Anti-naziBolshevismBourgeoisieCapitalismCominternCommunismCommunist PartyDemocracyEnglandFascismFootballFranceGermanyHitlerIV InternationalImperialismNazismSocial DemocracySocialismSocialist PartySovietStalinismStrikeTrotskyURSSUnited FrontWorkers MovementWorkers PartyWorking Class

PAGE THE MILITANT SATURDAY, MAY 26, 1934 REVEIWING The Foreign Policy of Japan THE NEWS Militant An Underground Union Builders 18 20 40 8 ainst The Railroad Wage Settlement MARCH OF Probably the most interesting (litical opopsition within Germany.
One of the innovations of the standard of living of the teachers statement of foreign policy was is and the co ordination of the stalinists is the creation of the only throughout the nation. On the conEVENTS sued by the representative of trade unions on a Nazi basis, signiunderground trade union organiza trary, the teachers wages, fixed by Japanese imperialism, Yosuke ties preparation within for warfare tion in the country, the Education law, were appreciating with the Gigolos and Kings Matsuoka. Abandoning the custom without.
Workers League. It was designed fall of the price level.
British Imperialism in Retreat The falling off in the custom of ary cabalistke language of diploma England friendship for Japan SECOND CLUB PLAN DRIVE carly in 1931 by the architects of Morcover the teachers were sub The great inroads into the export American and British dowagers hit cy he stated categorically that Japan Germany spells defeat for any ENDS AUGUST 1st the third period trade union stratjected to the notoriously reaction trade of Great Britain focurred in the French gigolos hard. One of an regards with disfavorang attempt at reconciling the differenc Not One Club Will Be Sold After Held ot eduention principally the tion. Activity in the revolutionary markets are a source of profound egy to organize the workers in the ary regime of the Board of Educa the Japanese drive for world the best at the trade whose service tivities imes between Japan and Soviet Rus That Date. Get Your Cards Now public school teachers into revolu or left wing labor movement con alsquiet to English diplomats. The fee had been 32. 50 per hour was China.
sia and Germany and Soviet Rusdriven to suhelde. Competition from Ile cynically portrays the role sta It can safely be predicted that The Club Plan sub drive for 1, 000 tionary unions. It goes without stitutex grounds for dismissal from Gerce impact of Japanese competiroyalty and other titled gentry was white imperialism has played in the secret agreements exist between new subs met with success. bring saying that it drew organizational the schwol system.
too much for him. Let no one think, explvitation of backward China, England, Germany and Japan, for ing a total of 1014 new readers for and ideological inspiration from the persecutol for protesting against hess of British capitalism in decay however, that the slump in the sis and makes a strong plea for the the solution of their imperialist The Militant. Upon the request of to which it is affiliated. musanitary conditions in the schools while revealing simultaneously the oto business means the end of this right of yellow imperialism to a contradictions at the expense of the several branches and individuals and not alone the The or for criticizing their superiors or intensity of exploitation of Japanese This view is reinforced participating in that drive, a second Is the American section of the administration of the system. labor. England efforts at retaliasudeess of the season first court this connection, he raises the race by the fact that the defeat of the drive was started. To date we have the Education Workers Internation Union Goes Underground reception held by King George in question and attempts to conjure Soviet Power would restore one received 175 new subs.
al, which is affiliated to the Real Even the Stalinist realized that tent. The establishing of quotas in tion are thus far puns and impoBuckingham Palace shows that the up a white peril with which to sixth of the world to the capitalist The Club Plan idea was origin International of Labor Unions. to call moon the teachers openly to the Crown colonles can affect at drop in the Paris gigolo market frighten both the Chinese and the market and at the same time solve ated in order to enable workers who in the three years of its exist join a revolutionary mion would best some five percent of Japan was a shifting of the consumer de Japanese.
world contradictions in a compara cannot afford the full rates to get cnee, the conditions of the teachers onst some of those who responded textile exports.
He would have us believe that tively inexpensive form.
This economic mand to the higher priced lines.
The Militant at the low price of in the have been worsened. their jobs, persecution for others and weakness in meeting the present This reception, according to press the white capitalist robbers have 20e for six months. Four sub cards ay cuts have been universal. Ev. general reign of terror and red situation makes it all the easier reports, was a scene of unes en unfair in the distribution of for paid in advance, constitute ery one is familiar with the plight baiting Against all progressive elesplendor. Diamond diadems, the surplus value sweated from the Strike of Los Angelesla Club. This plan cannot be con of the Chicago teachers who at one ments. The Stalinists boldly soror Japanese imperialism to wring seized political concessions from the Engof flowers, concealed orchestra mu backs of the Chinese workers and Longshoremen sic, glittering uniforms, tralling peasants, not because of the greater tinued indefinitely as the cost of time were not paid for nearly a both horns of the dilemma and lish government.
production does not permit of such year and whose my is still many solved the problem by going undergowns with 12 foot trains, were strength of white imperialism itIn the game of imperialist polimonths in arrears. Curricula have ground.
a low rate.
some of the features. Bejewelled self, but solely because the Japanese Los Angeles. After being held The Second Club Plan drive will been cut. School terms and the From the depths of its under ties it in Japan aim either to woo Ameri daughters of rug in are of the yellow race. This de back over period of several terminate August 1st.
school day have been shortened. Gronnd the bulit legal cov. America away from an alliance dividualism were ready to exception is at the bottom of his cry months longshoremen over the enwith the Soviet Union, or failing change some of papa millions for for united front from below of tire Pacific coast and gulr states NO CARDS WILL BE SOLD AE In many states hundreds of schoolsers for its revolutionary activity. this and simultaneously to checkhave been closed. It is estimated It has not built a union although mate America by balancing the titled gigolos. And the titles were the Chinese and Japanese peoples finally walked out under the lead TER THAT DATE.
that 2, 000, 000 children have been it still entertains fond visions of on display like bananas in the First under the leadership of the capital ership of the International Long GET YOUR CLUBS NOW! thrown out of school in this way: doing so but is succeeded in add the Inglish statesmen will not be with England. Given a fair price Avenue market.
ist class of Japan against a return shoremen Association.
NEW SUBS and that this economy cost 200, 000 ing several organizations to the averse to a trade. The first conIn some resorts in Paris gigolos of the white peril to the East.
In San Pedro, the walkout was New York City Committee 4teachers their jobs.
This entire more than seventy that cluttered up cossion made to Japan is contained are given as prizes in lotteries. Japan Claim to Hegemony The wealthy barlots, usually, Engnearly 100. and succeeded in al Cleveland Branch 14; Newark Br. economy program is going forward the local movement.
in Simon statement that Great Matuoka invokes the Lansing most paralyzing shipping in the 4: Los Angeles Br. 4; Philadelphia under the whip of the Cham Fights Teachers Union Britnin is not pledged to preserve Ilsh and American dowagers whose Ishli Agreement as an example of area. In all there are about 2, 500 Br. Total 34.
husbands are too busy skinning the the diplomatic means Japanese im involved in the local strike; but the No Influence on Teachers Movement central alm has been to discredit lishes the first open serious rift be In all of these organizations its the integrity of China. This estabworkers, buy as many as ofty to perialism would prefer to use in Merchants and Manufacturers AsCOMPLETE RECORD The teachers have offered very the Teachers Union and develop the one hundred tickets. Once won as obtaining the recognition of our sociation of Los Angeles is deterBoston Branch little resistance. There have been others as bases for its new union. tween America and England. For a prize, the gigolo must spend the pre eminent rights and interests in mined that the strike shall be brokCleveland Br.
scattered protests, small and ineffec In a word the aped the pol America for its own good purposes next twenty four hours with the China. But under no conditions, heen. All machinery of the city and Chicago Br.
tual strikes, and other spontaneous icy of the TU. If it has not views the Nine Power Treaty as pillar of society who won him. In continues, not even short of war, county have been drafted for that Minneapolis Br.
manifestations of discontent. Most built a union it can point with pride precisely such a pledge. British court receptions, not raffles, but would Japan abandon her imperial end.
New Castle Br.
Workers who are receiving significant of all these struggles to a great achievement: its policy diplomacy tells Japan that it may auctions, are held, bidding being list hegemony over prostrate China county ald are being sent down to San Francisco Br.
were the Chicago demonstrations has been instrumental in diverting safely proceed to selve and subdue carried on secretly. Once bought He goes on to explain that China seab. The niversities of Southern St. Louis Br.
which won a small measure of temhundreds of employed and unem by force of arms more of the Chinthe titled male remains with the needs help to save it from chaos Calfornia and of California are supToronto Youth Club porary roller. But the. hasployed teachers awakening to the ese mainland without English oppurchaser until divorced. He is and Bolshevism. But this help, he plying scabs. Football men of u.
Toronto Br.
not played any role in these isolated necessity of resistance into organ position.
then again in the market just like explains, cannot be supplied by the amongst them the great Local New York 12 struggles. In so far as a nationalizational channels separate from the Threat of Japanese Bonapartism a used car. In King George mark imperialist powers through the Homer Griffith and Glifford Probat, City Office trade union center is concerned it union and hostile to it. It can inet, which is somewhat exclusive, League of Nations, because the who have hitherto only learned how Harlem Br.
is as non existent as the other paperscribe on its banner at least halt Capitalism is everywhere a syssuch second hand models are not League utilizes methods inapplic to play football are receiving anNewark Br.
organizations created by the stall the responsibility for the perpetua tem held together by, a mortar of allowed on display.
able to a weakly capitalist nation Los Angeles Br.
other lesson, and that is how to tion of the division between the fraud and corruption, Japanese The New York Times reports The attempt at making China a break a strike Los Angeles (Doughty)
Only in one place has the Organized employed and unem capitalism is if anything more perthat, following the King reception, republic has been disastrous. CorPhiladelphia Br.
any existence, It made its debutployed, and also for the division meated with thievery than its WesHis Royal Highness the Prince of rupt and incompetent as the old To combat this ise of students as Davenport Br.
in New York City where the condi among the advanced teacbers in the tern models. The scandal fost unWales left to visit the unemployed. Manchu dynasty was, it was under scabe, the s of the Los Ang Oakland Br.
Lions were guaranteed to demon organized employed movement.
covered in the Treasury Ministry in Berkeley (Kogan)
How long will the British workers stood by the Chinese; the republic cles Junior College, and the strate the utter absurdity of the The experience of three years connection with the Bank of Taiwan pat up with such insults? is not.
University of California at Borsook attempt to build a revolutionary demonstrates that there is neither and the Imperial Rayon Co. is but This protest against the attempt sent a delegation to the strikers to Leeser trade union of teachers. The 36, a need nor a basis for this carica one of a long series. Coming howMay 1st and May 17th to create a republican a bourgeois ald on the pleket lines; and has also Osborn The Dally Worker report of May democratic political form express promised its supposed in attempting 000 New York City teachers in 1931ure of a union. On the contrary ever at a time of great internal were secure in their positions and it is an obstacle to the growth and stress, when the interrelationships 1st told of anything from 150, 000 es the aim of Japanese imperialism to arou campus opinion Total to Date 175 were as affected cuts unity of the teachers move It of classes are shifting perceptibly.
to Mike Gold 400, 000 as taking to thwart the formation of a united the scabbing students through the and the other means by which cap is a reactionary influence. due to the swifter flow of the underpart in a united front against fas capitalist China. For it sees in a distribution of handbills. JOIN THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE. italist economy was lowering the STAMM. currents of social upheaval, the ciem under the leadership of the bourgeois democratic China a rival Japanese bank scandal is having an The Daily Worker report of for the internal market of China dustry from whose every pore oozes effect similar to that of the Stavisky the anti Nazi demonstration against itself and a military menace to her the pus of the decaying capitalist atrair in France.
the Hitlerite rally in Madison imperialist ambitions in the East in system. The basic capital has been The reactionary militarists in Square Garden, May 17th, stated general.
absorbed by the capitalists in procontrol of the army are setting that demonstration of 1, 000 From the angle the protest of Gits of some form.
The roads are their forces in motion to stifte the ers and ers took the Japanese Foreign Office to the The recent compromise wage cut on March 17 of this year, the of the total, earned 75 a month or loaded with fixed charges in the rebellion of the oppressed masses place. few questions are in order. white imporlalist powers against settlement between the railroads same union heads, after having less.
form of bonded indebtedness or as of workers and peasants. Where were the paper 400, 000 political loans, that is, loans for and the leadership of the 21 unions permitted the wage eut agreement, How did the railroad coupon loans. Their national and rolling 150, 000, or even the actual 25, 000 military purposes, will not fall of which include all the organized which was to have lasted one year, clippers fare during this period stock has deteriorated necessitating The Soviet Union Slowly Enclrcled who took part in the May 1st Stal deut ears. For the white imperial railroad workers offers the latter a to stretch into its third, suddenly The pressure upon the union bu large scale capital expenditures. An Since the last war and its outinist parade? If the de ists themselves stand to lose nearly new opportunity to see the stuff of demanded that it be ended. reaucracy was so great that the increase in business sufficient to come in the creation of the Soviet dided to do nothing on May 17th. as much as Japan from a strong which their leaders are made. Workers Pressure Forces a Change were forced to reveal why the can solve these contradictions is out of Union, the greatest step forward then how come the reported bourgeois democratie China. As review of the role which this treachWhy the sudden change in heart their cooperation, patience, tact ditions.
italists thanked them in 1932 for the question under present day con in the history of humanity and the participation? As the actual long as the Open Door is respected crous bureaucracy played in the of The capitalists will oer greatest menace to world capitalism fact is that the Anti Nazi demon Japan need fear Iittle opposition to 1982 negotiations, when the 10 per answer lies in the pressure which fulness and patriotism. According tainly not make the much needed the capitalist governments are stration was organized by the Com her imperialism in the East. Eng cent wase cut was first proposed, the workers are beginning to exto Whitney the railroad bondhold ew capital expenditures unless the somewhat fearful of precipitations aty Trotskyltes) and the economic difficulties with Japan in the opinion of the union ofert, either through wholesale deserers were paid as follows: 1029, basis for a proft exists.
1930. 500, 000, 000, One way out, which they will of defeat by the enemy abroad as Social:Fascistshow. come that can and will be amicably settled fields, albat time do percent Finger formation of opposition groupings: 2067 251 00:00 230, 8625. 000 seeks tockore pangitihing else, cir it is of the revolutionary working the Daily Worker, instead of de Also her tacit agreement to Japan Feb. 1, 1932. The 10 percent wage expressions of dissatisfaction which 000; and in 1933. 533, 000, 000. Durcumstances permit, is to climb out class at home. Thus to prepare for nouncing this Unholy Allence seizure of Manchuria shows which cut proposed by the railroads was begin to endanger the large salar ing 1842 and 1933, however, the or the contradictions on the basis the inevitable next war the ruling And last, why those who so effec conceivable that England would so justice. nor are wage reductions thelr privilege of sitting down at strengthen their arguments for con and living standards of the work rear, to protect the base at home.
tively broke up the Anti Fascist restrain herself regarding Japan, to be regarded ordinarily as the ap the same dinner table with the rail tinuing the pay cut. Whitney ex ers. If circumstances permit means Capitalism in decay thus resorts, Madison Square Garden meeting of who has made such drastie inroads propriate means to promote pros road presidents. The smoldering plains that this is accomplished bs is the workers permit. From this for this as for other reasons, to the and the trade unions didn on her foreign trade, it some more perity nor could they believe ures of discontent are fanned by charging interest on bonds to fixed it follows that the not distant fu. tascist, a system of governing by rally? Or do they consider Amts ism was not involved in the matter by reducing the purchasing power the fact that the roads are begin al parece un poethat what is actually ture will find the railroads the armed force and brutal suppression scene of gigantic class battles.
directed openly against the working Union to issue.
of labor.
The recent negotiations during Who Will Lead the Workers?
listen to Rabbi Goldstein the way to class, a system of terrorizing the loadings for this year are about 20 which the above quoted Information can or will the present union masses and destroying their inde British Polley Ww the pas cut therefore the percent higher than for correspond cakel out, found the union heads leadership lead the workers in such wendent organizations, system de defeat Fascism in British imperialism recognizes the hope that our action may im net earnings of b4 class roads for which would not injure their stand other evidence were available their rear.
Bolshevism to the Obviously not. If no signed to assure civil peace in the The Crisis and the Socialist Party The prove the health of our industry February of this year is 28, 700, 000 ing with the capitalists (heaven treacherous conduct in the wage cut the process of fascization of one Speaking on votes lost to the danger to its colonial rule. may stimulate a revival of busfar flung empire Communist Party in Germany in menace to its 1931, Tarnau, a leader of the Gerlooms Solarge that compromiso iness, and may advance the general compared to 9, 854, 000 for Febru orbid) and with which they could question above described reveals country after the other is slowly welfare.
ary of last year. face their men. To the request for that they are too closely tied up bringing about the encirclement of man Social Democrats said at the with Japanese imperialism proves There can hardly be any wonder an end to the cut the roads coun with the capitalists and their view the Soviet Union by fascist states.
Leipzig Congress, If the spectre of absolutely essential. On no other Labor Leaders and Capitalists in capitalism Mutual Appreciation as to the reasons for the discontent tered with a demand for a further point to be concerned with the With the help of Germany Latvia unemployment had not hovered over basis could Japanese This sounds almost like a burl on the part of the railroad workers. cut. The union chiefs countered workers unless the latter endanger has established its form of violent the ballot bos, this day would bave Venture to beard American capital esque. However, it was left to Whitney, president of the with a demand for a ten percent their sinceures. The union bureau unti working class dictatorship been written differently in the pages ism and the Soviet Union. For the Daniel Willard, president of the Brotherhood of Railway Trainmen, rise above the basic wage from cracy reeks with corruption. For Now Bulgaria, probably with the natural resources of Japan are com Baltimore of German history.
and Ohio Railroad, gives us an inkling as to how the which the original cut was made. example, Alvanley Johnston, the encouragement of France, has exThe Socialist New Leader of May pletely inadequate for the prosecu speaking on behalf of the railroad general welfare of the workers President Roosevelt, consistent with Grand Chiet Hugineer of the Broth perienced a palace revolution, Socialist Labor Party took over the cent activities indicate a secret nale to the negotiations comedy. In Times, March 18, 1931. posed that the existing cut stay in and one of the signers of the orig archy supported by the Junker government in 1920 and since the agreement with his speech Willard reminded the railway employees of long service effect until Jan. 1, 1935; the same inal wage cut agreement in 1932, class, the aim here too being to rid five past years were years of de stresle against the Soviet Union union officialdom of one of the have been turned out to accept proposal as originally advanced by was recently sent to jail for fraud the capitalist state of all revolupression and unemployment, one.
Despite the had the right to expect that the Japanese capitalism finds itself. In look after the interests of the men thousands have gone on part time union heads refused. After much he and other union officials had an fact that the fascist states assume Socialist Party would lose some the meantime, Japani takes advan they represented. You might have. track and roadway section men bickering and even talk of a strike active interest, and through which their own inner alignments in imhat monet hoe peberationary tion by asserting her rights in China delayed this agreement for months received as little as 26c an hour and ballot, a compromise was reached, many union members had the law. perialist rivalry, on all sides events party is there that expects to 1080 to the disadvantage of capitalist no pay cut and forced us to February. From this weekly wage workers are to get back 21 on Stecle (New Republic, starch 14, outbreak of the next terrible im support as capitalism breaks down.
The of the take a long and tedious course of six dollars the management de July 1, 1934, 21 on Jan. 1, 1935 1934) the bank president, a friend perinlist war with its central aim If the atrophy of capitaltam pro ist powers in China cannot be in which would have left bitterness ductede under the 10 arrange and on April 1, 1985; the roads of Johnston had declared in a let the destruction of the Soviet Union.
mocracy, then the approaching death derstood if taken 38 separate ship and harmony. Even so you men are paid 70 a day.
On the change (read cut) until May 1935. Johnston was actively working for Litvinoy and the League of Nations early death of social democracy, from the world station as a recebe set down by Congress. At the ceive a basic wage of 43c ai hour organized workers are of course not wages before the railroads asked for soviet Union, no longer able through such a reducton.
ers but serves the boargeois leo is with the Drang nach Osten policy conclusion of this speech during and are workng as little as ten days benefited Smaker way the Comintern and mass Communthe period of the breatest anhor not unciated by Bismarck, and later tactfulness, and patriotism. he leaving 74 a week in territory the union chiefs the needed formu is required is a strong left wing. of Europe in defense of the Soviet Nothing can be expected from ist Parties in the capitalist counof Hitler. This policy was first en which be praised the labor skates a month. This gives them 60 a Another Sell out Accomplished This juggling of percentages gave such people except corruption. What tries to mobilize the working class sense the smells wafted from the was presented by Hugenberg as waiting grave. Leon Trotsky Solution of the chief contradictions added, am going to ask them where the minimum is 15. ia. Actually they accepted Roose The pessimism of the workers and Union, that Litvinov attempts to Whitt Next. of European capitalism. chis colleagues) to rise in token of. The Florida East Coast pas velt proposal or as stated by the their exodus from the unions must substitute for such a mass moveAnti Soviet Polley their esteem for you, and together a basic wage of 20c an hour to sec. New Yorie Times: Restoration of be stopped; they must be given ment by playing off one imperialist we say to you we thank you. tion men. The Illinois Central the wage reduction in three bites new heart and morale; the corrupt group against another. The less Olgin on Browder Masterly Report That there is such an anti Soviet Whereupon, accordng to the pays section men as little as 25c an instead of one worked out in dol and reactionary leadership must be Litvinov can rely on the interna There was spell over the an policy is proved by the recent re Times correspondent, The other hour, works them as little as days lars and cents exactly as if the em driven out and all the craft unions tional revolutionary forces of the dience as one chapter of the report fusal of Hitler to sign a treaty presidents arose and bowed as the a week enabling them to make a ployees had agreed to the employ consolidated into one industrial workers, the more closely he feels after another was unfolded by Com guaranteeing the sovereignty of the audience of union executives and week. For the year 1932 thereers original proposal. It is obvl union capable of and willing to fight bound the League of Nations rade Browder writes Olgin, Daily Baltic States. Rocalling that at the the union chiefs broke into ap were 140, 000 railway employees ous that the needs of the railroad for the workers interests. Under under French domination. We canWorker, May 21st.
same time Hitler has assured Eng plause.
whose earnings were approximate workers are not going to be helped present day circumstances a strug not wait for events to prove the Does Olgin mean that the audi land that he seeks neither colonies Wages are cut and union leaders 50 a month or less. This num much by this sell out.
gle on the railroads means a politi emptiness of this defense, we must ence had gone to sleep? Or is it a nor naval power, it would seem that applaud. One must need search far ber embraces about 13 of all rall These negotiations are merely cal struggle of very high order. All build the Fourth International to typographical error and spell the Drang nach Osten policy is real to find a more brazen betrayal by way employees. Approximately symptomatic of a new chapter which the more reason for a left wing. defend the workers fatberland.
should read amell. BILL. lenough. The destruction of all pu workers representatives, 206, 000 railway employees, over 25 is being opened in the railway in WEAVER JACK WEBER. merica?