures under the New the way in which modern capital Who could suppose that every one the pressure of serious trouble in ing political action of the masses, tation went under arms willingly. and England in order to retain her conditions and market relations will planet, since all the major rivalries of the Hitler Youth would not re side the boundaries of each national must be recognized.
nations come to the gard the leader as his idol since, government.
Where did you get the idea that world position. What is true in be in vain unless the problem of of the cavemand solntion by the Marx dialectie is the same as the struggle for markets is even trade wars is taken in its broader fore and especially in the last few days, he Hegel At least Marx disagrees more pronounced in the armament aspects. It will postpone but not method of force.
has acted the part of the boys put some Militants with men who with you: My dialectical method race between the nations. It can solve the problem. Therefore, Amideal hero.
need same but please no publicity is not only different from the Hesbe sold with certainty that in the erican imperialism is speedily pre Describing Hitler superman the where got my first light, Hegel, the life process of the human for me. admire your attitude tolellan, but is its direct opposite. To end the Anglo Japanese trade warfaring for war, which the United Stalinist Comments on the activities on the first day of the will become an Anglo American States and the other nations know German Events murders, Hess tells how Hitler ar and am connected there now you is the logical conclusion of the trade The comments of the Stalinist brain, le, the process of thinking, trade war.
have many friends in same (S. which, under the name of the Idea. rested Roehm and others and goes What can be said of the Anglo wars now ranging throughout the Russian press on the German events on to say, Then he went over to here. Sincerely, Low Rumble.
be even transforms into an indepen. Japanese trade war can also be world. HUGO OEHLER. hardly take the trouble any longer the Brownhouse. and out of the Two More Weeks for Special Drive.
Complete Record dent subject, is the demiurgos of the to carry on the pretence that there mendous tension he poured forth a Buy Your Cards Now.
76 Local New York real world, and the real world is speech of great historical imporclubs against strikers. The dead exists a powerful German CommuThe Club Plan (4 six month subs only the external, phenomenal forn (Boro Park Br. 4)
tance. Again in his workroom the and blinded in Toledo are eloquent nist Party. Events preclude such of the idea. With me, on the contestimony of how this blends with stupidity and reveal the true depths leader pronounced the first sentenc for 1) was initiated for the pur Chicago Branch trary, the ideal is nothing else than the old methods and along the same of the lying propaganda that at40 Minneapolis Branch the material world reflected by the essential lines as Homestead, tempted to cover up the betrayal by Cleveland Branch 38 worked on. he dictated a letter those workers who cannot afford Stalinism of the German proletarHaymarket and Centralia.
the full rates. This drive, which human mind, and translated into Los Angeles Branch 36 for the new chief of staff and went 16 forms of thought. Introduction In Roosevelt latest political Plowing down crops, killing of lat. One would look in vain for Philadelphia Branch on dietating the views of the Na is an extension of the first, ends on tional Socialist Party on the events scription rate for a six mouth sub August After that date the subto Vol. of Capital. 12 Davenport Branch pronouncement, the President com sows ready to furrow. numerous any even remotely concrete directives from the Stalintern to its By no means do we stand on the pared the New Deal and the other farm rellet measures, milYoungstown Branch of the day and on his own actions German section in line with the will be 50c. We urge every branch From time to time he gave addiBoston Branch same theoretical ground as the present system with changes which lions on the verge of starvation, view that the Cominnist revolution Chicago Friends of the Lovestoneltes. It is, of course, im are being made in the White House, bundreds starving to death, lynch tional orders for arrests of indivi and sympathizer to take advantage ing police terror, deportations, jail possible here to go into the matter during his vacation.
would inevitably follow the fascist Militant Club dual persons. II Hitler could of this opportunity and Invest San Francisco Branch in any detail but suflice it to say also have dictated the views of the few dollars in these cards before We are going to include in this ings and outright murders that counter revolution. The Stalinists rest of the world on the events of August 1st. The subs will be bonConstance that the Lovestoneltes support the addition and in this renovation the record of the past year. How reveal their utter remoteners from the German events and from the day and bits own actions, hiored as they come in, but the purNew Haven Branch work would have been complete. chase of them must be before Au Toronto try which we reject, and malutain plumbing and modern means of euy blends with its early days and the German working class. Only the stupid American party caught gust 1st.
Berkeley (Kogan)
that the 3rd International con be keeping the offices cool in the hot stormy growth.
Local New York bought 20 Ben. and Porter reformed, whereas our position is Washington summers. But the And on the other hand, the up the sensational mongering of the Startling News growth of organization, the millbourgeois press that a Communist summed up in the slogan for aith structural lines of the old executive tancy and Agbling ability of the cards the past week and will prob Leener revolt was about to take place in Head of 100, 000 American trade ably get another 20 before the drive International. The Lovestoneltes, office building will remain.
New Castle Branch Internationally, have for some time The architects and builders are the essential lines of their fight trayed by their parties (the social workers of America, also follows when millions of workers are beGermany. As was to be expected unioniste endorses sub drive of ends. Boro Park Branch of New Newark Branch Daily Worker. Yes siree, believe it York brought cards. Chicago Oakland Branch been attempting to crawl back to men of common sense and of ar. ing past. The trikes in Minneapo.
or not. Andrew Overgaard, bead branch got 8; Davenport, Philadel Springfield Branch the For the latest on this sub tistle American tastes. They know lis, Toledo, and the Pacific Coast democratie and the Stalinist) and of the Trade Union Unity Council, phla and Youngstown branches sect see the article in the New In that the principles of harmony and testify to that. new Communist St. Louis Branch lose their faith in their revolutionwhich counts 100, 000 members each bought cards. total of 44. Osborn, Frisco ternational for July called Brandelof necessity itself require that the Party that will blend that militancy ary role, the German masses have (Mike Gold system of counting) bas The following excerpt of a letter Toronto Branch ler on the Road to Canossa.
building of the new structure shall and the fighting tradition of the become apathetic as is now casually come out flat footed behind this indicative of how the Militant is Toronto Youth Club So you still do not see the differ blend with the essential lines of the American working class with the acknowledged by those responsible Daily Worker. The Daily prints being receved by the leftward movence between the Soviet Union, old. It is this combination of the theory and practise of the interna Waukegan Branch for this apathy.
Overgaard picture and record in ing Socialists. We have a few more Row Moran Italy and Germany since all are old and the new that marks orderly. tional revolutionary movement is their Labor Who Who column letters expressing the same senti Rumble dictatorshipe. Just ask yourself, peaceful progress. not only in needed now, not to renovate and Pravda says: The economic conHis picture was almost recognis ment: Jefferson Rall Who owns the means of production building buildings but in building redecorate the present social sy dition of Germany is growing worse able. His record completely 80. Gentlemen: Inclosing for tem but to end it and build the new and must result in accelerating the Just imagine, if you can, Andy in month sub cards. Will try and TOTAL 374 ence becomes apparent. The cap Our new structure is a part of the Socialist Society. BILL. change of attitude of the masses the name of 100, 000 refusing to from passivity toward the robbery In the Pascist countries; the work and fulfillment of the old.
endorse a drive or a Browers own them in the Soviet Union. ern plumbing, electrical and cooling NATIONAL TO APPEAR SOON enduring to an open class struggle Let us look at some of the mod WAR AND THE FOURTH INTER and the oppression they are now der decision. How the gaps in that record would all out!
Your difficulty, as is shown by systems (he did not mention gas)
reon this and your previous questions of introduced by the new deal which Secretariat of the League of InterThe theses of the International on a mass scale.
Radek covers with phrases that echo hollowness Holy Joe McKee and Patriotic several weeks ago flows from the will blend and harmonize with the national Communists on War and the same theme in Tzvestia: As PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION Whalen fact that you permit the class na essential lines of the old. First the Fourth International is ready yet only the Communist vanguard Cloth 50, paper 00 ture of society to be obscured by we have the huge increase of profits to go to press. This long awaited is actively opposing fascism, but Joseph McKee, that honest man THE PERMANENT REVOLUTION Cloth 00 of sterling character and Grover for industrialists and financiers, pamphlet which deals with the all the proletariat is opposed to THE STRATEGY OF THE WORLD REVOLUTION. 215 Whalen, the fire eating patriot, are which will supply the means for most vital problem of contemporary fascism. He goes on to say that GERMANY WHAT NEXT?
again in the news. New York Cloth 85c, paper FOODWORKER, New York. cooling sea breezes for the rugged society will soon be available for there are ten million workers not Finest. who never hesitated to THE ONLY ROAD for Germany Isn it necessary to build strong Individualists and their families. every revolutionary worker. Every in the Naul party who have not yet Cloth 660, paper national parties before we can be. In this we have a perfect blending financial obstacle but the coverage capitulated to fascism! Then why crack the skulls of striking or un COMMUNISM AND SYNDICALISM employed workers at the orders of gin building an International! We with the old. The big naval build for paper for the pamphlet has been is not the herole Communist THE SPANISH REVOLUTION IN DANGER. 15 former Mayor McKee and former think not, and see no reason for line of other days. Another once we urge you to send your con. And further: harmonizes with the met. To overcome this diMculty at party leading them in struggle?
PROBLEMS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE counterposing the tasks. Our ene big The tempo of Gerpolice chief Whalen, have a Police Relief Fund. Or to be more exact SOVIET ECONOMY IN DANGER. 10 my is International capitalism, and new Innovation is vomit gas to go tributions and advance cash ordere many historical development has we therefore must construct an or with tear gas, bayonets, bullets and lat once to Pioneer Publishers.
turned out to be more rapid than IN DEFENSE OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION they had such a fund in 1929. Now. 05 ganiation to cope with this probwas to be expected. But Comrade they are not so sure. In 1929 the THE SOVIET UNION AND THE FOURTH INTERNATIONAL. 10 Radek, does that mean that you exlem, building the national parties fund amounted to about 3, 000, 000, 50 MY LIFE. publishers price 00)
and International simultaneously.
pected Hitler to remain in power all in liquid assets. Holy Joe and THE NEW INTERNATIONAL THE HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN REVOLUTION vols.
Your logic, if carried to a conclu Patriot whalen were in charge.
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Station Post Office Box 119 only a short Interlude before the gage company. That was in the The very posing of such a question New York, advent of Communism? Only the Fall of 1929.
Other funds were TEN YEARS, History and Principles of Left Opposition is ridiculous. Why make the same One Year, 50: Seven Issues, 00; Single Copy, 15 Cents; paper For Industrialization drones also Invested The mortgage cer. by Max Sbachtman. 10 mistake because of the existence of Canada and Foreign countries One Year, 76.
out, being careful to delete all retificates turned out to be worth as ACCUSE STALINISM hy Maria Reese national boundaries?
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much as an NRA pledge to labor.
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Buy a PIONEER PUBLISHERS subscription for the NEW INTERNATIONAL: like 30 cents. Legal action is proAnd all the Kerr and International Publishers books and JACK WEBER CERTIFICATE. It only and posed against Whalen and McKee pamphlets.
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JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE Militant Builders Blending the Old With the New 8 Books by Leon Trotsky forms. 35. 25. 18. 15. 05