AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyCuban RevolutionDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGerman RevolutionGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismImperialist WarLeninLeninismMarxMarxismMarxism-leninismRadekSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSViolenceWorkers MovementWorking Class

SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Stalinist Record in the New York Teachers Union Fights Red Baiting The Foreign Policy of Cuban Revolution The Soviet Union the last two a comparatively small organization. American brothers in sbome covered May the New York American tried Jing it the Board of Education La Guardia, former socialist and no longer serve as an instrument of the Third World Congress of the ment.
met het om te regulaatondere auructure ane te beste sobre o tornen hea rat par povek beli bar berhe red chers Union of New York. Im with one namene av melhor sorte Ambassador common water. For the communist After the Socialist Party Convention New York For Persecuting Protesting Teachers what teacher organizations Com months the capitalist press has The bill was intended to place munists are to be found!
been calling for the blood of mau hunting weapons in the hands Union Members Defeat Demagogue the reds in the New York of the state to crush the teachers In Cuba in the summer of 1933cept of the movement, that it was school system dramatic struggle took place resistance to over an Soviet foreign policy has taken ment of disputes and bring about at ized political working class torces. in power in order for them to con pa squawk against some aspect the militants as seditious and treathe union, branding Superintendent ularly since the recognition of the and Karl Radek adds: The dancer there were only two serious organ necessary to have Machado remain anybody who has the courage to put economs measures by expelling the floor to a resolution urered by decidedly anti Leninist turn partie seast some strengthening more peace The Communist Party (Stalinists) sinue to enjoy illegality that is, or the feudul regime of the reaction sonable people. The defeat of the hot schools, Campbell, a red balter Soviet Unlon by the. and the Bolshevik Leninists. Our maintain the appearance of being ilary Board of Education or who litts Ives Bill has not daunted the pa for vicious statements made by bine In the first place, this recognition not come from the League but from section was not quite two years old, legal.
and, at that time, still committed There is the ugly story of how the The yellow Hearst press is beating press campaign and who will con agent of the union, pillar of the capitalism had been fully convinced English debards.
Ja tenger og traust wage cutstrioteers who are continuing the in the preus. Lefkowitz, legislative was granted only after American lopen opponents of the League and to the orientation of reforming the epigones sold out the general strike the patriotie drum louder than all coet equally reactionary substitutes. unton administration, apologist for that the Third Internationale would The Theses and Resolutions of and the of Cuba, and was in Cuba. us. of Preceding this campaign and dur.
has now member of the Fusion Party world revolution in general nor as Communist International support its greatest strength lay in its con the devil. On August 21 the Daily to smear a coat of red wash over been busy persecuting all teachers Education Committee, who is nursa revolutionary incitement and fun this conclusion. Tho new interna It wielded great and almost (By Mail. At noon today the tition circulated by the Teachers against its medieval rule. Wage took the floor in Campbell defense masses in particular. Secondly, in lished for the purpose of organizdecisive lutluence in the Havana bus and tramway workers returned Anti War Committee. On the sth increases established wy law have Everybody understood that Lefko order to emphasize their good faith, ing united action of the world proFederation of Labor composed of to work, having won all their dethe Evening Journal called the sign been summarily dented on false pre Witz was keeping he record clear the Stalinist bureaucracy officially letariat, aspiring toward the same thirty trade unions in which anar mandsWith them went back theers of the petition a curious med texts; in some cases criticism of in order not to get in bad with the declared that President Roosevelt goal: the overthrow of capitalism, cho syndicalists were also influen Darbers, bakers, food workers, ralley of allen and non American superior has resulted in a punitive big boys higher up. He got his ad represented peaceful American cap the establishment of the dictatortial. It was a leading organization way workers, etc. However, the ames. enemies from without, transfer to a school under a notorswer from the union members, how. Italism which was honestly seeking ship of the proletariat, and of an in the general strike.
shoc plants, textile factories and but, unfortunately settled within ously reactionary principal whose ever, when the amendment was cara democratic and pacifistic solution International Soviet Republic, for classes it was weaker than the Communist Hoiding out for their demands. The rooted out like xerms of pollution tion, etc. etc. Other teachers have to fight!
But in size, prestige, and influence many others remained out, firmly our gutes such people must be torte is a regime of petty persecu ried, 415 to 162. The teachers want to present day imperialist contradicthe completo elimination tions and conflicts.
and the realization of Socialism, the Party which had a wider and more decision to go back to work was and disease. And so it goes. been fired.
With the passage of the amend Recently Alexander Troyan first step and base. In its trade union center, packed meeting of over 700 bus rage was to whip up a red scare Local No. of the American Feder technically committed since the Washington, stated that the u. Stalinism has eliminated all this the National Confedera workers in the Trade Cnion Center and create sentiment for the pas ation of Teachers, chartered by the vote was taken at publie mass and the should be able It has substituted in its place milltion of Cubun Workers, were thirty for the It is clear that age by the state legislature of the New York Federation of Labor, has meeting and not at a union member to find a common ground in an tary alliances with capitalist coun five unions. The CP. had auxiliar the stalinists were sending men Ives BILI. In its original form this picked up the gauntlet thrown down ship meeting the issue is squarely endeavor to secure complete or tries and the insane theory of soles and peripheral organizations back to work.
embracing thousands of workers. If bill required every teacher in the by the reaction and is fighting back. Joined between the teachers and the partial disarmament. The forclalism in one country. The MarxLying Out of the Whole Cloth system to swear support of the con. The high point in its campaign thus Board of Education. The union has eign polley of the Soviet Union. heism Leninism of the Third World It was not, as it claimed, the leader, ac Congress is now called counter rev.
it was the outstanding organized But this report contradicts onestitutions of the and the state ter was a remarkable mass meeting only one honest course to fight the continued, shows an increased the lantionary Trotskyism. And in sup political force in the working class which appeared in the Dally nine of New York and to faithfully dis bela Friday, June 8th, attended Board of Education over the issues civity for peace. We On its record and in its policy. days before on August 12: Hay care able the duties of any posi about 1200 teachers. The principal of academic freedom and red bait resumption of normal relations with port of this thesis the French Imper therefore, are to the sought the rea anu, August 11. The yellow uniontion to which am now assigned or speakers were Norman Thomas and ing. The union has indicated that the United States from this point ialist government is now persecut leaders, help Welles and Macha may hereafter be assigned. Under Arthur Garfield Hays Thomas, it will fight and that it will conduct of view. Not material gains for ouring Comrade Trotsky as a countersons for the failure of the workers to advance toward their liberation, do, have called on the bus workers pressure of the storm of protest militant leader of the spoke an energetic campagn and will welcountry, but the gain for interna revolutionist!
and for their set back at the hands (note: the bus workers) and street which this reactionary measure mainly about values in education come the assistance of labor. Labor clonal peace was regarded in our Soviet Union in Greater Danger of Mendieta.
car workers to return to work. aroused the framers withdrew the Hays amused the audience with a is vitally interested in the question country as the important thing in on the 14th the same story: Just last five words. But in this amend witty, liberal speech. Willianna of the regime in the schools to friendly relations with the United danger not only the Soviet Union Stalinists Conse to Ald of Class before Machado flew Cuba the yelled form the bill was merely a repe Burroughs, victimized teacher and which it sends its children and the states.
but also the prospects of a world Enemy low trade union leaders in his payition of the oath required of teach stalinist candidate for comptroller subject matter taught them. If the Lenin Teachings Forgotten revolution should an imperialist war One the ninth of August, two days lattempted to call a halt to the gen The overnor vetoed the bill and it vealed that the president of the un movement support for the Aght ofsky love for peace, especially if oeuvered into the League of ers on entering the school system. in the last municipal election re issue is taken into the trade union One can hardly doubt Troyanov break out. If the Is man before Machado fell, when the general strike.
eral strike had reached its seventh on the 15th the Daily tried to is now dead. The next session of ion himself had poured oil on the the Teachers Union can be won. All we take some of his other state tions, and thereby tied to the imday, the Executive of the make it appear that the the legislature in the fall may see flames of the red bafting campaign labor organizations should get bements into account. The cause ofperialist charlot of France and the (the Cuban Stullult sec. was standing firm against the strike attempts to reintroduce it.
by informing the Daily News in hind the union. peace. he declared, was so great Little Entente, or if it becomes a tion of the and the Politi breaking of the yellow trade un that it must prevall over all other member of the permanent peace cal Bureau of the Communist Party ion leaders: The leaders of the problems. And among these prob. conference, it will have been demIssued a manifesto in which they transport workers, and especially lems he cited the most important onstrated in either case that the said that. Machado cannot be those of the Railway Brotherhood, economie contradictions of our Soviet Union is on the side of the overthrown by strikes and that the ind already attempted to break the epoch. All secondary. prob strongest capitalist bandits. Thus, Labor Federation of Havana (trade strike without asking any conces.
lems, sucb as those of debts, of the emancipation of the oppressed union center, at that time undersions. The representatives of the The Right Wing of the Socialistgress in Paris by four out of sixthat we never lived up to the St. commercial competition of tarles. by proletarian revolution 18 te the leadership of anarcho syndical revolutionary held fast to Party is determined to bludgeon the of the American Delegation, came Louis Resolution. Leo Krzyckl, re and so on, he explained, must benounced, and the Soviet Union be ist elements and the Bolshevik Len their demands.
split on the floor for the party approv elected chairman of the party, spoke settled as soon as possible by mucomes a pawn (and ultimately a the party wide open. The events of ar. the old Guard opened up the for the Declaration by saying tual agreements and to mutual sat. victim) in the Imperialist game.
inints) Was leading the workers to And finally in the same dispatch the Convention in Detroit, June 13, attack with an explicit threat by look upon this as the socialist Party isfaction, for these relatively small This policy, now aimed chiefly massacre.
Let no one think that the view the meeting in the trade union cen how far the Right Wing is willing tion and you split the party. On tion and appealed for support to al atmosphere and prevent friendly consequence of the dastardly betrayprinted on the 21st which announced and of the week following, show Judge Panken: Pass this resolu reaffirming the St. Louls Resolu. questions spoil the internation against Germany, 18 an inevitable expressed here was only a question ter of the 50 young to go.
of evaluating the situation and bus workers signed application Outright defiance and repudiation umphant.
that issue the old Guard was tri the memory of Hillquit, late leader efforts to consolidate peace. al of the German workers and semiof the Old Guard! This was the working out a strategic line of cards for the This was Can the worthy stalinist Ambas proletarian masses by the struggle. No! although that in it reply of the workers to the scabby lished the new. centrist Declaration In the debate on the Declaration claration by the spokesmen for it! completely forgotten Lenin teach. At first the German revolution was of the majority vote which estab old Guard Renews Threat of Split context given to the radical Deador really mean this? Has he under the direct command of Stalin.
workers at the decisive moment and Federation of Labor leaders headed public statement by Louis Wald even further. While every speaker majority spokesmen support of war? Troyanovsky should be re and credits. Now, with the threat The most creditable point in the ings anent the economie causes of sabotaged in the Interest of peace demoralize them, disrupting their by the renegade Junco that struggle and doing yeoman work leaders of the were strike State organization and leader of unity, almost every Right Winger repeated by nearly all of them. Last Stage of capitalism Lenin ac. Co. veer towards imperialist man, Chairman of the New York for the centrist Declaration talked the Declaration was the assertion, miuded that in Imperialism: The lof Hitler before their eyes, Stalin for the class enemy. The manifesto breakers hecanse the accepted the the old Guard, the day after the talked split. The speakers in this in answer to Old Guard charges tually proves that the secondary France in order to stay Hitler was the deological motivation concessions of Machado. Our em convention. Mr. Waldman, after debate were picked by the leaders that the Declaration committed and small questions be mentions band, that is, to checkmate his for a treacherous act of strike phasis)
breaking. The Stalinists called only their wwn worris they stand boarse at the convention in the chairman, explained. Significant of that what is legal or illegal is a war in particular and all war in As usual, the Stalinist bureaucra.
war time are at the very root of imperialist Drang nach Osten policy.
the workers to go back to work!
condemned. Yellow trade unton name of democracy against illegal the lengths the old Guard will 80 question which is decided not by general. or is this counter revolu sy does not calculate the effect of They themselves admit it. In one lenders incend! It is all lies, fraud, ity and violence (when used on was the fact that one of the spokes reason or an empire, but by the tonary Trotskyism, Monsieur Am this course on the German masses.
of the resolutions prepared for the treachery!
capitalists. flatly declared on June men they chose was the veteran Jo capitalist state itself, and therefore bassadeur?
Having lost faith in the world rev.
Fourth National Labor Unity ConEmboldened by the valor and rev that he intends to disobey the man words were: This is probably the legal anything It chose. But theists have published abroad a brand dining the revolutionary aid of the The National Confederation folutionary ardor of the masses, who, date of the Party Convention. He last meeting of the Socialist Partynext day, at a meeting of the new new Interpretation of capitalism and German masses in case of a fascist aber seaticana, come de teren and a month later, overthrew De ce said he declaration that has been shall else spre cestors who dared way: Majority, ich was precisely ratlos imperiale ma che ihto e dor grote tiek Shanas. Goebbels bas.
apply the expertence acquired in so redes, the Stalinist adventures de adopted, which was sponsored by followed the flag and that in the principle which was scrapped. The ies: one the peaceful, democratic ready broadcasted throughout many years of strike struggles, ela reste ene the route september 19, Mt. Thomas and his alles, com choice between the day and the red voted to submit the declara and pacitat; and two, the warhike, bleeding ceremony that the Soviet whaleconomie demands have their the day of the arrival of Memat zatlon, but attempts to commit worra follow the stay, and that any their opinion as to its legal es precisely the theory of the second tary alliance th the thoroughly pour le canapelstice the content of the is reached its greatest and at the ations, to a program which runs country was a traitor.
general strike. The false ap same time its most tragically ab. contrary to everything for which sharts as spokesman shows that the Choosing Split in the is Inevitable category are listed America, France, people. And thus the last drop of When Norman Thomas returned England. under the latter are listed the veins of the German workers.
the Little Entente, and Possibly revolutionary blood is drained from pa vasche matural immedisime was unstable, under fire from which it regards as fundamental. Dasest passions of chauvinism in to New York June he issued a especially Germany and Japan. This is the final stab in the back.
The Destruction of the Third. error, which consisted in the that the Cuban bourgeoisie were da lists will not permit them tendency in the party. Their lead veals the weakness and confusion The Understanding With French Imperialism International Justers, once their demands were ob coupe. true that the masses weet which they consider indefensible end of the convention to make clear and the parent challenge the child ty marxista political philosophy. Litvin. Disarmament Conference opens le Following through this ant The impending failure of the telling the workers that they should its demagogle, anti imperialist and that express the sentiments of openly cleclared that he could not, Waldman, Thomas said he hoped ov is now engaged in discussions for a dangerous prospect for the Soviet not be moved by the slogan of con democratic pronouncements.
many other state and local or as a Social Democrat. follow the Waldman would have the good anderstanding with Imperial Union, England cannot afford to tinuing the strike, when in reality. But the influence of the Stalinist ganizations.
the masses, who realized clearly the Party which was to carry through. As between the program High handed tone was taken by party. and denied the possibility Times correspondent in Ber the Continent. It will not allow polltical content of the strike, were the insurrection did not extend to of orderly, peaceable, construc Panken, Solomon, and the rest of for a split. As to the committee of lin, says that. accompanying Germany to be further humiliated determined continue it. quoted the majority of the workers. In tive and intelligent political ac the Right Wing spokesmen.
lawyers, it was, said Thomas, be and alongside the military agree and crushed. It also supports the insurre from the January 12 Manifesto of fact, following the August One of the nost unserupulous ing consulted purely on matters of ment, it is understood a thorough German rearmament proposals. It terms with the General Union of Commercial breaking, entire unions were freelng structive and violent methods tacties of the Old Guard was their phraseology. But his statement understanding has now been ar continues on friendly Employees of Cuba, an affiliate of themselves from Stalinist influence. proposed by the left wing (1. e. the use of the columns of the New York ends: The phraseology has a cerrived at regarding Russia entry Japan. For England needs It is Germany and Japan, at least as pothe Havana Federation of Labor, to the organs for the preparation of centrist majority) Socialists will Times. The convention was covered tain possible importance in some into the League of Nations the Fourth Congress of the the insurrection and the seizure of havo (New York Times, June Right Wing. Joseph Shaplen, and American tyranny that has been set with the enthusiastic support of Hung empire.
no difficulty in making their for the Times a friend of the states in view of the nature of the to take place as soon as possible tential allies, to maintain its far(Our emphasis throughont. power, the soviets, did not exist on choice.
The current policy of the Soviet Daily Workers Gives Assistance ist party the dominant Influence in a national scale nor was the Stalin. Our emphasis. his stories were deliberately written up in them. The party can fight France, which, with the disarmaFatal admissions! The Stalin those scattered Soviets which Old Guard to Flaunt Convention to scare wavering elements into the that tyranny better by effectivement negotiations as an excuse Union, if carried through to the bitDecisions right wing camp. One story played organization than by endless legal. mark well. will send to Geneva ter end, leads to imperialist entanand Lenin: they call themselves the easiest in the civil way back given ho hegemony told the nationen op up the various communist group, now ready to let the states concepte legation Waldman bold repudiation of up the presence of representatives cases. In other words, Thomas is in the near future an impressive elements and aims a death blow at The stage is all set the world proletarian movement.
It is obvious that such a situation they cannot recognize the political the Communist Party. In terms of units makes clear his statement wing and Militants were under gram.
derstanding. as a further guar calls for a new party and a new (Fourth) International.
they are so obtuse with bureaucratwill be SYMPATHIZER.
le concelt they do not know what in class. it was an unknown quanecutive Committee of the meties were designed to indicate that alliatory and further dilutes its security. Then France the masses want in the fire of theltity. In Russia the Bolsheviks test. that no matter what the results the party was in imminent danger move to the left, and that the Right ready to talk about disarmament.
CHICAGO DEBATE revolution itself. ed the Petrograd garrison before of the referenduin on the Declara of a split due to the tactics of the Wing continues to bludgeon its opThis manoeuver is made in the But it is not a question of stupla the insurrection when the Soviets tion of Principles, which the opponents of the Right Wing. ponents in determined drive to name of Marx and Lenin, explain ity alone. The Manifesto of the countermanded the order of the decided on the day of Waldman Militants Afraid of Themselves rule or ruin, does not mean that the Stalinists, in order to secure Spartacus Youth League vs. Young Peoples Socialist League.
Commercial Employees Union charstwo thirds of the garrison to the tention of following the democratie cative tactics of the old Guard, the pletely or that the old Guard will tack on the from the side Subject mot. precisely that knowing soldiers sorlets and committees dictated by the Old Guard. Thus the Militants, have either been conol Guard 14 dead, completely dis namely, Germany and Japan. Also Fourth International is indispens the profound political content of the The Cuban Stalinist connection the will either back down, ciliatory to the point of further credited by Germany and Austria, the entry of the Soviet Union into able to the victory of the World Working Class over Fascism.
belleved in its own miserable con great. Sinnan reported that tweclaration of Principles or accepting or have pretended to ignore the old Socialist Party will continue to be characterized by the Third Worla weeks before the insurrection the the substitute prepared by the old Guard bull dozing. In the debate toward obscuring the gap between Congress of the Communist Inter. Nathan Gould and Albert Glotzer THE MILITANT Guard; or it most face the fact that on the Declaration, whereas the Old reform and revolution with the am national as the international trust (Members National Committee Entered as a second class mail over to the side of the workers. matter November 28, 1928, at the Not An Insurrection But Puteh means, either collapse of the al Itants for bringing in a Declaration Socialist Party will inevitably con petitors and the colonial peoples.
self bound by Party decisions. This ist principles and taunted the Mil fight between the two camps in the ploitation of their vanquished comNegative Post Office at New York, UnArthur MacDowell (National Chair.
der the act of March 3, 1879. of September were not an Insurrecthe Party, by capitulating to the for the Declaration diluted Its Old Guard is well aware. The Old How Pravda Explains Manoeuver man and John Rienner.
Published Weekly by the ComToday the Pravda, the official orChairman munist League of America on the scale, of Canton. Scores of organizations demanded by bal interpretations. Andrew Ble step, and foreing its opponents into san of the Stalinist bureaucracy, Ralph Chaplin. Editor Industrial 126 East 16th Street, New York, workers gave up their lives as a Waldman, or else the Socialist miller, chairman of the Platform conciliatory moves and confusing explains the polities of the League Worker Phone Gramerey 9524 sacrifice to stalinist criminal ad Party must eipel the Old Guard for Committee and Militant leader, said formulations, will split away at the of Nations as follows: As a matter Friday, June 29th, 1934 at 7:45 Vol. VII, No. 24. Whole No. 228) turn against the workers and Grau So far, however, no algas has always been the real views of so taking with it the largest forces it League of Japan and Germany National Socialist Institute SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1934 rained time and strength.
EDITORIAL BOARD come from the that it will cialism which puts Blemiller to possibly could muster not to speak these countries which do not even 3322 Douglas Blvd.
Panic selzed the impotent! For face the insulting repudiation of the right of Thomas, who at least of the party property which is now try to conceal their determination to Martin Abern James Cannon twenty days the Stalinists called on the Party by the Old Guard.
Admission 15c.
Au speaks of a new beginning for so in its hands and which it will never fulall their imperialistic ambitions Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector the workers to come out in a gen talk of splits in the party has come clalism. Daniel Horn, Mayor of relinquish to the majority. The by the means of further armaments, Arne Swabeck Buy a PIONEER PUBLISHERS Subscription rate: 00 per year General Union of Commercial Em of threats against those who dis the Declaration still further by de And Itselt on the day of the split brought up the question whether the CERTIFICATE. It only and 50 per half year. Canada ployees says: Nobody paid any at agree with them.
claring that the St. Louis Anti weakened both in forcus and ideol League could not to a certain de entitle you to 40 dlscount on our and Foreign. 50 per year; tention to their tearful entreaties. On the first day of the conven War Resolution of 1917 went for ocy by its futile conclllatory moves, sro (how cautious. becme the publications and to a 20 reduction 75e for six months. STAMM. tion, when the resolutions voted ther than this. and gave a broad an incoherent mass with neither centre of united forces that are on any book published by other Bundle ratos one cent per copy. Continue in Next Issue) for at the 2nd International Con hint by reminding the convention prestigo nor strength.
ready to delay the bloody settle publishers.
gress of the held in Ha The Insurrection of September 29 in a statement Issued to the press, seple Sharts of Ohio, whose first the capitalist state would rule il. In line with this trend the Stalin olution, and more particularly disstrike tion both Vanguard of the working class, yet demonstration of its sympathy forganization over the State and local and made it appear that the left tion of legality determine his pro in France to hail the Russian un content of a general strike. the seizure of power by the work was issued before the National Ex their direction. All Sbaplen stor That the party majority is con antee of European peace and French Ariny was only beginning to pass the Old Guard does not consider it Guard stood sharply by its reform Ibiguous formulas of centrism. The of the victorious states for the ex