BolshevismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyFascismIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyLeninMussoliniSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSubversiveSyndicalismTerrorismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontVoroshílovWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1934 Tactics at Minneapolis Imperial Valley Notes REVIEWING THE NEWS QUESTION BOX Pledge Fund Strike Sidelights 00 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 00. 50 ap 00 00. 50 0) 00 00 00 00 000 00 by 50 00. 50 00 ere no 00 00 Holl MARCH OF The General Strike Movement ¡ture.
The Brawley News, the most Government attitude toward the It is interesting to observe that The answer to the adventurers in flagrant and red baiting paper in Bonuseers. Mr. Williams EVENTS was at the beginning of the strike the the workingclass movement, the the Valley, a few days ago printed termed as the leader of the good leaders estimated the strike Bm Dunnes and the rest of the a statement released to News will tourists and his subsequent Dangerous Propaganda would be a azzle. They based Stalinist bureaucrats who wished to Sympathizer, Waterbury. Before by Jacks, president of the conversations with the General Contraction of the Stalinist mob of two hundred Knitted their attack on the strike leader see the workers of a single city answering your question concerning Imperial Valley Growers and ship was splashed over the News, with Bureaucracy Out wear Mers, met at the Hotel ship on this prognosis. At the close against the capitalist nation was the law which turns over 75, 000 pers Protective Association, con brazen declarations of his CommuThe more the Stalinist bureaucrato plan ways and means of defeat at the Social Fasclat of for the strike committee for the betteve the subject to be of sufernment is conspiring in the orsion of the Valley: that his en sy loses its mass support, the more ing unionism among the workers, leaders to lead nothing less) a settlement: This is only a partial clent importance, and the manner sanization of a red union to stir trance Into Brawley strangely coin it feels its isolation and divorce free born American citizens. general strike of all workers. The salu. Pigured from the standards in which it was reported by the up trouble in the Valley. One can cided with the arrival of Mexican from the masses, the greater bethe knit goods industry. Called 08 day after the settlement of the of yesterday. It is a big gain. The World Telegram of such sig. read that for what it is worth and red agitators who were, it comes its contraction into a bur.
to the Knit goods Code. the meet les of social fascists. betrayers. draw back here and prepare for the nificance, that the article which appass ou to what is really taking seemed, interested in organizing the eaucratic directory. The process of.
ing was turned over to a bunch of traitors. sell out at their chosen Victorious battles of tomorrow. All reprinting in full. This follows: workers for the Agricultural and elimination of all control, even tho Cannery Workers Union. The News, fictitious control by the left over boss agitators who roused the mob leaders of yesterday. study of gains under this system of property Washington, June 11. CONnot to be outdone by such simple apparatus of what was once the to fanatical enthusiasm. They the raising of the general strike aro but partial gains. relentless GRESS HAS QUIETLY PASSED Chester Williams of the Ameri matter of fact things as organizing powerful Russian Communist party, preached sabotage. Whipping the slogan, from where did it come, struggle must be conducted to the AND PRESIDENT ROOSEVELT can Civil Liberties Union arrived workers. continued, They are at goes on apace. Nothing could prove utter disinlarge employers gathering into ac who put it forward, shows even end. To do that we must have orHAS SIGNED a law turning over in Brawley last week and had contempting to intuence members of more conclusively tion was the stirring speech of Dan more the speculative character of Kanization. This strike has gained to private citizens probably 75. ferences with the recently appoint the local Mexican Union to with tegration of the Russian Party than Starr. Don prepare for a full the headless leadership of the us that and more. It has shown us 000 or more high powered army ed labor conciliator, General Pel draw. The Mexican Union, or the the cavaller fashion in which the fall season. be urged. Don stock official in this great labor many imperfections in our prevail. rifles, of an obsolete type. ham Glassford Infamous or fa Mexican Workers Assn. is under the most prixed symbols of Soviet up with yarns. Be ready for event.
ing organizations. It has taught The law converts into gifts mous, as you will have it for his patronage of the Growers of the Bolsheviks are ushered out of extrouble. Women Wear Daily, The Strategy of the Fight us many lessons. Let us assimilate the loan of these rities to Amer Bonus Army rout, and later as a valley, and of Mr. Jouquin TerrazJune 20th)
In choosing the field for concen these lessons, consolidate our or liberal who protested against the as, who is strangely also the Mexican Legion posts for drill team, The same paper reports, Onetration of its efforts and forces in ganization and prepare for the fu burial squad, parade and similar ican Consul at Brawley. stroke of Stalin pen is enough individual pointed out that last the Minneapolis labor movement, ture. CLEM FORSEN. uses. They are Krag Jorgensons, to wipe out the Workers and PeasSeptember many manufacturers the Communist League picked the 1898 model, the weapon made fathought they could not fight union organization of the truck drivers Headlines and editorials contain ants Inspection. Lenin halled this mous by a Filipino Insurrection institution as the means of uproottheir motives all too clearly, such ing the growing bureaucracy which ization because of Section 7a oft the because of the strategic position of soldier ballad which had the reManhattan Brunch as this: Williams promises to stay he saw menacing the progress of NRA. We didn know then as we this section of working class in frain Civilize em with a Krag. Glade Modern gun slings and car. Leonard Lewis 00 monthly away. Williams not leaving to the proletarian dictatorship. Ironknow now, that this law is like the the economic life of the city. It 18th Amendment. Self criticism was pointed out over a year and a from the clevator woman in my Here an escapade got straight 00 weekly day as promised. Au intended vis ically enough, Stalin placed Ordjantrige belts were issued with the it of professional men from lower ikidze at was also indulged in. Coben half ago in the League councils buiding. Two young strikebreakDorothy Morris rifles.
head of this organizaClara Nelson California Including Mr. Taft, beadtion, formed to eliminate there very stated that the industry was made how a struggle in this branch of ers (erstwhile bond salesmen. POSSIBILITY OF THE GUNS Wright 00 monthly of the Civil Liberties Unlon, caused Ordjanikldzes. It will be rememup of close listed, narrow miuded industry would have a decisive spewed out of the market on that BEING UTILIZED IN ANY Spitboa men who go in for chiseling. He bearing on the future of the trade historic Tuesday morning at 11:40, Mr. Williams to wait over, so that bered that Lenin had demanded the DOMESTIC OR INTERNAL VIO Bleeker the investigations of the visiting expulsion of this same Ordfanikidze appealed for more of the cooper union movement here. fighting burst into the Plymouth Store on LENCE, SUCH AS LABOR Gordon professionals would be conducted for his high handed bureaucracy in ative spirit.
But the applause class struggle policy was the only Hennepin and Slith, and dove WARS OR THE LIKE, IS DIS. Paul King went to the agitators who urged thing that could organize these headfirst under the counter. The COUNTED HERE. Emphasis Florence Becker along organized lines. Excepting the Caucasus. And to think of this Mr. Taft, these men had nothing man made head of the Control preparation for war on unionism highly exploited, many times de alarmed manager hastened to lock ours. Weber to do with the Civil Liberties, nor Commission!
and violation of law and order ceived workers. struggle once the doors, thinking no doubt that As to your question. There is Tamas had they any association with radjust as they violated the 18th begun would, whether wished for the red dawn was here. Exactly no basis for discounting the pos. Victor ical organizations, Following this blow at the Oc.
They proposed to car or not, have to be spread because one hour later the pair of ex depe sibility that the rifles will be used King tober Revolution there came the 00 ty on subversive propaganda for of the opposition it would meet came out of hiding, both shaking against workers. This would be Konkow The melon season is to begin this could be no discussion of such vital elimination by simple decree (there 00 company untons amongst the union from the boss class. This was the like poplar trees in a big wind. If so only If the rifles were ineffective Others in New York City week. The Brawley Nows, having problems in a dead party) of the evidently no fear of the truth, once all powerful The latter rests. No statement by Ryan. No the essentials of its prognosis. The going to make for the Courthouse for them.
we re or if ammunition were not avallable Neither is the case. Porter 00 monthly struts over its pages with the pride institution embodied a force of bu investigation by the Grand Jury. fundamental correctness of the of a golden peacock, saying: Many reacrats knowing too much of Stal Marxian approach to the trade un and hand in our clubs and badges. Cartridges for the Krag are stand Alby For God For King and Country lon question determined picker were eu ruing to 50 ainst intrigue sind methods of deal No more strike breaking for us! ard and are to be found listed in day, and as the season goes on willing with opposition.
Charging Premier Brownlee of proach, make more. Or this: An election Alberta, Canada with seducing her, Wednesday, the day after the their first taste of the class strug catalog. Both the present Cornelis Government Springfield (1906 mod. Samuel, held on the ranches among the real The Bonapartist Danger Vivian Memillan has brought the strike started, the bosses met, and sle and not liking it at all.
workers who are employed would el) and the Krag are 30 calibre, Ann Ehrlicha Now comes still more ominous Premier into court. She claims set up a committee above the heads The local reporters did not record the range of the former being only The Geltmanis show that at least 30 to 95 percent step in the direction of Thermidor that he told her that it was her of the trucking bosses, and started that beautiful swan dive headfirst slightly larger. Wben fighting at Haldous are well satistied with the Mexican and Bonapartism. This is the abolpatriotic duty to respond to his adAssn. and that they have no symtion of the Peoples Commissariat subscribing to fund of 200. 000 into an ambulance, made by six long range this would give an army.
Miller vances, which she did. Many a to defeat the strike. The smallest foot splk. The guy was armed with equipped with the Springfields a Sydney Moro 00 pathy with, or liking for, the so of War (the Revolutionary War war veteran, both in Canada and union in the city was to be affected a big club, the strikers that swept slight THEORETICAL advantage McAbe called red union. Then why isn Council) and the concentration of the United States, who responded this was the basis for soliciting by him carried only barrel staves over one equipped with Krags, but City Subway Worker 00 the election taking place?
powe in the hands of Voroshllott to the seductive pleas of politicians and receiving the support of every and laths. Yet, every striker that the effectiveness of the latter Beecher as Supreme Commander of the Red in the name of patriotism during workers organization in city. ran swatted him. He was against unarmed workers, mostly Colay. 50 And to illustrate further that the Army. We recall that these same the years 1914 18 know just how United Front Policy cracked on the conk a score of at short range, is equal to the for. Cochrin Growers Assn. foars nothing (but bureaucrats, alming at this type she feels.
The Communist League was times and was too busy protecting mer.
Jerry Marsh repudiation of their darling Mex uncontrolled Bonapartist power atAnn Toven aware of this long before the strike, himself to take the offensive. No 00 ican Assn. the News continues. tributed their own design to Com.
Another Honest Politician and armed with the united front man ever welcomed succor like this Comrade ti. There 18 Gonzales We wonder just what right Chesrade Trotsky, creator of the Red The statement of Postmaster policy it worked early and late to one did. He ran to meet the first searcity of information on condi Smith ter Williams has to stir up trouble Army and organizer of its revoluGeneral Farley, former New York assemble every live force behind ambulance that came over sixth tions in Italy. there Bronx in Imperial Valley. The employers clonary successes. The bureaucracy prize fight commissioner, that Pol the striking drivers. As already Street, and dove right in over the other facts available, this alone Edith Sher and their field workers are work naturally cloaks its acts iticians (of course, bourgeois poll reported on Thursday leaders large driver head.
serves to condemn Italian Fascism. Eckstadt 00 ing together harmoniously and with under the guise of indef.
tieans) are the most honest men and small were called upon for Mussolini does not dare let them. Lifshitz contentment. Such an idyllle sit nciency and individual initiative know was an insult to Boo Boo every kind of assistancecooks, world know the true state of af Newark, uation, where nothing but peace and responsibility. And who is to About the National Guard. From fairs, and, since be is tled closely Lambert Hoff. That was clear even when carpenters bakers, mechanics, elec 00 and plenty exist! no terrorism, kld bring this reactionary clique to the statement was made. And tricians for the technical organiza one of their members, we learned to American imperialism through. 50 napping, slugging and attempted task for ineffelency, nay for its every day adds to the evidence. tion. The various unton bodies and that the orders they receved were. loans (the so called Morgan Loan Nagy Imurder as has happened in the crimes against the international last months.
proletariat and the October RevoIs Brooklyn contribution to the before the strike started, pledges guardsmen talking: Boy, Just wait the war debts (about millions. ker lution. total. He is charged with banking had been received and re checkeda chance at those sono le slven powerful afd in sup Sympathizer. 50 Everything in the world news As the danger of imperialist war 00 closer the Stalin about Communism is played up so loome closer his entire salary amounted to 96, week, much work began to get fin form on, and a gun in my hands. few bits are available, how Social Worker that the vigilantes will be officially ever more firmly. One can see the Clerk ist bureaucracy entrenches itself 804. Other points charged against ancial support and sympathy action Why ll kill a dozen of the bast ever. Hugh Quigley, in Current Boston him are; paying to contractors with the drivers. Saturday and ards. Frankly, such black hatred History for June gives the follow 50 sonism. An organization has been outlines of a future Directory 83, 500 too much for Alling in Mar Sunday the checks and pledges of puzzled me; until learned that ing: The average Industrial whge Wiener. 50 formed to fight Communism called Public Safety established for the ine Park; using 30, 000 worth of sympathy came rolling in. Monday this young man had been stopped by at the end of 1982 was about and Shecket the Imperialist Valley Anti Com efficient carrying out of Soviet 50 eity material and labor to came the first sympathy strike of pickets while trying to truck some 3 cents an hour, while in agri Henderson. 50 munist Association. few days defense. Whether the Directory build a log cabin for a friend; us the fron workers and the vote of Lumber into town, and bad been culture the HIGHEST wage pala Chiplowitz ago Mrs. Johnson, the wife of will consist of its present candiing city material and labor the Central Labor Union to call for forced to make a long detour to was and 3 cents an hour for Wolfe, New Haven 00 Grover Johnson, an International dates. Stalin, Voroshiloft. Molo for renovating property of his own. sympathy action. Tuesday other steal home by a little used rond, men and about 31 cents an hour Friend, Youngstown 00 Labor Defense lawyer, was convict toff, Kaganowitch, OrdjonkdgeHe had deposits in pine banks. building workers came out, Wednes. But he just one of the guard for women. paid months in advance)
By 1933 these were Browne claims he made the million day the monster mass meeting of and then, he was called out by a still further reduced. At least one Teacher in pala for 18 possessing a gun without the permale, ments become rapta during national honestly. suppose he means more than 20, 000 on the Parade farmer labor governor. Here is third of all workers in industry honestly in the Farley sepse Grounds. From Sunday on the slo another one who has come up to were idle. Friend of the militant paid 25 and given a fine of 250 or 125 days crise. That the dictatorship of at two dollars a day: she chose the proletariat that has not yet been gan for a generatie petittee on door he is met by a picket.
the 126 days, and was refused an still endures, is nevertheless under y strike headquarters on Wednesday. At the In addition to the above it can be in advance at a week.
liquidated, since the Soviet system Royal Socialist Midwife added that the universal eight hour appeal.
Many workers in America stand the basis of concrete organization What do you want?
day law was changed to nine hours the gravest danger from the ever contracting bureaucracy, goes with in wonder at the case with which efforts gulded the rising tide of in 1926 so that a 54 hour week 18 want to talk to Dunne.
ont saying.
that relic of the dark ages, tho sentiment to organize the town What about. He terribly busy. those open secrets that the workthe legal minimum. It is one of Build New Parties British Royal Family, are able to and Defeat the Citizens Alliance day. thanks to the attention The fate of the International befuddle the British working class. later to prevent the use of the Maybe can help you. ve just got orders to report to which the fascists pay to the workDuring the period of the MacDon troops to run the tracks.
revolution, which means the fate of ald Socialist government the so Prospects of a General Strike National Guard headquarters. Ilers interests, averages about two olalist Home Secretary. Thomas, Wednesday, when the movement want to know what should do hours more than the legal minimum, so that the Italian workers Minneapolis, Toledo, California come depends on the rallying of acted as a midwife to the Duchess for general strike was reaching the about it.
world working class under the of York. He hung around the royal depths of the labor movement and Well, you aro in a pickle. You ll are blessed with a work week of Local New York Climbs to the Top: strikes showed that the workers are the revolutionary vanguard of the quite cle ready to fight for their rights.
bed chamber for two weeks to make penetrating even into unorganized bave to go along, that all there is about 66 hours.
that, from fascism, the Italian Second Place The Steel, Automobile and Tex banner of the Fourth Internationsare that the royal parasite was with their leaflets calling for a Holl!
factories, the Stalinists came out to it.
masses get the burdens of a dying As the second club plan sub drive tile industries are like volcanoes al, on the speed with which the new parties of the Fourth Internationborn right, and that no other child general strike. Organizationally economic system, and nothing more (4 six month subs for 1) draws to about to erupt. Here what you can do. When an end, the branches are getting of pleblan blood was smuggled in. they did not pull out a single group you get among the other men, tell We must be prepared to enter the al can be constituted. The Russian Following the successful delivery of workers to support their belated them about the strikers, how they re Question Your conclusion that the who will lead the following week force, applying the experiences and Stalinist defeats have turned their Ex Stalinist Still Studying the busy, keeping us guessing as to coming struggles militant workers have forgotten their leadthe King Socialist Minister com. adherence to an already live move fighting, what they re up against. Stalinist bureaucracy in the Soviet mented on the graciousness with ment initiated by others. The move attention inwards on national probwhich he had been treated.
At this point, one of the strike Union could be replaced only by during the past week: George TruWe Must With ment was sound and healthy lt teadors comes up and repeats these overthrowing the proletarian dic har for the Cleveland Branch, 4: lems. Only a new party of Intersuch a leadership, what else but had but to depend upon the spirit Instructions. He impresses upon tatorship could be accepted only if Doughty for the Los Angeles Br.
STRENGTHEN OUR PRESS. nationalist Communists in the SorBUILD OUR ORGANIZATION. Iet Union too cang focan guide the Russian servility could be expected from the land devotion of the thousands of the boy the fact that he must learn no distinction is made between the 8: Leonard Lewis for the Manhat workers. real Bolshevik Parts is honest proletarians and not, also, bis lesson from this, and tell all dictatorship and the bureaucracy tan Branch, New York Local and SEND ORGANIZERS INTO THE masses back on the road of world the burning need of the hour in upon their patch Work organization, his young worker friends.
revolution. Only the new party can Regardless of what happens to the the New Pork City Organizer 8: FIELD.
STABILIZE THE MILITANT. prepare for the dangers that lie Britain.
dubious of leaders, including the There must have been many such stalinist clique, the proletarian Philadelphia Br. 4: Ross Moran of Help raise the necessary funds. a head in the further evolution of Brain Trust at Work Stalinists. How many timid friends of the strikers among the dictatorship will remain as long as Patterson total of 32 new subs Get a book of ten coupons for One the proletarian dictatorship in the Dollar.
Soviet Union. The defense of the istrator for the Federal Govern holes at the first flashes of a general why they should side with the striiet Union and the Fourth InternaHarry Hopkins, Rellef Admin reactionaries would crawl into their National Guardamen, patiently ex. the workers own the means of pro REMEMBER! THE plaining to their fellow rifiemen duction. See Trotsky The Sov ENDS AUGUST 1st.
Sell them among friends and Soviet Union becomes linked more. Complete Record sympathizers of our movement, and more abroad and at home with ment and one of the brightest minds bring to battle but disorganizationers, against the exploiters. Maybe tonal for complete analysis of Support the Local New York the construction of the Fourth In. of the brain trust, gave out some and confusion? Judging by their some more were won over to our ternational 40 ORGANIZATION PRESS Minneapolis Branch It is difficult to see how you draw pearls of wisdom this week, He Houndering with the issues of a side, maybe not. It must have been Cleveland Branch CAMPAIGN The Infallibility of Stalinism on relief rolls today. The Times simple economic strike of the driv hard work. The newspapers and your conclusions since you believe Los Angeles Branch 36 50 to The Militant 50. for Dally Worker comes out with an As this Militant goes to press the ers and, what was worse yet, with the officers were trying to work up (and quite correctly) that the pollChicago Branch reports him as saying can see the recent St. Paul Packing house a frenay of hatred among tho mencies of the Stalinist bureaucracy the Communist League of America. offer of United Front in the strugmillions of people on direct reller. Strike, where they called strike against the workers. Heavy wiring are not in the best Interest of the Philadelphia Branch 126 East 16th Street don think that is the American without strikers. When Boston Branch New York City gle against fascism with the new way of doing things.
truck was thrown up over the windows Workers Republic. The stalinist followers, at least, proceed from Chicago Friends of the executive committee of the SocialFrom this program be saw a plan drivers gained their main demand of the armory, armed guards pats the premise that Stalin is Infallible.
Muitant Club SARA 1st Party. What will become of the San Francisco Branch the recognition of the union. rolled the roof and the surrounding which would put one million men would have been imprudent to risk alleys day and night to guard infallibility of the Stalinist leaderTHE MILITANT The capitalist crisis affects the Constance Entered as a second class mall ship with such an offer made from Davenport Branch would pat two million to work an this great gain in a general strike against a sudden attack from the Soviet Union in several ways (and organization to organization? Is strikers.
matter November 28, 1928, at the this United Front from below or here the tle between Soviet and world economy is clearly demonToronto Post Office at New York, Un from above? We shall await with outline a plan by which the farm. certain: those who are shouting the Minneapolis workers have shown strated. In the first place the Berkeley (Kogan)
der the act of March 3, 1879.
Loudest would have contributed the decisively that they can conquer Ben. and Porter interest the outcome of this most Published Weekly by the Comtion. would be put to work in indelated action. Needless to say, the Leeser mainly raw materials whereas imcan throw in the field against them. ports are mostly the products of munist League of America New Haven Branch dustry and workers unemployed was followerwomandiruotekoodiomas But the past of the Stalinist Party here has nards, through overproducton in indus If the number on your wrapper is that is another thing.
126 East 16th Street, New York, hardly led up to a ready acceptance troops heavy Industry (machinery, etc. New Castle Branch This we The world market prices of the Newark Branch Phones Gramercy 9524 try would be put to work on the of such an offer by anybody. Events there are coming other former fell proportionately more land. He believed that there Oakland Branch Vol. 7, No. 25. Whole No. 229) will demonstrate whether this is a strikes, bigger strikes and the than those of the latter, thus putSATURDAY, JUNE 30, 1934 Springfield Branch would be no rise of prices as a re maneuter to save the party from soldiers will be called out again. ting the Soviet Union in the poslSt. Louis Branch EDITORIAL BOARD sult of this move and that the railthe type of split that occurred in Osborn, Frisco roads would be helped by it. An or smaller, your subscription to The Good work among them now will tion where it was necessary to exMartin Abern JACK WEBER.
James Cannon St. Denis, Mar Sbachtman Toronto Branch Maurice Spector other one of his plans for the on Militant explred. Do not delay, bear ine fruit for the future.
port a greater quantity of raw ma terial in order to import the same Arne Swabeck Toronto Youth Club employed was stated as follows: Send your renewal in at once and Buy a PIONEER PUBLISHERS. In many families we find two expense. If you cannot renew at ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI. Con to this, the contraction of the so save us unnecessary labor and quantity of machinery. In addiWaukegan Branch Bundle rates one cent per copy. CERTIFICATE. It only and Youngstown Branch Subscription rate: 00 per year entitle you to 40 discount on our and work. It we can get work for this time let us know how soon you TANTS ONE CENT PER COPY. world market decreased the poudt kowe Moran 50 per half year. Canada publications and to a 20 reduction can.
one of these men, our problem will bility for Soviet exports and, as a and Foreign: 50 per year; on any book pabilabed by other BILL TOTAL JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE result, for imports.
bel argely over.
306 75e for six months publishers. 30 00 00 50 Militant No Time To Lose It DRIVE 48 38 28 12 ers, suffering from over producioast to the success of such ven over any civic forces that the bossexports of the Soviet Union are know: 230