AnarchismBourgeoisieCapitalismCommunismCuban RevolutionDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerImperialismMarxismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorking Class

UNITB THE MILITANT VOLUME VII, NO. 23 WHOLE NO. 227 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 9, 1934 PRICE CENTS Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America Partial Victory Gained Roosevelt New Cuban Treaty Nation Wide Strike Looms By Toledo Workers Throughout Steel Industry Mighty Attack on Company Union Fortress Planned League in Campaign to Build Organization and Press Mooney Appeal Strike on Pacific companies are carming with me Supreme Court To Shipyards strikers would follow during the mess of the American labor move more clever, but just a deadly dress a serious word to our mem do, we will get organizers in the ar law and order are being used present strike wave are atill to be American imperialism, through Latin America has been rapea the Roosevelt government has die many times by American intervencontinued the Platt Amendment, tion. Mexico has felt the iron heel which accorded to the United of the north. Wherever the AmerlBULLETIN press happily pointed out, made im States the right of intervention in can imperialist interests were at Toledo, June The auto workpossible announcement of the gen Cuban affairs. In its place a new stake. intervention in one form of ers strike was settled yesterday by eral strike the next night, since treaty has been drawn up which another has been resorted to in the a signed agreement between the Roosevelt would take time to an retains the Guantanamo naval base. past, and will be resorted to in the committee of the United Automo swer the appeal.
The Platt Amendment has been future.
bile Workers Federal Labor Union No. 18364 and the Electrie AutoA. of Leaders Force Retreat one of the main causes of friction The New York Times in an ediand hatred against the United torial of May 31 says, But it relite Company, and two smaller com on Tuesday: two days before states in Cuba and throughout the mains true with or without a treats. nation wide steel strike poslast minute measure to put over a for union recognition and the right panies. Main points of the aeree Klotx, sensing the rising tide, is hoped that the new treaty will fnlly intervene in Cuba to protect strike of 1919 is in preparation. It Over a considerable period of hour week, six hour day. one dollar Roosevelt appeal, Mayor whole of Latin America. Now it the American Government may law. sibly of larger proportions than the deal.
of collective bargaining, the 30ment are: Indirect recognition of the tried to clear himself by blaming modify these antagonisms and place its own nationals or their property is scheduled to begin on June 16 time the steel workers, counting aan hour for common labor with union, in the sense that it is named Sherity Kulexer and his deputies American imperialism in a better in ense the territorial government unless the NRA administration, total of nearly 450, 000 throughout corresponding increases for other the contract and the bosses are for the violence at the Auto Lite Wight. But why does the United is unable to do so. That states the President Roosevelt, and the labor the country, have demanded ever grades of work. Failure to meet committed to deal with its commit.
Hant. This was followed on States give up its rights under the matter bluntly and clearly. lieutenants of capitalism in the more persistently a showdown on these demands were to result in a tee. This is important because the Thurulay by an order withdraw Platt Amendment and what effects HO. union succeeds by some desperate the right to have a union. Thus a nation wide strike. Needless to say, recent auto settlement establishing Ing the troops from strike duty, and will this have in Latin American mighty attack upou this fortress of the steel trust flatly refused to even the Auto Labor Board made union the troops began leaving town relations?
company unionism is in the mak consider these demands.
recognition practically impossible Priday morning. significant in ing. The union in the industry, the At a union convention held not and provided proportional represendication of the powerful growth of This concession to Latin America Amalgamated Association of Iron, very long ago the delegates in their tation on workers bargaining com workingclass feeling is the fact is one of the results of the Cuban Although unable to Steel, and Tin Workers, has seen overwhelming majority Inslated on mittees for company unions. The that, while throughout the country reach the goal of a Soviet governits ranks swelled with new recruits this program and carried it through victory of the Toledo auto workers on Wednesday there appeared Arment, the Cuban revolution was joining in large numbers Mans over the heads of the union officials was gained on this point by the thur Brisbane column Today determined inilitants are coming headed by Mike Tighe. These dele fact that the unlon refused to deal carrying an attack on the Toledo powerful enough to shake to the forward demanding action. Un gates however did not entrust the with the Auto Labor Board. This auto strikers and pointed remarks very foundation the rule of the exExpansion of the League and Militant must be secured. Funds doubtedly, if the steel strike actu execution of this program to Mike reopens the issue of union recoge the use of the army against rad granted in Cuba, and the discon consolidation of its press is now an are needed to secure its regular apally takes place, which at this mo righe. They elected a special comnition throughout the auto industry. iculs, the anti labor Toledo Blade Great oppor pearance and to make possible to ment seems quite certalui, thousands mittee of ten members composed No discrimination against on deleted all references to the striktinuing of the Platt Amendment are imperative necessity.
of union district to All who walked out to be rebineculumn. Meanwhile, from the day ists, in conjunction with the native must find the means with which to the He of the class struggle witb dustry will join the union in its be in charge of the presentation of exploiters, to prevent the rekindling take advantage of them.
out the weakening of Its high theor. Aght, not to speak of the likelihood the demands and to be in charge of but those who did not walk out are in which the strikers and sympat let the revolutionary tres and pre tinnen polis is setting the pace. etical standard.
of this strike engulflug other mass all preparations for strike.
also rebired. Men to go back with the Anto Lite plant, on May 23, the Pent it from spreading and consum Following the successful strike inl We must have organizers in the production industries which depend But the preparations are not at in one week. In lay offs, the first which the League played such a held to strengthen and further build upon iron and steel.
all one sided. The steel trust does ing everything dear to the capital to go will be those not on the pay Continued on Page 4)
ists and landowners. Under the splendid role the branch has started the League. We have just finished on May 21 the union presented not ask for mediation. It resents roll Feb. 23 when the first strike cover of this the bitter persecution a campaign to draw recruits from one national tour. Organizers are its demands. These demands were even such interference. It prepares began that is, the scabs.
of the revolutionists can be contin amongst the militants who were in available, eager to take up their in its own way. Governor Pinchot, increase for all workers, the strike and bring them into our duty. But we lack funds. For us ued more effectively for example, reports that the steel and a minimum of above code The abrogation of the Platt Am. organizntion. They are engaged in this is a vital problem. Funds minimums, which means from 12 Goes to the endment alters nothing fundament la campaign to extend the circula have become an imperative need.
chine guos, barbed wire, etc. Here 17 increase for women, who were ally regarding American Imperialtion of the Militant.
Hence our appeal is directed to the Coast Extends we have a private empire with its being paid below code minimums.
ism position on intervention in with the appearance of the theor readers of the Mbitant.
Can we own hired thugs and gunmen. It The worst feature of the Latin America. From a tacticaletical organ on July first serious enlist your assistance?
speaks in the terms of force of agreement is that the union is standpoint, however. and this is steps are also under way to popu. Coupon books of ten cent coupons, armed force. It understands no committed not to strike until the Governor Rolph of California is highly significant It will have a larize the Militant, to make it aften in each book, have been pre other language. But there need be expiration of the six months agree dead. His name like that of Por favorable effect for the United more effective mass agitation paper. pared to help obtain the funds for ment. Fortunately, renewal of the tius Pilate is sure of a place in States. This forced concession on We are thus beginning to make this campaign. These coupons we West Coast longshoremen strike is heels of the Minneapolls and Toledo Oakland, Calif. May 26. The little doubt that following upon the agreement is not compulsory. By history Two acts of his insured the part of the Volted States is sood on our program of expansion ask you to sell amongst your friends entering a new phase. Both the battles the steel workers will also 30 days notice before its expiration, that. One was his approval of passed off as a magnanimous de Our wners new ward one dollar for a coupon bookship the union may cancel the renewal lynching. The other his refusal of and as a new policy toward Latin Militant went over the top.
clause a pardon to Tom Mooney. Without America. It is part of a new pol membership drive is being under if you have not the dollar now with preparing for a long and bitter misty power which rests in their wrecked by an announcement by torians will be able to estimate tration and domination of Latin to coast. The first new branch in books and settle as they are sold augment the police have been re ple of militance has been set for The agreement was nearly any further information, future his icy: new policy of greater pene. taken by the branches from coast you send for one or more coupon struggle. Itecently new forces to ass numbers. splendid exam crulted in almost all west coast them. Most likely they will not be the company on Sunday that those correctly the status of justice in America by American imperialism, this drive is organized in Richmond. With your cooperation our cam cities, the recruits coming mostly slow to learn, and it can be said be put over.
first to go back to work, and the division in society, and the weak method, but by a more subtle and But at this point we must ad roader responds, as militants should These new additions to the forces that the most cripping events in the week. The company was able to ment. The date of his death will method.
bers, sympathizers and readers. We field, we will expand the League, to drive the picket lines back from recorded.
make this outrageous move only be also be placed as during the greut The friends of Roosevelt should need your help in this campaign. and we will secure the regular ap the water front, in an attempt to The Fear of the Strike Spreading cause the scheduled general strike, longshoremen strike of 1934. also call this another master stroke First of all the existence of the pearance of the Militant.
crush the strike.
In face of these armed preparathe threat of which had been hang which along with the Toledo and of Roosevelt diplomacy. It will ap The San Francisco Chamber of tions the fear is growing nevertheing over their heads, had been with Minneapolis strikes is indicative of Dease a large section of the nation.
Commerce boldly declares that it is less amongst the agents of prividrawn definitely on Saturday by the the rise of a new militancy and a al bourgeousle of Cuba and will going to open the port to shipping. lege that the projected strike may Central Labor Union. However, new leadership in the labor move pacify large layers of the petty So far the unions have answered all spread to other Industries. For ex.
solidarity of the strikers and the ment of America. New hopes arise, bourgeoisie throughout Latin Amersuch statements by new and fresh ample, from the captive mines of widespread resentment against the new possibilities for the taking up ica. In this sense it will strengthen Ernst Thaelmann is to be put now infamous Reichstag fire trial walk outs, by strengthening the Pennsylvania word has come to the company, due the killings of a in carnest the fight for the freedom American Imperialism in its strug through farcical trial by the The three non Germans were per pieket lines and by tightening the union that the coal miners there striker and a sympathizer last week of Mooney and all class war pris gle for greater hegemony over Nazis. Hitler will demand that the mitted to go to the Soviet Union. strike generally.
can be expected to make common by the militia, forced the company oners.
America. It will be worthwhile Peoples Court. his newly organ Torgler was kept imprisoned, where Communists have played a lend cause with the steel workers. Leadto back down.
10 the meantime, Mooney from propaganda against the rising wavoined tribunal, finds Thaelmann he remains today, to await a charge ing role in this work and served to Ing automobile manufacturers have his cell in San Quentin sends out of anti American and anti imperial guilty of nedition and terrorism and of sedition.
strengthen the militancy, the morale been in conference with the NRA Toledo, June The scheduled call to the working class of ist discontent in Cuba and in Latin condemn him to death.
The victims of Hitlerism, irre and the organization of the strike administration. They know that general strike was abandoned by America for funds for his appeal America.
The trial has been postponed for spective of thelr party affiliations, or course the scare head editorials the automobile workers are restless the of leadership, despite through the courts. We urge our At the same time the new treaty months. Solitary confinement, bar are our class comrades. It is our in the Western Worker are entirely and discontented with the sell out the persistent demand and favor readers to support his plea. or combined with the economie might baric torture, complete isolation from elementary duty to arouse the work unreal. Moreover, the official settlement put over on them before.
able vote of the local unions, and genize parties, affairs. donate of American Imperialism and the triends or legal counsel; such has ing class their defense.
party T. polley now begins From this so called settlement the before the settlement for the what you can and forward money Monroe Doctrine insures American been the treatment of Thaelmann Symbolic of the anti Fascists at to come into serious conflict with steel workers union have already Auto Lite plant was agreed to to the Mooney Defense Committee. domination not only in Cuba but the by the murderous Fascist regime. the present moment are Thaelmann the unity and with the success of learned one valuable 1688 on.
Negotiations are still being carried Mooney statement follows in part. rest of Latin America. The new The Nuxis feared to put Thuel and Torgler. Support the move the strike. There is the first indl Spokesmen for the committee of on, but the bosses are now negoti.
treaty provides for the naval base mann on trial following their no ment for their freedom! Arouse the cation in the resolution of the ten have declared: We are not ating with no danger of a general My Dear Readers of The Militant: and so far as the right of interventorious failure to frame up Torgler, workers in their defense! Forge local union pushed through at a regolng to see a fumble this time like strike facing them.
My Attorneys, Frank Walsh of tion is concerned Imperialism needs Dimitrov, Tanev and Popoff. The the united front against capitalist cent meeting stating that only the auto strike was fumbled.
They The general strike was origin New York City, John Plnerty of no written permissions. four were found not guilty in the reaction and Fascism!
of Unions would be considered say that they are against mediaally called for five weeks ago, Washington, and George in the strike settlement. This strike of the steel board such when the auto workers were Davis of San Francisco, fled my breaking maneuver was successful set up in the auto industry. They already on strike Evidence was only because of the incorrect Mne say that they are against any proapplication for a writ of babeas produced before the Central Labor coraps in the United States District of the official party. Its fatal posals for an election to be held Union then to show that the Toledo Court for Northern California, at polley cannot at all meet the in the steel industry to determine Manufacturers Association was San Francisco on the 7th day of splitting attacks of the reactionary the rights of the workers to planning a concerted attack to de May 1934.
trado union officials. It plays di belong to union. After the exstroy the trade union movement in If the United States District rectly into their bands and empha periences in the Weirton elections Toledo The call for the coneral Court denies this writ it will be) Detroit, June The national The New Declaration of Prine lwaged a furious struggle against sizes in a most direct sense the im. they have good grounds for this op lon in Toledo was to set up its spe appealed to the United States Cir convention of the Socialist Party, ples. which was carried by a vote the resolution. Denouncing it asperative need of all militants be position Wil the Union Fight it out?
cuit Court of Appeals, and then the which concluded its sessions hereo 99 to 17 (10, 822 to 6, 512 accordan aparchistic Illegal doctrine. coming participants in the mass cific demands and all unions were United States Supreme Court, it last night, recorded a definite ing to membership represented) Louis Waldman of New York de unions So far so good. The statements to strike simultaneously.
that is necessary.
shifting of the party to the left evades the central questions of the clared: It is inconceivable to me. If this line is permitted to con made and the preparations which Ask for Governmental Intervention The initial expenses for this legal following the main tendency of in state and revolution and the strug how can remain a Social Demo tinue the whole strike front will be are under way indicate determinaHowever, during the last two work places a tremendous burden ternational social democracy, Cen gle against war with ambiguous crat and vote for this declaration. weakened by the pulling away oftlon by the steel workers union.
weeks nothing was said about of raising 5, 000 upon my defense trism has replaced social reformism formulations sufficiently elastic to In a volce quavering with indig the independent unions including It is clear that there is no other the demands to be raised by each committee for briefing the great as the official policy of the party. admit of different and contradictory nation and amazement at the sug the own union, the Marine way to settle the issue of the right union. Then Oliver Meyers, busl wealth of material in this eighteen The Bitants combined with interpretations, and they were so gestion of a possible violation of Workers Industrial Union.
td union recognition and improved ness agent of the Electrical Work year old case, stenographic, typing Norman Thomas and the Milwaukee interpreted in the debate by various the rules of class warfare laid down Longshoremen Stand Ground wages and working conditions, but ers Union of the Edison workers, and other clerical help. office rent, group against the New York old speakers, and to attract the com by the capitalists, Waldman sbout On May 31, in const wise Austral through the mobilization of the who took the general strike plan supplies, printing and binding of Guard to pass a diluted Declar bined support of pacifists, Municl ed: How can a party dedicated to lan ballot the striking longshoremen steel workers in a nation wide seriously and immediately, led his briefs, postage, telegrams, telephone ation of Principles and electa pal Socialists and those who peaceful and legal struggle speak in more than twenty cities on the strike. Strong forces are at work union in an onslaught on the Edison and transportation and traveling slate to the National Executive consider themselves revolutionary of mass resistance to war? Greet Pacific Coast gave an emphatie no to divert the steel workers of this company, was removed from the expenses for at least one of the at Committee. The age at which mem Marxists.
ed by a storm of boos from the gal as their answer to the manoeuvers path. The unton president, Mike chalrmanship of the committee of torneys, all of whom have volun bers of the Young Peoples Socialist The leaders of the Militants. lery, in which many delegates of the mediators and the union Tighe, is applying all the cunning 23 preparing the general strike, and teered their services without fee. League (Yipsels) may enter the the principal sponsors of the declar joined, Waldman declared, will president Ryan, and voted to stand in his possession to accomplish this was replaced by a little known con This whole program will be in party was lowered from 21 to 18. ation, appealed to the authority of stand all the boos, and also agree solld until their demand for alm and to serve his masters in the servative, Aubry, who was put for Jeopardy if we are unable to raise thus insuring an influx of radical Finquit on every contested point to defend in court all those who closed shop are met. For good steel trust. He spares no efforts to ward to take the rap for the fall this indispensable sum. This emer young Socialists into the party. On and explained the stand taken on may be indicted on the basis of this measure they added that the rest create dissension in the union ure to go on with the general strike. gency compels me to plead with the trade union question the cen the question of war as a re state resolution.
of the demands of the seamens un addressing himself to the National The committee of 23, under Mey you for a donation to be used ex trists capitulated to the Old Guardment of the St. Louis resolution of This was the strain of all the ions must also be met.
Labor Board, he characterizes the ers leadership, had arranged for a clusively for expenses directly con and all criticism of the of 1917. As before stated, the post arguments of the extreme right. Bej. During the week the strike spread members of the committee of terus monster torchlight parade to be nected with this Federal Court Ac leadership the heart of the trade tion of the Revolutionary Policy careful or we will all be arrested to the shipyards where the machin. irresponsible and representing held Friday evening. June 1, ending tion.
union resolution was stricken out. Committee was not brought for en speech after speech they strove Ists and the riggers unions in the nobody but themselves. He knows.
with meeting in Courthouse Please accept in advance my for the Revolutionary Policy ward. One delegate, Peter Fagin to incite fear of consequences and major yards of San Francisco and nevertheless, that this committee Square at which the date of the warmest personal regards, best Committee, its independent resolu of Michigan, protested against the demanded the restriction of the so Oakland joined in a sympathette was duly elected at the onion congeneral strike would be announced. fraternal greetings and heartfelttions on the principle questions Centrist steam roller which pre cialist struggle to the framework walk out.
vention. Even the steel trust knows The night before the parade, the thankful appreciation for any con were never brought to the conven vented the left wing from being of bourgeois democracy. This, saial The week marked with that this is a representative comlocal of bureaucracy, egged sideration shown this communication floor, despite the readiness of heard and several other delegates Panken, was a fundamental quen pitched battles between strikers mittee and that it speaks for the on by Taylor, personal repre tion.
a group of left wing delegates to Aled similar declarations with their tion, and collectively they rejected and police. The strikers armed union. How closely the committee sentative of wmiam Green, pushed Sincerely, support them. The traded votes for the adopted resolution.
a proposal to offer amendments on solely with their fists, bricks from will stick to the program adopted at through a motion in the Central TOM MOONEY of its independent position for a The Old Guard. on the other this or that paragraph. We are a wrecked building and other such the union convention remains to be Labor Union to send an appeal to Address all communication and seat on the National Executive hand, which stands pat on Demo confronted here. said his Honor impromptu weapons stood their seen. Carrying out its mandate Roosevelt to intervene. This was make all funds payable to the Tom Committee for one of its leaders, cratic Socialism of the European the Judge, with a fundamental ground well against tear gas, buck the committee is duty bound to lead done after 95 out of 96 locals had Mooney Molders Defense Commit Franz Dantel of Pennsylvania. pre Hitler type and makes no con cleavage of philosophy and theory. shots, sa wed off shot guns, police this struggle to its final conclusion, voted for a general strike! The aptee, Bor 1475, San Francisco, Such are the main results of the cenions whatever to the tragte Do we want to abandon the demo horses, nightsticks and revolvers. to the establishment of a union peal to Roosevelt, as the capitalist California.
Detroit Convention.
nutcome in Germany and Austria. Continged on Pero Continued on page 4) in the steel industry.
Defend Thaelmann Torgler Socialist Party Adopts Militant Position At Detroit National Convention WAS