BourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismIV InternationalImperialismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismViolenceWorkers MovementWorking ClassZinoviev

SATURDAY, JULY 1, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Stalinist Treachery in China The Record of Bill Dunne It the territories of the Red The White Terror Bandits (so called Sovint districts The Man on the Flying Irapeze L) are gradually becoming smaller and smaller. Let us take a look at Shanghai which the communists think of as the capital of the non propertied class and also where communists have put in their full energies in Shanghai May 30. The Left Op an opportunity to capitulate, to be themselves speak: their work. Ilow about the com Ile floats through the air promise with the employers in the British Trade Union Congress to position China has repeatedly tray, to sell out. They did not wait Testimony of Traitors mumist organizations in this part of With the greatest of case shape of agreements, etc. the of convention, mark suffered heavy blows from the Kuo for arrest, but voluntarily surren First we will give the floor to China? How many branch organ That daring young man mass organization of the workers the beginning of a new period in mintang reaction. Working under dered and offered their services to Liu Wen hsiang, one of the capitu izations are really working and On the flying trapeze. in the metal mining industry can be American labor history. Willian conditions of illegality, many of its the Kuomintang.
lators listed above, whose declara holding meetings? In the Green His motions are graceful. built only by systematic planning. Dunne, The of And members have been arrested, jailed Some of them were rewarded tion appeared in the Shanghai Sin Labor Union. of the commun Current Ballad.
the enlisting of the support of every World Trade Union Unity, Workers and tortured. Some have died in with comfortable government jobs. Wen Pao On April 25. It reads, in ists, except for a few non workers No man should be reproached for section of the labor movement com Monthly, December 1925. 65. jail. Others are dying. notable example is that of a part, as follows: the conference which resulted in deut intellectual type, who withining in the printing works of the branch organization. As to the rest is thoroughly at home on a trapexe Daign. It cannot be done by giving history. and if it did, it got over In July, 1931, within a week of youth named Feng Ta of the stu was formerly a printer work practically wt a single healthy for no man can be. But a man who with a widespread publicity cam this uew period in American labor running here and there, there is not being qualified in every domain, nected with the industry coupled The working class never noticed the fusion of the four then existing this writer personal knowledge Peiping finance ministry for more of the communist organizations, bar should not always venture into the mine workers the problein of it right quickly. But not so Dunne.
Left Opposition groups, the entire liteul for a considerable time the than ten years. Only at the begin like the Mutual Aid Society (Red the of politics, especially when the overthrow of the capitalist sys. His faith in the revolutionary vir executive committee, with the ex Chinese Workers Correspondence, ning of this year did come to Ad the Anti imperialist workers are involved in an impor tem to consider while attempting thes of Purcell remained undiminception of comrade Chen Du hsiu mieographed bulletin which the Shanghai. Because have long felt League, Lift Writers League, etc. tant struggle. We are far from to organize them around their job ished and undimmed for months to only a has the rested in the International Settle and continues to issue mainly for workers struggled for their inter. There are no such organizations. Place anywhere. It has and it class conscious workers this is all faith, that it blinded Dunne to the The next heavy How was struck publication which supplies the ex was especially bitter against the Bud an idea of surrendering. After however, that a man may be skilled ever upon the great mass of the front, between loyalty to labor and in September, 182 when Chen Duaggerated accounts of suc. Japanese After joining the Com careful deliberation know that in swinging it yet he may not nec miners (who at present are inter treachery. For on the day when hsiu and ten members of the Shangcx on which series of the munist Party often held important was travelling the wrong roud. essarily be a worth while critic or ested only in some relief from the Purcell, flicks, Citrine and their hai district committee were arrest Comiutern In Moscow and else positions, but there were often times Degenerary of Stalinism trade union policy. Not always, at oppressive conditions under which stabbed the British general el. Other members of the Left Op where base their falsels optimistic when was uncertain und bewildIt hus for long been clear that any rate. And William Dunne they work) except to frighten strike in the back, the Daily Work position have since been arrested accounts and estimates of the Chin ered. from a party whose members have in the Daily Worker Is a case in them.
er, under Dunne editorial diree and a large number are now lanese situation and which helps se. sincerely believe that the first to capitulate to the counter point.
This was written either in the Lion, carried the following headKuishing in the jails of the Koumin cure the continuance of the Cominchange in my ideas and the surren revolution before they can secure When Dunne launched his blood First or the second Period. but lines: BRITISH STRIKE FORC tang in various parts China. toru bsidy to The Chinese Stalinists have been Despicable Betrayal der many important members of an opportunity to criticise the party curling attack upon the Trotskyists certainly not in the Third, for it. ES GOVERNMENT RETREAT hard put to it to explain how it Fong Tu now holds a government dental. This is due to the bank but fresh crimes and blunders. In strike a couple of weeks ago in the February 1924 (p. 15) where it can MAJOR POINTS. and in his own could happen that counter revolu job in Nuuking, it reward of one of raptey of the Communist Party. It the degeneracy of Stalinism, in the Daily Worker, no reader but had to still be found as a reminder of front page editorial called The of them have fallen victim to the betrayals on record.
tionary Trotskylsts and so many the most dastarilly and despicable represents turning from bewilder wholesale surrender of its leaders ask himsell. Who is the man that what stalinism can do with a once British Government Backs Down. He betrayed ment to the right path.
to the reletion. We are witnessing speaks with such furious majesty perfectly level healed trade union our trade muion specialist wrote white terror. Being unable to exing girl writer and a pioneer in Kuomintang counter. revolutionary Ting Ling. China most outstand. In Shanghai the labor union the rotting of a wlitical corpse, the of conviction and authority? He ist. At that time Dunne had not triumphantly: under my leadership is supposed to corruption of which stinks to high must be a person not only entitled yet entered his Serial Period. He The British labor movement has plain, they have slandered. At the development of Chinese proletarian be the big weapon in the fight for heaven.
to such savage criticism, but cap merely wrote his articles regularly won a partial victory.
time of Comrude Chen Du hsiu ar literuture to the white terror the proletariat. There is not a sing The Chinese Left Opposition will able of pursuing such a course in about those subjects on which he lying report that comrade Chen had Scuts of the Kuomintang. Tingle healthy small organization or waste to tears over it. Instead, the trade unions and tbelr strug had something to say, it was only American capitalist press are forced rest they circulated the infamously Even the correspondents of the been summoned to Hankow for a prominent revolutionary writer, Ling husband, Hlu Yeh ping, also branch. It is impossible to organ with acided chers and determina sles as would make it worth while later that he was gripped by the concede that the withdrawal of conference with Chung Kalsbok was buried alive with four otherBut the communists still boast of task of building the Chinese section however fantastic they may seem compelled him to write serials, owners, their agreement to continue thereby implying that comrade writers and poets at Lunghua pristheir own strength. The bankrupt of the Fourth International. to be blush. Those who ranking in length anywhere from recra Wage seale and resume te Chen had turned traitor and capton, Shanghai, on February 1, 1981. of the communists does not be LUCIFER.
knew the critte better, shook their six to twelve consecutive articles, gotiations and the government tulated to the Kuomintang. From that time the communist Feng in now. It dates from the time heauls pityingly. Just another one increasingly adorned with crudite promise to continue the subsidy to The Trial of Chen bad been her intimate friend.
He they proclaimed the policy of inThis baseless slander was reemingly remained a friend antil surrection.
of Dunne serials, into which he quotations from the third volume che cont industry, all occurring be So during the past few Business Slows Down throws himself with all the great of Das Kapital. on every concellore the general strike was called vealed in its true dimensions when May 14 laxt year. On that date years the political line was eltber right or left and never on the right Standard Statistics Company offer abandon and violence the greater able question of the day. Bubbling off, is a retreat for the Baldwin recomrade Chen Du siu Was brought he directed Kuomintang agents torck. But all these mistakes or New York currently comments were the errors he made in the last over in quantity, before a Nanking court and senter honde in Shanghai (she follows: che. But even worse than usual: thinned down in quality until theme. Dally Worker, May 18, 1926. tenced to thirteen years imprison lived secretly since the killing of not accidental.
ment for his revolutionary activity her husband)
Another Capitulator Speaks Evidence of a slowing down in he is trying to rehabilitate himself Latter completely disappeared, lavXo condemnation of Purcell for on behalf of the Left Opposition. Por uver. year Ting Ling fate Throughout his triul, comrade Chen has been shrouded in mystery. She whose statement of capitulation pending curtallment of production against Now let us hear Fung Yuen ming continued to accumulate with the himself in the cheap struggle with impetuosity as his listin having called on the strike without Baldwin. Purcell, overthrowing Trotskyism. Tomorrow guishing mark, he jumped in every.
deported himself as a communist was kidnapped from her house in was published in the Shaughal schedules at cotton mills and other he ll improve matters by another where without bothering to reflect you see, was not a Trotskyist in should. His attitude was one of the International Settlement Morning Post of May 17: splendid revolutionary lutransis disppeared, leaving nut a trace. during my long political life respect. Moreover, stool operations gotten the preceding te stel en la parte verstanding, tractats alter para con completely for result became increasingly evident, made it impossible for Dunne to tell Communist International, which cance in defense of his communist Although there are reports have telt inydelt Wandering to have receded from the recent high Dunne main attack is based until today his oluservations, and the difference between the partial principles. Far from bowing to and current obviously Kuomintang in ward extinction. Especially my five level, in reflection of the relatively upon the fact that the Minneapolis above all his criticisms to trade victory utud a betrayal. it is true capitulating before his captors, he spirud that she has been released, years in the Communist Party led heavy stocks on hand and swaller strike did not lead to an uprising union policy, have reached the point he made up for it within twenty hurled revolutionary Defiance in no word has been received from me to believe that it is wrecking ordersfrom tha automobile indusor at the very least the overthrow where they aren worth a pinch of four hours, but not without the aid their teeth.
her. There are good reasons for the Chinese revolution and the try. Building contract warts also of Governor Olson of Minneasota snuff. few examples lifted out Comrade Chen splendid and in believing that she was killed by her Chinese race. The central idea of huve declined further.
of Zinovlev, whose MOSCOW very radical man, will say of the bewildering multitude of speech denouncing the calling off of spiring attitude in the face of an captors. But her betrayer, the the communists is the class struge Seasonal curtailment is becoming But he was not always so radical, un collected works will suffice to in the strike as a betrayal, was cabled almost certain prospect of torture Stalinist Hug Ta. meanwhile en Class warfare above racial more pirer in steel motor and not to me, hellustrate.
and death stands out in amazingly Joy the fruits of his treuchery.
New York to appear in the Daily production once wrote in a gentler frame of The Trotskyists, be it remember Worker on May 14, and to produce marked contrast to the attitude of Nemesis of a Traitor. At a time when the country The dily average volume of mind, that there has been enough ed again, were most of the leading Stalinists who It is of interest to mention that is going to be unified, the commun Federal Reserve bank credit out experimenting with ideal forms of Dunne, but not Red enough for one of the most awkward and emhe was not always so barrassing loop the loop flip fope have fallen into the clutches of the the police inspector who with Feng ists are shouting loudly for victory standing during the week ended unionism in the metal mining in particular. In 1925, whole secever performed on the editorial Kuomintang during the past two ra guidance carried out the kid in one or a few provinces. They May as reported by the Federal Austry to satisfy the most assidu tion of the British labor bureau trapeze. Praise for Purcell gave years, inany of whom were among mapping of Ting Ling.
the uolsiest in denouncing the Chao WII, Wala man named are practising the feudal idea of Reserve banks. Was 470, 000, 000. On seeker of new types of organ eracy decided to buy itself off from way to imprecations, for the lino himself not long trying to get hold of a few provine a decrease of CAM0. 000 compared ization. The com total these a Leftward movement in the ranks type operator will set up for your Their record is counting or ca acea zood stalinist member of the es. Because of such political mis. with the precedine week. offorts is the conditions have de sf the trade unions by making a paper anything you write as dem Trotskyists. itulations and betrayals, which in turned traitor and was rewarded intrigues, right after the Japanese leading cities for the week ended action based on the mistaken bellet (or having written for them) a neapolis articles. Only this time, the past yeur developed into a very lw Kuvmintung with the job of invaston of Manchuriu the commu May 23 amounted to 54. 3216. 158, 0KW that a union of wage workers can port which spoke favorable about instead of calling a betrayal.
of week. When men and women are sub Bureau of Public Safety (police. with the contidence of the masses again reflecting rapidly decreasing manner at all times, still retain job emphasized that it might be alrich partial vietory. As he did in 1920, he calls a partial victory a betrayal.
mitted to the vilest physical tor The work of this Special Division is in them.
business activity control and refrain from any com for backward Russians but it would We call heaven and earth to wittures the human mind can conceive the hunting down of Communists be Inconceivable for upright Britness: here is an eminently qualified when their bodies have been and other opwments of the Kuomin.
ons. Just as impetuously as he man!
wracked beyond the endurance point, submission and capitulation man for an appropriate task! Ma boils over on to the Trotskyists tang government. An appropriate today, so did Dunne bubble over We skip generously by the year to their tormentors and even the career as a policeman did not last unrestrainedly over Messrs. Purcell in the party Political Burenu that 1926, during which Dunne proposed betrayal of comrades is understand very long, however. One month The Socialist Party of Wisconsin democracy in the instrument for the of workers such as free speech and Co. In 1025.
no known Communist should speak able. But torture is one of the su after Ting Ling disappearance he adopted a state platform. June 17, peaceful transition from capitalism free press, free assemblage, right Coriservative, schooled in the during the Passale textile strike preme tests of a revolutionary. was riddled with bullets just as he at the state convention, which retu socialison.
to organize picket, etc. These deloved intricacies of British demo let it be compromised in BALL Only those of the finest revolution ary fiber are able to endure it if International Settlement.
was about to enter a brother in the veals a completely reformist post Wisconsin Reformism mands also are the bases or the cracy which keeps a king for the Green eyes, and come to the early On this fundamental question, organization of mass struggles to sake of contrast. nurtured in part of 1927, when by a brilliant necessary to the death and stand Capitulations to the Kuomintang uon was the largest group support the Wisconsin Platform takes an build workers organizations.
the belief that the world outside is tour de force, he jumped through firmly on their principles.
and betrayals of former comrades ing the leftist Declaration of unambiguously reformistposition. The Wisconsin Platform contains full of howling savages, brought up paper hoop and accomplished noth.
Persecution of Communists are not, be it noted, common in the Principles adopted at the recent na Referring to the immediate de no planks dealing with issues of to reverence the rigid moral codeing less than a wide open split in (This fact gives us a measure by lower ranks of the party (insofar as tional convention, and the state mands to be songht for under cap democratte rights. Nor does it give of non conformism. It has set re the leadership of present day Communist Party of ranks. The capitulators are party tion support of the Declaration, ways in which the lot of the work unemployment Insurance at the exists to bring the Russian revolution which no other artist had done for China. Ever since the triumph of functionaries, often holding leading the new platform shows exactly er and farmer can be ude easter pense or the bosses and govern 3, 000 miles closer to the masses of years before, nor since.
the bourgeois counter revolution in positions. Within the past Ave how the Wisconsin Socialists inter during the transition from eapitalment, but lumps unemployment in organised workers of the Anglowas the bast the party code its members wereka seven such capitulations have pre: the ambiguous centrist phrases ism to socialism. If anyone should surance together with other stages Seretur orations than whas been done hunt of the of oth claldom persecution. Unnumbered and Tung King teh secretary of the The paragraph in the Platform on the Dedlaration of Principles into the hands of every fake pro wonderful in its dignified British in the Left wing controlled furriers nameless thousands have filled the Jails of the Kuomintang. Some China section of the Interna the ultimate aims of the Socialist means that Wisconsin has also gram of social insurance. All it fasblon, muhurried, careful, reunion of New York that Dunne per tional Red Ald.
have been shot or beheaded or burParty Jitters not in the slightest to believe that the ballot box will has to say is: An extension of strained (unlike Dunne. docu ormed his breath taking feat of Chen Yung chao head of the from the well worn democratic so usher in sociulism. let him read the state Insurance to include all the mented and beautifully discussion driving a wedge between William led alive. Others have died under Chinese Communist Party, cialism of the Old Guard. The convention resolution on the Pro risks to which the worker andate. It might be a report on housGreen and Matthew Woll and protorture or from disease. Yet others Chang Chi yung director of the Socialist Party proposes to abolish gressive arty, which suys: Join farmer is subjected.
ing conditions read before the local sing to the former to lead a crulinger on in jail, clinging to a life Orgunizational Department of the profit system and establish in the Socialist Party. vote the Social In line with their usual oppor group of trade union secretaries at sade of righteousness against the that is worse than death the Ringsu Provincial Com its place a real co operative com ist ticket, and sweep the forces of tunism, and despite strong protests their monthly meeting. They latter with the support of all In the early years of the Kuo mittee of the Chinese Commu monwealth, based upon service in reaction into oblivion and stubstitute from a large section of the dele apparently thought there was no one honest and true. Dunne efforts mintang white terror, almost instant execution was the fate of ar Liu Wen Islang a party member The possibilities of war, fascism, own class.
kind instead of protit. etc. etc. for them representatives of your gutes, the convention chose as the but outright imperialists like Lord it is true, went unappreciated, both candidate for governor, George Nel Curson who would object to the by Green and the Communist party rested communists. But latterly tul secretary and executive or collapse of capitalism. which The whole Platform reeks of narson, a prominent farmer who had truth about Soviet Russia. Having membership which took weeks to the Kuomintang has seen the value member of the party controlled the Declaration of Principles row sectionalism, as if Wisconsin only left the La Follette Progres found otherwise they are now strikset over the convulsions of laughter of supplementing its campaign for Shanghai Labor Union. gests as situations in which the So Socialists were ont to build social sives after their convention a few ing back at their traducers with which assailed it. The com de the physical extermination of the Vai Wel woman member of cialist Party would change its re ism in one state. Except for weeks ago. Like any bourgeois right good win. In defending them. serves to be dusted out of the arcommunists by an ideological campaign against Communism.
the new rty engagent in work formist tactics are possibilities not phrase that the Socialist Party of party looking for sectional votes, selves they have had to defend chives only to see that when even hinted at in the Wisconsin Wisconsin is proud to be part of the Wisconsin Socialists picked Soviet Russia, the Red Internation Dunne speaks on a trade union And who should be more fitted to Ping Yuen ming editor of the Platform conduct such an ideological camthe National Socialist Party and candidates to represent all sections al of Labor Unions, World Trade problem, it is in order to stop, party trade union organ. Revolutionist and Reformist verbal recognition of the fact that for the staic, and even boasted about Union Unity and to some extent listen and laugh: paign than the communists them Liu Chi hsia described as an imPositions the problem is national and not this fattous concession to sectional even the Communist International. We are of the opinion that the selves? Thus for the old method portant member of the party. The ambiguous phrases in the even verbal recognition of the fact pride.
It may be beside the point but it speeches of Green and Woll indicate of instant execution the Kuomin Voluntary Surrenders Declaration, which might lead some that the problem is internationalA Touch of Faree appears these staid British a difference on policy. Green in tang substituted a system of wheed In all but the case of Fang Yuen people to think that the Socialist the Platform has no planks in it touch of real farce was suptrade union officials have somewhat not wholeheartedly in favor of the Ang and bribing arrested Commu ming the individuals named sur Party is breaking with the reform other than those dealing with Wis plied to the proceedings and the enjoyed doing this. William campalun and the way it is belng ruling roxime to renounce their mintang authorities and wrote or ism via bourgeois democracy, re just as clearly as the platform the floor by Max Raskin, Mayor Terms. Workers Monthly, Mays using the drive against the Left revolutionary past, to engage in signed statements repudiating their ceive an unambiguous definition so general principles, that the Social Hean Milwaukee city attorney 1925, pp. 296 206. counter. revolutionary propaganda past. Speaking of the entire period far as the Wisconsin Socialists are ists do not alm at building the This amendment tacked on to the What is not beside the point is elements in the Civie Federation against communism, and to betray in which capitulations to the Kno concerned. The dividing line be power of the workingclass in pre thoroughly reformist platform the that if Purcell ever read Dunne and to appear as the most militant former comrades.
mintang have been common, it is tween the revolutionist and the reparation for revolutionary over following chosing paragraph. Stalinist appreciation of him, he must surely champion of 100 percent American Capitulators worth while recording that in a formist is in their differing concep throw, but are primarily interested In the event the people of the have enjoyed it. Looping his way out the policy of the Roman Catb.
Sad to relate, the Kuomintang large number of instances the captions of the nature of the transition in reforming capitalism. State of Wisconsin by majority through the atmosphere of words olie hierarchy and the Multia of has made many conquests along itulators have been persons who from capitalism to socialism. The Planks of Platform vote endorse this platform, and to his next trapeze, still pursuing this line. One of the first and in received their communist education revolutionist declares that after Thus the first three planks are thereafter the vested interests by the Right Honorable and Most Christ in the labor movement. He was that of Huang Ping, a leading tions in Moscow, and who have exutmost, it is nevertheless no instru enable the state government to enjof the people, we pledge our lives, munist International, Purcell, bloc of reaction that will put him some ways most notable example and training in stalinist instituting bourgeois democracy to its constitutional amendment to force refuse to yield to the mandate Revolutionary Defender of the combines to all to his support stolta member of the central committee of celled in the usual stereotyped in the holda the Chinese Communist Party who use of the counter revolutionary ism. This requires the revolution need in any Industry or business our fortunes and our sacred honor we next And Dunne in a more sol If Green were not a weakling emn mood as befits a solemn occawas arrested in 1932. Under tor Trotskyists.
ary dictatorship of the proletariat, people. State owned electric This, certainly, is a lovely bit of sion: and compromised by a number of ture he capitulated to the Kuomin. The facts cited above are in which is the transition from capl power. state owned bank. revolutionary bombast to finish At the Atlantic City conventionally every honest element in the shady associations he could easily tank and permitted publication of themselves sufficiently revealing of talism to socialism. Among the In contrast to such reformist dort such an absurdly tfmid Plat. there curred an event of historic labor movement to his support on a statement in which he repudiated the degeneracy of the leading cadres ways we utilize bourgeois democra mands, a workingclass party gen form.
importance to the American work program of freedom for political ex his entire revolutionary past. of the Stalinist party in China, of cy is to fight for the immediate de uinely interested revolution The final bit of comedy was furing class.
flood of fresh capitulations the fact that the apparatus is in mands of the workers, a fight which would concentrate on two kinds of nished by Andrew Biemiller, sec. Historic importance! We swalpression and trade unionism free soon followed. In Peiping, batches the hands of unprincipled careerist not only wins provision for imme immediate Issues: Immediate de retary of the convention and one of low breathlessly as he shoots to a contrate Falling this, with the coappeared at publie meeting in the But much more is revealed by the much more important, teaches them ployment insurance at the expense Detroit. Said Riemiller in his col of the British Trade Union Report officfal circles, Green is doomed to der Kuomintang auspices denounced Pleret stands out as clear as day thus bringing bearer the transition issues around which to build work Never has there been a more im tremendous influence of the Russian detest. wiliam Dunne, Dally communism before large crowds of light a current of bitter disillusional dictatorship. In contrast to ers struggles, from which wbula portant and significant convention. revolution into the British Inbor Worker, March 24, 1927. people. Some of these renegades. ment at the bankruptcy of the Stalo this revolutionary position, the outgrow workers organizations, and Never? Well, hardly ever. movement, so did the visit of urvery obviously, had been awaiting inist Party. Let the capitulators right reformist says that bourgeois Demands for democratic rights WISCONSIN MEMBER. cell, as fraternal delegate from the (Continued in next lague)
The Wisconsin State Socialist Party Couvention men nist Party.