AnarchismBourgeoisieCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyFascismFootballFranceIV InternationalImperialismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1934 REVIEWING Longshoremen Strike All Picnic June 24th THE NEWS Pacitic Ports On the Political Scene In Mexico in National Tour Finds League Advancing MARCH OF The New York Local of the Com imunist Lougue of America arranged EVENTS for a plenic to greet the appearance of the New International, our the(Continued from page 1) In the fall of 1933, when the waveoretical organ. This picnic will THE ELECTORAL CAMPAIGN Lazaro Cardenas. This party has Professor Speaks when Mayor Dore of Seattle asked of union organization spread over take place at Zedler Grove, beauDr. Luther Harr, Professor of for the troops before, that if the the entire country, the activization tifully situated place amidst the Mexico are rapidly approaching favor among the proletariat and definitely The presidential elections resorted to an intensided campaign Stop Fooling with Labor. of demagogy in an attempt to win The first period of the NRA has ended. The assistance la, unloads the following: Business organized labor would call gen workers brought about the 100 side of the Bronx liver between Five candidates are in the field reppeasantry. They have inaugurated tendered to the of bureaucan not pay higher wages because eral strike in all industries. organization of the longshoremen In Mount Vernon aud Bronxville, with resenting five different classes or minimum salary of and 60 cracy to help them gain control of they can not dispose of goods at a Assistant Secretary of Labor Ed the International Longuhoremen a dominating view of the beautiful sections of a class.
presos a day, but try and get it. the newly organized masses of profit. On the other hand the la ward McGrady who still smelle Association Bronx Valley. We are making They have established as a platform workers so as to prevent the growth boring population can not under of his betrayal of the Detroit auto In April, 1984, the longshoremen every effort to make this the largRepresenting the feudal clerical a six year plan which attempts to of unlons under militant leadership, stand why they should go hungry workers, joined the Chamber of were ready for a strike, but upon est and most entertaining affair the reaction, far to the right is Valen: promise the workers some gain :n has been withdrawn under the presTherefore both should get together herring into the issue. He has been LA: submitted its demands to a welude a program of entertain tionists. These sigh for the glories time not alarming the imperialists. production industries. With the in order to get purchasing power sent out here in an effort to arbi mediation board and negotiations ment, dancing in an open air pavillor the days of orfirio Diaz, and Amid a blare of trumpets, many revival of business, aided by enorinto the hands of the consumer. crate the strike or as he quaintly were opened between the longshore son, us well as out door sports, and are deadly chemies of the few rights headlines and much speech making mous subsidies, finance capital The House of Zion basa saner puts it, conciliation having failed men and the steamship operators competing baseball game. gained by the workers and peons they have proceeded to give a few takes new courage und demands view. They claim that: Prosperity we must now try arbitration. but at all times the steamship oper Directions for reaching the picnic during the revolution.
hectares of land to some of the complete freedom to amass greatwill not returp until the Prince of The members have had ators refused to concede to any of grounds are very simple. Take the The cupitalist elements who are landless peasants, carefully noter profits. It is in no mood to Heaven rides out from a cloud on their belly full of arbitration all the demands of the longshoromen. White Plains Road 241st St. Lex on the outs with the Party in power touching the large estates.
brook the resistance of labor to the white horse. The old time boys ready and are determined that their The members of the International ington Ave. Subway or Elevated to are represented by Villareal, can he tried to it themselves to the wricers shall not sell them out. Longshoremeu Association learned the last stop, where Zedler Grove uidate of the Confederation of Opparts now favured by Wall Street expense of the workers living The is undoubtedly the extension of capitalist gains at the boot straps should be around today. They refuse to permit these officers from this lesson. Not around tables busses will take you to the picnic wition Parties.
as best fitted to insure the necessary standards. Stop fooling with InThey qualify for the Brain to make any settlement until the and in committee meetings will the grounds. The admission to this Faithful servants to Yankee im super pronts and making possible bor. says Girdler, head of the ReTrust. membership bus bad a chance to workers win their demands. Only picnie will be 25c, no extra charge perialism and the big native capital an ever greater field of investment public Steel Co. Away with all PAS upon the agreement. through a militant tight will they for dancing or other amusements. ints, and muder the guidance of one for unemployed capital. Both the this nonsensical pretence of the Democracy and the Bosses Want Job Control for be able to force the borses to rec. Tickets are available at our city of the wealthiest men in Mexico, unti reelectionists and the opposi NRA! Girdler would rather shut When William Quesse, organizer Company Union ognize their union.
office and headquarters of the var calles, the Partido Nacional Revotion to the grovel in the down the factories than treat with WYLE.
The Union deinands are the 30ious branches.
uionists. Tucionario hus for its candidate dust, proclaiming themselves to be professional and bead of the Chicago Flat JanIrvin, itors Union, died be left will in bour week, an hour and JOB much more efficient servants of President of Steel, declares which the union leadership was as CONTROL. The ship owners have Yankee imperialism than the Cor the open shop and company wigned to Alderman Oscar Nelson micatell a willingness to concede unionism. He is echoed by Grace, The petty bourgeoisie, repulsed by head of Bethlehem Steel. Sloan, on condition that he give up polithe first two but they demand that ties. The rank and file had no say the company union composed of socialiam, centered around the Left an ultimatum for the open shop and in the matter but at least they did strikebreakers, steainship officials, and know how the successor was chosen scubs, stool pigeons and similaration, the Communist League has people Socialist League.
Young, up on the skid road and out of the Socialist Party with its candidate, rallies the entire boss class against and who chose him. In the Urats shall bave at least afty percent been able to organize a successful was hurdly a single city where they didn know what it was all abont been swung into this current.
There missions and stewpots, and who Tejeda. Thousands of workers have any half way measures in the most Novelty Workers Local ther the jete control, When Jub con national tour which actually took were nòt substantially represented exempt that they were supposed to aggressive speech of all: We situation is different. Officials take rol was divided between the two Aleanwhile, the majority of work should more effectively and courcharge of meetings, delegates are organizations by coucillation a few representative of the National at the meeting in Southern Illi break up our meeting in Boylelers follow the line of the non poliageously stand and, if necessary, sent to various conferences, etc. but weeks ago the members Committee from one end of the nois meeting, it was largely to solfeights Ought in vuim to batterical leaders of tbe unions, Lombar ght for those things which are just Wheelects them or when, is a second themselves discriminated ed. Up until now, the farthest revolutionists to the core who are eight comrades, was that the Thanks to the work of these lead against unionism.
for company un country to another. Canada includ clalisi militants that we spoke their way through our guard of do Toledano and Perax Medina. and equitable (the open shop.
cret that the rank and fle are not against on every Job both as Indi: west we had ever penetrated was ready to tight and side by sido did succeeil in welling together a fers the workers have virtually detons, against collective bargaining, allowed in on. Stalinist bureau. viduals and as an orgunization, crets of the out listance the had not bad one hundred nections with Communist militants movement. In St. Louis, the local radical organisation in the city, de such a pathy that it is only by dint and control, for profits. 11 Minneapolis and Kansas City. Con with us. for a genuinely Marxian united front of virtually every other serted the field of politics, showing against government regimentation the inte Big Tim Murphy of the percent of the longshoremes with had indeed been established on the branch of the Young People S termined to help us defend our of much fireworks, and much Chicago Gas Workers in their conthein so that the ship owners could West Coast before, but in most of cialist Leagne voted to call of its right to meet and speak. Another pulqut that meetings held in tempt for the union membership.
not get workers through their com the western localities no public own meeting and come down in a result: two sympathizers workers neighborhoods are partialFinance Capital to the Attack pany union the would have meeting of our organization had body to help defend our mass meet joined the League on the very samely mlled.
The Higher Strategy of Stalin ocen driven out of existence. For yet been held. Now, as a result of ing from a rumored possible attack night that the stalinists disrupted and, lacking in real party of the culty planned and concerted drive And the tollers of the Big businers thus starts a careStrong governments has always this reason the LLA. refuses to the systematie pioneer work that by the Stalinksts. In Wankegan, our meeting that is, been the ery of reactionaries. To compromise the issue of hob control has been effected, together with the linois, the meeting was held under were substituting for when they proletariat, with whom to form a independent trade unions. The prefind the Ambassador of the Soviet For the same reason the ship own tightening up of the organization the auspices of the latest branch of Hyney notorions Red Squad.
Mr. Red lighting alliance, are choosing berences of increasing wages and raisUnion echoing that cry is indeeders refuse to budge an inch on the which the speaking tour of comrade the League, organized by the bulk tween Tejedla and Cardenas.
Once more in Salt Lake City, ing living standards become too amazing. Speaking at the Ameri ame question.
In addition to endeavoring to established that outside of the active ones) of what was three of 100 workers was suddenly disants, Stalinist directed, has for its service to the ruling class and the Shachtman helped to produce, it Blor the members (all the young and the orderly and excellent meeting The Bloc of Workers and Peas transparent to be of any further Cultural Relations, Troyanovsky stated. 24 is not Manchukuo but China that the ship owners are making threats parties, the Communist League of Socialist party.
hoodlums led by is troublesome and what will settle to declare a month shipping hold America is the only one of the rad(and carefully more than mere manuever to and more open character. To commarkets against surrounding) Pal Crouch, Pevade the capitalist repression and pete in foreign it do not know. stronger cen day and not move an ounce of ical groups which can lay claim to The Stalinist Party in Decline tral government of China, of course, freight in this time. They are also a truly national organization, to a Our progress with the official organizer. The meeting was broken the fact that the is illegal. It Japanese competition the American is in essence an opportunist sectar capitalists strive desperately to but what else, do not know. The lowering bribes to various union very solid framework of one at the Communist party has not come top by tel, it is true. The three all farmer labor party. two class lower costs of production by low whol Soviet Consul in New York, ex For example, when the Southern very least. Our movement is no a halt either.
In WinnipegSanniformed Silver Shirts plaining why he settled in Ruth Pacific ferry workers started longer confined to the eastern and Francisco and the Bay District, Salt their seats at the rear of the hall The Communist Internationalists sram of imperialism the bosses ering wages. To carry out the prowere present simply sut back in party.
Pratt palatial home said: Had atrike vote the owners immediately central part of the United States. Lake City, lentywod (Montana. and griuned with the ntmost satis or Mexico have decided to support must prevent any vast Intlux into we taken headquarters the restored one half of the five percent In virtually every city that was and elsewhere our branches are faction at the sight of their own the Bloc as the closest approach to the trade unions and a brake must workers section, the statement out which all rallroad workers rewould be made that just what ceived about a year ago was expected from the workers while not ratiroad workers comrades were that this time the we have only yesterday won over specific work belng done for them, a Party with a working class line. be set on the workers movement gratis, by the Stalinists who supple The time will come very shortly towards organization. Ford, WorkSo Stalin tools tbem. The capital work on boats owned and operates public meetings were the largest to our side, or else the contacts ement their criminal disruption of when the Internationalists will being Class Enemy No. 1, leads the ever held by the League. tablished yesterday, who will be in Trotskyist nieetings by leaving able to enter the electoral campaign way. Through his sy system he fats expected the German Communist by the Southern Pacific Rallroad.
Party Silver Shirt meetings unmolested. against all the parties of the bour picks out the unionists and concenlight, they capitulated.
Thousands of strikers and sympa places the mass meetings were any thizers marched in the funeral pro where from two to three to four state of the is clearly revealed They expected Troyanovsky to sup lession of Parker who W88 mur times large as those organized by a visit to the principal cities their courage was of course beigbt geoisie, and the fake parties of the trates them in a single machine ened by the fact that they outnum workers.
shop. Recently when about two port Soviet China, he speaks for a hundred union members came to stronger Chiang Kai Chek.
national tour organized for Shacht sauds come to its demonstrations. We did, however, adjourn to a work with union badges openly disMAY DAY IN MEXICO CITY expected Litvinov to denounce cap 21 other workers were shot dowmen. This feature of the tour noteratifying proof that great nummeeting place furnished by a symplayed, nothing was done at the italist disarmament conferences as while picketing the docks in San only bespoke the growing organiz bers of American workers are not withizer, where a smaller, but more The Communist Internationalists time, but gradually all were trans cover for war preparations, in. Pedro.
stead he supports them. Roosevelt FRED CRIQUE.
to support militantly League, but especially the keen in lut Into the official PNkesult: a good deal of liberal and much more serious factor in Mexi ion machine shop. Then this shop is balled as a friend of peace, Stalin terest of increasing numbers of strree! And when they do go in, re echoes the cry.
THE STRIKE IN THE BAY y the way, the depends to can life than they were before. was shut down and all these work DISTRICT workers in the slogan raised by they are again in less time than increasing extent upon liberal Thanks to its own activity, anders laid off. No discrimination for a new Communist party and a and friend of Russia support) ana shauks to the rabid fear of the there! Simply an economy!
Police Brutality With the shooting of three striknew International, the problem it takes to tell. Bad as are the large The police whose batting average ors, with mobilization of more po which was dealt with most promin official reports of membership working class support was surgi bourgeoiste which gave away from the Stalinists amount of publicity to the Fourth Who Is Bigger against famous approaches zero llce on the already massed policelently at practically every one of the fuctuation, they are still far from transferred to us.
International, the Liga is now a telling the whole story. Another Distressed by the openness of the are very efficient when it comes to lines on the waterfront, and with group known to a large number of attack on the workers and the calaspect of the which really Excellent Recruits for the League workers and listened to with beating up unemployed men and the opening up of a viclous Red. meetings.
League Views Receive Serious deserves more extensive comment In Davenport, the ingenious stal. growing confidence by them.
lous flouting of bourgeois law by women. Their brutal attack on scire campaign, the strike of 3, 000 Attention and analysis, is the growing ratio inists kept telephoning the owner of the bourgeolale, the demagogle New Mrs. Rose Lachay last week caused longshoremen in the San Francisco For the First of May our small York Post asks editorially, Who is even hardened press reporters to Bay District swings into the third Another striking feature of the of slum proletarian elements in its the ball we had engaged, day in protest.
Grand Jury, which became so in reminiscent of the splendid fight of among the class conscious militants always count upon for tough guy meeting. The burden of their 30 toal. When in the midst of this velt and Johnson have been given It is tour was the obvious fact that composition the elements it can and day out for a week before the group published 5, 000 manifestoes bigger or Steel?
We haven heard of the week of militant struggle.
entitled For the Fourth Interna. Every day makes clear that Roose dignant about the inck of police the 1919 strike, one long remember at least the views of the Communist tactics against what they knownymous calls was that if we were work, that greatly taxed the allowed to hold the meeting, someLeague are regarded with the ut least about: Trotskyism re their new line of march by their clubs in the taxl strike, taking any by scabs and bosses.
action on the several recent examPrevious to 1919, the Internation most attention and growing sympa. In total, four efforts were made body would see to it that the place sources of our group, the issue of masters and they obey orders: The ples of police brutality, nor do we al Longshoremen Association rep thy, In contrast with our first tour The Stalinists to break ere melte was wrecked til at light. It is hard the Trotsky expulsion from France NRA labor section is being dismanexpect that they will. Grand Jur resented the men on the waterfront. meetings, where the audience was ings on the road. In Youngstown, in die baldewe uport for this was also gotten out in 5, 000 sham of collective bargaining has les like the Chairman of Utilities During the strike of 1919, acting for the most part composed of cur on the first night where Shachtman radical meeting, and it was only by coples.
been exposed by the government Commission have a keen sense for under orders from the steamshipiosity seekers who wondered what spoke on the Roosevelt program, seorrying about madly that we property rights and keen ears for employers, a small group of fore the Trotskyists have to say the two young Stalinist commissars were finally able at the last minute Four days before the first of legalizing of the company union and its denial of the Jingle of the thirty pieces of silver. men formed what was known as the about themselves. The interest of present profanely thundered that to get another meeting place, after way three of our comrades were the open shop Harmony Club. Out of this club the andiences, their highly repre this was the last meeting the counthe owner of the ball first engaged arrested for distributing the Trot right of a majority of the workers Strikers vs, Labor Lenders grew the union that has been sup sentative quality, the questions ter revolutionary Trotskyists would broke the contract with us out of sky leaflet. This hurt the work of to represent all the workers in neposedly representing the men we asked and the discussion which al hold in the city. We invited them fear of a riot. Even here a small the group also, but the comrades gotiations can interesting contraThe belly crawling attitude of the the past fourteen years, kuwn as ways followed, revealed this time to mobilize full force for the meet. gang of swaggering stalinists came left pitched in and by increased ac diction of bourgeois democracy leaders of labor like Green, Hillman the B! ne kook untos and Lewis, etc. in support of the When it was first organized, this taken deep root wherever we have and try to break it up as they the Trotskyists what what. They others.
that the ideas of the League have ing next night, and to come down with the intention of showing tivity made good the absence of the which reveals the real nature of that democracy. The working Roosevelt Administration is in glar Blue Rook union stated that no been able to penetrate with our or threatened, class has had enough experience According to the fear fevered im with the Regional and National With the invitation we disappeared in su inexplicable hurry ing contrast to the courage and man could work on the waterfront ganization and literature. extended them a promise of a free when one of our sympathizers from agination of the bourgeois press, the Labor Boards to understand their readiness to struggle of the work without sanction frat being given The Chicago mass meeting was lesson in workers democracy. They Noline came to the door and asked 75. 000 or more workers in the function of betrayal. The personnel and Minneapolis. The leaders sup that longshore years ago we spoke port the Wagner Bill which legal men were eliminated from the wat rowercle us our own sympathizers, was once 200 strong in the pounds doThe sympathizer weighs 250 the fake izes the open shop. The Toledo erfrout for their activities in al and Long Live Trotsky. Of partial boards. What Detroit this time there were over 260 work the next night when Shachtman with these exceptions, the Stalin course they exaggerate a great deal. Worker would appeal to Rice, strikers battling scales and the and many of these men have es present, with representatives of was to talk on the new party. Batists at the meetings everywhere But the kernel of truth does remain former president of Cadillac and Lite factory with its windows shattion, the rules of the Blue Book another they took the floor to speak been held two nights beforo) came even when they disagreed with our becoming a hope and a promise for Labor Board? No, there can be no tional Guard, stand before the auto on the waterfront. From its incep. In the radical movement. One after (where an excellent meeting had most part with a comradely spirit workers the fourth International is now head of the Detroit Regional tered to bits and shout, Tou want to have made unbearable the condi tor their respective standpoints as down to Youngstown, including in standpoint. Many of them will yet successful struggle. To such a de ulusion in the mind of workers as now. What have they in common of hiring or dispatching of working national chalrman of the young structor and one amateur boxer. western parts of the country, where press has called for a stern repres relation to the working class. The with the paunchyee Baptist betrayer (crews was had. The men would People socialist League, the Stal Twenty non League members, so we have barely scratched the sur son of our group government is carrying out the will 21. and wait many hours and days the United Workers Party and its help us defend the meeting the good rebel is running his head tu were oro decidedlem anti fascist rapidly posing a far different ques demonstrations of the ruling class. Events are Roosevelt, the Friend of Laber All labor and social legislation or not there would be work for proletarian Party, the anarchists und brought to the meeting three The sight of our comrades in the imperialist Meme insolently discs or the working class?
character. When all the German tion: who is bigger the capitalist of Congress ranks with the For work, it was given to a select few offensive of the League at the best foot shoulders, from a local tin min1 come to us so recently from the played the Swastika on May First, gotten Man. as the following re who would work, sometimes 30 meeting we ever held in Chicago. workers football team, friendly to and some fine elements from these banners were booed and The Road to Fascism port from the Post would indicate. bours steady and the rest of the (This time, by the way, the Stalin us. The stalinists did try to break the too. is itself a promise whistled at by the marching work: The Minneapolis and Toledo and Senate leaders, with the back from to 18 hours a week work. Torres break up the meeting that connter: The meeting was not lar elements from the official party. the bede una rete fore it be there on the workers have learned that they berelon al labor and social legisla up to such an extent, that cargo meet burnt chera Tertekan Thooligan The prestige of the League shot cided to put over until the nextion system, the work was speeded meetings a few months previonsly. their lesson in workers democracy and trained workers, accustomedes below who ripped it into shreds, and organization to defend thelr tion which is not considered imme that would take 40 hours to distam; he is too well prepared for up.
patient of fraud, bluff and bureau minutes before the po. Ice could in bosses. But these militant strikes diately necessary. The thirty hour charge normally was done in halt that. Other Hoodlum Tactics Fail cratism, able to take care of them terfere.
werk, unemployed insurance and that time. Grievances of the workwill infuriate the predatory finance selves and of the building of the While the capitalist press was capitalists and will drive them to old age pensions, all embodied in ers brought to the Blue Book union Members Attend Meetings pending bills are to be delayed. were immediately turned over to the Another significant feature ot already been adequately described Again in Los Angeles, which has new revolutionary party in America. Ailled with apologies to the burt sterner measures. It is in this MAX SHACHTMAN. feelings of the German fascists, the struggle that the capitalists will. The Wagner bill owes its re Steampship operators and these men the meetings was the almost uni in the Militant sum total of (To be orntinued)
vived chances solely to the Toledo fred. Such discrimination was a versal contacts we have established the scandalous episode in which class conscious workers take great decide whether or not to take the pride in this episode of self Initia road to fascism.
riots. BILL. common practice.
with militant revolutionists in the over 60 Stalinist hoodlums picked JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE tive.
In some branches tomorrow.
Therdered by the San Pedro police when several years ago during the first rom coast to coast. Tens of thou brell our comrades twenty to one.