BolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxismMussoliniRadekSocial DemocracySocialismSovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorking Class

AGE THE MI ITANT SATURDAY, JUNE REVIEWING Steel Facts and Figures League Continues Weirton Steel Mills MARCH OF THE NEWS EVENTS it Gains in Frisco The steel industry today is prac. issues, June 29 and July 6, 1933, The road leading directly intoing to rest their bodies so that totically a synonym for imperialism. foreshadow the decision in the The Stalinists in the San Fran. Wetrton, Va. is steep and dan morrow they will have a fresh Virtually all of modern economy Weirton case. Emphasis in Iron cisco Bay area are worried about gerous. Our rickety Ford seemed supply of energy for the mill. In The Stallnlst United Front with God The world begemony of Yankce im. The workers and capitalists are of the League and are moving each curve as we slowly wound our can bear living here. Upon asking radiates from this huge monopoly. Age. the rapid growth and development to protest, its brakes groaned at Cact, one wonders how a worker Biro Bidjan don know whether you would perialism is to be seen in the fact both free. they call it the united front from above that Great Britain, France and rights.
have won everything in their power to destroy way to the bottom of the valley, one of the workers how he could The Soviet Union bas granted to Between equal rights, its activities and its effectiveness. We experienced a feeling of uneast bear it be explained that this was Biro Bidjan the status of an autoor from below, or whether it was Germany combined can turn out force decides. The workers must They have instructed their members nens. Can it be that workers have made possible only by first working nomous Soviet Republie for the fust a working arrangement with only two thirds as many steel and therefore depend upon their own not to speak to any individual built a city in this forsaken place in the mill. After tasting life in Jews. This step is consistently in rank and Alle god. but anybow on iron products as the United States. strength and upon this alone. Mod. League member. They have threatMemorial Day there it was. First Weirton is at city built around a Mr. Welr workshop one found line with the democratic polley esmarched comrade, or should we call Tugging at the roots of the Amerern conditions of production have ened to send every Trotskyite to huge mill. On the main street the weirton quite a nice place to live tablished at the very foundation of bim Futber Tallentyre and also ical capitalist giant, therefore, the welded them into a vast compact the hospital and to break up our workers walk about, each a living The Union Prepares for Strike the Soviets of granting complete marched self determination to the oppressed Father Divine, the pending steel strike finds titanle army. The power to win is theirs meetings testimonial to the mill exploitaif they maintain unbroken ranks Yes the League is growing. Ation. One can almost see them try. The Workers of America an Ftional minorities. Here is a bit of The Amalgamated Iron, Steel and nationalities, and even to small na rank and Ale God in an expensive foreus girding for battle. WEAVER.
Ilmousine, and behind him came bis The capitalists, in their press, new branch has now been organized of union bus a membership in historic justice that the country Angels dressed in yellow robes and have opened up their light artilin Richmond and a city committee established representing the three New York Local Steubenville and Clarksburg.
about 4, 000 including once anathematized by the workers golden wings, cyes turned to Heavlery: The great majority of the.
The of all lands for its violently reacpresident, Bill Long, has promised tionary Instigations and pogroms meetings held by Shachtman on his chant: Father Divine is God, u want to strike. The only threat ther Divine is God! Believe it or comes from union leaders. No is Under the NRA tour were great help in these ognition and to join the nation wide the first to grant a vast territory not, this was the Young Communist sue exists between the steel com developments. But in a direct sense strike in middle of June if this de to them for their free cultural de League National Youth Day Dem panies and the great majority of the following figures for the due to the increased activities of York Branch CLA. promises to be at their meeting of May 19, the or extreme fascist reaction when the new Richmond branch emerges The June 24th picnic of the Newman is not met.
velopment. Coming too, at a time onstration. The Daily Worker re their employees, etc. etc.
ports that 15, 000 youth marched.
Even taking into account the stal. however, is sufficient to show that Illustration of how the workers loading part in setting up the Cali League. splendid private picnic will support the strike one hundred Rumania, Latvia have taken over glance at the available figures, 1934 serve to give an interesting of Richmoud where they took a fair ever had the communist Powers made a statement that they the capitalist dictatorships of Ger Inist method of estimating parades, there is still something wrong15, 1took more than outside leaders fare under the Blne Eagle. During fornia Workers Association, a mill grounds has been secured in a percent. However, whether they 000 youth! Unless the majority oc to set the steel workers in motion. this period, according to govern tant unemployed workers organiza large wooded estate in Yonkers. will support the strike as real mini carist tactics of diverting the According to the Bureau of ment and of statistics tion.
covered dancing pavilion, lightedrants when it is called or use it as the terrible conditions under whic pent up wrath of the masses against followers of the the paraders new God and have been born again caufiures the 419, 000 employees which are notoriously conservative, Following right upon the heels of with chinese lanterns and an excele a base for recruiting members for they are forced to live, of transof the water and the spirit ther in the iron and steel industry wages increased per cent. Dur the developments the Stallpistalent band to provide dance music their own union as they have done forming this as yet unguided anger earned an average of 1, 745 in ing the same period according to issued a shop paper in Richmond at till midnight will add couldn be called youth by any 1920, whereas 141, 000 did not work the same statistics the cost of living tacking a worker in the Standard joyment of the pienteers. No extra remains to be seen. They have ing scapegoats of the Jews the the en elsewhere on numerous occasions into a weapon of reaction by makstretch of the imagination.
Dally Worker reports that Father at all during 1931 (33. unem increased by per cent on plant by name and causing him charge for dancing. There is a made several attempts to build their action of the Soviet Government Between October and March, un to lose his job. The company dia nice theld well suited for the base own union here but they have so stands out in bold contrast and will Divine contingent comprised 3, 000 ployed. the remaining 278, 000 earn.
and clase conscious Negro suportation (Poor Manual, 1933, 947) now than at any time since the revolutionary etc. The League is lexe energetle fans can watch the have been crowned with failure. In but do know that the intelligent Day cut. The Steel Corpor there are more families on relief aninst him of being counter large shndy trees under which the workers that all their attempts es everywhere into closer sympathy bad, including all its subsidiaries, NRA.
Tanswering this outrageous stool games in cool comfort. Tables for April they issued leatlets under the with Soviet Russia.
ers of Communism turned away in disgust when they saw the Stalin 203, 674 employees in 1931, of whom The profits of the first 51 industri pigeon work by pushing forward a rating and drinking have comfort auspices of the Metal Workers ists elevating Father Divine and only 53, 619 worked full time, 150, al companies to report their earn workers trial to be conducted by able seating arrangements, some Cuion calling the workers to a Contrast with Palestine 055 part time. The average earnhis hoodwinked fanatical followinbugs for the year was 1, 310, a 20 ings, in the first quarter of 1934, in the California Workers Association covered by barrack roof, others inceting at the Abel Hall. Nol creased from 822. 000 in 1983, to at the Brotherhood Hall.
into partnership in the demlined under shady trees Inevitably the question will pose one came. Instead of concentrating onstration Against War and Fascut from the 1929 figure. In 1932 18, 740, 000. This was accomplished LL. Refuses to Defend Prisoners series of baseball games be their energies into a real left wine itself to the many Jews attracted the number of employed had shrunk clem.
Our two comrades Booth and tween various branches will be the movement in the Amalgamated the now more than ever to the idea of We can well believe Father LO 168, 032 (66, 918 totally unem by an increase in productivity or Biro Bidjan? To the Marxist from the Stalinist ranks. If one isployee out of every 12 who worked tires the following example from a San Francisco picket line, have Group singing by the Spartacus Weirton from Steubenville in an vine boast that he made converts ployed) of which only 18, 838 (1 through speed up, etc. The Nation Wyle, who were arrested on the main feature of the sports program. Stalinists make frequent sallies into a homeland which one, Palestine The report by the Alexander Hamilton tinally been released on bail. It Youth around campfire will be an effort to disrupt the organizing of this question can have but one anInstitute.
ready to accept Earl Browder as in 1929) worked full time.
took 84, 000 to get them out.
The evening feature with additional the workers. Such tactics are re the idealism of the Jewish masses swer. There can be no question of the brilliant, masterly, etc. etc. average wages for the year were certain large, manufacturing has flatly refused to defend vocal talent welcome.
leader who cast spell over the 847. 55 reduction from 1929 corporation in the Middle West these two class war victims and it shooting gallery where you can At present the tin plate, steel and in supporting Palestine and immiconvention (Olgin) it requires What Did the Owners Get produced in 1932, 563, 000 units at was only after many hours of ef take a shot Adolph idiotic coke plants are operating on an grating there. But Palestine car scarcely more than another step on Hardly anything needs be added a cost of 762 a unit; in 1933, by forts and with the assistance of the face, and varion games of chance eight hour day, five day week basis rles a double taint, that of capital.
the same path to hail Father Divine to these figures to show why the increasing production to 809, 000 Civil Liberties Union that the ball will be provided. Last, but by no while the sheet milt schedule varies ist dividing of the working class as God and God as peace, and wave workers must have become con units, costs were reduced to 567 amount was raised.
the arms and about Oh, its wonvinced of the necessity of organiz per unit.
But this re means Jeast, a committee of culin from three to five days. Unskilled and that of imperialist intrigue. It The wage cost per unit fusal of the to defend class ery experts guarantee food that will workers wet 58 per day while the is by no accident (at least so far derful!
ation was reduced from 254 to 197, or war prisoners is another proof of satisfy and delight all. The admis rate of ply for plece work Is so as the bourgeois leaders are conNo issue exists between the steel 22. per cent, and the value pro the desperation and degeneracy of sion is two bits, to get your tickets varied and complicated that one cerned) that the Zionists every Trotsky, Thelmann, and Stoolcompanies and the great majority duced per dollar paid in wages in the stalinists who are in control of now at the City office or through must be a mathematiclan in order where set themselves apart from the Pigeons The Dolly Worker of May 31st the thousands starved Charles per cent. But while wages were the part of the should be you to within an easy 15 mluntered at the end of a day work, national culture desired by Jewish capitalists is reactionary and aims publishes the following: The Tage schwab, chairman of the Bethlehem 10 socreased. protits increased from brought home to every worker who walk of the grounds.
Take How Weir Wins His Elections to split off one and not the least imblatt which is the butter enemy of drew as salary 150, 000 in 1929, 16, 500, 000 to 83, 214, 000, and an may still be under illusions that HOW TO GET THERE: Before the company elections took portant section of the workers from Communium reports: The man who and 250. 000 in 1931, 1932, and extra dividend was paid to stock this is a workers defense organisthe lexington Ave. Subway Tulace Mr. Weir set out to prove the international movement.
and holders.
True ation At the same time, however, Third Ave. Elevated to 241st St.
is building up the evidence against 1933; Grace, president of the It truly a New Deal for capital, it emphasizes the need of the crea And White Plains Kond, get or at that the workers were in favor of there exists section of the Zionist Thaelmann is the same one who came company, 1, 633, 653 in 1920, discovered the Trotsky affair. Go 207, 796 in 1931 and 180, 000 in but the same old deal, from the tion of a genuine non partisan labor last station where Zedler Grove a company unton. Here is how he movement that carries on a struggle Idefense organization. Busses will take you to the grounds. it. Maryland Heights, which against capitalist influence inside ing under the name of Karody. 1942 and 1983; and Myron Tay same old deck for labor.
is Weir country home, was sud and outside of Palestine. With he is actually the foreign specialist lor, chairman of Steel got denly thrown open to all the work their struggle against capitalism we of the Political Police. 209, 361 in 1920, 241, 357 in 1931, ers. They were invited to come are completely in sympathy. But The Daily Worker goes on to say, and 197, 208 in 1982. No issue there as his guests and to eat as Jewish Palestine remains neverthethe social democrats continue indeed.
many sandwiches and drink as less a bit of transported capitalism to act as police stool pigeons, as in the coming struggles the work much beer and whiskey as their under the paw of British imperialsisting the Nazis in their campaigners face a huge concentration of Oue of the features of the recent audience, was both surprising and for their tardiness by exemplary hearts desired. The banquet lasted ism. The conflict in which Jewish of slander against the German capital. Practically all the steel is completed national tour was the unexpected in light of the fact that vigor and determination.
At the for two solid weeks. The workers immigrants immediately find themworking class leader.
production to the country is con gratifying success obtained in those this was the first time it had ever Frisco moeting, the tradition of the liked going there and why not. It selves with the Arabs tends to obDally Worker to remember that for control. in addition to the steel had never held a public meeting platform.
Perhaps it would be well for the trolled by 32 companies, which own localities where hitherto the League been expressed from a. Winnipes Labor College was broken by the was such a pleasant place, such a cure for both the Jewish and the fourth meeting was fuet that although the caretaker contrast to their own existence in Arab masses the essential need for when Karods. the Political Police plants, mines, railroads, steamship Td cite few examples will serve held at the weekly forum of the grew increasingly irascible, the Weirton proper. And besides, there proletarian unity against the comspecialist discovered the case lines, cement plants etc. According to indicate how vast are the possi Judependent Labour Party of Fort meeting did not end at the regular us a band playing too. mon capitalist oppressors. It peragainst Trotsky that it was ward to the figures submitted by the Iron Bilities of rebuilding the movement Rouge, an Industrial outskirt of the 10:30 time, but at midnight, and And now as the day of the mits the semi. feudal Arabian rulsimilar of city, where over 100 proletarians then because the lights were election was close at hand, perhaps ing class to gain the support of the stalinist bureaucrats elsewhere who feel capitalists) to the steel code in the United States on a truly actively participated in a lecture finally shut out. The lively discus. Mr. Weir will relax in an easy Arab masses in a fictitious struggle continued to act as stool pigeons as authority, the average number of revolutionary basis.
and a following discussion on the sion of the more than 300 in atten chair and await the returns with against British imperialism in the sleting the Fascists in their cam employees in the steel industry Tontwanda and North Tonawanda collapse of official Communism and dance can be pictured from this confidence. But no, not Mr. Welr. role of expropriating the Arab in peign of slander against the Inter proper during the years 1920 and are twin cities a few miles north social reformism. At ftth meet fact alone. Our tirst meeting there Sandwiches and beer was only part favor of the Jew. It permits the national working class leader. 1930 was 341, 622. Of this number of Buffalo. We have one lone coming, held privately, a branch of the was a bull eye. Exactly the same of his program. What guarantee Jewish bourgeoisie to folat a fake The slander attributed to the 202, 708 or 76. were employed by rade doing the spade work there. League was finally established, in can be said for Oakland, where over was there that these delicacies national unity on their masses by Social Democratie Deutsche Frei the largest companies, the distria locality which does not have a cluding two of the most prominent 100 attended, including most of the were properly digested. So to make the false plea of common defense.
belt was this: Thaelmann possess bution among them being as fol substantial labor movement and active representatives of the active. militants, and in highly sure that the workers would not es Delther the intellectual qualities tows: Steel, 40. Bethlehem Through the efforts of this pioneer, Communist movement in Winnipeg industrial Richmond, where virtu bite the hand that fed them. our nor the character qualities demand steel, 13. Republic steel, a meeting was arranged by the lo for years, comrades Pat McKeown ally the whole unit turned out senerous host stationed guardians The Question of Freedom Biro Bidjan, on the other hand Ing class. It this statement is a town Sheet and Tube Na wanted largely by him, which was in active leadership of an imposing mond, the distributed scurril and in their hands be placed gener stands as a symbol for all nation stool pigeon act what words cantional Steel, and Wheeling lattended by well over a hundred unemployed movement, and a num ous mimeographed leaflets against ous sized clubs with orders to lend alities and for Jews in particube found to characterize the allmy Steel, This concentration workers. Most of those present ber of active militants in the us in an effort to counteract the helping hand to any worker who lar. No oppressed nationality or Interview of Earl Browder on Trot Curther increased by the fact that were in the organization as their Ukrainian labor movement who favorable sentiment. In the former might go astray.
national minority and this can be sky to the capitalist press. Every some of the companies listed here frst connection with any form of have broken conclusively with Stalcity, a counter meeting was ar Nevertheless inism.
last word in the article in as independents are subsidiaries of the labor movement. number of more intimate ranged by the party for the purA Serious Struggle is Impending said categorically. can gain its During the last strike the meth day only by enlisting in the Inter freedom under capitalist rule. Tocluding those on Norman Thomas the others. Only one fact is re they followed through attentively discussions held during the stay pose of exposing Mr. Shachtanlods the company used to whip the national class struggle on the side applies with double force to the quired to complete the picture: the presentation of the Communist there resulted in the establishment their efforts it exposure at our workers into submission was noth of the proletariat for the complete Stalinists themselves. Morgan and several of his part. League position on the problem of of close, promising connections with meeting proper is anything to go ing short of scandalous ners are directors of Steel and unemployment, and though Jobless, several other militants who are by their own meeting must have to discredit the union the yellow overthrow of capitalism, for the Radek and the ligue of Nations the financial agent of the corporaindicated thelr sympathy with a prominently associated with an ac been a saddening spectacle.
papera shouted that the Amalga, capitalist exploltation, can the op good financial response. One of the tive and formidable anti Fascist The meetings which the hooligans mated supported gambling tion is Morgan and Co. Radek writes on the history of Longue of Nations. Fascism drops On Whom Can the Workers Raly significant results of the meeting organization in the city. If the aisrupted in Los Angeles has alracketeering and that it pressed national masses gain their was the invitation extended to the unforgettable traditions of Winni ready been referred to. But after therefore be smashed.
must freedom. In every nation there exout and takes leading role in War in the workers have illusions as speaker, comrade Shachtman, topes are to be re established in strus all, that is only half the story. The all the elty with special police theists, as Lenin pointed out, not one head, Dally Worker. In the article the sea or from Roosevelt, the conference of the Paper, while has branch with anot be the least efective was held the night before and inte citizens demanded additional prosent ruling class, is one of robbery preparations. Headline and subo ang support they might get from address the forthcoming district gle, and they shall be our young meeting which remained unmolested company raised the cry that the national culture, but two. The deel Radek says. All that the capitalists know better. Listen to Sulphite Workers Union, which has factor in that work.
Bolsheviks said about it when the what they say Iron Age organ of a good measure of strength on both tracted some 300 workers, including tection against the union and these at home and abroad, of exploitation Teague of Nations was founded has the steel bosses, July 3, 1933. The sides of the Niagara Falls.
still another instance: Williston, representatives of every important police were used in turn to terrorbeen fully confirmed.
North Dakota. This farming com group in the city. The good turn ize the workers. In order to divide and oppression of all kinds, includBut those president did not write the objecpowers remained in the League tionable features (the right to colAn even better example is Winni munity of 5, 000 population packed out, in spite of the petty Stalinist the workers further the company Ing that of national minorities. The who are interested in the mainten Seeltve bargaining y of the pres At no time had a public of the courtroom Judge bench, Jury trick of euchering us out of the ball raised the sloganore the treo on other existing in embryo only in the ance of peace. Fascism drops out but we done by those legislators who listen ever been held in this historic labor the corridor with as fine an audi spite of the column of 150 Stalin twenty years service. They left al socialism fighting for unity of bor clause of this act. That was private meeting under our auspices box and all, with an overflow into originally contracted for, and in for all workers with more than capitalist countries, is that of proletarian democracy, of internationwere taught by the Dally Worker attentively and respectfully to the accorded our meetings durlog the where. The meeting went on from Ross, who marched up to the door. But the workers go on fighting. barriers of race, color, religion, incommunity. If the initial reception ence as the tour produced any. ists beaded by their chief, Lawrence nothing undone.
the oppressed against all separatist that the British and French gov. dictates of the labor lobby.
tour is any index at all, Winnipeg p. sharp! by the way) to mid and marched right back again when they learn through struggle. In the cluding the national barriers. The ernments were Fascist, and then Congress will not administer promises to outstrip many of our night. The which once had they saw who was guarding it, was entire there is Poland, Austria, and Bul this act. The President will. And established branches in short order. a stronghold here, Is obliterated to a result of the systematic plugwork Steubenville. Welrton, Clarksburg. in liberating itself also leads to the steel industry including proletariat each and every land carload of a solid and experienced group of Yorkville, Cannonsburg, Homestead, liberation of every other section of It Prescism dropped out, and the Interest stand in the way of the than half a dozen sympathizers and of members came down from comrades in the branch who are McKeesport, etc. The pressure of the oppressed masses.
non Fascist nations who are inter desired end. That end is not to friends, who did an excellent job. Plentywood, Montana, to hear our soundly supplemented by an active the strike sentiment on the union ested in peace remain, then we closs shop American industry. My too. One meeting, on the funda; standpoint presented, and at the group of younger members. In both leaders is tremendous. How the of take it that Mussolini is no longer emphasis mental question of our differences end of the meeting expressed them the Pacific centers (and the num ficials react to this remains to be Fascist and is interested in peace. But the courts, the courts, will with Stalinism, attended mostly by selves in unreserved agreement ber of them is guaranteed in seen. One thing is certain.
Defense of the Soviet Union Then why not tovite him to join they not protect the worker under Jewish workers, brought down 75. with it. The ravages of Stalinism crease if only a third of our plans militant struggle is due in Weirton. That is the meaning of Biro BidFather Divine, Earl Browder, and the law? The capitalists never had Another meeting was arranged have been so malignant in Plenty materialize by half. the work of LIRVING OKLIN.
jan. Here the Jews are given the the Women League for Peace and any illusions about this either where Shachtman spoke on the unwood, whereabouts a strong move our units in the trade unions, on opportunity to establish real Freedom in the League Against War The employer is as free to make employment program of the League ment existed, that it has produced the picket lines, and in the unem Brownsville Forum homeland devoid of capitalist erand Fascism.
non membersh in union a con to a semi official district confer and almos eonsploye ement is Inodel of the ploitation and built in cooperation, dition of employment as the WHAT NEXT IN FRANCE not merely with each other but with Manifestote for the FOURTH IN ing man is free to join de work Jence of an organization embracing reaction which is headed towards kind of work that must be done if the union. over 7, 000 workers. The main us.
the League is to grow and win.
Speaker the international proletariat. Let TERNATIONAL out. 500 copies This is part of the constitutional meeting, chaired by the most popu The west coast especially dis Everywhere it is being gotten un JACK WEBER no one assume the task is easy for 100 plus postage, Cash must ac rights of personal liberty and prilar revolutionary educator in the closed unlimited possibiltles for der way, in some places well underpir. International Workers School of the Soviet Union is safe so long Biro Bidjan no more than the rest company order. Readers of the vate property, not to be taken away elty. comrade Bloshtein, was packed our movement. In neither of the way. the initial results show a Militant should try hard to distri even by legislation (From decision by more than 350 workers, at which two main centers had a League vitality and potentiality of the SATURDAY, JUNE 16, 8:30 as capitalism still exists. But the bute the Manifesto 56 coples will of the Supreme Court, Dec. the sympathy for our standpoint on meeting ever been held. Both our League which, properly guided, wil 1776 Pitkin Ave, near Stone Ave. Jewish masses have an added rea be sent postpaid for 25. Order 10. 1917, in the Hitchman Coal and Stalinism, social democracy and the units San Franclsco Oakland Rich lay more than one solid foundation trotr Pioneer Publabers, 84 101 Coke case. Thus did the Iron Age, Fourth International openly ex mond and Los Angeles are of very stone for the new Communist party Auspices: Brownsville Branch fatherland and detending the Sov emphasizing this decision in two pressed by a large section of the recent origin. But they make up in the United States. Communist League of America let Union. WEBER, National Tour Shows League Influence and