AnarchismBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCentrismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEngelsEnglandFascismFranceGermanyIV InternationalImperialismLeninMarxMarxismNazismRussian RevolutionSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1934 THE MILITANT PAGE Positions of Conflicting Groups Theoretical Organ Critical Analysis of the In the Socialist Party American Workers Party Congreld be resort and social. The and Its easy to mecha. van dered while homemade senere tice there to be ledere er en series of the least What is Its Position de la imagen para Program u An excellent first number of the NEW INTERNATIONAL magazine It will be observed that the world every effort to get the above princ will greet readers when the long Editor Note The following But on the very same pages with the foregoing ist International, which came into by the Labor and Socialist Interna of the International Communists contributed to the discussion of being, not as a result of the desires tional in order that it may be the comes of the press on June 15th the movement for a new party by On Internationalism? quotations appears the explanation of them. The whole section of the of the Buro, but through pressure effective Instrument in promoting The partial list of articles and spe Felix Morrow.
Program dealing with the Internaof the defeat in Germany, did not made up primarily of the petty the world revolution. The program cal features to appear in the first The preceding articles have dis the nature of reformism and the tear of contradictions arising beworld capitalist society, specifically tional is, in fact, pervaded with a. Herve to check the agitation within bourgeois and intellectual section of concludes with the following declar number of the NEW INTERNAthe ranks of the LSI. The Concoe arty, a great many of these utton in bold type. THERE IS AB TIONAL will appeal to all inter cussed two of the main tendencies proletariat. These errors have tween the development of the Amergrese ucted as a spur to the luterual veing graduates of the League for SOLUTELY NO REASON (abso ested in reading a journal of revo which stand between the nothing to do with national psycho Ican party and the work of the Inuiscussions taking pluce every industrial Democracy. Thus, while lutely none WHY THE lutionary Marxism.
and the road to the new revolution logy, conditions, etc.
ternational. Here, again, it is clear Where. Having brielly discussed the group enjoys a greut Interest SOCIALIST PARTY OF AMERICA Among the features are: ary party and International.
From such a false starting point, that the has not thought out the Congress and demonstrated the eveu support for its vlews, its CAN NOT MEET THE OPPORTU. Editorial: For the Fourth In The has failed to the moves, not iu thy direc thoroughly the differences between growth of left wing groupings in ck of roots in the Party proper, NITY WHICH CONFRONTS IT ternational!
break critically with the reformation of u revolutionary internation the perversions of internationalism the International, we must of nec numpers its intuence over the pro TODAY IF IT ADOPTS CLEAR, essity cupy ourselves primarily ucturian section of the organization. WELL DEFINED past of its predecessor, the Conferal, but of a loose league of national practiced by the Stalinist bureauPROGRAM Review on the NRA byence for progressive Labor Action. parties like the Second Internation cracy, and the necessary principles with the American Socialist Party. the sympathies that it enjoys so BASED UPON THE ABOVE Jack Weber.
No one can question the fact that lar huve little realization in organ PRINCIPLES AND TACTICS AND there is danger of reformist hangel. Once the feel of the country of a genuinely Communist Interna3.
The American Workers Party: overs, especially since the contemplis identified with fundamentaltional. This is what is behind such the American groups rellect worlamational guius. The Program IS SETS UP ADEQUATE MACHINCommunism or Centrism by uous or indlaterent attitude toward principles of revolutionary strate formulations as this in the events and the decisions of the sigued by over 80 active party ERY FOR EFFECTIVELY PUTMax Shachtman.
theory, expressed by leading ky. and it is asserted that This gram: The problem of developing August Congress. But iu the Unit members, few however, having any TING THESE PRINCIPLES INTO The Marxism of Sidney Hook members, prevents examination of cannot be communicated to it (the an effective International is an exed States, some peculiar and inter decisive influence ou the Party. ACTION. On one of the most de. by Maurice Spector. fundamentals.
party) from the outside (outside ceedingly complex one. The Amestiug chunges took place. The sit Most of these are new in the move cisive questions facing the workers On the Communist Party by II. The most significant example. what a word to describe the world orlean Workers Party will be con uation here does not mirror exactly meat. While its program is movement today the program actu Arne Swabeck of the insufficient break proletariat. we cannot but expect cerned to do all that is in its power the situation in Europe from the aliend of that of the Buod, its clos ally says little and what it does say Decline of the Progressive with reformism is that its present that the whole question of the in toward its solution, and remain in point of view of purty politics. est approximation in this country is wrong. It orientates itself com Miners of America by Joseph criticism of the Stalinist party is ternational will be put in terms sympathetic contact and engage in There is a greater confusion in the hus to connection with pletely upon the 2nd International. Angelo.
little different from that earlier alien to the Communist tradition. discussions. Emphatically, howAmerica as we shall soon detect. the Bund. Similarly with respect The question of Stalinism, the ex At the Congress, the reactionary to the matter of international con istence and role of Centrism, and The Crisis in the Socialist volced by the reformist By Here are the cracial sentences of ever, we assert that our absorbing arty by Cannon.
placing the blume on sectarianism. the Program: concern. IN. on our own wing of the International was in sections. Though its existence is the movement for the 4th Internathe American seene. and a lack of complete control. The Congress re to be explained by internationaltional are entirely left out of the Stalin by Trotsky.
emphasis on the regeneration of the machinery Unquestionably, international doorstep. Emphatically, howis needed through ever is the crucial phrase. This affirmed the policy of reformism of events and is a reflection of inter program. Without even as much as Boom, Crisis aud Strike Waverundamentals of Communism which which the labor and revolution counterposing of the two tasks the tbe In contlict with this national curreuts in the the mention of these questions it is by Weuver.
save the Comintern, including the ary movements muy exchange international and the party Is then position of the Congress and the group leads a completely national clear why the has no genu 10.
ls France Next? by Marsh. its powerful vitality up views and organize joint activities resolved by declaring that we shall majority of the delegations, stood uxistence. This is coulirmed by its ine international orientation. 11 The Viena Commune by to 1924.
the Polish Bund whleh rallied to its program ou International Hela Reforming the 2nd International to advance the ultimate object of best serve the tollers of all lands Max (pen name of a promIII a workers world. Under certain by making the American revolution.
alde 18 votes out of 300 or more. Lions.
These questions are of fundamenident German Communist. When we examine the character circumstances, the most direct This would indeed be a great serclared, for an end to the policy of movement within the toward can make or break itselt.
The resolution us was shown, de The represents a seriousual character. Around these the 12 Archives of Bolsbevise (un of the internationalism expused by and practical kind of cooperation vice but has it occurred to the published manuācripts. the here again we find the between the labor and revolutionA. that the internationalism dereform and in favor of the revo Marxism. Its program is not yet while on many issues it is moving Included in thie Book Review Sec. baleful influence of the myth of ary movements of two or more marded of them is not a question lutionary. struggle for power, Marxism, but has moved a long way toward a position of Marxism, it is cion are: Celine Journey to the sectarianlam. The Pro countries is possible, and may for the destruction of capitalism in that direction. The great num. not there yet. When Lovestone says Ltd of the Night. reviewed by Earl gram says: profoundly influence world de help the workers of other lands The workers in each coun. velopments, 18 e. general such, indeed, is the flavor of this ship of the revolutionary party durives it at best u skeleton character. that in substance, the program of Birmey: Rivera Portrait of Amstrike against war in several section of the Programing the period of Socialist construc it is not sufficient, however, to of: the Is Marxlan. it only ex ericu. reviewed by Paula Mendex: try are faced with certain condi tions, they have a certain backbut that the cooperation of the countries. Joint revolutionary tion.
Der skeletou views to the socialist presses his patronizing attitude to Eastman Artists in Uniform. removements workers in other lands may play e may conceivably be It demanded an end to the policy workers. You must take each lub ward the and his desire to lewed by David Ernest; Bauer ground, tradition, psychology. feel of coalition governments. support Jamental question and painstaking the this movement to the kite of aud Deutsch on the Austrian Civil revolutionary purty must carried through simultaneously in decisive role in the American revoall this, feel how the workers in lution?
Stalinism. Genuine revolutionaries War, reviewed by Max Shachtman.
several countries in some internaof disarmament conferences, etc. ly analyse it from the vantage point the country feel and think. This tional crists, and an international It could easily be shown that the On each of these questions, the of Marxism. Euch question has to will endeavor to help the to other material, in addition, will completely to communism, appear, all of which will help to lay cannot be communicated to it revolutionary general staff is re indifference toward the role other Bund demoustrated confusion and be thoroughly and completely dis that is, to revolutionary Marxism the foundation for the growth of a from the outside.
showed that it had not learned any cussed, every variant considered.
quired in such a situation. pp peoples will play in the American These fundamental principles revolution arises from a still unthing since it endeavored to aid in Program From its position on luternational leading theoretical organ of Bolshe27 28. my emphasis)
Relations It is obvious that the vism.
of revolutionary strategy have This passage is full of fundamen clear theory of the state on the the construction of the InternaThe entire program is six pages orientates itself on the basis. The NEW INTERNATIONAL is been disregarded by the Third In tal errors. We shall consider them part of the The Program tlonal. It does not distinguish belong. Within these six pages are of the policy of reforming the so being published by the New Inter ternational. 28)
under two points: The discipline states: State power is national, not tween the Dictatorship of the Pro contained the position of the cialist Party and the Labor and national Publishers Association, and the elevation of national peculi ot a revolutionary international International. It has to be taken In Berlin, London, Paris, Washingthe Party. Nowhere is there men. Policy, u Lubor Party, the United not the slightest hint that the fun the kind of magazine so greatly ples and the attribution of stalin. Glutionary general staf.
letariat and the Dictatorsbip of on: The Road to Power, War, Labor socialist International. There is there is the greatest confidence that arities into fundamental princl. 12. The role of an international revon. Remember, the power of tion made of the Soviets and their front, NRA, Farmers, Negroes, the damental character of social demo needed and desired by thinking ist failure to their disregard both Just what is meant by the the two American continents, Into the American class extends across role in the struggle for power and Middle Class, the Soviet Union, In. cracy make it impermissible to re Alarxists will come into existence are false.
two references to labor is not China (now becoming as important after its seizure. It speaks of the ternational Relations and con main within its ranks. The possi with the publication of the NEW The fundamental principles of clear.
us hope that it cannotto America as it is to England. the revolutionary classes (9) into a boundaries a program can not touch centenced in bebek progretme ve and unconsistent inancial support from the nature of world capitalist so nonnya bole parties, Loreano lerode and creeping across Europe. Who dictatorship of the workers and properly on any of the questions already pointed out, its relation to its readers will be necessary in orciety and its present stage of reformist organizations. Now, no opportunity for the American workhew conditions of struggle. and criticism we have to make our is not even as much peasants. The resolution calls for discusses. But this is not the main the other international movements der to maintain the magazine and velopment. Needless to say peedparty can belong to a revolutionary Ingelass to overthrow the state, will says too, that the Socialist Parties main criticism of the is to The must begin rapidly toning 32 pages, at the earliest op documents of the early Congresses thternational without adhering to not come because the Chinese revomust prepare without fall for the on the fundamental questions it is clarity its position on all these ques portunity. The subscription price of the Comintern special peculiar Ixions are to be preceded by thorntion will break out just when the mentioned to increase its size, from its begin less to anyone who has read the its principles and decisions. Declnecessities of direct action either mbiguous, incomplete, orltong, and make clearer its point or is 50 per year in the United itlos in specitic countries are to be lough discussion throughout thenendent on China. or equal weight American bourgeoisie is most de wrong.
The Fundamental Questions All of this, however, does not ex that in general the program is of een on those points expressed in States and 75 per year in Canada allowed for; and these the parties parties. but the exchange of with its role for China, had it been This in spite of the fact plain how, or what, is meant. we left character, in the direction of deeply among the proletarian layers copies are 15 cents Donations and with the program. The should root itself and other foreign countries: Singleliwn. the given countrles should dealews is to be followed by conelu, successful. was the role of the sions by vote of the majority; and Chinese Revolution of 1923 1927 in said last week that now is not the Communism time to write new doctrines. TheThe question of the Dictatorship We shall endeavor to help the for NOW. Place your order today such specific conditions has never the conclusions must be binding on facilitating the English revolution. of the party and seek support there. subscriptions are needed and asked But the problem of allowing for program of Bolshevism answers of the Proletariat is a case in point. make these steps forward and draw for the New INTERNATIONAL been a crucial one. Certainly this our partner evolutionnternationes And if the South American, Carrievery question raised by the left Alter declaring in favor of it, the the proper conclusions to their pres magazine. only limited number problem was not the chose estampas: seek is not the mere unity of the let the domain of the American wings in the Socialist International program says nothing of the Soviets, ent struggle.
will be published as per orders inist fallure. What, for example workingelass in and of itself bourgeoisie, should they not be and it answers these questions with their position in the struggle for ALBERT GLOTZER.
prior to publication.
clarity and completeness. What the power and their relation to the esSend donations and subscriptions the united front from below which the trade union level but a fighting not in temporary agreements or Bund has done has been to reiterate tablishment and existence of the a stand it has held now for more proletarian dictatorship. On the SUBSCRIBE TO THE MILITANT.
THE NEW INTERNATIONAL, scale) to do with how the workers and for this, the highest type of by a general staff? Once this is than a decade and bring it up to one hand it speaks of the working STATION D, BOX 119, in the country feel. What these uniform discipline is necessary. To agreed to, the relation between two date. The early Congresses of the class state as au entirely new type JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE NEW YORK, theories disregard is the nature of Communist International answered of state. without saying anywhere say, as the Program says. imperialistie regimes logically leads the questions of the struggle for that the capitalist state must that parties may exchange views to the inclusion of all workers under Power, the Dictatorship of the Pro destroyed and replaced by the work and to say nothing about coming the one general staff.
letariat, the struggle against War, ers state. Because of this lack of to conclusions, and the binding nathe United Front, etc. They were clarity it can conclude this section ture of the conclusions this is to Wrong as the international peranswered then in detail and with of the program by saying: Once be ambiguous about the essence of spective of the is, however, and dangerous as the consequences thoroughness. The half answers socialists are in possession. of Shanghal, May By Mail. ers held no prior consultation with slogan for the convocation of the a revolutionary International.
and ball truths contained in the the state machinery by the mandate Cold Inertia holds the Chinese labor the workers in other silk factories National Assembly. The AW. Program borrows to. It would betray a lack of insight of the position might be it held on Bund position, can only lead to con of the workers, their task is to se movement in its paralyzing grip with a view to enlisting their sup Despite government prohibition the term International revolution it one were not to see the healthy fusion. In this respect the program cure and insure the governmental May Day passed in Shanghai yes port. There is no union for the the strikers did demonstrate. Butary general statt from the commuof the Revolutionary Policy Com power for the victorious revolution terday without causing the falutest entire industry. Indeed, most of the instead of demonstrating before the nist tradition. But what does it do Instinct behind such a remarkas mittee in America is far clearer by arming the workers for its de ripple. The North China Daily silk workers are entirely unorgan factories with a view to winning with the term? In communist Muste at the recent COD than that of the Polish Bund, and tense against all possibility of a News reports laconically: Police ized, although they are among the the support of their fellow workers tradition the term is a synonym for made with no international ald.
even that is not yet complete counter. revolutionary resistance, authorities took precautionary most fearfully exploited of China in the silk Industry, they went into the International itselt. The of course Muste is wrong: of Marxist position.
Jand to proceed to transform the eco measures against possible disturb industrial proletariat. They work largely futile gatherings before the work of the International is a conBut in spite of the confusing and nomie and social basis of society. ances reactionary elements. a 12 hour day for a pittance beside Bureau of Social Affairs, a Kuomintinuous work. Its task is the grand course he ignore the extraordinary vague character of the Bund posi Which state machinery is referred Nothing untoward happened during which the fifteen dollar weekly intang organ whose function is to strategy of the world revolution. International experience of the Bol tlon It served as the starter in the to here? It is by no means clear the day. Even the mild demoncome of a worker in Amer break strikes by deceit, cajolery and what is the relation between the shevik leaders, he ignores the in International discussion raging in Apparently the capitalist state strations of former years, when a ica appears muniticent. The Mayar intimidation.
the Parties of the Social Democra machinery! By the mandate of the few Communists gathered at crowd workers struck under other strong The Stalinists possess no infin ship of a given country? The party Engels. But the healthy. Instinct cy. For that it deserves merit. But workers! What kind of a mandate? ed street corners, shouting slogans, disadvantages. Theirs was the last lence among China Industrial pro leadership is itselt part of the Is there, nevertheless. What Muste some of the groupings starting The seizure of power as a result of scattering handbills, and disappear of a series of strikes that have taken Letariat. Privately they will admit general staff and participates in is saying is that the American Rev.
where the Bund began are now for the armed struggle of the proletar. ing as soon as a policeman came place in the Shanghal silk Industry that the optimistic material found laying down the grand strategy olution can be made with no more aid than the Russian, if necessary.
ahead of it. The Bund instead of lat or a ballot victory? The upon the scene, were abandoned this during the past two to three years in the congress speeches of the But this communist conception of But this healthy Instinct has moving ahead is standing still. may protest and say: But we have year. In other industrial cities it Other sections of the silk workers genial leader and his henchmen the general staff has nothing in attitude In the first article we spoke of already declared that we are for was the same.
the following groups existing in the the workers state, the new type of China, the reaction relyne supreme xercement, there existed no prospect of the Mayar still workers they unfted front committee Under but by his own principles he can be In Kuomintang had gone down in defeat one after Platnitsky, Manuilsky, et al are common with that of the nothing to do with an. In the strike which makes the general staff into which may seem to be almilar but is poles apart. Muste is wrong: American Socialist Party: The Re state based upon the Workers triumphant, unchallenged.
volutionary Policy Committee, the Councils. Nevertheless, it is not Militants, the Forward Association, clear precisely what is meant in the tensive struggles occasioned by the led fellow workers by means of sym to Join the Red Army and Sup. In such Last year wave of workers de the support of their already defeat the workers are vain admonitions simultaneously. stare is required shown, think that they logically the Old Guard (Oneal, Lee, etc. program.
the Wisconsin Organization, the The Question of the State growth of oppression and the more pathetic strikes.
port the Soviet Districts, which in phrases which describe temporary International, a permanent general and more devastating attacks on the Defeat in these circumstances the circumstances are stupta united fronts. They do not describe when, however, at the same conrevolution followers of the Polish Bund, the The question of the state is the workers livelihood, has weakened was inevitable. But the Mayar mockery of the workers struggle the role of the revolutionary sen terences, Hardman spoke, he Krueger. Politically, there are not revolutionary movement. It is upon completely. Without independent used as the basis for a great cam noticed in Kuomintang China, exso many groups or grouplets. Such the evaluation of the state that the wnions and in some cases without pain to organize the workers incept for official Kuomintang gath JA. eventually or not, let us at other countries was invariably bad Whether we can agree with the said: Russian interference with a division serves the purpose of workers movement remains divided. differentiation. political classi. on this question the 2nd Internation unions at all; deprived of a mili. the entire slik Industry with the erings and a Nazl flag raising cere least begin with clarity. Where precisely because of the thingu which made the Russian Revolution cation would find the and the al split. The organization of the tant, class conscious leadershipil perspective of a future struggle on mony which took place before the terms are used without speelne successful Lenin knowledge of followers of the Bund on the Left, Communist Internatioal was the to maintain an effective strike or not. honest The members of the Lett mal, when fascist orators empha have their historical meaning the lack of knowledge of other people.
poverty stricken and without funds an industry wide scale. This was German consulato general in Shang meaning being given to them, the Russia was only surpassed by his clation and the Wisconsin Organiz calists and anarchists are divided Sanization the strikes that took Opposition, who had valuable con sized the significance of May as general staff is a term of the com This is not only to rewrite falsely ation on the Right, with the lenders from the rest of the workers move. place were doomed in advance. Atacts with leading strikers, failed definitely commemorating the na munist tradition meaning per the history of the Russian Revoluof the American delegation, Kruement. Quite seriously and earnest whole series of defeats, with scarce to get the necessary slogans puttionalization of labor as an integralment, continuously functioning, orBund in Èurope. and the Miu. thorough study of the documents relievo atba keloomy andeture, letelo them when the strike was alrendy these ceremontes proceeded, prole the proposes as internation. Lot the country. This Is 1180 for ser and Senior, which supported the we suggest that the make ya bright spot of partial victory to forward.
They only thought of factor of German life today. Whilegan of the world party. If all that tion, making it depend on the feel of the defeat. tarlan China bowed its back under al machinery is the united front, Hardman is talking bere ready to fall in line with any ma the question of the state and the by the four thousand workers of Moreover, they failed to advan Comintern from its first day to the lash reaction. Shang temporary, and jority.
Dictatorship of the Proletariat, the Mayar silk Works, largest of the democratic slogans of the left lite proceeded as usual. In the pale say ng but let it not give to this renounce the possibility of interna For to designate the The The Revolutionary Policy clarified, the can be weeks the workers held out against the strike struggle, although condi tens of thousands to the factories, and transitional one the title heroic Internationalism of 1919 1924 Committee. The articles of comrade come the instrument of clarifying a 10 percent wage cut and then re tions were most propitious. The Along the water front and in the which is historically associated as Russian interference this la Cannon have already discussed in and educating the ranks of the turned to work in disorderly re strike was proscribed by the author streets, with the sun high in the with the highest organ of the world but a step away from chauvinism.
detall the political position of this drawing large sections of its work treat.
ities and the strikers forbidden to heavens, the coolles strained at proletariat.
It is to be sincerely hoped that group. It is necessary however tolers to the side of the revolution. This strike is worthy of some hold meetings or demonstrations. their inhuman loads, watering their were the foregoing quotations all the turns its stepe away examine their physiognomy a bit On International Relations the detailed attention, since it is char. Here was a first class opportunity tracks with their sweat.
that the has to say on the from this false road, and moves inmore. Withont a doubt, the social program is wholly inadequate and acteristic of the whole recent strike to popularize democratie demands Not a votee of protest nor a note question of the International, there stead in the direction of the new composition of the group is it is in fact false. It says: The So movement in China. The Mayar among a large number of workers of rebellion anywhere!
world be nothing more to say, for revolutionary party and internationgreatest weakness. The group is clalist Party of America must make workers struck alone. Their lead land to link these with our centrall LUCIFER. Jsuch views are not those of a truly al. FELIX MORROW.
Under the Iron Heel of Chiang Kai Shek by let it