CapitalismCominternCommunismFranceHitlerIV InternationalNazismSocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

From the Militants REVIEWING THE NEWS ne.
a Ic of The PAGE THE MUY ITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 1934 League Activities Mexican Nazis MARCH OF Chicago Hears Report board where it could present its Attack Trotsky inary closed session with the trial The Farmers and the The Holiday Movement pledged food for the strikers If needed. This EVENTS On Minneapolis Strikevidence. This was done in order There is in Mexico a fascist pledge was never drawn upon. It to protect it in case there should be sheet, organ in Spanish or Hitler Minneapolis Strike was not necessary. The strike lead Minneapolis and Dunne Chicago Despite the discomfort any company stool pigeons in the embassy in Mexico. Anti labor, antier spoke to the Holiday state conMinneapolis, Minn. During the vention, and wat with a special comComunist, anti Semetle, with all The Textile Crisis BII Dunne, who wrote the pro for at hot night, more than a hundred audience.
found articles ou the 1931 miners and tifty workers on June re The Stalinist refusell this offer the lack of originality and logic of memorable lays of the Minne.
Nothing Austrates so well the strike for the Daily Worker is at Sprouded with unrestrated enthusi and one of their members admitted that movement the paper, thanks awlis General Drivers strike pecor farmers strikes in the future the latter inability of capitalism to lay given in concrete fashion it again. In 1931, according to Bill, Jasm to the two hour recital of the from the floor that they really had to the rulesidy it receives from the was Jalliance will prevail.
down plans for production of widethe mall farmers can be the National Muers Union was experiences of the Minneapolis no charges. Another member who Naxis, pears, unnoticed by the that range character, us cloes the textile leading the miners and through the truck drivers strike delivered at bud distributed the leaflet, stated rent majority of Mexicans. With made allies of the workers. The crisis. The need for a sudden drasminers, the working class of Amer. Communist League beadquarters by that while they had no proof they out doubt, the most religious sup support they gave to the workers California Ordinances tle cut in production reveals clearly ca in an offensive struggle against James Cannon. Every political were morally certain that the porters of this paper are the Jewx, was the kind required by the situa that even a capitalist cartel Includcapitalism.
They declined iu the most Against the Reds When the smoke oftendency in the Chicago revolution worker under charges was an unde who may cents for every Issue in tion.
ing all of a given Industry, cannot Undoubtedly hea morbid curiosity to see what new effective manner to avail themselves was dend as the doo, Hoover or course those who have raised was undesirable to the stalinist bu strange fables about them appear. the proffered protection by den The United Front Civil Rights it can do is to order sharp caragainst whom he had uty of County was still president and Harl Brow learning nothing to the level of areaucracy who had driven him ant! One thing must be impressed, and was the same sheriffs who had the against the serf ordinance number tallment when production gets out der was self criticising Bill Dun tine art the Stalinists. The eager tought And Dunne went into one of ness and satisfaction with which of the party and now tried to drive of Nazism. Ahout five months ago renk their holiday novement.
out that is that this paper is the organ year before been used to attempt to 282 is becoming a struggle for of control. It cannot avoid crisis, his periodic retirements, until he the revolutionaries present received him out of the labor movement.
power between various elements, for the present situation is a disa new ambasador arrived from Ber all the was recalled to life to When the Battle of Deputies Run including the Stalloists, and to the tinct crisis brought on quicker by the capitalist attempt brilliant series or articles on the opments was it highly encouraging charges, the Stalinists tried a little the Naxis aud Baron and a Von strikers committee was in the Ou May 30th a meeting was held to regulate production. What is counter revolutionist Trotsky.
Nyimptom of the resouse we may stage play. At the conclusion of before his name (need more Court Blouse facing two meb of nu as a test case against the ordinance happening in the textile industry is The truck drivers of Minneapolis hope to get each time we test in their statement made they walked said. curried on one of the anost militant action the Marxian principles of out of the hall in a body. One of thority, the chief of police, Johan mumber 282. This ordinance for forerunner of what will happen und successful strikes secn in years. revolutionary labor action.
When the issue of the Trotskyex and the county sherift, Wall. It bids any person or persons to stand, in all the big mass production to It roused the entire American labor Chicago workers commend the main until the trial was finished, expulsion from France came up, was reported that the faces of these sit, walk, loiter, congregate, speak, austries under monopolist, control this organ appeared an article by a two inen expressed bewilderment or in any manner obstruct traffic movement. It swept away the pre splendid organization work of their but that was to no avail.
renegade from Communism named mingled with dismay.
They had on any highway, street, lane, alley the Minneapolis la Minneapolis comrades and hope The result of this filthy attack Malten. The article makes a show had been defeated again.
The Workers and the Forces of What or property whatsoever in the counbor movement. It gave such a stim svou to be able to match that high upon a revolutionary worker bas o erudition that in its shallowness In the Tiell is this labor trouble in try of Alameda. The stalinists etc Produetion unionisitant und etticient mass him the following Sunday before members and new sympathloers: Not being very much read it does everything they could think of, ex fexcept members of the official party tects their livelihood.
that they are streaming into the cannon report was repeated by ists. The League has ruined new do not want to criticize the article. In thicir minds. For they had done tomation to your event emporter to the meaning of the NRA and When the scab herders of the streets. Women in Washington Park where a puny tion, due to this procedure of trying to do is merely to comment upon it. by their bosses and still the strikCotton Textile Code Authority or were drawn into the fight. All very attempt on the part of a few in the charges in pablic, received a At the meeting previous to this ders a decrease in production by good But the truck drivers of spired but gloriously stupid Stalinvaluable lesson in workers demo The theme of this article is that had an upper hand.
of the committers, the official party 25 for three months without any The of members the Jews are the only real interna How well this deputy we had endeavored to pick the conference change in hourly wage rates it They didn true to those who so in their complete silencing and dis present promised that they would tionalists, and that the expulsion of worked on the farmers in the holi with delegates from sixteen of its piaces the burden of the crisis in successfully led the National grace. The enthusiasm Miners Union, or the Mine Mill and crowd grew as the report proceeded california Workers Association is ternational is a victory for national fore, when hundreds of Sheria delegates from eremy branch of the macks of the proletariat. The NRA Smelter Workers Industrial Union and at its conclusion Cannon, on strengthened and that unemployed ism. That the struggle lietween Wall political acquaintances, most. etc. etc. At all is a police club which beats down (Dunne was godinther of that the motion of the chairman (a Stal of members support it. Stalin the Georgian and Trotsky the Republicans, ran the scab trucks meetings of the committee, the the forces of production when they mouthini. the Needle Trade Workinist sympathiver, by the way) was Jew is really struggle between through the picket lines to the Stalinists have refused to recog threaten profits for the bosses. At ers Industrial Union, ete, etc. for by unanimous vote made life pationalism and internationalism. market But now it does not nize the chair, have filibustered the same time this cint descends leadership. And when that was not member of the club that holde re Philadelphia Branch Let us extract the true core of work.
from the floor and have proven on the heads of the workers, the done, the failure of the strike was gular nightly forums in the park.
this matter and leave the rest. That The Farmers aboni the city and the perfect specimen of disrupters. class that is concerned with and 4sgured advance in the columns Increases Activities core is that the struggle of the In in the state remained passive durul The Dicture of the Stalinists en represents the social forces of proof the Daily Worker. For it must Philadelphia, Pa. The Philaxence a struggle for international if any actions would have developed disenting than that of some of the counter this sort action more and ternational Communist is in es ing the General Drivers strike. But this conference in only a little less duction.
be kuown that as reported in the Public Trial Clears The working classendelphia branch is going won that didn have some such stal Militant Worker in fulfiling its part the Jew or the Met bodist but represente en en here that a chalous would up the cheegerity of the book to delle more in the rature. Ultimately wart Stalinist textile worker as Johnny Ballam, or seaman like league Action Program. In the sents the interests of the world strikers. year ago town after legates. Xatban, the head of the they must learn that not capitalist Since the League organized its first Militant club plan sub drive, conference and a proletarian Parts control of prodution for profits, George Mink, or steel worker like new branch in Richmond, Californ its self imxed quota of 50 wide proletariat. Will this frank town, country after county went ober, who now holds an but workers control of production was reached and the rank and file Stalinists think. trust, the grain exchanges, the rail is going to throw every mem. Capitalist control means the sabo appraisal by Nazism make some of Holiday. against the pueking Joe Dallet leading it. And you can ia, the Stalinists have decided that subscriptions of office, openly declares that he livelihood and eliminate starvation.
for social use can assure them a search in vain for at report of the It is time to act to stop these devel passel. The present drive finds us The national socialists of Ger roads and the bankers. Tear gun, loss of strike led ly Stalinists in Lomments. They began their attacks now with 12 chalked up. Public the Daily Worker.
on a courageous worker in the Kich lectures with national committee and win ideological man clubs, arrests and convictions were mums organizatiche Undenisbiy, the age of production, workers control In Minneapolis the workers madealthy charges, accusing him of be the summer. to bring our programom in one country. and and com wera wielded by the enemy. And on themselves by their tactics the benefit mond Standard on Plant, making speakers will continue right through proach out with stalinistie social used against them. The weapons latter have called this threat down means its unlimited expansion for the masses.
second mistakes. They allowed ing a stool pigeon and a renegude to persons newly attracted to us. mon ground with it in the struggle how was he represented by the still it should not be the policy of closed shop is the first step in the themselves to be organized into a in a leaflet which they published Litxt week comrade Max Shachtman against the Internationalisin or deputy sheriffs, just like those re chrow anybody out, but rather to airection of workers control but union by Trotskylte counter revo and distributed in the plant where Icetured on The Crisis in the 80Trotsky lutionists agents of the police. He was working. This is the big cialist arty. Many s and Where was the with Browder gest oil refinery in the west.
en Comity. Those deputy skeriftsing it into closer contact with all building of powerful, militant trade members attended. Friday, June tees. delegates defended were notoriously rough with the the working cross sections, the unions. Throngh such unions, castwas Groncho BIH Dunne, himself. The first this comrade knew of comrade James Cannon is to the seating of our youth delegates farmers. No wben the drivers in trade unions, etc. and to make it aIng off the treacherous leadership let it not be said, that the the attack came when he was called speak on The Lessons of the Min. at the Spousored May 30th the city struck against the produce really representative body that can of the reformists, the textile work has no truck drivers. That a mere into the office of the company, conneapolis strike at our new head conference. Their organization companies the food importers, and lay the base for a general defense ers can best reply to the bosses yielded to opportunist whining Sherif Wall came to the farmers committee.
when they put through wage cuts.
detall. Just call in one of the quick fronted with the leatlet, and in or quarterx. 1207 6th St.
change artists. Ballam knows as der to find out more about the We were successful in our et after the rupture with the Stalinist with the same deputies he had used Most of the connties in Califoromuch about trucks as he does about reds in the plant, the company forts to effect a genuine united front conference to content themselves to break their strike and offered to have passed similar ordinatore Company Unionism at lenst ouce and that a longer gestion into court. The comrade the closest existing approach to that Spartacus Youth Club then held its ers answered by just staying home aimed directly at the Redes. That and working in the gardens. When is why it has to be met in a serious maintained a subsidized strikeFor many years Rockefeller has metro and an entre what George offer, although knowing that his son May Day meeting. We attended in. At the present we two open air could bring their greens and roots their tire mainly against the work trial the strikers notifyed them that they manner. The bosses today direct breaking agency called the IndusMink also travelled by truck at was at an end and that this would a body, singing the International meetings are held weekly. At one to the city and sell them house to ing class vanguard. Their objective This agency has the support of Cy.
Relations Counselors, Ine.
least as assenger and that as is wife and two children. He was stitute to itx feet in response. Our disrupt, they have been effectively with or without a city license, they is to crush all working class or the company union. Woods, at mean the county welfare board for and brought the crowded Labor In corner where Stalinista mobilize to house and to the corner grocery. the open shop far as his scamanship extended Their intention rus McCormick (ardent promoter of There was no shortage Stalinist tired.
placards with The Communist squelched. With the new recruits cranked up their model Ts and anization. And while many of the Owen Young, etc. This outfit truck drivers. But, alas, they were The Lengne arranged for a public league not in the strike. So what to be workers trial in order to clear up Fourth International to the front, expanding this phase of our work. came to town. wouldn be sur most vicious open shoppers, as, forgives advice In matters of per.
all that was fuvolved in the charges were the only banners in the meet lA Negro comrade, a former many farmers among the indignant ber of Commerce, carefully point including the steel barons, the oil Francisco Chamsonnel to all the big industrialists Sender Garlin was sent out. And The trial was conducted by the Cal and to put the accusers to shame. ing.
The favorable response of May fraternal group of Negro workers. spacious market square with some call the illegitimate Communist farm machinery, the electrical trust he didn do bud. lle reported ifornia Workers Association, a mil. permitted us more than one symF. of leaders arranging to have itant unemployed group which has pathetic ear, particularly among the han arranged a plenie in Fairmount the chickens. By the way, there the of L, their real intention plied generous funds to enlighten On Sundny, June 24 the branch eight hundred special policemen as within the labor movement, and etc. Since 1928 Rockefeller has supthemselves arrested on the picket two stalinists on its executive Socialist youth. The Spartacus Park, 33rd and Cumberland St. en was some trading done on the mark should not be misunderstood. They (the boss class on the best methods line. He and two or three otherboard. The of untons were Youth Club with two clubs met of trance. All proceeds ro Vor the et that day. lushel of police hope to crush the militant section for trapping the workers in emStalinists, without membership or influence on the trade union move vited to attend and many of the ten in efforts for joint anti Fruseist benefit of the Militant. All our badges, and a half a cord of night of the trade union movement firstployee representation plans or commembers came. At this trial the and May 30th anti war demonstrarriends are urged to be there with sticks exchanged hands for little and if that succeeds, then to anpany unions. This organization bement issued a call for a general official Party was offered a prelim! tion action with comraft us.
strike. You see, they had a mimeo lor nothing nihilate all labor unions. came especially active in the per graph machine, paper, and Garlin lod following the adoption of the can write. Was the call eren die NRA with its a fake labor clause.
tributedy it doesn matter. A widespread campaign was concopy was kept for the record and ducted through the subsidized techone sent to Manuilsky. That was enough.
nical press, urging the bosses to deIt requires days, weeks, to settle they sit in their vests and shirt mass contrasted with the foppiah. a peculiar sport of the Alliance quality of their courage before the ting up fake, controlled unions.
feat Independent unionism by setWhen the battle was over and the down to normal existence and dis sleeves, calculating, alert, red eyed hysterical mob of citizens in the breed: for it is the common prac determined strikers that scarcely Thus in Automotive Industries for strikers had won a partial victory. passionately run together the surg from loss of sleep there they were Moorish Room of the West Hotel: tice of this brave gang of pirates to one haul the courage to pin on bin Decembed 1933 we read, in an un Bill Dunne was called on. Billing snapshots garnered during so sitting 24 hours ago 48 hours ago And for over an hour, from the east learn the news of their victories dishonorable bardge or exhibit his signed article entitled, Organizing went into another serley of ar tremendous an event as the Minne there they will stay until the and south, through the gathering and defeats by telephone or wire, in sap. And when the break came, la Company Union. Shall we, or ticles. The Trotskyites betrayed polis strike So much took place in strike is victorious, until the union dusk, thousands of strike supporters the safety of their offices and the boys dropped badges, clubs and shall we not, sanction a company the strike. Governor Olsen could those two weeks that had never is recognized, to come forth at the continued to stream across the Par homex; and have been driven from office. etc. taken place here before. end a hundred fold stronger than ade toward the loud speaker, to sl. where their cocos are apt to be of the workers.
not in the streets, all, fleeing a man before the fury union in our plant? If you do not, etc. He damned the leadership of The orderly and vital throngs at when it entered the battle.
the strike and hailed the settlement headquarters. Through the loudsomeone will organize your employLently listen and furiously appland tapped by poor misguided workers.
the militant agitators. There was a loh no! Why in Heaven Name ecs for you. This is not in the least word about the special depe meant to be interpreted as a threat, as a defeat. He did this with the speaker would come Volunteers The unforgettable mass meeting wild free spirit abroad that night should a Citizen Alliance man 80 belog outnumbered. That a lie but is merely a foregone conclusion same enthusiasm as he had in other wanted to go to Tyndale and 52nd at the Parade Grounds. On Tues at the Parade, a spirit surging with forth to battle when, by opening broadcast to cover up their cow. under current conditions. The arfarce and the nictory. com the car and five pickets wanted. Who day afternoon, but a few hours at hope. There in the darkness, was the fails, by calling forth all the ardict. There were over. Afteen ticle then proceeds to outline minBritish General strike. However, will volunteer panse) Here ter the market was won, men and welded together a solidarity of the horrible scum that is spawned by a bundred armed deres in that mark utely the best method of going the readers of the Daily Worker etereol picketak That the streets with armfuls of circulars. hold hold through another strike, Ithe National Guardsmen, the Allius many armed strikers. But when ers into the boss unten.
scribes. a. to fight their the blow off came, the deposi the report of Hitler victory in Come on fellows, step up. It your Wednesday, on every corner, In the carcass of this murderous system battles for them.
More recently the industrial counGermany under the title Revolu battle. At this point the crowd middle of every block, strikers, gass out its last heels of the tioned Christian Soldier, the better battle, a kex of deputy badges were forces wherever the threat of mass fetid breath and At the funeral of the above men. That the difference. After the selors have been mobilizing their tlonary Upeurge Moves Forward outside the might well be expected to call the would surge forward. Two young out these challenges, this call to the victorious wave of. Soviet America. clement was so afraid that strikers picked up from the streets and tak strikes arose. Thus the head of headquarter doors wives, sympathizers, are handing goes down under the victory of the Mimeapolis workersmen, obviously office workers and mass meeting in support of the would attack the coffin (thus do the en to strike headquarters but at the organization, 11. Young, was defeat. tressed up for the evening would workers. Cops and business men, take their way to the doors, their white faced with venom, stare deps was none other than the once that the cemetary was packed to the single driver union badge as soon as trouble threatened there.
One of the better known special minds of these gentlefolk work) scab headquarters there was not a thrown into the steel industry as girls at their elbows. The young their hatred at these distributors. famed pug, one Dick Daniels (out gills with privato dicks who were trophy of the chase.
He is now with the Steel Co. Fascist Victories nen eyes would shine. The girls The meeting at the Parade is called on bail, after confessing to a ball mourning on their own account, no just as Hicks is with the leader of New York Italian would look up in their faces. What to counter the infamous Law and dozen hold ups. Dantels figured doubt, the loss of a good meal tickOlson, the Farmer Labor govern Standard Oll Co. of for the claimed influence with the clty govyos says the other, let go. It Alliance which met at the West whom he is to come up in the next stem. Por his own, you know, paid the lor, who boxes the political compass same nefarious purpose.
a ernment and hoodwinked a friend our battle, all right. The men Hotel on the previous Friday. That future, would view with leniency aly 20 an hour. It takes lots of was precipitated by the strike, did out of 3, 000. William Pelly, Tender spoke to the girls, the girls squeezed first meeting represented the Citibandit who had a distinguished sples to be able to pay wages like t care to appear the Wednes Smash Company Unions!
of the Silver Shirts is indicted for their arms and gave them encour zens of Minneapolis, said the cap record as a scab to offset any little that.
day night mass meeting. So he The company unions are the latobtaining money under false pre agement. We ll volunteer the Italist press. Only employers are minor anti social display such as sent along his lieutenant. The est form of yellow dog contracts Art Smith of the Khaki Imir way to the doorman. The door Citizens in this country, you know. breaking into a few stores here and One other social group distin icrowd listened patiently for ten forced on the working class. The Shirts is in fall for perjury. Muss is opened, the two men disappear Well, the workers would show what there. But, alas, Mister Daniels zuished themselves by the brillian minutes while this man spouted. At drive against the organizing of the solini, has further reduced the liv. into the garage. Through the loud. they could do. At 7:30 that night, record will never furnish material cy of their strike breaking efforts. the close there was no applause. workers in real unions has been ing standards of the Italian work speaker comes: Here the rest of on the far end of the Parade, under for a fascist saga: the last we saw refer to the fraternities at the The lieutenant was desperate. An well planned long in advance and ers, built some more palaces, closed the carload. Five men and a car the trees, the workers began to ar of him, he was fleeing down toward University of Minnesota. Possibly idea flashed in his mind. Turning has the support of all the big finandown some factories and is headed to Lyndale and 52nd.
As the motor rive. There was only a rude plat. Washington Avenue from the mark alumni pressure was brought to back to the mike, he said, And clers, from Ford to Swope, Teagle for the financial rocks. Hitler finds Tours up the eternally cheerful form of wood, hastily constructed: et, with a handful of strikers tri bear; or maybe these young hope say God speed you. If that means to Rockefeller. Roosevelt merely trade shrinking, income declining loudspeaker says: Make way at the and a truck bearing loud speaking umphantly threatening his rear. fuis did it of their own sweet will. anything. It didn Silence. Then obeyed the voice of his masters in Anuncial panic advancing and the door there, please. And let give apparatus. a little after eight, Anyway, in some cases entire chapa hoot from the audience. The the Auto Strike when he legalized masses grumbling. These Strong the men a hand as they go out the chairman began to speak. All And learn that the good Mr. ters rushed down to scab head workers are learning that God is the company union. The same tacmen would go down like nine pins let give em a hand! Amld shouts ready, there were thousand, six Lyman, manufacturer, who took quarters to swear in as deputies, certainly not on their side. God is ties are being applied now to debefore a united and militant world of applause and a big hand, the thousand people there Men in time off from a Sunday Scbool con anxious to show the strikers their against them. Yes, on the side of feat the steel workers. We must labor movement Through the di car full of pickets wheels out of working clothes, holding little chil vention to go down in the market proper places in the scheme of the workers is only right, fierce mobilize labor to smash company vided front of labor they arise and headquarters, five determined men dren in their arms, women, vet with a blackjack to show his christ things.
How utterly characteristic willingness to struggle, and a grow. unionism by militant action! The come to power, and by the divided smiling grimly back at the crowd. erans, girl factory workers, the up ly love for the starving workers, of the atrophied social appetites eosd: a socinist world. The tracarry out the strike breaking procount kept se by Stalinist numb In the front office, the windows of employed. All so eager to show was, before his unfortunate demise, these brothers in the bond. Onof ing determination to build a better capitalist government attempts to skulls and Socialist treachery they which are now soaped to render their solidarity with the strikers: an officer in the Citizens Alliance, fortunately, these fraternity men, tie attempt of this plous gentleman gram of big business. We must are able to retain power even under them opaque, sits the Brain of the all tense and still to hear what the will help to stifle the reader tears. too, proved but poor allies to the to drag God by the heels proved checkmate Roosevelt. such conditions. BILL. picketers the dispatchers. There speakers were saying. How this in one respect, though, Lyman was thugs and gangsters. Such was the the crowning disaster. WEBER.
Sidelights From the Great Battle of the Minneapolis Workers