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Factions Vie for Control of Socialist Party Behind the Scenes West Coast Strike What the 73rd Congress conciliate the old Guard by contri In Fascist Germany Did for the Bosses on emY. CONVENTION PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1934 Waldman certainly gave him do putrantee Worme still, Thomas sought to (Continued from last issue)
ning the reinterpretation of the nist leadership. They also condemu Declaration of Principles which be. Continued from Page 1)
the longshoremen for repudiating gan with the pro Declaration national President, Ryan, which The actions taken by the 73rd in the last days of Congress by the (Continued from Page 1)
voted for the Declaration of Pripa war he would be in favor of at Detroit, however, Thomas dia revolution in order to carry out a granted none of the basie demands Congress under the leadership of act empowering the President to an cermat, and says that in such speeches at the convention. At least we gone through an anti Marxist the agreement signed by the Inter America lighting to iples. and the Open Letter to the side.
now the whole Declaration becomes tempt to solve the social problem control of hiring halls, union recreaching bourgeois reforms aimed through arbitration wherever party by Louis Hendin, Old Guard No Criticism of Labor Fake or meaningless, when he says: We by collectivization of property is ognition etc. and which entirely to prop up world capitalism.
strikes threaten. In addition, the and secretary of the Labor have been together too long to di NRA left out of the settlement the other The outstanding features of the setting up of a national Rallroad Committee, printed in the New Would the German people do marine unions. At the same time, 73rd Congress were: The idea of criticizing the Evide now on a question of how to Adjustment Board shows the furLeader, June 16.
or bureaucracy moves Vladeck say what in their hearts most So better by it, would anybody do bet. through the radio, press, and pulpit Cleverly demagogle but firm ther steps necessary in this indus No Compromise to heights of frenzied denunciation, clalists agree ought to be said. iter, except perhaps those who sent the American Legion has opened sters to centralize and support the try, which is one of the sickest Hendin bluntly refuses a post of und be ends with this gloritication most Socialists include the booty in such a pillaging raid. So its campaign against Communism. exploiting minority, and weaken capital enterprises today.
tered him on the National Labor of the labor fakers: When, when Oneals, Pankens, Waldmans, Henclal problems certainly exist, but labor by tying it to class collabor The monetary und banking ap in the face of this united assaultation machinery.
infantile will we learn that Dubinsky, will dins, Matthew Levys, Charles Solo they can be mastered only when Communist Declaration of Princ man, Zaritzky, Mmier and liochman mons, Joseph Sharts, etc. etc. etc. property is again put under respon on the part of the employers and main task of the internal measures form with the greater centralizaiples is rejected, no bones about how far the Old Socialisin through building their ambiguous, centrist document, but tive responsibility the ruling princ movement must be maintained at ing and Industry, Agriculture, and arst steps were taken toward Chain all cost. further continuance of Lagor are the three divisions under banks and a more unified and conGuard 18 willing to go, but says unions than all the delegates to tbe a reformist fraud. Rather than beiple.
This is clear and precise. The such naneuvers on the part of the which these measures full sistent bank structure to meet the plainly: Conrades, let us be frank convention. Even the NRA Reso ing ashamed of the cynical right about it. There can be no comprolution, which the Ol Guard suc wing support of the Declaration, danger conjured up by Von Papen Stalinists will tend to weaken the The two outstanding features of international needs of American mise between democratie Socialism cessfully bowdlerized on the con which was given as part of a borse is not the danger of the proletarian strike and split away the bulk of the NRA are: imperialism. The present banking and that anarcho Communism vention floor, by removing any re trade in votes, Thomas exhibits this revolution in Germany, for even be the labor movement. The campaign (A) The economie feature. It structure of America one of the which the Decluration represents. ference to the of L, is at right wing support as proof that the knows that this would not be pos Porta xoneral Strike must be waged organizes the industries on una most antiquated among leading im not merely one of verbal formula credit to the Alle declares Nowhere does the Declaration of letarian leadership and least of all rank and le of the labor movement tiotal scale under Code Authority perialist countries.
tion of the Declaration, but says to the Socialists should give Roosevelt Principles in words or by implica without a revolutionary internation must clearly understand that this Trust Laws and enables further riculture will have far reaching efthe new executive of the party Full support, thus pushtug him lett. tion support any kind of dictator al party. He is speaking directly is their tight. They must be shown ecusolidation and centralization offects in reorganizing American ag Some of you may realize too late To say that every concession given ship. document supported by for the benefit of the fascist guard that the attack of the ship owners. Anunce and Industry through gov. riculture to fit present requirements that by ruthlessly eliminating a wy Roosevelt is vuly a trick, makes the Wisconsin delegates (Mayor laus of the capitalist system. He Chamber of Commerce and the car crument cooperation, to form carot American capitalism in a world the forces that built the party (ie. workers laugh at us.
Hoan, etc. and President Graham task is to remind Hitler and his italist press is an attack on the tels, national industrial group and of shrinking markets. The major first essential rights of all labor unions. Victory monopolies.
by not re electing the old Guard) In the face of this onslaught by of the Montana Federation of La Heutenants that The small capitalists effort of America is directed to in you will have destroyed the very the ou Guard, the militant bor cannot be too strong for Amer service has been performed. With the marine strike will give now and sections of the middle class are creasing the export of capital, movement you have set out to cap party inajority bus responded by scan workers.
labor of where safe investments can be ture. In other words, the old concillatory moves and fervent cries Conciliatory Gestures fascist hordes they destroyed the movement, and free it from the (B) The social relation fea found, and the export of Industrial tighting to de of unity. With the Old Guard reThis reGuard is not meresit to take using any compromise and carry conciliatory gestures in the Newinnsters from the fear of strikes, the bay region.
feat the Declaration, Thomas continues his defeatist movement. They liberated their which has so long been dominant in ure. It corrals the working class and finished commodities and their struggles against the capquires reorganizing agriculture, in over the party or smash it unding the attack to their enciny full. Leader of June 23: he can and no revolts or proletarian insurrections. Eitalists into class collaboration order to leave the door open for start their own, force, the cry of unity can only stronger words than to say it is and put the working class in machinery. The of Li class, the importation of raw material The (LEVELAND collaboration ideology was not suf und some farm products to enable revealed by a viciously reac capitulate to the Old Guard. What which has not yet raised a fifth of bourgeois and plebian army was First Annual ticlent to cope with the rising strike creditor nations to pay. This means tlonary attack on the conven does it inean, to cry units, when its quota of the National Fund the dagger was their only value to PICNIC struggles and new class relations. a sharp curta ilment of domestic tion by Charney Vludeck, in the Waldman has already repudiated Drive can raise so much for fac the exploiters.
Given by The new and extensive machiners prodution is necessary, and the Forward of June 13. Vladock even the party decisions, Hendin has re tional controversy. Why does of labor boards and arbitration is AAA is designed to this end, as denounced the convention decision Lused to work for the party until Thomas say the party. when it is Too Many Fists Communist League of America led to check, to disorganize and are also the bills for the compul(Cleveland Branch)
to put back on the application for it withdraws the Declaration, Pan. only Old Guard raising money But von Papen is now calling at to prevent the workers struggles, sory control of tobacco and cotton, membership the phrase class ken makes distinctions between for the fight; certainly the Thomas tention also to the danger lurking SUNDAY, JULY 22, 1934 especially those of the semi skilled The curtallment program necessistruggle. which had been removed sane and insane Socialists? Itites and the militants are not only in the many upraised petty bour.
Garfield Park. Section end unskilled millions of American tated special relief to the drougbt arca, and the measure, through the in 1928, Vladeck declaring that the can only mean that the party ma not raising money, but aren even geols and plebian fists. Too many Take 106th St. Car Garfield Pk. workers. elass struggle has no place in a jority has no will to fight.
fighting. All that Thomas can do of them have taken seriously the Admission 106. Free Refreshments The NRA has been strengthened Frazer Lemke B, to help the party desirous of getting the sup Pious Hopes for Peace is to sigh at the Old Guard boast demogogle pledges that were mortgage companies holding farmport of American farmers. Hur Thus, in the face of the open that it can raise 50, 000 for its bodied in the fascist program in ers mortgages.
thermore, Vladeck puts aside the threats of split and of Waldman tight; says Thomas, comrades can order to rally the mob and to create Government Subsidies pretenses of some of the Old Guard. and Hendin written statements, meet at expensive hotels to plan a a mass movement against the pro2. Government subsidies to industry have become a dominant who said they objected to the De which of course are the decisions campaign which, alas, has not so letariat. Too many of them still The Seventh national convention the of means in concrete factor in this stage of capitalism.
claration of Principles, but would of the whole Old Guard apparatus, far confined itself to the discussion remain under the illusion that they for the Young Communist League is terms.
not have objected to the St. Louis Norman Thomas with Christlike in of principles but to attacks on per can cash in on these pledges. At over. According to reports in the Mistake Who Made It!
In the earliest stages of capitalism, government subsidies were a necanti war resolution. Vladeck de nocence writes in the New Leader sons.
the same time even the Paselst Daily Worker little was analyzed, The trade union reporter didessity for the development of the clares that he is grateful to Wald of June 14, that it is gratifying One must search high and low to leaders cannot fail to take into less was planned, nothing was ac state that We considered that the national capitalists. Now it is a man for not pretending that the St. that group after group in the party find any evidence of any militancy account the present enormous complished. On the basis of this was completely exposed necessity to maintain the decaying Louls Resolution was correct. Por is declaring itself against wild run in the Militant camp. The near strain on the German national eco source we can get a picture of the and could never come back as a capitalist system. The direct loans his part, Viadeck says that Au mors of split which unfortunately est thing to an appropriate answer nomy, the reduction of the whole bankruptcy of the Stalinists in the force in the bituminous fields of to Industry through the Federal was to disorganize the Party, to of euphemisms to describe what to the of New York (New masses, including the middle class, 100 Increase In Membership absolutely wrong. Whose mistake the Housing Act are a huge subsend hundreds of Oklahoma farm. Thomas heard and read with his Lender June 16) which says that and, as a result of this, the enor boldly proclaimed the Daily (June was this which led to the isolation sidy, as we have pointed out before ers to jail, and to shorten the life own ears and eyes. think. Tho some individual party members mons danger of a seething discon 25, 1931) in a headline. But the of the from the youth in in the Militant, to stimulate the of Eugene Debs. Refusing to demas says, there will be no more have made certain threats which, tent.
next day it summarized the report volved in the strike wave? Surely production of durable goods and clare bimself even a pacifist, Vlad intemperate discussions in the cap. if pursued further by these indi Certain points in the Nazi dem Jof the organization secretary the the analysis was based on eck demagogically thinks up Italist presie. One can be sure that iduals, can only result in a defec: Lagogie programu borescelto remain shulp attack on the heavy and in party which tle faithfully industry and a slight increase of turn the wheels in the heavy indus Marks specially made a union policy of the Communist tries which has meant profits to good war. Russia against Japan this is merely a pious hope, fortion in our movement.
does the say in answer to imprinted in the minds of the creasing fluctuation of the League followed, of abandoning the of production, but with no appreciable these individuals. Why, that pleblan brown hordes. Point 13 of membership, saying that though unions, and playing around with orrect on unemployment.
MINNEAPOLIS NOTES For these individuals, the the official program reads: We 15, 000 members were recruited pure and simple red unions. 18 Outstanding is the fact that The Organizer. Weekly paper of The hysterical Citizens Alliance, dain. militant volce. The only businesses which have been up to are still lu the League. We have only on paper. Opposition groups and deserve hoe hulle linternation: General Drivers No. 574, Minnea frothing at the mouth over the loss other explicit recognition of the the present formed into companies slogans and resolutions about fluc, are being formed in the mass trade grens, and only reach Congress for polis. Vol. 1, No. of their Christian Soldier. Lydeliberately splitting and anti dem (trusts. And, further on, point tuation, but we don take steps to untons with the aim of building an itx rubber stamp which, especially Minneapolis truck drivers union is 10, 000 in the last few weeks, out was Murray Baron statement in suitable to our national require port state what steps were procenter, independent of everything foughly dominated by the President, it is evident that the militant man, have raised a fund of over ocratic methods of the old Guard 17 reads: We demand land reform overcome it. Nor does the re other independent trade union this year when Congress 18 thor moving ahead with all possible of which rewards of 5, 000 are be the New Leader of June 23, which ments, confiscation without compen posed. if anyto uvercome this we repwat, except the Stalinit means that for practical purposes speed to clinch the opportunities ing offered for information leading refers to Waldman disloyalty sation of land for communal pur condition.
international issues are in the which have been presented due to to the arrest and conviction on the which must not go unchallenged poses and the abolition of Interest 300 Turnover in Three Years How the young workers are to be hands of the Executive. In addithe splendid strike of a few weeks charge of murder or manslaughter and his recent statements in the lon land loans.
15, 000 recruited in three years, won for unionization was not evention, Congress has delegated power ago. Recruiting into the union goes of the persons guilty of either kin. New York Times which warrant the These points were inserted to at powerful testimony of the fact discussed. No pilley was given.
to the President to conclude reclpNor does Daily report any rocal treaties with foreign nations Age of 26 members daily still combeck and call of the Alliance, is been a peep out of the militants, urban and rural middle class. It can be attracted to a revolutionary discussions on the anti militarist, and to raise or lower duties by Add ing into the Drivers. study classes featuring news of these rewards on whose every move, at the Detroit stands to reason that they were youth organization the anti Fascist, united front, educa 50 in trade union history, union struc the front pages.
these two statements, there hasn never intended to be carried out. claimed 3, 000 members at the time tonal or student work of the International Policy ture and strike strategy have been the very fact that the organized convention and since, belles the The Fascist army was not created for the last convention and we get The agenda did contain a point The Gold Act, vesting control formed and are under way. And reaction has moved so slowly and name that designates them.
such It came into the sum of 18, 000 youth.
Yet only on war and Fascism, but the action the President, was not only signion June 25 appeared the first issue with such hesitation indicates that, Militant Merger? being at the time when German 000 remain. Not a 200 turn of the convention is yet to be re fcant as an internal measure, but of The Organizer, new weekly paper despite their frantic questioning of In view of the failure of the capitalism could no longer function over of membership, as we so con ported.
as a weapon of International policy of Local 574, designed to cement to stoul pigeons and poring over of Thomasites and the Militants to put on the old basis, when the masses servatively estimated to the last Student Youth Problem which is now ont of the hands of gether the bond of understanding newsreels taken during the Tues up any fight against the Old Guard, could no longer be held in subjec issue of the Militant, but a 300 Worthy of note is the fact that Congress. In these various ways among the membership, and to blaze day battle in the Market, these link along in Ita bludgeoning crm formism and when the continued in headlines!
bave while the Guard goes rip roar ton even by a regime of social re turnover! One will not find that the student problem was not even power and funds have been sentered a trail of progress before all 11 labor. not a shred of evidence as to put on the agenda of the conven in the hands of the Executive, so organized and unorganized, in this identity of the criminals. And, paign, the various and widespread existence of capitalism required the. The convention had the cavowed son. The National Student League that pressing international lawues of much more importance, the fact attempts to merge the Revolution ruthless extermination of all work task the winning of the youth for organized by the has been can be handled with dictatorial de page sheet were published. Most stroug, militant union has deterreditants, expose the real quality of quisite for increasing the intensity strusele Five thousand copies of this first that there is on the theld such a ary Policy Committee with the Ming class organization as a prere, este serie de sorteo pet po wiele the romane reconn. com er lite turer. cisiveness and rapidity by the Pres readable progressive in character, the reaction from moving with any some of the leaders all the of exploitation.
order of the day in all capitalist ganization to an organization based lalist armament race, which will be the paper has gauged to a nieety contidence and decision.
more glaringly. It is already clear What the New Program Means board of Stalinism countries according to the papal primarily on student issues, to a cloaked in naval treaties and peace the general trade union and politiThe president of the Hennepin that the Thomasites and militants, So it must transitional form pending a unitypacts, and the trade war that is development of the workers County chapter That function was performed by Hikewise be in the United States of the and the Socialist ateady in full swing, disgutsed by of the Law first by writing an ambiguous cen the fascist army, temporing Its ar logically conclude the young Amer Student League for Industrial De reciprocal treaties and tarift mani.
within the union.
As the class con Order League announced that in trist resolution, which means any tificially instilled hatred to Marx ican cardinals and bishops.
sciousness of the members is inevit. carrying out the purpose of the thing except a revolutionary policy, ism in a ruthless campaign of termocracy and then into a mass Ipulations.
ably brought to new levels, one can League in alding the city and coun: and secondly by watering down that ror. But the demagogle pledges ad. nobody knows. Obviously the build should not a national convention of or dictatorial power and centrallzPrecisely what is meant by this militant student organization. In spite of all this increaso anticipate that the editors of The ty authorities to maintain law and resolution, by a series of re intervanced in order to create this army Ing of Soviets is not an immediate the consider this problemation, bourgeois democracy in the Organizer will reflect and lead this order, efforts will be made to set pretations since the convention, are also served to instill into its mind task of revolutionaries in the Unit Particularly important is this in United States is still a powerful consciousness.
up a permanent fund for rewards already on the road to a shameless the subsequent demand for the comed States. If however the vague view of the fact that no previous force. Under conditions in any way ing with the latest organization connection with law violations gen the old Guard. The only reason Because of that the fascist leaders workers, through their immediate the tuited States and no contion, the bourgeoisie will not have In the first issue are articles deal: to be paid for like information in and unprincipled compromise with pletion of the fascist revolution. phrase menns winning of the young motional contention of the approximating the present situaers and laundry drivers, the status The offer of such rewards would made is that the Old Guard will peremptory ultimatum of German dictatorship and Soviet power, that International since its second con: it still has sufficient Internal of recent wage arbitration with the undoubtedly sist materially to not have it, but demands open and eapitalism, as now advanced by von is for Communism, then the task gress (1921) has discussed this strength and resources so that turemployer committees, a write up of prevent the commission of crimes complete capitulation the last general membership meet and to bring offenders to justice. this situation, the revolutionary more exclusively on the reactionary old task for which conditions are In view of Papen, that the regime base itself is not a new one, but rather an problem, ther shifth of the workers to the Ing. the relation of the unions to The union will know what action elements in the Socialist Party are state bureaucracy and put a brake better than ever before. ble sive a balance sheet of complete signed to check and scatter the The national convention reports left will be met by concessions de the unemployed, etc. feature of to take to fight such a move. crystallizing in opposition to the on the petty bourgeois and plebian step forward could have been made failure. convention of an avow. concentration of this lettward shift.
the paper is an excellent humor col.
umn. The Sharp Shooter. And THE RANK AND FILE OPPOSI nouncing it as a treacherous maneist revolution. In accordance with crisis. Why was it not made?
merger and are quite correctly de demands for completion the fas in the past period of the economic edly revolutionary organization Unemployment Relief do not think that a lot of humor TION oeuver to disperse the left wing this steps are being taken to reduce which does not even attempt to does not crop up in a city dominatdraw lessons from the decisive ployed will bring forward additionFurther struggles of the unemTrade Union Policy Extract from a Letter)
and deprive It of a rallying center. the numbers of the brown army, ed by such a gang of touchy, superevents of Germany and Austria, byl relief funds.
The Failure to understand the cor that omission alone shows its forms, dealing with the thirty bour drivers situation is still These elements are also flatly re and thereby disarm many of its un More basic recivilized bandits as is the Minneapolis Citizen Alliance of and organizing the revolution bankruptcy.
week and unemployment and old Need for a New Movement One word about the mechanical meeting last Thursday to try and for the centrist Declaration of rollable elements. This is the real rect trade union policy in the AF make up of this potent weapon in arrive at was to force the em Principles and are demanding that Hitler, however, hurries his assurary trade unions, he (the trade age insurance (o a kiud) have been union reporter) said, accounts for There is a crying need for a rev left over for the next Congress, as the fight against the bossen. Beployers to negotiate the wage scale la declaration of their own be votedance that what is developing now the isolation of the League from olutistry youth league which can concessions to be held in reserve to cause of its handy size. The Organ demands. It was decided to call alon.
is not a change in the fascist re the masses of young workers in in organize educate and win the be presented later when the class izer is going to prove most flexible joint strike conference of all transdustry, and especially those enter youth for communism. Today this storms become greater, Naturally, in times of stress. It will be no portation unions for Thursday Help Cuban Comrades then he special interes terepsicer to line strike struggles reports the movement can arise only from those event in the mbourgeois substitutes problem to get out daily editions the 28th.
during strike battles. With the The Stalinists issued two leaflets One of the most effective means June 24. thumping his fist on the Not a wrong trade union policy program and practise lessons of the ance measures, are only granted it success of the printed of the class is Market, one can appreciate just tacking the settlement, leadership against our own exploiting class spearing to talk nonsense will tell usual complaint of a failure to un working class, particularly from sufficient to warrant such stop sap to help our Cuban comrades who you that this movement will go onderstand the correct trade union the war of 1914 18 to the recent measures what this will mean.
and conduct of the strike. The holde strategical position in the for a thousand years. The people policy which presumably the Com defeats of the workers in Germany The Administration hopes to be The editor of The Organizer is leadership took the leaflets up and struggle of the Cuban masses are more behind me today than munist Party and the Young Com and Austria. It is the movement able to handle the rising strike Farrell Dobbs. got two of the rank and file com against American Imperialism and they were a year ago. They fol munist League have. But what is for the Fourth International and struggles in the coming period as mittee to come forward. The rank their lackeys. The pressure of low me wherever go and will con policy The orter called for new Communist parties, and a new effectively as it handled the Auto PLOT FRAME UP IN MPLS and file of the union would not al. Cuban masses against the native tinue to do so.
the formation of opposition groups revolutionary world union of youth, and Steel strike threats. The meaThe Hennepin County chapter of low them to speak. It was shown exploiters and the United States the Minnesota law and order that while these crities had May imperialists has already forced them to affirm that it has as little to do trade unions. For what purpose. draws the necessary conclusions Congress, giving the President full This is his boast and it is easy in the of and independent which embodies these lessons and sures passed in the last days of League (a desk in the office of the buttons of the union, they had no to grant some concessions. with the objective historical proc to split the unions and affiliate them from them.
power to act and the setting up of Minneapolis Citizen Alliance) 18 receipts and no union cards.
We appeal to the readers of the esses as has the Stalinist prognosis to the new brain storm of the Stal The national convention of the arbitration boards is to be used in going ahead with its plans to frame They barely were able to get out Militant to collect money to aid our of standing at this moment on the inists, a new independent trade un by showing the impotence an attempt to keep class peace at militant workers involved in the of the hall under guard furnished Cuban comrades. Ask your shop threshold of the proletarian revolu lon center, independent of the of Stalinism, also clearly reveals home and recent truckdrivers strike, out of by the union and after the union mates and friends to contribute tion in Germany. Hitler greatest of independent of the Trade the need for building the Spartacus tion while workers in subjecimperialist mongers which arose the killing of two bus president had spoken and asked for And then, with the money you col difficulties are still ahead of him. Union Unity League. Independent Youth League as the nucleus of the are busy with the international Inessmen thugs who were acting as their safe conduct from the ball: lect, send in your own contribution But that subject will have to be also of the masses? The reporter new revolutionary youth league in problems confronting them in their special deps, Arthur Lyman and in spite of this, one of them got a to: The Militant, 126 East 16th St. left for another article.
did not explain what this repeti the United States.
attempt to organize the world.
Peter Erath.
bat in the jaw.
New York City. ARNE SWABECE. tion about opposition groups in JOSEPH CARTER. HUGO OEHLER.