CapitalismCommunismDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 27 (WHOLE NO. 231 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 7, 1934 PRICE CENTS Hitler «Purges» Party in General Strike New Truck Drivers Strike Bloody Reign of Terror After Killings Impends in Minneapolis Near in Frisco Fascist Leaders Throw off Middle Class Ballast; Degenerate Character of Regime Revealed 00 Old Guard Routs Militants In New York Convention Broad Silk Dept in SilkUnion Backs Expelled Militants to be New York, July ateteroseph Ryan, chief of the Back the League Entire Labor Movement Backs 574 Viciously reactionary attack on the had attempted to settle and leave Lng in Minneapolis, the need for Longshoremen strike, which Ryan With the general strike Impend General Strike Possible the other unions in the lurch, Ryan concerted efforts on organization Hitler has remained the victor the parliamentary democracy, which proletarians.
was forced to change his tune. All work, and the stabilization of our Another general strike of truck drivers under the leadership of the in the paluce revolt within the they had so luudatorily appropriatGerman Nazi party. While his realed as their own, they made a sham The Rallying Slogans of Fascism wer planning to meet on the ques: press becomes imperative. det indomitable areal 674 tots in Miu weapolis nite us by After the crushing defeat they suffered at the hands of organised Its rallying slogans were embod tion of tying up New York piers and the events.
labor in the first drivers strike the bosses are now trying is clear that at the present moment bles debuuch.
ied in its deceptive national social. Ryan was declaring for the strike.
Can we rise to the situation?
recoup their losses in an effort to swindle the workers out of the wage increases his stranglehold on the German The working class found itsellism. Within the former was conComrade Cannon has already left which were taken for granted at the conclusion of the last strike.
San Fransisco, July Generator Minneapolis to cover the news reduced to the lowest the blackest reaction, the big industri poverishntentstruck the middle of the hated Versailles Treaty and strike looming, Frisco inflamed and analyze the events for the The employers, violating the terms of the agreement, have refused alists, the financlers and the Junkera as is suein bendera ye was a che eine restoration of all the glories or with vindeca tionierted the inherders Militant and the New International represbitrator the purest ton of waxes and working conditions with the ers are, If anything, as a result of longer useful to capitalism. Comthe recent events, more firmly in the munism krew.
in the meanwhile the open shop bosses have tasued ball page paid the middle class, disappointed with kers. Strike sympathy is so strong give further assistance. The enThe Communist saddle, ruling through their instru movement began to appear danger Social Democracy and never at that the governor and the bosses are tire League must be mobilized for ads to the press, lying about the facts and charging the union with the ment Fascism.
ous and the trade unions, despite tracted to support of Communism afraid the morale of the national the tremendous tasks ahead. responsibility for the impending strike.
Those who lost in the revoltall the betrayals of the workers, still harked buck in its dreams. In guard, now patrolling the piers, will SHOULDERS TO THE WHEEL! But local 574 will not be cheated out of the rightful gains they se faced the firing squad, their guts remained strongly entrenched. But the fascist slogans of Socialism was brouk under the pressure. Any BACK MINNEAPOLIS BY victoriously won in the recent strike. They have accepted the challenge splattered in gory scenes which the forces of Fascism grew out of embodied the bizarre promises man who fires into the air will be HELPING THE LEAGUE. and hurled back the answer.
SEND YOUR COLLECTIONS cist Germany. The Schutz Staffeln hebin industrialists needed som up the big businesses for the benefit staedt warned bis men, in issuing IMMEDIATELY. DONT DELAY.
have become commonplace in Fas the same conditions of capitalism. busting up the trusts, of dividing court martialled. Colonel MittelThe answer is FIGHT!
Receipts Minneapolis labor has been called upou for its support.
the specially picked section of instrument to crust the Weimar of the small retuller and of purcel the order Shoot to kill.
the Fascist army, selected by social constitution and to do that they had the peasants. To the middle class ward the Frisco Labor Council The pressure is also driving for. Joint (Since last Report)
conference was held and from the Central Labor Union of the of Friend, 15. 00. they have Joled hands to the last man with the fighting truck drivers together with Goering special po movement. In this situation the this program represented a glorified which tast week passed a resolution Chas. Anthony, 00 against the notorious Citizen Allieace of Minneapolis.
litical police and assisted by the fascist movement developed and be empire but with the oppressive fea caling upon the longshoreman to Marion McLeod Under the aegis of this joint coiference of all the unions of Minne Reichswehr army, were the execucame powerful. became the intures of big business eliminated drive radicals out of the union. The Baltimore. 00 apolis a mass demonstration is to be held tonight, July 6th, at 6:30 tioners. For moment they strument. It attracted to itself the The capitalists and the Junkers Council meets tonight, on the genG. James, Berkeley. 00 Union representatives will expos the conniving tactics of the bosses eweneed remolare attenthe en was de forma cilest and most decrepit elements were never cooled by tbts a socialiste eral strike spesso does the Ma Helen Mason, Columbus. 90 and their fackul tricks before teus e thousands of cheering workers. Friend (King. down proletarian rebels.
ally the desperate and despairing knew it was only u bait for the sters Union otes on strike Sunday Manhattan Branch. 28 The leatfet advertizing the de. sonstration says that DECISIVE Human Refuse middle class and the demoralized. continued on page 4)
Street railway men on the move too, 25. 00 ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT THIS MEETING.
and other union meetings scheduled And as for those who low were for next few days will undoubt Breaking the written pledge the victims the vilest types of de edly take strike votes.
which was wrested from them by generatesnobody will shed a tear.
The two thousand natonal the fearlessly militant actions of Only now this fact is admitted guardsmen have not stopped the Local 574 in the preceding strike, openly although it has long been a byword that this condition was the bosses have undertaken a movestrikers and sympathizers who are pressing Against the military and ment to deprive the truck drivere widely prevalent and these elements police lines. Outgoing trucks are of those advantages which were constituted the brown shirted army being turned back at outlying implieit in the arbitration they as a whole. Only the seum of the (The following article on the investigation with Henry Ber agreed to.
earth, the human refuse, can be The Old Guard won a complete plans to keep Thomas out of the points. Trucks enrrying perishables victory at the New York State con election campaign was largely due wer overturned at Livermore Can.
expulsions in the Silk workers man, foremanshop. chairman as the Lles and Evasiong used for the dastardly role this besunion was due to appenat but in the spokesman for the workers, The Amidst veritable barrage ot tial borde bad to play. It was, and vention of the Socialist Party, to a slip up in strategy. The old yon. The Belt Line Raliroad connlast issue of the nominating as candidate for gov Guard planned to adopt the state ecting the piers with the railroads, it remains after the purging, a Executive Board meeting broke up lies and evasions to the kept press unfortunately was crowded out in tist tight, precipitated by one they complain bitterly that the unmonster trained fierce, enor the extreme right winger, platform and other right wing is the worst strikebreaking weapon, because of lack of space. Ed. Chenatsky (Keller man Friday. ton is not living up to its promises.
schooled for use as a class instru. Charles Solomon, by a majority of measures, and then demand that not only carrying freight, but its BULLETIN All attempts to deal with the These promises, they presume to nearly three to one; electing a Thomas could not stand as candi cars are lined up to provide a proment of suppression.
PATERSON, June 26 The Brond matter inside the union were be, are not that the questions of Hitler came into power, carried complete Old Guard slate for the date unless he supported the right tecting alley for the trucks.
forward by this movement. Its sono state Executive Committee:wing program. But the time ele. The strikers killed yesterday Silk Dep membership meeting slushed Keller and his progreswages and working conditions shall Thomas the middle class, urban and peas. estation, including repudiation Guard machine did not move fast Mission and Stuart Streets. Today today to recommend to the Joint contre pour countries are she cox board for adjudication. The emantry, together with demoralized Principles adopted at the recent na candidates arrived before passage which they were killed and asked Membership Meeting that they selves through secret investigations the usual run around.
of the contrist Declaration of enough, and the hour for choosing pickets chalked off the square on Executive Board and to the General Southpodle to whitewash them ployers conceived the agreement ma After fall.
proletarian elements, rallying from of the right wing program. The passing workers not to walk on it. throw out the expulsions of all As The United Silk Workers Club ing to come to terms with the union desperation and despair. This midtional convention.
dle class had its own aspirations section of the Old Guard tual ola Guard suspended the rules long in the center of the sure is in sociated members brought up on thereupou undertook a campaign representatives they thought the charges by Eli Keller for their par for the following demands: 1) a matter would be dropped and nothnourished by the demagogic prom y permitted the nomination of Nor enough to pass their repudiation of scribed. Iner of the Nazi program of nation man Thomas as candidate for the Declaration of Principles. This. Police murders here ticipation in the Albert (Roy) case, open investigation conducted by the ing more would be heard of it.
But this was Local 574 they were al socialism. These aspirations, Senator, by the withdrawal of his however, since it was in contraven The labor movement here comand for being members of the Unit union into the whole cuse; 2) imrepresenting themselves a dang opponent, James Oneal, but the tion to the decision of the national prises 120 untons with about 50, 000 ed Silk Workers Club. This motion mediate recall of all the dealing with, not the Executive members recruited by Berman into Council of the American Federation er to the fascist regime, are now controlling elements of Scenes called the self defense of alu Panken gang, were unrelenting date for the Old Guard to put can deeat this onslaught. Evers, bers of the Broad silk Executive, stip to any worker not now in the they display that hypocritical indashed to the ground in the gory Guard, the Solomon Waldman Henald not bind him. It was then tooorts of the whole labor movement. Among the seven expelled mem the shop and actually scabbing of Labor.
In this statement of the 108 firms Though Thomas was the only candi through the state platform before body has combined on the side of members of the Constitution Com Associated but working in the show dignation that is so typical or the state.
date running, he received only 58 the candidacles.
German Workers Prostrate the bosses chambers of commerce, mittee members of the last strike under Keller protection. full bosses when they are compelled to votes to 38 against, in a convention There was no evidence at all of of 118 delegates.
Humiliation of Thomas the notorious Industrial Association, But the nomination of Thomas. Governor Merriam, the police, the committee, and shop chairmen. All support of the strikers by the surrender the smallest part of their the German proletariat in these re of them are candidates for election 5) immediate repudiation and blood profits extorted from their Militants Pussyfoot cent events. It still lies prostrate, instead of being the victory troops, the ship owners. For all to the incoming Broad Silk Execu expulsion of Henry Berman who wage slaves.
The Militant Thomas faction lost which the Militants claim, was a they know that if the marine work tive. With a single exception, they acted throughout as u busses agent tear jerking whine that the Si Cits ceartbestehe German prove every claim to leadership in the thorough humiliation of Thomas ers win San Fransisco will be a are all members of the United Silk and scab recruiter.
union would not permit itself to be tariat as a social force has played struggle against the Old Quard. Not Laldier speech nominating Thom unton town. That just why all the Workers Club. The attack of the Militant Policy Bears Fruit no role as yet. However, the ob only did they put up no tight in the as was shamefully conciliatory. He unions have to fight this fight victim of delay the time worn It officialdom is being directed in parThe militar and progressive method of cheating the workers out jective result of these events will pre convention struggle for delelet pass by Waldman chauvinist they don light, they re licked.
ticular against: Eddie Swaiyful, serve to narrow enormously the sates, but at the convention they statement. In nominating Oneal, Charlie Weiss, Felix Giordano, Rossed and supported this campaign the fact that 574 promptly placed policies of the Associated men who of their victories 18 expressed at base of the blood curling ruling were conciliatory and pussyfooting that the candidate should be one Moran, and Anna Fisher.
New Address regime. Its exploitation and sup on every basic issue, and instead of to whom the Senate means The Albert (Roy) Case bore fruits immediately, to the pickets before those few establlabchagrin of both Keller and of the ments which continued to discrimpression of the masses will of nec lighting on the fundamental que something in the American tradiAll members and sympathizers On April 23 a strike was called stalinists who presumably were inate against strikers.
essity increase, preparing the day tions, contented themselves with tion. He ignored the insistence Real Industrial Union when the German proletariat will booing the most provocative attacks of the Old Guard that the candit are urged to take notice of the in the Roy shop because of discrimleading the strike, but who as a made by the Old Guard.
change of address of the Commu Ination. The worker discriminated matter of fact had left the men If these aggressive tactics on the date should represent definite nist League, The Militant. Young against was a member of the Na stranded. The leader of the strike part of the union and its lenders until it regains its consciousness. Even in victory, the old Guard position. In the face of Solomon Spartacus and all the other insti tional (Stalinist) Union: the shop together with several other Nation were unsavory to the bosses then it Its organizations and above all, not made no pretensions of loyalty to denunciations, Laidler assured the until it re establishes a revolution the decisions of the national con convention that Solomon and Tho headquarters at 120 16th Street. National, and in it worked several Joined the Associated filled the pill for them to swallow when they ary party, To gain a better understanding standard bearer in the state elec canse they have gotten along to the new address. 144 Second ALS. membersAll the work applications. In a pathetic attempt discovered that they were not dober City of these recont German events it is tions, bluntly told the Militants, gether splendidly in previous camers in the shop, both National and to salvage their biggest shop the ing with a craft union of drivers walked out.
trial of and helpers but a broad Industrial necessary to recapitulate some his You are making it practically impaigns.
On April 26 the bosses offered to Keller on June torical facts.
possible for some of the codindes Panken, in opposing Thomas no Housewarming settle provided the workers took a tempt to capitalize on the Open InUnder the Weimar Republic the to remain in the party. and dimination, declared that Thomas wage cut. The workers stayed out. vestigation which the United Silkmen, tomato men, potato men, cool er men, celery trimmers, orange capitalists and the Junkers re clared that if the referendum ou has been a candidate all this time, housewarming party at the now striking on two issues, Workers Club held on May 30. At men and California fruit men. The mained the real rulers. The Wet the Declaration were defeated lie and If anybody is responsible for new headquarters of the New York For two weeks everybody was out the same time the Daily Worker Dosses howl that these were not mar constitution stripped them or would continue to fight against its the failure of the movement, it is Local of the Communist League of on strike, including one, Berranted that the Trotskyites were included in the agreement.
some of their formal authority, principles. In direct contradiction Thomas. The climax in the attack America will take place Saturday, man. Then, the bosses moved the working to sell out the strikers. the very fact that it is these self3rd Ave. While the Stalinists were busy in same bosses who deal with the and in political color, from social Party, Algernon Lee, convention him by Joseph Tuvim for the stand quarters are located at 144 Second and changed its name to Albert citing the workers against the drivers that are making the comGovernments changed in make up to the constitution of the Socialist on Thomas was the denunciation of July 14th at P. The new head shop to Madison Ave.
democratic to outright bonapartist, chairman, ruled that the Detroit he took on the farriers, the Pro Ave. corner oth Street. program Silk Co. At the same time they Musteites and Trotskyltes. the plaint gives the lie to this asserbut the police, the army and the Declaration was not binding until gressive Miners, and his attack on of entertainment has been arranged became members of the Manufac Lovestoneltes (Keller at the head) tion. The bosses would have very whole of the state bureaucracy reafter the referendum. The Old the movie union racketeers.
mained theirs. The big industrial Guard resolution went further, re Oneal had risen to ask for the for this occasion, food and refresh turers Association in an obvious atralsed how that these same much liked to separate the work ments will be served. All friends tempt to break the strike by claim renegades were working hand toers into ineffective craft unlops.
ists, the financiers and the Junkers pudiating the Declaration by sa (continued on page 4) and sympathizers are invited.
ing a contract with the In hand with the Stalinists, in the in But they reckoned without their never for one moment gave up the ing that the Socialist Party of the other words, the bosses moved their terests of the National, host.
hope of regaining their glories of State of New York is a social dom.
shop, rushed to the Bosses Associa Keller initiated nothing short of the old empire, of regnining its ocratic party, that the Detroit de tion and then to Keller who had a red baiting campaign, and availed profit mad bosses. Are we not liv.
We are paying enough, shout the colonies, of regnining the markets claration in some of its features MASS MEETING just managed to squeeze through in himself of every reactionary tacticing up to the 50 cents per hour of exploitation of scrapping the is in conflict with the principles and the election for General Manager that has ever been devised. Thus, minimum for truck drivers? Fifty the Versailles Treaty, of crushing tactics of social democracy. and on a progressive platform. the accused were summoned to cents an hour may be the concep the Welmar constitution and above pronounced the reactionary DaciarHere was an excellent opportun appear for trial without being in tion of the wealth sated bosses of all of crushing the working class ation adopted in 1924 to be still la ity to demonstrate to all silk work formed what the charges against a living wage for thelr employees.
ers not only the suicidal policy of them were, or who the accusers Fifty cents an hour may have been The Custodians of Capitalism Crushing Policy of Old Guard Stalinism but also the forward were: even before a hearing was the lot submitted to by the workers The social democrats had been By nominating James Oneal in looking policies of the Associated. held, three of the accused who were before their last strike, before good enough to rule as long as the opposition to Thomas, the Old Tastend Keller obligingly appointed aslo members of the Broad silk they stood up to the stature of humasses could be held in subjection Guard served notice that they are one Perisa as shop chatroan The Executive were suspended. Proman beings who want a decent liv.
by its promises of reforms. In the determined to crush or drive out all Losse promptly appointed Berman, tests against the procedure were ing wage. But certainly not after most trying period of the German opposition, and will give no place as firemnan As now the fore not beeded. Keller did graciously they drove the bosses, their police capitalists, when they were the in the party to those opposing them.
SPEAKERS: man shop chairman Berman proweakest and when the working Part of the Old Guard did not go the ing the charges. Before the actual rout.
class asserted its demands, the so this far, feeling their overwhelming name of the in getting hearing, Ross Moran was expelled an injunction against the picketers. crom the union as not a silk workThe Union Answer The answer of the union leaders From the inception of the Welmar Included full time party functionDemand Open Investigation er. Keller Is convinced that to the false charges of the employ.
republic the social democrats aries like Julius Gerber, Henry At this juncture a committee of Moran is a truck driver evidentlyers is quite explicit. It throws the drowned the proletarian revolution Fruchter and Oneal. The ruling workers appeared before under the fresly impression of the responsibility where it belongs.
in blood and prepared the road for Old Guard, however, remained adathe Broad Silk Executive and de: Minneapolis struggle. Keller has they make their position clear be the restabilization of capitalism. mant to the end. Since they are manded an open Investigation of been having nightmares of truck yond doubt in a statement issued They continued as the custodians of in full control of the new state ex Irving Plaza Hall. 15th Street and Irving Place the Albert case. Although the modriver Trotskyites.
to the press which follows. We they Keller Charges quote from the Minneapolis Journal an almost uninterrupted coalition intend to wipe out the Militant op Admission 15c Questions and Discussion progressive majority on the board Moran protest letter, demand of July end.
with the capitalist parties gave up position.
completely ignored it, and proceedThe miscarriage of the Old Guard even their own reform program. or ed then and there to carry on an (Continued on Page Continued on Page 4)
Stalinists rangates their at union covering handlers, banaun movement The Meaning of the German Events ceeded to aid the bosses in consent to send out letters speelly and hired thugs to such a miserable clar democrats time to the chosen pictory residence the personal modus MaxShachtman ArneSwabeck Sunday, July 8, P.