BolshevismCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninismMussoliniNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1934 Hitler «Purges» Party Old Guard Routs Silk Workers Drivers Union To the Saar Workers Vote Down Prepares Strike in Reign of Terror An Appeal by thel.
Expulsions brand or Socialism serious rallied is growing by leaps and bounds. It was a Roman holiday, and every were kiven u hearing. There were ration, but have not been able to come whether you are to have at You are, therefore, faced with the never led any movement in the pot exist. For them the national themselves impotent to at the red baltine Trades Council, the Street Railway those cowards who join the Gerworld! great task is entrusted this point he came into conflict withers face are now on a different and tion, in the convention he rebe Militants in Continued From Page 1)
continued from page door and decline the nomination We have been trying ever since and the convention hall was filled May 31, wben the regional labor (Continued from Page 1)
The date of the referendum is set. viet Germany, and tinally, in the Dally Worker. But it is worse than with shouts of Let Oneal speak. board issued its order based on the Everyone is now inexorably faeed last hour, came out for the status yullible. So while the parties of stupid when they say further in the but Algernon Lee, Old Guard chair continued from page 1)
terms of the signed peace agree with the question of the decision. quo. The had also completeSocialism falled ever more miser issue of June 23, that, the stalwart man, refused to give Oneal the floor ably as the decisive hour ap steeled, herole leader of the Ger until every possible available speaking a committee to investigate his went ending the strike to negotiate Only a few more months separate sabotaged the establishment of proxched many who took the Nazi man masses, the Communist Party, er had wanted these bave on Thomas, status, went unbeeded. The rest with the employers the matters that you from the fateful hour in which a united front and thereby pret the peace agreement left to no will be decided for some time to pared for a defeat as in Germany.
tremendously increasing its leader labor faker, every racketeer and thirty eight accusers among them tsm proved an easy one.
to its ranks. The task of capitalstolp in the tight against the bloodylabor lawyer in the ball had his Henry Berman. But all these ac set anywhere because the employ. least a meager possibility of strug. task not only of building a united with the Hitler hordes in power Fascist dictatorship. Where and chance at Thomas, whose integrity cusers were present at the trial es refuse to recognize us as ren Bling against exploltation and op front but of creating a new revolucrushed the fascist revolution was een betere leaders se hormone very substitute for revolutionary clarity. Each Terimtinal. was given 25. mn. around white me paros nos procent completely subjected to the blood the Fourth International for the struggle against fascism the following of union said in the statement completed. The middle class ele it was the stalinist party which of the business dealings of the old which summed up For the Status Quo!
United Front of All Anti Fascists!
crimes. 1) being members of the which had the assent of other unWhen we, as Communists, call Both old parties have now finally Storm Troopers and in the Nazi took power. It failed when it had The speeches of the section of the United Silk Workers Club (and ion leaders, Miles, Grant and Ray Dunne, Farrel Dobbs and Carl upon you today to vote for the status taken the position of the status party, hud yet to be reckoned with. millions of supporters and a bold Guard who came out for Tho not of Ell Progressive Club)
quo; when we call upon you today quo. There is not another minute not in the fulfilment of their merically poweriul party, function mas were, or anything more hu) being active in clearing the un Our position, which we under tatingly for this slogan, it is not now. Irrespective of how fundato come out fearlessly and unbest to be lost. No excuses will avall own aspirations of trust busting under conditions of legality: miliating than the outright attacks. son name and preventing the Stal stand is in accord with the terms because we regard the present situ mentally irreconeilabla reformism dividing and parcelling out of bus with auxiliary organizations and a Julius Gerber said that If there inists from making capital of stu inesses and landed estates, but by press together with the right to has been any sabotage in the party. pid and vicious policies; 3) receiv. of the peace agreement is this, ation in the Suur as ideal and final, and communism are, they must im dasting all of these hopes and as hold meetings and demonstrations. It is done by Militants. and preing support of the workers during Brown said in his statement. but because we do not equivocate mediately make an alliance for the The union represents the status quo. Only thus can the hesibecause we answer the question as tant ones outside the ranks of the pirations.
it was unable to organize one ser faced his support of Thomas with membership and shop chairman it is posed in actuality and because Mussolini Advice ious action of resistance and could this insulting remark, You make meetings. The Club, according to men. That was the understanding of the peace agreement, because not strike a single blow guinst it mighty bard for me to do what Kelter, is a dual or secessionistor.
the employers signed the peace It is reported that Mussolini sald Vascism before it came into power.
it weems to us beyond any doubt working class be attracted to it.
to Hitler on his recent visit to it could not even fight as well as m going to do, Comrade Thomas, ganization Why? Because it is a agreement with us.
that this referendum contains to When they see that even the workafter me sitting where could social and educational club which Venice: Ono makes the revolution che Austrian Social Democrats. It watch your actions all afternoon, alis among other things to work We have the right to take tetting yourself a brainst fascism, the ed front, how can they decide to some degree the possibility of proers cannot establish a lighting unitwith one set of men but rules with kept the working class hopelessly Cerber was referring to Thomas Lor the organization of all silk into the union whatever employ.
worst scourge for all toiters and Join the struggle for defense?
another. For Fascism this is tree divided, classified us Communista Jokes to his neighbors about the workers into a single industrie Hitler Can and Must be Defeated!
It could not rule capitalist society and Social Pencists, and it split the old Guard machine wbich was Tho anion under the banner of the to join. This, of course, includes oppressed.
In the coming months the eyes workers as well as drivers and We are for the status quo; althrough the medium of the middle trade unions. The stalivist party mas main outlet for his resentment all Europe be rivited on the class. It was only a tool utilized before Hitler came to power was against the pogrom.
though we are far from considering Saar region. Hitler can and must helpers.
The activity of the union memto perform the Vascist revolution corroded by careerists and adv We desire to negotiate in reyour present masters, the League be defeated! Provided that the bers in the Albert case was, accord and more than that it was never turists who held the official poslThomas Appeals to Hillqult of Nations, as an instrument of working class rallies to the struggards to wages and working conThough barassed and resentful, ing to Keller, under the direct su.
intended to perform. It cannot tions. revolutionary policy did ditions in every plant where our peace but regard it as a tool of im. gle in the last hour and pursues members ask such negotiations perialist foreign policy. We are correct tactics. No state, no tres lead, not even its own forces. It not exist for these people and could the Militant Thomas faction showed pervision of the Stalinists and in lead a fight the interests of the National. Why?
This is our position, said for the status quo purely for rea ury, oudy the workers can save the sous of expediency because we con Saar!
sider it our duty to spare the people a pendulum between the two main cratic methods was tar to per contomon had reted against Thomas beadquarters at the same addrew Brown, and it is what we are inodern era, but always swung as socialism of Stalin with its bureau. against the Old Guard. After Sol. Because the National once had its going to insist upon.
of the State all that they have seen Preparing to Strike class forces, and mostly to the supable. Today the remnants of the which, with no other candidate as the Club; and because MusteFor the first time in the Suar refor the last year on the other side glon since national socialism has port of capitalism. In this present stalinist party remains us rottee running could mean only unrelentites and Trotskyites were notorious ly involved in the activities of the In that splendid method of or of the border: unbridled terror, shown itselt, no longer in theory as before, except that it is smallering repudiation of Thomas Thom club. And what is more notorious ganization which in the first strikemas corruption, progrons against and in criticism, but as an instrudisposed of and put in its place For that the executiouers axes and ists and adventurists in charge are Solomon. By way of showing that tlcularly in trade union policies Local 574 is now proceeding Just for, ever increasing starvation and hit the Sanr territory especially work again with my friend Charles in hand with the Stalinists, par. De followed by workers everywhere. tation, racial insanity, forced lations (of a war that is bound those executed like Roehm, Ernst or changed to have the bureaucratic he was not capitulating. Thomas Keller third charge really cames etliclently to another strike to need, and danger of inflation Heines are, of course, not to be methods.
declared will fight against the down to the fact that he and his insure and extend the victories al hard. of murder and corruption, The workers refuse with thanks National socialism is put to a found the spokesmen of the middle things that Hillquit, Debs and Clique have had to resort to high ready obtained, to Insist upou our the freedom which the lackeys of referendum which offers at least a The Stalinist Contribution class. They were merely the degenIt would be ludicrous to conceive Meyer London fought against handed tactics in breaking up position. as President Browa Thyssen and Roechling will give trace of freedom. How great this erate adventurers and conspirators of such a party, unable even to the reformist London as his models were unable to control them. Keltaking the notorious Hillquit and meetings precisely because they laconically puts it.
who capitalized on the middle class make a fight against Fascism under in an article in The World To ler, therefore, decided in despera the battle will be so much tiercer Towards this end, realizing that freedom will be depends on the Since the revolutionary possibile militancy the workers display be discontent.
But the reported execution of should be able to lead any serious morrow of June 28. Thomas denied tion to railroad his opponents ont and more intense than the first one. ities have been lost for a long time fore the referendum. This means: conditions as they existed before.
Gregor Strasser is highly signit action today with the working class meant another way of saying the voted them into the Executive the support of all the organized lamunist party of Germany. It is ab and a sgnal for anti fascists of all through the utter failure of the sothat by workers democracy he of the union before the membership Local 574 has secured the support cal democratic party and the ComHitler must and can be defeated!
cant. Others like him will surely disarmed, disoriented and disorgan dictatorship of the proletariat. and Board.
His defeat would be triumph meet the same fate. He was the ized against the hideous monster of deplored the bitter controversy bor movement in Minneapolis. The surd to advocate return to the countries! His victory would be particular exponent of the SocialTakes Worker from Job Central Labor Union, the Building Reich We scorn the attitude of success for fascism in the whole sm of the Nazi program and on struggles which the German work over a few sentences of a Declara When at sute tactics, but actually resorted to the Workers, the printing Tradesman front through fear, that is, to you, tollers of the Saar! Your Hitler several times. Incidentally it was out of his theoretical con fore. In face of this the Stalinists stitute Declaration was introduced, most vicious method of all. He got Workers, the Railroad Workers those who give themselves up to efforts and your sacrifices will help a far more difficult plane than be treated still further.
cepts that he could proclaim a per have only the one contribution to Thomas mainly written by James Oneal. Eddie Swaiyful fired from his job. and every other organized trade in Hitler voluntarily and thus commit not only yourself but millions of willing the workers on the night shift Alinneapolis has given its endorse suicide because of fear of death.
fect harmony with the national soothers!
offer, to proclaim that we stand on The Decision will not be reached clalism of Stalin some years ago.
the threshold of the German pro: with the emasculated version.
to make some concessions in line elected Swalyful shop chairman ment to the battle of the truck We, therefore, call not only on all Capitalist Reaction Strengthened on the day of the Referendum! We our sections but on the workers of and Keller immediately sw about drivers.
letarian revolution. From their Militants Evade Issue Mass Parade it as he told Swalyful he would warn you beforehand of the follow all countries to follow the events This most recent bloody carnage emigration and from Moscow these The reaction of the rank and file The militants were equally im of the union is precisely The first step in the campaigning grave illusion. The Decision in the Saar with the greatest atof German Fascism begins to open leaders call upon the German work what that will once again bring the will not be reached by the vote on tention and with the utmost sollup a new chapter in its history. At ers to demonstrate in the streets on potent. When Solomon read from the day of the referendum. The darity and to support the Saar u the present moment its main signl May Day against Pascism, to demtheir pre convention program thelr would be expected. The men are bosses to their knees is the mass demonstration to be held today. result of the referendum is entirely the opportune moment by actions ficance is contained in the streng Ionstrate under the red banner of statement that workers democracy No doubt Keller will try as his The demonstration will proceed dependent upon how successful you against Hitler fascisin.
thening of capitalist reaction. This Communism and to hoist the red meant dictatorship of the prolet last desperate trick to call a Gen from Bridge Square to the Auditor will be beforehand in freeing your The task of defeating Ilitier must is clear to revolutionary realists: bunder over the factories. ariat and challenged them to say eral Membershlp Meeting on shortium. All of Nicollet Avenue, one countrymen from the spiritual and be solved, it can be solved and it to How foolish this must sound to whether this was really what they notice and pack it with his hench of the main thoroughfares of Min physical pressure which they exper will be solved who dispense their foolish predic the German workers and how far meant, or did they mean by it any men. But he will not catch the neapolis, is to be cleared and roped fence at the hands of the Nazis. Hitler must and can be defeated!
The off. The workers will march in Extra Parliamentary Struggle for home fine faste of the race it is pre problems of the day. The same as tions of the phrase, not one of the Broad siek Department has areadsparade from the assembling point Do not be frightened by the ter the Improvement of Living con rific array of Influence, corruption dicted that new forms of the dicta the suppressed class everywhere, Ailitant speakers would give an ansone on record. This department to the Auditorium where the mass ditions and Democratic Resnts!
torship in Germany are in prepara the problems of the German work swer. The Militants talked of the embraces more than two thirds of meeting will be held. The parade Only if the population of the bloodhounds. For them too it is a lies, threats, flattery of the brown tlon which will offer to the discon ers is essentially that of bread and need for revolutionary socialism. all the workers in the Associated. is to be held directly after working Saar sees that the working class is question of prestige. Do not let tented sections of the middle class, butter the right to live but in ad the need for a new spirit, but without the slightest doubt the hours and the leaflet announcing ready and capable of breaking the yourself be luled to sleep by their teertaln concessions to join in the dition to that they face the problem none defended principles as princi sentiment is overwhelmingly behind the mass meeting advises the work. Nazt terror in extra parliamentary monstrous lies and provocations!
night against the danger of a mass of the democratic rights of having ples. Typical of the level on which the militants whom Keller wasers to come direct from the job ir action, only if the proletariat of Do not let yourself be duped by for revolutionary armed overthrow of a trade union organization, you, and the Militants fought was Haim Kan taking for a ride.
necessary. dinner pail is a badge the Saar see that the fighters forests of swastika banners. Many of capitalism. What is taking place even obtaining first of all the right forovich argument, against those The action of the Broad of honor. The mass meeting free who said fighters for the improvement of the regime will vote for the status quo not need to fear that danger right voice their demands for the right drive the party underground. Kant. membership is all the more sirnin. to decide on decisive actions the status quo are at the same time those who live under the present All of the Minneapolis working living conditions of the toiling only under one condition: now. With the help of his bestial to live. It is in this manner that orovich answer was that the st. cant because of the background hordes he warded or that danger the struggles for democratic rights Louis Resolution of 1917 was against which Keller found it prop class is aroused. The unemployed masses who are ruthlessly exploited you stand together, that you fight when, due to the disgraceful capl play their great role in Germany qually revolutionary and it did not er to inaugurate his high handed organization, the and the by the present regime; only if you that you, too. put into motion the Rule or Ruin campaign. The bosses farmers in the Farmers Holiday succeed in retaining during extra power which you command! After talation of the stalinist party and and will become the stepping stones drive the party underground.
pledged have scrapped the Arbitration Association have their parliamentary actions in time of the defeat no crawling will help the Social Democracy, he was able to the more serious struggle for the No Principled Struggle to demolish every section and every proletarian revolution. The stalBoard, and with it the contract, backing. The coming strike will be preparation, freedom of association against the bloody fate it is betAt no point did the branch of the German labor and inists fail to understand even this ants stand and night. They could The bosses are driving for a wageing blow to the labor bating bosses, it be possible to secure a favorable slaughtered without struggle. Vien Militand, as they also hope, the Union a concerted drive to deal a smash assemby, and press, only then will ter to perish in struggle than to be revolutionary movement, the work elementary procedure of the ob boo Panken vile slanders, Wald cut of at Icast eight per cent. In to make Minneapolis a union town ontcome in the referendum. na is better than Oranienburg! But ers parties, the trade unions, their Jeetive historical processes just as mans chauvinism, Gerber charges the meantime, Keller and his coNo Effective Struggle without a son do not have to perish. You still Throughout the city, the laundry press, their offices and homes as they failed to comprehend the so of sabotage but it was beyond horts can only break up a meeting drivers, the dental mechanics, the well as auxiliary organizations. cial events which led up to the Fathem to get up on their feet and which they ostensibly called to dis retail clerks, the street railway The prerequisite for carrying out United Front!
have enough time to fight Now he is settling accounta, in becist seizure of power.
Do not forget: Hitler must and fight a principled struggle on the cuss the acute problems facing the workers have long standing griev all these actions with suflicient will be defeated!
half of capitalism, with the middle For a New Revolutionary Party issues. Chairman Algernon Lee Union, because they were unable to anecs against the employers with force is that all organizations When you have beaten Hitler you class.
Under the illegal and much more plainly unconstitutional ruling railroad through the expulsion of regard to wage scales, working con. which are for the maintenance of can set before yourself other tasks Fascist Base Narrowed difficult conditions it could not that the Detroit Declaration was those miltants who stood shoulder ditions, union recognition. These the status quo, for the defense of the class struggle!
But in this new chapter Hitler be expected that the German work not binding until after the referen. to shoulder with their fellows in grievances are coming to a head, against the Hitler terror, enter For the maintenance of the stat.
Daleal Socialism from the national should follow such a party or have resolution passed by the Old Guard, found in the thick of the fight in stories about the possibility of faces a new situation. The chim ing class in any serious measure dum, and the similar intent of the the isst struggle, and who will be The Minneapolis press is full of into a solid fighting front on the us quo!
basis of a concrete program Socialist program will have com any confidence in it. Moreover, were passed by without a struggle the coming struggles.
general strike in sympathy with the Through the stupidity and the inFor the aemocratic right of the pletely disappeared. Hitler is ac before the German working class with no sense of how craven was The unmistakable indication that truck drivers. Even as we write trigues of the various bureaucraworking class!
cused now of moving rightward and can be prin strugglete seriously his proposal, Jack Altman offered a genuine left wing is crystallizing the mass meeting at the Minneapcies an enormous amount of preing conditions For higher wages and better liv.
It is true in the sense that the dicasaint the Fascist monster it must to move Solomon candidacy to be inside the Associated is a signal of its auditorlum may have decided cious time has been lost. But the tatorship will henceforth be based throw overboard all of the ideolog unanimous, if Solomon promised to ill omen to the bosses and to the re upon this action.
fighting alliance must finally come all labor organizations!
For the United Fighting Front or match more directly upon the speci ical baggage of Stalinism. new abide by the referendum on the Deactionaries inside the Union. second strike of the Minne into existence under penalty of de fc forees of monopoly capitalism, revolutionary party is needed, aclaration Solomon answered by SILK WORKER apolis truck drivers which may feat. Do not tolerate for one minFor the building of workers millupon its state bureaucracy, the po new, Fourth International is need saying that if he were defeated on tia against fascist terror!
very likely pass over into a general ute longer the sabotage of the Unit For socialism and the final vicis a distory of the proletariat!
miehout the support of the large historical process, but the forces no Militant rose to call him to ace that they do not understand the determination of organlund ta borte specially picked Fascist troops, but cannot be performed quickly. It is to fight against its principles and since they have ceased to pretendone in the shade for militancy and rect service to Hitler!
INTERNATIONAL Organize a Militia Against the The dictator of this process are now at work. out. When, Just before the admiddle elass strata SECRETARIAT Nazl Terror!
ship will rest on a much more nar From the lessons of the past and fournment of the convention, the of the League of Communistrow basis than before. Large secout of the difficulties at present the state platform came on the order of the old Guard. Tardily enough employers and to really get a new You must not content yourself tlens of the Storm Troopers will be new cadres for this new movement of business, the crafty Old Guard, lets describing the Old Guard sganized power.
they brought to the convention leat deal through the might of their orInternationalists with joint meetings, demonstrations (Bolshevik Leninists)
disarmed and demobilized to return are developing.
and even strikes but must organize Geneva, June 6, 1934 ARNE SWABECK.
bludgeon the majority to the ranks of the desperate midmoved to adopt it as read and refer policy: All eyes on Minneapolis. militia which will take over the into submission, or to split the pardle class or become proletarianized.
it to the State Executive for editdefense against the terroristie acts OUR INTERNATIONAL PRESS The economie difficulties of the re CHICAGO MASS MEETING orial correction, some Multants did ty. Why did they not bring the damning facts on the floor if they LETTER FROM COMRADE of the Nazis. No one will help What is happening in Germany?
gime not only remain but become Should the Soviet Union Enter ask for the floor. Were they, at aid nothing else. why did they not Dear Comrades: you if you do not help yourself.
You who read German can keep multiplied and intensified. The the League of Nations last, golre to make a stand, expose confront State Chairman Waldman The impartiality of the police is in close touch by reading Unser enormous abyss between it and the some of the worst phases of refer with his statement to the New York for Bill Dunne article which was Nations will not help you if you send all inquiries to Sara Weber, have waited for one long month already assured. The League of Wort.
Speaker mass of the population, which is ALBERT GOLDMAN mism, and perhaps try to educate Times in which he explteltly stated promised for June 6th (seo DW, sinking deeper into poverty and dea few of the followers of the old that the Socialist Party of the June 5) on the role of the party do not help yourself. o The Militant.
gradation, will be further enlarged. Friday, July 13th, P. Guard? Panken waved his hand State of New York would resist the in the Minneapolis strike. Alas. and the Have Falled!
Our friends and sympathizers, 1s certain that out of such a sitat graciously at them, and told them to attempt of the national organ nothing has appeared to date. Hav In complete consonance with its tion Bulletin, know that Comrade our readers of the Russian Opposination new struggles of the German International Labor Center write out your suggestions and working class against Fascism will send them to the committee for con lation to commit it to the decisioning read of the treacherous role whole past the social democracy Trotsky is its regular contributor 2557 North Ave.
of a national convention? The Mul of the Trotskyltes. was more has been consoling you develop. Out of such a situation sideration. Whereupon the Militants did not, because they have than anxious to see just what the the league of Nations while it has want to stidle the voice of Leon Admission 100 with and editor. The French police develops also the possibilities for itants subsided.
no will to fight, because they are vanguard of the vanguard did at the same time sabotaged the Trotsky. they will not succeed.
it to rally the class to its www. WWWWWWWWWW Outside the convention hall they afraid the Old Guard will split and during those hectic days. united front. The League of Na Despite police persecution, despite support as allies but that also can the number on your wrapper 18 were loud enough in their com take along the sources and property materialize only provided the proplaints which was characteristic from which the party derives its strike has given a tremendous im ening the fighting spirit of the forced to move again, despite treThen again, the Minneapolis tions plays the same role in damp the fact that the editorial office is letariat constitutes revolutionary enough. Outside, too, Thomas profunds.
party capable of assuming its leadvided another example of his hope petus to articles about the Trot masses in the Saar that Hindenburg mendous financial difficulties and ing historical role.
Just as clearly as the militants skyites on other questions and in played in Germany. Place no trust delays, the Russian Opposition Bulor smaller, your subscription to the less lack of clarity: They spent all Corroded Party Militant expired. Do not delay, their time in there on a national horse trading for votes, their com other fields. They never however in these illusions!
Close ranks! letin will appear. The next issue is promises on principles, their failure mention the Militant by name, but Act on your own initiative!
Germany is not yet on the thres. Send your renewal in at once and question the Declaration) and then to struggle on crucial questions at always refer to the Trotskyite The under the influence bution, you can help by a setting hold of the proletarian revolution. so save us unnecessary labor and had no time for the state platform. the Detroit convention, the New sheet. Are they perhaps fearful of the laudatory speeches of Roech readers and subecribers There is not yet at all a mighty expense. If you cannot renew at which was the real business before york convention revealed that the lest some wayward comrade be iing, sowed the greatest confusion. Russian Bulletin.
growing upsurge against the Fas this time let us know how soon you us.
Militants cannot serve as a rallying tempted to spend two cents for a At first they stood unconditionally Send all inquiries and contribuclat dictatorship as the stupid can No Will to Fight center for a fight against the old copy and see through their miser for return to Germany, then they tions to Sara Weber, o The MillStalinist scribes predict in the That the Militants so belled their Guard.
ablo lies and distortions. LG. pouted hollow phrases about a So tant.
Sil: 231 to the