CommunismFascismFranceIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1934 Minneapolis Strike Defamers Militant The Militant Pledge Fund Builders Leaders Weaken Strike 34 32 24 lect 10 tem. Independent Printers Union Bronx. 50 Again we remind our branches frothing too disgusting or too and our readers that the Second low for them to apply. Look what (Continued from Page 1) all the year round and not merely vided, in the agreement, for arbiClub Plan sub drive (4 six month these revolutionists did to the during strikes and this is the fun tration by an impartial chairman.
subs for. 00) ends on AUGUST taxi strike. Keep up this ing the militancy of the Februarydamental task of the present day An adverse ruling of the board We want to take this opportunity NO CARDS SOLD AFTER THAT splendid paper and you can fail (Continued from Page 1)
Agbt, tried to head of the strike militants this problem must be or arbitration would undoubtedly to thank all the comrades who have DATE.
to win. Good luck! am unand avoid recognition of the union solved. The leaders of the Minne galvanize the union membership for been coutributing regularly to the GET YOUR CARDS AT ONCE!
employed, but am enclosing 250 velopments and particularly in reply to the threaty of bringing out In the meeting of the Citizens tation. Those who really want to under le direct impressi u of the it it had not been for their com ters show that interest in the Mill Signed, Militant fan.
soldiers, the demand for genera Alliance (the losses organization) learn something about the art of 10 day strike and with the contributions, we would have been tant is high and that subs can be Thank you for your letter com strike went up in a powerful chorus held on the eve of the strike as building unious, leading themselousness that the union is strong obliged to skip at least one of the gotten if they are gone after. rade illitant fan. If you had all along the coast. It gained a reported to the union officials by a through strikes and keeping them and militant.
issues in the past few months, From a comrade in Columbus we given your address, we would put tremendous impetus among the sympathizer. the leaders of the intact afterward ought to study this That, in our opinion, is the fan Due to unemployment, several of bear; you on the mailing list so you workers. But it remained a slogan.
The same can be said for the debosses urged and insisted that sub phase of the Minneapolis struggle damentally decisive feature of the our regular subscribers to this fund, The new subscriber says that would be sure of receiving it regustantial increases of the miserable particularly.
the have been obliged to discontinue the Militant certainly makes a results of the Minneapolis strikelarly while you are still unem mand for a Waterfront Federation to be set up of the various unions wages be made forthwith for the ployed.
Those who merely want to throw the indubitable establishment of their contributions. We call upon man think. He thinks he can get purpose of disorganizing the union mud, to scream and show their own new union where none existed belother readers and sympathizers to new subscribers. He is one of the The following subs were received involved. An entirely legitimate campaign and defeating the demand impotence and ignorance, will not fore. All the plans of the leaders take their places men who goes around all day in during the past week: Chicago br. and correct demand. But alas, it for recognition of the union. On learn anything from the experience and organizers were directed to this clal situation. Like all revolutionThe Militant is in a critical finan a horse cart for a baking cons: Cleveland br. 12: Davenport br. also remained a slogan. The united ers saw eye to eye each side experience for that matter. Never campaign. The struggle was cen deficit which has to be made up by this point the bosses and the work under review, or from any otberend as the first objective in a longlary papers, we operate on a weekly sem. The workers had a SUCCESS. 4: Constance 4: Youngstown br. Istrike committee which was set up.
ful strike a week ago.
4: Total, 32. Previously reported. Instead of being tightened up and in all the uplong derstood the question of the unfon theless, they also serve the cause tered around this issue and was special donations. The debts which branch writes: enlarged to George Truhar, of the Cleveland 234.
affected by the strike, and to have to be pramount. The manoeuvre of progress indirectly. By holding crowned with success. On that have been accumulating for a per Find enclosed four cards and was defeated. The union officials, their arguments and criticisms up basis further step forward can be sold of time, are pressing hard on another for more cards. We THE COMPLETE RECORD OF some real influence upon the conSECOND DRIVE duct of the strike, was allowed to with the membership behind them to the light the education of others inade. To speak of such an outcome us and threatening our existence. are trying to get 100 subs by the Minneapolis Branch 40 deteriorate after comple of meet to a man, put the recognition of the can be aided, as temperance used as defeat is simply absurd.
unton as the Best and fundamental to be taught by the exhibition of the labor movement of Minneapo which is now in progress, will help If you do George, you will deserve The Organization Press Campaign end of the drive.
Cleveland Branch New York Local Noedless to any that in such a demand.
the horrible example.
lis has been restored to new life by to liquidate these debts and thus a prize.
City Office situation the strike, despite its Were the union leaders and mem. What the Strike Settlement Means the emergence of Local 574. The prepare the base for stabilizing the Jojanov of Chicago, says: Harlem Br.
magnificent militancy and broad bers, perhaps, mistaken in centerChicago Branch 28 sweep.
ing the fight around the question of promise in the sense that it leaves has been inspired by a new example solve the problem. Our hope is in paper was at the May Day dem.
is endangered. Oakland Los Angeles Branck furnishes an example of this negnion recognit and directly re: the bosses in control of industry and enriched by a fresh experience the Pledge Fund.
onstration and like it because Boston Branch the danger and at the same lated issues no discrimination and and free to exploit the workers which constitutes a real contribu: If we can get a total of 40 week it sincerely believes in united Chicago Friends of the time also of the sentiment of sollseniority rights as certain schol: The best settlement only limits and tion to the burning question of is in pledges, to supplement our front. hope you will continue Militant Club darity.
Thd local asked for astle wiseacres and unsuccessful checks this exploitation to a cer trade unionism. Honest and loyal other Income, we can guarantee the do not believe in the tricks the San Francisco Br action in the Central Labor Council labor organizers maintain? Not attain extent. Realistic leaders do workers everywhere will acknow. continue appearance and prompt Stalinists do Enclosed find Philadelphia Branch on a general strike vote. Accordall. They were a thousands times not expect justice from the capital ledge an indebtedness to the group mailing of the Militant.
for a subscription.
Constance ing to its laws a two thirds mujor.
correct. It is self understood that the struggle for economic demanat lats. they only strive to extract as of Minneapolis militants at the head! MAKE YOUR PLEDGE TO DAY. This morning mail brought the Davenport Branch ity vote is required. The proposifollowing: much as possible for the union in of Local 574 who organized this SEND FOR PLEDGE CARD.
Toronto tlon narrowly missed that majorits.
is indissolubly joined with the fight the given situation and strengthen magnificent movement, steered it THE PLEDGERS Dear Comrades: Reading the Kerkeley (Kogan)
It was only two votes short. Neyfor a union, but the union is the in libeir forces for another fight. through the strike and the settleNew York City Militant after the Daily Worker Ben. and Porter ertheless several unions walked out strument of the fight and the guardRight at the present time, when ment and still remain at its head. Porter 00 monthly is just like jumping from a mud Leeser Jin sympathy strike. But no serious lan of the economic concessions, the great problem and task of all the work they have done already is Alby 00 bath into cold, clear spring.
New Haven Branch effort was made to link these unions Every worker who joins the unto the unions of newly organized work bound to influence future develop. 00 The true spirit of international New Castle Brancha up with the united strike committee.
understands this instinctively. The ers is to establish a permanent sta ments of the left wing labor move Conwir. 50 working class solidarity perme Newark Branch The Stalinists in the Strike worker wants an improvement in ins and to compel recognition anent on a national scale. And they Cornells 00 ates your paper. The Stalinists Onkland Branch The official Cominunist party was his conditions, but he wants also ask that remains yet to be accom are not finished yet.
Samuel, 00 give lip service to it. read Springfield Branch in a position of having actually a security in his job while fighting forplished for the great majority of Ann Ehrlich 00 Dunne articles on the Minneap St. Louis Branch mass basis on the Pacific Coast.
these improvements. That is what the new unions, for nearly all of As was to be expected, the Stal. The Geltmans. 00 Osborn, Frisco Long before the strike it had gained the formula recognition of the unthem in fact the Minneapolis set inst specialists in the art of losing Haidous 00 only because the League was in Toronto Branch serious influence among the rank lon means concretely.
tlement, itself manifestly a compro strikes and breaking up untons are Sydney Storom 00 the forefront of this fine strike. Toronto Yonth Club and file and had promoted the sloThe Minneapolis strikers ex mise, stands out high above any bitterly disappointed with the Min. Meabe 00 Anything the Stalinists are in is Waukegan Branch gan for a strike. It accounts for 00 wonderful.
pressed it in their own language other of which we have direct neapolis toituation that would work City Subway Worker 00 But when anybody Yonngstown Branch both the early strength and the ontside the party is concerned, no subsequent weakness of the militant words are too vile, no hysterical TOTAL 266 ion to protect them against discrim cured better settlements for new overtime to discredit the strike and Colay section. It was the first to raise the united front slogan, and to raise against the damnable merit sys XRA old established unions obvl the organizers and leaders. But Jerry Marsh the issue of a general strike. Its In this attitude they were at ously stand in a different category even those who understood, espe. Ann Toven 00 prestige Increased. But when it one with every group of workers have a certain special right to critically those with sensitive stomachs. Gonzales 00 came to following up on its slogans entering the organized struggle forcise the Minneapolis leaders. But, conld not avold a slight feeling of Smith 10 the first time. They aspired to build arst, it is necessary to find the lead nausea at the instrument chosen for 00 Six months ago seven militants 51 and the Big Six of the matters changed and the resolutions began organizing the unorganized of to open its books to unorgan correct, remained on paper in usual it had adopted, those which were a union to compel the boss to recers who did better. Who are they, the present job and the dirty self Faith Sher Bronx 00 New York printers. Today this new ixed printers. It is up to us to ognize and deal with it.
and where are they? Are they, by befouling methods assigned to him Eckstadt stalinist style. 00 union, the Independent Printing organize the entire trade, to crack How the Strike Was Organized any chance, the leaders of the St. in executing it.
Accounting for its failure stands Lifshitz 00 Employees has reached a member down the doors of the union, and For that they fought. And what Palil packinghouse strike or the For the Minneapolis job the Newark, ship of about 1, 000. An excellent Hight for the 20 hour week and union Arst of all the fact that its polie a magnificent Aght! In Minneapolis New York Taxi strike?
beginning has been made of a big scale throughout the whole fodus on the Pacific Coast contradicts the collective Browders, with a perverse Lambert 00 was to be seen what reservoirs of llere is what the Alinneapolis cruelty, summoned the wreck of Holly. 50 job in a big field. There are still try.
working class solidarity and cour. settlement says on the questions of what was once a revolutionist and Nagy. 60 not less than about 40, 000 unorgan The next speaker was sain Gor process of advancing the mass unage can be tapped when the rank union recognition, discrimination a man named William Dunne and Becker 00 ized pressmen, compositors, linotype don, one the founders of the lons to a higher level. It becomes and Alle is fused with an honest, and seniority rights, quoted from offered him the opportunity to re Kotx 00 operators, and other workers dis and its president. During the first very serious point of divi competent and trusted leadership. the official text printed in the Min store himself to grace and favor. Syropathizer. 50 tributed in some 2, 100 small print his speech about the Printers Code slon. Flowing from that the very The whole working class of Minne weapolis papers, May 26: He took the job of slandering the Social Worker 00 ing shops in the city. These unor he handed to the representative of tactics pursued will perhaps yet apolis acclaimed the strike as a All members of the General Minneapolis movement and all con Clerk ganized printers have been denied the Labor Board so code violations have even more disastrous consemodel of organixntion as well as of Drivers and Helpers Union No. nected with it, and it must be said Boston admission into the official for examination which had been re quences. While the Stalinists apmilitancy. Transfer the Minneapol 574 in dealing with employers he did a dirty job as he was re Wiener. 50 of printers unions. The new turned by the Board to the organ parently sponsored the united front lis method to Detroit and Pittsburg!
may be represented by the officers quired to do. Shecket union, however, has adopted as its Ixation after a long delay without policy they insisted on having their 50 polley a demand for inclusion into any action having been taken Teater of the official party, the MarThen you will see the real resur of such Union, and no discrimin That side of his articles are of Henderson 30 gence of the labor movement!
the official unions,. 50 ation against representatives shall no particular interest in themselves, Chiplowitz Even the class enemy gave grudg. be made because they are officers and can well be passed over. What Others One tribute to its success and when he finished his speech by calline Workers Industrial Union, the ing testimony to the efficiency of or agents of said Local Union No. is important and worthy of discus Wolfe, New Haven 1, 00 growth was given at the mass meeting the attention of the printers to International Workers Rellet, the the organizers and the soldierly dising held by this union on June 4th the militant fights of the workers International Labor Defense, etc.
574; and such firms shall deal sion is the fact that, in the course Worker, Va.
cipline with which they imbued the with such representatives when of his attacks, he exposes acon (paid in advance for 10 months) Despite the sizzling heat there was in Toledo, Minneapolis and the When the called for a united strikers.
protest against the police brutality duly selected as accredited repre ception of the trade union question, Teacher in pald for 16500 printers present who unant Even before the official start Then George Clark, the young ad in the outrageous attack and firing sentatives of these employees.
the strike at 11:30 Tues In the hiring or discharging in the school of Browder Stachel, Friend of the militant paid 25 mously approved the unlon program ucational director and member of upon unarmed workers on the Em in three excellent the executive board, spoke He re barcadero, the Stalinists injected day reported the Minneapolis Tribune on May 18, the General of employees hereafter, no employ which throws a searchlight on the in advance at a week. speeches delivered by the union viewed the short history and the their particular united front coner affected hereby shall discrim present day tactics of the Stalinists Friends in Youngstown is paying leaders. Each speech was different growth of the organization: how in fusion. In the name of the LA, Headquarters organization set up inate against any employee be in contrast to ours. We can only see pole nie jest received om and yet each was brimful of the six months time the membership but through their own particular at 1900 Chicago Avenue was oper cause of membership in said Local welcome the opportunity to discuss letter from him enclosing for one and only inevitable conclusion had grown from the original seven set up, they collected funds. Inclating with all the precision of a Union No. 574.
the contrasting viewpoints on the months, saying: pledge for organization.
military organization.
to more than a thousand, with in dentally, however, when the two In the hiring and discharging basis of a concrete demonstration of as long as The Militant will be Before him on a desk, Farrell of or laying off of employees, sen one of them. That the discussion able to remit. Solomonick, as chairman dividuals and whole shops lining up comrades of the League, Wyle and in need and as long as will be of the meeting, said in his intro every day in the headquarters at Booth, were arrested on the water Dobbs, in charge at headquarters, iority rights shall prevail, except takes place on our ground this in duetory remarks, that the meeting 24 20th Street. Already the or front they absolutely refused to had a list designating all the plac for just cause.
itself is fact which helps to exwas called primarily for the purganization has conducted one sue have anything to do with the case.
es in the city to be picketed and Recognition Enforced to the Letter plain the meaning of the differences Brownsvillo Forum pose of explaining the recently cessful strike in one shop and is Mistakes of the League the time set for start of picket In these sections of the agreement in next week issue hope to take WHAT NEXT IN FRANCE adopted Printers Code to the print negotiating with several others. Had the official party been able ting. As the picket groups left the main demands of the union were up the main thesis of the Dunne Speaker for their posts, the list was complied with in written form. And articles on the Minneapolis strike ers, and to work ont a plan for its Clark summed up his forceful to translate even its correct resoluchecked.
JACK WEBER enforcement upon the bosses and speech by calling all unorganized tions into action a solla federation what is more important, they were and demonstrate its falsity and. chisselers. who are repeatedly printers up to action. There is no of transport workers could have Days before the strike started, carried out lu practice in the days consequently, the falsity of all the SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 8:30 violating its most important clauses. other way to get the thirts hour been formed and the whole strike Mr. Dobbs said, picket captains immediately following the end of tactics prescribed on the basis of Dir. International Workers School The preliminary speaker of the week but by fighting and no suc strengthened instead of the first had been selected, sizes of picket the strike. Every case of discrim this thesis.
crews had been determined and ination in the rehiring of the work1776 Pitkin Ave. near Stone Ave. evening was a guest politician from cessful fight was ever secured with backwash of retreat being apparent.
The Communist League was not all spots to be picketed had been ers there were about 50 out of bor member of that body. The The has undertaken a tre without faults in the strike situadesignated. All that remained 15. 000, according to the report made gentleman tried his best to play the mendous job. Their job of fight. tion. Some members were active in when the time came for moving to the union meeting three days part of an ardent Union sympathizing the 2, 000 small shop owners in the strike leadership bat permitted the picket crews was to assign later. brought a committee of uner, well wisher and peacemaker, as New York and the well oiled mathemselves meanwhile to become is.
the squads, varying in number ae ion officials to the office of the Arm (Continued from Page 1) say about the alinneapolis strike it he had smelled in the air the chine of local 61 and the Big Sholated from the Langue activities.
cording to needs at the various complained against. In not a sin leaders in this strike, were they and its leadership. He could not restlessness, and spirit of revolt of of the of is no sinecure, no As a result or ears, and send them on their tonert the union officials and to parts of the ball. These Trotment from the crowd for his intende little and the lively crowd felt re against obstacles and diiculties es are small when compared to the Afirmative replies from an even begin to raise the least sent. the underpaid and stepped upon Joy ride. It demands ability, and between the League and the strikers ways.
adjust the complaints.
The pickets went ou their ways That is recognition enforced to Intionists, they call Centrists morning of the very day he spoke it lieved when he had spoken and Hittle realized by ordinary workers. buge task and the fact that our so effectively, and they attracted to the letter by a union that stands and Reactionaries, you know. was reported that the last striker Tomasch, an active militant and that the leadership commands an members were swamped with work their support such a wide section of intact and ready to fight again it their settlement any other workers, some of whom came necessary Where is there a new that made by the Social Fascists union with back my, and that the introduced. admitted by the representative of cision to issue a monthly paper was out in sympathy, that the employers union anywhere in the United States everywhere else, in Toledo, in De union was growing at the rate of Tomasch stressed the crying the Labor Board. It depends upon held in abeyance.
no reply, twenty five members a day since need of organization in the printing the unorganized printers themselves shoull not be repeated. We are no their stir necked position and deal definite recognition since the imate there is no applause, silence! He the strike. It has now over 7, 000 Industry. He pointed out the un to what extent they are willing to longer in the Stalinist party where with the union. On Friday, May guration of the NRA and began to continues, understand that there members. tecisions are handed down from 25, ten days after the beginning of enforce it the very next day? are a thousand men who lost their called sell out. like Toledo, like above bureaucratically without any the strike, a settlement was made right of the membership to question.
and the men returned to work.
do desta on the other dinge heta de but is mumbling and commention to the After this display of bankruptcy The correctness of our trade union When is the Time for Strike the union agreed to submit the crowd. Browder retreats, Or am in trade union polley of the Stalinpolley is already verified by experiSettlement?
wage demands to arbitration and to wrong, well, you say there is onlyists, the audience was given ence; but we must carry it out.
The resolute course of the union accept the results. This, the union a hundred. He points to some imag statement of the local branch of the You can afford to miss the greatest get together of the Com leaders in recommending the achad offered carly in the strike on inary questioner in the crowd. Even Communist League in angwer to the munist League and its supporters and friends ever held in New ceptance of the settlement has the condition that the union be rec if it were less than a hundred, that campaign of slander and lies against York. Arrangements are being completed to assure a good time to all. Are you an indoor baseball player? Then register for one of MOONLIGHT PICNIC raised an extremely interesting and ognized. The arbitrating body is would have been a shame. No ap the leadership of the strike, made important question before the ad not the Regional Labor Board, but plause. The lie, the trickery of his both by the official party and the the teams. You ll have a chance to play soccer, quoits, or take part vanced and militant workers who is to consist of two members of this Lard boiled Stalinists (who were Fine educators of the workers are speech. was even too raw for the bosses Citizens Alliance in the fat man race If we can find enough fat men to make a race IN MINNEAPOLIS followed all the developments at hoard, two employers and two top the vast majority of the crowd) to these stalinists. When they can worthwhile. There will be many other features to the sports pro WORKERS OF MINNEAPOLIS Minneapolis with the utmost attenresentatives of the unfon, plus a swallow. This settlement contains not meet principled arguments, they gram. The place is ideal. Large trees shade the tables. Food will tion. In the history of the Ameri. seventh member to be selected.
This the cause of Section Ta, does it return to their celebrated imbecile Attend be good. The menu includes Sashlik. and also Hot Dawgs for the American approach. Thirsty? Your needs will be attended to.
MOONLIGHT PICNIC can labor movement the radical and body is also to arbitrate and decide not? That is an endorsement of methods. Oskar Frank, a Commurevolntionary workers have been individual disputes regarding the the Company Union is it not? No nist Internationalist, stayed too far Dancing will go on till midnight in the roofed in pavillion. If you Given By wish to lose yourself for an hour the large woodland estate which distinguished by a singular one sonority clause.
Minneapolis Branch Communist sidedness in regnrd to strike and This is a serious concession went too deep. The Stalinists were comrades passing out our state.
response. No applause. Browder away from the concentration of surrounds the picnic ground is yours.
trade union strategy. They led and which the union officials felt it nec shar League and If you wish to discuss Cuba, Imperialist War, Fascism, Stalinism, Workmen Circle Branch 989.
organized many a militant strike, essary to make under the circum Ization of a splendid union and a by a group of Stalinists, had his ed to applaud this character ment. He was violently attacked or the Fourth International, you will find the best informed Combut seldom succeeded in maintain stances in order to secure the rec magnificent strike. Besides there leaflets torn from him. Similar bigmunists in New York present. At 4:00 Max Shachtman will Glenwood Park Ground No. ing a stable union. There is little ognition of the union and consoll was a rumor that had gone around oted, fanatical acts were committed speak on the New International.
Come early for the program. Stay late for the dancing and SATURDAY NIGHT, JUNE 23 to go by, in the way of previous ex date it in the next period. It is them that afty truck drivers, union by Browder braves that night.
camp fire songs. From 10:00 to Midnight.
9:00 perlence, to ald the modern mill a big concession, but by no means members, were in the hall.
The Communist League is having Get your tickets at once only 25c. The place is Zedler Grove. MUSIC tants in determining how and when a fatal one. It is a concession that Browder had waited for applause, a counter meeting to this one next ENTERTAINMENT Lincoln Heights, Yonkers. The White Plains Lexington Ave. Subway to settle strikes. Their predecessors has been made by many unions. It it didn come.
or Third Avenue El. to 241st and White Plains Road will take you ll Speaker from He hesitated a mo Sunday evening, June 17th, did not settle any.
18 somewhat fronteal that the Forment, he left the subject of the Pythian Hall, 13 4th Street.
General there. Get off at the last stop 15 minute walk, or Zedler Union will speak on the TRUCK Drivers And yet, 1f we really aim to get riers Union, the one Stalinist or Minneapolis strike and started to Dunne, strike leader, will be the Grove Bus will take you to the open grounds. Don miss a minute into the labor movement and influ ganization having direct relations talk in general about the wave of principal speaker, of this grand outing.
ence it permanently from within, with the bosses up till recently pro strikes. He had nothing further to Bring Your Friends for an Enjoy. FORSEN.
able Evening.
Browder Exposes Strike Sell Out better than was placed back on the job by the member of the executive board was these requirements was even openly is not a sufficient excuse. Our de Picnic Sunday, June 24th At at