CommunismCommunist PartyFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalLeninMarxismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTerrorismTrotskyWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 26 IWHOLE NO. 2301 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1934 PRICE CENTS What Is Happening in Organization Press Campaign of Moves Against Fascist Germany? Paves Way for Big Advances Pacific Coast Dock Strike of Communist League Labor Council. The Socialist Party 00 thorities.
The speech delivered by Vice But that was intended for popular Chancellor von Papen before the consumption. The real essence of German University Union at Marvon Papen warnings lle elsewhere Leadership will have to watch The Organization Press Campaign to go to Minneapolis. We must burg, on June 17, has aroused com out. he admonishes, lest a new turns are still very small, but re have good base among the autois not in full swing as yet. The resend one to Detroit where we now Red Scare» Raised in San Fransisco ment and speculations overshadow. class struggle revive under different ports from our branches and groups mobile workers, and another into ing by far all other recent political colors.
of sympathizers of our movement the Pittsburgh area of the steel San Francisco, June 23.
events. Its importance derives not Von Papen Program indicate that the comrades are mills, where one of our members is SEATTLE OAKLAND so much from what was said, but San Francisco Labor Council refrom the situation which it reveats. en, the problems of the German pathizing school teacher reports. have outlined. suys von Pap busy selling the coupons. One sym an official of a local steel union actionary leadership last night Mere speculation in political con: revolution and my attitude to it so Before our Reports from both of these terriSeattle, Smith Cove There is Oakland, Calif. June 18. The ked up an attack on the waterjunctures and turns has nothing in sharply because there is no end of common with a basle analysis of talk of a second wave, which is to cation, we aP leaves on its va tories state that the workers are enough happening in the dockwork latest effort to break the Pacific front strike, whose spread and will get together and becoming more and more restlessers strike to all a miniature enes. Const strike has just topped.
militaney they have watched with the objective historical processes complete the revolution. Nor take up the organization press cam. To be a factor in these coming clopedia for a class struggle mai dismay.
Mayor klussi autuneell in all of The speculation which leaves these it clear where such a second wave paign. expect to be able to turn struggles, we must have qualified Jual. Here in the cove an English the west coast papers on Juue 14 Chamber of Commerce golog on, ris With the anti strike drive of the factors out of account are worth should lead. There is much talk this gathering, as we all get our should not wait until after the scabs under heavy guard of 2010 with the strikers und settle the strike is in the hands of in a fairly good sum as a result of comrades in the field NOW We steamer was unloudel yesterday by that he would conduct wegotiations and the press sereaming that the less, Thus, for instance, headlines of the coming socialization. Have checks at the end of the week.
struggle has started. With a little police and thugs, with fences erect strike. Next day every paper in the the officials of the Labor Council the Reda, of the New York tabloid wheets had (Continued on Page 4)
the German Relchswehr ready to An Interesting letter, showing ucritice it can be done.
ed to keep out the strikers, Trape bay region carried buge headlines mobly responded, and repudiated Every reader of The Militant of every nature have been taidly that strike wegotiations were being communism in the strike.
overthrow Hitler and to set up a what the organization means to military dictatorship. But their some of our sympathizers. came every sympathizelere rere the authorities, varying from the successfully conducte nder the Stalinists were no more fundamen Factions Struggle from Bryan, Ohio. It reads: Dear ment. every member of the organ wholesale attempts at Wrecking the direction of Mayor Rossi. Tulio the strike by the rank and Ale of The overwhelming support given tal in their approach to the quesComrades. Thank you for your le senten must takenuto responsifatis strike by the beralism and wompous uns was suddenly the man aber ter of recent date containing the bersell the personal responsibility hurt feelings of the Oregonion and the hour.
tion. From that source we are in movement here had formed that we stand the thres For Control of the forced the bureaucracy of the counEarly June 16 the pupers stated cil to bide its time. But the favor hold of the German proletarian ganization Press campaign which means to carry out the program of Seattle Star, and then the usual that a strike settlement was vuly disposed of as you requested, and sending out field organizers and blah from the learnt corporation matter of a few hours. At one to them by the Stalinist and they revolution.
able opportunity came presented Worthless Speeulation auan inclosing a dollar for the tep securing The Militant. If you don be strike is hurting business: Ju eluck extras were on the streets, coupons. With a little more time do your slure NOW, you will have The one speculation is as deceptive and is worthless as the other.
The Old Guard rapidly growing think could sell two or three no right to demand results of the government must stop it. STILIKE OVELL. Mayor Ross opened up what else is its function that is Successtully Buds Strike. etc. etc.
The Ground for the Attack While the Stalinists, speculating apparatus. provocatively na med more booklets if you would shed later.
International HOW MUCH WILL YOU SAC what we expect from it. And at P. the next day extras Abigantic mass meeting of 16, Down in Portland the strike is were again on the streets. Every 000 trade unionists and other work claim. purely out of their own Preservation of the Socialist Party munist greetings, Jefferson Rall RIFICE?
SEND FUNDS WITHOUT FUR strong, all over the Northwest It is locul from Canada to Mexico hud ers had been held early this week wishes, the arrival at this moment completed its organization in the of course, the books were imme this holding down. The Alaska boats overwhelmingly rejected the strike in support of the strike.
We hope that there THER DELAY!
of the crucial hour in Germany. Kastern area, at a conference hela diately sent.
Receipts were loaded because was were settlement. Iu San Francisco, Ouk meeting the Stalinist elements in they are utterly oblivious to the in Philadelphia, June 24, and is now are a number of such friends and Since last Report working elsewhere under the au land and ortland the vote was the strike leadership, threw the over 97 against the settlement.
specifle Issues of the strike to the imminent approach of the crucial pressing westward for Andle Wes sympathizers of our movement and winds, and launched a general hour in France. Or, it is because tern and Western regional set ups. that they will feel as keenly as com MM Bronx. 00 The attempt to set up opposition Terms of Rejected Settlement theoretical attack on the Ameriof their false conception that fas The bold campaign of the old rade Rall does about the need to. Waukegan. labor relations committee of can Federation of Labor. Also, in cism speeds up the proletarian Guard to bludgeon the party masive material ald to our organiza Chicago Br. Herman. 00 unions by some hired members of S. Chicago 00 the ILA has fallen through The three employers and three long Cppesition to the wishes of many revolution that the same polley, apority into submission to the Wald tion.
There are many friends and Anonymous 30 dockworkers have well taken care storemen to be selected at each of the members of the joint strike plled with such disastrous conse mans and lunkens continues with. 75 of these splitters and agents of the port. sympathizers of communism in Fall quences in Germany when Hitler unabated fury. 00 shipping companies.
committee, they insisted that To determine wagen Latest developments are the ap quotation marks. Our friends and came into power, is to be repeated 00 The police are now following the working rules.
and representative of the organization, the Marine Workers Inin France? So it seems, because it pearance of the first of a series of sympathizers have dropped the quo Fred Brode. 00 tactie of concentrating at a certain To establish and operate hallsdustrial Union, be allowed to speak.
is precisely that same treacherous amphlets by the Preservation cation marks, and stand ready to swetow policy of capitulation which we committee, entitled The Crisis in take their place in making a little Shift Michael 00pier. Under this concentration the for registration, hiring and als in their attacks on the of The unloading pateling of lougsboremen.
now witness in face of the growing the Socialist Party. the obtaining sacrifice from time to time. If the Bronx Branch 10 scabs go to work. 80 of the second ship is being attempt. To act as a court of appeal the Marine Workers Industrial and insisting on a speaker from Frencheraselat, movement and remove from the United Hebrew Trades, time being and give of their time. Madison. 50 cu right now.
between employer and employee. In Union, the Stalinists were merely the other band, a correct and rexe: threatening to withdraw thelr sup and energy, we look to them for Here is an interesting letter from here, the clockworkers and sailors cannot agree they shall select an advancing their own special or Down in Portland, as well as up the event members of the committer following their time honored policy sued in France that would undoubt port it the Declaration of Principles other support Just at the moment, the best way a young Socialist who finds it im are embattled right along the impartial disinterested chairman ganization interests at any cost, edly improve the prospects all over is permitted to stand a threat wharves, having rigged up shanties, whose vote shall determine the is even if it should result in the Europe of beating back the fascist which goes far beyond Dubinsky they can serve the movement is by mossible to contribute Dear Comrades: Unfortunately They maintain constant patrols, sue wrecking of the strike. The result hordes. It would help to set the crude attempt to dictate pol supporting the Organization Press German workers into motion again. vention a telegram that you will icies by sending the Detroit con Campaign. find it necessary to return your watching the freights, questioning Help put into practice the theor. booklet. Although am very much everybody coming in. Keep away That employers recognize the was disastrous and played directly But this cannot be expected from shape your policies and program to les you believe in. Help us to enter interested in the activities of the Crom docky. Section is of the Wigsto remene por purposes of col by raising the issue of a rival un the Stalinist organizers of defeat.
coming struggles of the work. Left Opposition and the Spartacus NRA allows us of the right lective bargaining.
irrefutable American realities thewhat our members did in Youth Clubs, am at present en But they are firm and will not be In Germany the objective histor and a series of threats and on lon. Any longboreman not a mem Reactionaries Act ical processes follow at the present sluughts by the old Guard in the Minneapolis can be done elsewhere. saged in very intensive activity in cooled by sweet words.
moment a course contrary to the Forward and the New Lender. The first requisite is to stabilize the Young People Socialist Langue, Immediately after the mass meetThe seabs are kept at sea, living ber of the shall puy monthly Stalinist prognosis and not at all Right Wing Threatens Split The Militant and distribute it wide and all my energies are expended on tugboats or on the vessels in the to the bring hall committee a sum ing, the leaders of the Seamans Influenced by it. The von Papen The Old Guard continue to formy, and at the same time send or in activity for that organization. stream. It should be demanded of equal to his pro rata share of the Union and two other striking unaddress brings testimony to that ulate their opposition to the Declar kanizers Into the field. One of our Comradely yours, the workers of foreign ships that all expuse. Note: Union pays tons, presented a resolution to the fact. He speaks for a special class ation of Principles in terms which comrades has already been asked! any attempt at unloading of scabshall expense. Executive Committee of the Labor interest. He speaks for the masters make it clear that they will accept should be answered by a sympathy Existing wage and hours dis Council demanding a repudiation of of finance and Industry and the nothing but abject capitulation by strike.
ates shall be submitted to arbitra the mass meeting, condemning the large landholdings. In the fa the party majority. anken, in the Marine Workers Industrial Union, mous address of June 17. prefaced June 23rd New Leader says: It is Mr. Ryan and Mr. McGrady are on up in the air: the areoplane service by the remark that the ultimate inconceivable that sane Socialists Iyan tried to get this settlement and calling upon the Longshore truth lles only with God. he pro will vote in favor of the Declarafrom Washington to Frisco and accepted by threating the entire men organization to clean Itself of Seattle is first rate. First a talk membership with expulsion from communistic elements. This re ceeded to offer what is now called tion, and tlatly draws the dividing in Washington and then a hop out the International, and said he solution came up before the dele courageous criticism of the fascist line by saying, All true Socialists here to and convince the mem would then recognize Lee Holman entes to the Labor Council last eve regime. He losists that claims to will oppose it. Another Ola bers of the LL. to settle on Mr. company union.
This threat of oing for action. hot debate de veloped, which brought out openly revolutionary or national mono Guardist in the same issue, George Conference of Unions Prepares for Showdown to termspeed But a teheras terike. Be care nu se read there was one at that the resolution was not aimed single group and that no one single as borers from within who have nie of travel, holds down fast. The words and issue a half hearted en primarily at Communism but was class must selxe governmental pow. indicated that fairness and good Thursday, June 28, Is Date for Thurstay night, June 28, has been workers are on the seventh week dorsement of the LL. call for a actually an attack on the leader er and raise totalitarian calms will only will be answered with (Reprinted from The Organizer. The conference will be called to redro, are literally entrenchments selected as the conference date and all the ports, excepting San general striku.
ship of the strike itself. Those opThere must be no annihilation of ruthlessness.
Casey, head of the Teamsters that this was an attack on the posed to the resolution pointed out popular freedom, for a people can be met.
weekly organ of Minneapolis order at 8:00p. in the Central of class warfare.
not be united by terrorism, he said.
Union, has issued a statement that strike, would weaken the splendid The most significant developments General Drivers Union No. 574) Labor Union Tall, 614 First Avenue HARRY ROSS. the teamsters are no longer on support given the marine workers so far are: the reassertion by Wald Packed to the doors in Kagles North, strike. But the teamsters are still be the trade unton movement, and man in the New Leader of June Hall, Thursday evening, the mem Local 574 has just gone through acting on the play in even more explicit terms than bership of 574 voted unanimously a strike which, for militancy and his earlier statements to the New to call the Employers bluff to de organization, takes its place with were last week.
York Times, that he repudiates the mand immediate wage increases, the best labor struggles of the past; Commerce, John Connell, Secretary of the the post convention meeting of the a city wide tie up, preparations for teasibility of building a powerful Show up Labor Boardcent of the state Federation of La tee of the which actually went report of efforts to negotiate with rities haveb een made by the memRobins and Gras bor, John McLaughlin, Secretary of so far as to pass a resolution con Employers on the question of wages bership of 574. That the workers The capitalist press of June 20. the Teamsters, and others, whipped The long awaited theoretical mag demning those delegates who and hours wa made by Brother from other organizations also made In response to an appeal from reporting the case of the lock up the red scare and told the dele azine of the International Commu. Continued on Page 4) Dobbs who together with the com a contributions, both with in Harold Robins and Andrea Gras ateriales los employees of the gates to choose between the princ pists is off the press. The first ismittee have been working day and ances and picket support, is well New York workers sent to Sing Harriman Hosiery Mills of Knox: iples of the American Federation of night to get results. Brother Dobbs known to 574. We salute those sing ou framed charges of felonious by the latter firm to the National communism. Under this assault the the high hopes it has aroused and Another Stalinist Strike have been deliberately stalling to stand ready for further service in the recent New York hotet strike, Green, John Lewis, and George the resolution carried by a vote of marks an epochal advance of our They have delayed the nomination in what we consider to be it cause the Robins Gras Defense Committee Barry, representatives of organized 120 to 22.
struggle for the reorganization of two weeks ago one of the work of their spokesman. They bring worthy of the best that the Minne has been organized tobacchaftlabor. Father Franels llaas, avowthe proletarian vanguard on the ers of the Sterling Laundry, 258 Ktorward all the age old excuses: apolls Labor Movement can give for their appeal. The Committee, ed labor union supporter. Leo Redl Hunt Voted Down graniter andation of revolutionary 188th Street, Bronx, was tired for business is bad, they will have to The Strike brought into the Unions organized on the initiative of the Wolman, Consumer member, and made by Michael Casey, President Following this vote, a motion was organ and a youth paper now adds Laundry Workers Industrial Union an agreement which pledges them Local 574 won a fight against the 17th St. Room 731 and has issued victs the latter institution of open counter the demanded that the sident factions to publisk al weekly such a golden opportunity, the of the fact that they have signedganizations have been strengthenea temporary headquarters at 22 Best Perodua bente ter presenting on at the Teamsters. and one of the a monthly magazine to its arsenal rushed in and called a strike to negotiate wage scales. The Em solidly organized Citizens Alliance a call to all workers to aid it in its strike breaking The first number of the New In The sixteen members of the unionployers following custom has been and their hired thugs. Victory on fight.
Executive Committee examine the Robins and tried on Listen to what of the estadent moet the cretelutionary Preparation, there was none. After continue to dodge, stall, and chisel. Eng blow to the organized tested. Thaige our beating when trichoten Hosiers Mills has to say (X. Council with a view of ascertaining These Bosses are now attempting straw boss, proved alibis. were. In our opinion, the National members. This bereny hunting proin. Cannon writes analytical re a small detail had been overlooked. mands, worked out with great care to swindle the members of 574 out showed that the sole witness Fudge bad faith. Their general even the conservative delegates and, article on The Testament of len discovered by the strategists that tore the strike, presented its de to reorganize their forces in order never satisfactorily identified. Labor Board is not qualified to posal, however, was too raw for views of the Minneapolis Strike namely, that of informing the land in full detail. They have been of this victory. What could not be against them had contradicted his counsel, in a meeting with mill of in revolt against the machine and the Socialist Party Convention workers why the strike was called on file with the Regional labor done by brutal assault is now tried own testimony, and presented prominent German Communist some of the drivers are union men Roard for months. Every Employby double crossing and stealth. number of fine character witnesses utilized to deceive the strikers in the motton, which was voted down ficials, suggested that trickery be speaker after speaker denounced wiem writer om he Legend of the The political level of the workers of these demands. What is lacking understand that the movement faces seeking victims and Indge corre setting the strike. This sichere to 20.
The importance of the drive of a crisis. Elther the Employers will gan, steady enemy of the work of compliance.
discusses New Trends Under the worker, etc. salesmen are all but a willingness to grant these de abide by the signed Agreement. ers, helped see that they got them the bureaucracy of the Labor CounNew Deal. An informative article around the laundry. Dr. Luttin mands. We were advised by those two cil against the striking marino on Strikes and the Economie Cs. Ker Health magazine is alone! In view of the serious situation raise wages, and adjust working in Robins and Gran. Notice of ap gentlemen to make the strikers be workers at this time can hardly be cle is contributed by Alfred Weav. conspicuous by its absence. Every created by the arrogance of the a unit must move onto the battle. The organizations now making up back and then take a few, and that designed to nip in the but the conditions, the Trade Unions as real has now been filed.
lieve we were going to take them underestimated.
er. Arne Swabeck analyzes The one pickets. and the Employers brought out in the refront prepared for a finish fight the defense committee are the Am. this sort of cheap trickery would general strike movement, which has It is especially Decay of the Stalinist Party. maxs organizations. except the port, the committee made the fol. The issue is clear. Union elty erican Workers Party, Communist articles by Max Shachtman on the live out of the 16 went back to the whole cal Union 674 call where men and women can feel and Lengue, Communist Party Oppast sntisfy these two branches of the already been voted for by six or more unions. The strike is reachFourth International, the Soviets work. But the red, revolutionary, a strike conference of all Transpor and a decent standard of life or, Martello, Org. Comm. for a Revo Even your own secretary, in dising a crucial point. Through the and the League of Nations, and the left wing industrial unton is deter tation Unions to be held within Minneapolis ruted by Black reac: lutionary Workers Party, Poale cussing ways and means of set Secretary of Labor, the Government question of the Dictatorship of the mined continue the struggle in five days.
tion in the hands of the profit mad Zion Left Provisional Committeelling the strike, advised us to take has now stepped in, demanding that Party or Proletariat.
Isnit of this sabotage. 2) The conference to prepare Bosses.
for Non Partisan Labor Defense back fifty strikers, work them for the workers arbitrate. The ship The appearance of the first issue No drivers, 11 inside workers for the necessary action to force and Socialist Party Invitations week or ten days and then let owners are calling for the port to of the new magazine at the New out of a bundred on strike and yet wage increases.
All Unions into the conference!
be opened by force. The Chamber have been sent to the Amalgamated them out.
York picnie last Sunday aroused in a leaflet to the neighborhood The proposals were endorsed un All workers into the Unions! Food Workers Union, which led the need any more be added to dem. clation and the press are attacking of Commerce, the Industrial Assogreat enthusiasm. Auctions of the populace the union appeals Do animously with the understanding For shorter hours for better hotel strike, of locals in onstrate the true attitude of the the strikers as being under commufirst five coples brought close to not give your bundle to a scab. that the machinery for action is to working conditions and a higher the industry, and the to join NRA and the labor leaders who 20. LANUDRY WORKER. be het in motion immediately. standard of life!
sit in its boards. Continued on pno 4)
Minneapolis Union Forcing Action on Wage Demands Monthly Review Committee Moves meters are larger today than they by owners and the Chamber of New en Appeal Case of Comes off Press