CommunismCommunist PartyIV InternationalStalinismStrikeWorkers MovementWorking Class

UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of America VOLUME VII, NO. 22 JWHOLE NO. 226 NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JUNE 2, 1934 PRICE CENTS STRIKE WAVE SWEEPS COUNTRY General Strike Looms in Toledo The Amujere. Wohern Union Recognition Gained By Militant Minneapolis Battles Victory is an Inspiration to Workers Everywhere Was Organized Longshoremens Strike Ties Up Communist League At the Minneapolis City Market Pacific Coast Ports Makes New Gains The Battle of Deputy Run On Pacific Coast Party and the Fourth International The state authorities of Toledo ment. Consequently the workers harbored as to the role of mediaare making plans to establish mar Cound themselves tricked because tors and arbitrators. The Special Lecture By tial law as the 110 unions affiliated nothing came of the negotiations splendid example of the role the MAX SHACHTMAN with the of walk out in sympathy with the gain came to a head. The workers, strike must be utilized. The delay Editor The New International Auto Lite workers. es unions have organized into the Automotive Fed in calling sympathetic strikes plays already voted for the general strike, eral Union, declared a second strike. into the hands of the bosses. The IRVING PLAZA HALL while the workers of Again workers that the militants should press for 15th St. and Irving Place mediate Minneapolis, May 29. The Driv By JAMES CANNON bosses, after the experiences of the Edison Company and its subsidiar bosses accede to their demands. action from the Central Labor SUNDAY, JUNE 3, P.
ers strike conducted by Generall AAA LAAAAA 10 day battle, are not anxious for les, the Defiance Light and Power The company refused. Instead it Council so that every labor union QUESTIONS. DISCUSSION Company and Lake Shore Power continued operations with strike in the city of Toledo takes its stand Admissica 15c Drivers Union, No. 574 was settled and lours. Employers had previ another fight soon. This has been Company are scheduled to walkbreakers. The aroused workers with their striking brothers. The on the basis of recognition of the ously granted substantial wage in shown particularly by the readiness Auspices: LOCAT, union, unconditional reinstatement creases in the attempt to head off of the individual bosges to meet out as we go to press. Toledo has went into action. They stormed the of bureaucracy must not be Communist League of America of all strikers and agreement to the strike and avoid recognizing with the union officials and adjust already recorded another page in factory. Continued on page 4)
arbitrate the demands for wages and dealing with the union. The any claims of discrimination in rethe history of splendid labor bat One striker, looking up at the tles.
hroken windows of the plant, reunion is now presenting demands hiring the strikers. It is further The strike which started at the marked: They wanted an open for further increases. Out of the shown in the absence up to date of Electric Auto Lite Company has shop well, now they have it.
six thousand inen involved in the any threat of persecution of the un.
cost the lives of two workers while Then the National Guard was called strike, only a few isolated cases of lon leaders for the casualties that attempted discrimination had been resulted from the strike battles. over two hundred have been in lin.
jured. The bosses and the state When the union organizer, Thoreported to the union since the stern warning that any such athave used every means at their dis mas Ramsey, attempted to resettlement of the strike three days tempt will bring the workers into posal to stem the growing militancy strain the workers, he was shoved ago. The majority of these men action again was sounded at last have already been reinstated on de night meeting and brought a roar of the workers. But the latter have aside. To hell with the soldiers.
mand of the union.
of approval from the workers.
fought back tenaciously and un Let drive them out of town. Otto yieldingly. 31 Workers have been Brach, secretary of the Central Last night general membership The militancy of the drivers arrested and are on trial for violat Labor Union, bewailed the fact meeting was a rousing affair. Thou strike is known to the world. The ing an injunction against picketing that he could not do anything to sands of newly organized workers, ficiency of its organization and while others have been Jalled on control the boys now.
the majority of whom never be the quality of its leadership which other pretexts. This has not how No Delay on the General Strike!
longed to a union before, crowded released this mighty wave of rank ever weakened their fighting spirit The bosses answered the demands the big strike headquarters to hear and file militancy with such telling or solidarity. The repercussion of of the workers with tear and vomit reports on the execution of the effect is also acknowledged on all the Toledo strike is now being feltgas. National Guardsmen, private settlement, and further plans tolles in Minneapolis.
from coast to coast.
The prestige of General Drivers detectives, thugs, special guards, strengthen and consolidate the un wave of resentment against the police, and the most brutal rego fon. The speeches of union leaders, Union, No. 674, and the group of deceptions of the Roosevelt NRA of terror. And Governor White Brown, Skoglund, and Dunne, re militants at its head, is on the administration is sweeping the who was on a fishing trip stated llected the spirit of the crowd and heights. There is little doubt that country. It is receiving its inspir that he would use the entire force every appeal for continued militan. they will be a force for still greater ation from Minneapolis and Toledo. of the state. to insure life and cy and vigilnnce was cheered to the accomplishments in wider circles of echo.
In San Francisco, San Diego and property. At the same time the the labor movement. The strike New Orleans striking longshoremen Auto Lite company, which pays its ment was in the air, although no ous invitations to the men at the The spirit of victory and achieve brought a shower of telegrams from workers organizations and numerare waging a militant struggle workers even below the miserable against the brutal terror of the po NRA scale, announced that it will attempt had been made by the lice. Two members of the Com distribute its regular dividend of Leadership to exaggerate the gainstead of 574 to come to other lomunist League were arrested by 71, 000 to preferred stock holders of the first battle. Recognition of calities to lend organising camthe police of San Francisco for dis The immediate need of the mothe union, which, in the language paigns.
tributing leaflets to the striking ment is to Intensity and develop the of the Minneapolis striker, means longshoremen. The Amalgamated struggle. The strike breaking role protection of his job, is regarded Association of Iron, Steel, and Tin of the Labor Board and its multiHow the Strike as a great achievement for a new Workers have decided upon a gen millionaire agent Charles Taft, union. The workers are determined eral strike for June 15th. The the son of the late president, must to hold on to this achievement.
THE SPIRIT OF THE BLUE EAGLE United Textile Workers of Americn be exposed. No illusion must be And it is quite clear that the threaten a general strike which will Minneapolis, May 28. The courbring out 300, 000 textile workers.
These are but the first rumblings of age and determination so effectively the storm to come. The strikes are displayed by the striking Minneapous truck drivers and helpers has taking on more and more of a po proven conclusively that the Amerlitical character as the workers ican working class is very well come in head on collision with the equipped to fight their exploiters.
forces of the state.
It only remains for a proper leadBackground of the Struggle Maritime commerce on the Pacific gas bombs have been obtained. In From the inception of the organ xlons to defend their rights with ership to come to the front in the The events leading up to the coast is almost entirely paralyzed Seattle Mayor John Dore has Comrades Caesar Booth, Eloise ization work in connection with the their lives if necessary. Tons of entire labor movement and guide Toledo strike are as follows: In June 1931, the Security Homel kan with 12. 000 men out and has ment to take full charge of thelota, Victor and Eugene Peterson, General Drivers strike, it was corrood had been prepared and was these dynamic forces to victory.
by the longshoremen strike. It be given orders to his police depart Booth, from their struggle against rectly estimated that our strategic waiting for these fighters; but it The striking truck drivers and Trust Company, which held the bulk since swelled to 25, 000 with several docks in an effort to save the per the bureaucracy of the Stalinist position was the so called centralt seemed that it was hardly touched, helpers were suffering from econoof the workers savings, closed its other unions having Joined the ishable cargoes which are rotting to party, continue their splendid strug market place. This takes in an area o anxious were these workers for nie adversity but ther condition ships holds. In the Los Angeles Ble by having become members of of approximately six square blocks. the job to be done.
niless. Some of the executives of splendid testimony to the soll area 500 uniformed policemen, rad the San Francisco branch of the It is bounded on the olle whole side No raised voices; no milling: workers in the United States. These was no different from that of other the bank were the very Industrial darity of the strike and the support to officers and detectives are na Communist League. Expelled from by the railroad tracks, which are quietly questioning each other:men were simply a representative ists who used the workers money it receives from other workers was trolling the water front daily with the party on the routine Stalinist the team tracks where practically Where do we go? When do we cross section of the American workto expand the auto parts Industry. given by the longshoremen parade instructions to protect property. trumped up charges, these revolu all of the market produce is un start? The word goes from the ing class. The abilities which they dispatcher to the microphone an brought into play are lying dormant portant banks also closed their cisco. Five thousand strikers mass picketing, and suppress all their activity as fighters in the class In concentrating on the market, nouncer in the big strike headquar. in every group of American workdoors, after deceptively declarins marched up Market Street and not other strike activities. Several e struggle. The most amusing phase we were guided by the fact that the ters: Start moving. Then trucks ers.
that a 80 day notice must precede less than 12, 000 took part in the forts have been made along the of the shameful expulsion of these food șituation, especially at this lined up. Noiselessly they were Every effort was made by the and small business men were stuck League militants have taken thelr their mediation board, to take over chauvinism. But the actual fact to attack. At the start of the strike Fill the trucks. Like one man is an opportunity to come to the withdrawal of funds.
The workers demonstration in the Civil Center. coast by the employers, through comrades was the charge of white time of the year, was the real point pushed into place Next order. leaders to give these natural abllito the tune of 150 million dollars. place on the firing line in the San the regular union hiring halls. that three of the most active Negro this strategy was not so apparent. these eager fighters filled the trucks surface. No stone was left unwere controlled by the interests of them hold the most responsible Eloise Booth and Florence Wyle, with them, mainly because the lat became plainly visible that the per In code the drivers only were something more than numbers is this Standorarely enough these bankes Francisco Bay District. couple Two members of the League. comrades were expelled together But on the second and third days, it to capacity.
which directed the destinies of the strike posts, while the whole mem were arrested last week for leadet ter stubbornls opposed such aishable food supply was running given the destination. Move out! required on the picket line. The industry in Toledo. bership gives its sympathetic distribution when the San Fran frame up as well as being Arm in low and that the market bosses Motors roared and in an instant men must feel that their efforts are Moreover, Miniger, president port.
of the Auto Lite Company, was al All along the ports on the coast longshoremen picket line. Underreaucracy, has been concealed.
sisco police, attempted to crush the their opposition to the local bu were going to attempt some drastic three hundred pickets were on their well spent, that they are a part of action to move their perishable way to a destination, unknown a smoothly functioning machine, prominent member of the director. the employers are making special police protection the Pacific Steam With the joining of these com foods.
ates of these four closed banks. In preparations to attempt to suppress Ship Company tried to employ scabs rades who have demonstrated their then, that was to make new history that they can successfully hold Through our connections in the for the American workers. every position they win. To stimuthis strategic position he was able the strike by force. The Oakland on pler 18. Tear gas bombs, Distele value to the revolutionary move on Saturday morning were was to one of the border streets, Labor leaders must perfect a thorough market houses it was learned that Adjacent to the market and on late and justity this confidence the to salvage enough funds from the chief of police, Bodle Wallman has and swed off shotguns were ment by their work, and are wreckage to keep his plants going issued orders to all subordinates brought into play. The several known to many other members of be a concerted effort to make de Headquarters is located into this organization and all preparations As usual, the workers were here that the docks are to be kept clear thousand strikers defended their the Communist Party, the San liveries. The strike comunittee hela hall holding about two thousand must be carefully checked to the holding the bag, which Miniger bådfoe strikers and that any demonstra risht to union and fought back Francisco unit is well on the way conference and it was decided men our pickets were concentrated, most minute detail. That was done tions are to be met with force.
This precipitated the gravest eco fcient to quell It promptly. For this several casualties: but four police to becoming a serious factor in mass that we would relieve some of our skeleton patrol was sent to patrol in Minneapolis.
forces from positions where there the market streets and to report The Details of Organization nomic crisis in the history of To purpose he has sworn in numerous men also had to receive hospital ot so much activity and hold any move to start delivery. Word District No. 13, cracked up to be them in reserve.
was ledo. Out of a population of 400. special police. They are given in treatment. The militancy amongst large garage about 400 feet 000, at least 100, 000 workers haastructions on how to suppress the workers remain unabated as the strongest section of the Stadio: although we had a little skirmish special deputies, special police and to servans the headquarters for the to be fed and clothed from relief strikes. Special supplies of tear the strike enters its third week. of disintegration. Reports are pre on that day that serious threat harness bulls armed with clubs and Minneapolis strike. large sign funds. In 1932, the jobless and for any moneyless workers had to stand in police with was painted across the front of the valent that the Sacramento and delivery.
sa wed of shot guns and vomiting building announcing that this was line Mke beggars asking for a The Battle of Deputies Run handout. Miniger had stolen their by this new wave of expulsions and zas. Quietly the pickets patrolled the strike headquarters. Supplemoney. The bank crash had closed The market situation was the streets, curiosity seekers hurling mentary field headquarters were set from all indications more is to fol watched closely and, after waitingeurses at the hired strikebreakers op at points where it would prove most of the factories, leaving them the coast wise strike of the In Lacross the trail of the strike was low. The position of the Communist for Sunday and Monday to pass, we truck starts to move, our pickets necessary to concentrate a sizeable Jobless.
ternational Longshoremen Associ very effectively answered when the League is becoming more clear and learned through unquestionable jump to the running boards and de force for mass picketing.
Riots broke out among the nation (IL. here is well along in Masters, mates and pilots, the Sall. as it does so to the party member sources, that the big offensive was mand that the scab driver stop. main headquarters a stage was At the employed because of the inadequacy its third week with the workers ors Union of the Pacific, the Marine ship the inexorable axe claims to be made Tuesday about eleven hired slugger raises his elnb ana erected and a loud speaker system and Interior quality of the food. holding the line firmly at every Cooks and Stewards, the Marine few more heads.
o clock. This information was re slashes at a plcket. Down the pick installed to be used in dispatching The workers were getting restive point except San Pedro and San Firemen and Watertenders togeth. Under the banner of the Leagueceived about midnight Monday. Im Jet drops as if dead. The night is on. of pickets and in addressing meetunder the whip of hunger. They Diego where the strike is only par. er with several other unions made these new members remain at the mediate action became compulsory. Phone rings at the concentration ings.
were losing all hope.
Tricked by Labor Board The Associated Press reports in off the ships and issuing a joint carry on with renewed inspiration, slogan. Cruising squnds of plcky. but almost as if by magic, the ing a personnel of 36 was set up and commissary department requir. brief strike in February was dicate that there are 60 shipe tied statement that they supported and ready to meet all sacrifices this ets were dispatched, motorcycle rid hall is Comrade Eloise Boothers roared out, street car motormen deployed by their leaders to sur special service and repair departpickets are maintained throughout the strike.
the Regional Labor Board. This ships are tied up and in Portland cooperate with the Longshoremen has already receved her baptism and conductors on the owl cars car round the police and sluggers. The ment was provided and a crew of provided that both sides shoula 26. All ships in Seattle and Tacoma and teamsters already out. under the new banner as she was ried the word to our pickets at out police raise their riot guns but the 12 mechanics well equipped with negotiate the demands of the union, are tied up.
General Strike the Answer if arrested together with Florence lying points, telephones and other workers ignore and rush through tools, were busily engaged in keep which included a twenty percent On May the 21st, Mr. Mall Troops Are Called Out Wyle distributing League leaflets to messengers were utilized for the them. Chase out the hired slug ing the cars and trucks of the pickwage increase, a closed shop, better liard, the president of the San In the state of Washington the the striking longshoremen.
mobilization availablegers. is their battle cry. The Jets in good running order. Special working conditions, recognition of Francisco Chamber of Commerce, mayors of several jerkwater interpicket.
the unlon, seniority rights, and no issued a red balting statement in an tor towns demanded that the Gov IF THE NUMBER ON YOUR Soon the outlying positions were heels and run. The police and gasoline and to obtain tire repair dowardly sluggers take to their arrangements were made to secure dlacrimination against union em effort to win the support of the ornor call out the militia. The WRAPPER IS 226 OR SMALLER, deserted except for a skeleton pick strikers use their clubs freely. servlee.
ployees. The Regional Labor Board workers away from the strike. This unions in Tacoma and Seattle relt YOUR MILITANT SUBHAS et line. The plokets came pouring Many casualties on both sides. The succeeded in sending the workers effort on the part of the Chamber of erated thelr former position taken EXPIRED AND SHOULD BE RE In to strike headquarters, thousands workers have captured the market. at the headquarters through the first ala station was established back to their jobs pending a settle Commerce to drag a red herring (Continued on Paco 2) NEWED WITHOUT DELAY. lof the tired but eager fighters, an STRIKER. Continued on Paze)
The Red Issue Enters the Strike Stockton units are violently shaken of every