BolshevismBourgeoisieBujarinCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsFascismFootballFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismNazismRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1934 REVIEWING THE NEWS The Military Coup Etat QUESTION The Chicago Friends of The In Latvia BOX Militant Club on form of overnment with the forces from the floor of the Sacim. This was written in 1905 by Parus be broad and variedl: while institrons consequence such deviations once in motion tend toko further Pledge Fund MARCH OF EVENTS The character of the military there, formed his new government Chicago. The Chicago Friends of Looking back at this relatively Heil Hitler!
conp of May 15th in the small Bal after his own image, that is, of the COMRADE Newark. Yes! the Militant, as an auxiliary organ short time since we have been in Appraisal of the German Events Not the least nauseating feature the country, Latvia, leaves no doubt capitalists and landlords. Lenin gave a very clear answer to ization to the Communist League of existence, while there is plenty If the contradictions in the camp of the recent murder campaign in in the minds of the revolutionary His cabinet includes, besides him the question of work in the trade America, came into existence al room for improvement and for of German fascism have broken out Germany was the unanimity with working class that the leadership self as Secretary of State and For unions controlled by the reaction most two years ago.
growth of the organization, we may into the open, certainly it can be which the lesser bureaucrats, fear of Karl Ulmanis and General Bolo leign Affairs: Skujenieks Vice see aries, and his words of 14 years for all those who are not famil truthfully say that the Friends of said that the one restraining force ing their own necks and jobs, redis are inseparably identified with retary of State and Foreign Atago are uscathing denunciation of iar with this organization, its pro the Militants Club has lived up to that held together the fascist agpeated with variations all the oth the buted ultra reactionary Peas fairs General Bolodis War; Gule the present stalinist trade union gram and its tendencies, it would its original sims. It has given not gregation had been removed. That cial denunciations of those who but unt League. which is known to bis Interior: Einbergs Commun policy.
not be amiss to sketch in brief the only financial aid to the Militant force which cemented momentarily yesterday were hailed as heroes. all revolutionary workers as a petit. cation: Rubuls Publle Welfare: We carry the struggle purposes of this organization and and the movement, but it bas the heterogeneous forces of reue Now it is the traitor. enemy of bourgeois, kulak nationalist sect. Kaulinsh. Agriculture Ehkis against the labor aristocracy in the development it has undergone through lectures, personal contacts tion, was the independently organthe revolution. degenerates. etc, and which has led a characteristi. Finance. Apsitts Justice; Profes. the name of the working masses in since its inception.
and spreading of the Militantized working class. The cretinized etc. Hitler is hailed as the Leadcally clear fascist movement in that sor Adamovitsh. Education; Yaud order to gain them on our side; and It was founded by a handful of among hundreds of strangers who stalinists (witness the article by er. the German state with Hitler country for a long time. sens Assistance Xot by any accident has this All good men, when Judged by 1st and social chauvinist leaders to that the Left Opposition was cor the comrades of the local branch, the Daily Worker) repat ad nauwe be of ein ise bandes with unitieris at the party the most reactionary and individual standards of morality achieve the same object. To forget rect in its critical attitude toward become an important agency in seam: German is on the eve of the head. Such belly crawling and anti proletarian in Latvian politics and respectability. Looking at it this elemental and self evident the for misinterpreting Marx spreading the principles of Margrethe fires of revolt are burning revolutionary Hickspittle hero worship belongs. been at the bottom of the inits from a little broader polnt of view, truth would be foolish. But theian theories and misapplying these ism and the viewpoints of the Com.
properly to the degenerate and pet ator and influencing force of the che vocabulary of denunciation and German Left Communists (read principles or not applying them at munst Internationalists high in Germany.
coup etat of May 15th. First of abhorrence seems inadequate when today stalinists. Ed. commit the all to the practical field of tactics ty bourgeois Fascist movement.
For the past 21 months, our or Nor does Gannes yet refrain from all this Peasants League has applied to their records and actions. sunne stupidity when, because of the strategy.
nization has contributed close to informing us that the stalwart, Hitler and Capone been the initiator of the notorious Viewed with still wider social and reactionary and counter revolution. The innumerable mistakes and 800. 00, has obtained hundreds of heroic leader of the German workNewspapers, particularly the Eng special tariflawon export goods, historical vision, they seem to be ary heads of the trade unions they deviations of the and of the subscriptions to the Militant and ing class, the communist Party, in Hitler murdering his bosom economy: the Peasant League the capitalist class hopes to main through some inexplicable mentail varion Communist parties, which subs to the New International, has growing used for an intele palter the destin Walentine Day representatives in the Saeim (partitain its power, without which. It is necessary to abandon these aguinst by the Lett Opposition other meetings and demonstrations. In the light against the bloody fasmassacre of gangsters in Chicago ament) are the constant looters or could not retain its stranglehold organizations altogether! To refuse through all the available agencies, bus sent delegates to important est dictatorship, When as a matThere is Is this difference. Hitler the state treasury. for the benefit over the working class of Jatvia, to work in them! To invent new such is the press, literature and conferences such as the Tom Moon. ter of fact, the lack of any sort of Aimed at the was able to pass a law making his of the former Baltic barons and working men unions! This is an platform, and whose analyses and Conference, the Tom Mooney relationship, let alone that of leadmurder campaign legal after the landlords of Liv and Courland: the It is clear from here, that the unpardonable blunder which results criticism have proven so correct Tag Day, May First Conference ership between a revolutionary ennants League has been the event. Capone WAS never able to lium that most efficiently pucius masses are the subject against greatest service to the bourgeoisie. ness in this small group of symps short, it has participated in many ma of the German proletariat is Latvian working class and the toil in the Communists rendering the since, have developed the conscious and to Anti Fascist groups. In vanguard party and the widest do that.
sued those policies which shifted The Faseist Danger all the sufferings and hardships whom the Ulmanis coup etat was. Not to work within reactionary thixers that the Left Opposition is activities of the revolutionary itself a decisive factor in primit ting the disagreements in the camp That murderers, dope fiends, sex upon the shoulders of the city pro armed forces, and not altogether backward or insufficiently developed movement which pursues the correct. The various benefits in an educa of the enemy to come to the surual degenerates and manincs make letariat, the village poor and the without the support of the working masses to the intluence of Marxian policy.
tional and ideological sense to the face. Were the situation that picThe Friends of the Militant Club majority of members of the organ tured by the stalinist its party ments has been amply demonstrated casunts langue is the ruthless the resistance of the proletariat. bourgeoisie, labor aristocrats or was formed an auxiliary, first ixation were also not negligible. could play a tremendous role at frat in Italy and now in Germany. creator of the system of terror by The Peasants League and its bourgeoisitied workmen. Lenin to render financial and moral sup The lectures and discussions which this moment. The events them The record of the leadership of the which the Latvian ruling class war fascist traveling companions The Infantile sickness of Leftism rort to the parent organization, in were given every other Sunday selves give the lie to the false and Ku Klux Klan, Silver Shirts and have suppressed and are still able dared to take the power, with the in Communism. Emphasis ours) particular its press, so as to enable night in open Forums and every premeditatedly deluding estimate of Khaki Shirts show that this feature to suppress the slightest attempts knowledge that the Latvian workBy all means read this work.
it to propagate its views among the other Thursday night in private the stalinist bureanernts. For the is also common to similar move for protest by the masses. They are ing class is split und demoralized large masses of workers; secondly, homes were potent factors in mold relation between the revolutionary ments in America. That the powemploying subterfuge and deception by the Social Democracy on the one SYMPATHIZER, Right to secure a membership and develing the educational development of party and the working class Is de erful German labor movement to hide their true motives and real hand, and the Stalinist bureaucrats, now Trotsky address is some op it by educational means so that many members. Through these cisive, and the revolutionary party should have allowed such a gang to intentions.
with their political isolation and where in France. The idea of the more ripe and fully class con discussions, the members became is now in process of building lu grow in strength is the most telling The Program of Ulmanis false trade union policy on the Party of your friends to raise scious would be ready to enter into acquainted with the various cur. Germany, as elsewhere, under the condemnation of that movement By the direct support of this The Latvian Social Democracy money for his guards is excellent. the fold of the Party proper. rents in the revolutionary move hanner of the Fourth International The requirements for admission ment, learned the correct and inthat can be made in America we petit bourgeoisi elique that has the and the statinist phruse mongers Suelta money can be sent to the to membership were made minimal: correet viewpoints on many issues The Fascist Hostages must not repeat their mistakes. We form und dem, the Ulmanisust as much as the armed kulak of the unbridled helped Ulmanis accession to power, must again raise the alarm and monster of Trotsky never wrote the leaflet principle of class struggle.
of the. If the bourgeoisie was impelled call for joint and crushing action dictatorship rode into power, mis interpretations and deviations to resort to fascism, it nevertheless bands of the Ulmanis ambition Only recently, the Social Democrat against the first stirrings of the The goal Peasants Party. containing the slogan: Without a b) Sympathy with the from the teachings of Marx, Engels, feared the pretty bourgeois forces of Czar But at Labor Government. as The educational program was to Lenin and Trotsky and the disas the reaction because these clements Fascist beart.
was to replace the parliamentary Nenders threatened the fascist your Lovestonelte friend says Stalinism and Germany thoritarian or dictatorial power.
tuting lectures on Marxism and had upon the course of the entire than is desired by the big bankers The Stalinists who saw a revolu Several months before the coup, be and also in the party congress, that in attacking Trotskyism in his current topics related to the clues revolutionary movement. Jany and Industrialists in control behind they would not make the mistake Problems of Leninism Stalin struggle and the revolutionary member obtained a clearer under the scene. The exploited small tionary upsurge in Hitler coming presented a bill to that effect in the their Austrian brothers did. Men who, with Trotsky, never saw the movement as a whole, other fields standing of these burning questions tradesmen and peasantry attempt to power now see a proletarian vic parliament, where it was drastically ders and Bruno Kalnish warned the leaflet) found it convenient to were not to be neglected, such as as a result of the activities of the to throw of some of the oppression to which they are subjected Von Schleicher and Rochm. Open week before the coup, the parlia comes tous unexpected, and that ter In order to be able to accuse Iterature, philosophy and sciences. Priends of the Militant The Summer activities are going monopoly. capitalism. Furthermore air speakers go a step further than ment adopted in its second session in case of the violation of the con Trotsky of underestimating the on with the usual lectures and dis the middle classes have been led to editorial writers and call on their the new constitution, with complete stitution they would come to the peasantry. In 1928, when still in cussions every other Thursday night expect fur greater rewards and audiences to prepare to defend rejection of all Ulmanis amendstreets.
the official the Lovestonelte, at private homes. For the Fall achievements for their heroism Soviet Germany But the Moscow ments. Then it became evident More than fifteen years the Social ertram Wolfe, in wlaying Trotseason we are planning to launch than can be utforded by the big Manhattan Branch correspondent of the New York that the third session would not Democratie leaders have split and skyism in his pamphlet. The a more intense membership camTimes reports that Soviet officials eren consider his proposals and the sabotaged the working class night Trotsky Opposition (20) echoed Glade 00 monthly paign and, with the same devotion, anxious to restore law and order bourgeoisie. Hence the latter are consider a Bolshevik revolution in only was left was the military for freedom In every case where this falsehood of Stalin. This is Leonard Lewis 00 weekly try to be a greater help in the cause as soon as possible after the counGermany something in the remote co Which was successfully cars the working masses attempted ac probably where your friend got it. Dorothy Morris 00 future. Actually, he reports, they ried out the night between May 15th tion against their exploiters, theyTo be fair to yourself always check Clara Nelson of world revolution. 00 RUBY. Iter ter revolution. 00 monthly By a series of stages the armed would not like to see such a devel and 16th.
That night armed bands of war called for law and order and the quotations of the Lovestone Wright 00 forces and the party of the petty And set the Dally Workersboats veterans broke into the Labor Tem discipline. At the same time they ites at the original source owe. Splibos speak from much experience. Bleeker 50 bourgeoisie must be dissolved. The No Time To Lose Long live Stalin, leader of the ple of Riga, capital of Latvia, Inites, in sabotaging the united Gordon 00 stormtroopers became acutely where the Social Democratic head. front. Whenever the sentiment world recordion. MEMBER, There Paul King 00 aware of these designs, to which quarters were located, arrested all of the workers called for ac are no known official statistics by Florence Becker 00 Voodools present, confiscated all property. com 00 tion, they, with Menders and Kal which to judge the accuracy of the Weber when they attempted to gain conand transformed the place into a 1. 00 Minneapolis, Toledo, California trol of the army, the Reichswehr.
Science may explain the world, called National Defense Teague ninsh, gave them promises for the Stalinist bullyhoo about the Chinese Tamas future. The Stalinites on their Soviets and the thousands of Chinexplain it so clearly that even the headquarters 50 Victor strikes showed that the workers are This force was belug expanded from 00 ready to fight for their rights. one hundred thousand men to three witch doctors of the various church On the same night all Socialist part answered by organizing a La ese they claim to be in the LL. Kling 00 The Steel, Automobile and Tex. hundred thousand by including es are compelled to acknowledge its meinbers of the Saeim were arrested bor Sports Unions of their own, etc. Certain facts are clear, how. Konikow Others in New York City tile Industries are like volcanoes Stahlhelm and Junker elements and truth. But let some upsetting na in their homes. The prest and played football with fascist ever. In the Chinese Soviet disabout to erupt.
excluding the Nazis.
tural phenomenon occur and the dent, Dr. Paul Kalnie, was amongst stormtroopers, while refusing to tricts there is practically no indus Porter 00 monthly From all other meet with Social Democratle work try, the section being purely agri. Alby 00 We must be prepared to enter the In the conflict that ensued a clear The New York Times reports members of the Saeim signatures ers.
cultural. The Red armies and the coming struggles a militant attempt was made at the beginning 00 Workers Without Leadership Prayer bands have been organized were taken, under threat, not to force, applying the experiences and of dissolution of the storm troop Soviets are purely peasant in char. Conwit. 30 lessons of Minneapolis by forcing them to give up their throughout Kansas Catholic as attempt to call an assembly. Early Tricked by Social Democracy, reacter. This class basis, without Cornells 00 We Must arms and uniforms and giving them 00 well as Protestant churches are in the morning, all trade union lead pelled by the Communist Party pol the leadership of the city proletari Samuel, 00 STRENGTHEN OUR PRESS.
a holiday. This precipitated a con spiracy of the underlings who rain. There must be a shortage fices closed. Fifty newspapers and bastie phrase mongering which held to the revolutionary character of The Geltmata 00 BUILD OUR ORGANIZATION.
of lunatle saylums In Kansas feared for their posts and preroga1. 00 periodicals were suppressed, mostly sway over every activity of the the movement. The Stalinists speak Haidous SEND ORGANIZERS INTO THE tives. Von Papen shrewdly helped Socialist. although one neutral party, great masses of class con of workers and peasants. but it Miller 00 FIELD.
to precipitate situation from Bert Wolle German language paper, Europa scious workers sank into apathy is a riddle where the proletariat Sydney Moroff 00 STABILIZE THE MILITANT.
and indifference. Thousands have comes from. However, if Amter McAbe Bertram Wolfe of the Love Ost was included. 00 which he had everything to gain.
Help raise the necessary funds.
Hitler, realizing that mass support stone Group ventures to attack The official report next morning been lured over into the camp of can find honest fascist workers City Subway Worker 00 Get a book of ten coupons for One was slipping from under his feet.
and Peasants it should not be hard for him to Beecher Karl Radek in the latest issue of circulated stories that carloads of Ulmanis Dollar.
find a few proletarians in those Colay the Workers Age. Radek article arms were selwed, and two hundred League.
had to give himself as a hostage to Sell them among friends and the bureateracy representing the In the Dally Worker on the League revolvery taken from Dr. Kalnin The petit bourgeoisie element in parts of China where industry has Cochrin sympathizers of our movement.
Junkers and the big bourgeoisie of Nations is the object of the at room. The second part of the rethe Peasants League and their war. not gonetrated. Also, the following Jerry Marsh 00 Support the At the same time he keeper Goeb. 00 tack and Wolfe does a fair job of port announced, ironically, in con lascist alles have prepared for the remains to be answered by the stal. Ann Toven ORGANIZATION PRESS bels, titular head of the pretty bourdemolishing Radek reactionary trast to its own actions, that in the coup of the 10th of May for a long inists: If there is a Chinese Soviet Gonzales CAMPAIGN geous lefts and still retaining a 00 position. However, before attack near future, the Fascist Legion time. It manifested itself in the government, why does not the Sov Smith ing Radek, who is but a tool of wires would have attempted an up systematic wholesale arrests of the let Union recognize it, and if it al50 to The Militant 50 for measure of prestige in the ranks of Bronx Stallo, Wolfe bows before the rising and the action of Ulmanis werkers imprisonment of the work ready has, who are the ambassadors Bath Sher 00 the Communist League of America the millions of Nazis, as a hostage 126 Enst 16th Street to leader. We to aid him in the further steps that Eckstadt 00 now become inevitable. Goebbels with Stalin. says Wolfe. Yes, yes, very few Legionnaires were arrest constitution, the foon of the We cannot agree with you that a Lifshits New York City 00 state apparatus, the mobilization of correct definition of fascism is the will feel more than uneasy in view we know that. You always agreeded by Ulmanis.
Newark, fascist stormtroops, and terror in more open, more brutal rule of the Lambert Rests on Military Force of the shooting of hix erstwhile with Stalin on every thing but one. in throwing all his opponents in one preparations while the social saperent characterization of this e. Nelly 00 companions, but precisely for that 50 third period. socialism in one ojall. Ulmanis dictatorshta er Democratie Party and the Stalin form of the rule of linance capital.
reason will obey the leader while distrusting him. Hitler aids to 00 dissolve the forces that acted as a ists, expulsion of Brandler. se coming general election, the stor kender medinigheant her the The Stalinists are particularly ada. ckertz 00 stirrup to lift him to power.
moval of Bucharin. all was agreed ante of which has not been set workers by calling each other the dicted to calling every use of force Sympathizer. 60 to. But removal of Lovestone and in Watchto carry his program interesting to note the nt by the capitalists as fascist or Social Worker The Dregs of Society Clerk Hitler reveals openly the constiof the American party ah! that rested purely on military force. The titude of the Peasants league semi fascist. The following ran dom example is handy: La Guar Boston Local New York Still in Lead tution of the hordes upon whom he by Stalmacher, The special sub drive (4 sixWiener relied for support previously. It BILLments of regular troops marched tions that were led question. 50 month subs for 00) ends August is nothing new to the world that into the city. Simultaneously, new Karlson and other adventurists un brutalized reaetion. There is not regiments were organized from the der thel ringing names, such as an honest person who will not be Shecket 1st. No club plan sub cards will the Nazis were the dumpheap for CLEVELAND be sold after that date. All branches the rottenest, vilest, most degenerreactionary volunteers. In recruit The Flery Cross League. The eager to join in the struggle against Henderson First Annual this Fascization of the life of the Chiplowitz and individuals wishing to take ad. ate elements in capitalist German Knights of the Lightning Cross ing first from the most conservative te. The Latvian newspapers pub clty. Exitorial in Dally Worker. Wolfe, New Haven 00 Friend, Youngstown 00 vantage PICNIC this special offer are society. The fascists everywhere Layers of the population. Soon the lished in past months a lot of ma June 28, 1984. Emphasis oorsa urged to get them at once. paid months in advance)
recruit the gangsters, the jailbirds, Given by such position would nee.
Teacher in pald for 16.
New subs this week: Chicago the dope fiends from the various centrist groups terial concerning the connections the degenerCommunist League of America and of the German national minor these organizations had with the essarily follow the conclusion that Branch, 8; New Haven Branch. 4: rates. Nobody will be taken in by months in advance.
in its democratie form capitalism (Cleveland Branch) ities.
German Nazi agents, who in Rial does not use force. The use of Friend of The Militant paid 25 New York Local, 4: Rumble, the SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1934 already had established an official Ulmanis, being himself a in advance at a week.
was torn by the or4: Jefferson Rall Total 24. conscience of the leader whose Garfield Park Section Fich representative. It is true that some forec, however, more or less open land owner and capitalist who reREMEMBER! THE DRIVE ENDS gies Indulged in by the Heineses AUGUST Ist. Take 105th St. Car Garfield Pk. cently spent several weeks in Nazi of the military leaders are trying or brutal, is, and has been, a charand Roehms. Hitler turned to preTHE MILITANT GET YOUR CARDS NOW!
Admission 106. Free Refreshments Germany to study the government to show that the new regime is also acteristic of all class society, and cisely such types in order to build these fascist bands that are is by no means the feature which Entered as a second clase mail Complete Record directly led by German Fascists, distinguishes fascism from other matter November 28, 1928, at the Local New York 52 up a movement itself repe social degeneracy and Post Office at New York, UnBut the German Fascist Journalism forms of bourecols rule.
Minneapolis Branch THE NEW INTERNATIONAL When the turn of Hitler comes he approved wholesheartedly the Lat. the gist of Fascism and its der the act of March 3, 1879. Cleveland Branch will be similarly properly branded An Organ of Revolutionary Marxism vian Insurrection by Latvian mill task consist in a complete suppres Published Weekly by the ComLos Angeles Branch by the intriguers of his downfall.
tarists, and not accidentally 80sion of all workers organizations munist League of America Chicago Branch. JACK WEBER.
Max Shachtman, Editor Martin Abern, Bus, Mgr. Hitler Nazis do not endorse ans and in the prevention of their re 126 East 16th Street, New York, Philadelphia Branch Station ost Office Box 119 thing without expected returns.
vival. In a developed capitalist soBoston Branch Phone: Gramercy 9524 Oakland Branch New York, NY.
The Latvian military coup etat. ciety this goal cannot be achieved Vol. 7, No. 27. Whole No. 231)
Chicago Friends of the Springfield Branch One Year. 50: Seven Issues, 00: Single Copy, 15 Cents: although not very important in by police methods alone. There is SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1934 Militant Club St. Louis Branch Canada and Foreign countries. One Year, 75.
self, has a great significance and only one riethod for it and that is San Francisco Branch EDITORIAL BOARD Osborn, Frisco bearing upon the Soviet Union. by directly opposing the pressure of Constance James Cannon Toronto Branch enclose herewith. for which please enter my Latvia, which now geographically the proletariat. the moment it Martin Abern Davenport Branch Maurice Spector Toronto Youth Club presses the ribs of the body of the weakens by the pressure of the Mar Sbachtman New Haven Branch subscription for the NEW INTERNATIONAL: Arne Swabeck Waukegan Branch Soviet Union, should attract all the desperate masses of the petty bourToronto Youngstown Branch attention of the working class of Keoisie. It is this particular sys Bundle rates one cent per copy. Berkeley (Kogan)
koee Moran Address the whole world. It looks like the tem of capitalist reaction that has Subscription rate: 00 per year Ben. and Porter Rumble actual spearhead of the fascist entered history under the name of 50 per half year. Canada Leeser City. State Jefferson Rall hordes against the workers father Fascism. What Next. by and Foreign: 50 per year; New Castle Braneb land. PAUL SCHWALBE. Trotsky, 32. 76e for six months.
Newark Branch TOTAL 330 Big Tasks Ahead Eller med mertured to acquiesce th 00 50. 50 50 50 Militant Builders 00 50 Was different matter, a principle morning after the coup, elght regi towards the open fascist organiza lata is moving toward more open 50 50 50 against 40 38 86 36 12 8 Name