BourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCivil WarCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismItalyMarxMarxismMussoliniNational LiberationPrivate PropertySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers PartyWorking ClassWorld War

SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1934 THE MILITANT GE Socialist Party Adopts Militant Mussolini Sets Criticism of the Draft Program of Position at Detroit Convention Disarmament. The American Workers Party Will the Soviet Union Join the League of Nations. Continued from page 1) craey must be created by the claration of Principles to present Disarmament conferences is indi What may be expected from the In the May Das issue of Labor of terms is a substitution which his views are very far from belog cratie methods!
workers of the world.
Do we want to Action we are informed by comrade changes, or certainly at least, com. Marxly views. Comrade Hook and resort to violence?
If we take the three main points amerlen. But it is not the face of cated in the speech aboussolina Sidney Hook that: One of the pletely obscures the correct idea. the other comrades will The veteran Ohio Right Winger, dealt with in the declaration war, revolutionary socialism.
Joseph Sharts, went his fellow at the state and revolution, and the By this statement do not mean 20th. Italy will spend 1, 000, 000, 000 most significant features of the Instead of the dictatorship of the point to the section in their dratt torneys from New York one better light against Fascism It is easy to to deny that profound changes ur ure on battleships and a similar it breaks with the fetishism of the workers state during the per tonary, government must be preDraft Program of the is that proletariat as a characterization of program which says: The revoluand flutly stated that if he had to see that a straightforward revolu taking place in the ranks of the annount on its air fleet. This, he terms in the revolutionary tradi lod of transition from capitalism topared to meet the violence of the done revolutiou he would follow the theory and experience, has not been trolt reflected this process of because disurmament had at last capitalist dictatorship. Against the flag. This brought such a violent siven by a single case. To be sure, change. real movement to the come. The construction of the new terms are being used for cormocracy is used.
forces of reaction, seeking to recall demonstration against him that the the declaration marks a sharp de left is under way. It has not yet littleship and ateroplanes will be rect. And sluce it is a program to this substitution that com the old order, the workers must rade Hook defends in his article fight with every weapon to establish threatened to clear the galleries. tice of the interational social de has it found its authentie Teaders 1, 100. AMMO Tre in the budget. that is under discussion the quesThere was no suggestion to throw mocracy from 1914 to the collapse The rapid transformation now tak Will the budget Le balanced by tion of whether these correct ideas entitled Marxism and Democracy their own democracy. Against cap in which he uses a Marxian term. italist legality. must be set rav.
the essential one.
someone shouted, You have no why the Old Guard, which has marked by a great deal of contusionists? Oh no! As usual the work Sharts out of the meeting, although in Germany and Austria. That is ing place in the Socialist ranks ix taxing the bankers and industrial. Nire actually maintained becomes lipology but distorts the essentiallolutionary legality. etc. And In his answer to this question meuning content of Marxism.
how is this to be achieved? Acplace in the Socialist Party.
learned nothing and forgotten noth and contradiction. The Centristsers have to carry the burden of comrade Hook says: For the first In its defense comrade Hook cording to the Draft Program of owers Flapgood, in speaking for Ing. fought it so bitterly.
the resolution, declared that it was) Centrism has rearison and come to exploited this confusion and We are probably moving toward time in the history of the American says: Today for historical reasons the time will come when revolutionary parties an attempt it is necessary to stress more than the major sections of the population not fully satisfactory to him and to to doninance in the international rode to power with it. la period of humanity reposing on a has been made to present in Intel ever before the facts that the work will support the principles of a they be able now, by a par lower standard of life. We must ligible fashion the essential meaners state is a workers democracy. Workers democracy. As a measure it has rould worden de beste send the old methods of social reformism tial turn of the party to the left, not be alarmed by this prospecting content of such terms as dicta. And further on be adds. The of defense against the suicidal els bjere so he est le nuove teme underent and save been so thoroughls The answer to that question rests strong and is capable of asceticism etc: Further, on in the same ar terposed to the capitalist dictator the workers will take power.
right out to the menu chat the world nuwe brought such ignominious de. arrest further developments Presente das humanity is very torship of the proletarint. Soviets, workers democracy must be coun. course of capitalist dictatorship, it is too radical but because it is discredited. change in front has first of all with the revolution conception of. This is his conSol high time to abandon the linguistic form as well as its fascist form. wbut is lacking here in strategy. such as we perhaps have noticle we are admonised that it is ship in its representative liberal This sounds simple enough. But not radical. Dan the major or wilwaukee. however. order to hold the organizations to quite a few of them already. The ins and video to the alty, the screen, ixations which obstruct clear think of course, under a fascist regime. Wows from the conception the Old Guard, who are comfortably en the workers.
joying their socialism right nowCentrism. The revolutionary im role of centrism aa a barrier totaly could face the competition ofl of the term used in the pro democracy assume unusual impor we leave aside for the moment.
This is the sole or extent that they understand the con lower the cost of production se After that follows the explanation mands and demands for workers However, the question the stratees in the form of substantial incomes pulses of the workers are met with revolutionary progress and wage another nations in the International market. This process he warperam in presenting what it assumes tance. But that is primarily in the What is said here about the work to be the meaning and the content sense of agitation and tactical apers state, we grant, reads better were undulg alarmed. This resolu extremely radical but which do not Ibope to return to this question would call for sceneral lowering of the dictatorship of the proletar. proach to the masses. That, on the chancomrade Hook interpretation, he said, doesn go as far as mean anything specifically. The and to other aspects of the Detroit of salaries and wagen.
lat. And here we arrive at the other hand, the dictatorship of the clon; nevertheless its shortcomings the St. Louis resolution. And, be Detroit declaration abounds in these convention in future articles.
crux of the problem. What is pre proletariat as a transition period are demonstrated more clearly by sides, he added slyly, we didn treacherous and deceptive formula JAMES CANNON. SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT. sented as a break with the fetishism signifies a broader democracy than these interpretations. It le just arry out the St. Louis resolution. tious. It is a classe document of bitherto known is absolutely for such interpretations and such ambiThe sections in the Declaration The resolution promises Centrism.
rect. It signites a workers demo culties which make possible for of Principles which evoked such a strike against war. which is a general cracy in contradistinction to bour those in the who say openly geols democracy. This is an essen that they are opposed to all dictastormy debate read as follows: myth, imossible of realization in The Socialist Party is opposed the face of a tial part of that form of state. But torships, to stand with those who war mobilization.
that alone does not characterize the claim to be revolutionists on the to militarism, Imperialism and And even this is qualitied to read, The polley of socialism in one, English imperialism, enslaving de port a possible war of Hitler woleh content of the workers state. It same program. Thus what is prewar. It purposes to eradicate the insofar as practicable. Which is country is reaping a new and renseless Indians and fellahs have has this as its goal. It means ob only one of its aspects. The work sented as abandoning linguistic perpetual economie warfare of a way of saying. We are only talk mighty success. The Soviet Union become in the terminology of Sovietjectively lending the services of ers state, to maintalo itselt taxations which obstruct clear tblukcapitalism the fruit of which is ing about a general strike; we don is about to be accepted into the diplomacy, suarantors of peace! helper helper to the Fascist neo power, must suppress the exploiters ing is in reality a lack of clear International conflict. War can really mean it. And in truth that League of Nations. At the same What Will the Comintern Do? imperialists.
who held power before and take thinking, or to be more precise not be tolerated by Socialists, or how many of the proponents of are deporting Trotsky from France, et important problem which is years theory and practice of 30 means of production as well as el intention of the authors may have With this we have arrived at the Thus appear the results of ten away their private property in the lack of revolutionary thinking. The unitedly seek to develop trust bast. That war is inevitable under the French foreign minister Bar comceted with the entry of the cialism in one country. comminate them from the goverument. been the best but the road to hell worthy instruments for the peace capitalisın, that it cannot be pretho the concerto dlat for me to test trene sovice Committed the League of plete destruction et proletarian do it represents a new class rule which is paved with good Intentions.
disputes and conflicts. They will serve ha the army or by any other Soviet Union into the League of consequences of this step for the paration of a transition of the it is because of these facts that in in the program of the revolutionseek to eliminate military train form of passive resistance, that the Nations ing from schools, colleges and only answer to war, in fuct, is rev.
Comintern! Characteristic, by the communists to the camp of its own describing our conception of the ary party Ideas and terms must be The existence of the League of way, of the incredible decay of the bourgeoisle.
workers state we use the term the defined with absolute exactress. We camps. They will oppose military olution civil war, or the prepara xations was iu reality serlously encomiutorn and the scorn with Need for Fourth International dictatorship of the proletariat.
would say that this must particoreviews, displays and expendi tion fur it on all these mala as dangered. Japan and Germany had which stalin treats it, is the fact For the honest proletarian revotures, whether for direct war pre pects of the question of war the once more convincingly proved its that the Daily of the Danish Stal lutionaries, in the ranks of the Is it not correct to say that therly apply today to the question of the proletarian dictatorsblp: and paredness or for militaristie pro resolution either remains silent, or wla flouted it. The differences bebladet reports the interview of Bar entry of the Soviet Union into the the doctrine of the dictatorsblp look at the world movement will Impotence, even Paraguay and Bo inists, the Copenhagen Arbejder Third International, however, the spirit of Marx teachings consist of there are good reasons for that. paganda, both in wartime and speaks falsely, or resorts to ambig. peacetime. They will loyally sup uous allusions and hints wbich mayened to tear it asunder. The League the bourgeois press, adding to the opener to the necessity of the new that the aims to become altbe burping issue with socialist perl, in the tragie event of war, be interpreted one way or another of Nations explodes harsh melo caption THE SOVIET IN THE revolutionary Fourth International Marxian party. But how does it workers adopting a leftward course.
tween France and England threat thun with Litvinut a day later than League of Nations will be an eye the proletariat? It is also assumed convince us that this bas become any of their comrades who for anti war activities or refusal to uscism all the time and every sabbath of the coming World War. mark. This question mark reveals tional battle against the imperial vital point that its presentation in aictatorship, they begin to express The resolution promises to tights in the prelude to the witches LEAGUE OF NATIONS a question which wages an unyielding interne come, that it is precisely on this on the question of the proletarian perform war service, come into where in the world and even to contict with public opinion of the waters in the reporteromarse law. Moreover, recognizing the into the camp of the cuemy. Brave the open collapse would have meant role which staliu Comintern bire will recognize more and more that proximates Norman Thomas when a and heritage of social reformism.
suicidal nature of modern combat words! But all that, inciuding the the destruction of all the efforts of linge play than ten theoretical ar only a battle of this kind can really be argued against the left wing into all of the recent European exand the incalculable strain of several strike to which the resolu. French diplomacy of the post warticles ut vurs could do. The Soviet save the Soviet Union from destrue the socialist Party. He put it this periences this is one of the issues most heavily upon the working was proclaimed by the German and very last vestige of France hegetious! Should that not be discussed and Mussolinis will in a serlous test the ideal the boldenpoetades tortorek The leftward moving socialist work class, they will refuse collectively Austrian Sockul Democratic parties mony on the continent. As a result beforehand in the Comintern and prove themselves far more unrelt for is workers democracy ratherers begin to give an evaluation of to sanction or support any inter with no less bluster. Will the it is for French foreign diplomacy all its sections even down to the able supporters of the Soviet Un than dictatorship of the proletar, the proletarian dictatorship and national war; they will, on the form a united front with all work la matter of tremendous importance lowest mit? Should not a worlaton than the Chiang kal sheks, lat, which means the dictatorship of counterpose it in name and essense contrary, by agitation and opposi ers organizations against Fascism: to save the League of Nations and congress or at least an enlarged Wang tin weis, Purcells and Citrines be party.
to the social reformist concept of tion, do their best not to be brok. Will it teach the workers that the pour new life into it. The preser. peuum pass a resolution in the years 1925 to 1927. It will The comrades of the want defense of bourgeois democracy en by the war, but to break up ascist bands must be beaten down vation of the League of Nations upon this? Or is it no concern of be one of the duties of the new to distinguish themselves trom the which helped to strangle the prolethe war. They will meet war and with their own methods before they means for France the preservation the revolutionary workers of the International to take away the com social reformists and trom their tarian revolution. They witnessed the detailed plans for war already have the chance to get the upper of the system of Versailles, the workl, what sort of a foreign policy manding posts of the first proletar conceptions. Comrade Hook will the perfidious part played by social mapped out by the war making hund? Will it explain to the work stabilization of the French brigtheir fatherland is pursuing? Inian state from the opportunistic argue that this conception has reformism in these European events arms of the government, by ers that the answer to Fascist vioThis French policy place of this news of this import servants of international imperial nothing in common with what he and they also notice the Staliniat mussed war resistance, organized lence is the Workers Militia and now finds a new support in the appears in the Communist pressism in order to all them with de meant. He has also told us before bureaucratie apparatus measures The acceptance of with the introduction according to termined proletarian world revolu what he thinks Marr meant. He is which distort the character of the strike of lubor unions and profes for the mited front before the has the Soviet Union into the League the bourgeois press. And the rev tionists. well acquainted with Marx although workers state. In view of this, sional groups in a united effort to cists get state iwwer, not after of Nations lends this bankrupt in olutionary editors are not even party proclaiming itself to be revomake the waging of war a prae ward No. On this crucial ques: stitution a new shimmer. At best conscious of their miserable role.
lutionary, can least of all permit ticable impossibility and to con tion, as on all others, the resolu. Tonly the Swiss Cheeses and the And what sort of a policy will the the real meaning of the proletarian vert the capitalist war crisis into tion of the Detroit convention saya Dutch Cleansers fear the Soviet Cominteru pursue from now on as dictatorship to become obscured.
a victory for socialismı. nothing clearly, specitically and un Union as a revolutionary force regards the league of Nations?
Marxism constitutes a generalis In its struggle for a new soumbiguously. That is why such a whereas the French bourgeoisie bas Did not the Dutchman Wijnkoop Minneapolis Shows the Way who had been reading our paperation of all workingclass experience ciety, the Socialist Party seeks to conglomeration of different tend already long ago realized the truth another miserable capitulator of the Minneapolis showed how revolu previously. What Minneapolis did. This means that for Marxists it is attain its objectives by peaceful encies could unite to vote for it. If the statement which a Russian Comintern under the pressure of tionary Communists, who have the other cities can do to when the necessary to absorb every new experience gained. If we fall to learn the increasing resort by a crumb catch all for votes, not as a clearcally expressed to Paul Boncour, League of Nations by our comrade beurt, Instead of their own sectarand orderly means. Recognizing The resolution was designed as a revolutionary diplomat sarcast the revolutionary criticism of the general interests of the workers at clrcumstances present themselves.
Every time you get a new reader from the most recent ones, from ling capitalist order to Fascism guide to the workers in the fight You ought to be happy that a Sncevliet in the Dutch Parliament ian party interests, can lead a of the Militant, you get a prospec. those most fresh in our mind, we to preserve its integrity and against Fascism.
Communist Party exists in France, only a few months ago deliver a strike to a successful finish and Live fighter in the class struggle and shall not be able to learn at all. The dominance, the Socialist Party on the question of the state and otherwise the revolution would thundering attack against this income out of it with a union of a possible member of the Communa. cannot proceed as if there Intends not to be deceived by revolution the Detrolt convention long ago have been made. strument of the French, Euglish and 7, 000 members. All this was not ist League of America were no such experience before it Fascist propaganda nor over adopted the formula of the Ameri Petty Bourgeois Pacifists Will Dutch Imperialists dropping with accomplished over night by some TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THE appeared on the scene. Most cerwhelmed by Fascist force. It will con Workers Party which had been Greet This Move do all in its power to fight Fus put into circulation long ago by the Not for nothing does the fight Poor Wijukuops of all countries de magical formula of a quick road to SPECIAL CLUB PLAN DRIVE! taloy It cannot assume to be a rev. mass work as some of our im BUY YOUR CLUB PLAN SUB olutionary party when proceeding in cism of every kind all the time late Morris Fullquit. The against real proletarian revolution now? They will have to learn by that way.
and everywhere in the world, henceforth is to apply itself to the aries, against Trotsky and the heart the foreign policy speeches of patient erities have been demand. CARDS NOW!
THE DRIVE ENDS AUGUST 18t until Fascism is dead. It will task of replacing the bogus demo Fourth International, find Stalin her colleagues of the social las working slowly and fundamentally. NO CARDS WILL BE SOLD AF great mass of American workers are TER TILAT DATE.
ation of a disciplined labor move by a genuine workers democracy. other. The social traitors and petty of the entry of the Soviet Union preparing every step in advance.
non political and that they must According to Indications, ment. Its methods may include a Just what this workers democracy bourgeols pacifists of all countries, Into the League of Nations force the the THE COMPLETE RECORD OF therefore, be shown the true demorecourse to a general strike which is to look like is not explained. Is however, become positively ecstatic French Communists into a truce branch in Minneapolts will SECOND DRIVE cracy workers democracy against double its membership soon. This the false democracy under capital.
will not merely serve as a defense it thd dictatorship of the proletar as a result of the move of the Soviet with their own bourgeoisie?
the Boston Branch against Fascist counter revolution jat? Some delegates thought so and Union. The Soviet Union prevents What the German Stalinists Say Splendid work our comrades dia ism. That is well and good insotar Borsook as agitation amongst the masses is Berkeley (Kokan)
concerned. In that it is necessary struggle into the camp of the endelogutes thought the contrary and geois policy of pacitism from be in the Rundschau of May 9th ap during the strike. It is due in a emy.
Ben Porter to adapt one methods to requirevoted for it with that understand coming too apparent. Henderson pears the revised program of social large measure to the fact that the Cleveland Branch ments of existing conditions. But The Socialist Party proclaimsing. Like the resolution as a whole pleasure trips in the name of disand national liberation of the Cen Minneapolls comrades have been the revolutionary program is an enanew its faith in economic and the expression workers democra armament will now be backed by tral Committee of the busy circulating the Militant among Chicago Branch 20 tirely different matter. It is the political democracy, but It unhesleyis a vote catcher, not a clear Litvinort authority. Moreover, the once more seven whole paragraphs the workers for a long period. In this field too, Minneapolis Shows Chicago Friends of guide to action and its primary tatingly applies itself to the task guide for the education and action leftward trend in the English pro are delicated to the peace of inThe Militant Club of replacing the bogus democracy of the workers.
letariat pushes the Labor Party camy of Versailles which Hitler the Way.
purpose is therefore the education of capitalist parliamentarism by The resolution omits any mention politicians directly toward the forcannot get rid of. These formula In the first Club Plan sub drive, Constance of the party itself. Accepting comThe Minneapolis branch sent in 128 genuine workers democracy. of the revolutionary struggle to es mation of a new Anglo Russian tloms close with the words: Davenport Branch rade Hook interpretations, Capitalism is doomed. If it can tablish the so called workers de Committee. All the easier for them The proletarian revolution, the new subscriptions. In the second Los Angeles Branch shortcomings in the Draft be supersexled by majority vote, mocracy. Instead of that it refers of the League of Nations now as revolutionary working class, under drive they have already purchased Los Angeles (Doughty) Program become really a matter of the Socialist Party will rejoice to the possibility that capitalism sumes this role.
our leadership: that is, the one and 40 cards. In addition to these 40 Leeser adaptation not in methods and apIf the crisis comes through the can be superseded by a majority And how can the official Com only force which can smash the cards which they have not yet disMinneapolis Branch proach but adaptation of position.
denial of majority rights after vote. If the rights of the major munist parties of all countries con brigands treaty of Versailles, do posed of they have 150 subscribers New Haven Branch It becomes an adaptation of the the electorate has given us a man ity are then denied the forces of demn the reformists and their petty away with all the burdens of tribute and they receive a bundle of 100 New Castle Branch program to the prejudices of the date Newark Branch backward workers. The result will shall not hesitate to crush reaction are to be crushed by our bourgeois pacifist qualities which (we wonder if some day the news coples weekly, paying for them in New York Local be neither a revolutionary program by our labor solidarity the reek labor solidarity. With the aid of objectively furthers imperialism will get to Heckert ear, that Ger full at the end of each month.
less forces of reaction and to such empty verbiage as this, such and militarism? If the imperialist many has for a long time not paid During the strike, they recelved an (City Office 28) por a revolutionary party. It will (Harlem Br.
repel the advanced workers, and consolidate the Socialist State. treacherous double meaning formu powers, France and England have one pfennig It. and open the additional bundle of 500 coples the capitalist system should collations which satisfy people of dI become guarantors of world peace gates of the empire for the volun weekly for which they have already Oakland Branch fail to educate the backward work Philadelphia Branch ers for they can be educated only lapse in a general chaos and convergent views, the Militants. who in the eyes of the Soviet Union, and tary union of all toiling Germans Taid.
fusion, which cannot permit of express a progressive tendency in the maintenance of peace at any conly for the Germans? Perhaps Now, after their hard and stabthrough the advanced workers, Springfield Branch San Franciscc Branch through the revolutionary section.
orderly procedure, the Socialist the ranks of the party, the Revolu price even at the price of abans according to the principle, Gerborn Jimmy Higgins work in conParty, wehther or not in such a tionary Policy Committee, which doning revolutionary policy is held man is he who is an Aryan. nection with getting the workers of San Francisco (Osborn)
The most important historical incase it is a majority, will not had set itself up as the spokesman up as the supreme alm of Soviet Minneapolis to read the Maitant, St. Louis Branch strument in the epoch of wars and sbrink from the responsibility of of the revolutionary left wing, and foreign policy, how can the French To set up the liberation from the our comrades there are beginning Toronto Branch revolutions is the party of the prolorganizing and maintaining a gov the Municipal Socialists of Milwau Communists still attack French im Versailles Treaty is one of the to reap the results of their devoted Toronto Youth Club etariat. But it can attain its obernment under the workers rule. Kee, who think it is time to become perialism and milltarism? French chlet aims of the proletarian revo labors. Undoubtedly, many of the Waukegan Branch jective only on the basis of its own True democracy is a worthy a bit more radical they all got to militarism, plundering and bloodily lution in Germany in the present most militant Aghters during the clarity of pripelple.
means to progress; but true demogether on the basis of the new De suppressing Tunts and Morocco) situation means that one must sup strike weró from the ranks of those ands peace.
Militant Builders tho 4 22 the 16 4 40 4 32 4)