AntifascismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxMarxismOpportunismPrivate PropertyRussian RevolutionSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

The Burning Question in France Recovery For the Farmers the But this homesteads.
break of relations from now on for the struggle of the Vigilance mittees which are not Soviets: one hostile world; it must know how to hurt agriculture it continued pretty the creation of all the material re the realization of this the old order Communists lance Committee and help the work. gathering the masses should pro. that is without a party, since there promises with certain of the states Later on the requirements of high degree. In the words of Marx Biography of Lenin SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE come Soriets and would never take power.
The Struggle Against War And then one other question in trudes itself into the question of the Towards Opportunism or Towards Marxism. There Is No Other Road powery thuat is, the question of the No Solution for the Agricultural Crisis is Possible on a Capitalist Basis struggle against war. Who will lead this struggle Strictly speak CONVERSATION WITH COM munist and consequently you know mittee is not a fountain of youth ing In arriving at an objective usume period the other leading it is indeed time that the producRADE FROM THE SAINT DENIS Well that to gather the vanguard where the decrepit social democracy could organize actions against the derstanding of American agricul countries increased their acreage tive forces have come into conflict to the proletariat means not only can rejuvenate itself. Nor from preparations of war, against the world agriculture, it is necessary more than 18. The erop output tions not to split it but to create the the masses as a whole; the masses two years service, etc. But who to know that the historie role of in the foreign areas was far greater After the events in Germany, Therein lies the problem.
Dortot, foundation member of the struggle. But will take up your wbiele permit them to choose and will launch defeatism?
their own experiences will lead the anti fascist work, who American agriculture has been that can this, belay recorded in the homesteads, which in the end is to The cost of such subsistence Communist Party of France and other arguments: it is too soon, we to progress along the revolutionary united front you have socialists, preparing the foundation a member or its Central Commitfor neighborhood of 40 while the in be borne by the worker, 18 estitee, requested wide discussion mnents of opportuneness but not of a vanguard which, at every stage defenders of the League of Nations imperialisin. The young but vigor put at about 10 over the pre war camily and the total cost, if the plan are too few. You advance argu road but on condition that they find imbued with patriotism or pacifists, the mighty structure of American creuso in American crop output is mated at not less than 500 per in the party on the united front principles is it too soon because of the struggle, explains the situa. Soon you will find the latter even days could not advance to maturity were put operation, would be question and a revision of its inToo Many Farmers sane policy of united front from am certain that we are more sectives to be attained the methods due to the Soviet Union entry insistance of the European States. y thu American ruling class has the masses are driven to newer low a grand total of 10, 000, 000, 000.
Quite recently and rather sudden Thus while the living standards of below. The Central Committee numerous than Lenin was at the to use and the ultimate perspecto this association of brigands.
dared not bring this question into end of 1914 when he proclaimed Lives. It is only by means of an the open and tried to influence Doriot by a combination of cajol. he knew the masses well, and independent and disciplined mannersever approved your attacks peace shinge onto the Euro farmers just as there are too many continues to regard eynically and ary and threats. All the attempts at certain moments was not afraid that the selection can proceed in join you in that.
against the we will never ounce of agricultural produce be why there are too many is because of federal rellet, the spending of to get a bearing in the party of being almost alone; secondly, side the Vigilance Committee. With And will answer you no less yond domestic need and building they have produced too much. The billions to still further increase press to have his point de view how can we lead the masses to an out that, even the most numerous openly: we have never attacked the its own economy on European sav. penalty for this production of an the suffering of the poor famers presented to the party member idea, to al conception without ex aggregation of workers would have Consequently you do not ings.
overabundance starvation and and the workers, all for the sake sbip having failed, and realizing plaining it to them clearly? It can no future.
that the aim of the party appaJust about 1800 when this task misery for those who in blood and for adding more millions to the cofhave to join that which does not not be too soon for laying down a The Vigilance committee is not exist. What we have done is to was largely accomplished an articol and sweat have produced Amerfors of the rich farmers, the food ly from the membership, Doriot surest means of becoming more the Saint Denis district. To limit false, barudeul to the October revotion a la Malthus took pastaston ruling class has always been the crul, meets with no serlous opposlmade his views public in the numerous, paper, Emancipation. This Reaction and Fascism self to disintegration. None of the You struggle against the policy of erning classes and an additional at u protit. Now they are facea. de set tion. The Farmers way out brought matters to show down. You forget the principal task local nuclel which detached them the in France; do you believe splurge was given to extension of with a surplus population and its Under capitalism there is no 80Doriot found himself outside the official party but carried the of the present hour: to bar the road selves from the Communist party that it is independent of the general the agricultural domain together disposal is tving tbem no end of lution to the problem of the poor whole district Saint Denis (about committees of vigilance, to bind (Partie Unitatre Populaire Tr. policy of the So when technique. Budgetary ullotments to Recovery joliticians and their is a part of the goneral crisis of them to the masses. new organ social democracy eat into them. Lenin and Trotsky led the comin the Department of Agriculture be brain trusters buve discovered the decaying capitalism. The withdrawThe party apparatus is crack ization of the proletarian vanguard Soviets Without Communists ing under the pressure of the cun crystallize itself in action and One more word. Your committees not practise two contradictory pol eight numerals. It was during produce 10 of the total val self supportlug. 9) subsistence rank and file, clamoring for real not in struggles over theses. of vigilance without a Communist icies, one a good, the other bad these years that we witnessed the ue of all crops. Hence 50 of the homesteads would result in a stiu unity of action of the proletariat am far from forgetting reac party, they remind me of the slo one: the policy of the and that launching of the giant irrigation carrers could in struggle against fascism. Saint tion and fascism, and it is precisely can of Mensheviks and count of the Soviet Union complemented mental experimental stations for of the products brown for sale. To produced commodities would Withdrawa from turther contraction of the domestie projects, land reclamation, govern production with only a loss of 10 market, purchases of Industrially official party, but whither is it pose the question of the party, not want to call you a Menshevik the international proletarian revo crop improvement and a general this end we have the subdivision of off to bo followed by more unemgoing! In the brilliant article without opposing it, but on the con or a counter revolutionist. When ition. When the revolutionary back to the land crusade. the farmers into two classes: mar ployment, more speed up. more reprluted below from our French trary, by tying it to the work of the October revolution found itself wave receded, when the workers Opening New Homesteads gina. rich) and sub marginal wage cuts, more misery for the urgan, La Verite, the author indi the united front. To bar the road at loggerheads with its worst diffi state had to make concessions, its Knowing that an increased food (or. It is proposed to eliminworkers. Workers and farmers gates the road it should follow. to fascism, to bar it once und for culties, when civil war and famine leaders explained this openly to all supply meant a great increase in ate iho sub marginal as a com must get together against the star. all, it does not suflice that workers raged, the enemies of proletarian the workers. While today, what the exploitation of the greater cul petitive factor and leave the field vation program of the recovery one is to believe Human og eit do e visit slui cat de menostre power advanced the slogan Sow do you read in Humanite? First, sivatable land areas, vast areas of relieve the chie not be solutisten de schemes of the Roosevelt New ite, you are following us into the its infamies in Germany and Italy. counter revolution understood in all countries does not stop growing, particularly in the west.
The poor farmers can solve their camp of the counter revolution. In Today we defend ourselves against sinctively that even the Soviet form that it goes from success to success, was not determined wholly and Turning the Clock Backward problems only by placing themselves that case when are you scheduled the rise of reaction, but and you is not immune against its intuence that at tåe same time the solely by the Malthusian obsession.
Subsistence homesteads! Millions under the leadership of the indusfor expulsion from the communist have stated it in your open letter and were there no Communists in marches at a rapid pce to social. The rapidly developing industrial offkople are to learn again the trial proletariat, the only class in Party? And what do you think of to the to be efficacious this the Soviets to introduce into them ism, and finally, that the Last was absorbing more and more ancient arts of spinning and weav modern society which is historically. resistance must transform itself class intransigeance, counter revo is about to join the League of Na or its working population into the ing. The clock of history is to be fitted for the organization of a new tra Acompetenza the Cens interne struggle for power. The lution could make use of Sovietstions. Do you believe that this act factories and the development of turned backward and millions are society which will be based on proprounouncing it. For the Saint correctly must be a step towards is true after the Soviets have con power?
Dents district decided by over 350 the Soviets. But tell me from whom quered power, how much more true a necessary corrolary. Land valpensant economy of a thousand a society where the slogan will be: Compromises and Compromises nes continued to mount and while years ago. And this at a time when trom cach according to his ability, votes against just a bandful tocan we expect the proper slogans is it with regard to Vigilance com The is encircled by a the periodic crises of capitalism the productive forces necessary for to ench according to his needs. For with the party leadership.
will we do? Give life to our Vigl around which the slow process of Vigilance without What Committee, a program of action may be sure that Committees of utilize the differences in the capi much as a going concern for many quireinents for all humanity has must perish, must be wiped out, by been developed to an exceedingly the revolutionary masses.
talist class and how to make com years. ROBERTS.
ers to establish more of them ceed? Not from the Socialist party, is no communist action outside of to break up the bloc of its enemies. American Imperialism demanded throughout the whole country to am sure; and a antifascist com Jan organization) could never be resist fascism.
Obviously, no Communist could further increased acreage. The imFor Unity There Must be a reproach the Soviet government for perialist world war which took Strikes and the National Guard of production Vanguard Party Falsified there are compromises and com and set them to the task of destroyA bright page has already been of American labor and labor will To realize the unity of action promises. But what is impermis ing life and the means of life of the workers, is very fine; we support you on this point for which book a biography no less than slon be made on the world and the sible is to present them as victories brought with it a pressing demand added to the history of the Amert Hook, listen and absorb the lemon Role of the National Guard we have been fighting for a number a novel or a play like a building movement. For the explanation lies hand, and on the other, to base all war for democracy. In the seven struggle of the Minneapolis truck The capitalist class, when it seos one years you recall the German must be constructed according to a entirely in Lenin himselt. Thus tes activity non ene quality of its years from 1913 to 1920, from so men and the Toledo Auto lite work its minions of the law the police events. To fight, the working plan and definite rules. The first Fox can entirely neglect the ques diploniacy instend of building the to 40 million acres was brought ers. The militant battle put up by powerless, results to other spe class needs unity despite all its law of biography is to tell the truth ton of Internationalism so decisive defense of the on the under the plow in the United States, them against overwhelming odds cially armed bodies of men to enpolitical divisions. reformists and as you see it and understand it. for Lenin. sentence or two for forces of the revolutionary move Land values mounted sky high. Al shows that the lighting spirit of the force its relen of terror. Chlef revolutionists must close ranks. That is not the basis of Fox bio the Zimmerwald and Kienthal con ment. Why did the foreign policy most every conceivable inch of land American working class is not among those used in industrial after such was brought under cultivation and crushed.
strikes is the National Guard. Up nist Party because it tranmples the informed with the spirit of truth or Arst four Congresses of the sharp turn to the Since the inception of the NRA to now the National Guard has been teachings of Lenin on the United even a respect for accuracy. Fox so it is with Lenin fundamental cause of the defeat of the German ing world market. Humpty Dumtpy strikes have broken out often and the ace in the hole of American Front, do not believe that you is no disciple of Diogenes. He les analysis of the post war epoch of proletariat? And do you believe was indeed preparing for the great frequentls. But for genuine mill sapitalism. It is at present its want to trample the teachings of about Lenin, about Trotsky, yea, capitalism Lenin on the question of the parts about Stalin. In his biography all luttons. There is very little discus France that the talents of Litvinov Present day Capitalism in the nothing like these two have been ercion of strike movements. How If a party which calls itselr Com three appear like the caricatures in sion of it so that it is impossible would suffice to preserve Modern capitalism in the United seen in the last few years. It of ever, the National Guard 18 by no 18 no longer the organization of the is seen as in a mist, suspiciously ſtorie struggle against the Second hostile to unity of action and a polagainst the fascist tide? policy two things: members of our organization tralized. Sections of it can even The United States is the cred played a leading role in one of these be won over to the side of the worklat, it is necessary to build a new sod like; Trotsky is the Evil One: International which culminated in icy which presents the entry of the tor nation of the world, and. Minneapolis. But from both of Jing class. Indeed its very comportparty and Fourth International Stalin is the Bolshevik angel Gabri the founding of the Third. into the League of Nations It is imperialist and forced these strikes, one lesson among tion makes it ideal for weaning it Will your district harness itself to el of the Russian Revolution.
No Word of Lenin Ideas as a victory, is one and the same to export capital to all parts of the others must be learned, if we are to away from the influence of its comthis task?
The truth is Ralph Fox is a take the lead in building a new manding officers. We do not want to trample the stalinist, a leading member of the literally not a word about Lenin is imited to the Soviet Union and present and future agriculture in cracy of the whose horizon The tremendous effect this has on revolutionary party.
Basically it is composed of young The Police and Strikes men and boys from the city, springto follow you in the building of a and defender of the system are lies, conception of a revolutionary. com which neglects and even fears the America can be seen when we re To a Marxist the role of the themselves proletariana, thelr aver.
ing from proletarian stock and party and of an International. slander, terror and defeat which munist party as a centralized. revolutionary struggles in other member that our position to the state is known in advance. That age nge belng about 18 years. Most These organizations cannot be set has entered into history under the based on a democratic, Inner 1180.
organization countries.
up arbitrarily.
name of Stalinism. His work is How could anyone with the know only by hollow phrases, but in real war. Before we shipped agricul. striking workers at the first sign cause they are unemployed. The Thus to defend the not pletely reversed since the world it will unleash its police against of them enlisted for a lark or beharmful to set up organizations ar for its political needs agree with you that it is written from that bias in supportedge of what Stalinist party is ity, that is to develop a revolution tural goods to Europe to pay the for militancy on their part is ele fact that they drill but once bitrarily; that is why we, the Communist League, have combatted the But after all the thing has the dion of what a vanguard party an apparatus of good for nothings must be prepared to receive these the hiring of gangsters, the deput camping mobilization during the like today discuss Lenin concep ary struggle, in face of and against interest on debts owed. Now we mentary should this not suflice, week and have only two weeks Amsterdam Pleyel movement which form of a blography and must be should be it is necessary to do what we do, from Europe since it is Europe who like better elementer and the summer, the discipline within it is was an apparatus contrivance for judged as one. Let us examine its of What results is that Fox, looking What the Communist League does.
the army. that does not mean evading unity of action with socialplan, first with regard to Lenin. Iflat Lenin through the colored glass to work towards the rebuilding of So much for the United States pobe counted upon to augment the not as strong as in the regular lat organizations by utilizing the you have the patience to wade of Stalin embalmment of Lenin tariat. This is the road which you, regular police force. The gena revolutionary party of the prole sition as the creditor nation.
that it is loose or non existent: cover of literary and artistic per through its lies and distortions you ism, makes a mystie out of a great, the region of Saint Denis, must second Now a brief word concerning the darmes of the law are but too hap many a striker can testify.
sonalities, of whose talents can will find the author thesis explicitcharacteristic mentioned to be utilized against the workIt becomes then the stern revolanot judge, but who are absolutely and precisely stated On page 300. the passages in which assassins are 18the road or Trotsky that the capitalists which could not be rein (usually created by a strateful Youth Clubs in their task of help organization propereshed working related recently powerhotshem wiele power or corned from the execution of their Humanited wants to frightent you ested profitably in American bus at the sociation, plays, of course, no negato bahia a theme revolutionary policeman, however, is by and young workers dressed in soldiers that Amsterdam Pleyel did not per courage beyond the normal;. force in Lenin which transcends all We want to follow the road of (1) by loans to Canada, Mexico, mit the safeguarding of real unity human understanding and explains revolution.
South America, Africa, Australia. large only a glorified thug, sworn uniform.
of action of the workers. Others False Picture of Lenin better than a thousand political. That is the same thing. and Asiatle countries who in turn in to protect private property: Tasks of Our Youth (Autonomous Federation of Em It is true: Lenin had courage, thesis what was happening in Rus. La Verite, June 8, 1934 can only balance their internation backed by the state and considered ployees, Action Socialiste, etc. intellectual power, knowledge. Batsia.
al payments by selling on that same by the average man as the law. Both the Ylpsels and the have come to the same conclusions the possession of these qualities dia 1t Fox is forced to exercise some his master: Stalin really organized agriculture has in the past loaned Added to this is the fact that the enrolled in this important force.
world market on which American he becomes arrogant and bullying. have falled to do this. The former derstanding to do away with this from thousands of men in the the current needs of Stalinism give is implied that he saved the day for investment of American capital in spect the law and that he rarely their anti war activity to contaed arbitrary combination which can world history, nor yet from hun him carte blanche to heap abuse Lenin in April when he threw the foreign land holdings.
Thor este member or eneste boerehe dreds of revolutionary leaders. Nor and lies on one of the great figures creat weight of his authority be Why Agrarian Crisis is Insoluble utong now. The cop therefore as tribution of leaflets. Nor has the French party. tr. can parade, but which, as a consequence can creation of these qualities of Lenin the modern proletariat. In his mocracy) presented by Lenin :fcant reasons why the crisis in wards him and his almost unbridled able to do much more. Perhape a ate obstacles to unitence actioners which could conceivably explain his treatment of Trotsky Fox reveals Lenin turned Stalin into a kind of American agriculture is not merely authority over people gives him few scattered ers here and every community, in every quar greatness.
himself as a literary assassin. Trot specialist for saving the situation passing but permanent. Out of the qualities common to all bullies. He there. Or at best a nuclel of two Fox himself must have felt the sky underestimated the peasantry: at desperate moments on almost World War there emerged a comfeels it needs but a wave of his or three. Their activity is blessed with the same results that crown mittees of real organizations which shortcoming of his explanation for he agitated for peace during the every front. Indeed Stalin bimself pleteiy changed orientation among club to rout any one.
all Stalintat efforts nothing comes may exist.
he attempts to add in the same sen war; he patronized Lenin: he was wrote to Lenin that he was being the European ruling classes. Italy Strikes Transform the Worker of it.
tence quoted above, precisely that wrong in the revolution of 1905: he turned into a specialist for clean and Germany strive toward a na No Party Exists We Must Create quality which, in his opinion, dis was a leader of the Liquidators; being the stables of the war departin every possible way to favor her citizen, becomes changed into some assign a certain definite proportion tional self sufficiency, England tries But John Smith, the peaceful The Spartacus Youth Clubs must a New One Let us do away with artificially Linguished Lenin from all men in was responsible for the defeat of ment set up organizations. But the work all the years of the world recorded the Finnish revolution: he was only Enough! Enough!
own over seas possessions, other thing entirely different during of its membership to carry on work The major European countries favor Poland strike in which he is participating in the National Guard. that is, to ing class needs a party, a Commu history, and explains bis keatness of some head in the armed insur thesis of the book should now be and Denmark for the sake of trade as the Minneapolis and Toledo polenlist within it and to work there nist International. It none existe. but yet the most striking thing rection of October; he bungled the clear: Lenin was a demi god; Stal advantages whereby they may un lice and special deputies found out as if they were a fraction in a shop now, we must work to build it up, in his whole character is that he military direction of the civil war: in is his flesh and blood continuator. 1oad some of their own surplus into their sorrow. There the strikers or factory. In their activity the we must pose the problem clearly: was a man like other men. Here he was partly responsible for Len Trotsky record and activity chal dustrial products, while Japan, for were out to get the seabs and stop youth comrades must be given every this does not mean that we can is wisdom! Lenin was great be in death: and so on and so forth. lenge the whole false conception the sake of its Indian market, is production. And this they did, de possible aid by the Communist solve it in a couple of days. cause he was not!
Contacts must be made Of course, it is not arbitrary But it is not a laughing matter. Trests on a thesis, it you please, it is necessary to rewrite history, Britain, while not satisfied with the better element. who were and leaflets put out on important to say that the working class needs for this stupidity serves Fox as a which the author is not ashamed slander Trotsky, lie about Stalin, this agreement, looks on for the armed with guns, tear gas and issues. These to be distributed a Communist Party, but to build it means of misrepresenting Lenin and to advance as the solemn truth. deity Lenin.
sake of profitable alliances later on clubs.
within the armory whenever posyou need definite conditions. It all that he stood for. It would take Trotsky whola political life and History and truth, like murder, in the event of a war against the The blazing courage and brave sible.
would be premature today, the volume equal in size to For outlook were colored by the outlook cannot be long concealed. They Soviet Union.
fight of these militants put to rout To help build a new revolutionary masses would not follow it: they lamentable work to set aright the of those petty bourgeois elements in must make their way through all Perhaps the significant the hirelings of authority and laid party we must root ourselves in the well follow the villance Commit. errors and lies he encompasses in Russia whom history had forced on obstacles into the thinking of the facts of the changed international down the challenge of labor to the trade unions. The events in Mintees, they are for unity of action. 313 pages.
to the revolutionary stage. Let us masses. They are doing it now. gleaned from the following figures. worker has not tingled from head start. It is clear that in the future creating a new party is to appear. Suffice it to say that on this put a cross over the slander and And as they do Stalinism and its Between 1913 and 1982 the United to foot as he saw the pictorials, we will again be faced by the Naas a splitter and to isolate oneself basis Fox has no need to explain pass on.
prostituted servitors are fast be states increased its areas for the photographs and newsreels of these tional Guard. Therefore it is imfrom the masses.
Lenin in relation to the epoch in Fox advances no explicit thesis coming an abomination in the labor production of principal crops from battles? What scab has not felt portant that special work in this cannot entertain the argu which he lived, the conditions in about Stalin. But there is one. Let movement.
290, 000, 000 acres to 320, 000, 000 or the icy hand of fear clutch his field be not neglected.
ment of splitters. you are a Com which he worked, and the impres lus put together what he says about STAMM a little more than 10. In the throat? It heralds the new dawn AL DASCA But if you break with the Commu graphy of Lenin, nor is the book (ferences and not a word about the of the Soviet risht if not be this on the very eve of a constrict Union suffer the munist, if the Third International the mirrors at Coney Island: Lenin for Fox to illuminate Lenin his achievements of the five year plan States today is characterized by course redounds to our credit that means a force that cannot be nenAs a result there is not a word policy, that of the ruling bureau Blobe.