Antifascist FrontCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceIV InternationalMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking ClassWorld War

WORKERS OF THE WORLD UNITE THE MILITANT Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VU, NO. 25 WHOLE NO. 229 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 23, 1934 PRICE CENTS New Deal Marches Ahead Insurance For Jobless Union Barred at Depends on Labor NRA Office French Labor Parties Ignore Storm Signals LITIA CODEC COALIANDATRON POLICE Steel Workers Union Retreats Strike Plans Deferred party, ce. Running Longshoremen Refuse Surrender The attitude of the NRA administration towards unions has again Years of official silence to the employed, and wages, as always been demonstrated. in its own Reaction gripe Europe. France, tions a cept. but the demands of the workers for social dependent upon the militancy and house.
pressure When the workers in the caught in the claws of the economic grows. The reconsiders. It insurance were finally ended in efficiency of the strike, Roosevelt XRA Labor Advisory Board at crisis a chaotic budget, the de offers to enter the united front with Roosevelt message to Congress on comes before retiring Congress tempted to take advantage of sec cline of small commerce, the deter the Socialist Party on these condiFriday, June The President has with those professional accents of ioration of the workers standard. tions: that it must be organized come forward with the promise of sincerity, and says Next winter tion Ta of the NRA and organized the impoverishment of the peasants under the auspices of the Amstersome kind of social insurance which. Social Insurance. looking for into the NRA Employees Union. is the storm center. On the cour. dan International against War will include old age and unemploy a sound means which can recom Lodge 91, General Johnson called age and the course of its proletariat and Fascism; exclude the Trotskyment benefits.
depends not only the future of ites, etc. The P, refuses because the organizer of the union into his. The securlty of the home. There is a reason for this vague office and discharged him for inFrance but perhaps for years, the it will not accept the Barbusse the security of livelihood and the ness and demagogy.
future of the whole working class leadership advance; and it an.
security of social insurance. clal unrest. Last summer there subordination. The descendants of the Commun xwers that the Trotskyltes repreThey constitute a right which be was pretty talk about collective The little NRA union. said ards are not without courage; the sent an important political tendlongs to every individual. says bargaining. which became troops, John Donovan, the president, has events of Feb. 6th 12th have shown ency in the labor movement. Then the resident. But under what cir us and bullets to prevent anyone received exactly the same dirty some of their power. But in France, trom within the ranks Dorlot cumstances do these statements ap from taking that cordiality too ser deal as the auto workers, the steel today, there no party capable of raises his voice for the united pear iously. The Roosevelt administra workers and every other group of leading the proletariat to victory. Tront policy, The 73rd Congress is closing its tion is the most demagogle in Am workers who have come to General There is the nucleus for such a session, having pissed no significant merican history: prous and brutal, Johnson seeking justice.
party the Feb. 6th and 12th events The Danger of False Slogans social legislation. The prestige of smiling and deadly. Collective demonstrated the French Commu.
On the streets, during the Feb.
The union demanded recognition, the Recovery program has gone bargaining became company un abandonment of overtime, compennist League. The day after tomorruary days, the Stalinists raised down on the battleground of the ions when labor did not fight, oratory time off for overtime, more row, it must become such a party, the slogan of Down with the gov.
class struggle. Labor has received was not strong enough, or was sold equitable reclassiteation and reme.
Clashes in the streets of imporsernment of Daladier Frot, the mur.
only what it has won in the fiercestout.
dying of specific cases of discrimin tant cities between workers and derers of workers (the identical struggles. The government has re What will social insurance beation.
fascist reactionaries take place al slogan of the fascist elements. And tained popularity mainly through come? It will become what the most daily. The workers stand on Feb. 8th, Humanite comments: Its promises. Those have been used workers make it. The words social The workers are beginning to their ground. Reaction retaliates. certain comrades show an enup; and now there are new promises insurance were wrung out of learn from their own bitter exper.
At this moment Comrade Trotsky direly incomprehensible excitement to dwell upon.
Roosevelt by the grip of an aroused ience that they can expect nothing is being hounded still, compelled to concerning the fascist turmoll it But this message reveals more working class. Between now and from the NRA. Only by reliance move from place to place. The rethe streets. The did not even than promises for popularity. For next winter the government hopes on their own strength can they actionary aim is to paralyze his understand the events. As a result it is also, certainly, the defensive for a period of respite. But to hope to win recognition from the activities, to separate bim com it experienced further decline wolle to tain actual relief, the working class bosses government. This lesson is pletely from the working class. the socialist Party made gains.
Judged at its face value Roose must present its own demands for being learnt by every group or The official Communist Party Nor is the case of Dorlot unin.
velt message is vague and even social insurance and immediately workers who have attempted to es shows progressive decay: in 1920structive in relation to the decay meaningless. He says directly that build the united front of labor that cablish a union and win recognition the majority of the Socialist Party of the and the Comintern.
he is thinking chiefly of old age will push it over. The of and the right of collective bargain 130, 000 strong. Jolued the comin: Doriot learned from the Feb. 12 tern; today and unemployment insurance. It is the independent unions, unemployed Ing.
Stalinites have events. His experience in the work to be federal in administration, the organizations, and the political 12, 000 members. Politcal degener of organizing the anti fascist front States cooperating. And the funds parties of the labor movement must acy takes its toll. sinert period in St. Denis forced him to come out necessary to provide this insurance act together for this objective.
after its origin, the u. red against the Central Committeo, should be raised by contributions The employers and their govern union) had 400, 000 members while against the stupidity of united rather than by an increase in gen ment must make the contributoday there remain 70, 000. Mean tron from below only. against eral taxation. That is all the in tions. The benefits must provide while, the reformist unThorez, and Cachin. Thorez reformation offered.
a good standard of living. They ions. headed by the Gompers of marked quite honestly: If we ac.
Roosevelt Message Reflects must be as permanent as unemploy France, Jouhaux, has a membersip cept his (Doriot s) evaluation of ment. They must apply immediateof 1, 000, 000.
Pressure of Discontent the present situation we compromly and to the existing unemployed.
Decisive Issues Moving to the Foreise the whole of our political line The question for the worker 15, pursued hitherto. By resigning why is the President vague about The steel strike has been post other words, a test of strength is give the slightest assurance as to the kind of social insurance he wiseries discussing the Minneapolis gave rise to the strike plans have issues can be considered settled uneven considered by the steel corporactics play the decisive role. The forced the hand of the party Cen.
Comrade Cannon article in his poneil. None of the issues which held in abeyance. None of these whether it would be accepted or questions of theory, But, for revolitegy and his mayoralty of St. Denis, propose? There are many welltrike had to be omitted this week been settled. None of the demands til the union is recognized as theations. In sum and substance this cannot be postponed or remain untral Committee his known plans for social insurance.
And the issues are simple and clear: use of same at think bigo ran overwhelming med gode Who will pay for it? What will be It will appear in the next by the steel masters or even given ers that means when it actually infamous automobile settlement low men of Stalinism, facing the ity. But the Stalinists had a comethe amount of the benefits?
growing fascist elements and re: Wissue serions consideration by them. In oxista factor capable of en. which will the ontcome be? To member that an empty barrel rollbackThey called a convention of helped to put over.
they be permanent for the period forcing the demands of the workers.
of need? Will they apply ImmediAt the Pittsburgh convention of the steel trust it means that the ing down hill makes a tremendous for the purpose of dealing with. ately? will they accrue to the Amalgamated Association of threat of a strike is removed and rumpus.
present millions The Croix du Ben, the VolunDoriot. They registered 110 votes of unemployed?
Iron, Steel, and Tin Workers, held it can go ahead with its unbridled And will they cover agricultural, last week to take fiual action on exploitation, fenring no challenge taires de la Frauce, the Jeunesse for their condemnation of Dorlot professional occupations, etc. There can be no hedging on these thos. Ryan for the Seattle long settlements and by playing one un accepted proposal for a retreat unionism. It can permit itself an Action Francaise, are organizing ting the same votec une death wunde Despite the settlement signed by break the strike through partial the strike proposition, the delegates to its coercive methods of company Patriote, the nolsy disciples of the position and against. The con questions and there can be no shoremen all cargo movements son against the other have come to meekuplet deacon from con and help stirren the backbone oted front of all working class organically powerful units of st. Denis of them. Two well known unem. Thus the first eforts to open the long the whole of the Pacific Strechtfele cates appeared before the the struggle against union organ nations of Telecom ropose local com could record no more strength Petaling mittees action in all industries small units.
ployment Insurance bills, the Was Seattle watertront falled. Pickets Coast the movement for a water steel delegates and delivered what ixtion elsewhere.
However, be reWhat Was Lacking?
a general labor present session. The Old Guard freight cars and refused to move on record for such a move, but the action against a test of strengths own, firmly established, will have all participating organizations. The from below. Ironically enough, been before Congress during the locomotive dispatched to switch tum. The northwestern district is his career. His plea was against (workers militia. and of course fused to make a pilgrimage to To these workers a union of their the right to mutual criticism by in the tactic of the united front Moscow in order to be Instructed against a strike to obtain the de Republicans have been all over the In the San Francisco Bay Re officials have specified that it must mands made by the workers. When real meaning. But the surrender refuses, proclaiming that only lot to kill any Insurance bill. The slon the local ILA has addressed be a federation of Hof Lunions appearing in such a role Bill Green wade at the Pittsburgh convention under its leadership can a united to direttore signed to the late make up the present administration in a general strike in its support. to raise any objection. But that was not challenged, otherwise he shrewder politicians, some of whom an appeal to all local untons to join only. To this it would be dificult seems growing in stature. His plea will undoubtedly have a disheart: front be constituted. The expelling Dorlot was that of Dimit(Continued on Page 4) and other working class organizahave waved the Wagner bill, with this time. There are all Stalinists. They can easily find the and incoherent. As it was he could unions have voted favor does not in the least deter the would easily have becomo rattled And in the Socialist Party the fond patronage of William The Socialist Party of France, at Green, as a blinder, to head off the Indications that the combined ef objections dictated by their own convey to the delegates his idea to its recent convention, held in Toulabor offensive for a real bill. And forts of the Chambers of Com special factional and rival union put their faith, not in the power of now at the end of the legislative merce, the ship owners, the media Interests. Accordingly a call has organixntion, but in President Roos louse, May both through May 23rd, revealed nothing new. The party, scasions, with the Recovery pro tors and the international officials gove from the Pacific Coasterelt.
gram washed up, millions still un lof the Longshoremens Union to Marine Workers Industrial Union New York. In the Militant of the week work branches. In other right wing, remains lu the hands since the split off of the extreme (T. for a convention of all Bill Green Proposal April 26th issue we reported how words the bosses wanted open shops. fof the centrists under the leadthe unions in the marine industry. That was tbe proposition accept. Wolinsky the agent of the bosses del At the second conference that was ership of Blum and Puure. The to be held in Portland in July by the steel workers convention. saving the New York Pocketbook held between the union and the In days of democracy in France are This convention, it is announced, it recommends the setting up of an workers minion. Now we will slve dustrial Council of the Leather about at an end. Fascism is ad1s to counteract the proposal for a impartial board of three members an analysis of what took place since. Goods Manufacturers Association vancing fraternal club administra the bosses gave an ultimatlım to the go over to the offensive. But not Marxist party would After the first year of the New sive cultivation and the use of fer Water Front Federation of of to be appointed by President Roose1 Deal the American farmers are betilizer was applied and the yield per unions only.
velt. This board is to: Adjust com Lion of the pocketbook workers un union that they will negotiate a the The lessons from the ginning to become disillusioned acre jumped from the five year How is that to be explained? Is plaints of violations of the code for ion and its so called legal advisor new agreement only on their de German and Austrian events had high prices for farm products of 200 pounds for 1933. The year greater consolidation, such as a ate and conciliate disputes between cices two weeks ago with the em off. This is the Forward report vention, except that the uselessness At the first of June which was to follow automatically crop was 13, 177, 000 bales and was Water Front Federation unques employers and employees; under ployers association of an armed Insurrection WAS from an artificially induced econo fully equal to that of 1982. From tionably would represent, is a pro take to arrange for conference conference, according to the For How the Union Officials Work for broached. True, under the pressure my of curtailment of production the standpoint of American produc gressive movement? Would it not for collective bargaining with the ward report of May 31 the bosses the Bosses of these events and in order to a How is it that at a time when pease the left wing elements, there has failed to materialize and the tion alone the farmer was no better be the duty of all militants to sup employers; arbitrate labor disputes presented a list of demands to the there is a general talk of reducing was some gibbering about radical sack.
in the United States spurred pro on the basis of the of Land and determine matters of discrim. To into account ther, 10 hours and of raising wages the decisive action. The united front At the end of 1983 the year in ducers elsewhere to increase enor to continue the fight until it be ination against the workers. In reorganization during the year. pocketbook bosses are demanding a policy of the Administrativo comdex showed again of only over mously their planting. As a result, comes an industrial union in the addition this board is to have the Third class mechanics of all lowering of conditions? The an mittee was approved. But on a 1932. In July 1983 the purchasing the total of foreign cotton produc full sense of the word? Real mili. authority to hold elections in the branches in the industry. swer is that our misleaders did not whole they were more concerned power of the farmers dollar hadtion reached the highest point since tants will take such a position and steel plants to determine workers To do away with the employ enforce the rotten agreements they about the parliamentary elections fallen to 71 cents, in January 1934 the pre depression days 1927 28. take up their posts in the of representatives for collective barment office signed with the employers for the next October. It did not occur to it was down to 60 cents, while for Nor has the worst happened yet. the light to Its conclusion. Not so The proposal accepted by the con the first of May instead of June. The agreement should expire last few years. The agreement pro them that the time may soon come February it was recorded at 61 Plans are going ahead for the open the stalinists. The position they vention finally declares that in the legat hollars should be peta should be 32 and 25. 50.
vides that scale of mechanics when there will be no more ballot cents.
ing up of vast cotton regions in Intake they are unable to explain belevent the above recommendations single time instead of time and a of the shops this scale was not en further appropriations for war In most boxes resolution against any Bad times did not set in for the dia and Africa.
farmer in 1920 at the time of the Since the price of cotton is de cause it is a factional position of are accepted by all parties the hall.
was passed. no realistie considerageneral crisis of capitalism but ful termined by the world production Special sectional interests of their strike was to be declared off. Such Week workers should be paid Moreover, the code that wastion of the tasks of a working class ests of the class as a. Green, and, of course, he could not rate system to be introduced into tion did not change working condi ward moving groups who had quit ately after the world war. All the world position of American cotton tions in the trade. Hours and wag or been expelled (the right wing evidences of a depressed economy is worse now than ever before.
es remained the same. The pock had split off in the latter part of were present: falling prices, land Net results in other commodities etbook workers are still working 40 last year) were invited to return.
value deflation, heavy mortgages produced by agriculture will be hours a week. Why? Because the resolution condemning any bloc and the ever growing pressure of likewise affected. Perhaps, the We are on our way to new gains. The first results Its contents will become increasingly popularized to present officials work hand in hand with the radical bourgeofele alla fixed charges (taxes, interests on farmers began to sense this to see of our campaign to create a fund to build the organ. represent ever more of a mass agitation paper. But with bosses.
through. few lamentations over debts, etc. The farmers largely through the national planning ization and its press are at hand. The first steps to it must be stabilized, take in a wider field and have at a time when there is such Renaudel the right wing leader disappeared as purchasers of cap demagogy of the hence their carry out this immediate objective have been taken. more material of interest to the average worker. great unemployment in the industry. barely anything on the reactionary ital goods and characteristie con quiet but effective sabotaging of Two capable organisers have been selected to take These are the objectives for which we intend to At a time when wages have been leaders of the trade unions and tradiction of capitalist economy the whole thing.
up work in the field. The first issue of the theoreti use the organization and press fund. We call upon reduced from 40 to 60 per cent. Out the convention ended. The made its appearaze; agriculture Who Pays the Price?
cal organ, THE NEW INTERNATIONAL is of the you to help. Through collective efforts we can march of 4, 000 pocketbook workers in New remains a hopelessly reformist orbecame more efficient as a system Acrenge reduction in wheat for press.
forward to new and greater gains. Never before has York, only 1, 500 have jobs and they canization. The militants must be of production as its gross income the 1934 crop fell short by fully Two new branches have been added to the League the need been so pressing and the opportunitles so work only part time during the seadeclined half of the administration plans in the last few weeks. In the Richmond, California, favorable. The creation of a revolutionary movement son.
Is it a wonder that the em which took the leadership in the The French Communist League, One Example of Curtailed Reduction in acreage had cost the oil field the branch already reported is making headis the issue.
ployers rejoiced when Wolinsky beProduction consumers (largely the workers) way. Now a large branch has been built up in Do not delay! If you have already received a came legal adviser of the union? united front proposals in the formCotton was a typical Item in the 150, 000, 000 in processing taxes Detroit composed of a number of comrades who are coupon book for this campaign, containing ten co They know how Wolinsky advised atio program, and netted to the overwhelming deeply entrenched in the trade unions. The Cleveland One fourth of the 1933 crop was mass of farmers no substantial branch is strengthened with a field organizer siving settle the account with the office. If you have not the manager of the Morris White letariat it gives Marxian answers pons at 10c euch, make haste to dispose of them and them to fight the union when he prestige in the French labor move plowed under and the acreage was gains. The American farmer be his attention to the Cleveland Pittsburgh territory. received one, will you forward your request to us? firm and how he helped to throw Under the banner of the Fourth Inreduced from 41, 000, 000 acres to gan to wake up to the fact that in Minneapolls the strike victory has created rich 80, 000, 000 acres. But the New national boundaries are largely ar opportunities for the League. The two new field Coupon books, so much the better. But at any rate Wolinsky made a statement that heers of France for the revolutionary Dealers found out that acreage re bitrary and not of much use where organizers are to be assigned to Minneapolls and We count upon you. Send all your orders and your made the unton and he will break overthrow of capitalism. Forwara.
duction was by no means synony. production for a market is con Detroft respectively.
Lauds to THE MILITANT, 126 East 16th Street, Newt. The bosses cannot have a better Internationalist mous with yield reduction. Inten. Continued on Page 4) More indispensable than ever is THE MILITANT.
Communists of York City. Continued on Page AB Fight to Oust Wolinsky Recovery For the Farmer ORGANIZATION PRESS DRIVE France!