BourgeoisieCapitalismCivil WarCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismItalyLeninLeninismMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1984 THE MILITANT PAGE Stalinist Record in the Appeal For Jewish Arab Workers Solidarity After the Bulgarian Cuban Revolution Fascist Coup Etat As soon Visit to Tom Mooney at San Quentin Had our To the Working Class tended friendship for the Arab The Committee of Jewish Arab of America: masses.
Labor Solidarity is our answer to The Gewerkschaftern campaign, this call. We appeal to the workIn response to the call of a large initiated by the United Hebrewers of America! Help us to spread (Continued from last issue) inists but in the interest of speak section of the working class of Trades for the benefit of the His this movement far and wide! Form If the three and a half million Italy in the Balkans, especially in The Stalinists, foreseeing that a ing out what is and of making our Palestine, there has been formed in tadruth has never attempted to in such committees in your localities. Bulgarian peasants owning between Macedonia, and to take matters inserious attempt to seize power, position clear. We have nothing this country Committee for Jew fluence the leadership of the latter Have your unions call upon the them a couple of thousand steel to its own hands. Tsankov had the armed forces of the United who regard any concession as a besh Arab Labor Solidarity in Pal Ito change its attitude towards the Histadruth to admit Arab workers plow, lived anywhere in Asia, or reopened parliament with a decree might precipitate intervention by in common with those ultra leftists on a of. Americathat State arcame to the conclusion, fet trayal of the revolution and of catine with the purpose of helping strengthened nationalist Jingoism, lect a labor solidarity fund to set which still considers stselt the ties; displeasing deputies were shot.
the Insurrection. that it was nec. Cuba that is how we would present ish and Arab working masses. The the Arab reactionary forces will in Palestine and to establish broad terest in their fate. But they are 1981, was effected in a Parliamentessary to make efforts to avert in the question to the masses. In blood in which Palestine was take advantage of the situation to educational activities among the rooted in that sore spot of Europe ary manner. Muschanov govern.
Fheir ideas on this transigeance in principle does not drenched last October, 1983 showed set up dual nationalist Arab unions Jewish and Arab masses. Help called the Balkans from which ment was also parliamentary: it subject were first advanced in this preclude but makes necessary flex with tragie clarity how acutely against the Histradruth! strengthen the first attempts of the more than once the flames of war replaced Tyankor united zgowor country by Sinant in the December, ibilty in tactics: the ability to such solidarity is needed. Nor was Fellow workers! You can not re Arab masses to organize themselves have spread; and Europe has every with a coalition government of the 1983 Communist. With the idea in maneuver within the framework of this the first time that blood flowed main indifferent to the bloody under a milltant leadership. Help reason to understand the events in peasant parties. Its foreign policy ment. What is required, however, iples, that is the essence of Lenin perialist policy of the British gove the great chain of world imperial Imperialism and Jewish Arab rene single Industry and military cracy did not hinder it in its sup is an examination to see whether ist strategy. The road of the ul ernment setting up an artificial ism forged in the vres of violence tion.
dictatorshipe not the methods proposed do not comtra leftists leads to sectarianism.
wall of distrust and separation be and oppression, Palestine is by no promise the principled position of For International Labor Solidar America, are the measure of the Communist electioneering Party Sinani position as we have giv tween the Jewish and Arab masses means an insignificant link. Untity!
barbarism to which the rest of u whose membership was as large as the revolution The seizure of en it above, we repeat is correct. The distrast between the two peoing three continents, Europe, Axla it the matter rested there, it that ples is stimulated on the one beced, and Afrien, It holds a significant Labor Palestine. Louis Berg. ser. Alper, Chairman of Friends of rope ever more rapidly adapts it. Its actual capacity for deeds in face of the military action of June the face of the earth today will be were all that were involved, we by the Arab reactionary forces; key position in the great worla Goldman, Secretary of New York The events preceding the coup rotation from democracy to dic24, 1933. One observes that the on the overthrown capitalists and Angust and were beginning to steer ist maxime of divide puundonale The stronger the position of the Irving Dryer, Managing Editor the 17th of May, the parliament army is of limited importance.
with political and economic support had learned from the events of capitalists true to the collaperute the forces of labor emancipation. Party Left Poule Zion; Elsle Gluck: for the Balkans nothing new. On in Independent countries where the if the world and domestic situations a revolutionary course.
But that was not the case. The Palestine is incited against the working class in that country, the Pharmacist Journal: Chas, Aary government of Muschanov re. The coup etat is hardly proof permit, attempts at armed suppresthe Armer and mightier the labor front, Zimmerman, retary Manager, signed. on the 18th of May the of the thesis that international anon Siberian Kewoluto fertilizea formulated by the stalinists has are spread among the masses of oppressor in winning the upper Secretary Jewish Bureau, commu: points and the King. that blood about democracy for their vassals.
Russlander of arerting intervention 28 other and velous Hingo sentiments the harder will be the way of the local 22, Levitt, troops occupled all the important democratic countries worry much with the blood and bones of thou two aspects: the policy of maneu Loth peoples, expressed in the fas hand in this struggle.
nist League of America; Lip stained degenerate and skirt Georgieff is the third dictator along In Palestine itself this 18 being schatz, Jewish Bureau Communist baser appointed as Ministers with Pilsudski and Schlvkovitsch thele lives in defense of the Russianer Which we have already dis Shirts among the Jews fond then on appreciated by ever greater masses Party (Opposition. George Kimon Georglev and a few other who can thank the Third Republic sands of workers who gave up vering AFTER the selzure of pow. clsm of the Revisionist Brown Revolution in the great civil war. cussed; and the polley of capitulat ciet Shabab organization among of Jewish and Arab workers alike. Milen, Managing Editor Workers officers of the united Zveno. The cor his existence.
the Spanish workers ing to American Imperialism and the Arabs.
and peasants overthrew Alfonso the policy of NOT SEIZING POW. grave error is being committed Arab textile workers in Midjalta, 10w; Sidney Hook: Arne Swabeck, as yet knows what the internal strength of a party by the number People who still measure the and established the republle Brit ER.
by the Ristadruth (the Jewish organized by the Left Poale Zion National Secretary Ish warships rushed to Spanish In Sinani explanation there are trade union organization in Pales the recent Southern conference of Lengue of America: Elliott Costry in contrast to its predecessors chere was Communist politics were. But that the min of its votes are astonished that waters. When the Austrian work three main points. the ottine) which bars Arab workers Arab workers, the growth of the opposition. The Com barrientes italy and elecho Slova ot the revolutionary masses above only widen the charm between the druth, the establishment of the ortor. Militant. Sherman, Secre ognize the Soviet Union, is common al support. But in the case of both Heimwer on the Cuba tries to direct the chief blow from its unions. Such a polley Borochov opposition in the Hists. hen; Calverton, Editor Modwill reconcile itself with the here munist Party as well as the pers.
Monthly. party kla massed troops on the frontiers. all against the local Cuban ruling Jewish and Arab workers and pour anization Labor Solidarity tary Jewish Workers Party Left knowledge It will be the first step the electoral support indicated Necessity of Tactical Manoeuvers classes. the Communist Party oll on the flames of national hatred the face of the ban of the British Pole Ston.
Realistic revolutionaries take this danger into account in orkes to see the American en helpe the British mandatory power Arab fellahın to organization point Committee for Jewish Arab Work Monsleur Barthou has shown the Bulgarian peasant party since 1928 Nazt salesman Goering that it is confirmed the experience of every thelr program and prepare to meet slogan of workers control carried of Jewish workers immigration and Jewish and Arab working masses. Sherman, Secretary not so easy to reckon without peasant war: the peasantry in itit. The vital aspects of resistance out through factory committees (lto disguise its persecution of the They call to us for support and this New York Union Square Hotel, New France as the host.
to intervention in addition to the there are revolutionary conditions) immigrants under the cloak of pre lcall we must answer.
self is incapable of leading its Aght on domestic soil is the exten which can secure the satisfaction York, The fascist press rejoiced over struggles. The Communist Party slon of the struggle to the soll of of the demands of the workers. the triumph of the dictatorial never recovered from the blows and the Imperialist country. Demon: the Communist Party considers principle. tha democrats bewalled defents of 1923 and 1925. The strations, protest strikes, broad it inadvisable to force ahead the the opposite. Both showed a not young bureaucrats, who replaced mass movement in sympathy with sexure of plantations belonging to very extensive acquaintance with the old bankrupts, were not more what is called democracy in the capable but merely more stupid.
the proletarian revolution abroad American capital, and tights above on the domestic soll of the attack all for considerable reduetions of Balkans. Sections of the masses in The Bulgarian section of the Third Ing Imperialists and in its vulner. the rent of this land. walked down the Embarcadero is firm, his eyes are clear the rev. witness the Longshoremen strike, the Balkans have ruled before International, despite its herole able foreign markets, colonies, manon the way to the Ferry. The Emolutionary glint engages his face. Toledo and Minneapolis, and the through a peasant dictatorship. past. was not spared the fate of its Who Are the Owners of Cuba? barcadero, at noon, was filled He talks to you in a hurried fash. opportunity exists to canalize it What we call democracy never ex brother sections. In the general dates, protectorates, can force a balt in the aggression, until the rest vain and with disastrous conse sailors, standing along the curbs hour and he wants to say so much.
In and into a broader protest isted and towards the end was im break up, from the first, the army In China the Stalinista tried in with striking longshoremen and lon; time is short perhaps an deeper, Johnsons (Code admin plicated the police elections of remained the only force capable of of the movement catches up with the outpost sufficiently to make its pro quences to make fundamental dis the strike was now in its Afth week. The whole world of the working strator) and the NRA, now that Joel Bratlanu, Pashitch, Venizelos, ruling, and it set up its dictator test count.
practically discredited and even Maschanov. The Balkans ship on the 18th of May.
the case of Cuba, tinctions between the native bour and there were cops on horses and class is his concern; he talks so the NRA were freed by Christian Europe The coup etat is a stage in the upon which is centered the eyes of geoisie and the foreign imperialists riot trucks everywhere, and scare that almost everyone in the large in the eyes of the workers.
and the Latin American and attached themselves as a tall heads in the papers: none of this visitors room can hear him. His from the horrible but simple slavery great duel between France Unshakable Faith in Fils Class of the Turkish landowners, only to Germany for the em message is not a personal one, it is the former. In Cub they re however frightened the now kans.
workers oppressed by the same im peat the same treachery but they battled longshoremen. took the International! from the dread of Balkan An hour has almost past the sink into a much bitterer, more re Germany answered the perialist power, the United States, want to direct their blows against Ferry. Out in the Bay under the Fascism in Germany, to Fascism in Ruard says must go. We standoned and aby smal serfdom of the pact, initiated by France, with an on them to follow the example of the Cuban ruling classes? What is could see the ships at anchor, ship up everything able the mer understanding in our handgrasp. ed through the uniformed swange peal to them for support and call before the imperialists. Who are talling It was falling now, but and the International have botcher Mother hands, and smile strongly. And American banks. The interests ising a part of Carinthia after the revolutionary Instincts and of the banks could only be protect coordination of Austria, and flirted the Cuban workers.
with Bulgaria and France would the Stalinists with respect to Cuba. society? Under the oppressive heel and unmoving, quiet. These charmany: they have not learned the before. He remembered him. Can are much too weak and insignin not only it had hard heartedly Now let us see how it stands with belr role in Cuban economy and from all corners of the earth, idle party and the following in Ger Greetings to Cannon he had said of the army for the bourgeoisie even up what Goering trip and According to Sinan (December capitalism had been unable to destay on unloaded day of American imperialism Cuban lots of commerce were doomed to Tactical strategy of the united non visited him 1927. say cant and the masses, to weak to broken down he had such a pretty 1983, Communist) the Comma velop its own finance capitalist under the numerous togs that where the party carried on its own and he is smiling. He will go back llous. The banks oppressed the ling bag. putsch in Sofia after day, front. Like the Mooney Congress Good bye Tom, and not for long conquer, are, none the less rebel comitadjls untform in his travelvisable for the workers and peas of the island is done by three am the Military prison, a dreary thing of the need of the united 31. when these grey walls of hor. Bulgaria tobacco. throttled the under the leadership of France.
fortale di terrenter into negotiations Serican and one Canadian bank and stand under blanket of frozen working house ofronte sollten atheror are locked and thelr gates nitae Industrial development, and, for Jugoslavia and Bulgaria, hand in with the government of the car plantations, telephone, electric, Romanlike roads laced from betoast in the Congress, Fascia cells for the night, he is going to 1914 in three wars.
The railroads, su air; sentinels were walking the unwillingness of the Socialist Party and all the prisoners are in their example, Involved Bulgaria before hand; the Macedonian problem on on the conditions of nationalization gas and ice industries, mines, neath with straight falling eller bourgeoisie, he says, and it wasleep, he is very tired and will not the verge of its solution. Ah, 11 abandoning this nationalization, building and other of big foreign property, while not docles shipping, street cars, buses, shooting down into the Golden come here, as elsewhere, unless welepce tonight. As walk out, the as little fascism as there ever was ler for a Balkan government to be able to do any of his correspondToday, what exists in Bulgaria is that were so easy! It is much easconstruction: Gate. e. It allows the possibility of every large and important industry Then disembarked and took stop it, and if not then a world democracy. By One should not too frechange its color, boulinga mine the property ban wows owned by American capital of train and se passed through the calamity will occur. WAR! out of hersee sabes sounded the best costo quent use of blanket terms the forget that the sam, which Bulgar Communist Party of Cuba allows leased by it. small share is in beautiful brown hills and hillocks armed workers will know what use the large penal vise of the bour confused rather than clarified The Is very well known and that the which perhaps with guns, the feeling, they are being shut up on explanation of a concrete event isla entry into the World War cost, can ownership to some extent in Cuban capitalists the possibility of retaining Ameri the hands of British capital. The land valleys of California, to SAD to make of them. am not sorry. go back across the Bay on the driving forces are different from majority of the heroes of May 18 eoisie.
have the form of concessions, as to the shares. They are the vice preslo to San Quentin. Going up to the what have done, despite the 18 now like ghosts and so are too forms change. After the war Bul. To solve the Macedonian ques.
minor Rafael, and then on a worn out bus he said, nor do lament about Ferry. The ships in the Bay are those in Germany and Italy and over eleven years ago putached conditions on which the property dents of American firms. They Administration Bullding passed years of imprisonment.
will be bought out (amount, forms wait on the pleasure and orders of the Fire consequently the corresponding tor an opposite orientation His face, Department where brown hills, no longer brown but ations will have to be carried out al City Bank.
and date of payment, etc. negoti the Chase National and the Nation Schmidt, acomrade of Mooney ke his words and his eyes are Armas gray as the deep fog. The Em dictatorship of the peasant leader plunder and kill are not enough.
garia Hved under tion. few guerrila leaders who democratic between the future revolutionary from the House of Morgan and the the road were prisoners boeing and They bek favors works. In the felds by the sides of bastions of struggle.
barcadero is still Alled with long government of Cuba and the gov: Royal Bank of Canada. They are digging, and above well the glistenMooney Spirit is in the Class shoremen and sailors, their faces stambulisky who sought through a For that the unfortunate 300, 000 ernment of the United States. perhaps the most helpless and least 1ng high parapets and more sentiStruggle are moulded by the news in the foreign policy under French dom whom the Jugoslavs on the basis of (Our emphasis. important bourgeoisfe in the world. nels walking.
Ho receives the militant and papers: Settlement possible. Ination to obtain a free hand at peace treaty drove from thelr It is clear from the underscored To conduct a revolutionary strugother papers and magazines. Many There is no settlement in the class bome for his petty bourgeois agri homes and land to Bulgaria and parts that the sense of this passage gle against them and not against Entering the Prison defines MANEUVERING polley the American interests 19 first of times however, the MRItant does struggle, only partial victories, caltural reforms meagre in range the pauperized whom they made the of the Communist Party AFTER tall total impossibility, and sec torms to the human feelings in the warden. He wants to know about there victory. The then we will the banke Feverything is stey from the unt tall to pass the red pencil of the destruction of the bourgeois rule the participation of commerce and aroused from their hovels and to the organizh helped to their land, for that not bag state power. It is the more ondly, Its prounouncement is aleyes of the prisoners, the water Trotsky, whether he understandable when it is remem. plain statement of capitulation, is still in have more Mooneys, and many com tion of the dissatisfied city petty. only the Greek and Jugoslavian must be bered that this was written, as the bluesit Is even takes on that France, and could see if it is porrades in jail: The class struggle bourgeois, the defeated army, and yoke in Macedonia Surrendering the struggle text Itselt clearly states, in the color, and the Iron grey of the high sible to have Trotkky History goes on and Mooney is with us!
the unfortunate 300, 000 Macedon smashed, but the peasant economy.
middle of September, that is, ait inadvisable to setze American days and nights and months are him, if it does not go through, it San Francisco, Cal.
When the says it considers and massive prison wall wherein of the Russian Revolutiop sent to HARRY ROSS lans into a minority movement un which cannot be helped through d1der the Zvenos party. From its visions, must be collectivized on a abort time before the Communist enterprises it says that it will not just impressions with a pencil on will go to the Moulder Defense June 18, 1934 Party OSTENSIBLY had the per touch EIGHTY PERCENT OF THE. soiled calender. Prisons are committee. He is vitally interested Inception, some described it as higher basis; in short, everything fascist although it lacked very es must be done which before the prospective of seizing power. Retreat In Face of Imperialists THE COUNTRY. Let us consider trail within their stone.
ECONOMIC ORGANIZATION OF prisons and the human mould is in the Longshoremen strike on the sential characteristics of fascism. Letarian seizure of power, the torn Coast and the impending steel (The city petty bourgeoisie and the Balkan states neither will nor can do.
One thing is certain. had the the sugar industry. Almost ninety Mr. Holohan the Warden of strike in Pennsylvania. He ask workers seized power in Cuba at percent of it is in the hands of san Quentin. evidently of the me to see that a wire is sent to the leadership of the army and. This new attempt at Balkan unthat or any other time in the per American capital. Hundreds of younger school, the latest of the Pittsburgh congratulating the steel iod since the overthrow of Mach thousands of acres of plantations bourgeois Republicans having in workers and urging them to fight. socialist. demagogy. signal of the coming war. in Unser Wort ado, they would have faced the are ownedoutright by American dulged his social fancy on Mr. Newspaper men and lawyers have Thanks to the incredible stupid problem of armed intervention by capital. Hundreds of thousands Lawes Journalistic sorrows. He played their part in his 18 years of Minneapolis, Toledo, California Jity of the Communist Party which the United States. Or if they see more are leased by it through bank has a quick smile and you thank imprisonment and for both as a strikes showed that the workers are had the whole working class and Chicago Debate it in the future before we seize it ing arrangements which give it him for he well let you se Tom class he has nothing but disdain, ready to fight for their rights.
here the Cuban workers will face virtual ownership on these vast Mooney with the flash and scribble emphasizing his attitude with gentwenty five percent of the votes, the Spartacus Youth League ve. Young The Steel, Automobile and Tex minority that problem elther from the expanses, the largest of their kind of his signature on your letter oferous proletarian contempt.
tile industries are like volcanoes putsch on June 9, 1923, seized Peoples Socialist Lengue.
or some other imperialist power. In the capitalist world, live whole Introduction, and now you are free The strike wave will bring on a about to erupt.
power. At the leadership of the Subject In that situation it would be en cities and their working class pop to see the International symbol of wave of reaction, and California is We must be prepared to enter the putsch stood Professor Tsankov, Resolved that the organization of bread, for the class struggle. You thank him no slouch in its inauguration. The coming struggles a militant who was before the war a co work. Fourth International is indispens power into protracted negotiations light and gas and ice they are de and rush oft across the street to oficial party does a lot, they move force, applying the experlences ander of the Neue Zelt and that able to the victory of the World over treatles, settlements, conces pendent on the equipment of the the captain of the Guard, where about but they are hopelese: five lessons of Minneapollo. world leader who was just re Working Class over Fascism.
sions, etc. while might and malo plantations. If the workers are you make your request again and years of depression and they have We Must called as Ambassador from Rome.
Affirmativo were being expended to arouse the not to setze these plantations when sign your name to a slip of DON TS not grown they have not infiltratThe peasant party and its leader. Nathan Gould and Albert Glotser workers of Latin America and the the general situation demands it instructing you how to behave and ed either into the unions or onto STRENGTHEN OUR PRESS, ship were slaughtered: the cities (Members National Committee United States to come to the as and other workers are seizing the and how not to act as a visitor. the political scene. He remembers BUILD OUR ORGANIZATION.
remained quiet; and the CommunS. sistance of the Cuban workers isolated plantations owned by Ca Again you are thankful for their when he rode on the Red Special SEND ORGANIZERS INTO THE 1st Party, under the leadership of Negative state. And, depending upon the ban capital it means that they can social exercises, this time you go with Debes. 25 years ago, at that FIELD.
Dimitroff and Koralov, proceeded situation and the relation of forces conduct no struggle at all.
into a near by waiting room and time the Socialist Party had 100, STABILIZE THE MILITANT.
from the viewpoint that it was Arthur MacDowell (National Chairto grant concessions would be en STAMM.
you slt, looking at the silver curs 1000 members and today with the two man and John Rienner.
tirely correct and unavoidable. Continued in next issue)
Help raise the necessary funds merely struggle between bourgeois factions. The won by prisoners in athletic feats, crisis as a means of growing, they Chairman The alternatives would be volun.
too like the official have re. Get a book of ten coupons for One poo poohed the spontaneous up. Ralph Chaplin. Editor Industrial tary surrender or armed struggle.
The Class Fighter Inseparable trogressed. But still if were Dollar.
risings in Plevna, etc. Thanks to Worker.
Sinani explanation defines the If the number on your wrapper is From the Movement try to unite the Sell them among friends and that in tember of the same year Friday, June 29th, 1934 at 7:46 limits of the concessions to be Tom Mooney was in a white revolutionary movement. say to sympathizers of our movement. It was driven into illegality from made: they proposed to make conJacket, signifying the sanitation of him that it can only be done on a which it has never emerged. The National Soclallat Instituto Support the cessions up to the point of nationthe kiteben. He works six hours Marxist platform, and he smiles traders came into their own, and 3322 Douglas Blvd.
alization whleh they proposed to or smaller, your subscription to the day peeling vegetables, rising at broadly. He condemns the official Organization Press the foreign policy was orientated Admission 18c.
retain. Should this method fall the militant expired. Do not delay, 4:30 AM. for the long hours of for what took place at Madtoward Italy. Taankov was reCommunist Party, says Sinan Send your renewal in at once and the friendless sea and the wind ison Square Garden, and is ren Campaign placed in 1926 by Llaptscheff, not would. organize a real nation so save us unnecessary labor and and the click of rifles on the para uinely pleasantly surprised that BO much because the murder of Buy a PIONEER PUBLISHERS.
and wide armed resistance to the inter expense. If you cannot renew st pets; and the heavy monotony of John Dos Passos signed the docu 50 to The Militant 50 for twenty thousand people during his CERTIFICATE. It only ventionists.
this time let us know how soon you peeling vegetables and cleaning the ment printed in the New Masses the Communist League of America. regime had aroused god fearing entitle you to 40 dlacount on our All of this is correct. If we can and we will continue you on kitchen. His face is tall and yet condemning the party, 126 East 16th Street Europe, but rather because England publications and to 20 reduction Now York Cky spend so much time on this point the mailing list.
drawn; he smiles and you feel 80 Mooney says the ranks and file other found it necessary to separate it on any book pablished by It is not to heap praise on the Stalhappy to see him smile, His hand anions will grow in the country, self from the adventurous policy of publishers.
No Time To Lose ampon proletariat remained under 229