CommunismCommunist PartyFascismGermanyImperialismImperialist WarItalyMarxismSocialismSocialist PartyStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyUnited FrontViolenceWorkers FederationWorking Class

The Minneapolis Strike New York Youth Wagner Bill Dispute Demonstrate The of that found it impossible to relis in dispute. Every point raised. strike of short duration settled August 10 when was called for a attributed to it. What additional holding out for a price. Yet before Perhaps it was a united front who for a time became victims of promise that a thorough job will be of the bakery owners tired a work to raise the cost of a 1, 000 baillouse and Senate no one can pre loll the band wagon. They have with the youth organizations of the the PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1934 Editorial Note Outlawing Strikes New Youngstown Bellussi Reply to Drivers Union The The The Youngstown, Ohio, general The Daily Worker of May 30 After the Minneapolis General unsurge which is still to come. It New York City. Against the much talked of Wagoer tion will be less, but there will conDrivers Union conducted such a is the organizations of the kind that drivers have learned a valuable prints a letter by Lawrence Emery. Labor Bm has been sually retinue the opposition from the open common menace of imperialist war splendid light that the whole labor is built in Minneapolis which bolds lesson from the Minneapolis general Assistant National Secretary of the moulded to the satisfaction of the shoppers who as yet rule undisputed and Fascism, the militant youth of movement of the city is resounding promise of far greater working drivers organization campaign and discussing the relation of class collaboration section of the and have no need of arbitration the city demonstrated on May 30th, with praise of its magnificent lead class victories. In that strike, and militant strike. They began some the LL. to me and my fight exploiters, and is to be rusbed Their kind of class peace is no dir under two competitive banners. The ership these men now learn from due to its able leadership, the work time ago building their union and against deportation to Fascist Italy. through this session of the House ferent in content from the class stalinist National Youth Day parthe Daily Worker that the strikeers involved received a valuable our Youngstown comrades had an He states that: the was the and the Senate in order that it may peace destred by the others.
The ade and mass meeting on the East was defeated and betrayed.
For lesson and gained a real under opportunity to show what can be only organizution working in de become law and a part of the NRA difference is in the method.
One Side bad about 10, 000 participants.
tunately these Minneapolis fighters standing not only of what the role done by organizing the unorganized. tense of Bellussi and cites aileged structure before Congress adjourns. uses bullets to crush strikes while the partial united front of the Youth One of our militant workers had facts to support this bust. It is the attempt to speed up the Bill is the other thinks there is a more united Demonstration bave shown that they are capable of the capitalist state is and more of using their heads as well as their specifically the capitalist state with Joined the Teamsters Local Union strange that Comrade Emery has entirely due to the rising wave of humane way of killing.
Against War and Fascism, includAsts and they will know exactly a farmer labor governor at the head at the time when it was still weak not been able to find out that the strike struggles that are sweeping the Wagner Bil aims to satisfy in the Soung People Socialist how to estimate such concoctions. but they also received lesson and doing very little to increase its man for whom his organization the country. It is due to the news large a sectlon of the exploiters the student League for Industrial cerned there need be no doubt that fundamentals of how to begin to the bakery drivers from three ditonto Bellussi and that he was workers in resisting the violence of the of leaders. This is not Opposition, the Youth Group of the they will regard such drivel as be cope with that state. That is their ferent shops. Next he went to the rested not sometime in July, but the bosses agencies.
neath contempt. Thinking workers capital number three.
Batkers Local Union, whose agree on June 17, 1933, on which day The Wagner BIII. when Intro principles of class collaboration had less than 1, 000 demonstrators.
elsewhere know only too well what We do not at all intend to take men expired May 1st, and proposed was jailed and held until March 29. duced, was heralded as a means to Only the Bill must have a face that httle reliance can be placed in the up in this issue the questions aris them to take joint action with 1934.
settle the disputed questions over will be possible for the labor leadYet what a difference! The NaStalinist evaluations in regard to ing out of the charges and slanders the drivers. This was accepted. As What did the really do for interpretations of Section Ta of the ers to hide behind. What differences tional Youth Day demonstration facts as well as in regard to theor and concoctions raised by the Stal a result of this united action, both me?
NRA. Under this BIN labor would exist cap mainly be explained in the was neither a youth affair or genetical conclusions. That is verified inist scribes. The comrades who the hakers and the drivers have on July 17, 1933, Attorney be placed in its highest status. On fact that the a. of leaders are uine uuited front. The Communist by the thousands of them who had were on the scene in Minneapolis now obtained an agreement with white came to see me in Wilkes the other hand, it was designed to holding ont for as much as they party had mobilized its member: jolned the official party and who will take them up point for point the bosses. The drivers in addition Barre county jail and sald he was outlaw company unions. The final can get in the new set up of Labor ship, its unemployed councils, left through their bitter experiences of in the coming issues of the Milio gaining union recognition re conducting an fuvestigation om or draft of the Bill. as it will be pre Boards against the working class wing trade union groups and fra capitalist exploitation learned to tant. Nothing will be left unanceived an increase in wages and ders from the heard nothing sented for consideration and vote The labor leaders will do their share ternal organizations. Why call this bold the ideals of Communism in swered. It is the question of trade better working conditions. more from him or the LL. until contains none of these objectives and clve their services, but they are a youth demonstration?
high esteem and precisely because union strategy and tactics which main in the party. It is verified will be met with the weapons from the issue. But the fight became heart that hearing White reactionary amendments will belinis class collaboration machinery demonstration against war and Fas by the thousands of other workers the arsenal of Marxism. And we particularly embittered when one stated that the LD. would be able tacked on before it gets through the is set up these labor fakers will be cism? united front it was not er for being active in the Union, bond (about 20) And was sent diet now the fatal Stalinist policy done.
It is vielous enough as their special interests in outlawing United Youth Committee Against and left these hopeless caricatures The drivers compelled the boss to back to jail. During all the subseit stands. In reality, the BIL strikes HUGO OEHLER. War and Fascism, the Socialistreinstate this worker. Two shops, quent months the LD. never just the opposite of what it was renegade committee but with the of im Minneapols we had a strike New Attacks on end up with the sun ton after this the Oneruky Bakery and Swartz, raised ball for me.
proclaimed to be About this time members of the Under the cloak reactionary fanatic, Father Deof checking Toledo Workers ine. Not the slogan For the Re and a leadership which, when view strike, while the joint action ar. Philadelphia Branch of the Commu company unions the Wagner Bill ing it as a whole, its militaney, its The Unemployed rangements with the bakers contin nist League of America (Trotsky will legalize the company unions thoroughness of organization, its ned in preparation for an assaultites) asked the to call a The Labor Board to be established Record Gains Youth. they are renegades. that loyalty to the class and effective upon a third large shop.
meeting to protest my deportation will define the difference between is, non Stalinists but the cry of policy is unequalled in recent labor The relief situation which is now Last week all preparations were They got no cooperation and the good and bad company unions. Father Devine is our God. God (Continued from page 1) means Peace was heard through present period the entirely correct the city current policy makes it could helendant Workere assirike as itselt. Communist Party members withio President Roosevelt inter factory had been shut down, unable out the demonstration method of mobilizing every member more evident than ever that the organized in the Frank and Sons beat up Comrades Goodman and pretation, in relation to the Auto to operate, the scabs cowed com Free the Scottsboro Boys.
and every worker involved in a New York City administration is produce Company. This company Roberts when they were distribut strike settlement, as the main pletely. The Edison company was shouted the militant youth. The solid phalanx resulted in preventing very little concerned with the prob maintains twelve trucks and the ing leaflets advertising the meeting guiding line for the revised Wagner offering the electrical workers a Scottsboro Boys will be freed, it single wheel from moving and in terms of the unemployed and the drivers put the issue directly for my behalf.
Bill 20 increase in pay, but was bold, they confess their sins. replied the the police and special deputtes sent sturvone, except in sofernus Acthen recognition of the union and an in From August 10 until November Most Sinister Aspect of the Bling out on unton recognition. Only fanatical followers of Father And this strike followed closely mands and problems.
to the scene for their protection even remotely meeting their de called at A. The company tried or its lawyers. Their next letter new to the American way of hand headquarters in Washington was The Other Youth Demonstration upon the heels of the automobile to man their trucks with scabs but asked me to keep the Communist Iing class warfare. It only extends keeping the electrical workers from The callous treatment which that was immediately prevented by League from interfering in the the methods that have been used going ont immediately; twice they held in Harlem, showed a militant In contrast the demonstration, enormous stimulus everywhere those on home or work relief have the militant action of the drivers. case. Comrade Emery now has the the employers for some time, were bludgeoned into agreeing to south spirit. The shouts of Down organization. In every one of the put in the shade by new cuts and company signed an agreement with League deliberatelsesbarn bla blaecalists find that the NRA apparatus time only by a vote of 175 135. The Fascism. the enthusiastic singing formerly unorganized industries the methods of inquisition. Those on the union with favorable gains for efforts to get a habeas corpus. This is absolutely untrue satisfactory machinery to stifle, and front of the meeting places of the duct of this small but united demtling for their existence with only cut from ten to thirty percent, more While this may only be a small The request for the right of volun: to prevent strikes. It is not sufri various infons, talking nothing but onstration of youth showed the will a precarious foothold as yet. We days being allotted to them, which, beginning it had the effect of retary departure made by the Commuclent to hold in check the rising strike strike, strike.
tors for common action against war of the stalinist paper unions, of hours a month, with only one in the its membership and gave some add. Liberties Union of my act horixe militancy of the working class. The Mighty Demonstration of Solidarity and determination of the demonstra Wagner Bill is to make up for this which about the best that can be annily to be given work. ed prestige to the militant workers. tion, in no way affected the appeal defect. It Twenty thousand workers turned and Fascism, will establish joint action taken with the for a habeas corpus. defy Emery Boards fully in control of the capi day evening, the largest Labor ont for the torchlight parade Fri The Harlem demonstration was said is that they justly Those on home relief have been Th laughing scorn that has been heaped hearing the long and incessant bakers local strengthened the conto demonstrate the contrary.
dem only a partial united front. The talist monopoly owners and their onstration in the history of Toledo. stalinists had rejected united acThe facts about the habeas cor agents that will handle all labor But the of Leaflership con of youth organizations for May ions, that is, if it had not been so relief system to be inaugurated, and tioned before and the membership pus are these. On December 25 the disputes. In whose interests the after appealing to Roosevelt to Inson of relih preprostaat hons that are disruptive role this whole policy hats in hand for the deluge of mania result of these effective actions and Mullen of the showed up obvious from the experiences of the tervene svid not a word about the ther the non stalinist youth groups plays. The automobile sell out set from heaven. But like the frogs in the correct attitude to the workers without the minutes and papers Labor Board so far. The Board to general strike.
join their National Youth Day or ment of these new unions in a back the table who asked God for a king problems served as a stimulus to a necessary. He had left them in his be created by this Bil is to be apThe torchlight parade was thorbe damned as disrupters. Their ward direction. But the Minneapo monster who ate them up so with Mang drivers from different trades postponed while sat on in Jail. three representing the so called most no banners, no marshalls; the ered up with slander, lies and takfeatures of the powange into the care only about one third of the relief ss has experienced growth during the write This was to be expected. con capital and labor. It is to have marched in stragaling rows finding But more than a few Stalinist cutting deep wedge into the cap the cash relief. To begin with, are now folning up and the union Eventually the was denied public and one each representing workers, without music of slogans, ery.
tempt to crush the strike move to be cash, the rest to be gradually last few weeks.
in the matter only a mass defense gaging in what is called unfair music or slogans.
But the worst National Youth Day demonstraments by force. This is its capital added in the distant future. An number one.
elaborate spy system is to be set up moveinent could have wrung such a labor practices. that has led, or awaited them at Courthouse Square. tion. They are reconsidering the At this moment the essential is their money prematurely, or disobey charge.
sue is working class organization the edict that so much and so much that might effect commerce or ob were left leaderless, to mill around. Ing the genuine united tront. They Strike Leaders Now the seemed to forget struct the free flow of commerce. For some strange reason, there were are eager for real common action trade union organization as pre shall go for spaghetti, bread, etc. me entirely.
On December I When put into plain language. no amplis, ers set up for the speak with all militant youth organizaparation for the much greater class wrote Stern, Philadelpbia organizer what is here somewhat concealed ers! With a crowd reaching 25, tions.
battles to come. The real test of etc, or God forbid, should anyone will stand out very clearly.
It000 at the least, one speaker at the revolutionists today in their attempt to make a down payment Minneapolis, Minn. May 28. The of the as follows. You say you are working to means that the Board will have each end of the crowd could be The Spartacus Youth Clubs will ability to establish such organiza on a Rolls Royce o sooner done, day after the Minneapolis truck tions and to weld thein firmly into than that Individual will be back drivers strike ended, a group of help me and that you have powers to outlaw strikes. The heard by only a fraction of those not stop at a partial united front.
a movement against the class enon commodity relief.
railroad workers were discussing worked very hard in my defense. Board wil be a national institution present. aming around, those who They will continue their efforts in emy. In Minneapolls the revolu The funds for the unemployed the different pbases and aspects of think you must have ruined fully lacked up by the forces of could hear heard no talk of the the bullding of a genuine common tlonists set to work in earnest and will be exhausted in about two the struggle. In the course of the quite number of shirts with the the State, the courts, the police, the general strike. The subject had action of youth against war and sweat of your labor in my behalf. army and the navy.
become taboo.
organized a union with such a rapid months, and as yet the city admin conversation one of the workers Why Labor Leaders Support Bill sweep that it counts today some istration resists every effort to have remarked: Where did the truck with all your work and labor it was too much for you to drop me Socialist Party Does Its Part 7, 000 members and is gaining new open hearings on what is to be the drivers ret those leaders?
While it is true that a large sec a line to let me know what you tion of the advanced capitalists are The chief speaker of the evening recruits daily. And rarely bas such lot of the nemployed in the future. imported. When one of the work were doing so think you had in favor of the Wagner Bilt it is was Leo Krzycki, just re elected na a and At a conference held May 15th, in ers in the group informed him that better take a long rest.
of men been welded together into sent other letters of complaint tion are opposed to the Bill.
Squally true that a very large second chademam niet toe asocialist Coast Extends ole local union. tribute to its which the Workers Unemployed the leaders were all local men he leadership speaking far more force Coton League of office and Profes was still in doubt and raised an to Attorney Mullen of the latter represent chiefly the mono the of The issue of the fully than the hollow, vapld rant clon sional Employees, and the Associa other question: But where aia Nobody ever answered these letters: poly concerns in which trades un hour was general strike: Krzycki (Continued from page 1)
Unemployed Single Women those leaders get the experience to crats put together could produce in participated, these problems were organize and lead such a strike? 25 when the Immigration Service main opposition was expressed to speech on the NRA and socialism. Cilters were station. san peda the Dally Worker. This tribute excussed and program of action. The questions raised by this informed me was to be deported the Bill in its original forn. Now The next day he told the Socialist cities, in Oakland, San Pedro, Portland tends to the strike which galued adopted. The continuation com worker: Who are those leaders? in 48 hours. The had never that it has been revised the opposi convention that the parade was a failure in arrangements; in Toledo tacks upon their demonstrations In answer to these violous attieto entre is one of the first of the an Eastern Conference of Unemaid they get their experience are or what to do about getting volun New York United Front in the crowd asked him. What the strikers have declared for the central objective union recogmittee was empowered to work for Where did they come from? Where bothered to inform me that they be said nothing. Finally workers and pleket lines in San Francisco tion. This is its capital numberations in the near future which in by the thousands, here and else tury departure! never beard from turn is to lay the basis for a newhere, will also raise.
them again.
In Support of Strikes Krzycki declared his neutrality, police. They have sent delegations The Minneapolis strike was not tional conference. proposal to in the correct answer to the ques informed the Communist League am not an official of the of Land telegrams to the acting govern u revolution, It fell short of being clude unemployment councils on a tious posed are to the effect, that which cooperated with the Further proof if further proof in Toledo. cannot advise you.
a revolution. To this we plead animous vote basis, it having a the leaders were not imported. and later with the Provisional Com is needed of the possibility of hes: The decision must be made focally:lor Merriam, demanding the right guilty. We are interested only in vote only as an organization, was They are men who make a serious mittee for Non Partisan Labor Destablishing genuine united front ac. And when, a few minutes later, the picket lines and against the bloods the world of realities. We have carried, and was referred to the study of all labor struggles in this rense.
nothing in common with the Stalin continuations Committee for action country and elsewhere in an effort instrumental in getting bail, getting struggle was afforded by the en meeting, leaders of the Unemployed attacks upon them.
ists and their adventurist estimates The Conference also unanimously to draw the proper conclusions from me out of the foul county jail, thusiastic mass meeting held in League, Seelander and Pollock who General Strike Sentiment Growing which saw a revolutionary upsurge decided to demand the same condi them. The leading and directing winning the right of voluntary de Germania Hall, New York City, in had saved the auto strike by mass The unions are preparing of the working masses of the Unit tions for homeless men as for minds of the truckmens strike in parture, getting several extensions behalf of the class struggle Aghters picketing and breaking the injuncover the heads of their reactionary ed States in 1930 but slunk back others, Minneapolis were those of workers of time necessary because no govor Toledo and Minneapolis, and in tlon, raised the call for the general international officials to issue a into their true opportunist position The budget as adopted was 12. 00 who take labor struggles seriously ernment has yet given me a visa, protest against the use of militia, strike, they were booed by the Yip call to all other unions asking them in the ignominious capitulation intor a single person, 15. 00 for and study them and not merely read and raising money to finance my vomit gas and bullets to terrorize sels present, as disrupters. to join in a general strike.
the workers.
Such were the contributions of sentiment for such a general strike Germany. But it is the strikes such couple, and 00 extra for every about them to forget them the next trip when finally get a visa.
As long as relled on the The meeting was under the aus the Socialists to the radicalization grows steadils. united strike as the one in Minneapolis that be dependent.
study other strike struggles but sat in a foul county jail, month pices of a genuine united front com of the Toledo workingclass. They committee has been set up and the gins to prepare the basis for the The dependence of the leadership also their causes in the light of atter month. No ball was raised. mittee comprising official repreaid their bit to help the of union militants are calling for the on of or that libscientifle Marxism.
no letters were sent, never got asentatives of the Communist League eral or group of social workers has THE MILITANT not lessened, and more than ever a Workers by the thousands will penny for a package of cigarettes of America, the American Workers retreat from the general strike of formation of a General Waterfront STRIKER Workers Federation to include all draw valuable inspirations and les the legal work was handled sloppily Party, the Communist Party Oppo Toledo.
unions on the water front and in matter November 28, 1928, at the necessary for success.
ISSUE ANTI WAR the marine industry. The united OF was organized Post Office at New York, Un strike committee is still very loose and directed the and turned elsewhere, the Left Poale Zion, the Socialist Party, and the Provisional CommitThe unanimous opinion of the throughout those ten memorable things began to move YOUNG SPARTACUS and the federation remains as yet der the act of March 3, 1879.
conference was that the present days. They will learn from the Among the evidence which the tee for Non Partisan Labor Defense, only a sentiment. But this sentiPublished Weekly by the Com.
munist League of America in re period is the calm before the storm various important details of the government used as an excuse all of whịch organizations sent in the relle situation. new on Strike, such as the organizing of the for trying to deport an anti Fascist speakers. The American Civil Lib. issue of Young Spartacus was dissolutions from a number of antone Phone 9524 ers Militant, Com through Roger Baldwin.
Frank onstration on May 30th. It conThe main danger to the strike Vol. VII, No. 23, Whole No. 227) Standards, miserable cal department, the effective mass of the Palmer of the Federated Press was tained a popular analysis of bosses front comes from the reactionary Who knows but picketing and the wonderful patrol monist League. Apparently SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1934 the chairman.
that the present forward march of system of cruising picket cars was also influenced in its at munist Party was invited to join plans and the advance of Fascism, working might and main to stop the The official Com Memorial Day, the capitalist war international officials and such lieutenants as they bave. They are EDITORIAL BOARD the bosses and their agents will not which burned up over four hundred titude by my political views.
Martin Abern James Cannon result in a retreat for them? Only dollars worth of gasoline daily in Resolutions were passed in sup New York City Committee of the One of their methods is to single Mar Shachtman Maurice Spector the workers can and will give that keeping the city streets clean or and ask you to give space to them. port of the class struggle fighters Spartacus Youth Clubs on Wby lout the most outstanding militant Arne Swabeck answer! The place of every militant scab truck drivers.
Fraternally, in Minneapolis, Toledo and the Two Demonstrations?
Subscription rate: 00 per year worker is in these organizations to Good leadership always produces ANTONIO BELLUSSL West Coast. collection was tak: 980. 60 per half year. Canada help build them and to make them good followers. The Minneapolla TETEVED OBE elements for attacks and for indien towards supplying much needed Young Spartacus was eagerls vidual removal from their positions and Foreign: 50 per year; a militant weapon in the hands of truck drivers union can be congrat defense funds in these struggles. read by the youth, particularly the in order to weaken their influence ulated upon having both. Tickets for June 18th Theatre Party The meeting closed with the sing. Young Socialists. few subscrip and paralyze this growing strike Bundle rates one cent per copy. RELIEF WORKER. RAILROADER. must be settled for at once ling of the International tions for the paper were obtained. wave.
in e por tanto para elew don be under New Type of And Strike on Pacific other two.
The Entered as a second class mall militant policy and leadership are sons from this strike and the way at best. Onice lost patience with sition (Lovestoneltes. the it 126 East 16th Street, New York, slaught is in sight against the work commissary department, the medi Worker to Fascist Italy, were copieserties Union was also represented tributed at the United Youth DemIn any case the facts are clear in the meeting, and flatly refused as well as the statement of the further developinent of the strike.
75 for six months.
the workers.