Anti-naziBourgeoisieCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDeath SentenceDemocracyFascismGermanyHitlerIV InternationalMarxMarxismNazismSocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeSyndicalismTerrorismURSSUnited FrontViolenceWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

The Left Face of the Socialist Party Darrow Speaks For the Middle Class What is more, the fascist jugger cerned his very sincerity and ability peal to the Socialist Party member arbitrute a point or two. However, gures that the XRA is helping the committee report which critisis. The conflict within the nationass and file ever will be correct; the victory of bid for the leadership of the 80 An effective critique of the pro indignation against the leaders re lof the XRA we have clearly pointed problems of the working class such Roosevelt group is in sharp conflict but the strength of the workers. trol of Illinois and led by Maynard Committee was made by Comrade face of the situation created by the What is important in the Darrow Worst kind of a middle class move this, other groups are struggling The slon.
Policy Committee. the bosses of Wolinsky The PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1934 The Minneapolis Battle working Hitler victory in Germany was muuist party, former might leave the (Continued from page 1)
The Darrow Review Board and working class in their fight against Who is the NRA For?
a blow which should have brought Tomus has a powerful Incluence class in a position of wever strugings on the NRA has resulted in a big capital.
The NRA is detrimental to the the oficial communists back to con in the Socialist purts, especially sling to obtain power. Both prob are in a panic before this avalanche bitter fight on Capitol Hill between it is true that Darrow and Tomp working class. The NRA is also sciousness and sobered them up over the petty bourgeois liberal ele lems are of tremendous importance of labor militancy, The spirit of the spokesmen for the different sec son, in a supplementary report, call detrimental to the middle class, as The bureaucratic apparatus bad wents in Essentially a Christian and must be tackled diligently and the workers soars to the heights.
tions of the exploiters. Although tor the socialization of industry as Darrow points out. And, according League Calls for General Strike the Review Board was only ap an alternative to the NRA. This to some of the big fellows of the based com boquently taken that powercial acyuuintauce with revolution Bilemiller repeats ulmost the same while many labor organizations pointed March 7th by Executive does not represent a left position. Chamber of Commerce, the Manuaway from most of the members. ury Marxism, his being counted aldeu in bis article in the American in the city are actively supporting Order, it has already received its It signifies a position in which lett (acturers Association, the Steel Agiw the theories of social fascism, relt winger inerely indicates the sociulist Quarterly (Spring 1934) the strike, the Central Labor Union death sentence, to take place next phrases cover the worst kind of sociation, etc. the NRA is also deunited front from below, and dual depthus to which the vid guard has when he sus under such condi with a more conservative Leadership month. The hundred thousand word social reformist and reactionary trimental to them. this is the Johnson, in his reply, cor case who is the NRA for?
revolutionary unionism had been a tallen, result merely from a state of tem overllowing with a desire to help its can be voted into controll Pressure must be brought to bear before the expiration of its short rectly pointed out that the Darrow Under the NRA the working class porary derangement the Nazis the downtrodden. His honesty leads those countries where bourgeois upou them to get that body to call life, by another report which prom position leads elther to Communism should have succeeded in bringing him in some questions as in the democracy exists. The use of force a general strike. This is the central ises to reveal more of the NRA dolor Fascism. And correctly so. we received crumbs in order to restrain slogan raised by the Communist ingy.
them from taking more in strike the staliniste back to their senses. quited front and in the struggle is limited only to the end of retains do not expect Darrow in his report struggles and organization. Also, But it became apparent after the against the racketeering leadershiping control. We repeat: It is a stop League. The rank and tile of the The National Recovery Review to specify which road he desires German catastrophe that the insane of the American Federation of La torward but is is by no means a unions are ready for this action and Board report says that the NRA is after the NKA Fascism or Com the little fellow is being driven out tactics of the bureaucracy of the bor to take a position to the left revolutionary Marxist position. it is possible that they may go out helping the trusts, that the NRA munism. We only point out that of the codes. This much of the is not so difficult to under due at all to anything temporary Socialist party. All bis writing. The only group that assumed the was written 35, 000 building trudes little fellows under the codes are sloppy middle class report of the stand. What confuses many is the but were part of the bureaucratic powever, show conclusively that he obligation of putting its ideas pub workers have gone out Ed. Mass stifled. It sharply assalls the codes Darrow committee which cannot act that monopolists also criticize organisme and, since hitler territe could be correctly characterized as licly before the membership of the neetings all over the city have been reviewed: especially the steel code tind space for the working class in the NRA. Marx pointed out the blow did not destroy that apparatus, a left winger only if he were in socialist party and gaining adher. Juranted. The house alimental drivers where the monopolistic practices a hundred thousand word criticism to deance of such phenomena in these theories and tacties remained the Democratic party, in all their purity due revolutiouary movement is com tonury Policy Committee. Its ap at the last minute and agreed to the report reveals with facts and favorable light upon the committee. striking confirmation of his anulymente les restes of the official commu intluence they give him over the adequate document. To the extent und will have to stresle in the end freezing out small business under business and for the Rittle fellow is not only a conflict between imnaut deepened the confusion and coustitute dangere because of the ship is a serious though not quite hey can not hope to call thing large concerns and is systematically clues the NRA, which is against bie al ruling class is sharpening. There nists. The German cialist was not defeated; the tactics of The Middle West Group it is miles abend of the Illinois carmen made a similar decision. readers of the Militant this is noth of socialization as an alternative struggle between groups of imper The labor movement seethes withing new. From the very first day but leaves out any reference to the lalists the Communist Party were, are and The group that is making a real left wingers.
within the nation. The fascism indicated not the weakness cialist party is the one now in com uram of the Revolutionary Policy sponsible for best actlous on the out this phase of its functioning. a report can become a basis for the with the floover group.
Besides review is the fact that the anta ment to rally the workers against for sectional control of the country Such was and continues today to be Krueger, professor of economics Cannon in the Militant of May 5th Drivers strike.
Miserable Role of Staliniste the burden of the Stalinist song at the University of Chicago, and and 12th, 1984. It may be pointed gonisms and conflicts inside the the trusts Stalinists tumbled again, camp of the exploiters are sharpenand of industries.
celebrating Hitler ascent to power. Clarence Senior, national secretary out that on the problem of the rexo: due to their wrong policies and outling. The report is one of its exPressure on the Workers How any one can write hun. Finance Capital and the New Deal The bitterest attacks on the NRA doubt, was denied the light of day Milwaukee is part of this group. 1st class the minority resolution Look. In u leaflet issued to the un pressions. It will be used by a large ured thousand word document and criticism and say so little about the have come from the groups of finanand persistence on the part of any known as a left wing group and proposed by Ronald Deval (New ion men, just as they were about section of the middle class.
member determined to keep quiet wanting everyone to recognize that Leader, National Convention Agen to take a strike yote, they de Darrow Speaks for Middle Class working class is a surprise to us. ctal capitalists, who are not on the no longer meant inevitable expul. It is left.
More significant thun what is for every ounce of monopolistic inside of the New Deal. They have da, April 21, 1994) is more specific need the leadership of the union, But it is dificult indeed to dis than the section dealing with the especially Skoglund and said in the Darrow report is what pressure against the little fellow more foresight for their own interImpetus to Revolutionary Elementscorer the platform upon which it same problem in the Appeal of the Dumne as traitors and agents of is left unsaid. The report gives under the codes there is a ton of ests. This does not account for the The men knew full little attention to the problems of pressure against the working class. whole of their criticism. Much of The socialist bureaucracy has not lays claim to being left. It has Revolutionary well that these and other leaders in the working class. But it does not The fact that the Roosevelt New their criticism against the NRA hus of the Comintern. It has no Soviet principles from everybody, even tra le union policy and the Sovietbuild the union to the fine fighting tems confronting the working class its big business measures in the They know that the precedents esthe coercive power of the apparatus akcu great care to conceal its in its position on the Labor party: the guion have worked loyally to deal with the fundamental probo Deal was so capable of putting over only been leveled at Section 7a.
prestige and power that the work Not a soul knows! At the state visible. But it is hardly likely that the leaflets in anger and do acident. Darrow speaks for the more for an exposure of the clever largo extent, govern the whole unbureaucracy. It controls no purse not a single theoretical question was of independent thinking should get in the pay of the bosses, for what in class. The committee and those lower the standard of living of the Therefore they hammer ers state lends to the communist convention of the Socialist party leftward moving socialists capable clared that these Communists are midille class and not for the work methods used under the NRA to less labor can demand a change.
away strings. As a consequence the mem discussed. To all intents and pur off on a track leading nowhere.
their teaflet sald was too far from that back the committee, such as American workers, and to hold it against labor. They want to give bers of the various socialist parties poses the delegates were not con Struggle for Leadership the truth. Another example: Have Borah and Nye, are fighting for the in check.
as few crumbs as possible and, at are freer to think as they please cerned with any of the problems At the national convention of the a rank and file leadership. saia little business man and a large sec The expression of class antagon the same time, make a lot of noise and the German situation caused a agitating the minds of the member Socialist party to be held in June the official leaflet. This 18tion of the middle class. In suchisms through the NRA has simpli to cover up the increase of profits great many of them to do some hardship in Detroit there will undoubtedly advice to unionists who have a a fight they come into conflict with fied the previously complicated rolling into them.
thinking and set them into motion. The theors of Krueger and Sen. be a struggle against the present strike committee of seventy five the working class, even though they problem of the relation of economics The Darrow report is speaking towards the left. The struggle of lor seems to be that to struggle for reactionary leadership. That strug composed only workers on hope to involve large sections of the to politics and class interests. In for a section of the middle class and the socialists in Austria, though the basis of theory, on the basis of gle will in all probability not be trucks!
the past the ruling class had the small industrialists. The working utilized by the socialist leaders for a theoretical program with definite led by the left centrist elements At this writing the tide of the simple task of issuing every meas class must use their criticisin to showing how brave they were and principles and tactics is inadvisable. represented by the Revolutionay the struggle is rapidly rising. The ure in the name of the people. further expose the NRA. But the what a militant organization the They lead oe to infer that what Policy Committee but by the right crest of the wave has not yet been They still do this, but before the workers must steer clear of DarSocialist party of Austria was, gave they want is first to obtain control centrist elements represented by the reached. The organization is solla.
ink is dry on the new measures the row, Nye and all of the other liberals further impetus to the revolution of the organization and then to Minois leadership, helped by Nor The strike was well prepared. The Bosses Agent recople split up into strugs lines and social reformer.
ary elements within the socialist show their left color.
man Thomas and his followers. The coal drivers strike a few months ago classes. HUGO OEHLER.
parties. The result has been that False to the very core! No princ general tendency of the working. battle which electrified the city Wolinsky administration all over the world socialists have pled left winger would dare permit class elements and the youth is to by its stormy militancy and firmly called meeting of the Pocketbook entered into discussion of socialist himselt such an opportunistic tic the left. Consequently it is not at established the union is seen now Makers on Monday, May 21st at the Anti Nazi Demonstration in drift to the left is apparent. As of simple careerists, the first nec. with its left front will ride into present battle. And behind that is meeting the Joint Council gave a At this theories and tactics and a definite course. Unless a sroup is composed all unlikely that the Illinois group as the preliminary skirmish of the Stuyvesant High School.
against the fatalistic, religious ac ensity is to formulate a program and rower. The greater likelihood, how the long period of patient system report of the demands to be pre workers and anti Fascists, organ or all approaches.
militant, shouting column of, were enough cops on hand to block ceptance of the dogma infallibil the second, to make it public and ever, is a compromise involving the atic work which went into the pion sented to the employers. When the ized by the Communist League of secretary read of the demands America and the Young People organization work. An hour or so The Stalinists were active in disits followers the ferment in the basis of the program. real left lowing and the Illinois group. inspiring it with the spirit of de socialist ranks is like a fresh breeze wing group must attract to itself The agenda for the convention termined struggle. The trade union ten percent increase in wages, hours through the White Way dis them drifted into the column. The and has great revolutionary signifi. be more advanced elements in the sives promise of a highly interesting policy out furthe Community, we The employers should mbet lyderiet of New York City Thursday steering committee, however, had canoe.
party and must educate the back ideological struggle provided the was our guide in everything we did cnough to increase employment 10 night, giving a militant answer to made up its mind to go into Times It must be said clearly that inso ward elements.
and in all our activity in the thick These demands were worked out by the Friends of New Germany Square for a meeting and they far as members of the socialist Typical Centrist Group sponsors of the revolutionary reso the legal advisor. the agent of the parties have shown that they can How can that be done without a lutions are represented. The agenda of the fight today.
bosses, the faker Wolinsky.
meeting called in Madison Square managed to prevent the Stalinista Attend the First think independently of the leader clear cut program? Where is the clearly mirrors the existence of the ship they are more important for group going? What does it want to cialist party. How can a group anGarden to praise Hitlerism. Within from precipitating confusion and irreconcilable groupings in the SoPICNIC When the notorious traitor, Wol the Garden were 20, 000 Nazis and disruption.
the buliding of a new revolutionary do? Krueger and his followers nouncing the fact that the Socialof the season insky, was introduced to defend their sympathizers; outside 1, 000 these demands the workers gave police of the democratie state Meeting in Times Square given by followers of the Stalinist bureau the accusation that all they are in ist party seeks to attain its end by Chicago Local, Communist League bim reception that he will not guarded the doors and streets. But. The meeting in Times Square cracy.
terested in is the getting of power orderly methods and a group inSUNDAY, JUNE 3rd soon forget. In a demagogic speech more than 1, 200 New York workers lasted about 40 minutes. Two YipNo Attrition in Comintern will have more than a semblanice sisting that we must be prepared Wolinsky spoke about Roosevelt answered the threat implied in that sels and one representative of the for violence if necessary remain in That the Comintern has practical of justification.
Forest Glen NRA, Frances Perkins, and what meeting by a fine demonstration of spoke, as well as Carl Cowl good things he is doing for the militancy.
for the and Joseph Carter ly no attraction for the leftward Simply pointing to the fact that the same party? How can a group GOOD TIME ASSURED.
pocket book makers to make a naA few days before the Nazl meet The key words of all the speakers for the Spartacus Youth Clubs for the present character of that minority resolutions at the Interna prelin lopethe same time that the ta car line transfer to bus and get offers organization. The fact that the tonal Socialist Conference held in group openly advocating the dicta at Forest Glen Ave. heated discussion followed on ing declared.
latest orientation on Fascism. Hav. Fascism, condemnation of the Garlett socialists, instead of going over August 1993 is not at all sufficient. torship of the proletariat? The anMay 2, that Trot den meeting and of the police attiBEACH PARTY the question of the 36 hour week. skyltes are not an opposition to be tude toward to the Communist International, vaguely intimating that one is in swer is that the two groups capnot anti ascists, and An amendment was made by David argued with but class enemies to promulgation of the idea of the given by are attempting to reform the So Lavor of revolutionary principles remain in the same party and in cialist International shows concla and tactics is still less satisfactory see the necessity of the dictatorship the same international if those who Spartacus Youth Clubs.
Meyer of the Socialists and one of be destroyed. the Stalinist Party unitect front of all workers organMeet at the progressives that our demands sively that revolutionary currents The whole attitude of the Illinois Brighton Beach, 7th Street should be a 36 hour week instead motordered its Followers to discuss inntions against Fascism, in the labor movement do not and group is typically centrist. It of the proletariat mean what they of 36. Diamond of the Rank and cist rank and filers in order to win a protest against the persecutien matters patiently with bonest Fas was loadly cheered when he voleed cannot flow in the direction of Mos stresses action and tends to ignoro say and are ready to draw the in SATURDAY, JUNE 2, at File Committee made a substitute them from their leaders. With this German revolutionists and the deThe failure of the Third In theory. And above all it is impa levitable conclusions.
All comrades invited.
Gist of the Question Bring your own food.
ternational to attract the socialisttient with the demand for exactness motion for the 30 hour week. La notion as a basis, the staliniste portation from Lolland to Germany the discussion Matlin, Diamond, made no counter demonstration to of the four German youth delegates workers is both cause and effect of in theory and for a struggle on the And therein lies the whole gist FOURTH INTERNATIONAL David Meyer, Block, Galick spoke Thursday Nazi meeting. Instead at the Laren Conference the German catastrophe.
basis of theoretical formulations of the matter. The revolutionary MANIFESTO for the 30 hour week, and con it mobilized for a meeting at Coop The Socialist party of America The Illinold group will probably socialists must think things through demned Wolinsky as an agent of er Union to listen to Comrade demonstration a leader, LarAfter having failed to disrupt the like its brother parties the world point to articles by Blemiller and to the very end. Even if they do The Pioneer Publishers printed the bosses. Maltxer and Lubliner Goldstein, one of the honest, rank. Xin, asked for the floor at the meetover finds itself in the throes of a Kantorovitch in the American So not openly state it, they must ask 50, 000 Manifestoes For the Fourth supported. Wolinsky for the 36 hour and ale rabbis.
serious discussion. Left wing groups ciulist Quarterly dealing with the themselves some very pertinent International. This excellent call week. It is interesting that the ing. The steering committee gave are challenging its fundamental problem of socialism and democracy questions. What if the party does of the League of the International Wolinsky gans interrupted each United Front In Action it to him. He began to yell at the principles of bourgeols democracy as proof of their interest in theory. not accept our principles. And Communists to the workers of the speaker and tried to terrorize every Efforts made by the Communist top of his voice about the Commuand gradualness; some of the left. Aside from the fact that what is we can assure them that it won t) world to build new parties and a one who spoke against Wolinsky League to arrange a formal united nist Party of Germany which wingers are making a determined necessary is a well rounded program How long shall we remain and keep new International should reach tens proposals.
front counter demonstration through fights bravely against Fascism and bld to obtain control of the organ of a group and not isolated articles on trying to transform the party? of thousands of workers.
The climax came when Wolinsky the May Day arrangements commit against all Social Fascist misleadIration. It is necessary for those hy individuals, the articles them Many of the left wingers point to it is the duty of every friend of was again introduced to defend the tee felt through. The League there ers of the workers. The crowdof us who are interested in the seves leave much to be desired. the degeneration of the Independent the Fourth International to spread 38 hour week. tumult which fore mobilized about 100 members which was now several thousand party and a new international to and Kantorovitch take a step for ing not to leave the parent organ ready with you. Hand it to all insky from speaking, as yells of tacus Youth Club members, at in the midst of Times Squaresave study the tendencies of the various ward but a very hesitating one.
groupinge, to differentiate between Reformist Theories not due to the fact that the Don miss a single opportunity. were heard over the ball. The aurally. block from the Garden the White Way In years. It was so them and to enter into very close about sharp and loud that Larkin lost relationship with those left wing the way to political power in dem Leaving, it did not resolutels take propaganda material at their open against the Wolinsky proposals, and 100 Tipsels. The steering commitme of his impudence. The work elements most likely to come all the ocratic countries will, in all proba the road of building a new party air meetings, and distribute them his sluggers were busy provoking toes of both groups merged, the era put him in his place very nicely.
way over to our position and thus bility, be the way of an electoral and a new international. at Socialist, Stalinite and other aghts all over the hall in order to united front of organizations thus the chairman, a Yipeel, wound play an important role in the com victory, if fascism will not intervene No matter what happens at the workers meetings.
cow and break the morale of the belng forged in action on the street. up by calling for the International.
ing political readjustmeñts in the and make an end to democracy convention the real socialist left Penetrate every organization: protestors. This meeting and the At a signal from the Joint steer HARRY STRANG.
labor movement. American Socialist Quarterly, Ad wingers who are inartculate, the Explain, arouse, recruit! Do not attitude of the workers present dem ing committee, the groups formed a.
Heterogeneous Elements tumn 1983) he is very close to pure miners of southern Illinols, the rev lose a day, not an hour. says the onstrated clearly that Wolinsky column, shouting Down with Hit Bronx Workers! Attention!
Nothing is more necessary than reformism. The reformists alsoolutionary youth who are in the Manifesto.
task of selling out the interests of ler! Down with Fascist Terror!
Special Lecture On to understand clearly that the left threaten to gain power in fascist Socialist party by virtue of the stu Rush your orders for the Mant the pocket book makers would not The effect was instantaneons: bo wing in the Socialist party is com countries by revolutionary means. pidities of the Communist party testoes. 500 copies for 00 plus so ancontested by the rank and file fore the column began to mare THE CRISIS IN THE portal of heterogeneous poelements It is one attitude toward the use will, and not in the very distant postage. 118. 25c for 50 copies workers in the union. After the hundreds of workers on the sic e SOCIALIST PARTY Speaker: the old reactionary guard now in litical power in bourgeois democrat under the banner of international Order from Pioneer Publishers, was taken on the question of the the four hour march.
control. There is a world of differ ic countries and not in fascist communism.
84 East 10th Street, 36 hour or 30 hour week. In spite wound up and down Broadway, MAX SHACHTMAN ence between the left winger Nor countries that distinguishes re ALBERT GOLDMAN.
of terrorism, the Wolinsky proposal west to the Garden and east again, Editor of New Tuternational man Thomas, a really sincere indi formist from a revolutionist.
Brownsville Lecture for the 36 hour week received 444 looping back and forth. The streets FRIDAY, JUNE 1st. P.
vidual who has faint academic and to say, as Kantorovitch does Manhattan Spartacus Youth Club THE CRISIS IN THE SOCIALIST votes, and the 30 hour proposal re were lined with sympathetic crowds doubts about bourgeois democracy in the same article, that the probPARTY AMBASSADOR HALL Educational Meetings and the fighting rank and file coal lem is not so much how to get ceived 304 votes, giving the Wolin including knots of Jewish Minute Speaker: sky gang the majority of 124 votes. Men whose leaders had to restrain 3875 Third Avenue minera southern Illinois who are power as how to hold it, how to use MAY 31 Bord: The Minneapolis MAX SHACHTMAN The crying need of the pocket them from answering calls to John Derr Claremont Parkway In reality communists who were it is almost putting the cart before Strike, SATURDAY, May 26, P. book makers is a solid unity of all the demonstration. Before the eve QUESTIONS DISCUSSION driven away from communism by the horse. One must presume that JUNE Fascism fn America at 1776 Pitkin Avenue, near Stone the progressive forces in a single ning was over the column had the Communet party and are re power must be gotten Arst before it Admission 150 Auspices. Spartacus Youth Club and block to fight the Wolinsky machine grown to more than 1, 200. Auspice portrd by reallable persons to hate can be need and to emphasize the Thursday evenings at 8:18 Bronx Branch CommuCommunist Lengue of America. And its infamous policies Efforts to reach the sidewalk Just niat Les que of America, 1789 Boston everything connected with the Com latter in contradistinction to the at 126 16th Street, Admission 150 POCKET BOOK MAKER. Joutside the Garden falled. There Rond, Room a and 1ty by the communist priesthood and try to win over members upon the present leadership, the Thomas fol eer work of building the union which consisted: 36 hour week, Socialist League, paraded for four after the march began few of at moving socialists speaks volumes Krueger and Senior supported the clinging to bourgeois democracy re Directions At end of Elston Ave. tional agreement with the employing tbe Stalinist press produced its were the same: denunciations of Carter cow.
The coloan