BourgeoisieCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyEngelsFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxismMussoliniSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorking ClassWorld War

PAGE SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1934 THE MILITANT REVIEWING) Role of the Stalinists QUESTION Holds Seventh MARCH OF THE NEWS In Minneapolis Strike National Convention BOX EVENTS Pledge Fund 00 00 writing from Philly on the The Stalinists have two ways of working class, a training in Alling Numerous questions from readers On June 22nd, the national con youth demand is: Equal pay for Fascism and the Junkers Stalinist Divine unity says: Per looking at the same strike situation caps, tu skirmishes with police and concerning various phases pled the vention of the Young Communist qual work for young workers. haps after all we are counter rev at all times, no matter where it is, gunmen, in evading and experienc class struggle have prompted the League, originally planned for De condition which appears to be to Papen, the spokesmen for the JonIt Von Hindenburg and Von united front with the devil and his ctsco, or Minneapolis. review of some militant members were Address questions to Question Boxtrot, will open in New York City. effect everywhere. Instead of con kers, yielded to the upstart Hitler the Party actions in connections on the picket trucks leaving Head Editor, o Militant, 128 16th St. No one expects anything from this centrating on the social, cultural and permitted him to come to pow.
meeting except an endorsement of and sports needs of the younger, it was not because of any love Stalinism makes united fronts only with the Minneapolis Strike will quarters.
New York the general line. a few words of workers in industry this method of tor pleblan fascism. The German with God.
show this most clearly.
The Saturday Events criticism of its practical applica work, and such polleles lead to Junkers swung to fascism In order During the five months prior to That Communist Deelaration the strike the official Communist been assembled. The battle for the ſtore is the only automobile corpor sounding plans and policies which to save their big landed estates. thousand special police had Comrade Flint: General Motion, and the reiteration of high failure after failure.
The impotence of the American directly threatened in the course of The more Norman Thomas ex Party had no part whatever in the Young Communist League is a re events by the efforts to solve the plaing it, the clearer it becomes building of the General Drivers market began. Brushes throughoutation for which figures, of the kind have failed in the past that the Declaration of Princi Union. They had no members in around noon, and extended until ont to this editor.
Three years ago the sixth nation teetton of the fallures of Stalinism agrarian crisis. The barons thus al the morning, grew more ferocious son request, are available at presAccording to al convention of the went over the entire world. It is a con lied themselves with the industrial ples was for Thomas and many it. But some of their sympathizers three o clock when the police were the company report (Apr. 2, 1934) through the same ritual. As then. demning fuct that after the Germagnates and the powerful bankers others just a gesture to the left were working loyally without any serious nor militant members of the Communist League without their leaders on the picket and 137, 764 In 1933.
with the called off. The had some men it had 116, 152 employees in 1982 the mass of Lers are indiffer man and Anstrinn events there was in their mutual effort to save the intention opposing where there the line the unton. During the Coal trucks. If the district bureaucrats gain (19. production was in. Which is a farcical ceremony that like the it was almost im. harly in Italy the monarchy had BRYS: The Spanish American and employed workers up to ach closed wished it they would have been creased about 64. Indicating the no one takes seriously. With all mune from the world shaking swung to Mussolini In order to save the World War were not the result meeting of the union demanded ad Saturday night, Davis of wages per employee is reported as those who remain faithfully follow us to the correctness of the Commystem. But the Junker class, the of attacks on us but of our aggres mittance and to have a speaker ad the was given the floor to the same for both years, about the leadership as long as they re intern were summarily expelled as left over feudal aristocracy of land there one wholly diferent type of preto e befromton parecebe speak for the committee ans 25. Teatros about your out that he members Trotskyltes. In Chicago several owners, never for one instant lost From a League of less than ers called for a special na sight of their ultimate alm the war, there will be plenty time in trade union organization and prac employment lots of April 6th. in 1921, Xbout 640. The com 700, the has grown almost tional convention to draw the len reestablishment of their own power the light of Socialist principles to the they were dented their re. The ultimatist tone of the Monday any net profit was 88 million in three times to a League of more sons of the German defeat: With as the class of professional politi calling the World War knows that the then lead his follow before was gone, the Stalinists 1933 as against million in 1982. than 6, 000 states the leading edi. Httle delay they found themselves cians, ruling with and for the bourtorial of the Young Worker (June outside the and immediately geoisle through the monarchy.
Socialist traitors everywhere. conhecere back to was more fears who were has betere were no outomobile situation was not come achievement.
No! The Stalinist policy in the 19th, 1934. Apparently a great joined the Spartacus Youth League. Fascism as a Bridge Yet if we consider The is today the embryo see the miracle World War different to all others. unity. It was preparing a well out were better organized to fight thenrect. One of the main issues was that the last three years in the lof the coming revolutionary youth pletely free appraisal of the meanThe Stalinists, with their comAs for time to change our pool and that new unions were needed. Hankruptey both of polley and lead which the bulk of the workers were opportunities for a genuine comma. Based on a Marxist program the bridge to proletarian dictatorship.
they had been. sorry picture of recognition of the of union United States offered unprecedented movement in the United States. ing of fascism, considered it as a tlon. judging by the writings, After the settlement of this strikeership was cut by Davis that night. Solning. The stalinist ornist youth organization assuming through partielpation in the After Hitler, Thaelmann! And this speeches, and interviews of Norman they issued leaflet calling it a He could add nothing to what was canleation urged the workers to it had the material resources to class struggle, anti militarist activ in short order too. Let Hitler come Thomas, he will require less than sell out and asked the book for read on the platform that realene strike for their demandes pour enroach and hold the young workers its anti. Fascist work, through to power, satu set to andre henstein man. British, etc, socialist patriots That was the end of that episode. Brown, by organizer, Dunne, such a strike. The question there. doubling of membership is not much take its place as the leader of the cation the Junker monarchists said, in 1914, and that was damned litOn the Eve of the Strike Dunne, and Skoglund. few fore arises: If it is correct and it of an accomplishment.
tle. Thomas has the grounds for young workers and students. It Let Hitler come to power and One thousand, two thousand, go platitudes to the strikers for their is) to strike for recognition of the changing position all worked out ing on to three thousand workers spirit, a few boasts of what he and of union, why do the Stal 200 Turnover in Three Years will continue to strive for united then after he has used the pettyin advance and if some Marxist signed up with Local No. 874. Yet his committee would do, and then inists maintain policy which sep Six thousand members in the front actions of all working class bourgeois masses to crush the de quotation cannot be twisted to Jus: among them not one stalinist ap taking the bull by the horns hearates the militants from the work in June 1934. Yet between youth organizations, particularly mocracy, to wipe out all workers tify his he then can, like peared on the scene. For two outdtd himself. He let everyoneers in the mass organization and January 1982 to July 1833 seven with the Young Peoples Socialist organizations and political parties, on his arst love The Holy Bible. the general drivers appeared in the 23 elected by the United Rellet the UL. paper unions? ECL. ÝCL Builder, September work with these youth and through store the Kaiser. And with that Recent Liberal Moves by dally press, while negotiations with Workers Association, he was also 1983. At this rate we can confraternal discussions of the prob contingency ever in view, von HinLa Guardia the bosses was proceeding to a the secretary of the which, clude that there has been a two lems confronting the movement we denburg, temporary regent for the crisis. Coupled with this was the with the Communist Party, conduct Comrade B, The author of hundred per cent turnover of mem will win the best elements within monarchy, snw to it that the forms these organizations for revolution of legality would be preserved by employed as yellow dogs Ap ing fire. Two days before the terror. Thus in one shot he was social democracy do not contradict that is for every member who today a Denounced spokesmen for the un street car men strike vote hang led relentless fight against police the statement that fascism and the bership in the last three years lery Marxism, that is for the Fourth maintaining a majority of the cab.
proved the clubbing of starving strike broke, day before the final speaking for all these organizacach other, but supplement each remains. two young workers have International and a new revolution inet of dictators as his henchmen.
men and women for protesting strike vote was taken, a leaflettions, which in their entirety do not other. They are not antipodes, but left the CL. And this is called ary youth International. Just as the big financiers needed against starvation. Proposed that trom the was distributed to include over three hundred active twins. is none other than Stalin growth. JOSEPH CARTER. Hitler (leader of the petty bourthe Socialist Pankin be placed on the drivers, Beware of your Leadworkers, a members (li must be himself. See the pamphlet by Fritz In no feld can the record geoisie) to uproot all the elements the bench on the seat vacated by ers. they sold out the coal drivers, understood that every mem Heckert What is happening in any real success. Its Inner life is of proletarian revolution, so the Kunstler. Took stepe leading to the ice wagon drivers, the uphols ber and close follower is a mem. Germany. 21.
drab and uninteresting, discourag.
Junkers needed Hitler to act as the an increase of subway fares. Apterers. This leaflet heaped all ber of all of these organizations at Max Eastman is not a member ing systematic activity or stable brldge for their restoration to the proved orders of Ryan to police labor leaders into one pot, and in the same time, at least when they of the Communist League of Amer membership. Its educational and to club unemployed and strikers or beled them all alike. It mentioned elect thuic leadership. Through an oversight, we omitted special status of state bureaucracy.
Faseism Losing its Social Base lose their jobs.
Communists with Catholics, the The luternational Communists lca, nor are we responsible for his cultural activities are practically to priut last week the names of the non existent they are left for the comrades of the Manhattan Branch, From the start it was quite eviLa Guardia, during his campaign highest with the lowest fakers, had made it understood that they viewpoint.
for Mayor of New York, outdiabores agents, traitors, renegades were for the participation of all Yes, Wetsbord claims adherence to In the anti militarist and anti who pay on their pledges dent that the petty bourgeois base workers groupe including the Com the International Left Opposition, Fascist field, the has the of fascism could not endure. The regularly.
Roosevelt as a champion of the The effect if any was a few more munist party (Stalinists. It was but even on such points as our at Youth Section of the League people. He, the free, fearless, drivers on the sidelines very few. Broadcasted from 11. that any titude towards the Soviet Union Against War and Fascism. a sec Manhattan Branch followers of Iitler, misled by catchnon partisan Aghter is revealing for the main mass of members worker could participate in picket will you find quite a divergence. In tarian outfit based on a confused Leonard Lewis Glade 00 monthly words and demagogy. were bound dally that if he attacked Tammany voted solidly for strike. Every duty regardless of political aprillis pamphlet For a New Interna program which has very little to to become rapidly disillusioned. As to leader on. on Dorothy Morris 00 weekly the social basis on which the Nazis with the bankers who want to elim munism and Reds was strength ship was robbed of rose to power, gave way and began Inate the Tammany retail grafters ening the minds of the thousands that it was not allowed to do any dictatorship of the proletariat but rejected genuine united front action Wright its argument what we have in Russia not the youth of the country. The Clura Nelson to disappear, it was also clear that in order to better carry on whole lot proletarians that were entering thing, and therefore could not show the dictatorship of the bureaucracy in this field with the Spartacus Spithos 00 monthly the fascist rulers would be transformed into an ever narrowing sale robbery of the workers and un the unions for the first time. Here their stort. When allowed to over the proletariat. Stil, bow Youth Langue and the for Bleeker 00 bureaucracy, dependent on the poemployed of New York. Where the bosses press was publishing show their stoft they antomatiever, within certain limits, for the May 30th New York, San FrancHica and the military. Von Papen ing concessions to the McNaltys dividual bosses, that the anion cally stood exposed before this benefit of the proletariat. THE Isco and New Haven. Gordon now begins to put to the test the extent of this inevitable process.
and McCormicks, the LA Guar. leaders were racketeers out after dia bankers administration just 18 their money: they were from out notice Workers, because they had DICTATORSHIP OF THE PRO How about its work among the Paul King better, not even as good as LETARIAT HAS He is exploring, like a true militar.
DE Jobless and homeless youth? lit. Florence Becker the strike leadership They could ist, the depth of depletion of the sues tin medals to the police. town, and so forth. The men had not harp about fighting for the STROYED. Emphasis in orig. Jtle work in the sporadie or Weber real efficient, cheap, liberal admin experienced nothing with reserves of fascism. By drawing 00 inal. their ganizations which soon disappear in Tamas Istration. whole strike was conducted in the leaders which could verify any of most militant manner. 50 the sword and attempting a blow Trotsky castigates this viewpoint various cities and no more. Per Victor these charges against them. 00 at Goebbels, one wing of Hitler resting on the petty bourgeoisie, The Youth and War The and the L, the. Soviet Union and the Fourth In sistent, systematic stable organizhad no reason to accept the word Cnemployed Conncils, the ternational The most atton is impossible with the Stal. Konikow von Papen aims to isolate Hitler so Young men all of them en for any alien elements.
Others in New York City the etc. held a de widespread, popular, and at Arst Inist policies, methods and leaderthat he may be more readily dealt signs with the gilt of rank upon The First Day of the Strike fence meeting on Bug house sight Irrefutable argument in favor ship. Porter 1, 00 monthly with tomorrow. True the Junkers their shoulders leading lads The strike was effective. The Square. The strike Committee sent of the non proletarian character of In the Trade Unions Alby 00 yielded up till now: true they disburned darkly brown by tropic city was tied up. The union held a speaker, comrade Bloomberg, to the present Soviet state is based In any case, we bear of the workle. E, 00 banded (or pretended to do so). 60 suns. White uniforms brown a meeting. The strike committee ask the CP. and all its organiza upon the reference to the strangu for the in the shops and fac Conwit thelr own forces, the Stahlhelm, 00 faces and youth. How young or seventy five was reporting. The Lions to come down to the picket lation of liberties of proletarian tories, in the unions not Cornelis But the process now begins to re1. 00 verse Itself and Hitler, up till now they are! others exclaimed onth, and Ale strike committee. There picket captain there. The speakerness of the bureaucracy. Is it real there is more uolse than accom Ann Ehrlich Stalinist leaflet called for a rank line in a body and report to the organizations and to the almightl of at least Here also samuel, 00 the mediator in disputes between The finest demonstration of dictator plishments. For years the Stalinist The Geltmans 00 organized into a fighting force. an offer from the Unemployed at the same time explained the ly possible to identify the opposing wings of the ruling 00 bureaucracy. will have to move Bald Grover Whalen. New York Council of assistance and support. united front policy of the strike ship of an apparatus, which has led youth have tried to organize youth Haldous 00 closer under the clutches of the Times report of the Naval parade The majority report is not to ac leadership and asked the party to the dictatorship of a single per sections or committees of trade Miller 00 cept the assistance of the Reds. crowd if it was not better than the son, with the dictatorship of the unions, particularly of their own Sydney Moroff monarchists, even while he aton Fifth Aveune. 00 tempts to renounce them, for he In the same issue of the Times, They attacked 118 yesterday, but united front from below. What be proletariat as a class? Isn It private little unions. the red McAbe cannot afford now an open breach Sunday, June 3, Is the story of an we want to put this question to said there to this crowd went home clear that the dictatorship of the untons Where are these youth City Subway Worker 00 with these dangerous allles. The the membership for decision. so well, that three weeks later the proletariat is excluded by the ale committees or sections? Where has Beecher other parade of youth and its Dunne speaks for the minority re general secretary of the Farttatorship OVER the proletariat? the organised the young Colay former Kaiser, thanking Hitler quel. court martial is being held Port to accept the offer, during Browder, could not get rise of Such enticing reasoning is con: Stalinist press on the lamentations Jerry Marsh workers? One needs but rend the Cochrin publicly for his achievements for 00 the reaction, rejoices that events tour youth who were court marence that in a struggle of this party followers when he attempted analysis of the process as it devel. ab the major economic activity of Gonzales 00 begin to move in his direction, Von talled and shot in 1915. The Sixty kind we can accept the assistance to do some Trotsky baiting.
60 op in reality but upon pure Ideal the CL has been and remains Smith Papen. criticizing the Nazis openly third Infantry had come out of the of the Devil and his Grand moth2. 00 for their excesses. gives expresistie schemas, upon the Kantian that of hunting for youth de What Happened Tuesday line decimated and had been re er. By overwhelming vote the Bronx sion simultaneously to the hopes of formed with recruits from the membership derlined the offer, they semble its forces and appear on The leadership was to as norms.
mands. If there are no special Edith Sher 00 the monarchists: In my opinion. youngest class of French boys just were paying Stalinism back for the picket line. delay were the youth demands they are manufae Eekstadt he said, the German state will at 00 called to the colors. Then they the day before Yipsel, Boston: According to the tured or the demands of the work. Lifshita some future date find its crowning 00 leaders pondering over the probu. War Department figures there ers are labeled youth demands.
were ordered back into the line glory in chief of state who once The Gathering of Forces lem? Tuesday morning, after ex: were 37, 484, 186 casualties during case in point are the youth de Newark, where heavy fighting had been profor all is removed from the political grensing for many days, Wednesday the bosses met, and tensive organization work of 36 00 fight of demagogy and from clashes Jassembled the entire bors class hours, Sunday night to Tuesday the world war. 57. of the total mands of the for the steel Lambert It among economle and vocational inof these, 638. workers today. The only special Holly Nagy terests.
house. said Major Dubost, describ hind the truck bosses to defeat the tes under the name of the Unem 315 were killed or dled, 21, 219, 452 Becker 00 ing conditions on the field of bat drivers. Their plan was to make ployed Councils. CAME DOWN. prisoners or missing. Out of Militant Builders The Big Bourgeoisie Kots 00 tle. Bodies of those killed in a press campaign against the strike, with their entire FORCE Afteen The big bourgeoisie, always Sympathizer previous combats lay so close to so as to justify a terrific policemen. All the wind, and boasts, and a total force of 4, 067, 101, 68 alarmed at the possible outcome of Social Worker 00 gether they touched one another. attack upon the union and smash slander, and vilifications of the 783, 094) had to be drafted and SIX MORE WEEKS TO GO. Clerk civil war, having gained their ends Nut a meter of space was free from it down. To meet this the strike against the leadership of the on the slogan: He kept us out of No Cards Sold After August 1st.
through a dictatorship, are anxious Boston corpses, with faces blackened in de committee to bring about law and order as composition.
solicit the other unions and work tion of their demand, representing can Civil War whose progressive COMPLETE RECORD Wlener soon as possible after vietory.
The officers ordering the assaulters organizations for support. Wed. these atteen men, to sit on the character is shown by the fact that Minneapolis Branch Shecket The demagogy of fascism, aping New York Loca!
ran forward in a rain of machine nesday, Thursday, and Friday were strike committee of 6, 000 truck 94 of the Union forces were vol Henderson. 50 socialist phrases to win the trades Cleveland Branch 84. Chplowitz men and the professional classes, gun fire, one of them testifed, and essentially the days of preparation drivers, with equal rights, at least unteen Chicago Branch 28 Others never pleased big business. Nor Despite the bureaucracy. the Los Angeles Branch does the attempt by tascism to es28 their men had failed to follow. They strike. The taxi men came through, led representatives of the union the the genuine united members. FORSEN. Soviet Union, so long as It retains Boston Branch Wolfe, New Haven 00 tablish the corporate state appeal refused to move.
front unemployed organization of its class character (1. e. as long as Chicago Friends of the Friend, Youngstown 00 to bankers and industrialiste. They Afterward came the investiga the city with hundreds of memthe means of production remain the Militant Club (pald months in advance) prefer an alliance, at the earliest THE MILITANT tion. The whole company had dis bers. the women began to appear property of the proletariat) can San Francisco Br. Teacher in paid for 10 possible moment, with a more obeyed and General De Etoile, in in large numbers at the hall, kitchEntered as a second class mall NOT conduct an Imperialist war. Philadelphia Branch months in advance stable ruling cante. That power command, ordered the whole comen, and picket lines. The first matter November 28, 1028, at the The purpose of the imperialists in Constance Friend of The Militant paid 26 Germany has been traditionally the pany court martialed. To this Mapledges of support to the strikers Post Office at New York, Un a war is to gain new markets, Davenport Branch The in advance at a week.
landed barons, the Junkers.
jor Duboost violently protested and came from the building trades, and der the act of March 8, 1870. sources of raw material, spheres of Toronto Published Weekly by the ComIt was decided the officers were to service crafts, laundry workers influence for the investment of Welsbroth, Coney Island, cannot time for a change may not yet be Kerkeley (Kogan)
munist League of America capital, etc. in short to be free to designate one man from each sec. and bakers. The official was pledge a regular sum but contri ripe. Here we merely indicate a Ben. and Porter trend that is clearly to be seen.
butes to this fund from time to The dictatorship of the pleblan fas Leeser Hon stand trial. Five men were absent, silent, nowhere to be seen. 126 East 16th Street, New York, explolt those masses now being er time.
Phonet Gramerey 9824 New Haven ploited by other imperialists. In designated, one Heutenant flatly re yet it was during these days that He gave 00 this week. cists, resting on the petty bourgeol Branch New Castle Branch stating: This has nothing to do ste, tends to become transformed fusing to designate any individual the will to fight was developed and Vol. 7, No. 25. Whole No. 229) the case of the Soviet Union the with Organization Press Cam. into a military dictatorship.
the preliminary training in organ.
imperialists would like to be able SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1934 In his section Newark Branch paign. ll sell the coupons and Engels says: It seems a law of Oakland Branch At the EDITORIAL BOARD e trial Corporal Morange ization and discipline was given to again to exploit those mages who bring another dollar soon.
merely said, It is always the same this newly assembled army of the Martin Abern Springfield Branch James Cannon have already thrown off their historical development that the St. Louis Branch Steel worker from West Virginia bourgeoisie can in no European yoke. Proletarians on the ntber with men who are ordered to go Mar Sbachtman Maurice Spector hand can exploit no one.
Osborn, Frisco sent in his second contribution of country get of political power forward to death. The other ac of France, the death sentence by Arne Swabeck Toronto Branch to the Pledge Fund. He at least for any length of timecused men said nothing and all were General de Etoile, and the praise Subscription rate: 00 per year Toronto Youth Club writes: ll send more as soon in the same exclusive way in which convicted and shot.
of Grover Whalen they are all 10 00 per balt year. Onada ORDER BUNDLE OF MILI.
Waukegan Branch as get work again.
the feudal aristocracy kept hold of The parade on Fifth Avenue, the separable parts of the capitalist and Foreigo: 50 per year; TANTO ONE CENT PER COPY.
Youngstown Branch Hodak of Cleveland, Ohio con it during the Middle Ages. We tan faces of the Naval youth, the slaughter machine.
750 for six months.
tributed One Dollar short time are witnessing the workings of this blackened rotten faces of the youth BILL. Bundle rates one cent per copy.
law. WEBER 00 00 00 2, 00 BEEN 00 50. 60. 60. 60 50. 30. 50 Boston. 50 50 40. 50 AS